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Satisfaction survey data.

I am satisfied with my working environment in this company

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

17 14 0 0 0

I am satisfied with my working environment in this company

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 17 are strongly
satisfied, among them 14 responders are satisfied, 0 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0
strongly dissatisfied. That means more employees are strongly satisfied to their working environment in
this company.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied to their working environment in this
Satisfaction survey data.2

I am satisfied with the overall job security that are provided from my company

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

16 10 5 0 0

I am satisfied with the overall job security that are provided from my

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 16 are strongly
satisfied, among them 10 responders are satisfied, 5 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0
strongly dissatisfied. That means more employees are strongly satisfied to their overall job security that
are provided from company.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral to their overall
job security that are provided from company.
Satisfaction survey data.3

The company paid the basic salary on time

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

12 18 1 0 0

The company paid the basic salary on time

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 12 are strongly
satisfied, among them 18 responders are satisfied, 1 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0
strongly dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied to The Company are paid the basic salary
on time.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral to The
Company paid the basic salary on time.
Satisfaction survey data.4

I am satisfied with my dearness allowance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

5 14 9 3 0

I am satisfied with my dearness allowence

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 5 are strongly satisfied,
among them 14 responders are satisfied, 9 are neutral, 3 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company dearness allowance.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and others
dissatisfied with the company dearness allowance.
Satisfaction survey data.5

I am satisfied with my house rent allowance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

5 11 15 0 0

I am satisfied with my house rent allowence

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 5 are strongly satisfied,
among them 11 responders are satisfied, 15 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company house rent allowance.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied with the
company house rent allowance.
Satisfaction survey data.6

I am satisfied with my house loan allowance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

5 13 12 1 0

I am satisfied with me house loan allowence

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 5 are strongly satisfied,
among them 13 responders are satisfied, 12 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company house loan allowance.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the company house loan allowance.
Satisfaction survey data.7

I am satisfied with my travel allowance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

7 9 15 0 0

I am satisfied with my travel allowence

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 7 are strongly satisfied,
among them 9 responders are satisfied, 15 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company travel allowance.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied with the
company travel allowance.
Satisfaction survey data.8

The company paid the bonus in just time

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

16 13 3 0 0

The company paid the bonus in just time

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 16 are strongly
satisfied, among them 13 responders are satisfied, 3 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0
strongly dissatisfied. That means more employees are strongly satisfied with the company paid the
bonus in just time.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company paid the bonus in just time.
Satisfaction survey data.9

I am satisfied with my level of increment and welfare facilities

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

9 16 5 1 0

I am satisfied with my level of increment and welfare facilities

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 9 are strongly satisfied,
among them 16 responders are satisfied, 5 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company level of increment and welfare

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the company level of increment and welfare facilities.
Satisfaction survey data.10

The increment increase in the correct proportion in every year

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

7 17 6 1 0

The increment increase in the correct proportion in every year

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 7 are strongly satisfied,
among them 17 responders are satisfied, 6 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company increment increase in the
correct proportion in every year.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the company increment increase in the correct proportion in every year.
Satisfaction survey data.11

The incentive are always given in the correct proportion in every year

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

7 16 5 2 1

The incentive are always given in the correct proportion in every year

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 7 are strongly satisfied,
among them 16 responders are satisfied, 5 are neutral, 2responders are dissatisfied and 1 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company incentive are always given in
the correct proportion in every year.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and others
dissatisfied with the company incentive are always given in the correct proportion in every year.
Satisfaction survey data.12

I am satisfied with my city compensation allowance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

6 3 18 4 0

I am satisfied with my city compensation allowence

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 6 are strongly satisfied,
among them 3 responders are satisfied, 18 are neutral, 4 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company city compensation allowance.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied and others
dissatisfied with the company city compensation allowance.
Satisfaction survey data.13

I am satisfied with my skill upgrade allowance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

5 12 10 4 0

I am satisfied with my skill upgrade allowence

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 5 are strongly satisfied,
among them 12 responders are satisfied, 10 are neutral, 4 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company skill upgrade allowance.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and others
dissatisfied with the company skill upgrade allowance.
Satisfaction survey data.14

Employer are provided me enough insurance coverage

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

3 10 17 1 0

Employer are provided me enough insurance coverage

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 3 are strongly satisfied,
among them 10 responders are satisfied, 17 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company provided enough insurance

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied and others
dissatisfied with the company provided enough insurance coverage.
Satisfaction survey data.15

I am satisfied with my career advancement opportunities

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

6 18 7 0 0

I am satisfied with my career advancment opportunities

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 6 are strongly satisfied,
among them 18 responders are satisfied, 7 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company provided career advancement

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company provided career advancement opportunities.
Satisfaction survey data.16

I am satisfied with the benefits (like tea, coffee, biscuit, snack) provided by my company

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

3 10 14 4 0

I am satisfied with the benefits(like tea,coffee,biscuit,snack)provided by my


Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 3 are strongly satisfied,
among them 10 responders are satisfied, 14 are neutral, 4 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the benefits (like tea, coffee, biscuit, snack)
provided by my company.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied and other
dissatisfied with the benefits (like tea, coffee, biscuit, snack) provided by company.
Satisfaction survey data.17

I am satisfied with the other benefits offered by my company

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

7 16 7 1 0

I am satisfied with the other benefits offered by my company

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 7 are strongly satisfied,
among them 16 responders are satisfied, 7 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the other benefits offered by company.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the other benefits offered by company.
Satisfaction survey data.18

I am satisfied with the company provident funds facilities

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

6 5 19 1 0

I am satisfied with the company provident funds facilities

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 6 are strongly satisfied,
among them 5 responders are satisfied, 19 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company provident funds facilities.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied and other
dissatisfied with the company provident funds facilities.
Satisfaction survey data.19

My pay structure and promotions are appropriate enough

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

4 15 12 0 0

My pay structure and promotions are appropriate enough

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 4 are strongly satisfied,
among them 15 responders are satisfied, 12 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company pay structure and promotions
are appropriate enough.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the company pay structure and promotions are appropriate enough.
Satisfaction survey data.20

I am satisfied with the leave encashment facility

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

4 8 19 0 0

I am satisfied with the leave encashment facility

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 4 are strongly satisfied,
among them 8 responders are satisfied, 19 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company pay leave encashment facility.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied with the
company pay leave encashment facility.
Satisfaction survey data.21

I am satisfied with the future retirement medical benefits

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

6 13 12 0 0

I am satisfied with the future retairment medical benefits

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 6 are strongly satisfied,
among them 13 responders are satisfied, 12 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company future retirement medical

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company future retirement medical benefits.
Satisfaction survey data.22

I am satisfied with my pension plan

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

5 16 10 0 0

I am satisfied with my pension plan

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 5 are strongly satisfied,
among them 16 responders are satisfied, 10 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company pension plan.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company pension plan.
Satisfaction survey data.23

I am satisfied with extrinsic rewards

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

4 15 12 0 0

I am satisfied with extrinsic rewards

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 4 are strongly satisfied,
among them 15 responders are satisfied, 12 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company extrinsic rewards.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company extrinsic rewards.
Satisfaction survey data.24

I am satisfied with the rewards related to performance

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

3 21 7 0 0

I am satisfied with the rewards related to perfomance

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 5 10 15 20 25

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 3 are strongly satisfied,
among them 21 responders are satisfied, 7 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company rewards related to

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company rewards related to performance.
Satisfaction survey data.25

I am satisfied with the reward for overtime or any other extra work

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

2 12 16 0 0

I am satisfied with the reward for overtime or any other extra work

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 2 are strongly satisfied,
among them 12 responders are satisfied, 16 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the company rewards for overtime or any
other extra work.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied with the
company rewards for overtime or any other extra work.
Satisfaction survey data.26

I am satisfied with my current job because of efficiency compensation system

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

7 21 3 0 0

I am satisfied with my current job because of efficiency compansation system

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 5 10 15 20 25

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 7 are strongly satisfied,
among them 21 responders are satisfied, 3 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company current job because of
efficiency compensation system.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company current job because of efficiency compensation system.
Satisfaction survey data.27

I have all the tools and resources I need to do my job

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

3 20 7 1 0

I have all the tools and resources I need to do my job

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 5 10 15 20 25

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 7 are strongly satisfied,
among them 21 responders are satisfied, 3 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company which are provide all the tools
and resources that’s needed to do the job.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the company which are provide all the tools and resources that’s needed to do the job.
Satisfaction survey data.28

I have the proper training and development opportunities I need to do my job

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

4 20 6 1 0

I have the proper training and development opportunities I need to do my job

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 5 10 15 20 25

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 4 are strongly satisfied,
among them 20 responders are satisfied, 6 are neutral, 1responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company which are provide proper
training and development opportunities that’s needed to do the job.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral and other
dissatisfied with the company which are provide proper training and development opportunities that’s
needed to do the job.
Satisfaction survey data.29

I am satisfied with my holiday provide through my company

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

4 10 11 6 0

I am satisfied with my holiday provide through my company

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 4 are strongly satisfied,
among them 10 responders are satisfied, 11 are neutral, 6 responders are dissatisfied and 0 strongly
dissatisfied. That means more employees are neutral with the holiday provide through the company.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are neutral and very few are satisfied and other
dissatisfied with the holiday provide through the company.
Satisfaction survey data.30

I am satisfied with my company tour and picnic festival in every year

Strongly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

10 11 10 0 0

I am satisfied with my company tour and picnic festival in every year

Strongly dissatisfied




Strongly satisfied

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Explanation: The above diagram reports among the total number of responders, 10 are strongly
satisfied, among them 11 responders are satisfied, 10 are neutral, 0 responders are dissatisfied and 0
strongly dissatisfied. That means more employees are satisfied with the company tour and picnic festival
in every year.

Interpretation: That means most of the employees are satisfied and very few are neutral with the
company tour and picnic festival in every year.

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