Tarea Nº 10 Carlos Javier Acosta Zamora PDF

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Nº DE LA TAREA: Tarea nº10


NOMBRE – APELLIDOS ALUMNO: Carlos Javier Acosta Zamora

DNI: 43.793.508-J

1.- E-commerce.

E-commerce refers to the sale to the final consumer through the Internet of products or

2.- E-bussiness.

E-business, a broader concept that involves the use of the Internet in the processes and
activities of the company, from the productive, logistics, financial, commercial, training, etc.

3.- Outsourcing.

An option widely used by companies that sell their products over the Internet is to outsource
some or all of their logistics activities to logistics operators.

4.- What is SAP ?

The ASP company is for the information the same as it is a logistics operator for the products.
The services provided by ASP companies will allow companies to use sophisticated
information management tools at low cost.

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