TEC-TKT Language Test

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Teacher Training Courses - Language Test

This test lasts ONE HOUR. It helps us to find out whether your English is at a suitable level for
your teaching training course

Read the following conversations carefully. ONE word is missing in each conversation. Please write the
missing word against the number on the ANSWER PAPER.

Example 1. A: “Good morning, Charles.”

B: “Good _______ , sir.” Answer morning

“Isn’t”, “Can’t”, “I’m”, “He’s”, “Haven’t”, etc. are each ONE word.

Example 2. A: “Are you Italian?”

B: “No _______ not.” Answer I’m

Now find the missing words in the conversations below and write them on the ANSWER PAPER.

1. A: “Where __________ you going?”

B: “I’m going home.”
2 A:“__________ is the station?”
B: “In Baker Street.”
3 A: “__________ are you from?“
B: “From Spain. I’m Spanish.“
4 A: “__________ you like to travel around Europe?”
B: “Yes, I would.”
5 A: “Have you been crying?”
B: “No, I __________ .”
6 A: “__________ he work in a bank?”
B: “No, he works in a library.”
7 A: “__________ you ever had a car accident?”
B: “Yes I have.”
8 A: “__________ you swim?”
B: “Of course, can’t everybody?”
9 A: “Does he live in Wimbledon?”
B: “I don’t know __________ he lives.”
1 A: “You weren’t at home yesterday.”
B: “That’s right, I __________ staying with my friends yesterday.”
1 A: “__________ does he go to work?”
B: “By bus.”
1 A: “Have you got my book? I gave it to you six weeks __________ .”
B: “I’ll bring it on Thursday.”
1 A: “How __________ are you going to stay in America?”
B: “For a month.”

1 A: “How long __________ you been in England?”

B: “Since last year.”
15. A: “Do you like my new car?”
B: “Yes, I like it very __________ .”

16. A: “Does water boil at 110 º C?”

B: “No it __________ . It boils at 100 º C.”
17. A: “The princess is attractive.”
B: “Yes - she is __________ beautiful than her sister.”
18. A: “Is Sylvia a good student?”
B: “Yes, Sylvia’s good, and Susan is also good. In fact Susan is __________
than Sylvia.”
19. A: “Have you __________ eaten sushi?”
B: “No, never. What’s sushi?”
20. A: “What does she look __________ ?”
B: “She has thick curly hair and brown eyes.”
21. A: “Have you been to Sweden?”
B: “Yes - I lived there __________ 2 years!”
22. A: “Had the play already started when you arrived?”
B: “No, it __________ .”
23. A: “How __________ are oranges?”
B: “90 pence a kilo.”
24. A: “Have you enjoyed yourself?”
B: “Yes, it __________ been a lovely day.”
25. A: “Is __________ a table in your room?”
B: “Yes. It’s near the bed.”
26. A: “__________ you like to see a film this evening?”
B: “Perhaps. What’s on?”
27. A: “My son __________ like school.”
B: “Neither does mine.”
28. A: “Can you run fast?”
B: “Not now. But I __________ when I was young.”
29. A: “What __________ you do if you had a million pounds?”
B: “I’d stop working.”
30. A: “Do you play tennis?”
B: “Yes, I’ve __________ playing since I was a boy.”
31. A: “Why can’t she walk?”
B: “She __________ broken her leg.”
32. A: “Your father looks tired.”
B: “Yes, he has __________ working hard lately.”
33. A: “I went to Singapore in April.”
B: “__________ you often go abroad?”
A: “Yes - about ten times a year.”
34. A: “Where __________ Toyota cars made?”
B: “In Japan.”
35. A: “I’m sorry, I forget - can you __________ me why you didn’t go?”
B: “I was ill.”
36. A: “I like skiing.”
B: “Oh yes! __________ do I.”
37. A: “Do you like this necklace?”
B: “Yes, but it’s __________ expensive for me to buy.”
38. A: “I weigh a hundred and forty pounds.”
B: “No…. No. __________ me the truth.”
39. A: “Where is your office?”
B: “It’s __________ the seventh floor.”
40. A: “Is it true that you come from a very poor family?”
B: “Yes. Life __________ very easy for us when I was young.”
41. A: “When __________ it happen?”
B: “In 1879.”
42. A: “In some countries there’s a law that says you __________ always carry your
identity card wherever you go.”
43. A: “What are the hotels in Rome __________ ?”
B: “Elegant and comfortable.”
44. A: “The __________ man in England will be 107 tomorrow.”
B: “No-one will be older than that!”
45. A: “So you want to be a journalist. Can you tell me which newspaper you
would like to work __________ ?”
B: “Er …. For the Independent, I think.”
46. A: “I’ve got three brothers.”
B: “__________ have I!”
47. A: “My suitcase is heavy. Will you help me?”
B: “Yes, __________ carry it for you.”
48. A: “There’s nothing on this video tape.”
B: “You didn’t switch the video-recorder __________ .”

49. A; “Where __________ President Kennedy shot?”

B; “Dallas.”
50. A; “Did you hear the weather forecast?”
B; “Yes. They say it __________ definitely rain later.”
51. A; “My book is __________ than yours.”
B; “No it isn’t, it’s more expensive.”
52. A; “What time __________ your husband go to work today?”
B; “Today? … He left at half past seven.”
53. A; “I’ll be ready in a minute.”
B; “That’s OK - __________ your time.”
54. A; “Isn’t he big! When is he __________ to go to school?”
B; “Next year.”
55. A; ”If I were you, I __________ go to see him.”
B; “OK - I will.”
56. A; “Do you __________ if I smoke?”
B; “Not at all. Go ahead.”
57. A; “__________ the milkman brought the milk?”
B; “Yes, it’s in the fridge.”
58. A; “That’s the club where I usually go __________ .”
B; “I didn’t know you liked to dance.”
59. A; “There hasn’t been __________ rain for weeks.”
B; “Really? None at all?”
60. A; “I get headaches when I read.”
B; “It’s probably your eyes. I think you __________ see an optician.”
61. A; “What will Anne be __________ ?”
B; “A white blouse and a blue skirt. Yes, look - there she is!”
62. A; “Why didn’t you tell me?”
B; “I would have told you if I __________ known.”
63. A; “Would you __________ helping me with this?”
B; “Of course not - it will be a pleasure.”
64. A; “How do you feel now?”
B; “Much better, thanks. If I __________ been a bit quicker, the bus would have missed me.”
65. A; “That’s a strange machine - what is it __________ ?”
B; “It cuts holes in roads.”
66. A; “It’s raining. Don’t we need to put __________ the garden party?”
B: “No, you shouldn’t postpone it.”

67. A: “Do you think we should wait?”

B: “No, there is no point in __________ for him.”
68. A: “As soon as he woke up, he __________ up and had a shower.”
69. A: “When I was young I __________ to be shy.”
B: “You certainly aren’t now!”
70. A: “That radio is very loud. Could you turn it __________ a bit?”
B: “Of course. Is that better?”
71. A: “The train __________ already left by the time we got to the station.”
72. A: “How’s Ron these days?”
B: “He’s in Japan, and __________ is Sue.”
73. A: “Are you coming to Southampton with us?”
B: “I wish I __________ the time to come with you.”
74. A: “He __________ have gone away - nobody has seen him for weeks.”
B: “Yes, I agree. I’m sure he’s gone away.”
75. A: “Is the party still going to be on Saturday?”
B: “No - they’ve __________ it off till Sunday.”
76. A: “Is Rosemary tall or short?”
B: “She’s __________ tall nor short - she’s just medium.”
77. A: “Have you got __________ for £5?”
B: “Sorry, I’ve only got a ten pound note.”
78. A: “If __________ known you were coming, I’d have cooked something.”
79. A: “Can I give you a __________ with the cooking?”
B: “That’s very kind. Could you wash the vegetables?”
80. A: “Where’s your dishwasher?”
B: “It’s __________ repaired.”
81. A: “Try some of this!”
B: “I’d __________ not, if you don’t mind.”
82. A: “What have you done to your hair?”
B: “I’ve __________ it cut, that’s all.”
83. A: “Do you want tea?”
B: “Not really - I’d __________ have coffee.”
84. A: “What’s a stein?”
B: “It’s a kind of mug for drinking beer out __________ .”

85. A: “I never buy new cars.”

B: “Why not?”
A: “Because older cars cost much __________ than new ones.”
86. A: “If people on the ship __________ seen him, he would have drowned.”
87. A: “What was your childhood like?”
B: “I remember __________ very happy as a teenager.”
88. A: “How did you get on?”
B: “Very well, thanks. But if it __________ been for Alan, I would have failed.”
A: “Why? What did he do?”
89. A: “When will my meal be ready?”
B: “It will be ready __________ the time you get home.”
90. A: “Let’s go to the cinema.”
B: “I won’t go __________ you come with me.”
A: “OK - I’ll come.”
91. A: “Did you really mean that?”
B: “No, I was only pulling your __________ .”
92. A: “Look at the time!”
B: “Right - we had __________ go home.”
93. A: “What was Arthur like?”
B: “Well - he would make personal telephone calls, no __________ who was in
the room with him.”
94. A: “What shall we do this weekend?”
B: “If __________ you’d fix the car we could go for a drive.”
95. A: “Why are you going to the Napa Valley?”
B: ”To see the wine __________ made. And to taste it.”
A: “Yes - they make excellent wine there.”
96. A: “What was it like, coming from Edinburgh by bus?”
B: “Not bad. But it __________ longer than I had expected.”
97. A: “I just saw Anne a minute ago.”
B: “What? Still here? Then she __________ have gone on holiday.”
98. A: “I didn’t know it was this serious.”
B: “Well, little __________ anyone else realise the seriousness of the situation.”
99. A: “What is the answer?”
B: “I really don’t know - I’m __________ my brains.”
100.A: “What did she say about your singing?”
B: “She said it was unusual, __________ is not what I wanted her to say.”

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