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Reflection of 4th State of the Nation Address of

16th President of the Philippines Rodrigo Roa Duterte

“I am paid for what I am doing.” - Pres. Duterte

Quoted on last SONA in regard to the re-opening of Boracay after a 6 months

of intensive rehabilitation. In the opening day, the community advertise of how
thankful they are to the president in ways of big tarpaulins saying thank you. But the
president didn’t come on Boracay that day instead saying to removes those
advertising tools and said “I am paid for what I am doing.” Touches my heart and so
grateful that God raises a president that truly show what a public service is.

Last SONA of our dear Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, was full of remarkable
achievements for a much better state for the Filipino people. Beating drugs and
corruption was his focus on his campaign since the start of his presidency and as
expected he didn’t fail the Filipino people.

His administration provides the Build, Build, Build, project that focuses on
building roads and infrastructures for development on the transportation in the whole
country, easing the traffic in EDSA and more accessible roads on the concentrated
cities. Truly, the administration sees that transportation and communication is one of
the key element for the development of the country.

Addressing also the government services to improve in SSS, BIR etc.,

inspires the Filipino people to trust the government again. Always reminding that
salaries in the government are from the pockets of the Filipino people.

Integrity and Righteousness are the words that describe the recent
performance of Pres. Duterte. After all the achievements, he is still humble and don’t
credit himself of what he has done. Truly always says that Filipino people are my
employer. Having those mindset set the fundamentals on how to truly serve the
people. Embracing the presidency, he always seek and look ways for a better livable
country for the Filipino people.

Long live Philippines! Long live Pres. Rodrigo Duterte!

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