Shoot Five Plan

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Shoot Five Plan

For this shoot I plan on photographing the moments after/aftermath of making a cup
of tea, something that people around the world to multiple times a day and
something that is a very simplistic task. I have chosen to photograph this as it has
different factors that I can photograph, such as the used tea bag, the carton of milk,
and factors such as that, that go along with making a cup of tea. I will be shooting in
my kitchen, as that is where the tea is made, and where I will be able to photograph
household mess most effectively. I also will be using an experimental technique in
this shoot, of soaking my images in tea, to create a rough, and old look on my
photographs, to help communicate to the audience the aftermath of a routine, and
physically effect the images. I want my photograph to show the mess that someone
like Clare Gallaher, or the individual who tidies the house notices, that many other
people are oblivious to, and physically editing and changing my photographs will
help to reinforce this. The photographs also being soaked in tea will link directly to
the subject in the photographs, which is a good link. I will continue using techniques
such as depth of field, and flash within my photographs, as I want to go back to
showing the enclosed and claustrophobic tone within my photographs, as the
previous shoot was successful but the tone created wasn’t as meaningful as it had
been in the past. I will be using a digital camera, however if I got the opportunity in
future shoots I would like to shoot on film and explore with painting with developer.

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