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1 a.
b. There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x and y.
c. Many different straight lines can be drawn to provide a linear approximation of
the relationship between x and y; in part (d) we will determine the equation of a straight line that
“best” represents the relationship according to the least squares criterion.
xi 15 yi 40
x  3 y  8
d. n 5 n 5

( xi  x )( yi  y )  26 ( xi  x ) 2  10

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 26
b1    2.6
( xi  x ) 2 10

b0  y  b1 x  8  (2.6)(3)  0.2

yˆ  0.2  2.6 x

e. yˆ  0.2  2.6(4)  10.6

2. a.
b. There appears to be a negative linear relationship between x and y.
c. Many different straight lines can be drawn to provide a linear approximation of the
relationship between x and y; in part (d) we will determine the equation of a straight line that
“best” represents the relationship according to the least squares criterion.
xi 55 yi 175
x   11 y   35
d. n 5 n 5

( xi  x )( yi  y )  540 ( xi  x ) 2  180
( xi  x )( yi  y ) 540
b1    3
( xi  x ) 2 180

b0  y  b1 x  35  (3)(11)  68

yˆ  68  3x

yˆ  68  3(10)  38

3. a.
xi 50 yi 83
x   10 y   16.6
b. n 5 n 5

( xi  x )( yi  y )  171 ( xi  x ) 2  190

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 171
b1    0.9
( xi  x ) 2 190

b0  y  b1 x  16.6  (0.9)(10)  7.6

yˆ  7.6  0.9 x

yˆ  7.6  0.9(6)  13
4. a.

b. There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x = height and y = weight.

c. Many different straight lines can be drawn to provide a linear approximation of the
relationship between x and y; in part (d) we will determine the equation of a straight line that
“best” represents the relationship according to the least squares criterion.
xi 325 yi 585
x   65 y   117
d. n 5 n 5

( xi  x )( yi  y )  110  ( xi  x ) 2  20
( xi  x )( yi  y ) 110
b1    5.5
( xi  x ) 2 20

b0  y  b1 x  117  (5.5)(65)  240.5

y  240.5  55
. x

e. y  240.5  55
. x  240.5  55
. (63)  106 pounds

5. a.

b. There appears to be a positive relationship between price and rating. The sign that says
“Quality: You Get What You Pay For” does fairly reflect the price-quality relationship for
c. Let x = price ($) and y = rating.
xi 1500 yi 592
x   1875 y   74
n 8 n 8

( xi  x )( yi  y )  68,900 ( xi  x ) 2  8,155,000

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 68,900
b1    .008449
( xi  x ) 2 8,155,000

b0  y  b1 x  74  (.008449)(1875)  58.158

yˆ  58.158  .008449 x

yˆ  58.158  .008449 x  58.158  .008449(1500)  70.83 or

d. approximately 71

6. a.
b. There appears to be a negative linear relationship between x = miles and y = sales price.
If the car has higher miles, the sales price tends to be lower.
xi 874 yi 66.4
x   87.4 y   6.64
c. n 10 n 10

( xi  x )( yi  y )  135.66 ( xi  x )2  5152.4

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 135.66
b1    .02633
( xi  x )2 5152.40

b0  y  b1 x  6.64  ( .02633)(87.4)  8.9412

yˆ  8.9412  .02633 x

d. The slope of the estimated regression equation is -.02633. Thus, a one unit increase in the
value of x will result in a decrease in the estimated value of y equal to .02633. Because the data
were recorded in thousands, every additional 1000 miles on the car’s odometer will result in a
$26.33 decrease in the estimated price.

e. yˆ  8.9412  .02633(100)  6.3 or $6300

7. a.

b.Let x = years of experience and y = annual sales ($1000s)

xi 70 yi 1080
x  7 y   108
n 10 n 10

( xi  x )( yi  y )  568  ( xi  x ) 2  142

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 568
b1   4
( xi  x ) 2 142

b0  y  b1 x  108  (4)(7)  80

y  80  4 x

c. y  80  4 x  80  4(9)  116 or $116,000

8. a.

b. The scatter diagram and the slope of the estimated regression equation indicate a negative
linear relationship between x = temperature rating and y = price. Thus, it appears that sleeping
bags with a lower temperature rating cost more than sleeping bags with a higher temperature
rating. In other words, it costs more to stay warmer.
x  xi / n  209 /11  19 y  yi / n  2849 /11  259
( xi  x )( yi  y )  10,090 ( xi  x ) 2  1912
( xi  x )( yi  y ) 10, 090
b1    5.2772
( xi  x ) 2 1912

b0  y  b1 x  259  (5.2772)(19)  359.2668

yˆ  359.2668  5.2772 x

d. yˆ  359.2668  5.2772 x  359.2668  5.2772(20)  253.72

Thus, the estimate of the price of sleeping bag with a temperature rating of 20 is approximately
9. a.

b. There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x = price and y = score.

xi 2638 yi 672
x   263.8 y   67.2
c. n 10 n 10

( xi  x )( yi  y )  14,601.40 ( xi  x ) 2  258,695.60

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 14, 601.40
b1    .05644
 ( xi  x ) 2 258,695.60

b0  y  b1 x  67.2  (.05644)(263.8)  52.311

yˆ  52.311  .05644 x

d. The slope is .05644. For a $100 higher price, the score can be expected to increase
100(.05644) = 5.644, or about 6 points.
yˆ  52.311  .05644(225)  65
10. a.

b. There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x = age and y = salary.

xi 885 yi 30, 939
x   59 y   2062.6
c. n 15 n 15

( xi  x )( yi  y )  175,265 ( xi  x ) 2  1174

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 175, 265
b1    149.2888
( xi  x ) 2 1174

b0  y  b1 x  2062.6  (149.2888)(59)  6745.44

yˆ  6745.44  149.29 x

yˆ  6745.44  149.29 x  6745.44  149.29(72)  4003 or

d. $4,003,000

11. a.

b. There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x = price and y = road-test score.
xi 339.6 yi 930
x   28.3 y   77.5
c. n 12 n 12

( xi  x )( yi  y )  309.90 ( xi  x ) 2  346.38

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 309.90
b1    .8947
( xi  x )2 346.38

b0  y  b1 x  77.5  (.8947)(28.3)  52.18

yˆ  52.18  .8947 x

d. The slope is .8947. A sporty car that has a ten-thousand-dollar higher price can be
expected to have a 10(.8947) = 8.947, or approximately a 9 point higher road-test score.
yˆ  52.18  .8947(36.7)  85
12. a.

b. The scatter diagram indicates a positive linear relationship between x = weight and y =
price. Thus, it appears that PWC’s that weigh more have a higher price.

c. x  xi / n  7730 /10  773 y  yi / n  92, 200 /10  9220

( xi  x )( yi  y )  332, 400 ( xi  x ) 2  14,810

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 332, 400
b1    22.4443
( xi  x )2 14,810

b0  y  b1 x  9220  (22.4443)(773)  8129.4439

yˆ  8129.4439  22.4443x

yˆ  8129.4439  22.4443 x  8129.4439  22.4443(750)  8703.78

Thus, the estimate of the price of Jet Ski with a weight of 750 pounds is approximately $8704.
e. No. The relationship between weight and price is not deterministic.
f. The weight of the Kawasaki SX-R 800 is so far below the lowest weight for the data used to
develop the estimated regression equation that we would not recommend using the estimated
regression equation to predict the price for this model.
13. a.

b. Let x = adjusted gross income and y = reasonable amount of itemized deductions

xi 399 yi 97.1
x   57 y   13.8714
n 7 n 7
( xi  x )( yi  y )  1233.7 ( xi  x ) 2  7648

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 1233.7
b1    0.1613
( xi  x ) 2 7648

b0  y  b1 x  13.8714  (0.1613)(57)  4.6773

y  4.68  016
. x

c. y  4.68  016
. x  4.68  016
. (52.5)  13.08 or approximately $13,080.

The agent's request for an audit appears to be justified.

14. a.

b. There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x = features rating and y =

PCW World Rating.
xi 784 yi 777
x   78.4 y   77.7
c. n 10 n 10

( xi  x )( yi  y )  147.20 ( xi  x ) 2  284.40

( xi  x )( yi  y ) 147.20
b1    .51758
( xi  x ) 2 284.40

b0  y  b1 x  77.7  (.51758)(78.4)  37.1217

yˆ  37.1217  .51758 x

d. yˆ  37.1217  .51758(70)  73.35 or 73

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