Basics of MOS: MEL G 621: VLSI Design

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BITS Pilani

Pilani Campus

MEL G 621: VLSI Design

Basics of MOS


MOS Capacitor

Electrical Characteristics of MOS

nMOS I-V Characteristics

pMOS I-V Characteristics

Gate and Diffusion Capacitance

Pass Transistors

RC Delay Mode

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
MOS Device

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS Device

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS Capacitor

MOS structure forms capacitor

Carrier concentration and its local distribution within semiconductor
substrate is manipulated by external voltages applied to the gate and
substrate terminals.
Oxide layer 10-50nm

P-type doped Silicon


Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Identify the type of substrate


1.1eV Ei


Energy Band Diagram

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

P Substrate

Fermi Potential
φ F = (EF – Ei)/q

-Ve qφFp = kT/q ( ln(n /N ))
i A
+Ve qφFn = kT/q ( ln(ND/ni))

1.1eV Ei

Work Function
qφ S = qχ + ( EC- EF)
Energy required for electron to Move from
fermi level to free space. Energy Band Diagram

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Metal Oxide Semiconductor
qφM 0.95eV qχ=
4.1eV EC



Energy band diagram of components that make up MOS
Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Given equilibrium fermi potential of doped silicon substrate is
equals to 0.2 ev E0

Electron affinity of silicon : 4.15ev

Determine the work function ? 1.1eV Ei


Energy Band Diagram

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Work function of the doped silicon

qφ S = 4.15eV + 0.55 eV + 0.2eV

= 4.9eV

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Metal Oxide Semiconductor
qφM 0.95eV qχ=
4.1eV EC



Energy band diagram of components that make up MOS
Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Built-in potential

Work function of the doped silicon
= qφ S= 4.15eV + 0.55 eV + 0.2eV = 4.9eV

Work function of Aluminum gate
= q φ M = 4.1eV

Built in potential difference across MOS system is

= -0.8V

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Energy band diagram MOS system

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Energy band diagram

Work function difference:

Voltage drop occurs across the MOS

Part of this built in voltage drop
occurs across the insulating layer

The rest drop at the silicon surface
next to the silicon-oxide interface

Energy band at surface bends due to
voltage drop across MOS

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Energy band diagram

Surface fermi level move close to
intrinsic fermi level.
 Fermi potential at surface φS is
smaller in magnitude than bulk
Fermi potential φF
 Work Function Difference qφM- q φS
 Flat band Voltage VFB = φ M - φ S

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS under External Bias

Gate terminal controlling parameter

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS under External Bias

Gate terminal controlling parameter

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS under External Bias

Cause the band to bend downwards. Holes repelled back from
surface causing Depletion region.
 Thickness of depletion region xd

Hole charges in a thin horizontal layer parallel to the surface is
dQ = -q NA dx

Change in surface potential required to displace this charge sheet
dQ by a distance xd from surface – Using Poisson’s Equation

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS under External Bias

Integrating along the vertical dimension (perpendicular to surface)

Depth of depletion region is :

The depletion region charge density, which consists solely of fixed
acceptor ions in this region:

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MOS under External Bias

Gate terminal controlling parameter

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


A Further increase in positive bias downward bending of energy
bands will increase as well
 Ei (mid gap energy level) becomes smaller than Efp (fermi level on

Means semiconductor becomes n type semiconductor

Condition is called surface inversion

Density of mobile electrons on the surface becomes equal to the
density of holes in the bulk substrate

Requires surface potential has the same magnitude, but the reverse
polarity as the bulk Fermi potential.

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Inversion (continue...)

Further increase in the gate voltage leads to an increase of mobile
electron concentration on the surface

But not to an increase of the depletion depth. Thus, the depletion
region depth achieved at the onset of surface inversion is also equal
to the maximum depletion depth, xdm, which remains constant for
higher gate voltages

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Threshold Voltage

Factors affecting threshold voltage:

Work function difference between gate and channel

Gate voltage component to change the surface potential

Gate voltage component to offset the depletion region charge

Voltage component to offset the fixed charges in gate–oxide and
in silicon-oxide interface

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Threshold Voltage

Factors affecting threshold voltage:

Work function diff =
φ GC = φ F( substrate) - φ F (gate)
 Change surface potential by - 2φ F

To offset depletion region charge due to fixed acceptor ions
located in depletion region QB/Cox

Gate voltage component to offset positive charge at the
interface: -Qox/Cox

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Threshold Voltage

Factors affecting threshold voltage:

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Threshold Voltage

General expression
 Substrate Fermi potential φ F negative for nMOS, positive for
 Depletion region charge density QB & QBO negative for nMOS
positive for pMOS
 Substrate bias voltage VSB Positive for nMOS, negative for

Substrate bias coefficient, positive for nMOS and negative for
 VT positive for nMOS, VT negative for pMOS
Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Current Voltage Relationship

Analytical derivation of MOS I-V Relationship

Require several approximations to simplify the problem


Gradual channel

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Current Voltage Relationship
 Channel Voltage with respect to source is Vc(y)

Assuming the threshold voltage constant along the entire
length of the channel y = 0 to y = L

Assuming Ey is dominant comparing to Ex

Current flow becomes a one dimensional problem

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Gradual Channel Approximation

 VS = VB = 0V

 VGS and VDS external Parameters controlling ID


Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Boundary Conditions
 Vc(y = 0) = Vs = 0
 Vc( y = L) = VDS

Assuming the entire channel inverted
 VGS >= VT0
 VGD = VGS - VDS >= VT0
 Channel current ID is due to electrons in the channel region
traveling from source to drain under the influence of Ey

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Total mobile charge
 QI (y) – Total mobile electron charge in the surface inversion layer (
as a function of VGS and VC(y))
 QI(y) = - Cox [ VGS – VC(y) - VT0 ]

Incremental resistance dR of the differential channel segment dy is
dR -ve of the inversion layer
charge Q1

Assume channel charge density is uniform accross this segment
Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Apply ohms law

Voltage drop across dy is

 Integrating on both sides i.e from (0-VDS), (y=0, y= L)

 Using QI(y) = - Cox [ VGS – VC(y) - VT0 ]) (already derivated)

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

ID = µ n (Cox/2 )(W/L) [ 2(VGS- V TO) VDS – VDS2
= (k’/2). (W/L). [ 2(VGS- V TO) VDS – VDS2]

ID = (k/2) [ 2(VGS- V TO) VDS – VDS2]

where k’ = µn Cox and k = k’ ( W/L)

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Transistor in saturation
 The value of gate to source voltage VGS needed to cause surface

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Transistor in saturation

Inversion layer charge at the source end
QI( y=0) = -COX ( VGS- VTO)

Inversion layer charge at the drain end

QI( y=L) = -COX ( VGS- VTO- VDS)

 At the edge of saturation VDS = VDSAT


The inversion layer charge at the drain end becomes zero

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Transistor in saturation

The effective channel length L’ = L - ∆L

The pinch off point moves from the drain end of the channel toward
the source with increase in VD
 ∆L is the length of the channel segment with Q = 0

The remaining portion of the channel between the pinch of point and
the drain will be in depletion mode
 Since Q (y) = 0 for L’<y<L, the channel voltage at pinch-off point
remains at VDSAT
i.e., V ( y = L’) = V

ID (sat) = µ n (Cox/2 )(W/L') [ (VGS- V TO)2]

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Transistor in saturation
 For VDS > VGS - VTO MOS is in saturation

 For VDS ≥= VDSAT = VGS – VTO

Drain current remains more or less constant

 ID(sat) = µn (Cox/2 )(W/L') [ (VGS- V TO)2]

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Transistor in saturation
 As L’ decreases with increasing VDS, the saturation Mode current
ID( sat) also increases with VDS

Approximating effective channel length L’ = L - ∆L

 ID( sat) = [1/(1-∆L/L)] µn (Cox/2 )(W/L) [ (VGS- V TO)2]

term accounting for channel length modulation

 By empirical relation : (1-∆L/L) = 1- λVDS ( λ empirical model parameter)

ID( sat) = µ n (Cox/2 )(W/L) [ (VGS- V TO)2] (1+ λVDS )

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
For nMOS Transistor
 ID = 0 for VGS < VT

 ID(lin) = µn (Cox/2 )(W/L) [ 2(VGS- V TO) VDS – VDS2]

for VGS > = VT

 ID( sat) = µn (Cox/2 )(W/L) [ (VGS- V TO)2] (1+ λVDS)

for VGS >= VT

Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Questions ?


Dr. Nitin Chaturvedi VLSI Design BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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