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Physical Mechanism of Sono-Fenton Process

Sankar Chakma and Vijayanand S. Moholkar

Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039, Assam, India

DOI 10.1002/aic.14150
Published online in Wiley Online Library (

Hybrid advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), where two or more AOPs are applied simultaneously, are known to give
effective degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants. This article attempts to discern the physical mechanism of the
hybrid sono-Fenton process with identification of links between individual mechanism of the sonolysis and Fenton pro-
cess. An approach of coupling experimental results with simulations of cavitation bubble dynamics has been adopted for
two textile dyes as model pollutants. Fenton process is revealed to have greater contribution than sonolysis in the over-
all decolorization of both dyes. H2O2 added to the liquid medium as a Fenton reagent scavenges • OH radicals produced
by cavitation bubbles. Addition of only H2O2 to the medium during sonolysis does not yield marked difference in decol-
orization. Elimination of transient cavitation with application of elevated static pressure to the medium does not alter
the extent of decolorization. The synergy between sonolysis and Fenton process is, thus, revealed to be negative. The
dissolved oxygen in the medium is found to play an important role in decolorization through conservation of oxidizing
C 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 00: 000–000, 2013
radicals. V
Keywords: fenton process, advanced oxidation process, cavitation, sonolysis, decolorization

Introduction The combinations of AOPs that have been used includes

sono-Fenton, sono-photocatalysis, sono-enzymatic treatments,
Use of synthetic organic dyes by the textile industries has
photo-Fenton techniques, UV/H2O2, UV/ozone, ozone/H2O2,
increased significantly in recent years and many of these
etc.2–5 An excellent review of the individual as well as
dyes are toxic organic pollutants. Based on their chemical hybrid AOP techniques for treatment of wastewater has been
structure, the synthetic dyes are categorized into various given by Gogate and Pandit.6,7 The hybrid techniques have
classes like acidic, basic, azo, nonazo etc. Among these been reported to enhance the decolorization kinetics as well
classes, use of azo dyes has been the maximum (70%).1 as yield. Most of the literature in the area of hybrid AOPs is
These dyes appear in the wastewater discharge from textile focused on results than rationale. Although in many articles
industries. The degradation (or decolorization) of these dyes an attempt is made to quantify the enhancement factor for
using conventional biological techniques is very difficult due the decolorization (or degradation) with reference to one of
to their complex structure. Globally, approximately 10,000 the AOPs, only a few studies have attempted to deduce the
types of dyes and pigments are produced annually, and about exact mechanism of the synergism between the individual
20% of these are discharged as textile industrial effluents AOP. In this article, we have addressed this basic issue in
without any pretreatment. For the effective decolorization of the context of a widely used hybrid AOP, i.e., sono-Fenton
the synthetic dyes, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) process. Several recent articles report employment of sono-
have been widely employed as alternative methods. These Fenton processes for degradation of different organic pollu-
techniques include Fenton, ozonation, photocatalytic techni- tants.8–19 We have used two dyes, viz. Acid red B (an azo
ques, peroxide treatment, sonolysis, enzyme treatments, etc. dye, abbreviated hereafter as ARB) and Blue HE2R (a non-
Literature published in the last decade includes more than azo dye, abbreviated hereafter as BLH), as model pollutants
100 papers that report the use of these techniques for decol- in this study in view of the large pollution generated by
orization of textile wastewater, containing a wide range of effluent from textile industry, as mentioned earlier. Our
dyes belonging to the different classes mentioned previously. approach for identifying the mechanism of the synergism
For further boosting, the efficiency of AOPs, hybrid methods between sonolysis and Fenton process is twofold, i.e., to
have also been widely used that simultaneously employ two couple experiments with simulations of cavitation bubble
or more AOPs mentioned previously and voluminous litera- dynamics. In the next section, we present our contemplations
ture has also been published in this area in the past decade. and conjectures, on which the methodology and protocols of
this study are based.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to V. S. Moholkar Contemplations and Conjectures
The degradation (or oxidation or decolorization) efficiency
C 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V of an advanced oxidation process such as sonolysis or

AIChE Journal 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 1

Fenton reagent is characterized by the production of • OH can enhance the probability of radical-pollutant interaction,
radical, which is a powerful oxidizing agent with an oxida- which in turn results in enhancement of degradation/decolor-
tion potential of 2.33 V. The • OH radicals are extremely ization. Ultrasound and cavitation also generate intense
reactive species, and the typical rate constant of their reac- micromixing in the medium through different mechanisms
tion with organic compounds ranges between 1062109 such as microturbulence due to cavitation bubbles and
mol21 s21.20 However, the basic mechanism (either physical microstreaming (i.e., oscillatory velocity of fluid elements
or chemical) through which • OH radicals are produced in due to ultrasound propagation).21 This micromixing can
these techniques is completely different. In sonolysis, the increase the probability of interaction of radical and pollutant
radicals are produced through transient cavitation, which is a molecules, resulting in better utilization of the radicals (gen-
phenomenon comprising essentially of three phases, viz. erated from either Fenton process or from the cavitation bub-
nucleation, growth and an adiabatic implosive collapse of a bles) for purpose of decolorization. If, however, H2O2 added
gas or vapor bubble.21 These phases are driven by pressure externally to the medium (as one of the Fenton reagents) is
variation induced in the liquid medium (or solvent) due to in excess, it would evaporate into the cavitation bubble gen-
propagation of the ultrasound wave. Gas pockets trapped in erating additional • OH radicals, which could enhance the
the crevices of solid boundaries of the reaction system con- extent of decolorization. The extent of production of radicals
stitute the nuclei for cavitation. The growth of the bubble is through cavitation bubbles depends on three factors25 (1) the
accompanied by evaporation of large amount of solvent at bubble population in the medium, (2) extent of evaporation
the bubble interface (or bubble wall), and diffusion of sol- of H2O2, which in turn depends on the concentration of
vent vapor toward the core of the bubble. During the ensuing H2O2 in the solution and its partial pressure, and (3) peak
collapse phase, not all of the vapor molecules can diffuse temperature and pressure reached in the bubble at transient
back to the bubble wall and condense.22 A significant frac- collapse, which in turn depends on frequency and pressure
tion of vapor remains inside the bubble when the bubble amplitude of the ultrasound wave. It should be noted that
motion reaches extremely fast during the final moments of excess concentration of H2O2 in the medium could have
compression. The bubble collapse occurs within as small adverse effect on degradation/decolorization as the • OH radi-
time as 50 ns, and it is almost adiabatic. The temperature cals generated by either cavitation bubbles or Fenton reac-
and pressure condition inside the bubble reaches extreme, tions can get converted to molecular species due to
typically excessive of 5000 K and 500 bar, respectively.23,24 scavenging action of H2O2 through following reactions26
The entrapped solvent vapor inside the bubble is subjected

to these extreme conditions and undergoes thermal dissocia- OH 1 H2 O2 ! H2 O 1 HO•2
tion resulting in very many chemical species, some of which •
are radical species. The solvent used in majority of OH 1 HO•2 ! O2 1 H2 O
the sonochemical processes is water, and 8 species could The dissolved oxygen in the medium also plays a critical
result out of thermal dissociation of water, viz. role in the decolorization process due to the conservation of
H2 ; O2 ; H2 O2 ; O3 ; • OH; H• ; O• ; HO•2 . The predominant radi- radicals, as has been demonstrated in our earlier works.27,28
cal species is • OH.22–24 As the bubble reaches minimum The dissolved oxygen can help conservation of the • OH radi-
radius during the radial motion, these species can either dif- cals generated through Fenton reactions as well as cavitation
fuse out of the bubble, or with fragmentation of the bubble bubbles through following reaction
these get released and mixed into the medium.

OH radical production through Fenton process is known •
OH 1 O2 $ O• 1 HO•2
to occur through the well-known reactions as follows20
The physical mechanism of synergy between sonolysis
Fe21 1 H2 O2 ! Fe31 1 OH2 1 HO• and Fenton reactions can be deduced by discriminating
between the physical and chemical effects of ultrasound and
Fe31 1 H2 O2 ! Fe21 1 HO•2 1 H1
cavitation, each of which has distinct beneficial influence on
Fe31 1 HO•2 ! Fe21 1 O2 1 H1 the Fenton process. The question that we try to answer is
that what is the individual contribution of these effects, and
When the techniques of sonolysis and Fenton are applied which of these effects is more beneficial for the hybrid pro-
together, there are several means through which they can cess of sono-Fenton. Moreover, we also try to identify the
assist/oppose each other’s mechanism. One obvious mecha- role played by secondary factors such as concentration of
nism through which the two AOPs can interact is the forma- H2O2 in the medium and extent of dissolved oxygen content
tion and utilization of • OH radicals. These radicals are in the medium. As stated previously, we have adopted an
formed at the location of bubble collapse and can independ- approach of coupling experimental results with simulations
ently decolorize the dye molecules. However, being of bubble dynamics for this purpose.
extremely reactive, these radicals do not penetrate or diffuse
through the bulk medium. If the concentration of pollutant in
the solution is small, the probability of interaction between Materials, Methods and Simulations
the radical and pollutant molecule is also small, and under This study aimed at elucidating the physical mechanism of
these circumstances
 • it is very likely
 that the • OH radicals the sono-Fenton process, i.e., identifying the interconnections
would recombine 2 OH $ H2 O2 to give H2O2, which is a between cavitation physics and Fenton chemistry. The textile
loss of oxidation potential. However, with Fe21 being pres- dyes used in this work are only model or representative pol-
ent in the medium, • OH radicals can get regenerated from lutants. The degradation of these dyes with sono-Fenton pro-
the H2O2 (formed due to recombination) through Fenton cess has been previously reported in literature with
reactions. Any mechanical agitation applied to the medium identification of the degradation intermediates.2 In view of

2 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 AIChE Journal
this, we have not included identification of degradation inter- experimental parameters that influence the decolorization
mediates (with proposition of the degradation mechanism) in process are (1) composition of the Fenton reagent (i.e., the
the experimental scope of this study. Experiments have been ratio of Fe21/H2O2), (2) the initial concentration of dye, and
designed so as to vary the characteristics of cavitation phe- (3) pH of the solution. To assess the optimum values of
nomenon in the medium. The decolorization of original dye these parameters, we conducted preliminary experiments
solution has been used as yardstick for illuminating the phys- with ARB dye, which have been described online in the sup-
ical mechanism and synergy of the sono-Fenton process. plementary material.
For all experiments, 50 mL of dye solution of concentra-
Materials tion 10 ppm was prepared by taking an appropriate amount
Following chemicals have been used in this study: ARB of stock solution and diluting it with Milli-Q water. The
dye, BLH dye, ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO47H2O), experiments were carried out in seven categories for both
hydrogen peroxide (30% v/v), sulfuric acid (97%), sodium dyes with different conditions, as described in Table 2. Prior
hydroxide (pellets). All the chemicals were purchased from to the main set of experiments, we conducted several prelim-
Merck and used as received without any further pretreatment. inary experiments in which the influence of parameters such
For all experiments, Milli-Q water from Milli-Q Synthesis as initial dye concentration, ratio of Fenton reagents (i.e.,
unit (MilliporeV, USA) was used as the liquid medium. H2O2 and FeSO4  7H2O) and pH of the solution was
assessed. The optimum value of each parameter was decided
Experimental setup on the basis of these preliminary experiments (see supple-
mentary material for greater details) and was further used for
A schematic of the experimental setup is given online in
the main set of experiments. To monitor the progress of
the supplementary material. Sonication experiments were
decolorization of dye solution, aliquots of 1 mL were with-
carried out in a conical flask (250 mL) made of borosilicate
drawn from the reaction mixture every 10 min, and the total
glass. Experiments were carried out with either mechanical
time of treatment of dye solution in each category of experi-
stirring of the solution or sonication. For mechanical stirring,
ments was 60 min. During the withdrawal of the aliquot, the
a magnetic stirrer (Remi Equipments, Model: LZMS3969)
pressure in the conical flask was released. The pressure was
was used. An ultrasound bath (Jeotech, Model: UC-10,
restored prior to commencement of sonication. After with-
Capacity: 10 L) with frequency of 40 kHz and power of
drawal of aliquot, the Fenton reaction was terminated by
200 W was used for sonication the medium. The bath was
adjusting the pH 7.5– 8.0 with NaOH stock solution (5 N),
filled with 10 L of water as the sonication medium. This
which also resulted in Fe(III) floc formation. The samples
water was replaced with fresh water in every 10 min to
were then filtered through 0.22 lm filter to remove the
maintain bulk liquid medium at constant temperature during
Fe(III) floc and the filtrate was analyzed for the concentra-
the experiment. The average temperature of the bath, and,
tion of dye using UV–visible spectrophotometer (Varian
hence, the reaction solution inside the flask, varied by less
Carry 50). The maximum absorbance wavelength (kmax) of
than 3 C due to this procedure. Prior to the experiments, the
ARB and BLH were determined at 512 nm and 586 nm,
sonication bath was characterized with calorimetric measure-
respectively, by scanning the UV–vis spectra from 200 to
ments for actual power dissipation and the distribution of
800 nm. Figures 1A and B depict the UV-vis spectra of sam-
acoustic pressure amplitude.25,29 The ultrasound intensity
ples of the dye solutions withdrawn from the reaction mix-
(and, hence, the ultrasound pressure amplitude) in the bath
tures at different time intervals. The decolorization efficiency
shows significant spatial variation. To avoid the variation in
in different experimental categories was determined as
the ultrasound pressure amplitude in different experiments
g ð%Þ5ðCo 2CÞ=Co 3100, where, Co is the initial concentra-
(which could give rise to artifacts), the conical flask contain-
tion of dye, and C is the concentration of dye at any time t
ing dye solution was placed at the center of the sonication
(min). In each of the seven categories of experiments for
bath, and its position was carefully maintained constant in
both dyes, experimental runs were taken in triplicate to
all experiments. All sonication experiments were conducted
check the reproducibility of the results. The mean value of
in the same flask so as to have same ultrasound pressure
the three experimental runs was used for evaluation of
amplitude and power dissipation in the reaction mixture in
kinetics of decolorization and the final yield.
all experiments. Moreover, sonication experiments were car-
ried out at two static pressures, viz. atmospheric (101.3 kPa)
static pressure and elevated static pressure of 200 kPa (or 2 Bubble Dynamics Model
bar). The rationale underlying raised static pressure to the Cavitation is essentially the nucleation, growth and implo-
system during sonication has been described in an earlier sive collapse of gas bubbles (or more generally, the radial
article,30 and will also be explained in this article subse- motion or volume oscillations of the bubble) driven by bulk
quently. A simple procedure was used to raise the static pressure variation induced by ultrasound. Depending on the
pressure of the medium. The neck of the conical flask used pressure amplitude of the ultrasound wave and static pressure
in the experiments was closed using a rubber stopper with in the medium, the radial motion of the bubble is character-
metal tube pierced in it. The outer end of the metal tube was ized as stable cavitation and transient cavitation. The tran-
connected to a nitrogen cylinder through two-stage pressure sient collapse of the bubble is extremely fast and adiabatic
regulator. The pressure of the outlet gas from cylinder, and, during which the bubble wall velocity reaches (or even
hence, the static pressure on the dye solution could be con- exceeds) the sonic speed in the liquid medium. The bubble
trolled through this regulator. can get compressed to an extremely small size (typically 1/
10th to 1/100th of original size), and temperature and pres-
Experimental procedure sure in it can reach to extreme (5000 K, 500 bar). This
A 100 ppm stock solution of the dye (both ARB and essentially creates energy concentration in the medium on
BLH) was prepared and stored at 4 C. The major extremely small spatial and temporal scale, as the bubble

AIChE Journal 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 3
pressure inside the bubble remains almost ambient. The ultra-
sound wave (which is a longitudinal wave comprising of
alternate compression/rarefaction cycles) also induces high-
velocity oscillatory motion of the fluid elements, commonly
known as microstreaming. However, the liquid properties
such as density and compressibility are not a strong function
of pressure, and, hence, the velocity of microstreaming is not
altered by rise in the static pressure on the liquid medium.
The principal chemical effect of cavitation, popularly
known as the sonochemical effect is generation of highly
reactive radicals such as • H, • O, • OH and HO•2 . These radi-
cals render several beneficial effects on a reaction system
such as induction of stubborn chemical reaction, acceleration
of the reaction kinetics, reduction in the number of steps in
a synthesis or sometimes a switch of reaction pathway. The
principal physical effect of cavitation is generation of strong
convection in the medium due to five phenomena, viz. ultra-
sound oscillatory velocity, microconvection (or microturbu-
lence), microstreaming, shock waves and microjets. As both
physical and chemical effects of cavitation occur on
extremely small spatial and temporal scale, a direct measure-
ment or quantification of these effects would require highly
sophisticated equipment. However, a much easier (and
cheaper) method to get a fairly accurate estimate of the mag-
nitudes of physical and chemical effects of cavitation is
numerical simulations of the bubble dynamics equation,
which we rely on in this study. Modeling of cavitation bub-
ble dynamics is an active area of research for past 3 decades
and various authors have addressed the matter with different
approaches. We refer the reader to our earlier article for a
review of these studies.31 We have used the diffusion limited
ordinary differential equation (ODE) model using boundary
layer approximation proposed by Toegel et al. for our analy-
sis,32 which is based on the comprehensive PDE model of
Storey and Szeri,22 who showed that vapor entrapment in the
cavitation bubble, leading to formation of radicals is essen-
tially a diffusion limited process. Large amount of evapora-
tion occurs at the bubble interface during the expansion
Figure 1. (A) UV–visible spectra of ARB for different phase of bubble motion, and vapor molecules enter and dif-
samples withdrawn at different time interval fuse toward the bubble core. In the subsequent compression
during Fenton reaction, and (B) UV–visible phase, the same vapor diffuses back and condenses at the
spectra of BLH for different samples bubble wall. However, in the final moments of bubble com-
withdrawn at different time interval during pression, velocity of the bubble interface (or bubble wall)
Fenton reaction. becomes extremely fast and the time scale of bubble motion
becomes smaller than the time scale of vapor diffusion to
bubble wall as well as time scale of condensation (or phase
change) at the bubble wall. As a result, not all of the vapor
collapse occurs in a few tens of nanoseconds. During the that has entered the bubble during expansion can escape dur-
transient collapse, the bubble contents (which is a mixture of ing compression. The entrapped vapor is subjected to condi-
gas and vapor of bulk liquid medium) are subjected to tions of extreme pressure and temperature reached during
extreme conditions generated in the bubble and can get dis- collapse. Dissociation of the vapor molecules occurs at these
sociated to form various species, some of which are radical conditions resulting in generation of radicals. This model has
species. The most common liquid medium used for cavita- been extensively described in our previous articles.33,34 For
tion assisted reactions is water and the species arising out of the convenience of the reader, we reproduce here only the
dissociation of water contain many radicals such as H• , O•
main components of the model and relevant data/boundary
and • OH. For small bubbles of few microns size and fre-
conditions. For greater details on this model, we refer the
quencies in the range of 20–100 kHz, transient cavitation is
reader to our earlier articles33,34 as well as the original arti-
seen for ultrasound pressure amplitudes greater than the
cle of Toegel et al.,32 and Storey and Szeri.22
static pressure on the medium. If the static pressure of the
The essential equations and thermodynamic data of this
medium is raised to moderate levels, keeping the acoustic
model have been summarized in Tables 1a and 1b. The main
pressure amplitude constant, the transient cavitation events
components of the model are:
get eliminated as the static pressure exceeds the ultrasound
pressure amplitude. In such cases, the bubble undergoes sta- 1. Keller-Miksis equation for the radial motion of the
ble, small-amplitude oscillatory motion. The temperature and bubble.35

4 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 AIChE Journal
Table 1a. Model Equation for Cavitation Bubble Dynamics

Model Component Equation Initial Value

dR=dt dR2
1. Radial motion 12 dR=dt
c R d R
dt2 þ 3
2 12 3c dt ¼ 1
q 1 þ dR=dt
c ðPi 2Pt Þ þ qRc dPi
dt 24v dR=dt 2r
R 2q R At t 5 0, R 5 Ro, dR/dt 5 0
of the cavitation
Ntot ðtÞ kT
bubble Internal pressure in the bubble: Pi 5 ½4pðR3 ðtÞ2h3 Þ=3

Pressure in bulk liquid medium: Pt 5 P0 2PA sin ð2pftÞ

dNW 2 @CW 2 CW;R 2CW
2. Diffusive flux dt 54pR DW @r jr 5 R  4pR DW ldiff At t 5 0, Nw 5 0
of water qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
molecules Instantaneous diffusive penetration depth: ldiff 5min jdR=dtj; p
dQ 2 @T 2 T0 2T
3. Heat conduction dt 54pR k @r jr5R  4pR k lth At t 5 0, Q 5 0
across bubble qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
Rj R
wall Thermal diffusion length: lth 5min jdR=dtj; p

4. Overall energy CV; mix dT=dt5dQ=dt2Pi dV=dt1X ðhW 2UW ÞdNW =dt At t 5 0, T 5 T0
balance Mixture heat capacity: CV; mix 5 CV; i Ni (i 5 N2/O2/H2O)
Molecular properties of water:
Enthalpy: hw 5 4kTo
X 3
hi =T
Internal energy: UW 5NW kT 31
exp ðhi =T Þ21
 of various
Heat capacity X  species (i 5 N2/O2/H2O): 
CV;i 5Ni k fi =21 ðhi =T Þ2 exp ðhi =T Þ=ðexp ðhi =T Þ21Þ2

Terms and definitions for Table 1a: R is the radius of the bubble, dR/dt is the bubble wall velocity, c is the velocity of sound in bulk liquid medium, qL is the
density of the liquid, m is the kinematic viscosity of liquid, r is the surface tension of liquid, k is the thermal conductivity of bubble contents, j is the thermal
diffusivity of bubble contents, h is the characteristic vibrational temperature(s) of the species, Nw is the number of water molecules in the bubble, NN2 is the
number of nitrogen molecules in the bubble, NO2 is the number of oxygen molecules in the bubble, t is the time, Dw is the diffusion coefficient of water vapor,
Cw is the concentration of water molecules in the bubble, Cw,R is the concentration of water molecules at the bubble wall or gas-liquid interface, Q is the heat
conducted across bubble wall, T is the temperature of the bubble contents, To is the ambient (or bulk liquid medium) temperature, k is the Bolzmann constant,
hw is the molecular enthalpy of water, Uw is the internal energy of water molecules, fi is the translational and rotational degrees of freedom; CV,i is the heat
capacity at constant volume for species I, Ntot is the total number of molecules (gas 1 vapor) in the bubble, h is the van der Waal’s hard core radius, Po is the
ambient (bulk) pressure in liquid, PA is the pressure amplitude of ultrasound wave, and f is the frequency of ultrasound wave.

Table 1b. Thermodynamic Data for the Model

Degrees of freedom Lennard–Jones force constants Characteristic vibrational

Species (translational 1 rotational) (fi) r (10210 m) e/k (K) temperatures h (K)
N2 5 3.68 92 3350
O2 5 3.43 113 2273
H2O 6 2.65 380 2295, 5255, 5400
Data taken from Hirschfelder et al.41 Condon and Odishaw,42 Reid et al.43

2. Equation for the diffusive flux of water vapor and heat frequency (f) 5 40 kHz; ultrasound pressure amplitude
conduction through bubble wall. (PA) 5 200 kPa; equilibrium bubble radius (Ro) 5 5 lm;
3. Overall energy balance treating the cavitation bubble as vapor pressure of liquid medium (water) 5 2,500 Pa (calcu-
an open system. lated using Antoine type correlation). Various physical prop-
erties of water are as follows: density (qL) 5 1000 kg/m3,
The transport parameters for the heat and mass transfer
kinematic viscosity (m) 5 1026 Pa-s, surface tension (r) 5
(thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient) are deter-
0.072 N/m and velocity of sound (c) 5 1481 m/s. Since the
mined using Chapman-Enskog theory using Lennard-Jones
dyes as well as other components of reaction mixture (H2O2,
12-6 potential at the bulk temperature of the liquid medium.
FeSO4  7H2O) are present in very small quantities, we have
Thermal and diffusive penetration depths are estimated using
ignored the change in the physical properties of water with
dimensional analysis. Diffusion of gas across bubble inter-
addition of these chemicals.
face is ignored in this model as the time scale for the diffu-
sion of gases is much higher than the time scale for the
radial motion of bubble. The set of four ODEs described in
Table 1a was solved simultaneously using Runge-Kutta Estimation of physical and chemical effects of cavitation
adaptive step-size method.36 We have considered an air bub- Sonochemical Effect (radical generation by cavitation
ble (for aerated solutions) and a nitrogen bubble (for deaer- bubbles): Using the numerical solution of bubble dynamics
ated solution using nitrogen sparging) as the cavitation model, one can estimate the composition of the bubble con-
nuclei for simulations of cavitation bubble dynamics in the tents at the collapse. Although calculating the composition
dye solution. The condition for bubble collapse is taken as of the bubble at the time of collapse, we assume that ther-
the first compression after an initial expansion. Various modynamic equilibrium is attained.31 The equilibrium mole
parameters used in the simulation of bubble dynamics equa- fraction of the various species in the bubble at the conditions
tion and their numerical values are as follows: Ultrasound of temperature and pressure at first the compression of the

AIChE Journal 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 5
Figure 2. Experimental results for decolorization of ARB dye solution (10 ppm).
(A) Decolorization under different combinations of ultrasound and Fenton reagents at atmospheric static pressure (A.1 is the time
history of total 60 min reaction, A.2 are the trends of decolorization in the initial 10 min), and (B) effect of static pressure on
decolorization by sono-Fenton process (B.1 is the time history of total 60 min reaction, B.2 are trends of decolorization in the ini-
tial 10 min).

bubble can be calculated using free-energy minimization Results and Discussion

technique.37 Experimental results
Sonophysical Effect of Cavitation: The principal physical
effect of cavitation is generation of convection in the bulk The time history of decolorization of ARB and BLH dyes
medium through two phenomena, viz. microconvection, during 60 min of reaction is shown in Figures 2 and 3,
shock or acoustic waves. These two parameters can be calcu- respectively. The decolorization reaction is very fast and it
lated from numerical result of bubble dynamics model as could be seen from Figures 2 and 3 that for both dyes, most
follows38–40 of the decolorization was achieved in the first 10 min of
2   treatment in the categories involving Fenton reagent. There-
Microconvection: Vturb ðr; tÞ 5 Rr2 dRdt
q d2 Vb
(or acoustic waves): PAW ðr; tÞ5 4pr fore, in Figures 2 and 3, we have separately depicted the
h   Waves i dt2 5
2 d2 R
trends in decolorization of both dyes for the first 10 min in
q Rr 2 dR
dt 1R dt2 Figures 2A.2, 2B.2, 3A.2, and 3B.2, with analysis of samples
where Vb is the volume of the bubble. A representative value that were withdrawn every 2 min. The summary of the decol-
of r is taken as 1 mm. Simulations have been conducted for orization experiments is given in Table 2, which gives the
the following four conditions (1) air bubble, atmospheric extent of decolorization at the end of 10 min as well as
static pressure, (2) air bubble, elevated static pressure, (3) 60 min. The time history of decolorization in the first 10 min
nitrogen bubble, atmospheric static pressure, and (4) Nitro- was fitted to pseudo first-order kinetics to determine the
gen bubble, elevated static pressure. kinetic constant of decolorization. We would like to state

6 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 AIChE Journal
Figure 3. Experimental results for decolorization of BLH dye solution (10 ppm).
(A) Decolorization under different combinations of ultrasound and Fenton reagents at atmospheric static pressure (A.1 is the time
history of total 60 min reaction, A.2 are trends of decolorization in the initial 10 min), and (B) effect of static pressure on decolor-
ization by sono-Fenton process (B.1 is the time history of total 60 min reaction, B.2 are trends of decolorization in the initial
10 min).

that we have not explicitly determined the order of the 0.8, which indicates suitability of the pseudo first-order
decolorization reaction. The decolorization process (which kinetics for the time data of decolorization.
essentially is the oxidation of the dye molecules induced by For categories involving only sonication or sonication
radicals produced during sonication and Fenton reaction) with H2O2, the rate of degradation/decolorization was linear
occurs through series of reactions with several intermediates. up to 30 min of treatment, and leveled off thereafter, with
Each of the reaction in decolorization chain will have its no further decolorization. Some other observations are as
own order and rate constant. In view of this difficulty, and follows:
the limitations of instrumentation used in the study, we have
made a simple approximation of first-order overall reaction  Comparing between the two dyes in all categories of
behavior, to get a relative idea of the kinetics of decoloriza- experiments, we see higher decolorization for the BLH
tion under different experimental conditions. Since most of dye, which is a nonazo category dye.
the decolorization in experiments employing Fenton reagent  The total decolorization obtained for both dyes for cate-
occurred within first 10 min, the first-order kinetic constant gories involving Fenton reagents was significantly
for these experiments was calculated only with the decolor- higher than the categories where either sonication alone
ization data for 10 min. The fitness of the pseudo first-order or sonication with H2O2 was applied.
kinetic model to the experimental data is represented by the  The decolorization kinetics as well as total decoloriza-
regression coefficient (R2), which is also mentioned in tion obtained with Fenton reagent coupled with either
Table 2. For most cases, the value of R2 was greater than mechanical stirring or ultrasound was similar.

AIChE Journal 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 7
Table 2. Summary of Experimental Results

ARB dye (10 ppm) BLH dye (10 ppm)

g (%)a g (%)a
Experimental categories and conditions/composition of k1 k1
reaction mixture in each category 10 min 60 min (min21) 10 min 60 min (min21)
(1) Sonication alone (50 mL dye solution of concn.10 ppm, 0.20 6 0.14 14.04 6 0.04 0.0003 4.24 6 0.38 11.43 6 0.38 0.0047
Po 5 101.3 kPa) (R2 5 0.96) (R2 5 0.98)
(2) Stirring 1 Fenton (50 mL dye solution of concn. 10 76.81 6 1.20 87.72 6 0.68 0.2 95.38 6 0.99 98.68 6 0.38 0.33
ppm 1 2.5 mg FeSO47H2O 1 27 lL 30% H2O2, Po 5 101.3 (R2 5 0.65) (R2 5 0.87)
(3) Sonication 1 H2O2 (50 mL dye solution of 10 ppm con- 4.12 6 0.70 13.35 6 0.37 0.004 7.24 6 0.94 38.59 6 0.29 0.0079
cn. 1 27 lL 30% H2O2, Po 5 101.3 kPa) (R2 5 0.91) (R2 5 0.98)
(4) Sonication 1 Fenton (50 mL dye solution of 10 ppm 85.9 6 1.55 91.81 6 0.73 0.25 94.06 6 0.91 100.0 6 0 0.31
concn. 1 2.5 mg FeSO47H2O 1 27 lL 30% H2O2, (R2 5 0.77) (R2 5 0.81)
Po 5 101.3 kPa)
(5) Sonication 1 Fenton (50 mL dye solution of 10 ppm 84.31 6 1.43 92.04 6 0.53 0.24 97.69 6 0.58 100.0 6 0 0.42
concn. 1 2.5 mg FeSO47H2O 1 27 lL 30% H2O2, Po 5 200 (R2 5 0.81) (R2 5 0.96)
(6) Sonication 1 Fenton (deaerated solution#, 50 mL dye solu- 69.76 6 1.21 82.72 6 0.93 0.2 92.08 6 1.3 100.0 6 0 0.31
tion of 10 ppm concn. 1 2.5 mg FeSO47H2O 1 27 lL 30% (R2 5 0.51) (R2 5 0.8)
H2O2, Po 5 101.3 kPa)
(7) Sonication 1 Fenton (deaerated solution#, 50 mL dye solu- 81.35 6 1.52 87.04 6 0.53 0.21 89.44 6 1.07 100.0 6 0 0.27
tion of 10 ppm concn. 1 2.5 mg FeSO47H2O 1 27 lL 30% (R2 5 0.85) (R2 5 0.79)
H2O2, Po 5 200 kPa)
Initial pH of dye solution in all experiments was 2.0. The decolorization efficiency (g in %, as defined in subsection Experimental procedure), and the kinetic
constant for each experimental category refers to the mean value 6 standard deviation of the three experimental runs in that category.
Deaeration to 2 ppm of dissolved oxygen achieved using sparging the dye solution with nitrogen at flow rate of 40 lit/h, Po is the static pressure on the medium,
k1 is the pseudo first-order kinetic constant calculated on the basis of decolorization obtained in the first 10 min of the reaction, and R2 is the regression

 In case of sonication experiments, addition of H2O2 to by both bubbles is similar, but the acoustic waves emit-
the dye solution alone does not seem to cause any ted by nitrogen bubble are stronger than those by the
major change in extent of decolorization of the ARB air bubble. The extent of water vapor entrapment in
dye, although a marginal enhancement in decolorization nitrogen bubble is higher than air bubble.
of the BLH dye is seen. 2. Quite interestingly, although the peak conditions of tem-
 For the sono-Fenton process in aerated dye solution (i.e., perature and pressure reached during transient collapse
category 4 and 5 of experiments), the extent of decolor- of air bubbles are lower than nitrogen bubble, the radical
ization for both dyes is same for both atmospheric as production by air bubble is higher. The number of oxi-
well as elevated static pressure. Quite interestingly, in dizing radicals (• O, HO•2 and • OH) produced by the air
experimental categories 6 and 7, the extent of decoloriza- bubble at least two fold higher. We attribute this result to
tion by the sono-Fenton process (at both atmospheric and the presence of oxygen in air bubble that conserves the
elevated static pressure) reduces marginally with deaera- radicals formed out of dissociation of water vapor.27,28
tion (or essentially deoxygenation) of the medium for the 3. With rise in static pressure to 200 kPa (or 2 bar), both
ARB dye. On the other hand, the decolorization of chemical and physical effects of cavitation bubbles get
the BLH dye remains unaffected by the deaeration of the eliminated. The radical production in both bubbles
medium. becomes practically nil, and the magnitudes of the
microconvection velocity and pressure amplitude of the
Simulations results acoustic wave reduces drastically. This essentially means
As stated earlier, the simulations were carried out for four that the contribution of transient cavitation to the overall
conditions for air and nitrogen bubble. Representative simu- decolorization process is eliminated with rise in static
lations results for air bubble at atmospheric static pressure pressure. Application of high-static pressure in the
are shown in Figure 4, while all results have been depicted medium (greater or equal to the acoustic pressure ampli-
in the supplementary material provided with the manuscript. tude) can help in segregation of the effects of ultrasound
The summary of the simulations results is given in Table 3a and transient cavitation in the medium.
that lists the peak conditions of temperature and pressure
reached in the bubble at moment transient collapse, the mag- Analysis and discernment of the synergy in sono-Fenton
nitudes of the microconvection velocity and the acoustic process
wave generated by the cavitation bubble, and the equilibrium
Analysis of the experimental and simulation results con-
composition of chemical species generated from dissociation
currently helps us to discern the mechanism of the hybrid
of gas and water vapor inside the bubble at the moment of
sono-Fenton process, and also identify the links between
transient collapse. From these results, we can identify some
individual (and seeming independent) mechanism of sono-
peculiar features of the cavitation bubble dynamics at the
chemical and Fenton processes. Comparison of results of cat-
conditions used in the experiments.
egories 1 and 2, where the two techniques were applied
1. Both air and nitrogen bubbles undergo intense collapse separately, shows that contribution of Fenton process to
at atmospheric static pressure. The peak conditions overall decolorization is much higher than sonolysis. Com-
reached in the nitrogen bubble are more intense than parison of decolorization obtained in categories 2 and 4 indi-
air bubble. The velocity of microconvection generated cates a very small rise in decolorization with sono-Fenton

8 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 AIChE Journal
eliminated at elevated static pressure. These results are
clearly indicative of the dominant role played by Fenton pro-
cess over the sonochemical process. The most probable
cause leading to this effect is scavenging of the • OH radicals
generated by the cavitation bubbles by the H2O2 through fol-
lowing reactions,26 which leads to formation of molecular
species causing reduction in the oxidation or decolorization

OH 1 H2 O2 ! H2 O 1 HO•2
H• 1 H2 O2 ! HO•2 1 H2
HO•2 1 • OH ! O2 1 H2 O

The synergy in sonochemical and Fenton process thus

seems to be negative.
Another factor leading to smaller contribution of sonolysis
in the sono-Fenton process is the discrete nature of produc-
tion of • OH radicals by cavitation bubbles. The population
or number density of cavitation bubbles in the medium is
not likely to be uniform volumetrically, and so is the produc-
tion of • OH radicals through transient cavitation events. The
concentration of dye molecules in the solution is relatively
small (10 ppm), and, hence, the probability of dye-radical
interaction also comes into picture. Discrete production of

OH in the reaction volume, together with low concentration
of dye can lead to lower utilization of the radicals produced
by transient cavitation events for decolorization. The dis-
solved oxygen in the medium is revealed to play major role.
The oxygen can conserve • OH radicals to generate other oxi-
dizing species like • O and • OH2 through reaction26

OH 1 O2 ! HO•2 1 O•

At lower concentration of dissolved oxygen (with deaera-

tion of the medium), as in experimental categories 6 and 7,
the conservation action is reduced, which eventually results
in loss of radicals resulting in lower decolorization.

In this study, we have attempted to discern the mechanism
of the hybrid sono-Fenton process for decolorization of the
textile dyes. The concurrent analysis of experimental results
with the simulations of cavitation bubble dynamics reveals
the links and interactions between the individual mechanism
of sonolysis and Fenton process. H2O2 added to the medium
as one of the Fenton reagent scavenges the • OH radicals pro-
duced by cavitation bubbles, which nullify their effect, giv-
ing a negative synergy between sonolysis and Fenton
process. Mere addition of H2O2 to the medium during sonol-
Figure 4. Simulations of radial motion of a 5 lm air ysis does not give much enhancement to decolorization,
bubble in water. which is attributed to lower vapor pressure of H2O2 due to
(f: 40 kHz; PA: 200 kPa; Po: 101.3 kPa (atmospheric). which it does not evaporate and dissociate inside the bubble
Time history of (A) radius of the bubble, (B) tempera- (to generate additional • OH radicals). Fenton reagent
ture inside the bubble, (C) water vapor evaporation in (Fe21 1 H2O2), on the other hand, gives volumetrically more
the bubble, (D) pressure inside the bubble, (E) micro-
turbulence generated by the bubble, and (F) acoustic uniform production of • OH radicals in the solution, and,
waves emitted by the bubble. hence, has a dominating contribution to decolorization in the
hybrid process. The role of ultrasound and cavitation in the
hybrid sono-Fenton process is simply physical, i.e., causing
process, as compared to Fenton process alone. Practically intense mixing in the medium. Radical conservation due to
same decolorization as in category 4 is obtained in category dissolved oxygen is also revealed to play a major role in
5, in which the contribution of transient cavitation effect is effective utilization of • OH radicals for decolorization.

AIChE Journal 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 9
Table 3a. Summary of the Simulation Results (Air and N2 Bubbles)
Species Parameters for simulations
Air bubble Air bubble Nitrogen bubble Nitrogen bubble
Ro 5 5 lm Ro 5 5 lm Ro 5 5 lm Ro 5 5 lm
Po 5 101.3 kPa Po 5 200 kPa Po 5 101.3 kPa Po 5 200 kPa
Conditions at the first collapse of the bubble
Tmax 5 4013 K Tmax 5 1075 K Tmax 5 4345 K Tmax 5 1106 K
Pmax 5 705.6 MPa Pmax 5 7.78 MPa Pmax 5 786.6 MPa Pmax 5 15 MPa
Vturb 5 0.056 m/s Vturb 5 0.008 m/s Vturb 5 0.054 m/s Vturb 5 0.008 m/s
PAW 5 2.53 MPa PAW 5 0.22 MPa PAW 5 5.89 MPa PAW 5 0.3 MPa
NN2 5 1.306E110 NN2 5 1.306E110 NN2 5 1.653E110 NN2 5 1.653E110
NO2 5 3.471E19 NO2 5 3.471E19 NW 5 2.872E19 NW 5 1.28E19
NW 5 2.026E19 NW 5 9.03E18
Equilibrium composition of species in the bubble at collapse
N2 6.52E–01 7.49E–01 8.26E–01 9.28E–01
O2 1.30E–01 1.99E–01 2.29E–03 0.
H2O 9.21E–02 5.20E–02 1.08E–01 7.20E–02
H 8.15E–04 0. 5.08E–03 0.
O 6.50E–03 0. 1.47E–03 0.
OH 2.56E–02 1.12E–07 1.42E–02 0.
HO2 1.11E–03 0. 8.12E–05 0.
H2O2 1.69E–04 0. 3.65E–05 0.
O3 1.67E–05 0. 5.75E–08 0.
H2 1.79E–03 0. 2.68E–02 6.74E–08
NO 8.79E–02 7.13E–05 1.61E–02 3.11E–08
NO2 1.67E–03 1.98E–05 3.76E–05 0.
HNO 1.55E–04 0. 1.18E–04 0.
HNO2 1.16E–05 0. 8.73E–07 0.
HNO3 1.58E–06 0. 1.48E–08 0.
NH3 1.89E–06 0. 1.24E–04 0.
Terms and definitions for Table 3a: Po is the static pressure in the liquid medium, Ro is initial radius of the cavitation bubble, Vturb is the average velocity of
the microturbulence in the medium generated by ultrasound and cavitation in the medium (estimated at 1 mm distance from bubble center), PAW is the pressure
amplitude of the acoustic wave generated by the cavitation bubble, Tmax is the temperature peak reached in the bubble at the time of first collapse, Pmax is the
pressure peak reached in the bubble at the time of first collapse, NW is the number of water molecules trapped in the bubble, NN2 is the number of N2 molecules
in the bubble, NO2 is the number of oxygen molecules in the bubble, NOH is the number of OH radicals present in the bubble at transient collapse, NH is the
number of H radicals present in the bubble at transient collapse, NO is the number of O radicals present in the bubble at transient collapse, NHO2 is the number
of HO2 radicals present in the bubble at transient collapse, and NH2O2 is the number of H2O2 molecules present in the bubble at transient collapse.

Table 3b. Net Production of Various Oxidizing Species per Bubble

Air bubble Air bubble N2 bubble N2 bubble
Parameter (Po 5 101.3 kPa) (Po 5 200 kPa) (Po 5 101.3 kPa) (Po 5 200 kPa)
NOH 4.75E18 1.95E13 2.75E18 0.
NO 1.2E18 0. 2.85E17 0.
NHO2 2.06E17 0. 1.58E16 0.
NH2O2 3.14E16 0. 7.08E15 0.

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AIChE Journal 2013 Vol. 00 No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 11

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