ENG 1103 English For Healthcare Professionals

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ENG 1103 English for Healthcare Professionals

Individual Assignment (10%)

Due Date: 11 November 2019


Emi (2016) stated that depression is an illness which can last for years and it is more

common among women than men. Individuals with this disorder seldomly seek

medical treatment although it may trigger episodes of depression resulting from

trauma, stressful situations, and death. However, some of these episodes can occur

without any cause. People with this illness have persistent feelings of sadness and

pessimism, irregular appetite, insomnia or heavy sleep. They also have suicidal

thoughts or try to attempt it, and headaches. To treat this mental illness,

psychotherapy and medication are required. Genetics, the environment, biological

factors and psychological factors are also of concern as being responsible for



Based on Food Review (2015) , in Naples, Italy, people would buy an extra cup of

coffee knowing that someone needy would come to the cafes and ask for it for free .

The revolution of the idea expanded from a cup of coffee to full meals. Someone

would pay for the food beforehand for the people that will ask for the food in the

future is called a suspended food. In other countries such as China, Hong Kong,

Taiwan and India, the idea is already well established. In Malaysia, the idea has

gained popularity too. In order to help those in need from starving, a restaurant or

pg. 1
bakery will usually publicize its suspended meal so the public can contribute to the



According to Real Teach (2016), dyslexia, dyscalculia, non-verbal learning

disabilities, and auditory and visual processing disorders are some example of

common learning disabilities among children. When kids with cognitive impairments

are educated traditionally, they will have difficulties in understanding reading,

remembering, spelling, organizing, reasoning and others might as well may

experience major writing problems. However, in some cases, they may be smarter

than their peers. Parents must accept that they cannot cure their children with

learning disabilities. Yet, with correct interference, these kids can learn to be

successful at school and in their future endeavors.

pg. 2

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