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Listed Below is the University of Mary Washington’s Performing Arts Club Constitution. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Constitution of the Performing Arts Club of the University of Mary Washington

University of Mary Washington Performing Arts Club Constitution

Article I. NAME
The name of this club shall be the Performing Arts Club (PAC) of the University of Mary Washington.


The purpose of the Performing Arts Club is to promote, incorporate, create, and offer opportunities to participate in dance as an art form in the University of
Mary Washington community. The Performing Arts Club will work towards these goals by:

1. Creating an accepting and inclusive environment for anyone interested in dance as an art form.
2. Creating and putting on shows open to the Mary Washington community and beyond.
3. Providing performance, choreography, friendship and dance education opportunities to any student interested and willing.


Section 1: The Performing Arts Club prescribes to the statement of non-discrimination as provided by Virginia state law.

Section 2: Membership to this club is open to any undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Mary Washington who possesses an interest in
dance as an art form.

Section 3: UMW faculty/administrators may join the Performing Arts Club as “Associate Members”. Associate members may not run for office and do not
have voting rights. Any student beyond their fourth year at UMW may not run for an officer position.

Section 4: The Club will meet collectively each semester for, at least, Auditions, Studio Showing, Dodd Showing, and Big Show.
Section 5: Each member will regularly attend their dance rehearsals. Three missed rehearsals is reason for dismissal from a piece at the discretion of the

Section 6: Each member must complete a certain number of Pointes, predetermined by the officers, by the end of each semester in order to remain an Active

Section 7: At Auditions each member will sign a document agreeing to adhere to the expectations outlined by the document.


Section 1: All members must pay a bi-annual membership fee of $20 due to the Club Treasurers no later than Video Showing. Treasures will be in charge of
setting up a method to effectively collect dues.

Section 2: If a member fails to pay dues by the date assigned by officers (around the time of Video Showing), dues will be raised $5 for every showing that

Section 2: Members will be listed as either Active or Inactive. Active members are those students that have paid their membership fee, met Pointe
requirements for participation, and are attending rehearsals and club wide meetings on a regular basis.

Section 3: Only Active members may participate in club activities.

Section 4: Members who are not able to pay dues may receive an exemption from the staff/faculty Advisor, or from the Director of Student Activities &


Section 1: The officers of the Performing Arts Club will be the President, Vice President, Co-Treasurers, Secretary, and Co-Publicity. The addition or
subtraction of officer positions must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the current Club Officers and with the support of the Advisor. The President is
responsible for representing the Performing Arts Club at all mandatory monthly Council of Presidents meetings in accordance with the rules of the InterClub

Section 2: Only UMW undergraduate students may serve as offices.

Section 3: The duties of the President will be:

1. Providing  leadership to the Club.

2. Acting as the chief spokesperson of the Club.
3. Coordinating and conducting weekly officer meetings.
4. Scheduling and chairing all meetings of the Club.
5. Organizing activities sponsored by the Club.
6. Making necessary reservations for all non-social Club activities (i.e. studio times, Dodd, etc.).
7. Calling emergency meetings, pursuant to Article IX. Section 3.
8. Working directly with the Club Advisor to ensure the Club is operating within the expectations of the University.
9. Establishing an effective relationship with ICA, SEA, and other University administrative departments.
10. Guaranteeing attendance of an Officer at ICA’s Council of Presidents meetings.
11. Acting as the point of contact for SAE, the Dodd Theater Manager, the Theater and Dance department, school and local journalists, and community
service projects.
12. Maintaining the alumni network.
13. Updating and maintaining the Google Drive by organizing all online documents.
14. Creating and maintaining a ledger, during the first Choreographer’s’ Circle, of each member and the dances they are participating in.

Section 4: The duties of the Vice President will be:

1. Assisting the President with the fulfillment of his/her duties.

1. To help organize activities sponsored by the Club.
2. Assisting the President in making necessary reservations.
2. Taking the place of the President when he/she is absent.
3. Recording and dispersing meeting minutes.
4. Maintaining all club-wide communication.
5. Acting as the point of contact for other UMW dance clubs, choreographers, and the Club as a whole.
6. Providing support for the development of club activities.
7. Working with the Co-Treasurers to establish a budget.

Section 5: There shall be two Co-Treasurers. The duties of the Co-Treasurers will be:

1. Creating and maintaining any and all budgets.

2. Working with the Vice President to establish and manage a budget.
3. Meeting with the Advisor on a regular basis to review account balances and financial transactions.
4. Keeping a record of all financial transactions.
5. Keeping a record of club dues by creating a Google Document at the beginning of each semester with Active members.
6. Organizing ticket sales, fundraising, senior gifts, superlative gifts, and apparel.
7. Overseeing all major purchases and reimbursements.
8. Acting as the point of contact for photographers.
9. At least one Co-Treasurer must attend the mandatory finance training session held by the finance committee on an annual basis.
10. Making necessary reservations for all social Club activities.

Section 6: The duties of the Secretary will be:

1. Updating club member attendance on the Google Drive.

2. Overseeing all of the participation Pointes of current Performing Arts Club Members.
3. Cleaning and organizing the costumes in the closet in Dodd Auditorium.
4. Maintaining and updating the costume booklet on the Google Drive.
5. Assigning Committee members to costume closet related tasks (ie. washing, returning, organizing).
6. Printing and creating necessary forms and documents, not including forms for other officers.
7. Acting as committee chair of Costume Committee, pursuant to Article VII.

Section 7: There shall be two Co-Publicity Chairs. The duties of the Co-Publicity Chairs will be:

1. Promoting the Club and encouraging club members to get involved in advertising.
2. Working together to make and distribute programs and  flyers (approved by SAE).
1. Having prints made several days prior to event.
3. Each Co-Publicity Chair will have specialized duties. However, each Chair should be willing to help the other when necessary.
1. Duties of the Publicity Chair Webmaster will be:
1. All social media and advertisements online.
2. Updating and maintaining the club website.
3. Gathering photos from club events to use for social media and advertisements.
4. Cutting music for choreographers if the choreographer asks.
5. Creating the master flash drive for shows.
2. Duties of the Publicity Chair will be:
1. Leading all “ in-person” advertising (chalking campus walk, passing out flyers, and painting the rock on campus).

Section 1:  All club officers shall be elected to serve for one year. Elections will be held prior to the end of the Spring semester.

Section 2: Officer elections will consist of the following: Nominations, elections, and runoff elections (if needed)

1. Nominations – Nominations can be submitted during the week prior to the scheduled date of elections. Any active club member may nominate a
fellow club member to any of the club officer positions. Club members may also nominate themselves. Only members holding a current officer position
shall be eligible to run for the presidency and vice presidency of the Performing Arts Club. The President position must be nominated by a current
officer. Nominations will only be accepted during the week prior to elections. Candidates can be nominated for more than one position. Candidates
cannot run for more than one position. After nominations are submitted, nominees will be contacted and informed of the duties of the officer positions
they have been nominated for and given an offer to run for one of the positions.. Those running for an officer position must have at least a 2.5 GPA, be
in good social standing, and have met all expectations required of an Active club member (i.e. dues, Pointes, attendance, etc.).
2. Elections – Elections will consist of each candidate speaking for up to five minutes. Candidates must explain why they are fit to run for the nomination
they accepted. Active members present at the meeting will be allowed to submit a ballot in person. Active members not present at the meeting will be
emailed an online ballot. Votes from the online ballot will only be accepted until midnight of the day of the election. No other votes will be considered.
Ballots will be tallied by the President and Vice President. Election results will be announced in an email.
3. Run-off elections – In the event that there is a tie, a runoff election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes. An online
ballot will be sent out for runoff elections.

Section 3: In the event that an officer is judged to be deficient in their duties by 75% of the active membership with agreement by the advisor, they may be
removed by the club’s membership. The Advisor shall oversee the impeachment process.


Section 1: The only committee will be Costume Committee.

Section 2: Participation in the committee is voluntary and can be selected on the Audition Form at the beginning of each semester.

Section 3: Secretary will be the committee chair of Costume Committee. All duties of Costume Committee chair will be:

1. Communicating monthly with Costume Committee members opportunities available to participate in the committee.
2. Keeping the club officers and club Advisor aware of plans and intentions of the committee.
3. Becoming familiar with pertinent University policies and procedures.

Section 1: The club officers shall unanimously agree upon and appoint an advisor no later than April 1 to serve a one year team.

Section 2: The club Advisor must be a UMW faculty member or administrator.

Section 3: The club Advisor’s duties will be:

1. Meeting with the club officers on an as-needed basis.

2. Attending club meetings and club activities as needed.
3. Staying updated on club issues and intentions.
4. Meeting with the Co-Treasurers to review account balances and financial transactions.
5. Assisting, in necessary, with the implementation of an officer transition program.

Section 4: The Advisor shall be an ex-officio member of the club, and as such, shall not have voting rights.

Section 5: The Advisor shall have veto power over any decision made by the club, which is in direct violation of University policy.


Section 1: Meetings will consist of club wide meetings and rehearsals.

Section 2: A list of meeting and rehearsal dates shall be established by the club officers and shall be posted on the Performing Arts Club MyUMW Portal and
website no later than two weeks after club carnival.

Section 3: In the event that an emergency meeting of the club needs to be held, the President of the club shall have the authority to call such meetings. All
officers must agree in advance to the emergency meeting and at least 24 hours notice must be provided to all active members. Communication of emergency
meetings will be the responsibility of the club Vice President.


Section 1: All disbursements of funds must be approved by the  majority of the Club. The processing of the disbursements will require the signature of two of
the three students listed on the Student Organization Authorized Signer Form on file in SAE.

Section 2: Members should use the current SAE purchasing process to buy anything with club funds. All expenditures require an original, itemized receipt and
a description of the expense incurred.
Section 3: Any expenditure in excess of $100 must be approved by a majority of the club officers.

Section 4: All financial transactions of the Club will be managed through the University of Mary Washington’s accounting system.

Section 5: Only the authorized signatories listed on the Student Organization Authorized Signer Form shall have the ability to charge expenses to the Club via
the University’s account charge system.


Section 1: Amendments may be made to this constitution at any time by a two-thirds vote of the club officers.

Section 2: Members interested in proposing amendments to the constitution must submit the proposed amendment to the President no later than ten days
before the Club’s next officer meeting.

Section 3: The proposed amendment shall be presented via email to the officers no later than five days before the meeting where the amendment will be

Section 4: Upon receiving a two-thirds affirmative vote in favor of a constitutional amendment/revision, the President shall submit the amendment/revision
in writing to the President of ICA for review/approval by the ICA Constitution Review Board.


1. Auditions
2. Pointes

III. Rules for “Showings”

Section 1: Showings are informal performances of the progress of the Big Show pieces. Following the showing, choreographers will meet to discuss the
pieces. There will be at least three Showings spaced throughout the semester where choreographers may review dances. These Showings include Video
Showing, Studio Showing, and Dodd Showing. Date and location of Video Showing will be determined by the officers. Only choreographer attendance is
required for Video Showing. Date of Studio and Dodd Showing will be determined by officers. All Active members are expected to attend Studio and Dodd

1. Rules for end of semester Concert (“Big Show”)

Section 1: Big Show Choreographers

1. Applicants must fill out and submit a choreography proposal form to the club officers describing what they intend for their piece (length of the piece,
number of performers, music, style, etc.) before the deadline set by the officers.
2. The applicant must either be a PAC member (for at least three semesters) or a Professor of Dance at UMW.
3. The applicant must have choreographed for Small Show before they may choreograph for Big Show.
4. Members may only choreograph one piece for Big Show, unless there are special circumstances. The officers will designate special circumstances.
5. In the event of more proposals than can be accommodated, current UMW students have priority over alumni. Other priorities include senior pieces,
community pieces, and class year.
6. Following these conditions, Performing Arts Club officers have discretion in selecting pieces based on variety, style, length, and available concert time.
7. Performers will be selected by the choreographers based on availability and mastery of movement. Selection of performers for pieces will take place
after Auditions during the first Choreographer’s Circle held at the beginning of the semester and will be posted in the Goolrick Hall dance suite as well as
on the Club website. A choreographer may select no less than 5 dancers and no more than 20 to be in their piece.
8. Members may choose to be on the understudy list  during Auditions in case of a need be situation.
9. Choreographers are responsible for scheduling their rehearsal time during Choreographer’s Circle, and it will be posted in the Goolrick Hall dance suite
as well as on the Club website. The order in which choreographer’s pick a studio time will be based on the number of dancers in the piece.
10. Choreographers are responsible for all production aspects (including tech meetings with the Dodd Theater Manager and lighting designers) and
resources. They may seek reimbursement as determined by the costume budget established by the officers.
11. There will be at least one technical and one dress rehearsal before the concert. Attendance is mandatory.
12. If a piece is not ready for performance by the Final Showing of the semester, officers have the option to vote on the removal of the piece from Big
Show. Readiness is at the officers’ discretion.
13. If a piece contains plagiarized choreography, officers must be notified immediately and the PAC dance must be altered. PAC considers plagiarized
choreography to include: movements in a sequence that closely resemble a sequence from another choreographer’s dance, multiple movements from
another choreographer’s dance, the same music with similar themes and movements from another choreographer’s dance. (This rule also applies to Small
Show choreography).
14. All music selections for the shows must be edited and contain appropriate language for a safe friend and family environment. If choreographers fail to
do so, the officers have the authority to ensure that the choreographer changes the music in order to perform in the show.
15. All current PAC members will need to an amount of “PAC pointes “determined by an officer each semester. Members can obtain points from a variety
of different participation activities such as, fundraising, ticket sales, attendance, bondings, and any events on campus approved by an officer. Members
will be notified at the beginning of the semester with a solidified point opportunity list and will be given notice for any new point opportunities
throughout the semester. If a member fails to get points they will be on probation and the unearned points will carry over to the next semester. Failure
to receive points for two semesters in a row can lead to dismissal of the club. We foster a community experience in Performing Arts Club and want to
ensure that all members are dedicated and have high spirits when participating.
16. All members will sign a contract during auditions saying they agree to the terms and conditions of our club. If the member has any further questions
they can read our constitution on our website and/ or ask an officer for clarification.
17. Every member will be in at least one piece and no more than 3 on a given semester.

Section 2: The Rules for Piece Participation:

1. Members may only be in three Big Show pieces, and understudy one Big Show piece. Senior piece is not included in this.
2. Choreographers may not perform in their own Big Show pieces unless the piece is graduated from Small Show, or special circumstances arise. The
officers will designate special circumstances.
3. Members may be in as many Small Show pieces as their schedules allow, as long as their choreographers are notified, given the implications for Bump-
Up selection.
4. Choreographers may perform in their own Small Show pieces.
5. The maximum total number of Big Show pieces a dancer may perform in, including Small Show Bump-Ups, is five. There is only one exception: after
Bump-Up selection, if the piece a dancer understudies requires them to be pulled into the piece due to another dancer’s injury or chronic absences, they
may perform in six Big Show pieces.
6. Due to the cap on Big Show pieces, Bump-Up Committee must take under consideration the number of pieces dancers are currently in when making
their selection.

1. Rules for mid-semester concert (“Small Show”)

Section 1: Small Show Choreographers

1. All members who have been a member of PAC for TWO semesters may choreograph for Small Show. Other UMW dance clubs and classes may be
invited to perform by the officers.
2. Applicants must submit a choreography proposal to the club officers describing what they intend for their piece (length of the piece, number of
performers, music, style, etc.) before the deadline set by the officers.
3. All participants in pieces must be PAC members, with the exceptions of clubs.
4. Members are in charge of all productions and resource aspects
5. There will be one showing for small show choreographers in the goolrick dance studios
6. None of the pieces may exceed a time limit of three minutes.
7. Small Show choreographers may select costumes from PAC’s costume selection or personally provide their dancers with costumes. PAC will not
reimburse Small Show choreographers, and Small Show choreographers may not force their dancers to purchase costumes for the dance.

Section 2: Bump-Up Committee

1. Pieces from Small Show may be graduated to Big Show at the discretion of the Bump-Up Committee. This committee is composed of PAC members,
graduate students, and alumni who did not choreograph for, nor perform in eligible pieces. Eligible pieces include those choreographed by PAC members
or alumni and performed by PAC members. Special circumstances regarding exceptions are at the discretion of the officers. The maximum number of
pieces which may be graduated as well as those eligible for bump-up is determined by the officers prior to Small Show.
2. The Bump-Up Committee will be led by 2 PAC officers and they will meet in the HCC directly after small show to re-watch dances and give feedback
on eligible dances for our big show. Dances that the bump-up committee thinks will make the best addition to our big show will be selected and
members will be notified following the selection process.

1. Attendance Policy

1. Officers are required to attend all club meetings, which will be held as needed, determined by the current officers.
2. Officers will also hold bi-weekly meeting, separate from the club meetings.
3. All members are expected to be at their respective rehearsals, showings, and performances.
4. Choreographers will determine what constitutes an unexcused absence.
5. Excessive unexcused absences will result in removal from a piece. After accumulating two unexcused absences, the choreographer will discuss the
absences with the dancer. After three unexcused absences, performers will be removed entirely from a piece at the choreographer’s discretion.
Choreographers may not be allowed to accumulate any unexcused absences.
6. Lateness to rehearsals by fifteen minutes three times will be counted towards one of the performer’s unexcused absences.
7. All choreography missed by an absence at rehearsal must be made up prior to the next scheduled rehearsal time by the performer.

1. Rules for “Showings”:

Section 1: Showings are informal performances of the progress of the Big Show pieces. Following the showing, choreographers will meet to discuss the
pieces. There will be at least three Showings spaced throughout the semester where choreographers may review dances. These Showings include Video
Showing, Studio Showing, and Dodd Showing. Date and location of Video Showing will be determined by the officers. Only choreographer attendance is
required for Video Showing. Date of Studio and Dodd Showing will be determined by officers. All Active members are expected to attend Studio and Dodd
Current Officers’ Signatures at the Time of the Amendments:  Monday, September 4, 2017

Erynn Sendrick, President

Katherine Peterson, Vice President

Janelle Behm, Secretary

Amy Ha, Co-Treasurer

Lizzy Rader, Co-Treasurer

Abigail Nibblett, Co-Publicity Chair

Katie Wells, Co-Publicity Chair

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Drama Club Constitution

College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University
Drama Club
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
Drama Club will be the official name.  Hereafter in the constitution it shall be abbreviated as DC.
Section 2: Purpose/Mission
2A: The mission of DC is to promote knowledge of theater practices through involvement in various activities, events, and performances. We seek to involve the
entire CSB/SJU community in immersion and enjoyment of various forms of theater art, used both as for entertainment and for education. Activities, events, and
performances of the club include, but are not limited to:
•·         Conducting and hosting theater-related workshops
•·         Producing student-directed performances and monologues for the CSB/SJU community and the surrounding area
•·         Attending and discussing theater performances and touring the spaces in which such performances take place in
•·         Regular meetings to develop skills in all areas of theater, such as acting, directing, playwrighting, and designing lights, sound, scenery, costumes, make-up,
2B: We commit to following the missions of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University as Catholic, Benedictine institutions and will respect its
policies and guidelines.
Section 3: Affiliation:
At this time DC is not affiliated with any regional/national organizations. 
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility for Membership
DC is open to any student registered at CSB or SJU.
Section 2: Voting Member Criteria
A student becomes a voting member upon joining the club. To keep voting rights, the member must take an active part in the club by attending and/or
participating in at least 5 meetings/activities/events sponsored by the club during the school year based upon attendance taken at the meetings/activities/events. 
Section 3: Removal of Members
The process to remove any member who is not in good standing with the club is as follows: the student whose membership is in question will receive an email
notification from the club secretary two weeks prior to the meeting which has on its agenda the vote for removal. If the student would like to remain in the club,
he/she may notify the club secretary who will bring this request to the club officers for consideration.
Article III: Officers
Section 1: Officer Qualifications
The qualifications a student must have to be eligible to be an officer are as follows: GPA of at least 2.0 (confirmed on honor system), willingness to commit
themselves to the duties of his or her position, and must have some knowledge and a love of theater. All officers must be current CSB/SJU students and must
comply with Joint Club Board policies and procedures. See Article IV for Election procedures.   
Section 2: Elected Officers
The positions in a non-hierarchical structure are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Department of Student Activities contact person is the
President, the Co-Funding Board (CFB) contact is the Treasurer, and the Joint Club Board (JCB) contact is the Vice President.
Section 3: Duties of Officers
Terms of office will be the academic year, April 1 - March 31, unless there is knowledge of only being able to serve one semester, in which case two people will be
elected for that position, one to serve in the summer/fall semester (April 1 - December 20) and one to serve the spring semester (December 20 - March 31).
The Duties of officers are as follows:
•·         President: plans and leads activities at meetings with all officers, presides at meetings, calls special meetings, primary contact with the institutions, runs the
election process, and works with the Treasurer to prepare budget/allocation requests.
•·         Vice President: plans and leads activities at meetings with all officers, assumes President's duties in his/her absence, schedules meeting/practice
rooms/facilities, primary contact with the JCB, and plans member/officer training programs.
•·         Secretary: plans and leads activities at meetings with all officers, takes and distributes minutes of all club meetings, recorder keeper (current and past
members, files minutes, etc.), serves as club historian, notifies members of meetings, handles the official correspondence of the club, and maintains the club
•·         Treasurer: plans and leads activities at meetings with all officers, keeps all financial records, submits monthly audit statements to CFB contact (this is a
mandatory requirement if you receive CFB funds), notifies organization of financial issues, and prepares budget/allocation requests.
Section 4: Vacancy in Office
In the event a vacancy should occur (resignation or removal), provisions will be made to fill the vacancy.  In the event that the President leaves office, the Vice
President will assume those duties until a special election is held. See the special election section of Article IV.
Section 5: Removal of Officers
A petition to remove the officer in question must be submitted to another officer after consultation with the club advisor. This petition must contain the signatures
of 50% of voting members. When such petition is received, the President (or Vice President if the student President is in question) shall call a meeting of the club to
determine whether or not the officer should be removed. Grounds for removal are to be presented by the officer in charge at a regular or special club meeting. The
officer in question shall be provided an opportunity to present a defense either in person or in writing. A quorum shall be present, and a simple majority vote of the
voting members shall decide upon removal.
Section 6: Appeal of Removal of Officers
To appeal the club's decision, a removed officer may petition for signatures of 50% of the voting members in order to be reinstated. When such a petition is
received, the President shall call a meeting of the club officers and advisor to determine whether or not the former officer should be reinstated.
Article IV: Elections
Section 1: Nomination Process
Officer candidates will be nominated by club members or through self-nomination at the election meeting.
Section 2: Election
Elections are held at the designated election meeting to be once every spring before April 1. The Department of Student Activities will be notified of the new officers
before April 1. Election procedures are as followed: nominated officer candidates will give a brief speech to the club as to their motivations and intentions to
becoming a club officer, after all the candidates for a specific position speak, a vote by secret ballot shall be taken, the candidate with the most votes will become the
officer for that position. This process will be repeated for each officer position. A quorum will be present at the elections meeting. A person may serve a maximum
of two terms in a particular position.
Section 3: Special Elections
Within 4 weeks of vacancy occurring, a new officer must be elected. The same procedures from Section 2 are to be followed, with dates revised as appropriate.
Article V: Advisor
Section 1: Selection
The club advisor shall be chosen by a vote. 
Section 2: Duties
The advisor duties are as follows: explain institutional policy/procedure to club officers, provide continuity for the club from year to year, act as a resource to the
group, attend programs that may have liability/risk for the institutions, intervene when knowledge of illegal activity contrary to CSB/SJU policy occur, and attend
some meetings/activities.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meeting/Club Activities
Regular club meetings will be held every two weeks.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called in order to accommodate specific activities, discuss certain club information, and as needed.  The process used to call these
meetings will be by email.  
Section 3: Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order will be the guide for meetings.
Section 4: Quorum
All present constitute a quorum.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1: Committee Structure
Committees will be formed as necessary to plan and organize club activities/events. A volunteer club member will become the committee chair. 
Article VIII: Finances
Section 1: Co-Funding Board
The club will apply for CFB monies and if allocated resources, the club will follow all CFB and institutional regulations.
Section 2: Honorariums
Officers or members will not receive an honorarium/stipend from the organization.
Article IX: Amendments
Section 1: Ratification
The process to be used regarding proposed constitutional amendments: A petition for an amendment will be brought to the club officers who will add the proposed
amendment to the agenda. Proposed amendments to the constitution will be sent to the membership in advance of the meeting where a vote on the amendment
will take place. At a regularly scheduled meeting the vote on the amendment will take place. A quorum of voting members must be present and 80% of those in
attendance must vote for the amendment.  If the amendment is passed, the change will take place as soon as the DSA and JCB approve the amendment.
Section 2: Submittal to Department of Student Activities and Joint Club Board
Any changes made to this constitution must be submitted to the Department of Student Activities and the JCB.
Article X:
DC admits students without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and
other activities, generally accorded or made available to members of the organization. 
Article XI:
DC considers hazing to be a degrading and destructive activity which is inconsistent with the standards of this student organization.  DC recognizes the dignity of
every person and opposes all forms of hazing.
Date of recognition: October 2, 2003.
Date of revision: September 9, 2009



Constitution of Theatre CLUB 2015-1016


Preamble:                                         The students of J. Sterling Morton High School do hereby establish the Morton Theatre CLUB and ordain this constitution with the
following objectives in mind:


                                                              (a)  To put on quality performances for the students and general public

                                                              (b) To volunteer in the community by opening up performances to the public

                                                              (c)  To recruit and maintain membership always


Section 1:                                          Application for membership into the Theatre CLUB is open to

                                                              Any student interested in participating.

Section 2:                                          Any member may be dismissed from the Theatre CLUB because of misconduct, failure to meet his responsibilities to the club, or for
being absent from more than 3 meetings and/or activities.  An acceptable excuse must be furnished to the secretary and sponsor for an absence.

Section 3:                                          A member may be expelled from this club by a vote of the two-thirds majority of the club.


Section 1:                                          The Theatre CLUB shall have the following officers:

o President, who shall be responsible for

1. Presiding over all meetings;
2. Heading all standing and special committees;
o Vice-President, who shall be responsible for
1. All that the President is responsible for when the President is absent or unable to take part in the activities.
2. Take attendance at all meetings;
o Secretary, who shall be responsible for
1. Any correspondence determined necessary to maintain adequate communication with the membership, school administration, Student Council, or any
other agency.
2. Recording the minutes of all regular and/or committee meetings.
3. To furnish a copy of the SEMESTER REPORT to the Theatre CLUB COMMITTEE.
o Treasurer, who shall be responsible for
1. Collecting, depositing, and accounting of all the Theatre CLUB FUNDS;
2. Presenting a financial report at all regular meetings;
3. Submitting all invoices to the membership and to advisor for their approval for their acknowledgement before payment;
4. Recording all financial business in the record book distributed by the Theatre CLUB COMMITTEE.

Section 2:                                The above officers shall compose the Executive Board. The officers of an organization are not the only ones who have responsibilities.  Each
member is a vital part of the organization and has an obligation to take an active and informed part in the proceedings of the organization’s meetings.

The degree to which individual members become involved and accept responsibility for the normal function of organization affairs and the activities the organization
sponsors determines whether it will succeed or fail.  It is the responsibility of each member to attend all regular meeting and whenever possible to participate in the projects,
trips, and activities which the organization sponsors.

Before a student makes a commitment to an organization, the student should consider whether he has the time, interest, and dedication to meet the responsibilities or

A Good Member:
o Shows respect for other members by being on time and brining necessary equipment to the meetings.
o Accepts the responsibility of sharing in the business at hand when a meeting convenes. Understand that participation is essential.
o Tries to get other members to express their ideas for the benefit of all, even if it means less time for presenting personal ideas.
o Participates according to the “Golden Rule.” Listens appreciatively to other’s ideas and contributions.
o Gives constant, active attention to the group’s activity during the meeting.
o Knows the purpose of the meeting and helps keep the ideas on tract to get things done.
o Earns the right to give constructive criticism freely by accepting it honestly.

Checks on assigned responsibilities and receives guidance and authority to carry them out

Section 3:                                Each officer shall maintain his duties to the fullest extent in accordance with the rules of the Theatre Club and the rules of the school.

Section 4:                                Election Day of officers shall be the final meeting day of each school year.

Section 5:                                Qualification of officers is stated in article III.

Section 6:                                Procedure of voting is done by secret ballot.

Section 7:                                All officers shall assume the duties of their respective offices when so designated by the organization.

Section 8:                                The term of office shall be one year.


Section 1:                                The executive board shall set the dates for all regular meetings. The first step to effective organization is for all members of the group to have
a clear understanding of their roles and the roles of other leaders and members.  The person responsible for a job must know what that job is in order to perform it well.

Each officer has specific tasks to perform, but even a job description is subject to personal perceptions of what constitutes the job.  Obligations and responsibilities of
officers, members, and committees should be written down, analyzed, and evaluated each year.

The job description serves a threefold purpose:

o It ensures that the person holding the job knows the responsibilities of the job
o It provides the basis for evaluating the performance of the person holding the job
o It establishes what is important in the total organization so that resources can be organized accordingly

All officers should:

o Know and understand their specific duties and responsibilities

o Dress neatly to set an example
o Arrive early for meetings
o Always pay strict attention to what is happening at the meetings
o Keep the advisor(s) informed of all group activities
o Maintain a good academic average (2.0 or better) and pass all courses
o Remain in good standing with the Dean’s office
o Hold no more than 1 major office and 2 minor offices during one school year (a major office is all Student Council offices and Class President)
o Should attend leadership workshops and conferences
o Promote school spirit
o Accept all duties as assigned by the advisor



THE PRESIDENT leads and directs the group in its activities; helps to carry out its objectives; and serves as its representative to other organizations.

o Before a meeting, he or she:

PLANS the meeting and PREPARES AND PUBLISHES THE AGENDA with the help of other officers, committee chairmen, and the advisor.  He or she includes what is
to be accomplished and how it is to be achieved.  Together they determine the type of meeting and procedure to be used.

(Ex.: in informal meetings, they would decide on the technique to be used, i.e., brainstorming, role playing, etc.)

DELEGATE’s responsibilities

CHECKS notifications, committee reports, business items

CHECKS meeting place, equipment, etc.

ARRIVES in the proper frame of mind, knowing that planning and preparation are complete

o The president brings to the meetings:

A NOTEBOOK containing the constitution and by-laws, parliamentary procedure authority, a calendar, schedule of activities, and a list of members and committees.

A GAVEL, the symbol of office, used judiciously to obtain and maintain order.

ALL materials needed: agendas, pencils, paper, etc.

KNOWLEDGE and skills, integrity, friendliness, sense of humor, and a positive attitude.

o During the meeting, the president:

CALLS the meeting to order

FOLLOWS the agenda

LEADS the discussion

HAVE a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and other group techniques

--states main motion, calls for the question (vote), and announces the results of the vote

--votes ONLY in case of a tie

--allows equal opportunities for members to express opinions

--accepts reports

                  ORGANIZES and directs the work of committees through the chairman

                  KEEPS a favorable climate in the meeting

                  ENCOURAGES and sets an example in leadership, citizenship, and courtesy


                        --to call the meeting to order

                        --to state motions

                        --to announce the results of votes taken

                        --during the meetings

                        --when minutes are read

                        --during discussion

                        --during reports          

                  LISTENS attentively

                  PRAISES and thanks groups

                  SUMMARIES and evaluates often

                  MAKES THE MEETING the group’s meeting

o After the meeting, the president:

EVALUATES the meeting, the group, and his or her role, the achievements and the processes

CHECKS reports and minutes

SETS the machinery in motion for the next meeting

REPORTS to and consults with the advisor and, as needed, the Director of Student Activities

LISTS items to be researched

CHECKS work of committees

FOLLOWS through on recommendations and actions taken

PREPARES for future activities

SEES that the meeting room is put in order


The Vice President:

o Has the same requirements and knowledge as the president

o Is able and willing to take over for the president


o Should have important and specific committee activity assignments

o Can serve as the most significant leader within the committee structure

o Will maintain the club file which will contain a copy of:

o The club’s constitution and by-laws

o A financial statement covering each month’s financial operation
o A current list of members
o A list of activities, trips, or projects being sponsored by the club for the current school year
o The minutes of each club meeting



The Recording Secretary:

o Before the meeting

1. Notifies members of the meeting
2. Assists with the preparation of the agenda
3. Has the minutes of the last meetings neatly typed and duplicated
o During the Meeting
1. Takes attendance and keeps permanent records
2. Takes complete minutes: states clearly what took place, including the following:
1. Name of organization
2. Date and place of meeting
3. Who was presiding
4. Disposition of the minutes
5. Reports of committees (reports filed)
6. Records of all motions and results
3. Reads minutes clearly and distinctly and with enthusiasm
4. Assists the chairman
o After the meeting
1. Rewrites and types the minutes (corrections are made in the margin at the next meeting).
2. Sees that all who should have a copy of the minutes receives one
3. Checks with absentees
4. Files reports


The Corresponding Secretary:

o Reports, files, and answers all correspondence

o Keeps a file of clippings and relevant documents
o Writes notes of courtesy, thank you, congratulation, etc.
o Keeps copies of activity calendars and special events
o Communicates clearly
o Takes care of all publicity
o Produces a membership directory
o Maintains a file of important addresses
o Sends invitations to new members
o Aids recording secretary and takes over in his/her absence


The Treasurer:

o Keeps an accurate and complete record of all money collected and spent
o Prepares a budget for group approval, usually with assistance of a committee
o Presents reports regularly to council and DSA
o Works closely with the advisor
o Checks that all contracts entered into are signed by the advisor


Section 1:                                Any money collected by the Theatre CLUB must be handled in accordance with the Student Council and school rules.

Section 2:                                The Theatre CLUB may spend money with the membership and advisor’s approval only for the following purposes;

o To cover the normal operating expenses of the Theatre CLUB.

o To promote the Objectives of the Theatre CLUB.
o All other projects (expenses) should be approved by the administration and Theatre CLUB COMMITTEE.


Section 1:                                Special committees may be established or dissolved by the Executive Board or the club advisor.

                                                BY-LAWS THE CONSTITUTION


Section 1:                                A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the membership of the club.  No business can be transacted if a quorum is not present.


Section 1:                                The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of a quorum and/or of the membership.


Section 1:                                The actions of this club are subject to the approval of school administration and the faculty advisor.

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