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Supplement Fig.

Supplement Fig. 1 Dynamics of flagella gene expression in regulatory and structural


Dynamics of class 1, class 2, and class 3 gene expression in (a) ΔfliA, (b) ΔflgM, (c) ΔHBB,

(d) ΔfliZ, (e) ΔfliT, and (f) ΔfliD mutants. All values are normalized with respect to the

maximal value of a particular class of genes in wild type. The class 1 product in the graph

represents the free FlhD4C2 present in the cell, and does not include the FlhD 4C2 bound with

FliT. Class 2 proteins represent the HBB proteins lumped together. Class 3 proteins

represent the filament, chemotaxis, and motor proteins.

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