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Some Useful Singular and Plural Forms of Medical and Anatomical Terms

The plurals of medical, anatomical, and other scientific terms, having derived from Greek or
Latin roots, do not follow the usual familiar rules of English.

The difference between diagnosis and diagnoses, for instance, isn't readily apparent to most
people, although adding -es to the end of the word is often a way to make it plural, as we do
for English words ending in z, s, x, ch, or sh. But this does not tell us what to do with scientific
words like diagnosis. And there is no such word as "diagnosises." So what gives? There are
some basic rules to remember to help you distinguish the singular and plural forms of
medical terms. This page will run through some of these rules and list examples of each.
Each rule is based on the singular form of "words ending in" a particular combination of

Keep in mind, as you are using these guidelines, that they represent what is usually the rule.
As with any grammar rules, they do not hold true in all instances.

words ending in is

For words ending in is, change the is to an es. Now you have your answer for
diagnosis/diagnoses. Examples:

Singular Plural

Diagnosis Diagnoses

Neurosis Neuroses

Prosthesis Prostheses

An exception has been noted in the word epidydimis, which becomes epidydimides when

words ending in us

This rule does not work in all instances but it works for many words ending in us: change the
us to an i. Examples:

Singular Plural

Anulus Anuli

Bacillus Bacilli

Bronchus Bronchi

Calculus Calculii

Embolus Emboli

Fundus Fundi

Certain words that end in us are pluralized by changing the us to era. For example, viscus
becomes viscera. Other words have the us change to ora, such as corpus to corpora.
However, we hardly ever use the singular form of viscera and corpus is not really used at all
except by authors who rely too much on a thesaurus, or very religious ones.

There are some other notable exceptions. The plural of virus is viruses and the plural of
sinus is sinuses.

The suffix -us is an ending that is used for singular nouns.

words ending in a

Words ending in a are made plural by adding an e to the end, but keeping the a.

Singular Plural

Scapula Scapulae

Papilla Papillae

Sclera Sclerae

Larva Larvae

Petechia Petechiae

If there is a Latin modifier with the a word, it must agree as well. So vena cava becomes
venae cavae.

The suffix -a is a common noun ending.

words ending in um

Words ending in um are pluralized by dropping the um and adding an a. Examples:

Singular Plural

Acetabulum Acetabula

Atrium Atria

Bacterium Bacteria

Capitulum Capituli

Septum Septi

Diverticulum Diverticuli
The suffix -um is a singular noun ending.

words ending in ex, ix. or yx

To make words ending in ex, ix, or yx plural, replace the endings with ices. Examples:

Singular Plural

Appendix Appendices

Apex Apices

Calix Calices

Cervix Cervices

Index Indices

Varix Varices

words ending in oma

For words ending in oma, keep the oma and add a ta or an s. Both forms are commonly
used, but for most words, one form is more common than the other and the s form is
probably the most commonly used, in general. Examples:

Singular Plural

Adenoma Adenomata, Adenomas

Carcinoma Carcinomata, Carcinomas

Condyloma Condylomata, Condylomas

Fibroma Fibromata, Fibromas

words ending in nx

For words ending in nx, drop the x and add ges. Examples:

Singular Plural

Larynx Larynges

Phalanx Phalanges

words ending in on

To pluralize words ending in on, drop the on and add an a. Sometimes, as well, an s is simply
added to the end of the on, but do not use this indiscriminately. For instance, the familiar
word phenomena is also a scientific one, and you should never say phenonenoms, as this
just sounds wrong. Phenomena is correct. In other cases, the s ending has begun to be used
but it is best to stick to the a ending when in doubt. Examples:

Singular Plural

Ganglion Ganglia, Ganglions

Criterion Criteria, Criterions (rare)

How to Derive a Plural in Medical Terminology

Medical plurals are a bit different from the standard, everyday English variety. There are a
few rules that can help you derive a plural the medical way. Read on to familiarize yourself
with the nuances of medical plural building.

Medical rules for forming plurals

Some rules for pluralizing medical terms are as follows, with examples of the rule and
exceptions to the rule.

Medical Rule 1: Change the a ending to ae

In other words, vertebra becomes vertebrae.

By adding the e to the plural, the “aah” sound ending pronunciation becomes “eh.”

Axilla, axillae

Bursa, bursae

Conjunctiva, conjunctivae

Scapula, scapulae

Sclera, sclerae

Medical Rule 2: Change the um ending to a

The a at the end is pronounced “aah.”

Acetabulum, acetabula

Antrum, antra

Atrium, atria

Bacterium, bacteria

Diverticulum, diverticula
Labium, labia

Medium, media

Medical Rule 3: Change the us ending to i

The i at the end is pronounced “eye.”

Alveolus, alveoli

Bronchus, bronchi

Coccus, cocci

Embolus, emboli

Fungus, fungi

Glomerulus, glomeruli

Meniscus, menisci

Syllabus, syllabi (but syllabuses is also acceptable)

The exceptions to this rule include the following:

Corpus, corpora

Meatus, meatus (stays the same)

Plexus, plexuses

Viscus, viscera

Medical Rule 4: Change the is ending to es

The es is pronounced “eez.”

Analysis, analyses

Diagnosis, diagnoses

Exostosis, exostoses

Metastasis, metastases

Prognosis, prognoses

Testis, testes
The exceptions to this rule are

Epididymis, epididymides

Femur, femora

Iris, irides

Medical Rule 5: Change the ma or oma ending to mata

Carcinoma, carcinomata

Condyloma, condylomata

Fibroma, fibromata

Leiomyoma, leiomyomata

In the Rule 5 examples, the English plural is also acceptable: condylomas, carcinomas,
leiomyomas, and fibromas.

Medical Rule 6: When a term ends in yx, ax, or ix, change the x to c and add es

Appendix, appendices

Calyx, calyces

Calix, calices (Strange but true, both are correct)

Thorax, thoraces

Medical Rule 7: When a term ends in nx, change the x to g and add es

Larynx, larynges

Phalanx, phalanges

Medical Rule 8: For Latin medical terms that consist of a noun and adjective, pluralize both

Condyloma acuminatum, condylomata acuminata

Placenta previa, placentae previae

Verruca vulgaris, verrucae vulgares

There are (of course!) some exceptions to all these rules:

Cornu, cornua

Pons, pontes

Vas, vasa
English rules of forming plurals

Many medical terms apply basic English rules for forming plurals. Thank goodness! You will
no doubt recognize many of these common English language plural rules.

English Rule 1: Add an s

Bronchoscope, bronchoscopes

Disease, diseases

Endoscope, endoscopes

Finger, fingers

Vein, veins

English Rule 2: When a term ends in s, x, ch, or sh, add es

Crutch, crutches

Distress, distresses

Patch, patches

Stress, stresses

English Rule 3: When a term ends in y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es

Artery, arteries

Bronchoscopy, bronchoscopies

Endoscopy, endoscopies

Ovary, ovaries

Therapy, therapies

English Rule 4: When a term ends in o after a consonant, add nes

Comedo, comedones


Embryo, embryos

Placebo, placebos

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