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First of all, one of the approach for disciplinary action is preventive discipline.

The purpose
of this approach is to enhance the awarenesses of the employees regarding the policies and rules of
the company. In this approach, the company able to prevent from the behaviour and actions of the
employees is undesirable. If there is a knowledge of disciplinary actions before any mistakes
happened, it can prevent violations to be occurred in the company as the objective of this approach
is to improve the self disciplinary of the employees in their workplace. Preventive discipline is
proactive in nature. For example, employees goals should be in congruence with the organisation
goals and therefore as a manager, he or she has the responsibility to make sure there is no any
adverse goals occurred. In preventive discipline, the managers can conduct training for the
employees in order to enhance the knowledge about the rules and policies of the company. The
managers could minimise the mistakes conducted by their employees. It is a way of preventive
discipline which can used by the managers.

In addition, progressive discipline is another approach for disciplinary action which is also
the most popular approach. The effectiveness of the disciplinary actions should be in the way of
emphasising on correcting the problems instead of giving punishment. In the way of correcting the
problems to the employees, the company could have better communication with the employees and
so they could make changes about their behaviours. If the problems is not solved, and the
employees is only getting punishment from the company, it may increase the seriousness of the
problem. For example, oral warnings might give to the employees who conduct an improper action
or behaviour. When there is a problem occurred, the supervisors or managers should have a
discussion with the employee regarding the problem. Reasons should be told to the employees in
order for them to understand the mistakes that have done by them, so that they could improve
themselves and prevent from conducting it again in future. Through giving an oral warning, there
will definitely would not have any record regarding this issue to be in the employees file. Therefore,
it will be a high possibility that the employees will change and not conduct the mistakes anymore.
In the other hand, if the employees still continue to conduct improper actions in the company, a
written warning can be given to them as a reminder. It is a more serious way compared to oral
warning but it is a disciplinary action without any punishment. A written summary about the
conversation between the manager and employee will be recorded in the employees’ file to act as a
written warning.

Lastly, hot-stove rule is another approach of disciplinary action. In conducting the hot-stove
rule, the company should have their own rules and policies. The disciplinary action which will be
undertaken should be against to the situation but not against the person. In hot-stove rule, the
employees will be able to remember if they had been warning by the company about their mistakes.
They will not re-conduct it in future as they know what will they get if they conduct the mistakes
again. A consistent punishment will be given to the employees by not delaying the penalty, and this
could ensure the effectiveness of the punishment. If the penalty is to be conducted in a later time,
the employees will not learn from their mistakes as they taught it is a small case. An effective
disciplinary action is to be conducted with giving punishment to the employees immediately when
they did any mistakes which breaks the rules and regulations of the company. An investigation
should be conducted before giving any disciplinary action to the employees. This is because every
situations will have a different ways to handle, as consistency need to be included in hot-stove rule.

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