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Directions: In your own words, describe each of the following properties of


Identity Property of Multiplication:

Zero Property of Multiplication:

Directions: Determine whether each equation is the Identity Property of Multiplication or

the Zero Property of Multiplication.

1. 234 x 0 = 0       ____________________________

2. 1 x 56 = 56      ____________________________

3. 987 x 1 = 987  ____________________________

4. 25,987 x 0 = 0  ____________________________

5. 1,234 x 1 = 1,234  ____________________________

Directions: Write your own equation for each of the following properties of multiplication.

Identity Property of Multiplication: _____________________________________

Zero Property of Multiplication: _______________________________________

Direction: Complete each equation.

1. ____ x 54 = 54

2. 13 x 1 = ______

3. 0 x 178 = _____

4. _____ x 7 = 0

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