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The purchased cost of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (floating-head and

carbon-steel tubes) with 100 m2 of heating surface was $4200 in 1990. What
will be the 1990 purchased cost of a similar heal exchanger with 20 m2 of
heating surface if the purchased cost capacity exponent is 0.60 for surface areas
ranging from 10 to 40 m2? If the purchased cost capacity exponent for this type
of exchanger is 0.81 for surface areas ranging from 40 to 200 m2, what will be
the purchased cost of a heat exchanger with 100 m2 of heating surface in 2000?

Jawab :
Menggunakan persamaan 6-2
Cost of equipments a = (cost of equipment b)X0.6
Biaya pada tahun 1990 untuk 20 m2 = $4200 (20/10)0,6 =$6370
Biaya pada tahun 1990 untuk 100 m2 = $6370 (40/20)0,6 (100/40)0,81 = $20268

Perkiraan biaya 2000 menggunakan index dari tabel 6-2

Menggunakan marshall and swift process industry installed equipment index

Biaya pada tahun 2000 untuk 100 m2= $20268 (1097,7/929,3) = $23900

Untuk perbandingan, menggunakan the chemical engineering plant cost index

Biaya pada tahun 2000 untuk 100 m2= $20268 (394,1/357,6) = $22300

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