Metáfora, Linguagem e Sistemas Simbólicos

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There are many kinds of languages, but can we say that there are human

specific languages? What is the role of a specific symbolic system in human

perception of the world? Is the language of Art the unique way to describe certain
things in the world? (Susan Langer)
The artworks that I am using are symbols that substitute an absent reality. To
understand how this affects to them, we have to first understand what is a
non-propositive symbolic system.
A symbol is a «mark or character used as a conventional representation of an
object, function, or process, e.g. the letter or letters standing for a chemical element
or a character in musical notation»1.
(Jerome S. Bruner) ​(Toward a theory of instruction)
(Vygotsky) - Language systems ​(Thought and language)
(Nelson Goodman) ​(The language of art, The way of making worlds)
(Howard Gardner) ​(The frames of mind)
(Elliot Eisner)
Fernando Hernández - Cultura visual (os objetos podem mediar realidades
Achar metáforas em: Clássicos greco-latinos, textos sagrados, histórias
infantis/ contos populares/ músicas. Vinhateiro, talentos, ceifeiro, ladrão, senhor.


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