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This isn’t one of the most successful photographs from the shoot, however I chose to include

it as it showed my experimentation, with postproduction techniques. The image itself shows

a photograph of a tea bag on a dish, with the corner of a milk bottle in focus, and an empty
dish holder behind it. The reason this photograph isn’t very successful is because there is
too much that seems to be going on, and I didn’t focus the camera on a specific element or
object, which I should have done, as the tea bag was supposed to be the focal point of the
photographs. Although I don’t think this image is good, the messy and blurred effect puts the
audience in the position of the individual who will be doing the clearing up, and the blurriness
makes the photograph seem even more messy, and not put together, which is something
that I partly wanted to put across when writing my shoot plan. Instead of soaking the whole
image in tea, I placed a tea bag over the tea bag in the photograph, to try and enhance the
tones of the tea bag, but because the image is out of focus this isn’t as clear as I would have
like it to be.

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