Assignment 3

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Assignment 3

Group Members:
Arslan Khan 2513
Asfand Yar Khan 2382
Usama Sarfraz 2596

WBS Dictionary
WBS dictionary Explains the Important Deliverables given in
WBS diagram.
1.A Real Commando: Name of the game project.
1.1 User Interface: In this task, we draw interface window
which contain all necessary buttons like play, pause, edit for
users which play our game.
1.2 Pause: Continue from where user can pause.
1.1.1 Start Game: In this task, we make the levels of game and
initially level 1 will be showed after pressing this.
1.1.2 Sound: In this task, we add sound and music in the game
and user can the choice to on or off the music.
1.1.3 Exit: user is exit from the game.
2.1 Modeling: Digitally drawing game objects and create
virtual environment.
2.1.1 Game objects: Any object that player can see or interact
with it. In this, we draw weapons, medical aid box that player
can use for health.
2.1.2 Terrain: A terrain is a flat large plane that can add in our
2.1.3 Character: In this task, we draw model of players and
3.Locomotion: contain all the algorithms for run, walk, shoot
and rotate that player (commando, enemies) can use.
4.1 Progress: After starting the game, progress function will
automatically called which contain the score value and healthbar
4.1.1 Score: By shooting each enemy, player will get reward by
4.1.2 Health: Initially, player have full health value showing
through status bar. while playing, if commando is injured his
health value is decreased gradually depend on bullets and during
this if he gets medical aid box, his value will incraese to some
4.1.3 Die: when healthbar value of commando is equal to zero
then die function is called and game is finished.

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