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Advantages of cyberspace:

Informational resources:

 Internet is a huge virtual library of information and data. The most important

advantage of cyberspace is that you can get your desired information on any
kind of topic because internet is the huge thing that no one can even imagine
about, so that will be available on the Internet. There are search engines
like Google, Bing and yahoo. They are at your service 24/7.


 Entertainment is another popular reason why many people prefer to surf their
important time on the Internet. The second advantage of cyberspace is that you
can get access to media library and online gaming site to entertain your self and
to motivate your self for better experience.

Social networking 

 Social networking is also playing a major role in cyberspace. No one can

imagine an online life without Facebook or Twitter. Social networking became
more popular among youth that it might one day can replace physical networking.
It has evolved as a great medium to connect with Billions of people with similar
interests as well as worldwide network. The most crucial advantage of
cyberspace is apart from finding lost friends, you can also look for business
opportunities on forums and communities. Besides, there are chat rooms
on social media platforms where users can interact with new and interesting

Disadvantages of Cyberspace
Following is the list of disadvantages of Cyberspace.

 If you use the Internet for social networking, online banking, or other services.
The big disadvantage of cyberspace is that you may have a big risk to provide
your personal details such as name, address, credit card number. Unscrupulous
people can access this information through unsecured connections or by planting
software. Then they can use your personal information for their benefit. Needless
to say, this may put you in serious trouble.
 The other disadvantage of cyberspace is spamming refers to sending unwanted
text messages and e-mails in bulk. Which provide no purpose and needlessly
obstruct you as well as the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very
frustrating for you as it makes your Internet slower and less reliable and makes
problems in your happy life.

Virus attacks:
 The most damaging disadvantage of cyberspace is that internet users are
often plagued by quick and hijacking virus attacks on their systems. Virus
programs are a huge headache and may get activated if you click a harmless
link. Your systems connected to the Internet are very prone to targeted virus
attacks and may end up crashing your system files and start corrupting.
 Hackers can easily hack your system and stole your personal important data.
They can blackmail you to give them money and do some crimes for them.

The cyberspace disadvantages are outweigh Because of the security system and

dangers that is entitled within. You never know even who is accessing your system
and stealing personal information and what they will do with it.

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