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Welfare facilities for workers

Welfare facilities are an essential part of good working conditions. Good welfare facilities
contribute not only to the welfare of workers, but also to production and better relations. If
workers are denied facilities to meet their needs, problems will eventually result.
Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is
provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the
employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need
not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of
working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial
relations and insurance against disease, accident.

Workers welfare has the following objectives:

 To provide better life and health to the workers
 To make the workers happy and satisfied
 To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and
material conditions of living of the workers.

Sanitary facilities
These sanitary facilities are necessary for workers' well-being and to prevent disease. Well-
maintained sanitary facilities help to improve productivity because healthy workers are more
efficient and there will also be less absenteeism. Unfortunately, sanitary facilities are often
neglected. They are often far from the worksite, insufficient in number and poorly maintained.
Even though in many cultures people tend not to talk about toilets, these basic facilities are very
important and need particular attention.
Sanitary facilities in Sudha dairy.
Toilets and washing facilities
 Toilets are insufficient in number and poor in quality.
 Surfaces of toilets and washrooms are slippery and do not have waste bins.
 Wash basins are clean and sufficient in numbers.
 Enough soap or other washing agents.

Changing rooms facilities

 Workers having changing room facilities with about 200 lockers in each department

Facilities for beverages and meals

Facilities for beverages and meals are basic necessities. No worker can remain productive
without drinking clean water or beverages or taking an adequate meal. During the working day,
a worker needs to drink water or some other beverage, to eat meals and snacks, to wash his
hands, to visit the lavatory, and to rest and recover from fatigue.
• Workers are given lunch for free.
• Filtered drinking water facilities are providing to the workers.
• Breakfast and snacks are provided at low cost example – tea at cost of 1 rupee.
Employee referral bonus program – workers are paid for every new hiring through them.

Working hours
• The daily working hour is 8 hours in a day.
• If the workers want he/she can do more work as part time for 3 to 4 hours.

• A 30minutes lunch break and 15 minutes break for snacks are provided for the day shift
• For night shift workers 30minutes dinner break and two 15minutes breaks are provided.

• Alternate Saturday
• 21 national holidays
• Worker’s marriage – 3 days
• Marriage of worker’s child – 2 days
• Son’s circumcision – 2 days
• Death of worker’s spouse – 2 days

Sno. Job title Annual salary (INR)
1. Senior Lab technologist 1.7L
2. Shift incharge 3.5L
3. Senior marketing officer 3.1L
4. Store keeper 1.2L
5. Sales officers 6.9L
6. Quality tester 2L
7. Senior executive 6.3L
8. Marketing assistant 1.4L
9. Plant incharge 2.3L
10. Production incharge 2.9L
11. Quality executive 2.6 lakh
12. Lab technician 2.3L
13. Sales supervisor 3.8L
14. Sales manager 1.5L
15. Accountant 2L
16. Procurement assistant 2.6L
17. Technical officer 4L
18. Microbiologist 4.9L
19. QC lab chemist 2L
20. Labour 1.2L-1.5L

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