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Supply Chain Strategy Project Outline

Project Outline
Select a manufacturing company

Part 1: Introduction
 Introduction of the selected company
 Current Supply Chain Operations
 Draw the diagram of Supply Chain for any product of the company

Part 2: Analytical As-Is and To-Be

1. Which purchasing strategy is adopted?
2. Any vendor development initiative
3. Any example of supplier partnership?
4. Any initiative regarding green purchasing, sustainable sourcing and ethical sourcing?
5. Challenges For MPC
6. Where that organization fall in MPC CLASSIFICATION SCHEMA and why?
7. Competitive advantages of the organization
8. Which Forecasting technique is in used?
9. MPC Environment e.g. MTS, MTO etc.
10. A detailed overview of production planning process
11. Proposed a production planning process
12. A complete list of SKU’s
13. Which product strategy is adopted?
14. Create a generic bill of material for any product
15. What strategies they adapt to avoid stock-outs?
16. A detailed overview of distribution network
17. Which strategy for retail coverage is adopted?
18. A detail overview of logistics operations
19. Which supply chain strategy is adopted?
20. Propose them a supply chain strategy with action plan


 Give your recommendations against every question of analytical part.

 If you are agreed with their current strategies and process then justify it with reference
to your MPC knowledge, your recommended book and class lectures.

Course Instructor: Muhammad Imran Taseer Page 1

Supply Chain Strategy Project Outline

 If you think that there is an opportunity for improvement in their strategies and
processes then please give detailed recommendations along with action plan.

Project Sequence

1. Title page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of contents
4. Executive summary
5. Introduction part
6. Analytical part
7. Overall Recommendations
8. Charts, graphs and pictures, if any
9. Bibliography/ references

Formatting Instructions

1. Use times new roman font

2. For headings use font size 14
3. For main body use font size 12
4. Line spacing should be 1.5
5. Page numbers must have to be match with table of contents
6. If you use anything from internet then please give detailed references

Presentations Instructions

1. Formal power point presentations of the project will be conducted in last class
2. Every group member has to present equal part of the project.
3. No marks will be given to those students who fail to attend presentations session
4. Q&A session will be conducted after every presentation any member of a group will be
call to answer the questions so, every participant of the group must be prepared for
Q&A session.

If there is any violation of instructions in the project/presentation then project will not be accepted.

Best of Luck

Course Instructor: Muhammad Imran Taseer Page 2

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