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Environment protection

We, as human beings, have been using the natural resources of the mother earth ever since. On
the name of creating a better life and living better, we started increasing our standards of living,
which as we can see it today, have brought us to the technology era. Although we have come far
during the last century, the environment we live in, has suffered a lot of changes due to manmade
factors. Hence, there are a lot of pros and cons. There are innumerous pros when it comes to
development of humankind in general, but also, there are many more cons. One of the greatest
cons is our ignorance of protecting the environment and Mother Nature. It is our moral duty to
do everything we can, in order to protect it. Instead, we are being ignorant and forget that it is the
question of our survival on this earth, that we are the citizens of its environment. So to speak, we
are degrading it beyond repair. There are many ways in which we damage our environment. For
instance, we have decreased the ratio of carbon dioxide by deforesting the nature. Furthermore,
we have impregnated the water and soil with hazardous wastes. Despite the amazing reviving
abilities of the environment itself, we have already crossed its saturation level. If we don’t start
protecting our environment now, it will decrease the chances of our and the survival of all the
other living organisms. By saving our humanity, we can grant a few more centuries of existence
on this planet, not only for us, but also for all the other creatures. We are the ones to be blamed,
it is our responsibility to raise the awareness of environmental protection and make visible
changes in our lifestyles. Only then, will we avoid the inevitable doom of human existence.

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