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Journal of

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263

Effect of the thickness of the Pt film coated on a counter electrode

on the performance of a dye-sensitized solar cell
Xiaoming Fang 1, Tingli Ma *, Guoqing Guan, Morito Akiyama,
Tetsya Kida, Eiichi Abe
Institute for Structural and Engineering Materials (ISEM, AIST Kyushu), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
807-1, Shuku, Tosu, Saga 841-0052, Japan
Received 21 January 2004; received in revised form 23 March 2004; accepted 10 April 2004
Available online 19 June 2004


The effects of the thickness and morphology of a Pt film coated on a counter electrode on the performance of a dye-sensitized
solar cell (DSC) were investigated. Deposition of a Pt film ranging in thickness from 2 to 415 nm gradually decreases the sheet
resistance of the counter electrode. No significant difference in the charge-transfer resistance at the electrolytejcounter electrode
interface was observed for a Pt film thickness ranging from 25 to 415 nm. A high energy conversion efficiency of approximately 5%
can be obtained for DSCs based on a counter electrode with a very thin Pt film of 2 nm, as well as with a 415-nm thick Pt film. These
results are important for reducing production costs by reducing the required amount of expensive platinum.
Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pt film thickness; Counter electrode; Dye-sensitized solar cell; Performance; Sheet and charge-transfer resistance

1. Introduction which is usually an organic solvent containing the io-

dide (I )/triiodide (I 
3 ) couple. The I3 ions formed in
Since a high solar energy conversion efficient (10%) this regeneration process diffuse to the counter elec-
dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) was reported by Gr€atzel trode, where they are rapidly reduced to I by capture
and co-workers, the DSC has become the most prom- of the electrons migrating from the external circuit.
ising alternative to conventional silicon solar cells [1–6]. Overall, the DSC generates electric power from light
The photoelectrode of the DSC consists of a thin film without undergoing any permanent chemical transfor-
of porous nanocrystalline TiO2 nanoparticles anchored mation [7–12].
with a ruthenium complex as the dye-sensitizer, which Counter electrodes, as one important component in
harvests the light energy. Photoexcitation of the dye DSCs, are usually constructed of conducting glass sub-
leads to a fast injection of electrons into the conduction strates coated with Pt films. The roles of the counter
band of TiO2 , and then the photo generated electrons electrode are to transfer electrons arriving from the ex-
pass through the interconnecting network of TiO2 ternal circuit back to the redox electrolyte and to cata-
particles and are collected by the conducting glass lyze the reduction of the redox couple in order to keep
substrate. The oxidized dye is subsequently regenerated the overvoltage low at photocurrent densities up to 20
by electron donation from the electrolyte solution mA/cm2 , where the Pt serves as an electrocatalyst
In recent years, regenerative DSCs have been under
Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-942-81-3640; fax: +81-942-81- extensive investigation, which has focused mainly on
E-mail address: (T. Ma). the following aspects: the identification and synthesis
Also at College of Chemical Engineering, South China University of dye molecules that match the requirement of
of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, PR China. absorbing all light below a threshold wavelength of

0022-0728/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
258 X. Fang et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263

approximately 920 nm [15–18]; theoretical analysis on 2.2. Fabrication and characterizations of platinized
charge-transport processes and models in mesoporous counter electrodes
nanocrystalline TiO2 films [19–21]; substitution of sol-
id-state heterojunctions for the liquid electrolyte [22– Platinized counter electrodes were fabricated by de-
27], etc., whereas, few studies have been performed on positing Pt particles onto conducting glass sheets using
the counter electrode in the DSC. To reduce the fab- an r.f. magnetron sputtering instrument (TOKUDA,
rication cost of the counter electrodes, Suzuki et al. MODEL CFS-4ES-231USC; power, 200 W; deposition
[28] applied carbon nanotubes to the counter electrodes 
rate, 2.8 A/s). The Pt film thickness was controlled by
in place of expensive Pt, and Saito et al. [29] used variation of the deposition time. Measurement of the
chemically polymerized poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythioph- exact thickness of the Pt film was impossible for thin
ene) on a conductive glass as a counter electrode. films on the very rough surface of the FTO glass sub-
However, the conversion efficiencies of the DSCs based strate. The thickness of the Pt film was estimated for the
on these new types of counter electrodes were lower convenience of discussion. The relationship between the
than that based on the platinized counter electrode. Pt film thickness and the deposition time is shown in
Until now, platinized FTO glass has been the preferred Table 1.
material for the counter electrode of a DSC due to the The surface microstructures of the FTO glass and the
excellent catalytic activity of Pt for triiodide reduction; platinized FTO glass counter electrodes prepared were
however, less attention has been paid to the effect of Pt observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM,
film thickness on the properties of platinized counter Hitachi S–5200).
electrodes. The sheet resistances of the platinized counter elec-
We have performed systematic studies on counter trodes were measured by a four-dot method (HL5500
electrodes, including the effect of Pt film thickness on the PC Hall effect measurement system).
performance of the DSCs and the development of novel Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was
substrate materials for the counter electrode. employed to determine the charge-transfer kinetic per-
In this paper, we report the properties of platinized formance at the electrolytejplatinized counter electrode
counter electrodes with Pt films of different thicknesses, interface. For EIS measurements, a sandwich cell con-
including surface microstructures, sheet resistances, sisting of two identical platinized FTO electrodes, be-
light-reflecting properties, charge-transfer resistances of tween which a Surlyn film (Dupont, 50 lm) was inserted
the platinumjelectrolyte interface, with a view to eluci- as a spacer, was used. The active area of the electrodes
dating the effects of the Pt film thickness of counter was about 0.8 cm2 . The cell was filled with an electro-
electrodes on the performance of DSCs. lyte, which was composed of 0.1 M LiI + 0.1 M I2 + 0.6
M 1,2-dimethyl-3-propylimidazolium iodine + 0.5 M
tert-butylpyridine in methoxypropionitrile. EIS spectra
2. Experimental were obtained at zero bias potential and 10 mV ampli-
tude over the frequency range of 0.05–105 Hz.
2.1. Preparation of TiO2 working electrodes The light-reflecting property of the platinum mirror
surface of the counter electrode was determined by
Porous TiO2 films were prepared by a screen-printing measuring the UV–Vis reflection spectra of the dye-
technique (Screen: Mitani Electronics, MEC3000) onto sensitized TiO2 film, which faced the platinized counter
an FTO glass sheet (Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., fluorine- electrode and was irradiated from the front and back
doped SnO2 overlayer, FTO, sheet resistance: 10 X/sq) glass side, using a UV–Vis spectrophotometer equipped
with a viscous paste of TiO2 powder (P25, Nippon
Aerosil). The paste was prepared using 100% polyeth-
ylene 600 as a dispersion medium, developed by Ma Table 1
et al. [30]. Twenty-five pieces of homogeneous TiO2 film The performances of platinized counter electrodes with Pt films of
(area: 0.2 cm2 ) were formed on an FTO glass sheet at different thicknesses
one time. The thickness of the TiO2 films obtained was Sputtering Pt film Rs (X/cm2 ) Rct (X/cm2 )
approximately 14 lm. After drying at 50–60 °C for 15 time (s) thickness (nm)
min on a hot plate, the TiO2 films were sintered at 450 0 0 10 1.5  107
°C for 30 min, impregnated with a 0.05 M titanium 7 2 8.85 0.8
36 10 6.50 1.2
tetrachloride solution in a hermetic glass bottle at 70 °C
90 25 3.19 2.1
for 30 min, followed by a firing at 500 °C for 30 min. 180 50 2.28 1.6
The TiO2 films obtained were immersed in an ethanol 360 100 1.18 2.1
solution of cis-bis(isothiocyanato)bis(2,20 -bipyridyl-4,40 - 720 200 0.60 1.7
dicarboxylato)- ruthenium(II)bis-tetrabutylammonium 1080 300 0.39 1.7
1500 415 0.32 2.1
(N719 dye, 5  104 M) for 12 h at 25 °C.
X. Fang et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263 259

with an integrating sphere setup (JASCO V-570). The films from 25-nm to 415-nm thickness possessed good
UV–Vis absorption spectra for the configuration of mirror surfaces. Fig. 1 shows the SEM surface mor-
clamping the TiO2 film with the counter electrodes phology of bare FTO glass and FTO glass coated with
containing Pt films of various thicknesses were also Pt films of 100-, 200- and 415-nm thickness. As is shown
measured. in Fig. 1(a), the bare FTO glass has a rough scale-like
surface structure due to the fluorine-doped SnO2 layer
2.3. Photovoltaic characterizations of the 740-nm thick coating on the glass sheet, because
such a structure is considered to be helpful for the ad-
Current–voltage curves of the DSCs based on the hesion of the Pt film on the surface. It was also observed
counter electrodes with Pt films of different thickness that the 100-nm thick Pt film sputtered on an FTO glass
were obtained by scanning a bias voltage while mea- substrate is constructed of Pt nanoparticles with a grain
suring photocurrents under white light irradiation (100 size of ca.14 nm, as is shown in the inset of Fig. 1(b), and
mW/cm2 ) using a sandwich solar cell constructed of the for the Pt films of 2-, 10-, 25- and 50-nm thickness, the
dye-sensitized TiO2 electrode and the platinized counter sizes of the Pt nanoparticles are less than 10 nm (not
electrode. A 300 W Xe short ARC lamp (Ushio inc., shown here). When the Pt film thickness increased to
Japan) served as a light source. The photon flux im- 200 nm, the grain size of Pt particles grew to 40–60 nm
pinging on the cell was determined by a power meter (inset of Fig. 1(c)). Furthermore, as the Pt film thickness
(Nova, Ophir Optronics Ltd.) and a calibration cell (BS- increased to 415 nm, the granular surface microstructure
520, s/n 019, Bunkoh-Keiki Co., Ltd.). The composition disappeared, and an uneven Pt film was formed on the
of the electrolyte solution used was as the same as that F-doped SnO2 layer, as is shown in the inset of Fig. 1(d).
described in Section 2.2. It can be concluded that the grain size of the Pt particles
gradually increased and their porosity declined with the
increase in deposition time, due to the aggregation of the
3. Results and discussion Pt nanoparticles during sputtering.

3.1. Surface morphologies of Pt films sputtered on FTO 3.2. Effect of Pt film thickness on sheet resistances of
glass counter electrodes

For the surfaces of counter electrodes with Pt films of Fig. 2 illustrates the dependence of the sheet resis-
2- and 10-nm thickness, no obvious mirror appearance tance Rsh of the platinized counter electrode on the Pt
was observed, whereas the counter electrodes with Pt film thickness, that is, on the sputtering time. The sheet

Fig. 1. Surface morphologies of FTO glass and platinized FTO glass counter electrodes: (a) FTO glass substrate; (b–d) platinized counter electrode
with Pt films of 100-nm, 200-nm, and 415-nm thicknesses.
260 X. Fang et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263

mined by EIS measurements, as reported in the litera-

ture [13,14,31–34]. Fig. 3 shows a typical impedance
spectrum, which was obtained from an experimental cell
consisting of two identical platinized FTO electrodes
with a Pt film of 25-nm thickness. The equivalent circuit
for this type of cell is illustrated in Fig. 4, as was de-
scribed in the literature [14,33]. For high frequencies
around 100 kHz, the impedance is dominated by the
ohmic serial resistance (Rs ) , which represents the resis-
tance of the platinized counter electrode and the elec-
trolyte [31]. On the other hand, the impedance is
dominated by the RC network of the Ptjelectrolyte in-
terface, consisting of the charge-transfer resistance and
the capacitance (C) in the frequency range between 100
Fig. 2. The dependence of sheet resistance of platinized counter elec- Hz and 10 kHz, and by the Nernst diffusion impedance
trodes on Pt film thickness.
(ZN ) in the range of 1–10 Hz [33].
The Rct values for cells with different Pt film thick-
resistance of the counter electrode decreased gradually nesses were obtained by fitting EIS spectra using the
with an increase in the sputtering time from 7 to 1500 s, above equivalent circuit, and the values are summarized
and correspondingly, in the Pt film thickness from 2 to in Table 1. The Rct decreased drastically from 1.5  107
415 nm. The slope of the curve can be divided into three (FTO) to 0.8 X/cm2 by coating a Pt layer as thin as 2
parts: the Rsh decreased remarkably for a sputtering time nm, as is shown in Table 1. On the other hand, the Rct
between 7 and 90 s, with a Pt film thickness between 2 values are between 0.8 and 2.1 X/cm2 for Pt film thick-
and 25 nm; the Rsh decreased gradually for thicknesses nesses ranging from 2 to 415 nm, that is, no marked
between 25 and 100 nm with deposition times ranging difference was observed. Because Pt serves as a catalyst
from 90 to 360 s, and it decreased slowly for sputtering for triiodide reduction, the drastic decrease in Rct implies
times between 360 and 1500 s, when the Pt film thickness an acceleration of the I 3 reduction rate. As was dis-
was between 100 and 415 nm. The variation of Rsh can cussed in Section 3.1, the grain size of the Pt particles
be interpreted as follows: according to the SEM mi- increased and their porosity declined, when the Pt film
crographs, it can be conjectured that the surface of the thickness increased from 2 to 415 nm. This may be
FTO glass was not fully covered with Pt particles within
the deposition time of 90 s, while the FTO surface was
gradually fully covered during deposition times from 90
to 360 s. Moreover, when the deposition time exceeded
360 s, the grain size of the Pt particles increased and the
Pt film became dense due to the aggregation of the
sputtered Pt particles, so that the Rsh values were not
decreased markedly. These results indicate that the
conductivity of the counter electrode can be improved
by depositing a Pt film on a FTO glass; however, when
the Pt film thickness exceeds 100 nm, further deposition
gives no significant improvement in the conductivity.

3.3. Effect of the Pt film thickness on the charge-transfer Fig. 3. A typical electrical impedance spectrum for a symmetric Pt thin-
resistance layer cell taken at zero bias potential and 10 mV amplitude.

During the mediator regenerative cycle in DSC, the

oxidized species, I
3 , must be converted back (reduced)
to iodide on the counter electrode, according to the
following reaction:
3 þ 2e ! 3I

The previous reaction is confined to the surface of the
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit for the impedance spectrum in Fig. 3. N:
counter electrode. In order to compare the reaction rate Nernst diffusion impedance; Rct charge-transfer resistance of one
on Pt films with different thicknesses, the charge-transfer electrode; C: double-layer capacity of one electrode; Rs : serial resis-
resistances at the Ptjelectrolyte interface were deter- tance.
X. Fang et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263 261

caused by the decline in catalytic activity, because the

catalytic activity generally depends on the surface area
of the catalysts. On the other hand, as was discussed in
Section 3.2, the sheet resistance (Rsh ) of the platinized
counter electrodes decreased with the increase in Pt film
thickness, that is, the interconnection of Pt particles was
improved, which contributes to the electron transfer at
the counter electrodes. Therefore, when the thickness of
the Pt film was greater than 415 nm, the combined ef-
fects of the catalytic activity and conductivity of the
platinized counter electrodes resulted in no marked
difference in the charge-transfer resistance at the inter-
face of the electrolyte and counter electrodes. According
to the comments of one referee, the small change in Rct
may be explained by the high catalytic activity of small
Pt particles, and only medium activity for larger parti- Fig. 6. The UV–Vis absorption spectra of a TiO2 film illuminated from
the back glass side of the TiO2 film that was clamped to platinized
cles. The medium activity is counterbalanced by the fact
counter electrodes with Pt films of different thicknesses.
that there is more Pt present (greater area) in thicker
of the FTO glass substrate. On the other hand, when the
3.4. Effect of Pt film thickness on performances of the TiO2 film and the platinized counter electrode were
DSCs fabricated together, the absorption intensity was slightly
stronger than that without the platinized counter elec-
It is known that the counter electrode should have the trode. These results indicated that the reflective property
following characteristics for good operation of dye- of the Pt film could slightly improve the light-harvesting
sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells: (1) good conduc- efficiency of the dye adsorbed onto the TiO2 film. Fur-
tivity for transferring electrons, (2) excellent catalytic thermore, a broad absorption was observed below 500
activity for triiodide reduction, and (3) light-reflecting nm, due to the electrolyte, when it was injected between
ability for improving light-harvesting efficiency [6–10]. the two electrodes. When the Pt film thickness was in the
We have already discussed the properties of conductivity range from 25 to 415 nm, we observed no difference
and catalytic activity. The next subject concerns the between the absorbance of the TiO2 film clamped to the
light-reflecting properties of counter electrodes with Pt platinized counter electrode. However, it should be
mirror surfaces. Fig. 5 shows the UV–Vis reflection mentioned that there was increased reflection for these
spectra of the TiO2 film without and with platinized spectra in the 700–800 nm region. This result showed
counter electrodes. The UV–Vis absorption spectra are that the incident light-reflecting ability of the Pt mirror
shown in Fig. 6. The reflection spectra of the TiO2 film has an effect on the light-harvesting efficiency of the dye,
irradiated from the TiO2 film side are different from that when the incident light passes through the 14-lm thick
irradiated from the glass side due to the reflective effect TiO2 layer; however, it was not marked. Therefore, it
can be concluded that the incident light-reflecting ability
of the Pt film of the counter electrode is not a key factor
in the previous three properties.
To investigate exactly the effect of the Pt film thick-
ness of the counter electrode on the performance of the
DSC, all the dye-sensitized TiO2 films used were pre-
pared at one time by the screen-printing method, so that
they could be considered to have the same microstruc-
ture. Table 2 shows the performance characteristics of
the DSCs composed of counter electrodes with Pt films
of different thicknesses, and the photocurrent density–
voltage (j–V) curves of the DSCs are shown in Fig. 7.
When a FTO glass without Pt film was used as the
counter electrode, the open-circuit photovoltage (Voc ) of
Fig. 5. The UV–Vis reflection spectra of the TiO2 photoelectrode il-
the DSC was only 120 mV, the short-circuit photocur-
luminated from the TiO2 side and from the glass side: (a) with plati-
nized counter electrode and electrolyte; (b) with platinized counter rent density (jsc ) was about 1.9 mA/cm2 , and the overall
electrode; (c) illuminated from TiO2 side; (d) illuminated from the glass energy-conversion efficiency achieved was only 0.38%,
side. as is shown in Table 2. Such a low conversion efficiency
262 X. Fang et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263

Table 2 tween 2 and 415 nm. Therefore, a Pt film as thin as 2 nm

Performance characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cells composed of is sufficient for a DSC with methoxypropionitrile as the
counter electrodes with Pt films of different thicknesses
solvent of the electrolyte. This conclusion is in agree-
Pt film Voc jsc Fill g ment with the results obtained by Gr€atzel and co-
thickness (nm) (mV) (mA/cm2 ) factor (%) (%)
workers [14] and Hauch and Georg [33].
0 227 4.05 13 0.12 There is a possibility that should be considered,
2 680 12.50 60 4.90 namely, that the catalytic activity of the Pt film may be
10 705 11.35 61 4.92
25 702 11.60 59 4.99
reduced and saturated due to the agglomeration of the
50 690 12.10 62 5.17 Pt particles under the high r.f sputter power. For this
100 701 11.25 62 4.89 reason, we compared the performance of DSCs with Pt
200 698 11.40 64 5.08 counter electrodes sputtered under high (200 W) and
300 685 11.60 63 5.03 low (50 W) r.f power, and no definite difference was
415 694 12.50 60 5.18
observed. Therefore, it was clear that no improvement
of performance was achieved for DSCs coated with a
thick Pt film on an FTO glass.
Because of the durability and stability of the DSC
and the concern that a small amount of platinum might
dissolve in the electrolyte by oxidation and complex
formation with iodide/triiodide [35], accordingly, a too
thin Pt film should be avoided in the fabrication of the
DSCs. We tested the DSC cells having platinized
counter electrodes with different Pt film thicknesses, in
contact with the electrolyte solution for three months.
No deterioration in the performances of the cells was
observed, even for the counter electrode with a Pt film as
thin as 25 nm. These findings are important in practical
applications of DSCs, especially, in view of reducing
costs by being able to use a small amount of expensive
Fig. 7. Photocurrent–voltage curves of dye-sensitized solar cells com-
posed of counter electrodes with Pt films of different thicknesses.

is due to the lack of catalytic activity of the bare FTO 4. Conclusions

glass for triiodide reduction, as is evident from the
previously mentioned fact that the Rct at the interface of We investigated the effect of the thickness of Pt films
an FTO glass and the electrolyte is very large. On the sputter-coated on an FTO glass on the performance of
contrary, when a 2-nm thick Pt film was sputtered on an DSCs. In summary, the following conclusions were
FTO glass, the Voc and jsc of the DSC were strikingly reached: (1) The conductivity of the counter electrode
increased to 680 mV and 12.5 mA/cm2 , and the overall was gradually improved by depositing the Pt film at a
energy conversion efficiency achieved was up to 4.90%. thickness from 2 to 415 nm. However, when the Pt film
This result means that the electron transfer rate at the thickness exceeded 100 nm, further Pt deposition gave
electrolytejcounter electrode interface is increased, due no significant improvement in the conductivity; (2) The
to the catalytic activity of the Pt film coated on the FTO charge-transfer resistance at the electrolytejcounter
glass. It was clarified that the catalytic activity of the Pt electrode interface showed no obvious change with in-
film is a key factor for the performance of the DSC. On creased thickness of the Pt film; (3) The light-reflecting
the other hand, we observed no apparent difference in ability of the Pt mirror was not a key property in the
Voc , jsc and the conversion efficiency of the DSCs based performance of the DSC; (4) A high conversion effi-
on Pt film thicknesses between 2 and 415 nm. As dis- ciency of ca. 5% could be obtained for the DSC based on
cussed in Section 3.3, when the Pt films thickness is a thin Pt film of 2 nm. It was thus shown that the Pt film
greater than 415 nm, the charge-transfer resistance at thickness had no significant influence on the perfor-
the interface of the electrolytejcounter electrodes ex- mance of the DSC.
hibited no marked difference, so that the DSC composed
of a counter electrode with a thin Pt film can give as high
a conversion efficiency as that with a thick Pt film. The Acknowledgements
results obtained indicate that the thickness of a Pt film
coated on an FTO glass has no significant influence on The authors acknowledge discussions with Dr. Sato-
the performance of the DSC for Pt film thicknesses be- shi Uchida, Inst. Multidisciplinary Res. Adv. Mat. Res.
X. Fang et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 257–263 263

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