Sonoda Et Al. - 2009 - Case Study of A Piled Raft Foundation Constructed Using A Reverse Construction Method and Its Post-Analysis

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Case study of a piled raft foundation constructed

using a reverse construction method and its post-
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Ryuuichi Sonoda, Tatsunori Matsumoto, Pastsakorn Kitiyodom, Hideo Moritaka,

and Toshihiro Ono

Abstract: A building and its foundation were constructed in sandy ground using a reverse construction method. The main
difference between a reverse construction method and a conventional construction method is that the piles are cast in place
and are partially loaded by the superstructure early during the construction process. It is only later that the raft (mat foun-
dation) is constructed to combine with the piles to bear the full building load. Therefore, the foundation is regarded as a
pile group in early stages of construction, while the foundation behaves as a piled raft after completion of the raft con-
struction. A simple conservative design approach was used for the design of the foundation. To examine the validity of
the design method, settlements of the foundation were observed during construction. The measured settlements were
smaller than those predicted in the design stage, satisfying the design requirements for the building. Post-analysis of the
deformation of the foundation was carried out using the results of the pile load test at the construction site, and the results
of the analysis are compared with the observed settlements of the foundation, aiming at an improvement in pile foundation
Key words: piled raft, vertical pile load test, reverse construction method, deformation analysis, water pressure, sandy
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Résumé : Un bâtiment et ses fondations ont été construits sur un sol sablonneux selon la méthode de construction inverse.
La différence principale entre la méthode de construction inverse et la méthode de construction traditionnelle est que les
pieux sont installés et partiellement chargés par la superstructure au début de la construction. Ce n’est que plus tard que le
radier (tapis de fondation) est construit et combiné aux pieux pour soutenir toute la charge du bâtiment. Ainsi, la fondation
est considérée comme un groupe de pieux au début de la construction, alors que la fondation se comporte plutôt comme
un radier sur pieux une fois le radier construit. Une approche simple et conservatrice a été utilisée pour la conception de
la fondation. Afin d’évaluer la validité de la méthode de conception, le tassement des fondations a été observée durant la
période de construction. Les tassements mesurés étaient plus faibles que ceux prédits à l’étape de conception, ce qui cor-
respond aux exigences de construction du bâtiment. Une analyse de la déformation des fondations a été effectuée à partir
de résultats d’essais de chargement sur les pieux au site de construction; les résultats de cette analyse ont été comparés
avec les résultats d’observations de tassement des fondations, ceci dans le but d’améliorer la conception de fondations sur
Mots-clés : radier sur pieux, essais de chargement vertical sur pieux, méthode de construction inverse, analyse de déforma-
tion, pression d’eau, sol sablonneux.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction of the allowable stress design, the piles take the majority of
the load (Poulos 2001) and the designers do not need to con-
In many countries (except for Germany), most pile founda- sider the settlement of the foundation in most cases. A pile
tions for buildings are still designed as pile groups, in which foundation designed as a pile group is thought to have an ad-
the contribution of the raft resistance is ignored even though equate margin of safety; however, such a foundation design
its contribution is relatively large, as shown by field monitor- is costly and construction work is time-consuming.
ing of actual buildings (for example, Kakurai 2003). If a pile In recent years, since Burland et al. (1977) proposed the
foundation is designed as a pile group with a conventional concept of ‘‘piles as settlement reducers,’’ there has been in-
safety factor (for example, 3 in Japan) using the framework creasing recognition that the inclusion of the resistance of

Received 28 April 2007. Accepted 10 October 2008. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 4 February 2009.
R. Sonoda. Yasui Architects and Engineers, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093, Japan, and Graduate School of Kanazawa University,
Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan.
T. Matsumoto1 and P. Kitiyodom. Graduate School of Kanazawa University, Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan.
H. Moritaka and T. Ono. Yasui Architects and Engineers, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093, Japan.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 46: 142–159 (2009) doi:10.1139/T08-111 Published by NRC Research Press
Sonoda et al. 143

the raft in pile foundation design can lead to a considerable Fig. 1. Amuplaza building in Kagoshima, Japan, after completion
economy without compromising the safety or performance of construction.
of a foundation. The design concept of a piled raft can lead
to a rational reduction of the number or length of piles, be-
cause the raft resistance is also considered in the design. De-
signers need to estimate the settlement more accurately in
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the framework of piled raft design, because each pile is

loaded close to its ultimate capacity.
Piled raft foundations have been used since the 1980s in
Japan (Kakurai 1987, 2003; Kakurai et al. 1987; Tanaka et
al. 1987; Yamada et al. 2001; Yamashita and Kakurai 1991;
Yamashita et al. 1994; Yamashita et al. 1998; Majima and
Nagao 2000), although the number of applications of piled
raft design is few. In most of the cases where piled raft
foundation design was applied and constructed, piles were
bell-bottomed type and were designed primarily as toe-
bearing piles. Two cases of piled rafts constructed using the foundation, and the appropriate selection of soil parameters
reverse (top-down) construction method were included in the used in design are discussed.
above cases. In the reverse construction method, piles are
constructed first, then construction of the basement floor(s) Outline of building construction
and aboveground floors of a building progress simultane-
ously. Hence, a piled raft foundation constructed using the Outline of building
reverse construction method leads to a greater economy (re- The commercial building investigated in this study was
duction of construction time and cost for the foundation). constructed in Kagoshima City, Kyushu, Japan, in 2003 to
Relatively many piled raft foundations have been con- 2004. The building has seven storeys and a basement, with
structed in European countries, and field measurements of a building area of 9000 m2, a total floor area of 50 000 m2,
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settlement have been carried out during and after the con- and a maximum height of 45 m (see Fig. 2). A Ferris wheel
struction of buildings (for examples, Cooke et al. 1981; was constructed on the roof of the building (Fig. 1). The
Hansbo 1993; Hooper 1973; Katzenbach et al. 1998a; building has a composite structure consisting of steel-
Sommer et al. 1991, etc.). The piled raft foundation method reinforced concrete columns and steel beams. The average
was applied to the foundation of high rise towers in Dubai contact stress on the raft disregarding the piles is 118 kPa.
(Poulos and Davids 2005). Piled raft foundations constructed The design requirements for the building were that the
using the reverse construction method are rare; an exception (average) settlement was not to exceed 25 mm and the incli-
is presented by Katzenbach et al. (1998b). nation slope of the basement due to differential settlement
Reasons for limited use of piled raft foundations con- was not to be steeper than 1/1000. Several foundation design
structed using the reverse construction method may be at- options were considered, and a piled raft foundation was fi-
tributed to insufficient field observation data of such nally adopted.
foundations and complicated design procedures. The first,
fourth, and fifth authors were involved in the design of a Site conditions
commercial building called Amuplaza (Fig. 1) constructed Boreholes were drilled at five locations (EB-1 to EB-4
in 2003 to 2004 using the reverse construction method. A and B-1) within the construction site to characterize the soil
piled raft foundation was adopted for this building. In the conditions (see Fig. 2). Boreholes EB-1 to EB-4 were car-
design, friction piles were used as ‘‘settlement reducers’’ as ried out in 1993 to explore soil stratification and to obtain
proposed by Burland et al. (1977). A conservative design distributions of standard penetration test (SPT ) blow count,
approach was employed in the design stage. Hence, observa- N, to depths of 50 to 65 m. Detailed drilling and sampling
tion of settlements of the foundation and the pore-water were carried out in 2002 at B-1, at the centre location of
pressure distribution beneath the raft were carried out during the building. In the latter borehole, primary and secondary
the construction work, to assess the validity of the design elastic wave velocity (PS)-logging was carried out to deter-
approach and to provide useful information on the behaviour mine velocities of the primary wave, Vp, and the secondary
of a piled raft constructed using the reverse construction (shear) wave, Vs, to a depth of 30 m below the ground level,
method. Furthermore, an auxiliary static load test on a test which was approximately the pile toe depth determined in
pile was carried out during the construction work, to obtain the design.
more realistic design parameters. The results of borehole investigations showed that the
This paper first reviews the design approach adopted and stratification at the construction site is almost horizontal.
presents the results of the field observations. Then, post- The soil layers to a depth of 60 m are compressible sand or
analysis of the foundation deformation is performed using sandy silt or silt. The SPT N-values are 10 to 20 to a depth
the results of the pile load test. In this post-analysis, a sim- of 50 m. The layer from a depth of 50 to 60 m is sand or
plified three-dimensional deformation analysis method (Ki- sandy silt, in which N-values vary from 20 to 42, as can be
tiyodom and Matsumoto 2002, 2003) was employed, taking seen in the borehole EB-2 of Fig. 2. Gravel with N-values
the construction procedure into account. The results of the larger than 50 exists below a depth of 60 m. It is common
analyses are compared with the measured behaviour of the practice in Japan to terminate the SPT when an N-value

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144 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 2. Elevation view of building, soil profiles, standard penetration test (SPT) N-values, and arrangement of piles. All dimensions in
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greater than 50 is obtained, because the results from further Figure 4 illustrates the reverse construction method em-
penetration of the SPT sampler are thought to be not reli- ployed in the construction of the building and the foundation.
able. The time sequence of the reverse construction method
Figure 3 summarizes the results of SPT and PS-logging at was as follows:
B-1. The ground-water level was established to be a depth
of 3.0 m. The total density of the soil, rt, was estimated (1) Cast–in situ concrete piles were constructed below 6.5 m
from the soil samples. The undrained Poisson’s ratio, nu, from the ground surface (Fig. 4a).
shear modulus, G0, and undrained Young’s modulus, Eu0, of (2) Steel columns having a length of 7.5 m were attached to
the soil at a small strain level were estimated using the fol- the heads of piles (Fig. 4b).
lowing relations of elasticity: (3) Groundwater table was lowered from the original depth
of 3.0 to 7.5 m below the ground level for the excava-
ðVp =Vs Þ2  2
½1 nu ¼ tion work that followed.
2ðVp =Vs Þ2  1 (4) The ground was excavated to a depth of 2.5 m to expose
the tops of the steel columns, and steel beams for the
½2 G0 ¼ rt Vs2 ground floor were connected to the tops of the steel col-
umns (Fig. 4c).
½3 Eu0 ¼ 2ð1 þ nu ÞG0 (5) Concreting work was done to construct the ground floor
(Fig. 4d).
(6) The ground was again excavated to a depth of 6.5 m
Reverse construction method employed (Fig. 4e). Note that the constructed ground floor takes
A piled raft foundation constructed using a reverse (top- the role of a strut during this ground excavation stage to
down) construction method was adopted for the building. ensure the safety of the excavation work.

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Sonoda et al. 145

Fig. 3. Distribution of SPT N-values and results of PS-logging at B-1.

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(7) Steel columns and beams of the superstructure were con- pile group stage was 70% of the final total load at the com-
structed for the first floor to the roof (Fig. 4f). pletion of the building. The remaining 30% of the final total
(8) Construction of the raft (basement floor) on the piles and load was supported by the piled raft.
construction of the superstructure progressed simulta- Figures 6a and 6b show the distributions of load incre-
neously, and construction of the raft structure was com- ments on the foundation from the building in stages of the
pleted at the end of December in 2003 (Fig. 4g). It pile group and the piled raft, respectively, while Fig. 6c
should be noted that all increments of the load from the shows the distribution of the final loads at the completion
superstructure were supported by the piles alone until of the building. The load distributions of Figs. 6a and 6b
this construction stage, because there was no raft resis- were used in the design of the foundation.
tance until this construction stage. Hence, the foundation
until this construction stage is referred to as ‘‘pile Design of foundation
group’’ in this paper.
According to the conventional foundation design concept
(9) Construction of the basement floor and the above-ground
in Japan, the subject building structure would be supported
floors progressed simultaneously (Fig. 4h). Note that
on 60 m long toe-bearing piles in the gravel below the com-
further increments of the load from the building were
pressible soils without consideration of the raft base resist-
supported by the raft and the piles in this construction
ance. However, such a design would be costly and
stage. Hence, the foundation in this stage is referred to
construction time-consuming. It was estimated that the cost
as ‘‘piled raft’’ in this paper. Note that the groundwater
for the foundation would be reduced from US$9.9 million
table was recovered to 3.0 m below the ground level at
to US$3.6 million, and the construction period reduced by
the end of February 2004.
2 months, if a piled raft foundation constructed using the re-
Tables 1 and 2 show the time sequence of construction of verse construction method was adopted. Therefore, a piled
the superstructure and the foundation structure, respectively. raft foundation constructed using the reverse construction
Figure 5 shows the time histories of the total load from the method was adopted as described below.
building and measured water pressure beneath the raft. As
mentioned above, the foundation was regarded as a ‘‘pile Design philosophy
group’’ until the end of of 2003. The foundation behaved as The following design philosophies were adopted for the
a ‘‘piled raft’’ after that time. The lowered groundwater table foundation of the building:
(7.5 m below ground level (G.L.)) was recovered to the
original groundwater table of 3.0 m at the end of February (1) The raft consists of a mat having a thickness of 0.6 m
2004. The increase in the water pressure of 35 kPa measured and beams having a height of 1.2 m to reduce differential
at the raft base (6.5 m below G.L.) corresponded to this re- settlements and to reduce its weight, as shown in Fig. 7.
covery of the groundwater table. (2) The bearing capacity of the foundation is estimated dis-
It is seen from Fig. 5 that the total load at the end of the regarding the existence of the piles, while the piles are

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146 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 4. Reverse construction method employed. (a) Construction of cast–in situ concrete piles. (b) Construction of steel columns to the
ground floor level. (c) First excavation work and construction of steel columns and beams of the ground floor. (d) Concreting work of the
ground floor. (e) Second excavation work to a depth of 6.5 m. ( f ) Construction of steel columns and beams of the superstructure, and the
foundation mat. (g) Construction of the foundation beams and concreting work of the superstructure. (h) Construction in stage of piled raft.
All dimensions in metres.
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used as settlement reducers, according to regulations for distribution of the loads shown in Fig. 6a that corresponds
buildings in Japan. to the maximum vertical loads in the pile group stage.
(3) Cast–in situ concrete piles are used as the settlement re-
ducers. Design model for foundation
(4) The ultimate capacity of the piles is designed to resist the The model shown in Fig. 8 was employed to estimate de-

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Sonoda et al. 147

Table 1. Time sequence of construction of superstructure in reverse construction method.

Average floor
Floor level No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 load (kPa)
RF (Roof floor) — 20 Jan 2004 20 Feb 2004 17 Mar 2004 7.8
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6F 10 Dec 2003 15 Jan 2004 13 Feb 2004 10 Mar 2004 7.8

5F 2 Dec 2003 5 Jan 2004 3 Feb 2004 2 Mar 2004 7.8
4F 22 Nov 2003 25 Dec 2003 25 Jan 2004 22 Feb 2004 7.8
3F 12 Nov 2003 15 Dec 2003 15 Jan 2004 12 Feb 2004 7.8
2F 2 Nov 2003 5 Dec 2003 5 Jan 2004 1 Feb 2004 7.8
1F 22 Oct 2003 25 Nov 2003 25 Dec 2003 25 Jan 2004 7.8
GF 5 Aug 2003 20 Aug 2003 1 Sep 2003 5 Sep 2003 15.3
Note: Bold type indicates construction in stage of piled raft. Construction areas are defined in Fig. 13.

Table 2. Time sequence of construction of substructure in reverse construction method.

Average floor
No. 1 Nos. 1 and 2 Nos. 2 and 3 No. 3 Nos. 3 and 4 No. 4 load (kPa)
B1F (basement) 12 Dec 2003 19 Dec 2003 8 Jan 2004 16 Jan 2004 22 Jan 2004 30 Jan 2004 7.8
Raft 7 Nov 2003 12 Nov 2003 19 Nov 2003 27 Nov 2003 4 Dec 2003 8 Dec 2003 24.0
Note: Bold type indicates construction in stage of piled raft. Construction areas are defined in Fig. 13.

Fig. 5. Time histories of the total load from the building and measured water pressure at the raft base. Construction areas are defined in Fig. 13.
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formation of the raft alone, the pile group or the piled raft. is the embedment depth; Nc, Ng, and Nq are the well-known
The raft was modelled by the beams, the soil beneath the coefficients of bearing capacity as a function of internal
raft was treated as springs connected to the beams, and the friction angle of the soil, f, which is estimated from an
piles were treated as the springs connected to the intersec- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
empirical equation f ¼ 20N + 15 (8).
tions of the beams. Interaction between the springs was not
taken into account, i.e., the springs were Winkler-type The allowable bearing stress, qa, was then determined by
springs where pile–pile interaction was also neglected. Note dividing the ultimate stress by a safety factor of 3.0:
that the bending rigidity of the beams was set equal to that ½4b qa ¼ qu =3
of the raft structure of Fig. 7.
In the design of the raft alone, c = 0 and N = 10 (f = 298)
Design of raft alone were used and the allowable bearing stress of the raft, qa =
The ultimate bearing capacity of the raft, qu, was esti- 200 kPa, was calculated by means of eqs. [4a] and [4b].
mated using the following semi-empirical equation specified That is, it exceeded the average contact stress of 118 kPa
in Recommendations for design of building foundations (Ar- from the building.
chitectural Institute of Japan 2001): The subgrade reaction of the raft, kv, was estimated on the
basis of Steinbrenner’s formula (Steinbrenner 1934). This al-
½4a qu ¼ acNc þ bg 1 BNg þ g 2 Df Nq
lows for multi-layer ground with finite depth.
where a is an empirical parameter (a = 1.0 + 0.3B/L, where In the estimation of kv, the values of shear moduli, G0, of
B is the shorter length and L is the longer length of rectan- the soils estimated from PS-logging (Fig. 3) were reduced
gular raft); c is the soil cohesion; b is an empirical para- by a factor of 5 to obtain the design values of shear moduli
meter (b = 0.5 – 0.1B/L); g1 and g2 are the unit weights of Gdesign, because the strain level in soils beneath the founda-
the soil below and above the raft base level, respectively; Df tion is thought to be large compared with the strain level in

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Fig. 6. Distributions of loads from the building. (a) Superstructure load increments in stage of pile group. (b) Superstructure load increments
in stage of piled raft. (c) Total superstructure loads at completion of the building.
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Fig. 7. Raft structure composed of mat and beams. Fig. 8. Modelling of piled raft used in the design stage.

value of G0/Gdesign = 5 was adopted in the design of the raft

foundation. The so-calculated value of kv was 5900 kPa/m.
PS-logging. The drained Poisson’s ratio, n, was assumed to
be 0.3. Note here that it has been well known that the shear Design of piled raft
stiffness of a soil reduces as the shear strain increases. For In the design of the piled raft foundation, estimation of
example, it was shown by Atkinson (2000) that a typical the values of the pile springs was also needed. The follow-
value of G0/Gdesign is about 4 for foundations. A conservative ing procedure was adopted for estimation of the pile springs,

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Fig. 9. One-dimensional model to estimate load–displacement rela- Fig. 10. Hyperbolic curve for shaft resistance versus local pile dis-
tion of a pile. placement.
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Fig. 11. Examples of load–displacement curves of piles in the con-

struction site estimated in the design stage.

because pile load testing had not been carried out in the de-
sign stage.
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Figure 9 shows the one-dimensional modelling of a pile

and soil used to estimate the load–displacement relation of
the pile. The pile is modelled as a series of linear elastic
springs while the toe and shaft resistances are modelled as mated as the secant stiffness corresponding to a target pile
nonlinear springs expressing soil deformation. head displacement. The target pile head displacement was
The pile toe load, Pb, was related to the pile toe displace- conservatively set at 20 mm, compared with the allowable
ment, Sb, by the following empirical relation (Yamakata et foundation settlement of 25 mm specified in Recommenda-
al. 1983): tions for design of building foundations (Architectural Insti-
tute of Japan 2001). For the target pile head displacement,
½5 Pb ¼ 0:757Esb AðSb =bÞ0:61 KP = 232 MN/m for piles with b = 1.5 m and L = 20 m,
where Esb is Young’s modulus of the soil at the pile toe, A KP = 278 MN/m for piles with b = 1.5 m and L = 25 m,
is the cross-sectional area, and b is the diameter of the pile. KP = 315 MN/m for piles with b = 1.8 m and L = 25 m,
Hyperbolic relationship between the shaft resistance, f, and KP = 351 MN/m for piles with b = 2.0 m and L =
and the local pile displacement, S, as shown in Fig. 10 was 25 m. Note that various pile arrangements were considered
assumed for the non-linear spring of the shaft resistance. to satisfy the design requirement that the pile head displace-
ment should be less than 20 mm.
S The pile arrangement shown in Fig. 2 was finally selected
½6 f ¼
S=fmax þ a from various design alternatives considered.
where fmax is the maximum shaft resistance and 1/a is the Design of pile group
initial tangent of the hyperbolic curve.
The foundation behaves as a pile group without the resist-
The values of fmax and 1/a were estimated from the fol- ance of the raft at early stages of the construction work in
lowing empirical formulas suggested by Uto et al. (1987) the reverse construction method. Hence, design of the pile
for sandy soils (eq. [7]) and by Yamakata and Nagai (1981) group was also required.
for clayey soils (eq. [8]):
The design procedure for the pile group was the same as
½7 fmax ¼ 3:53N; 1=a ¼ 1:06N that for the piled raft except that the soil springs beneath the
raft were set as 0, because there is no raft base resistance in
the pile group stage. The response of the pile group was es-
½8 fmax ¼ 0:5quc  98; 1=a ¼ fmax =0:0025b
timated against the load distribution in Fig. 6a.
where fmax is in kPa, 1/a is in kPa/m, and quc is the uncon-
fined compression strength of the soil. Performance of the foundations estimated in the design
Figure 11 shows the load–displacement curves of piles at stage
the construction site as estimated for the design stage. The Figure 12 shows the distributions of the calculated settle-
spring value, KP, expressing the pile head stiffness was esti- ment of the raft alone, the piled raft, and the pile group

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Fig. 12. Distributions of settlements of various foundation types es- Fig. 13. Arrangement of measurements and names of construction
timated in the design stage: (a) along section A-A’ and (b) along areas. All dimensions in metres.
section B-B’.
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Fig. 14. Distribution of measured settlements at completion of the

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along A-A’ Fig. 12a and along B-B’ Fig. 12b (see Fig. 2).
The maximum settlement of the raft alone was 29 mm and
the maximum differential settlement was 14 mm. In the
case of the piled raft, the maximum settlement was reduced
to 20 mm and the maximum differential settlement was re-
duced to 13 mm. The settlements of the foundation at the
end of the pile group stage were smaller than those at the of the settlement of the raft at 45 points and pore-water
end of the piled raft stage, because the total vertical load on pressure beneath the raft at a depth of 6.5 m. A track level
the pile group was about 70% of that for the piled raft (see was used to measure the settlement of the raft relative to a
Fig. 6). It was judged from Fig. 12 that the piles had suffi- bench mark with a precision of 0.5 mm.
cient performance to suppress the settlements of the founda-
The results of the measurements of settlements at the
tion below 25 mm during the pile group stage in the reverse
completion of the building (Fig. 14) showed that the settle-
construction method.
ments of the foundation were smaller than those estimated
in the design stage, which confirmed that the design of the
Field observations and pile load test foundation was appropriate. Details of the results of the field
In the design of the foundation, conservative values of the observations are presented in the section entitled ‘‘Post-
shear moduli of soils were used, i.e., the values of shear analysis of deformation of the foundation’’, together with
moduli of the soils estimated from PS-logging were reduced the results of the post-analysis.
by a factor of 5. To confirm that the design parameters used
in the design are appropriate to satisfy the design require- Pile load test
ments, and to provide useful information of the actual be- A test pile was constructed additionally at the location in-
haviour of the foundation for improvement of the design dicated by the ‘‘star’’ symbol in Figs. 2 and 13. The test pile
procedure in the future, field observations including meas- was a cast–in situ concrete pile having a length of 32.0 m
urements of settlements of the foundation and pore-water and a diameter of 1.0 m. Shaft friction of the pile to a depth
pressure beneath the raft and a pile load test at the construc- of 7.5 m was cut off by installing a double steel tube to this
tion site were planned at the design stage. depth. Axial forces were measured at six levels of the pile
(Fig. 15a) and shaft resistance at sections between the strain
Field observations gauge levels was derived from the measured axial forces.
Figure 13 shows the plan view of the arrangement of field Four working piles having a length of 25 m were used for
observations. The field observations included measurements the reaction piles as shown in Fig. 15b, where the distance

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Fig. 15. Conditions of axial pile load test. (a) Seating of test pile, soil profile, and SPT N-values obtained at borehole EB-2. (b) Arrange-
ment of test and reaction piles.
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Fig. 16. Load on pile head with elapsed time. vertical stresses in the ground. It can be seen from the figure
that the distribution of fmax is related to neither the SPT N-
values nor the effective vertical stress in the ground. This
fact encourages us to perform pile load tests to obtain the
pile performance at each pile construction site.
The results of the pile load test were effectively utilized
in the post-analysis of the deformation of the foundation.

Post-analysis of deformation of the

Analytical method
The post-analysis was carried out using a simplified de-
between the reaction piles and the test pile was 4.3 m. A formation analytical program ‘‘Pile Raft Analysis with Bat-
maintained load test with a multi-loading stage was em- ter piles’’ (PRAB) that has been developed by Kitiyodom
ployed and each initial load was held for 30 min, as shown and Matsumoto (2002, 2003). This program is capable of es-
in Fig. 16. timating the deformation and load distribution of piled raft
Figure 17 shows the results of the axial pile load test. Fig- foundations subjected to vertical, horizontal, and moment
ure 17a shows the relationship between the pile head load, loads, using a hybrid model in which the flexible raft is
Ph, and the pile head displacement, wh. The pile displace- modelled as thin plates alone, beams alone or a combination
ment almost ceased at the end of the load holding period of of thin plates and beams; the piles act as elastic beams and
30 min. Hence, it was judged that the measured load– the soil is treated as springs (Fig. 18). Both the vertical and
displacement curve corresponded to a ‘‘drained’’ condition. horizontal resistances of the piles as well as the raft base are
Figure 17b shows the measured relationships of the mobi- incorporated into the model. Pile–soil–pile, pile–soil–raft,
lized shaft resistance, f, and the local pile displacement for and raft–soil–raft interactions are taken into account based
each section of the test pile (see Fig. 15a for pile sections). on Mindlin’s solutions (Mindlin 1936) for both vertical and
The shaft resistance, f, of each section tends to increase even horizontal forces.
at a local pile displacement beyond 12 mm. However, the For soil profiles that are arbitrarily layered and (or) under-
measured maximum value of f was taken as the maximum lain by a rigid bed stratum, the vertical soil spring, KzR , at
shaft friction, fmax, of each section in the back-analysis of raft nodes, the vertical soil spring, KzPb , at pile base nodes,
the pile load test. and the vertical soil spring, KzP , at pile shaft nodes are esti-
Figure 17c shows the distribution of fmax with depth, to- mated to include the influence of finite layered soils follow-
gether with the profiles of SPT N-values and the effective ing Lee (1991).

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152 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 17. Results of axial pile load test. (a) Relationship between pile head load and pile head displacement. (b) Relationship between shaft
resistance and local pile displacement. (c) Distribution of maximum shaft resistance, fmax, together with profiles of SPT N-values and effec-
tive vertical stresses in the ground.
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Fig. 18. Hybrid modelling of raft, piles, and soil.

4Ga 1
½9 KzR¼
1  ns 1  expðh=2aÞ
Pb 4Gb ro 1
½10 Kz ¼
1  ns 1  expðh =2ro Þ

½11 KzP ¼
lnðrm =ro Þ
2 np 3
6 Gi Li rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7
6 i¼1 Gm 7
½12 6
rm ¼ 2:56 cLð1  ns Þ7
G L G 7;
4 m b 5

c ¼ 1  expð1  h=LÞ
where a is the equivalent radius of the raft element, ns is the
Poisson’s ratio of the soil, h is the finite soil depth, h* is the
distance between the pile toe and the rigid bed stratum, ro is

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Sonoda et al. 153

the pile radius, np is the total number of soil layers along the Fig. 19. Modelling of the test single pile and ground.
pile length, and DL and L are the pile segment length and
the pile length, respectively. Gb is the soil shear modulus
below pile toe, G is the soil shear modulus, Gm is the max-
imum soil shear modulus, and Gi and Li are, respectively,
the shear modulus and the length of pile embedded in soil
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layer i. G is the equivalent shear modulus that can be deter-

mined following Fraser and Wardle (1976):
½13 G¼
2ð1 þ ns Þ

1 Xn
½14 ¼ DIi =DItotal
Es E
i¼1 si

where E s is the equivalent Young’s modulus, Esi is the

Young’s modulus for soil layer number i in the n-layered
system, and I is the vertical settlement influence factor that
is given by Harr (1966). DIi ¼ Iðzitop Þ  Iðzibottom Þ where zitop
and zibottom are, respectively, the depths below the surface of
the top and bottom of layer number i and DItotal = I(0) –
I(h), where h is the finite soil depth as defined earlier.
The horizontal springs, KxR and KyR , at raft nodes, and hor-
izontal springs, KxPb and KyPb , at pile base nodes are esti-
mated by means of eqs. [15] and [16], and the horizontal
soil springs, KxP and KyP , at pile shaft nodes are estimated by
For personal use only.

means of eq. [17]. As for loading in the horizontal direction,

the near-surface soil layers tend to be the most influential.
Hence, the soil shear modulus Gr, which is the shear modu- Fig. 20. Comparison of measured and analysed load–displacement
lus of the soil layer just beneath the raft, is employed in the curves of the test pile.
estimation of the horizontal springs at the raft nodes.
32ð1  ns ÞGr a
½15 KxR ¼ KyR ¼
7  8ns

32ð1  ns ÞGb r0
½16 KxPb ¼ KyPb ¼
7  8ns

½17 KxP ¼ KyP ¼ zEs DL

where z = pb/rEs in which p is the lateral distributed force
acting along the pile element and r is the corresponding lat-
eral displacement at each pile node calculated using the in-
tegral equation method by Poulos and Davis (1980).
When using PRAB to analyse the problem of a pile
group, no contact stress is assumed to act beneath the raft.
not taken into account in the back-analysis of the pile load
Back-analysis of axial pile load test test.
To determine the soil parameters appropriately, back- Figure 20 shows comparison of the analysed and meas-
analysis of the axial static load test of the test pile was car- ured load–displacement curves of the pile head and the pile
ried out prior to the analysis of the whole foundation. The toe. Good matching was obtained when the shear modulus
PRAB program was used for this back-analysis. of the soil obtained from PS-logging was reduced by a fac-
Figure 19 shows the modelling of the test single pile and tor of 2 for the soils surrounding the pile shaft and by a fac-
the ground. The ground below the friction cut area was tor of 5 for the soil beneath the pile toe. These reductions in
modelled. A Young’s modulus of the pile of Ep = the shear moduli of the soils may be reasonable, if we con-
2.27  107 kPa was used. As mentioned earlier, the distance sider disturbance of the soils around the pile and the differ-
between the reaction piles and the test pile was 4.3 m (see ence in strain levels between the pile load test and PS-
Fig. 15b). In this case, it was shown by Kitiyodom et al. logging, i.e., large strains occur in the soil around the pile
(2004) that the influence of the reaction piles on the test in the pile load test.
pile is small. Therefore, the effects of the reaction piles are Such reductions in the shear moduli of the soils around

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154 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 21. Modelling of foundation and ground. Fig. 22. Construction areas of superstructure in stages of pile group
and piled raft, and foundation model.
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY on 10/15/15

cient (Table 3), and St is parameter depending on soil type

(Table 4).
SPT N-values at points B-1 and EB-2, Vs measured by
means of PS-logging at point B-1, and Vs at point EB-2 esti-
mated using eq. [18] are indicated in Fig. 21. SPT N-values
For personal use only.

at points B-1 and EB-2 are very similar to a depth of 30 m,

and it is seen that Vs measured by means of PS-logging and
estimated using the empirical eq. [18] are almost identical to
Table 3. Properties of geological time coefficient Yg. a depth of 30 m. Based on these results, the variation of the
shear modulus at small strain levels, G0, to a depth of 63 m
Alluvial formation Diluvial formation
was estimated by means of eq. [19] and indicated in Fig. 21.
Yg 1.000 1.303
½19 G0 ¼ rt Vs2
Table 4. Properties of parameter St. where rt = 1.6 Mg/m3 was assumed for depths greater than
30 m.
Sand Note that interaction factors and soil springs at the raft
Coarse nodes were calculated using the shear moduli, G0, at small
Clay Fine Medium Coarse Gravel fragment strain level shown in Fig. 21, while the reduced shear mod-
St 1.000 1.086 1.066 1.135 1.153 1.448 uli estimated from the back-analysis of the static pile load
test mentioned in the previous section were used for estima-
tion of the soil springs at the pile nodes.
the pile are also considered in the post-analysis of the whole
foundation. Figure 22 shows a side view of the building and the three-
dimensional expression of the foundation model. In the
modelling of the foundation structure, the raft was modelled
Analyses of the whole foundation system by a combination of thin plates and beams. The raft base
Figure 21 shows the modelling of the foundation and the was located at 6.5 m below the original ground surface. In
ground. It was judged that modelling of the ground to the the analysis, the construction of the superstructure was div-
depth of 63 m is needed when analysing the whole founda- ided into two stages in which the foundation acted as a ‘‘pile
tion, because the influence of the wide length of the raft of group’’ and as a ‘‘piled raft.’’ The area of the superstructure
156 m reaches to deeper depths. Note here that SPT N-values that was constructed in the stage of piled raft is indicated by
for depths greater than 63 m were very large and the depth of the hatching.
63 m was assumed to be a bed stratum where no settlement
In the deformation analysis of the whole structure, rigidity
occurred. As mentioned earlier, PS-logging was carried out
of the superstructure was neglected and vertical loads from
to a depth of 30 m at point B-1. Hence, shear wave velocities,
the superstructure (see Fig. 6) were directly applied on the
Vs (in m/s), of the soils deeper than 30 m were estimated us-
raft nodes. The analysis was carried out in two stages. The
ing an empirical eq. [18] proposed by Ohta and Goto (1976).
first stage was the deformation analysis in the pile group
½18 Vs ¼ 68:79N 0:171 H 0:199 Yg St stage where the raft resistance was not considered. The dis-
tribution of load increments of Fig. 6a was applied on the
where H is depth from G.L. (m), Yg is geologic time coeffi- raft in this analysis. The deformation analysis in the piled

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Sonoda et al. 155

Fig. 23. Calculated and measured settlements of the raft (at y = Fig. 24. Calculated and measured settlements of the raft (at y =
16.2 m). (a) Increments of settlements in pile group stage. (b) In- 40.5 m). (a) Increments of settlements in pile group stage. (b) In-
crements of settlements in piled raft stage. (c) Total settlements at crements of settlements in piled raft stage. (c) Total settlements at
the completion of construction. completion of construction.
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raft stage was carried out after the end of the first stage, tak- Figures 23 to 26 show the comparisons of the calculated
ing into account the existence of the raft resistance. The and measured settlements of the raft. Figure 23 shows the
stress conditions at the end of the first stage were used for distributions of calculated and measured settlements of the
the initial conditions in the second stage. The distribution of raft in the x-direction at y = 16.2 m. Increments of settle-
load increments of Fig. 6b was applied on the raft in the ments in the pile group stage are shown in Fig. 23a, those
analysis of the piled raft, and a uniform uplift water pressure in stage of piled raft are shown in Fig. 23b, and the total
of 35 kPa due to the recovery of the lowered groundwater settlements at the final construction stage are shown in
table with respect to the original ground water table (3.0 m Fig. 23c. Similar results are shown in Fig. 24 for distribu-
below G.L.) was also applied to the raft. tions of settlements in the x-direction at y = 40.5 m, in

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156 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 25. Calculated and measured settlements of the raft (at x = Fig. 26. Calculated and measured settlements of the raft (at x =
34.8 m). (a) Increments of settlements in pile group stage. (b) In- 132.0 m). (a) Increments of settlements in pile group stage. (b) In-
crements of settlements in piled raft stage. (c) Total settlements at crements of settlements in piled raft stage. (c) Total settlements at
the completion of construction. the completion of construction.
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Fig. 25 for distributions of settlements in the y-direction at Figure 27 shows the three-dimensional expression of the
x = 34.8 m, and in Fig. 26 for distributions of settlements in calculated settlements of the raft. It is seen that dish-shaped
the y-direction at x = 132.0 m. It is seen from Figs. 23 to 26 settlement patterns occur in pile group and piled raft,
that although the analysis tends to overestimate the meas- although the average settlement is less than 10 mm and the
ured settlements in the the pile group foundation stage and flexure of the raft is less than 1/2000. The use of the con-
underestimate the measured settlements in the piled raft cept of ‘‘centred piles’’ proposed by Horikoshi and Randolph
foundation stage, the analysis predicted the measured total (1998) may reduce differential settlements more effectively.
settlements fairly well. Figure 28 shows the calculated pile head loads at the

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Sonoda et al. 157

Fig. 27. Calculated distribution of settlements of the raft. (a) Increments of settlements in pile group stage. (b) Increments of settlements in
piled raft stage. (c) Total settlements at the completion of construction. Disp., displacement.
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Fig. 28. Calculated pile head loads at the completion of the build- Conclusions
A case study of a piled raft foundation for a building con-
structed using the reverse construction method was pre-
sented. The foundation system acted as a pile group in
earlier construction stages and then acted as a piled raft in
later construction stages in the reverse construction method.
A conservative design method was used to design the foun-
dation system. Detailed field measurements including settle-
ments of the raft and the pore-water pressure beneath the
raft as well as a static load test of a test pile were carried
out during the construction work. The field measurements
revealed that the average and differential settlements were
sufficiently less than the allowable values.
Post-analysis of the foundation system was carried out us-
ing a simplified three-dimensional deformation analysis
method. The shear moduli of the ground at small strain lev-
els were estimated from PS-logging and shear moduli at
large stain levels were estimated from back-analysis of the
static pile load test. The shear moduli at large strain leves
completion of the building. In the design stage, the ultimate were used to estimate soil springs at the pile nodes, whereas
bearing capacity of the piles was estimated as 10 MN typi- the shear moduli at small strain levels were used to estimate
cally. The results of the analysis suggest that the pile head the interaction factors. The calculated results predicted the
loads on all the piles are less than the ultimate bearing ca- measured settlements of the foundation well in both pile
pacity of the piles. group and piled raft stages.

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158 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

It should be noted here that the shear moduli of the soils national Geotechnical Seminar on Deep Foundations on Bored
at small strain levels estimated from empirical equations us- and Auger Piles, Ghent, Belgium, 19–21 October 1998. Edited
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liability of the calculation results depends on the reliability dam, the Netherlands. pp. 215–221.
of the empirical equations. Katzenbach, R., Moormann, C., and Quick, H. 1998b. A new con-
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Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY on 10/15/15

This case study suggests that estimation of shear moduli combining top/down method and pile raft foundation. In Pro-
of the soils at small strain levels via PS-logging and estima- ceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on
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points in calculation of deformation of the foundation when pp. 5.17.1–5.17.13.
a simplified analytical method is used. Kitiyodom, P., and Matsumoto, T. 2002. A simplified analysis
method for piled raft and pile group foundations with batter
Acknowledgements piles. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Meth-
The authors deeply thank Kyushu Railway Company and ods in Geomechanics, 26(13): 1349–1369. doi:10.1002/nag.248.
Kitiyodom, P., and Matsumoto, T. 2003. A simplified analysis
Kagoshima Terminal Building Corporation for their permis-
method for piled raft foundations in non-homogeneous soils. In-
sion to use the valuable field measurement data.
ternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in
Geomechanics, 27(2): 85–109. doi:10.1002/nag.264.
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