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Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels

Table of Contents
Open A New Text Document .................................................................................................1
Check Settings On The Ruler ...............................................................................................1
Create An Entire Page Of Labels ..........................................................................................2
Center The Name and Address And Add A Space At The Top Of The Label ................5
Print A Sheet Of Labels .........................................................................................................6
Save File With Sheet Of Labels ............................................................................................6
Create A Single Label ............................................................................................................7
Print A Single Label ...........................................................................................................9
Reuse File With Sheet Of Labels ..........................................................................................9

In this tutorial, we will make a sheet of labels. All the labels on the sheet will have the
same name and address. The sheet of labels will be printed. The file with the labels will
be saved so the labels can be printed again.
There may be times that you do not need a whole sheet of labels so we will make and print
a single label.

Open A New Text Document

1. IF on the desktop, click > All Programs > 2.3 > Writer.
2. IF you are in Writer, click File > New > Text Document.
3. In either case, the text document
appears on our screen.

Check Settings On The Ruler

1. IF you see a Ruler on your screen, go to Step 4.

2. IF you cannot see a Ruler on your screen, click View. (A dialog box appears in
which there is no check-mark before the word Ruler.)

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 1 of 9
3. Click Ruler. (the window closes and the Ruler appears on your screen)
4. If you are not already using Centimeter instead of Inch, change to Centimeters.
(There is just enough difference to make it difficult to fit the the addresses into the
labels.) To change to Centimeter, right click on the Ruler in your document. (A
dialog box appears which has the word "Centimeter".)
● IF there is a check-mark before Centimeter, click anywhere outside of the
dialog box (The dialog box closes) .
● IF there is not a check-mark before Centimeter, click on Centimeter. (The
dialog box closes)

Create An Entire Page Of Labels

1. Click File > New > Labels. (The Labels window appears.)

2. Click the Labels tab.

3. Under the words Label text, there is a box where you will type the address that will
be printed on the labels.
4. Click within the box (The cursor moves to the upper left corner of the box) Type
John Dow then press Enter. (The cursor moves down to the second line) Type
111 First Street on the second line. Type Anywhere on the third line. Type USA
on the next line and 11111 on the next line. You may use any address of your

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 2 of 9

5. Under Format, select Sheet.

6. In the pull-down menu to the right of Brand, click on the to select the brand of
labels that you use. For this tutorial, we will use Avery Letter Size.
7. In the pull-down menu to the right of Type, click on the to select the number
corresponding to the brand that you use. For this tutorial, we will use 5260
8. Click the Options tab. Check Entire page and Synchronize contents. When
Synchronize contents is checked, only one (the top left label) has to be entered
and edited while the remainder will be repeated identically.

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 3 of 9
9. At the bottom of the page, click New Document. (A page of labels with the name
and address that you entered will appear.) A small window appears with the
"Synchronize contents" , , button

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 4 of 9
Center The Name and Address And Add A Space At The Top Of
The Label
1. Click in the first label. On the Formatting Toolbar, click the Centered, , icon.
(The name and address is centered on the label.).
2. Click before the first letter of the name . Press Enter to add a space at the top of
the label. (Since we checked "Synchronize contents", we only have to enter and
edit the one top left label).
3. Press the Synchronize contents button. (All the names and addresses on the
labels become centered with a space at the top)

Print A Sheet Of Labels

1. Place a sheet of blank labels in the printer.
2. Click File > Print.

Save File With Sheet Of Labels

1. Click File > Save As. In the Save in: pull-down menu box, click My Documents if
it is not already selected. In the Save as type: pull-down menu box, click

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 5 of 9
OpenDocument Text (.odt) if it is not already selected.
2. In the File name: dialog box give the file a name that will help you remember the
labels. For this tutorial, use John Doe Labels.
3. Click Save. (The file is saved.)
4. Click File > Close. (The file is no longer on the screen.)

Create A Single Label

1. Click File > New > Labels. (The Labels window appears.)

2. Click the Labels tab.

3. Under the words, Label text, there is a box where you will type the address that will
be printed on the label.
4. Click within the box (The cursor moves to the upper left corner of the box) Type
John Dow then press Enter. (The cursor moves down to the second line) Type
111 First Street on the second line. Type Anywhere on the third line. Type USA
on the next line and 11111 on the next line. You may use any address of your

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 6 of 9
5. Under Format, select Sheet.
6. In the pull-down menu to the right of Brand, click on the to select the brand of
labels that you use. For this tutorial, we will use Avery Letter Size.
7. In the pull-down menu to the right of Type, click on the to select the number
corresponding to the brand that you use. For this tutorial we will use 5260
8. Click the Options tab. Select Single label.
9. If you are using a sheet of label with some labels missing, you will need to select
the row and column of the label that will be printed. For this tutorial, we will print the
label on the first row in the second column of labels. In the dialog box to the right
of Column, Click on the to select 2, . In the dialog box to the right of Row, click
on the to select 1.

Mailing Labels and Return Address Labels Last Updated 2008-09-07 by Dave Barton Page 7 of 9
10. At the bottom of the page, click New Document. (The single label will appear on
the page in row 1 in the second column.)

Print A Single Label

Click File > Print > OK. (The "Print" window opens. A single label is printed.)

Reuse File With Sheet Of Labels

1. Click File > Open. (The “Open” window appears. If "My Documents" is not
already in the Look in: dialog box at the top of the "Open" window, in the list of
directories below the Look in: box, click "My Documents". The words, "My
Documents", appear in the "Look in:" dialog box.)
2. Click on the name that you gave the file of the labels in the list below the Look in:
dialog box. (The name of the file, appears in the “File name:” dialog box.)
3. Click the Open button which is to the right of the File name: dialog box. (The top
line on the screen changes to the name of the file and the first page of the file,
appears on the screen below the ruler.) You can print or edit the file if you want to
do so.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

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