Essay On Different Behaviors of Students

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Different behaviors in a society has manifested in our way of life. Just like in a school,
variations of sentiments were endowed to beget the culture either a haven or a terror. As a
matter of fact, the demeanor of an individual is in contrary to his/her own roots. Since school is
the second home of many lives; it is important the values are attained whether in absence or
presence. In whatever we do, traditional acts which was passed on to people due to their
commence will be unbearable that may lead to exacerbation. Here are different behaviors that
students show to the class.
First, we have one what we call the normal ones. These students do actions normally
and practically. They are silent in times of any scenario but can display an opposite side of being
silent. Second, we have the territorial ones. These students allow themselves to stay in one
place altogether as if it is a group of island. It withstands unity which is one of the goals of
creating unitive society. Third, we have the quiet ones. These students, obviously, take the
chances of being concealing in any time of any place in the whole school. They only participate if
they are told to do so or they are being talked. Usually shy people close their barriers to the
world. As one quote said, "Sometimes I'm not really anti social. I just have no time for fake and
drama people." Fourth, we have the aggressive ones. These students are the ones we should
not mess with. Even though at their simple state or calmly state, they intend to talk in a tone that
may be excessive to others. Fifth, we have the disrespectful ones. These students talk to
anyone in a disrespectful manner as if he or she is the worthy and powerful. They also do the
same thing with teachers by talking back as if that teacher doesn't deserve respect. Sixth, we
have the sweet ones. These students are responsible for maintain a positive vibe by showing
affection through hugging and other forms without going through his or her limits. Seventh, we
have the focal point ones. These students show off in the class even when the teacher didn't
instruct them. They often raise their voice to be heard in the class about what he or she wants to
say. Mostly, they talk about things that are either relative to the lesson or not. They give out,
also, either a positive vibe or an annoying state. Eighth, we have the funny ones. These students
give their best jokes through the materials given by the teacher. Often, they show their humor
side by answering questions or discussing answers.
A lot of behaviors have both possessed and shared by students in both public and private
school. It provides us links in creating an abundant society by knowing and accepting cultures. It
allows us to grasp their interior for the unity of being in diversity in the classroom.

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