Persisting Lesson 3

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Title: Persistence Lesson 3 (Reinforcement)

Objective: SWBAT complete a challenge and identify how they demonstrate

persistence in the activity

Objective Review  Students read the objective as a class

(2 min)  1-2 students restate the objective in their own words
 Turn and talk – what is persistence? How did you show it
during the last activity?
Give us examples  Students turn and talk – how have they shown persistence
(4 min) this week?
 Share full group
Tree Pose Activity Activity:
(15 min)  Provide the directions
 Start timer once students are holding tree pose using the
chair for support
 30 seconds in, tell students they have to let go of the chair
 Continue until all students are done
 Reflection
o What strategies worked during this?
o How did you feel during the activity?
o How does that demonstrate persistence?
o How did you feel when the support of the chair was
o How did that make you feel?
o How did this demonstrate persistence?
 Repeat with another round
 Reflection
o How did you improve in the second round?
o What did you do differently?
o How does this show persistence?
Written Reflection  Independently, have students write a reflection describing
(6 min) what they did in the activity and how they showed
persistence during the activity.

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