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Magazine article

Every year during the summer, a festival called Joyfest is held in my town Kriva Palanka. Moreover, I love
listening to music and I am a huge fan of the artists they bring each year, hence I never miss the festival.
This year the organizers brought very popular Macedonian and foreign singers. One of the artists that
performed was my favourite singer Tamara Todevska. She sang many of her songs as well as other
worldwide hits. The atmosphere was even more cheered up when Igor Djambazov came out on the
stage, due to his interesting performance, which is always a mixture of singing and telling jokes about
the harsh reality in Macedonia. I enjoyed the night even more because all of my friends were present.
Before the festival started we gathered at my home and pre-listened to the songs of the artist who were
about to perform. All in all, I really like that somebody came up with the idea of creating such music
festival and making it history.

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