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Handbook of Research on

Solar Energy Systems and


Sohail Anwar
The Pennsylvania State University, Altoona College, USA

Harry Efstathiadis
University at Albany, State University of New York, USA

Salahuddin Qazi
State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome, USA
Managing Director: Lindsay Johnston
Senior Editorial Director: Heather A. Probst
Book Production Manager: Sean Woznicki
Development Manager: Joel Gamon
Development Editor: Christine Smith
Assistant Acquisitions Editor: Kayla Wolfe
Typesetter: Jennifer Romanchak
Cover Design: Nick Newcomer

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Handbook of research on solar energy systems and technologies / Sohail Anwar, Harry Efstathiadis, and Salahuddin Qazi,
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: “This reference serves as a one-stop resource for the latest information regarding different topical areas within
solar energy, emphasizing the application of nanotechnology innovations to solar energy technologies, exploring current and
future developments in third generation solar cells, and providing a detailed economic analysis of solar energy applications”-
-Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-1-4666-1996-8 (hbk.) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-1997-5 (ebook) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-1998-2 (print & perpetual
access) 1. Solar energy. I. Anwar, Sohail. II. Efstathiadis, Harry. III. Qazi, Salahuddin, 1938-
TJ810.H34 2012

British Cataloguing in Publication Data

A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.

All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the
authors, but not necessarily of the publisher.


Solar energy refers to the energy collected directly from sunlight. Solar power is the conversion of
sunlight into electricity, referred to as photovoltaics. Photovoltaic systems are already an important part
of our lives, powering many of the small calculators and wrist watches we use every day.
Over the last few decades, the developments in solar energy applications have made it possible to
use solar energy for most of our energy needs. At present, solar energy applications are well developed
for heating and cooling of buildings, electricity production for stationary and mobile applications, and
for environmental cleanup.
Solar technologies are broadly categorized as either passive or active, depending on how they capture,
convert, and distribute sunlight. Passive solar technologies involve selection of materials with favorable
thermal properties, designing spaces that naturally circulate air, and referencing the position of building
the sun. Active solar technologies make use of photovoltaic panels, pumps, and fans to convert sunlight
into useful outputs.
Some of the advantages of solar energy are:

• Solar power can be used in both large-scale applications and in smaller systems for homes.
• Business and industry can diversify their energy sources, improve efficiency, and save money by
choosing solar technologies for heating and cooling, industrial processes, electricity, and water
• Homeowners can use solar technologies for heating, cooling, and water heating, and these tech-
nologies may produce enough electricity to operate “off-grid” or sell the extra electricity to the
utilities, depending on local programs.
• The use of solar heating and daylighting design strategies can help both homes and commercial
buildings operate more efficiently.

The scientific stage is set for rapid progress in solar energy research. There have been advances in
nanoscience and nanotechnology, allowing unprecedented manipulation of the nanoscale structures,
controlling solar capture, conversion, and storage. Light interacts with materials on the scale of its
wavelength, a few hundred nanometers. Energy capture occurs via excited electron states confined by
defect structures or interfaces to dimensions of tens of nanometers. Conversion of excited electrons to
fuels such as ethanol, methane, or hydrogen occurs in chemical reactions at the scale of molecules. These
nanoscale processes have never been more accessible to observation and manipulation.

The Handbook of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Technologies, which is divided into 20
chapters, addresses the research priorities in the topical area of solar energy. The Handbook provides
up-to-date and relevant information regarding current and future research in:

• Photovoltaic Devices (polycrystalline thin film photovoltaics; nanocrystalline silicon solar cells,
non-silicon based photovoltaics; CdTe based solar cells; polymer based solar cells; tandem solar
cells and third generation solar cells).
• Nanostructures for solar energy conversion
• Solar energy conversion materials
• Solar energy storage
• The economics of solar energy
• Application of nanotechnology innovations to solar energy technologies

Chapter 1 focuses on the control and conversion of solar energy. The conversion of solar energy into
thermal and electrical energy constitutes a key topical area for renewable energy. Solar electric systems
find applications in rural electricity generation, water pumping, and satellite communications. Solar
power is harvested and stored by charging rechargeable batteries. This chapter describes design and
implementation of a solar battery charger using a single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC).
Chapter 2 presents coverage of different methods and technologies used for the solar thermal stor-
age in the terrestrial and space applications. The performance enhancement of these technologies using
nanotechnology is also described. Moreover, this chapter provides coverage of various economic and
environmental feasibility studies focusing on the storage of solar energy. Recommendations are made for
developing new methods and enhancing the performance of existing techniques used to store solar energy.
In the case of solar energy, it is shown that optimal energy is obtained when the rays of the sun are
incident normally on the collecting surface. Therefore, several techniques and experiments have been
conducted recently to develop efficient solar tracking systems. Solar panel tracking systems optimize
energy output of photovoltaic panels by positioning them to follow the sun’s path throughout the day. The
sun’s position in the sky varies both with installation location, the seasons, and the time of day. Currently,
most solar panels have fixed orientation to the sky and do not turn to follow the sun. To increase the unit
area illumination of sunlight on solar panels, the design of a solar tracking electricity generation system
is described in Chapter 3. The design mechanism holds the solar panel and allows the panel to track the
sun’s movement during the day and improve the overall electricity generation. This system can achieve
the maximum illumination and energy concentration and cut the cost of electricity by requiring fewer
solar panels. An electro-optical control unit tracks the sun by a solar detecting device that is sensitive
to solar radiance. The simulation is experimental results verifying the effectiveness of the light tracking
solar system is presented in this chapter.
The photovoltaic (PV) systems extensively use advanced power electronics technologies. Power
electronics provides a useful means of efficiency improvement in the photovoltaic and the solar-thermal
energy systems. Furthermore, the use of appropriate power electronics enables solar generated electric-
ity to be integrated into power grid. Chapter 4 provides a detailed description of the current advances
in power electronics that enable the photovoltaic systems to become a real power source for the power
utility grid and for many stand-alone applications. The future developments in power electronics and
controls that are expected to lead to more efficient solar energy systems and devices are also discussed
in this chapter.

Currently, there is a significant research interest in third generation thin-film solar cells such as all-
silicon tandem solar cells and multi-junction solar cells targeting substantial improvements in energy
conversion efficiency leading to a reduction in the overall power costs. The semiconductor bandgap can
be controlled by quantum-confinement of carriers in small quantum-dots dispersed in an amorphous
matrix of silicon oxide, nitride, and polymer materials. Cells based on “hot” carriers are also of great
interest since they offer the potential for very high efficiency from simple device structures. Chapter 5
provides a detailed account of the first, second, and the third generation of solar cells.
It has been shown that the use of nanotechnology in the form of quantum dots, nanorods, and nanotubes,
results in an enhancement of absorption of sunlight and an increase in the efficiency of photovoltaic cells.
Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive coverage of the nanotechnology applications in photovoltaic systems.
The chapter describes the use of nanotechnology in the implementation of low cost, highly efficient,
and easy to implement photovoltaic cells. Future research directions are also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 7 focuses on Copper Indium Galluim Selenide (CIGS) and the nanocrystaline silicon solar
cells. Heterojunctions based on CIGS have been studied for several years, and have shown very stable
performance in field tests. The chapter covers various preparation methods for CIGS solar cells, the effects
of composition ratio on the performance, doping profiles, alternative buffer layers, low cost fabrication
techniques, as well as global market trends. Nanocrystalline silicon films have also recently attracted
attention for use in photovoltaic solar cells as they provide an approach which results in lower cost and
higher efficiency than conventional solar cells. Furthermore, silicon based nanoparticles or superlat-
tices may be integrated with other materials for bandgap-engineered devices. Designed appropriately,
variation of the effective bandgap across the device allows a larger portion of the solar spectrum to be
coupled into the solar cell increasing the conversion efficiency.
Surface plasmons are oscillations of electrons arising from surface effects of light interaction with
materials having significant free carrier densities. Surface plasmons have been recently utilized in a
variety of methods used to increase the efficiency of solar cells. Research on silicon-based plasmonic
solar cells has made use of the high scattering cross sections and favorable angular distributions of noble
metal nanoparticle-scattered radiation to increase absorption of thin silicon devices. Chapter 8 focuses
on the surface plasmon-enhanced thin film silicon solar cells. The chapter provides a comprehensive
description of the current research related to these cells.
Polymer solar cells are cheaper to produce than conventional inorganic solar cells and can be processed
at relatively low temperatures. The polymer solar cells can be fabricated on surfaces of arbitrary shape
and flexibility. Therefore, polymer solar cells are likely to play an important role in addressing, at least
in some small part, future energy needs. Chapter 9 provides coverage of the physics of polymer solar
cells with a special emphasis on the computational tools. Two computer simulation models discussed
in this chapter include the drift diffusion model and the Monte Carlo model.
Solar cells made from III-V materials are expensive, but outperform other solar cells. The polycrys-
talline III-V thin film solar cells on dissimilar substrates such as metal or glass can provide a low-cost
venue for photovoltaic solar energy. The highly developed technology base of III-V semiconductors
should favor this approach. Chapter 10 provides a detailed account of III-V solar cells. Different ap-
proaches for development of III-V solar cells are analyzed and compared with each other. The future
prospects for low-cost III-V compound solar cells are also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 11 provides an overview of the analytical techniques used for solar cells material charac-
terization. The advantages and disadvantages of such techniques are compared. Most of these materials
characterization techniques are based on the same principle, that is, an incident beam of photons or

charged particles interacting with specimen resulting in various types of signals. An appropriate detection
system is used to collect these signals, and then the data are analyzed to gain information regarding the
material properties being studied. The analytical techniques described in this chapter are categorized as
imaging, compositional analysis, and the structural analysis methods.
Chapter 12 provides description of a mechatronic real-time solar tracker. The tracking array for
the solar cell is pivoted on two axes using stepper motors to reflect the effects of daily and seasonal
trajectories of the sun. The solar tracker described in this chapter is an example of the application of
mechantronics in the discipline of renewable energy. The chapter content provides details regarding the
design, programming, and the prototyping of this solar tracking system.
Computer simulations are commonly used for analyzing solar energy systems. The interaction of
light with matter at a nanoscale level provides useful information regarding the structured and dynami-
cal properties of photonic devices. The use of computer simulations will continue to increase as the re-
searchers and developers face the challenges associated with the design and development of new devices
and systems. Although Chapter 13 focuses on the development and application of the Finite Difference
Time-Domain method to solar energy systems, it provides an overview of the new computational models
covering the latest developments in nanophotonics technologies. The key improvements in the numeric
solvers and new usability features are also described in this chapter.
Image processing is extensively utilized in solar cell research, device development, process control,
and quality assurance. The use of solar image processing is expanding due to performance enhancement
of commercial CCD and infrared cameras. Chapter 14 provides a comprehensive description of the key
solar image processing methods and their applications. However, the emphasis of this chapter is on
monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells using infrared and visible wavelengths.
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are of significant importance in modeling, analysis, and predic-
tion of the performance of renewable energy systems. Chapter 15 provides a comprehensive coverage
of the commonly used artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in solar energy. The chapter places an em-
phasis on neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms. Selected AI applications in solar energy
are also described in this chapter. Instead of complex rules and mathematical routines, AI techniques
are able to learn the key information patterns within a multidimensional information domain. Design,
control, and operation of solar energy systems require long-term series of meteorological data such as
solar radiation, temperature or wind data. Such long-term measurements are often non-existent for most
of the interest locations or, wherever they are available, they suffer of a number of shortcomings (e.g.
poor quality of data, insufficient long series, etc.). To overcome these problems, AI techniques appear
to be one of the strongest candidates.
Chapter 16 provides a detailed account of the time series and neural network methodologies used for
solar radiation forecasting. The time series methodologies described in this chapter include autoregressive
(AR), moving average (MA), autoregressive moving average (ARMA), and autoregressive integrated
moving average (AIMA). The chapter also presents a detailed comparison of the solar radiation fore-
casting techniques. The advantages and disadvantages of using the neural network approach for solar
radiation forecasting are outlined in this chapter.
Chapter 17 provides a description of the different solar thermal applications of greenhouse structure.
Greenhouse structures are used to provide the ideal conditions required for the growth of agricultural
crops throughout the year. Topics covered in the chapter include an introduction to the concept and
importance of greenhouse technology, solar thermal applications in different greenhouse systems, and
the use of photovoltaic systems for greenhouse drying. In this chapter, there is a special emphasis on
greenhouse fish pond system design and working principles.

As Saudi Arabia is going through a significant economic and technological development, the country
needs additional electric power generation to sustain the economic growth. Fossil fuels, however, are
not sustainable as they are subject to eventful depletion. Chapter 18 provides an examination of power
generation alternatives for Saudi Arabia. Since the country is blessed with an abundant solar flux through-
out the year, the construction of solar powered electrical generation plants in Saudi Arabia is proposed.
However, due to the availability of different solar technologies, it is important to determine the optimal
technology. In this chapter, a mathematical model called Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM) is used
to make the technology selection.
Given the expanding use of solar energy, there is a need to educate society about solar energy. Thus,
solar energy education and training programs should be developed at different educational levels to
fulfill this need. Such programs need to recognize the environmental value of solar energy and the life
cycle advantages of solar energy systems. Chapter 19 provides an overview of the status of solar en-
ergy education and training in the United States. Though the focus of this chapter is on the solar energy
education and training programs provided by the academic institutions in the USA, a short description
of non-academic programs is also provided.
Chapter 20 describes a project-based international collaboration in renewable energy systems design
and implementation. The collaboration involves several educational institutions in Europe and USA.
Working in teams, the undergraduate students at the partner institutions gain valuable experience in
renewable energy systems design and construction. The participating students also learn effective team-
work and project management skills.

Sohail Anwar
The Pennsylvania State University, Altoona College, USA
Detailed Table of Contents

Preface.................................................................................................................................................. xiv

Chapter 1
Control and Conversion of Solar Power ................................................................................................. 1
Liping Guo, Northern Illinois University, USA
Chapter 1 focuses on the control and conversion of solar energy. The conversion of solar energy into
thermal and electrical energy constitutes a key topical area for renewable energy. Solar electric systems
find applications in rural electricity generation, water pumping, and satellite communications. Solar
power is harvested and stored by charging rechargeable batteries. This chapter describes design and
implementation of a solar battery charger using a single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC).

Chapter 2
Solar Energy Storage: An Approach for Terrestrial and Space Applications......................................... 19
Ahmed Elgafy, University of Cincinnati, USA
Solar energy can be stored in several different forms, such as thermal, electric, hybrid thermal/electric,
thermochemical, and photochemical. Chapter 2 presents different techniques and technologies used for
the solar thermal energy storage in the terrestrial and space applications. Performance enhancement of
these technologies using nanotechnology is also described. Economic and environmental feasibility
studies relevant to solar energy storage are also presented in this chapter.

Chapter 3
Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System ........................................................................ 48
Murad Shibli, Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, Institute of Applied Technologies, UAE
Chapter 3 describes a solar tracking electricity generation system to increase the unit area sunlight illu-
mination on solar panels. The design mechanism allows the panel to track the movement of sun during
the day and improve the overall electricity generation. The system achieves the maximum illumination
and energy concentration and reduces the cost of electricity by requiring fewer solar panels.
Chapter 4
Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems . ......................................................... 68
Radian Belu, Drexel University, USA & Desert Research Institute, USA
The photovoltaic (PV) systems extensively use advanced power electronics technologies. Power elec-
tronics provides a useful means of efficiency improvement in the photovoltaic and the solar-thermal
energy systems. Chapter 4 provides a detailed description of the current advances in power electronics
that enable the photovoltaic systems to become a real power source for the power utility grid and for
many stand-alone applications. The future developments in power electronics and controls that are
expected to lead to more efficient solar energy systems and devices are also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 5
Photovoltaic Devices .......................................................................................................................... 126
Ashraf Uddin, University of New South Wales, Australia
Currently, there is a significant research interest in third generation thin-film solar cells such as all-silicon
tandem solar cells and multi-junction solar cells targeting substantial improvements in energy conver-
sion efficiency leading to a reduction in the overall power costs. Chapter 5 provides a detailed account
of the first, second, and the third generation of solar cells.

Chapter 6
Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy: Challenges and Potentials................................................ 163
Salahuddin Qazi, State University of New York Institute of Technology, USA
Farhan A. Qazi, Syracuse University, USA
It has been shown that the use of nanotechnology in the form of quantum dots, nanorods, and nanotubes,
results in an enhancement of absorption of sunlight and an increase in the efficiency of photovoltaic
cells. Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive coverage of the nanotechnology applications in photovoltaic
systems. Future research directions are also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 7
CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells ................................................................. 192
Harry Efstathiadis, University at Albany, State University of New York, USA
Adam Filios, Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, USA
This chapter focuses on Copper Indium Galluim Selenide (CIGS) and the nanocrystaline silicon solar
cells. Heterojunctions based on CIGS have demonstrated very stable performance in the field tests. The
preparation methods for CIGS solar cells and their doping profiles are described in this chapter. The
global market trends are also discussed.

Chapter 8
Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin
Silicon Solar Cells: Theory, Past Findings, and Future Directions...................................................... 210
Nirag Kadakia, State University of New York at Albany, USA
Surface plasmons are oscillations of electrons arising from surface effects of light interaction with materi-
als having significant free carrier densities. Surface plasmons have been recently utilized in a variety of
methods used to increase the efficiency of solar cells. Research on silicon-based plasmonic solar cells
has made use of the high scattering cross sections and favorable angular distributions of noble metal
nanoparticle-scattered radiation to increase absorption of thin silicon devices. This chapter focuses
on the surface plasmon-enhanced thin film silicon solar cells. The chapter provides a comprehensive
description of the current research related to these cells.

Chapter 9
Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells........................................................................................... 231
Gavin Buxton, Robert Morris University, USA
Polymer solar cells are cheaper to produce than conventional inorganic solar cells and can be processed
at relatively low temperatures. The polymer solar cells can be fabricated on surfaces of arbitrary shape
and flexibility. This chapter provides coverage of the physics of polymer solar cells with a special em-
phasis on the computational tools. Two computer simulation models discussed in this chapter include
the drift diffusion model and the Monte Carlo model.

Chapter 10
Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells: Progress and Prospects............................... 254
Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University, USA
Solar cells made from III-V materials are expensive, but outperform other solar cells. The polycrystalline
III-V thin film solar cells on dissimilar substrates such as metal or glass can provide a low-cost venue
for photovoltaic solar energy. The highly developed technology base of III-V semiconductors should
favor this approach. This chapter provides a detailed account of III-V solar cells. Different approaches
for development of III-V solar cells are analyzed and compared with each other. The future prospects
for low-cost III-V compound solar cells are also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 11
Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices: Imaging, Compositional and Structural
Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 294
Michael S. Hatzistergos, International Business Machines (IBM), USA
& University at Albany, State University of New York, USA
This chapter provides an overview of the analytical techniques used for solar cells material character-
ization. The advantages and disadvantages of such techniques are compared. Most of these materials
characterization techniques are based on the same principle, that is, an incident beam of photons or
charged particles interacting with specimen resulting in various types of signals. An appropriate detec-
tion system is used to collect these signals, and then the data are analyzed to gain information regarding
the material properties being studied. The analytical techniques described in this chapter are categorized
as imaging, compositional analysis, and the structural analysis methods.

Chapter 12
Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells . ......................................................................................... 308
H. Henry Zhang, Purdue University, USA
Danny Rodriguez, Purdue University, USA
Qiong Li, Purdue University, USA
This chapter provides description of a mechatronic real-time solar tracker. The tracking array for the solar
cell is pivoted on two axes using stepper motors to reflect the effects of daily and seasonal trajectories
of the sun. The solar tracker described in this chapter is an example of the application of mechantron-
ics in the discipline of renewable energy. The chapter content provides details regarding the design,
programming, and the prototyping of this solar tracking system.
Chapter 13
Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems . .............................................................................. 320
Akram Gasmelseed, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Computer simulations are commonly used for analyzing solar energy systems. The interaction of light
with matter at a nanoscale level provides useful information regarding the structured and dynamical
properties of photonic devices. The use of computer simulations will continue to increase as the research-
ers and developers face the challenges associated with the design and development of new devices and
systems. Although this chapter focuses on the development and application of the Finite Difference
Time-Domain method to solar energy systems, it provides an overview of the new computational models
covering the latest developments in nanophotonics technologies.

Chapter 14
Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection . ............. 338
Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University, USA
Image processing is extensively utilized in solar cell research, device development, process control, and
quality assurance. The use of solar image processing is expanding due to performance enhancement of
commercial CCD and infrared cameras. This chapter provides a comprehensive description of the key
solar image processing methods and their applications. However, the emphasis of this chapter is on
monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells using infrared and visible wavelengths.

Chapter 15
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications .......................... 376
Radian Belu, Drexel University, USA & Desert Research Institute, USA
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are of significant importance in modeling, analysis, and prediction
of the performance of renewable energy systems. This chapter provides a comprehensive coverage of the
commonly used artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in solar energy. The chapter places an emphasis
on neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms. Selected AI applications in solar energy are
also described in this chapter.

Chapter 16
Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation.............................................................................................. 437
Rubita Sudirman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Muhammad Noorul Anam Mohd Norddin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
This chapter provides a detailed account of the time series and neural network methodologies used for
solar radiation forecasting. The time series methodologies described in this chapter include autoregressive
(AR), moving average (MA), autoregressive moving average (ARMA), and autoregressive integrated
moving average (AIMA). The chapter also presents a detailed comparison of the solar radiation fore-
casting techniques. The advantages and disadvantages of using the neural network approach for solar
radiation forecasting are outlined in this chapter.
Chapter 17
Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application . ............................................................................................ 462
Tribeni Das, Das Energy Consulting Pvt. Ltd., India
Ganesh C Bora, North Dakota State University, USA
This chapter provides a description of the different solar thermal applications of greenhouse structure.
Topics covered in the chapter include an introduction to the concept and importance of greenhouse
technology, solar thermal applications in different greenhouse systems, and the use of photovoltaic
systems for greenhouse drying. In this chapter, there is a special emphasis on greenhouse fish pond
system design and working principles.

Chapter 18
Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East: Case of Saudi Arabia........... 480
Tugrul U Daim, Portland State University, USA
Paul R. Newman, Portland State University, USA
Hithem Sughi, Portland State University, USA
Eyad Bakhsh, Portland State University, USA
As Saudi Arabia is going through a significant economic and technological development, the country
needs additional electric power generation to sustain the economic growth. Fossil fuels, however, are
not sustainable as they are subject to eventful depletion. This chapter provides an examination of power
generation alternatives for Saudi Arabia. Since the country is blessed with an abundant solar flux through-
out the year, the construction of solar powered electrical generation plants in Saudi Arabia is proposed.
However, due to the availability of different solar technologies, it is important to determine the optimal
technology. In this chapter, a mathematical model called Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM) is used
to make the technology selection.

Chapter 19
Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA: An Academic Perspective................... 506
Sohail Anwar, Pennsylvania State University – Altoona College, USA
Shamsa S. Anwar, Pennsylvania State University – Altoona College, USA
Given the expanding use of solar energy, there is a need to educate society about solar energy. Thus,
solar energy education and training programs should be developed at different educational levels to
fulfill this need. Such programs need to recognize the environmental value of solar energy and the life
cycle advantages of solar energy systems. This chapter provides an overview of the status of solar en-
ergy education and training in the United States. Though the focus of this chapter is on the solar energy
education and training programs provided by the academic institutions in the USA, a short description
of non-academic programs is also provided.
Chapter 20
Project-Based International Collaboration in Solar Energy Education:
A Case Study from France................................................................................................................... 517
Sohail Anwar, Pennsylvania State University – Altoona College, USA
Patrick Favier, IUT Bethune/Artois University, France
Desire D. Rasolomampionona, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
This chapter describes a project-based international collaboration in renewable energy systems design
and implementation. The collaboration involves several educational institutions in Europe and USA.
Working in teams, the undergraduate students at the partner institutions gain valuable experience in
renewable energy systems design and construction. The participating students also learn effective
teamwork and project management skills.

Compilation of References................................................................................................................ 523

About the Contributors..................................................................................................................... 586

Index.................................................................................................................................................... 593

Chapter 1
Control and Conversion
of Solar Power
Liping Guo
Northern Illinois University, USA

Solar energy conversion is one of the most addressed topics in the field of renewable energy. Solar ra-
diation is usually converted into two forms of energy: thermal and electrical energy. Solar electricity
has applications in many systems such as rural electricity, water pumping, and satellite communica-
tions. A solar power system consists of solar panels, dc-dc converters, controller, and load. Charging
a rechargeable battery requires a regulated dc voltage. However, the voltage supplied by a solar panel
can vary significantly depending upon the day, time, weather condition, and irradiation from the sun.
Since solar power is unregulated, it cannot be supplied to the load directly. Solar power is harvested
and stored by charging rechargeable batteries. A dc-dc converter is connected between the solar panel
and the battery to charge the battery with a regulated voltage. Therefore, solar power can be properly
converted and controlled to provide required electrical power to the load, and excessive power can be
sent back to the electrical grid.

INTRODUCTION PID controllers for dc-dc converters are usu-

ally designed by classical frequency response
In this chapter, the most recent development of techniques based on the small signal model of
digital power management and battery charging converters. To harvest solar power, rechargeable
control will be introduced. Dc-dc converters batteries are used to store energy. Because output
convert unregulated input voltage into regulated voltage of a solar panel varies constantly, a dc-
output voltage. Digital PID (proportional-integral- dc converter is needed to regulate the charging
derivative) type controllers can be applied to and discharging of the batteries. This chapter
dc-dc converters for voltage regulation. Linear will introduce several types of dc-dc converters.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch001
Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Small signal model of the converters will be first hydrid (NiMH) and Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries
obtained. PID controllers will then be designed becomes essential.
and implemented. A solar battery charger will be Previous work has been done to compare bat-
designed and implemented. Experimental results tery charging algorithms for stand alone photo-
will be presented and examined. voltaic systems (Armstrong, 2008). Peak power
from the solar panels was tracked for photovoltaic
systems using various methods (Hua, 1998). To
BACKGROUND increase conversion efficiency, maximum power
point tracking techniques as well as optimal con-
Solar energy conversion is one of the most ad- trol were studied and implemented (Boico, 2007;
dressed topics in the field of renewable energy. Masoum 2004).
Solar radiation is usually converted into two forms Charging a battery requires a regulated dc
of energy: thermal and electrical energy. Solar voltage. However, the voltage supplied by a so-
electricity has applications in many systems such lar panel can vary significantly depending upon
as rural electricity, water pumping and satellite the day, time, weather condition and irradiation
communications. from the sun. In order to charge the battery with a
In the past, solar power was usually used for regulated voltage, a dc-dc converter is connected
large-scale grid connected system and small re- between the solar panel and the battery. The output
mote photovoltaic plants or stand-alone systems voltage, current and power can be regulated using
(Bica, 2008). Recent technological development feedback controllers (Mohan, 1995). In this chap-
in thin-film photovoltaics (PV) is leading to new ter, the following dc-dc converters are discussed.
generations of consumer portable solar panels.
These new solar panels are light weight, durable, 1. Buck converter (step-down)
flexible, and have been reported to achieve power 2. Boost converter (step-up)
efficiencies of up to 10%. The portable solar 3. Buck-boost converter (step-down/step-up)
panels make solar power readily available for 4. Cuk converter (step-down/step-up)
mobile power needs such as outdoor enthusiast, 5. Sepic converter (step-down/step-up)
expeditions and campers. It also provides portable
solar power for the military to extend the run Of these five converters, buck converter and
time of military devices including satellite com- boost converter are the basic converter topolo-
munications, two-way radios, laptop computers, gies. Buck-boost, Cuk and Sepic converters are
thermal imaging cameras, GPS, and etc. Therefore, derived based on the two basic topologies. In a
solar power is expanding beyond its traditional dc-dc converter, the switching device such as
applications. transistor or MOSFET is switched on or off com-
Solar power is harvested and stored by charg- pletely, therefore efficiency of dc-dc converters is
ing rechargeable batteries. Older solar battery generally higher than linear regulators.
chargers were mainly developed for stationary A buck converter produces a lower output
situations such as solar house and RVs. Lead acid voltage than the input voltage. A boost converter
batteries are usually used because light weight is produces a higher output voltage than the input
not a major factor to consider. However, since the voltage. Buck-boost, Cuk and Sepic converters
appearance of the foldable and light weight solar are buck-boost type converters that produce
panels, the need to develop solar battery chargers an output voltage that is either higher or lower
for more portable batteries such as Nickel metal than the input voltage. A pulse-width-modulated

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

(PWM) signal is sent to the switching device to

tON . The corresponding PWM signal is
regulate the output voltage. By varying the duty T
ratio ton/Ts of the switch, the output voltage can shown in Figure 2.
be controlled. The equivalent circuit in Figure 3 is valid when
the switch is on. The diode is reverse biased, and
the input voltage supplies energy to the inductor,
SWITCH-MODE POWER SUPPLIES capacitor and the load. When the switch is open
as shown in Figure 4, the diode conducts, the
Switch mode dc-dc converters efficiently trans- capacitor supplies energy to the load, and the
form an unregulated input dc voltage to a regu- inductor current flows through the capacitor and
lated output dc voltage under the control of the the diode (Ang, 1995). The output voltage is
pulse-width modulation (PWM) (Lee, 1993). controlled by varying the duty cycle. During steady
Two basic topologies are the buck converter state, the ratio of output voltage over input voltage
(step-down converter) and the boost converter is D, which is given by (1).
(step-up converter). There are usually two modes
of operation for the dc-dc converters: continuous Vout
=D (1)
mode and discontinuous mode. The inductor cur- Vin
rent never falls to zero in the continuous mode.
In the discontinuous mode, the inductor current
falls to zero during the time the switch is turned BOOST CONVERTERS
off. Only operation in the continuous mode is
considered in this chapter. A boost converter, shown in Figure 5, converts
an unregulated source voltage Vin into a higher
regulated load voltage Vout. When the switch is
BUCK CONVERTERS closed as shown in Figure 6, the diode is reverse
biased, the input voltage supplies energy to the
The buck converter shown in Figure 1 converts inductor, while the capacitor discharges into the
the unregulated source voltage Vin into the load. When the switch is opened as shown in
lower output voltage Vout. The ratio of the ON Figure 7, the diode conducts, both energy from
time (ton) when the switch is closed to the entire the input voltage and stored in the inductor are
switching period (T) is defined as the duty cycle supplied to the capacitor and the load, thus the

Figure 1. Buck converter

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Figure 2. PWM signal to control the switches in the dc-dc converters

output voltage is higher than the input voltage. averaging. This method combines the advantages
During steady state operation, the ratio between of both state-space and averaging methods. It
1 provides an accurate model at lower frequencies.
the output and input voltage is , which is
1−D It assumes that the output filter corner frequency
given in (2). The output voltage is controlled by is much lower than the switching frequency.
varying the duty cycle. The procedure to obtain the state-space av-
eraged model is now outlined (Severns, 1985).
Vout 1 First, create the linear equivalent circuit for every
= (2)
Vin 1−D state of the converter. The continuous mode has
two states: switch closed and switch opened.
Equivalent circuits for the buck converter ap-
STATE-SPACE AVERAGED MODEL pear in Figure 3 and Figure 4, and equivalent
FOR THE SWITCH MODE POWER circuits for the boost converter are in Figure 6
SUPPLIES and Figure 7. Second, write the state variable
model for the linear equivalent circuit in each
The first step in the design of a controller is to state. Inductor current (iL) and capacitor voltage
obtain the mathematical model of the plant. Gener- (vC) are chosen as the state variables. Vin is the
ally, it is one of the most time-consuming tasks in input voltage, Vo is the output voltage, D is the
the design process. One of the most widely used duty cycle, L is the filter inductance, C refers to
models for dc-dc converters is based on state-space the output filter capacitance, and R is the load

Figure 3. Equivalent circuit of the buck converter when the switch is closed

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Figure 4. Equivalent circuit of the buck converter

when the switch is open
diL 1  RRL + RRC + RCRL  1  R 
= −  
 iL −   vC
dt L  R + RC  L  R + RC 

dvC 1  R  1  1 
=  iL −  vC
dt C

 R + RC  C  R + RC 

For the boost converter, the state variable

equations for the circuit of Figure 6 are given in
(7) and (8).

diL  RL  Vin
resistance. The parasitic elements in the circuits = −   iL + (7)
dt 
L L
are the equivalent series resistance (ESR) RC of the
output capacitance and the winding resistance RL
dvC 1  R  1  1 
of the inductor. For the buck converter, the state =  iL −  vC
dt C

 R + RC  C  R + RC 
variable equations for the circuit of Figure 3 are
given in (3) and (4) (Sum, 1984). (8)

diL 1  RRL + RRC + RCRL  1  R  Vin The state variable equations for the circuit of
= −   iL −   vC +
dt L  R + RC  L  R + RC  L Figure 7 are given in (9) and (10).
diL  RL + (R / /RC ) 1  R  Vin
= −   iL −   vC +
dvC 1  R 
 1  1 
 dt  L  L  R + RC  L
= iL − vC
dt C  R + RC  C  R + RC  (9)
dvC 1  R  1  1 
=  iL −  vC
The state variable equations for the circuit of dt C  R + RC  C  R + RC 
Figure 4 are given in (5) and (6). (10)

Figure 5. Boost converter

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Figure 6. Equivalent circuit of the boost converter when the switch is closed

Third, use the value of the duty cycle as the The control-to-output transfer function is
weighting factor to combine the two equations utilized to design the controller. It is a common
into one. Fourth, generate the dc and small signal two-pole low pass filter, with a left half plane zero
terms by perturbing the averaged equations, and introduced by the ESR of filter capacitance. The
remove the nonlinear cross products. Fifth, trans- cutoff frequency of the low pass filter is
form the small signal or AC terms into the s domain 1
. The magnitude falls with a slope of
transfer function. After analysis, a small signal 2π LC
transfer function vˆo (s ) / dˆ(s ) is obtained. v̂o and –40dB/decade at the cutoff frequency. The phase
dˆ are the small-signal perturbations of the output associated with it is a –180 degree phase delay.
voltage Vo and the duty cycle d near their steady 1
The zero is at − . There is a 20dB/decade
state operating point Vo and D (Mohan, 1995). RCC
magnitude rise at that frequency and the phase
shift is 90 degrees. The magnitude of the transfer
STATE-SPACE AVERAGED MODEL function depends on the duty cycle D. When D
FOR A BUCK CONVERTER increases, the magnitude decreases; when D de-
creases, the magnitude increases. However,
The buck converter’s control-to-output transfer variations of D don’t change the shape of the Bode
function derived by the standard state-space aver- plot of the transfer function. It only shifts the
aging technique is given by (11) (Severns, 1985). magnitude upward or downward.

 
 
vˆo(s ) Vo  
=   
1 + sRCC 
dˆ(s )  D    L   R + RC  
1 + s RCC + [R / /RL ]C +  + s LC 
  R + RL   R + RL  
(11) Issues, Controversies, Problems

The input-to-output transfer function is given Digital signal processors (DSPs), microproces-
by (12): sors, and microcontrollers have been utilized in
motor drives and uninterruptible power supplies

 for a number of years. Traditionally, regulation of
vˆo(s )  DR   1 + sRCC 
vˆs(s )  R + RL   
 L   R + RC  
 the output voltage of dc-dc converters has been
1 + s RCC + [R / /RL ]C +  + s 2
LC 
  
  R + RL   R + RL  
 achieved through the use of analog control tech-
(12) niques. An analog control system operates in real

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

time and can have a high bandwidth. In addition, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) measures the
the voltage resolution for an analog system is theo- output voltage and converts it to a corresponding
retically infinite (Kuo, 1992). However, an analog binary number. A new duty cycle is calculated by
system is usually composed of discrete hardware the CPU using an algorithm stored in memory
that must be modified to change controller gains and passed to a PWM module, which controls the
or algorithms. In addition, the implementation of main switch or switches in the dc-dc converter.
advanced control algorithms requires an exces- Linear controllers for dc-dc converters are
sive number of components. An examination of often designed based on mathematical models. To
the literature indicates that interest is growing obtain a certain performance objective, an accu-
in the application of digital control techniques rate model is essential. In a previous effort, linear
for regulating dc-dc converter output voltage proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers
(Vinsant, 1994; DiFiore, 1994; Vallittu, 1998; were designed for buck and boost converters (Guo,
Boudreaux, 1996; Boudreaux, 1995; Kocybik, 2002; Guo 2003). The controllers were designed
1995; Bibian, 1999; Duan, 1999; Peng, 2001; Tso, based on each converter’s small signal model using
2001; Matsuo, 2000; Button, 2000; Tso, 2000; frequency response and root locus design methods.
Forsyth, Forsyth; Matsuo, 1998; Gupta, 1997; So, The small signal model changes due to changes in
1995). The complexity of a digital control system operating point (Severns, 1985). Changes in the
is contained mostly in software. Once working duty cycle only affect the magnitude of the buck
properly, software is more consistent and reliable converter’s small signal model. But for the boost
than a complex analog system. Digital processors converter’s small signal model, the poles and a
also have the advantage of being less susceptible right-half plane zero, as well as the magnitude of
to aging and environmental or parameter varia- the frequency response, are all dependent on the
tions. In addition, the processor can monitor the duty cycle D. This makes the transfer function of
system, perform self-diagnostics and tests, and the boost converter’s small signal model a non-
communicate status to a display or a host computer linear function of the duty cycle. The right-half
(Vinsant, 1994; DiFiore, 1994). plane zero and the nonlinear nature of the boost
Technological advances have yielded micro- converter’s small signal model makes the control
controllers and DSPs with the necessary on-board design for this converter more challenging from
features to allow implementation of a digital con- the point of view of stability and bandwidth.
troller for a dc-dc converter using a single chip. An

Figure 7. Equivalent circuit of the boost converter when the switch is open

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

In order to achieve a stable and fast response, the boost converter more challenging from the
a feedback controller is designed for dc-dc point of view of stability and bandwidth.
converters. Output voltage from the solar panel For the experimental boost converter utilized
varies significantly with the time of the day and in this chapter, the input voltage is 5 V, the output
season of the year. Load current of solar power voltage Vo is 12 V, and the nominal duty cycle D is
systems also varies greatly. How to regulate the 58%. C is 1056 µF, L is 250 µH, and R is 25 Ω. The
output voltage of dc-dc converters in the presence parasitic elements, RC and RL, are estimated from
of input voltage and load disturbances in a solar data sheets to be 30 m Ω and 10 mΩ, respectively.
power system remains an open research problem. The frequency response of the boost converter
when operating at steady state is also obtained us-
ing a Model 102B analog network analyzer by AP
SOLUTIONS AND Instruments. There is a clear discrepancy between
RECOMMENDATIONS the theoretical model and the measured frequency
response. Part of the discrepancy is because there
Boost Converter is more damping in the actual plant than in the
theoretical model. By fitting the experimental
The output-to-control small signal transfer func- frequency response data using Matlab, a transfer
tion of a boost converter is shown in (13). It is function for the boost converter was constructed
obtained using standard state-space averaging as shown in (14). The experimental frequency
techniques (Severns, 1985), response and this transfer function are plotted
in Figure 1. There is good agreement between
the two curves. The transfer function in (2) has
(1 − )(sRCC + RC / R + 1)
vˆo (s )
dˆ(s )

R two zeros at -5.961×104 radians/s and 1.468×104
DO LeC (R / D 2
) + (R / D O) 1  (RL / DO 2 ) + (RC / DO ) 1
s2 + s  L + + +
radians/s, and two conjugate complex poles at
 Le CR  LeCR LeC

(13) (-4.126±j6.1)×102 radians/s.

where D is nominal duty cycle, Le = L / (1 − D)2 vˆo (s ) −5.6956 × 10−3 s 2 − 2.5589 × 102 s + 4.9831 × 106
and DO =1-D. The transfer function is a second dˆ(s ) s 2 + 8.2525 × 102 s + 5.4241 × 105
order, low-pass filter with two zeros. The low-pass (14)
filter’s cut off frequency is at ωc= . The zero
LC Boost Converter Controller Design
1 + RC / R
in the left half plane is ωzl= − , and
RCC A PID and a PI controller are designed for the
the zero in the right half plane is boost converter for operation during a start up
(1 − D)2 R transient and steady state, respectively. The de-
ωzr = .
L rivative term in a PID controller is susceptible to
Variables ωc and ωzr are functions of nominal duty noise and measurement error of the system, which
cycle D. In a closed-loop voltage-control system, could result in oscillation of the duty cycle during
the filter element will change as the duty cycle steady state. However, during transient, the deriva-
changes, which means the transfer function will tive term is needed to reduce the settling time by
change accordingly. This makes the transfer func- predicting the changes in error. Therefore, PID and
tion of the boost converter a nonlinear function PI controllers are switched between transient and
of the duty cycle. It makes the control design for steady state to obtain fast and stable response. The

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

controllers were designed based on the measured 100

Gc (s ) = 0.1667 + (16)
small signal model of the boost converter in (14) s
using frequency response techniques.
One zero of the PID controller is placed at Implementation of Linear PID and PI
260 radians/s, and the other zero is placed at Controllers
2600 radians/s. The transfer function of the PID
controller is shown in (15). The Bode plot of the The linear PID and PI controllers are imple-
PID-compensated boost converter is shown in mented for the boost converter using an eZdsp
Figure 9. The bandwidth of the PID-compensated F2812 from Texas Instruments. The eZdsp
system is 1.83×103 radians/s, and the phase margin F2812 is a stand-alone evaluation module with a
is 50 degrees. TMS320F2812 Digital Signal Processor (DSP).
The TMS320F2812 is a 32-bit fixed point DSP
134.13 controller with on-board flash memory. The CPU
Gc (s ) = 0.567 + + 0.000198s (15)
s operates at 150 MHz. The TMS320F2812 supports
peripherals used for embedded control applica-
A PI controller is designed for the steady state tions, such as the event manager modules and a
to reduce oscillations of the duty cycle. A pole is dual 12-bit, 16 channel ADC. The conversion
placed at the origin and a zero is placed at 600 period of the ADC is only 80 ns. The sampling
radians/s. The transfer function of the PI control- and switching frequency of the linear PID and PI
ler is shown in (16). The Bode plot of the PI- controllers is 150 kHz.
controller-compensated system is shown in Figure The continuous-time transfer function of
10. The bandwidth of the PI compensated system the PID and PI controller in (15) and (16) are
is 1010 radians/s, and the phase margin is 26.3 transformed into discrete-time domain using the
degrees. backward integration method. The digital PID
controller’s transfer function is shown in (17).

Figure 8. Comparison of the frequency response obtained using the analog analyzer and from the gen-
erated transfer function

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Figure 9. Start up transient response of the boost converter using the linear PID and PI control method
(2V/div, 5ms/div)

K ITz K D (z − 1) The difference equation in (18) is a linear

GC (z ) = K P + + (17)
z −1 Tz combination of feedback and control signals.
A series of scalar multiplication and addition
The difference equation to calculate a new instructions can be used to implement the linear
duty cycle for the digital PID controller is writ- PID and PI controller. The TI TMS320F2812 DSP
ten in (18). is optimized for implementation of digital filters.
It has several instructions to multiply a number
KD by a constant and add the previous product in a
u[k ] = K Pe[k ] + K IT ∑ e[i ] + {e[k ] − e[k − 1]}
i =0 T single instruction. Therefore, the implementation
(18) of the linear PID controller in real time is quite
In the difference equation, u[k] is the control- The PID controller is used during the start up
ler output for the kth sample, and e[k] is the error transient to increase the speed of the transient re-
of the kth sample. The error e[k] is calculated as sponse, while the PI controller is applied to obtain
e[k] = Ref-ADC[k], where ADC[k] is the con- a more stable steady state response. The start up
verted digital value of the kth sample of the output transient response is shown in Figure 9. The rise
voltage, and Ref is the digital value corresponding time is about 15ms, with about 10% overshoot.
The transient response when the load changes
to the desired output voltage. ∑ e[i ] is the sum
i =0
from 0.24A to 0.48A using the linear PID and PI
of the errors and {e[k]-e[k-1]} is the difference control method is shown in Figure 10, where the
between the error of the kth sample and the error waveform on the top is the AC coupled voltage
of the (k-1)th sample. For the PI controller, the response, and waveform on the bottom is used to
derivative gain KD is zero. trigger at the instant of load transient. The settling

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Figure 10. Transient response for the boost converter using the linear PID and PI control method when
the load changes from 0.24A to 0.48A (200mV/div, 2ms/div)

time of the load transient response is about 10ms. from the sun. In order to charge the battery with
There is a 100 mV steady state error. a regulated voltage, a dc-dc converter is con-
nected between the solar panel and the battery.
The main components in the solar battery charger
DEVELOPMENT OF A SOLAR are standard Photovoltaic solar panels (PV), a
BATTERY CHARGER deep cycle rechargeable battery, a Single-Ended
Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) converter
Recent technological developments in thin-film and a controller.
photovoltaics (PVs), such as amorphous silicon Different types of rechargeable battery were
and hybrid dye sensitized/PV cells, are leading to considered including lead acid, Nickel Cadmium
new generations of portable solar arrays. These (NiCd), Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and Lithium
new arrays are lightweight, durable, flexible, and ion (Li-ion) batteries. Among these batteries,
have been reported to achieve power efficiencies Li-ion batteries have the highest energy density
of up to 10%. Since the emergence of these flex- and relatively low self-discharge rates and no
ible and foldable solar arrays, there has become memory effect. A BB2588 Li-ion battery from
a need to develop solar battery chargers for more Bren-Tronics, Inc is used for this project.
portable batteries, such as Nickel metal hydride The SEPIC converter is a type of dc-dc con-
(NiMH) and Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries for verter that is able to convert unregulated input
military and consumer applications. voltage into either a higher or lower output voltage.
Charging a battery requires a regulated dc This allows the solar panel to charge the battery
voltage. However, the voltage supplied by a so- with a wider range of output voltage, thus flex-
lar panel can vary significantly depending upon ibility is increased. Experimental results of the
the day, time, weather condition and irradiation solar battery charger are evaluated.

Control and Conversion of Solar Power


Solar panels are made of many photovoltaic (PV) Older solar battery chargers were mainly de-
cells connected in series or parallel. The PV cell veloped to charge lead acid batteries. In order
is a large area p-n diode with the junction posi- to reduce the weight of the solar power system
tioned close to the top surface. When the cell is for portable needs, there has become a need to
illuminated, electron-hole pairs are generated develop more portable batteries including Li-ion
by the interaction of the incident photons with and NiMH batteries.
the atoms of the cell. The electric field created Different types of rechargeable battery were
by the cell junction causes the photon-generated considered including lead acid, Nickel Cadmium
electron-hole pairs to separate. The electrons drift (NiCd), Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and Lithium
into the n-region of the cell and the holes drift into ion (Li-ion) batteries. Among these batteries,
the p-region (Quintana, 1993). Li-ion batteries have the highest energy density
The conversion efficiency of PV cells is defined and relatively low self-discharge rates and no
as the ratio between the electrical power output memory effect. A BB2588 Li-ion battery from
and the solar power impinging the cell. The effi- Bren-Tronics, Inc is used for this project. The
ciency of the PV cells generally is less than 30%. dimension of the battery is 89.7 mm (length) ×
This means that when a cell is illuminated, it will 30.9 mm (width) × 90.2 mm (height). The weight
generally convert less than 30% of the irradiance of the battery is 0.36 Kg. Nominal and maximum
into electricity. The continuing effort to produce voltage is 14.4 V and 16.8 V respectively. Capacity
more efficient and low cost PV cells results in dif- of the battery is 2.2 Ah. Operating temperature
ferent types of PV technologies. Major types of PV range is –20 oC to +55 oC.
cells are single-crystalline silicon, polycrystalline, The battery requires to charge at 16.5 V con-
semicrystalline, thin films and amorphous silicon. stant voltage, and 1 A maximum current. Charge
In this project, a PV-SC020J12 solar panel from is complete when current drops to 50 mA. To
Solar Cynergy is used. It has a nominal output allow charging to proceed, 5 V dc needs to ap-
voltage of 17 V and a nominal output current of plied through a 470 Ohm, 1/4 W resistor between
1.16 A, with maximum output voltage of 21.6 V the “charge enable” contact (+) and the negative
and current of 1.31 A. The solar panel weighs contact of the main connector (-).
only 2.27 Kg. Due to its small dimension and light
weight, it can be moved very easily. Furthermore,
it is waterproof and easy to install. The solar panel SEPIC CONVERTER
is tested by connecting an external resistor across
the output. When the value of the load resistor Dc-dc converters converts unregulated dc input
changes, output voltage and output power of the voltage into regulated dc output voltage. In a dc-
solar panel changes. The test result is shown in dc converter, a transistor or MOSFET operates
Table 1. The output voltage of the solar panel can as an electronic switch: either completely on or
vary from 5.8 V to 19.6 V, and output power can completely off. Power absorbed by an ideal switch
vary from 3.92 W to 15.857 W. should be zero. In practice, losses will occur in
a real switch due to switching and conduction
losses. Efficiency of a dc-dc converter is quite
high compared to a linear regulator.
To charge the battery, a constant voltage of
16.5 V is required. However, the output voltage of

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

the solar panel will vary depending on the time of Pout

η= (19)
the day, weather condition and light illumination. Pin
Testing of the solar panel shows that the output
voltage of the solar panel can vary from 5.8 V up
to 19.6 V with different load current. To obtain a FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
constant voltage of 16.5 V, a dc-dc converter is
inserted between the solar panel and the battery Portable solar battery chargers need to adapt
to regulate the voltage. A single ended primary to changing environmental conditions such as
inductance converter (SEPIC) is chosen because changing weather and changing current. New
it can convert the input voltage into either a higher charge-control algorithms will continue to be de-
or lower output voltage. The output voltage of veloped to overcome this problem. Robust control
SEPIC converter is non-inverted, while the output algorithms will be able to adapt to variations in
voltage of a buck-boost converter is inverted. Cir- current and temperature. Different rechargeable
cuit schematics diagram of a SEPIC converter is batteries will need different charging and control
shown in Figure 11. The Circuit parameters of the algorithms. Advantages and disadvantages of
prototype SEPIC converter are listed in Table 2. various charging algorithms need to be compared
and evaluated. Future research will be directed
to develop a unified battery charger that is able
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS to adapt to characteristics of different batteries.
Optimum architecture for solar battery chargers
The solar battery charger is developed and tested will continue to be investigated. Maximum power
in the laboratory. Experimental setup is shown in point control can be applied to different architec-
Figure 12. Efficiency of the SEPIC converter is tures. How to improve efficiency of solar battery
tested with different input voltage from the solar chargers remains as a research problem. To reduce
panel. The efficiency η is determined by (19). the weight of solar battery charger, the power
Test result of the efficiency is shown in Table 3. density of switch mode power supplies needs to
be increased. In addition, it will be investigated
how to reduce the cost of a solar battery charger.

Table 1. Test of solar panel with changing load

resistance Table 2. Circuit parameters of the prototype
SEPIC converter
Resistance Output Voltage Current Power
(Ω) (V) (A) (W) Parameter Value Units
5 5.8 1.16 6.728 Input capacitor, Cin 100 µF
10 11.7 1.17 13.689 Filter capacitor, Cs 200 µF
15 15.7 1.01 15.857 Output capaci- 200 µF
tor, Co
25 17.3 0.68 11.764
Filter inductance, 2 mH
30 17.8 0.58 10.324
35 17.8 0.49 8.722
Filter inductance, 2 mH
50 18.6 0.36 6.696 L1
90 19.6 0.2 3.92 Load resistance, R 75 Ω

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Figure 11. Schematics of a SEPIC converter

CONCLUSION are discussed. Linear PID and PI controllers were

designed and implemented for a boost converter.
In this chapter, different architectures of dc-dc Linear PID and PI controller were designed based
converters are discussed. For a buck converter, on the frequency response of the boost converter
the output voltage is always lower than the input using frequency response techniques. The PID
voltage. For a boost converter, the output voltage controller is used for start-up transient, while
is always higher than the input voltage. For a the PI controller is applied during steady state to
buck-boost type converter, the output voltage can achieve stable steady-state response. Design and
be either higher or lower than the input voltage. implementation issues for the linear PID and PI
Small signal model and control of dc-dc converters

Figure 12. Experimental setup of the solar battery charger

Control and Conversion of Solar Power

Table 3. Efficiency of the SEPIC converter with different input voltage

Vin (Volts) Duty cycle D Iin (Amps) Iout (Amps) Pin (Watts) Pout (Watts) efficiency
6 74.5% 0.72 0.2 4.32 3.28 75.93%
10 63.4% 0.43 0.2 4.3 3.28 76.28%
14 54.3% 0.34 0.2 4.76 3.28 68.91%
20 45.3% 0.25 0.2 5 3.28 65.60%

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centrators. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive
Mechanics Conference, (pp. 129 – 134). KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS
Maish, A. B. (1990, May). Performance of a self- Battery Charger: Power electronics equip-
aligning solar array tracking controller. Twenty ment that regulate the charging and discharging
First IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, of rechargeable batteries.
May 1990, Vol. 2, (pp. 864 – 869). Boost Converter: A dc-dc converter that
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F. (2004). Microprocessor-controlled new class of regulated output voltage.
optimal battery chargers for photovoltaic applica- Buck Converter: A dc-dc converter that
tions. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, converts unregulated input voltage into lower
19(3), 599–606. doi:10.1109/TEC.2004.827716 regulated output voltage.
dc-dc Converter: Switch mode power sup-
Messenger, R., & Ventre, J. (1999). Photovoltaic plies that converts unregulated dc input voltage
systems engineering. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. into regulated DC output voltage.
Oltu, O., et al. (2007, October). Solar panel en- Digital Control: Controller that uses micro-
ergetic efficiency optimization method, based on controllers or digital signal processors to imple-
an specific detector and orientation microsystem. ment control algorithms.
International Semiconductor Conference, Vol. 1, Efficiency: Ratio of output power over input
(pp. 127 – 130). power.
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID)
Petchjatuporn, P., Ngamkham, W., et al. (2005). A Control: One of the most widely used compensa-
solar-powered battery charger with neural network tor in feedback control systems. It uses propor-
maximum power point tracking implemented on tional, integral and derivative terms to obtain both
a low-cost PIC-microcontroller. International fast transient response and no steady state error.
Conference on Power Electronics and Drive
System, (pp. 507 – 510).


Chapter 2
Solar Energy Storage:
An Approach for Terrestrial
and Space Applications

Ahmed Elgafy
University of Cincinnati, USA

With the urgent need to harvest and store solar energy, especially with the dramatic unexpected changes
in oil prices, the design of new generation of solar energy storage systems has grown in importance.
Besides diminishing the role of the oil, these systems provide green energy which would help reducing
air pollution. Solar energy would be stored in different forms of energy; thermal, electric, hybrid ther-
mal/electric, thermochemical, photochemical, and photocapacitors. The nature of solar energy, radiant
thermal energy, magnifies the role and usage of thermal energy storage (TES) techniques. In this chapter,
different techniques/technologies for solar thermal energy storage are introduced for both terrestrial and
space applications. Enhancing the performance of these techniques using nanotechnology is introduced
as well as using of advanced materials and structures. The chapter also introduces the main features
of the other techniques for solar energy storage along with recent conducted research work. Economic
and environment feasibility studies are also introduced.

INTRODUCTION materials, PCMs. In this context; the deployment

of different types of PCMs in terrestrial applica-
This book chapter is an effort to provide different tions is introduced as well as investigating and
techniques/technologies for solar energy storage predicting their thermal characteristics numeri-
and to analyze their economic and environment cally and experimentally. A negative aspect of
effects. The chapter involves also a pool for recent PCMs is that most of these materials suffer from
conducted research work in this vital field. The inherent low thermal conductivity. Hence, the
first section includes storing the solar energy in second section introduces different techniques to
the form of thermal energy through phase change enhance the thermal performance of PCMs. On

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch002
Solar Energy Storage

the other hand, many studies have been conducted SOLAR THERMAL
to investigate the enhancement of the thermal ENERGY STORAGE
conductivity of PCMs using porous matrices.
In general, this technique would present several In many parts of the world, direct solar radiation is
advantages such as achieving high external heat considered to be one of the most potential source
transfer coefficient, very low bulk density, and of energy. However, the large-scale utilization of
good mechanical properties. Accordingly, the third this form of energy is possible only if the effective
section proposes utilizing of PCMs combined with technology for its storage can be developed with
solid porous matrices in thermal energy storage acceptable capital and running costs (Kenisarin
systems. In space applications, solar energy stor- & Mahkamov, 2007). Thermal energy storage
age is a critical task and using PCMs in energy (TES), is of great importance in a wide variety
storage in space applications is very useful due to of energy applications especially in solar energy
their higher energy to weight ratio. Consequently, storage applications. Thermal energy can be stored
the fourth section includes employment of PCMs as a change in internal energy of a material as
in space applications. Nanotechnology and solar sensible heat, latent heat and thermo-chemical
energy are being combined by many researchers or combination of these techniques (Olofsson
to establish new generation of solar cells and to and Bengtsson, 2008). In his comprehensive
develop superior efficient solar energy storage study, Dincer (1999) introduced a discussion of
systems based nanocomposites. Therefore, the the evaluation and the selection of sensible and
fifth section introduces the role of nanotechnology latent heat storage technologies, systems and
in solar energy storage systems. The sixth section applications in the field of solar energy. Several
aims to present other techniques for solar energy issues relating to energy storage were examined
storage. Hybrid Thermal Energy Storage Systems, from the current perspective. In addition, some
(HTESS); is proposed to manage simultaneously criteria, techniques, recommendations, checklists
the storage of heat from solar and electric energy. on the selection, implementation and operation of
Another techniques are the Aquifer Thermal energy storage systems were provided for the use
Energy Storage (ATES) and Underground Solar of energy engineers, scientists and policy makers.
Thermal Storage systems. The general objective of One of prospective techniques of storing solar
these techniques is to provide heating and cooling energy in form of thermal energy is the applica-
by storing solar heat underground in summer and tion of phase change materials, PCMs. The phase
cold in winter. Photosensitizer in Photogalvanic change of PCMs falls into the category of moving
cell for storage and conversion of solar energy boundary problems (Crank, 1987) and during
and the photocapacitors are introduced in the their phase change process, both liquid and solid
sixth section as well. The seventh section includes phases are presented and separated by a moving
economic and feasibility studies for solar energy interface, mushy region (Mesalhy et al. 2005).
storage systems. The eighth section incorporates PCMs store energy in both sensible and latent
solutions and recommendations for establishing heat forms. Initially, these solid– liquid PCMs
new techniques and enhancing the performance of perform like conventional storage materials; their
existing ones for solar energy storage. The ninth temperatures rise as they absorb heat. Unlike
section includes, the future research directions conventional (sensible) storage materials, when
and conclusions. The tenth section includes the the PCM reaches the temperature at which they
references. change phase (their melting point) they absorb

Solar Energy Storage

large amounts of heat without getting hotter. In capsule. He simplified the momentum equation
the contrary, when the ambient temperature around and solved it explicitly from the energy equation.
the PCM drops, the PCM solidifies, releasing its His results indicated that the melted fraction from
stored latent heat (Elgafy & Lafdi 2010). PCMs can close contact melting at the bottom of the capsule
be used in both; terrestrial and space applications. was larger, by an order of magnitude, than that
Essentially; PCMs are used in solar domestic hot from the conduction dominated melting from the
water heating. Additionally, using PCMs in solar top. The steady close-contact melting occurring
energy storage in space applications is very useful between a PCM and an isothermally heated flat
due to their higher energy to weight ratio (Lafdi surface in relative motion was investigated analyti-
et al. 2008). Different types of PCMs and their cally by Hoseon et al. (1998). While, Soma & Dutta
properties are presented by Kenisari & Mahkamov (1993) conducted theoretical and experimental
(2007). In the following sections; the potential of work to describe the melting characteristics of
using PCMs in terrestrial and space application paraffin wax encapsulated between two concen-
will be discussed. tric cylinders. It was found that the melting time
depends on the rate of natural convection; the
Solar Energy Storage in PCMs higher the rate of natural convection the smaller
for Terrestrial Applications the melting time. On the other hand Aghbalou et
al. (2006) studied the exergetic optimization of a
Conventional types of PCMs are paraffin waxes, solar thermal energy system. The system consisted
mineral salts, metal alloys, and some types of of a solar collector and a rectangular water stor-
polymers. Studying of the potential of using a age tank that contains a PCM distributed in an
particular PCM as energy storage mediums, in assembly of slabs. The study took into account
general, would be achieved analytically, experi- both conduction and convection heat transfer mode
mentally, numerically, or by using a combination for water in the solar collector, and also the phase
between these three approaches (Mesalhy, 2005). change process for the PCM in the storage tank. An
The analytical solutions of phase change are analytical solution for the melting process in the
mainly based on solving the Stefan moving bound- PCM was also presented. They concluded that the
ary problems (Elgafy et al., 2004). An extensive exergetic optimization study of the PCM-slabs–
review for the analytical techniques for solving SEST gives optimal melting temperature. Results
such moving boundary problems is presented by shows that Tm ranges between 327 K and 363 K.
Crank (1987) and Zerroukat & Chatwin (1994). To the contrary, Xiao et al. (2009) introduced an
Bareiss & Beer (1984) studied analytically the tem- analytical approach to optimize the phase change
poral geometric shape, melting rates, and heat flux temperature and the total amount of interior latent
for melting of PCM inside a metallic isothermally heat capacity in a lightweight passive solar room.
heated copper tube. For contact melting, Moal- The optimization was applied to a typical passive
lemi & Viskanta (1984) developed a mathematical solar room in Beijing with interior PCM panels
model for melting of a solid, which was continu- as energy storage components. The analytical
ously in close contact with a heat source. They average indoor air temperature, optimal phase
assumed that the heat source and the solid phase change temperature, and the amount of interior
are continuously separated by a very thin film in latent heat capacity agree well with the simulated
which the flow is predominantly in one direction. results, and the modeling program was validated
Following the same process Lacroix (2001) set with experimental data.
a mathematical model for contact melting of a Many experimental works have been carried
subcooled PCM inside a heated parallelepipedic out to study melting processes of PCMs, to investi-

Solar Energy Storage

gate the heat transfer regimes during phase change investigated experimentally palmitic acid and an
processes, and to study melting characteristics eutectic mixture of palmitic and stearic acids as
of some PCMs. Wang et al. (1999) investigated a PCM in a simple tube-in-tube heat exchanger.
the melting process in the vicinity of a heated It was observed that the convection heat transfer
vertical wall. It was found that during the melt- in the liquid phase plays an important role in the
ing process, three different heat transfer regimes melting process and the melting and solidification
were identified; these are pure conduction mode, times can be changed by placing the PCM storage
transition mode, and convection mode. The rule in different positions. Experimental results also
of natural convection on the solid-liquid interface showed that the eutectic mixture had good phase
during melting and solidification of Lipowitz change and heat transfer characteristics during
metal and pure Gallium in a rectangular cavity the melting and solidification processes, and it
were studied by Gau & Viskanta (1984; 1986). is an attractive candidate as a potential PCM for
The measurements of both temperature distribu- heat storage in latent heat thermal energy storage
tions and temperature fluctuations were used as systems.
a qualitative indication of the natural convection Conversely, knowing of the thermal behavior
flow regimes and structures of melting during the of a PCM in devices under periodic heat loads is
phase transformation. For melting, the measured crucial. Casano & Piva (2002) studied numeri-
melt volume and heat transfer coefficients were cally and experimentally the periodic heating of
correlated in terms of relevant dimensionless pa- a plane slab of PCM from the top by applying a
rameters. For solidification, the measured volume sinusoidal heat flow. They found that the system
of metal solidified on the wall was compared is able to act as a damper of entering energy
with predictions based on a one-dimensional oscillations and the heat flux emerging from the
model. Alternatively, Ho & Viskanta (1984) used output surface was almost constant.
a shadowgraph technique to study the melting of To the contrary, there are different approaches
n-octadecane from an isothermal vertical wall. The for solving problems of heat transfer and fluid
shadowgraph technique was used to measure the flow during phase change processes. In the past,
local heat transfer coefficients at the hot surface, finite difference methods have been frequently
and the solid-liquid interface motion during the used for problems of flow and heat transfer in
phase change was recorded photographically. regular geometries (Patankar, 1980; Tanahill et
For melting from heat flux wall (Debabrata & al.,1997). Mittal et al. (1999) developed a method
Yogendra, 2001) studied the melting of organic for solving flow and heat transfer around immersed
PCM, n-triacontane, in a side heated tall enclosure bodies using orthogonal grid, but this still needs
of aspect ratio 10, by a uniform dissipating heat a lot of programming effort. On the other hand,
source. Experimental visualization of melt front finite volume method is a very powerful tool for
locations was performed. Their results showed solving heat transfer and fluid flow equations.
that natural convection plays a dominant role dur- For curvilinear systems, finite volume technique
ing initial stages of melting. On the other hand, has been found to be very efficient in conjunc-
Jianfeg et al. (2001) studied experimentally the tion with numerical grid generation (Pope, 1978;
melting of a mixture of PCMs to investigate the Rhie & Chow, 1983). Numerical grid generation
enhancement of heat absorption of energy storage has become an integral part of the curvilinear
by using multiple phase change materials. The control volume technique. The literature on grid
results showed that using multiple PCMs enhances generation techniques is vast and growing rapidly.
the charging rate of the PCM energy storage. Sari Extensive surveys have been presented by Warsi
& Kaygusuz (2002) and Baran & Sari (2003) et al. (1985) and Eiseman (1987). Damir & Gretar

Solar Energy Storage

(1996) presented a new front tracking method porosity method agreed with the experimental
to simulate time dependent two-dimensional data. Ghasemi & Molki used fixed grid enthalpy
dendritic solidification of pure substances. A nu- method to study the melting of an unfixed solid
merical study of natural convection melting within in a square cavity. The cavity was initially filled
an isothermal vertical cylinder was conducted by with the solid material and all four walls were
Yong & Lacroix (1995). heated to a temperature above the melting. This
Conversely, Lagrangian methods can be used made the solid release as a result of melting near
successfully in some of the phase-change prob- the walls. Falling of the solid in the melt and the
lems in which the PCM is subjected to severe buoyancy were the main factors affecting the liquid
volume changes (Attinger & Poulikakos, 2003). motion and the melting process. Following the
In the same way Sripada et al. (2003) studied enthalpy-porosity method (Sasaguchi et al., 1997)
melting and rolling up due to surface tension of developed a numerical model to study solid-liquid
a metallic wire electrode heated from below. This phase change in a complicated geometry using a
problem was a three-phase problem (solid, liquid, general coordinate system. Solidification calcula-
and the ambient medium) with two simultaneous tions of pure water around a single cylinder or two
interfaces. The outer interface was tracked by cylinders were performed to check the validity of
orthogonal grid generation conforming with the their model. Different configurations have been
evolving boundary surface at each time interval. studied by Khillarkar & Mujumdar (2000). They
On the other hand, numerical grid generation considered melting of an organic PCM occupied
with front fixing techniques has been used to between a square external channel and a circular
solve phase change problems in a Lagranian way. inner tube. They studied the effect of Rayleigh
Dursunkaya & Odabasi (2003) used this tech- number as well as heating from inside, outside
nique to study the solidification of an infinitely or both walls at a temperature above the melting
long square prism. It was assumed that the liquid point of the PCM on the melting process.
phase is at the melting temperature throughout the (Scanlon and Stickland, 2004) investigated
computation, so the convection motion effects buoyancy driven melting and freezing using
were neglected. In the same way, Kamal & Maria the commercial software FLUENT. The model
(2003) performed a numerical study for the melting used in this software is based on the fixed-grid
of PCM around a horizontal circular cylinder of enthalpy-porosity method. In this study, different
constant wall temperature in the presence of the materials were considered such as Lauric acid and
natural convection in the melt region. The phase water. Ilegbusi & Mat (1998) developed a hybrid
change front was immobilized by using coordinate model for the mushy region as a non-Newtonian
transformation and the method of control volume semi-solid medium below the coherency point
used to discretize the governing equations. and a porous medium thereafter. The validity of
On the contrary, the Eulerian approach uses their model was tested on the solidification of a
a fixed computational grid (Voller & Awamina- generic binary alloy in a two-dimensional rectan-
than, 1990). Fixed grid or Eulerian techniques gular cavity. The predictions included temporal
have been used successfully by many authors to evolution of the flow and thermal fields and spatial
model phase-change problems (Brent et al., 1988; distribution of the viscosity, velocity components
Asako et al. 1994; Asako & Faghri, 1999). Using and temperature. Additionally, Ilegbusi & Mat
of an enthalpy-porosity method Rady & Mohanty (2002) studied the solidification of an aqueous
(1996) studied numerically the melting and so- ammonium chloride (NH4CL-H2O) solution inside
lidification of a pure metal in a rectangular cavity. a two dimensional cavity using the same model.
They showed that the results from the enthalpy- A critical solid fraction was chosen as that cor-

Solar Energy Storage

responding to the coherency point, where a solid while Chapotard & Tondeur (1983) used activated
skeleton begins to form. Their numerical results carbon. They showed how the mean pore size of
showed that the solidification of a hypereutectic the additives could be of critical importance on
(NH4CL-H2O) solution was mainly characterized the system performance. If it is too small, the
by the rejection of solute at the mushy region. PCM molecular motion will be hindered, thereby
On the contrary, in the Eulerian-Lagrangian it will be very difficult to impregnate the porous
method a fixed grid is used, and the interface is media with the PCM, which will affect adversely
explicitly tracked by means of marker particles on the latent heat storage capacity. Conversely,
(Shyy et al. 1996; Udaykumar et al. 1999). So, this if the pores are too large, there will not be suf-
method has the advantage of simplicity like the ficient capillary force to retain the liquid wax.
fixed grid method as well as the ability to easily For activated carbons, waxes are well retained
incorporate the surface forces arising from the in micro-pores but they lose their phase change
elasticity of the interface or the surface tension properties. Siegel (1977) studied the improvement
like the Lagrangian method. More details for of the solidification rate in molten salt dispersed
these methods are presented by Mesalhy (2005). with high thermal conductivity particles. He con-
cluded that even though there was an improvement
Techniques to Enhance Thermal in heat transfer rate, there was a compensating
Performance of PCMs effect due to the reduction in volume fraction
occupied by the phase change material. Velraj et
However, it is very challenging to find an ideal al. (1999) performed a detailed investigation for
PCM that satisfies all the desirable properties different heat transfer enhancement methods for
(Fukai et al., 2000). A negative aspect of PCMs, the latent heat thermal storage system, such as
like paraffin waxes, is that most of these materials using fins. They concluded that applying these
suffer from inherent low thermal conductivity. methods was highly suitable for solidification
When these PCMs are used in energy storing enhancement. Experiments were performed by Ca-
systems, their low thermal conductivities reduce beza et al.(2002) in a small energy storage device
the heat exchange rate during melting and solidi- to study heat transfer improvement in PCM with
fication cycles and therefore the overall power of the addition of stainless steel pieces and copper
the phase change regenerator decreases. In case of pieces. The PCM used was water. They noticed
space based power systems, this represents a great that addition of steel pieces did not increase the
issue because of a large amount of heat should heat flux significantly but adding copper had a
be stored or dissipated in a short period of time significant effect on enhancing the heat transfer
(Fukai et al., 2000). As reported by Bugaje (1997), process. Uros (2004) presented an experimental
the phase change (melting or solidification) time wok to investigate melting and solidification
is the most important design parameter in latent of paraffin and the time dependent storage of
heat storage systems. The thermal conductivities heat in the PCM with and without steel fins for
of PCMs could be enhanced using metal fillers, heat transfer enhancement. Through this study,
additives and/or fins (Hasnain, 1998). In the case new correlations between Nusselt and Rayleigh
of aluminum additives Bugaje (1997) found that numbers were made. On the other hand, carbon
the phase change time reduced significantly in fibers have a strong resistance to corrosion and
heating and cooling processes. However, the chemical attack, which make them compatible
metal fillers add significant weight and cost to the with most PCMs (Elgafy et al., 2004). The thermal
storage systems. Erk & Dudukovic (1996) utilized conductivities of carbon fibers are considerably
low-density additives such as porous silica catalyst high and their densities are less than 2260 kg/m3,

Solar Energy Storage

which is lower than those of metals that are usually the system has been enhanced significantly. Pay
used as additives. Fukai et al. (2000) investigated et al. (2001) proposed a supported PCM made
the effect of using carbon fibers as additives by of paraffin impregnated by capillary forces in
using two sets of carbon fiber architectures. In a compressed expand natural graphite matrix.
the first set, carbon fibers were randomly distrib- They found that the thermal conductivity of the
uted into paraffin wax, while in the second set, composite was equal to that of the sole porous
carbon fibers were oriented parallel to the heat graphite matrix. Moreover, the composite pre-
flow. The transient temperature response and the sented the same anisotropy with respect to the
effective thermal conductivity of the composites compression axis. They concluded that, the com-
were measured. They concluded that in case of pressed expanded natural graphite matrix induced
random carbon fiber distribution, the fiber length a decrease in the overall solidification time and
had little effect on the thermal performance and achieved more stabilization of the thermal storage
the effective thermal conductivity of the system power. Hoogendoorn & Bart (1992) reported that
enhanced significantly by using brush type carbon the low thermal conductivity of the PCM can be
fibers. As another solution for overcoming the greatly enhanced by embedding a metal matrix
undesirable PCMs characteristics, a mixture of structure in them. Alternately, Beckermann &
different PCMs had been used. Jianfeg et al.(2001) Viskanta (1988) combined numerical and ex-
studied experimentally the charging process of a perimental studies for solid/liquid phase change
cylindrical heat storage capsule filled with stea- in porous media with natural convection in the
ric acid, sliced paraffin and lauric acid as phase molten region. Their model was based on volume
change materials. The geometric structure of the averaged transport equations, while phase change
capsule made up of three coaxial red copper tubes. was assumed to occur over a small temperature
The surface temperature of the outer surface of range. Experiments were performed in a vertical,
the outer tubes is kept at constant temperature by square enclosure using gallium and glass beads
putting it in a constant temperature water bath. The as the PCM and the porous matrix respectively.
results showed that the using of multiple PCMs They showed that natural convection as well as
enhances the charging rate of the PCM storage. the conduction in the solid has a considerable
influence on the interface shape during both melt-
Solid Porous Matrices ing and solidification processes. All these works
Infiltrated with PCMs considered local thermal equilibrium between the
solid matrix and the PCM, and this was acceptable
On the other hand, many studies have been because at most of the cases they are dealing with
conducted to investigate the enhancement of low thermal conductivity porous media. Harris et.
the thermal conductivity of PCMs using porous al. (2001) introduced a linearized enthalpy model
matrices. In general, this technique would present that maintains a temperature difference between
several advantages such as achieving high external the PCM and the walls of the pore while it accepts
heat transfer coefficient, very low bulk density, a standard analytical solution technique. Mesalhy
and good mechanical properties. On the other et al. (2005) studied numerically the thermal per-
hand, graphite matrix is known to be superior to formance of PCM infiltrated inside porous matrix
porous metallic foams made of aluminum, copper to be used as thermal energy storage mediums.
or nickel (Elagfy & Lafdi, 2005). Also, Mauran Energy transport in their system was studied us-
et al. (1993) used a solid matrix made of graphite ing two-equation model to be able to consider
as a support for low thermal conductivity reac- local thermal non-equilibrium condition. Finite
tive salts. The effective thermal conductive for volume technique was used with non-staggered

Solar Energy Storage

curvilinear body fitted grid. The practical aim surface due to the motion of the hot liquid to the
was to define how much this porous matrix will top as a result of buoyancy force. A sharp decrease
improve the response time of the PCM storage. and increase in the temperature gradient can be
As shown in Figure 1, the physical domain was seen at lower Fourier number. This happens due
selected to be a two concentric cylinders which to the separation of the liquid from the cylinder
the volume located between them is filled with surface, the temperature gradient drops sharply
high porosity high thermal conductivity matrix. at the separation point and increases also sharply
This matrix was totally saturated with low thermal at the middle of the vortex due the cold liquid
conductivity phase change material. The inner which comes in contact with the hot surface from
cylinder surface was assumed to be at constant the melting zone.
temperature Th higher than the melting point while Additionally, a parametric study has been car-
the outer cylinder surface was kept adiabatic. Due ried out to investigate the effect of inserting
to the symmetry, only the half of this domain was matrix with different porosities and different
considered. The numerical model was resting on thermal conductivities on temperature field and
solving the volume averaged conservation equa- on the storage heat absorption. The effect of inser-
tions for mass, momentum, and energy with phase tion of fiber matrix with different porosities on
change (melting) in porous medium. The convec- the temperature and velocity field is shown in
tion motion of the liquid phase inside the porous Figure 4. The figure shows the temperature con-
matrix is solved considering Darcy, Brinkman, tours and streamlines at early stage of melting
and Forchiemer effects. The used grid is shown process, Fourier number equal, FO = 0.01667, for
in Figure 2. thermal conductivity ratio (ks/kf) equal to 200. By
While, Figure 3 displays the dimensionless comparing the case of pure PCM and the case of
temperature gradient corresponding to different using matrix with porosity 0.95 we can see the
Fourier number and a zoom for the temperature increase of the melting rate in Figure 4b. As the
contours and streamlines at Fourier number, FO porosity decreases the melting rate increases and
= 0.01667. The temperature gradient decreases also the convection motion of the liquid phase
smoothly from bottom to top of the inner cylinder damps due to the decrease in the matrix perme-

Figure 1. Physical domain, Mesalhy, 2005

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 2. Grid proposed by Mesalhy, 2005

shown in Figure 5 due to the increase in effective
thermal conductivity and the decrease in the
permeability of the porous matrix. As a conclu-
sion, decreasing porosity can play a good and bad
role on enhancing the melting process. The good
one is that with lower porosity of high thermal
conductivity matrix we can attain higher effective
thermal conductivity but on the same time this
will damp the liquid phase motion which natu-
rally enhance the melting process.
To investigate the effect of changing the porous
matrix thermal conductivity, the thermal conduc-
tivity ratio between the PCM and the porous
matrix has been changes from 50 up to 200 with
keeping porosity constant equal to 0.9. They have
concluded that; increasing porous matrix thermal
conductivity increases the melting rate espe-
cially at the lower region of the PCM storage.
Finally, they reported that; by comparing the
thermal performance of the storage with and
without porous matrix, it was found that the pres-
ence of matrix has a great effect on the heat
transfer and melting rate of the PCM. Decreasing
ability. The heat transfer regime tends to look like the porosity of the matrix increases the melting
pure conduction case as the porosity of the matrix rate but it also damps the convection motion. It
goes down. Temperature gradient and its fluctua- was also found that the best way to enhance the
tions due to separation near the inner cylinder response of the PCM storage is to use solid matrix
surface decreased with decreasing porosity as with high porosity and high thermal conductivity.

Figure 3. Mesalhy, 2005. (a) Heat flux at the inner cylinder surface at different Fourier numbers. (b)
Zoom for temperature contours and streamlines at FO = 0.01667.

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 4. Temperature contours (left) and streamlines (right). (a) Pure PCM, (b) porosity 0.95, (c) po-
rosity 0.90,(d) porosity 0.85, Mesalhy, 2005

PCMs in Space Applications is no solar energy available (Lafdi et al., 2008).

The response time or the time for charging and
In space applications, solar energy storage is a discharging is a key factor in designing any energy
critical task and using PCMs in energy storage in storage system, especially applications that are
space applications is very useful due to their higher restricted to a limited time for energy absorption.
energy to weight ratio. Yet, space applications The charging or discharging time of the energy
require using high melting temperature PCMs. In storage depends mainly on the thermal properties
space vehicles, the electrical power is generated of the energy storage material. The higher the ther-
by photovoltaic solar arrays. These solar arrays mal conductivity the better response this energy
employ a concentrator to collect and focus the storage can achieve. For Energy storage systems
solar energy into PCM energy storage where it is for spacecraft applications. Chow et al. (1996)
converted to thermal energy. A fraction of this ther- concluded that the effective thermal conductivity
mal energy is transferred to a circulating working of the PCM could be significantly increased by
fluid to run the heat engine and produce electrical using smaller encapsulated PCMs enclosed in a
power. The remaining thermal energy is used to container filled with a liquid metal. Hamada et al.
melt the PCM contained in the energy storage. (2000) also studied experimentally and numeri-
The PCM stores the excess energy by undergoing cally using carbon fiber chips and carbon brushes
phase change at its transition temperature. This as additives to enhance the performance of PCM
permits continuous operation of the heat engine energy storage. They considered the effect of
during the substantial eclipse periods where there these additives on the thermal resistance beside

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 5. Non-dimensional PCM phase temperature gradient at Fo=0.01667 and ks/kf=200, Mesalhy, 2005

the heat transfer walls. They mentioned that the Lafdi et al. (2008) studied the effect of using
carbon fiber chips were effective for improving high thermal conductivity carbon foams to support
the heat transfer rate but they found that the ther- the high melting temperature PCM on the solar
mal resistance near the heat transfer surface was receiver output power. The space between the
higher than that for carbon brushes. As a result, outer and inner tubes of each canister has been
the overall heat transfer rate for fiber chips was filled with carbon foam saturated with LiF-CaF2
lower than that for carbon brushes even though as the PCM. The melting temperature of this PCM
the effective thermal conductivity of the bulk of is about 767 0C. All the properties of this mate-
the former was higher. rial are listed in “Table 1.” The configuration and
One of the most interesting designs is a solar the dimensions of one canister are shown in Fig-
receiver with a cylindrical cavity, the walls of ure 7.
which are lined with a series of hermetically The heat delivered to the solar receiver was
sealed Haynes 188 containment canisters (Yu considered as a periodic radiation coming from
et al., 2004). The canisters are filled with a high the outer shell of the receiver. In the real case,
melting temperature PCM and stacked to the this shell is subjected to a solar collector that
working fluid tube, as shown in Figure 6. Using provides the energy during the period of the sun
individual canisters in this design makes the design exposure. The period of the sun exposure and
very reliable such that failure of a canister will eclipse was 40 minutes, 20 minutes exposure and
affect only that individual canister itself. The most 20 minutes eclipse. During the period of the sun
important factor in the design of such a solar heat exposure, the outer shell of the receiver is assumed
receiver is the heat absorption rate or the storage to be at a constant temperature above the melting
response since the heat will be stored only during point of the PCM by 200 OC. During the eclipse
the specific time of sun exposure before eclipse. time, the outer wall of the canister is assumed to

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 6. Solar receiver, Lafdi et al., 2008

be insulated. The output energy from the solar conductivity is shown in “Figure 8.” The average
receiver is obtained continuously from the work- value of the output power increased with increas-
ing fluid that is flowing inside the inner tubes. ing the thermal conductivity of the enhancer foam,
The simulation for this energy storage has been however, for pure PCM the output power was
carried out for three consequent heating cycles. more stable and uniform. It was noticed that in-
The change of the output power delivered to the creasing the thermal conductivity of the foam
working fluid from the solar receiver for pure over a certain limit did not bring any more im-
PCM and for foam enhancer with different thermal provement. For this particular case, it was above

Figure 7. Computational model for space application, Lafdi et al., 2008

Solar Energy Storage

15 W/mK, which means enhancing the PCM by bottom of the tube became thicker because of the
more than 800%. This happened because after creation of Benard convection cells at the bottom
enhancing the PCM by this value for the assumed and the motion of the hot liquid beside outer wall
value of the outside shell temperature, the PCM upward to the top region respectively. During the
is completely melted during the first cycle charg- discharge time where there is no heat coming from
ing period as shown in “Figure 9.” Changing the the outer cylinder wall, the interface started to get
pore size of the foam in this case did not bring thicker. This happened because of the heat diffu-
any difference because of the absence of the sion inside the PCM and the solidification of some
liquid phase motion inside the porous media. of the PCM during the discharging period. It is
The same configuration for the solar receiver found that the PCM did not melt completely
was used with another PCM, Ecosane, which has until the third charging cycle.
different properties, as shown in Table 2. The output power is nearly zero for the pure
The same boundary conditions for the case of PCM case during the first cycle because of its
the solar collector have been considered except lower thermal conductivity as shown in Figure
that the outer wall of the canister which has been 11. The output power did not increase until the
subjected to a convection heat transfer from an- liquid solid interface nearly reached the inner
other hot fluid flowing around the outer tube cylinder wall. Adding carbon foam enhancer
during the charging period. At the discharging improved the energy absorption of the storage
period, the outer tube wall also has been kept and increased the output power incredibly. The
insulated. The working fluid inside the inner tube estimated value of the average output power using
has been considered to be just below the PCM carbon foam of porosity 97% is about five times
melting temperature. In this case, the motion of greater than that for using pure PCM. As shown
the molten phase of the PCM is considered and in Figure 11, the enhancement of the output
high porosity carbon foams are used to enhance power decreased with reducing the foam poros-
the PCM thermal conductivity. The solid liquid ity, it did not change significantly after reducing
interface is portrayed in “Figure 10” for the pure the foam porosity below 90%. As a result of
PCM between the two cylinders at different times considering the PCM liquid phase motion, chang-
during the three charging-discharging cycles. At ing the foam pore size affected the output power
the end of the charging period for the first cycle, of the storage. Finally, they concluded that, for
20 minutes, a considerable thickness of the PCM space applications, the average value of the output
is melted. The melted region at the top and the power of the new energy storage system (carbon

Table 1. High melting temperature PCM (LiF- Table 2. PCM, Ecosane properties, Lafdi et al.,
CaF2] properties, Lafdi et al., 2008 2008

Property Value Unit Property Value Unit

Tm 1040 K Tm 309 K
k 3.8−1.7 W/mK k 0.15−0.2 W/mK
μ 0.0023 kg/m s μ 0.00415 kg/m s
cρ 1770 J/kg K cρ 2460 J/kg K
ρ 2590 kg/m 3
ρ 769 kg/m3
L 816.0 kJ/kg L 247.3 kJ/kg
β 0.000287 1/K β 0.00085 1/K

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 8. Output power from the solar receiver for different foam thermal conductivity, Lafdi et al., 2008

foam infiltrated with PCM) has been increased combined by many researchers to establish new
significantly. For instance, the estimated value of generation of solar cells and to develop supe-
the average output power using carbon foam of rior efficient solar energy storage systems based
porosity 97% is about five times greater than that nanocomposites. The nanocomposites have been
for using pure PCM. significantly broadened to encompass a large va-
riety of one, two, and three-dimensional systems
Role of Nanotechnology in Solar made of distinctly dissimilar components mixed
Energy Storage Systems at the nanometer scale. Besides achieving com-
posites that have desirable properties, there is also
Two of the hot-button fields of scientific study: the possibility of gaining new properties, which
nanotechnology and solar energy. They are being are unknown in the parent constituent materials

Figure 9. Liquid fraction contours at the end of first cycle charging time, Time =20 min, Lafdi et al., 2008

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 10. Liquid fraction contours for pure PCM at different times, Lafdi et al., 2008

(Elgafy & Lafdi, 2010; Elgafy & Lafdi, 2007). phase of pure paraffin wax, which is correspond-
Elgafy and Lafdi (2005) designed and fabricated ing to 67 centigrade degrees, is about 450 sec,
nanocomposites based carbon nanofibers filled while it has a value of 350 sec for the nanocom-
polymer to be used as energy storage mediums. posite sample of 1% CNFs content ratio. The
They used carbon nanofibers to enhance thermal decrease in the duration time indicates that the
performance of paraffin wax. Different mass ratios heat dissipation from the nanocomposite sample
of carbon nanofibers were added into paraffin is higher than that of pure paraffin wax sample.
wax by shear mixing and melting processes. The The output power from each sample during its
thermal properties for the new nanocomposites solidification process was estimated by dividing
(carbon nanofibers + paraffin wax) were measured the liberated energy from it over its solidification
experimentally and the transient temperature re- duration time. Figure 14 shows that the output
sponse for each one of them was recorded during power from the samples increases with the increase
the solidification process to predict the cooling of the CNFs content ratio due to the enhancement
rate and the storage energy. An analytical model of their thermal performance.
was introduced to predict the effective thermal An analytical model was introduced to predict
conductivity for the new nanocomposites. Also, the effective thermal conductivity of CNFs based
a comparative study was performed to investigate wax nanocomposites. The analytical solution was
the effect of carbon nanofibers surface character- based on one-dimensional heat conduction ap-
istics on the enhancement of the phase change proach for a composite cell of a low thermal
material thermal performance. conductivity PCM in which carbon nanofibers
As shown in Figure 12, nanocomposite thermal are dispersed. The effective thermal conductivity
conductivity increases significantly with increas- of the nanocomposites unit cell, Ke, is the resultant
ing carbon nanofibers ratio into paraffin wax. This of the thermal conductivities of the three layers
will enable the fabricated nanocomposite to store connected in series and it has the following pre-
more efficiently the solar energy. dicted formula.
Figure 13a represents the solidification char-
acteristic curve for pure paraffin wax sample, 2 (K I .K II .K III )
Ke =
2X .(K II ).(K III ) + X .(K I ).(K III ) + (2 − 3X ).(K I )..(K II )
while Figure 13b represents the solidification
characteristic curve for the nanocomposite sample
of 1% CNFs content ratio. Figure 13a shows that
the duration time elapsed during the latent heat

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 11. Changing of energy storage output power with time for using different porosity carbon foam,
Lafdi et al., 2008

where KI, KII, and KIII are functions of the thermal Lafdi & Matzek (2003) and the results of (Elgafy
conductivities of the used PCM, carbon nanofiber, & Lafdi, 2005) for different angles of inclination.
and the geometrical distribution of the carbon From the figure one can see that a good agreement
nanofiber into the PCM. The coefficient “X” in between the analytical and experimental results
equation (1) represents the effect of the content is achieved at inclination angles between 25 and
ratio of the carbon naofiber, its aspect ratio, and its 45 degrees, which reflects the validity of the
angle of inclination. Figure 15 shows a compari- present analytical model within the experimental
son between experimental findings obtained by uncertainty.

Figure 12. Thermal conductivity for all samples, Elgafy & Lafdi, 2010

Solar Energy Storage

OTHER TECHNIQUES FOR SOLAR off-peak periods and releases it later during on-
ENERGY STORAGE peak periods. The control of the system rests on an
anticipatory strategy and on a regulation strategy.
Hybrid Thermal Energy The anticipatory strategy is based on a fuzzy logic
Storage Systems and feed forward controller (FLFFC) that can
handle simultaneously the storage and retrieval
Hammou and Lacroix (2006) proposed a hybrid of both electricity and solar energy. It takes into
thermal energy storage system (HTESS) for man- account the weather forecasts for solar radiation
aging simultaneously the storage of heat from solar and outside air temperature, and optimizes the off
and electric energy. In their model solar energy and the on-peak periods for electrical heating. The
was stored during sunny days and released later regulation strategy depends on a PID controller
during cloudy days or at night, and to smooth power which regulates the air flow from an electric fan
demands, electric energy is stored during off peak in order to maintain the room temperature at the
periods and later used during peak periods. A heat set point. Numerical simulations were conducted
transfer model of the HTESS was developed and over one to three-month winter periods to test
validated with exact solutions and experimental the response of the controller. Results indicate
data. Simulations were then performed to examine that the proposed control system is far superior
the effect of various storage materials and of the to traditional control systems. It remains robust
operating conditions on the thermal behavior of the and reliable even for cases in which the weather
HTESS. The results indicated that the consumption forecasts are of poor reliability and accuracy (5-
of electricity for space heating was minimized day horizon weather forecasts with reliability of
when the HTESS consists of a 0.15 m thick wall 50%, −10 K temperature accurate and −50% solar
comprising spherical capsules 0.065 m in diameter radiation accurate). The performance of the HT-
filled with n-octadecane. With such a system, the ESS as well as the thermal comfort of the room
electric energy consumption during the month of is maintained in all situations and at all times.
January may be reduced by as much as 30%. On Moreover, the electricity consumption for space
the other hand, LeBreux et al. (2009) presented a heating is minimized and 95% of this electricity is
controller for operating a hybrid thermal energy consumed during off-peak hours. Recently (Mo-
storage system (HTESS). The storage system risson et al., 2008) proposed a study that aims to
accumulates solar energy during sunny days and conceive, analyze and test systems of storage of
releases it later at night or during cloudy days and, thermal energy of the type PCM adapted to DSG
simultaneously, it stores electric energy during (direct steam generation) technology for electricity

Figure 13. (a). Cooling of pure paraffin wax; (b). Cooling of nanocomposite with 1% CNF additives,
Elgafy & Lafdi, 2010

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 14. Output power during solidification process, Elgafy & Lafdi, 2010

production. A detailed model of heat transfer and Aquifer Thermal Energy

fluid flow was proposed for numerical simulation Storage (ATES)
of the storage system performance. Reasonable
and justified assumptions and simplifications were Paksoy et al. (2000) proposed an Aquifer Thermal
introduced in order to define the most significant Energy Storage (ATES) system for heating and
controlling parameters. Design and optimization cooling of a hospital using solar energy coupled
procedure have been advised based on the present with seasonal thermal energy storage in an aquifer.
detailed and simplified models. At the level of the The system was designed using solar energy in
PCM, the advantages of the new high temperature combination with Aquifer Thermal Energy Stor-
graphite–salt composite proposed in the present age (ATES), that conserves a major part of the
study for application DSG storage systems have oil and electricity used for heating or cooling the
been demonstrated. Composites containing small Cukurova University, Balcali Hospital in Adana,
percentage of graphite have been shown to sig- Turkey. The general objective of the system was
nificantly augment the thermal conductivity of to provide heating and cooling to the hospital by
PCM with relatively small decrease in the overall storing solar heat underground in summer and
heat storage capacity. The increase of thermal cold in winter. As the main source of cold energy,
conductivity implies an important increase of the ventilation air at the hospital and surface water
charging and discharging rates of the unit, unit from the nearby Seyhan Lake was used.
power as well as the production rates of water
vapor. A major reduction in the total cost of the
storage unit can be obtained by adopting these new UNDERGROUND SOLAR
composites. It is shown that, for the same system THERMAL STORAGE SYSTEM
storage capacity and power the new graphite–salt
composites make it possible to reduce significantly In the experimental study performed by Ozturk
the overall length of necessary costly steel tubes. (2004), solar energy was stored daily using the vol-

Solar Energy Storage

Figure 15. Effective thermal conductivity versus percent of nanofibers with different angle of inclina-
tion, Elgafy & Lafdi, 2010

canic material with the sensible heat technique. The Photosensitizer in

external heat collection unit consisted of 27m2 of Photogalvanic Cell
south-facing solar air collectors mounted at a 558
tilt angle. The dimensions of the packed-bed heat A very little amount of solar energy (0.023%)
storage unit were 620.6m deep. The packedbed has been utilizing by nature in the process of
heat storage unit was built under the soil. The heat photosynthesis. A small fraction of this much
storage unit was filled with 6480 kg of volcanic solar input was utilized to fulfill the energy
material. Energy and exergy analyses were applied demands of whole world (Genwa & Chouhan,
in order to evaluate the system efficiency. Dur- 2006). Photosynthesis is a natural photochemical
ing the charging periods, the average daily rates reaction and a challenge to mimic such a reaction
of thermal energy and exergy stored in the heat in laboratory till date. Genwa & Chouhan (2006)
storage unit were 1242 and 36.33 W, respectively. studied the role of heterocyclic dye (Azur A) as
Since the rate of exergy depends on the temperature a photosensitizer in photogalvanic cell for solar
of the heat transfer fluid and surrounding, the rate energy conversion and storage; NaLS–ascorbic
of exergy increased as the difference between the acid system. In their experiment; Sodium lauryl
inlet and outlet temperatures of the heat transfer sulphate (LOBA), Azur A (LOBA), ascorbic acid
fluid increased during the charging periods. It (LOBA), sodium hydroxide (S.d. fine) were used.
was found that the average daily net energy and All the solutions were prepared in doubly distilled
exergy efficiencies in the charging periods were water and kept in dark-color containers to protect
39.7 and 2.03%, respectively. The average daily them from sunlight. A mixture of solutions of
net energy efficiency of the heat storage system Azur A, sodium lauryl sulphate, ascorbic acid and
remained nearly constant during the charging sodium hydroxide was taken in a H-type glass
periods. The maximum energy and exergy ef- tube. A platinum electrode (1.0 x 1.0 cm2) was
ficiencies of the heat storage system were 52.9 immersed in one arm of H-tube and a saturated
and 4.9%, respectively. calomel electrode (SCE) was kept in other. The

Solar Energy Storage

arm containing platinum electrode was exposed conductor nanoparticles/hole-trapping layer/acti-

to a 200 W tungsten lamp (Philips). A water filter vated carbon particles in contact with an organic
was used to cut-off infrared radiations. A digital electrolyte solution, in which photogenerated
pH meter (Systronics 335) and a microammeter charges are stored at the electric double layer.
(INCO-65) were used to measure the potential and
current generated by the system, respectively. The
current–voltage characteristics were determined ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENT
by applying extra load with the help of carbon pot FEASIBILITY STUDIES
(log 500 K) connected in the circuit. With this vari-
able resistor (carbon pot) i–V curve was plotted. Paksoy et al. (2000) introduced economic and
Light intensity was measured with the help of the environment feasibility studies for their proposed
solarimeter. The photopotential and photocurrent system, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES),
generated by this system were 770 mV and 160 to heat and cool a hospital. They reported that, in
µA, respectively. The effect of different param- this ATES system, 7000 MW/year will be stored
eters like pH, diffusion length, electrode area, in the cold part of the aquifer at a mean tempera-
light intensity, temperature, etc. on the electrical ture of +98oC. This storage is done in the winter
output of the cell were observed, current–voltage during approximately 2000 hr. During storage
characteristics of the cell have also been studied approximately 500 MW will disappear as stor-
and mechanism has been proposed for the gen- age losses and as a result of this the temperature
eration of photocurrent in photogalvanic cell. will rise about 18oC to +108oC. During summer,
The performance of the photogalvanic cell was approximately 6500 MW will be used for cool-
observed by applying an external load (necessary ing the hospital for roughly 3000 running hours
to have current at power point) after termination (17 hr/day). This will replace a major part of the
the illumination as soon as the potential reaches a conventional cooling by chillers and save some
constant value. The performance was determined 3000 MW of electricity. The ATES system will
in terms of t1/2, the time required in fall of the use approximately 250 MW electricity for the
output (power) to its half at power point in dark. pumps in the
It was observed that the cell could be used in dark system. Its assumed that the average COP for
for 110.0 min. The conversion efficiency of the conventional cooling is 2.0. For preheating of
system determined using the output at power point ventilation air by the ATES system 7000 MWh
and the power of incident radiation. The system of energy is pumped from the warm part of the
(at their optimum condition) was also exposed to aquifer. To produce that heat, roughly 300 MW of
sunlight. The conversing efficiency calculated for electricity will be used to run the pumps involved.
this system as 0.5461%. However, the preheating with the ATES system
will save oil in the order of 1000 m3/year. The
The Photocapacitor environmental benefits from this project will be
reduction in energy consumption as electricity and
Tsutomu & Murakami (2004) fabricated a light- fuel oil and replacement of chillers using ozone
driven self-charging capacitor as an efficient depleting Freon-12 gas. The savings in fuel oil
solar energy storage device. The device, which (1000 m3/year) will approximately decrease the
they named the photocapacitor, achieves in situ CO2 emission by 2100 tons/year, SOx by 7 tons/
storage of visible light energy as an electrical year, and NOx by 8 tons/year. The replacement
power at high quantum conversion efficiency. The of 2 MW of current chillers using Freon-12 will
photocapacitor was constructed on a multilayered result in a saving of approximately 0.7 tons/year
photoelectrode comprising dye-sensitized semi- of Freon-12.

Solar Energy Storage

SOLUTIONS AND and dissimilar thermal conductivities. Developing

RECOMMENDATIONS new hybrid systems is rich area for future work as
well. Another future areas for research would be
As it is revealed from previous sections, establish- focused on manufacturing these new systems in
ing new techniques and enhancing the performance an economical fashion to be available for differ-
of existing ones for solar energy storage is vital for ent usages with suitable initial and running costs.
both terrestrial and space applications. Using of
PCMs in solar energy storage systems seems to be
the most effective/robust one due to the ability of CONCLUSION
PCMs to absorb/convey a large amount of energy
during their phase change processes. However, The design of new generation of solar energy
it is very challenging to find an ideal PCM that storage systems has grown in importance due to
satisfies all the desirable properties. A negative the urgent need to harvest and store solar energy.
aspect of PCMs, is that most of these materials Besides diminishing the role of the oil, these
suffer from inherent low thermal conductivity. systems provide green energy which would help
As a substantial technique; employing of high reducing air pollution. In this chapter, different
thermal conductivity solid porous matrices infil- systems for solar energy storage for terrestrial and
trated with PCMs would enhance tremendously space applications are introduced. These systems
the performance of solar energy storage systems. are based mainly on storing the solar energy in
By combining the two hot-button fields of sci- thermal energy forms. Such systems include the
entific study, nanotechnology and solar energy, deployment of different types of PCMs in dif-
superior efficient solar energy storage systems ferent solar energy storage applications. Unlike
based nanocomposites would be established. conventional (sensible) storage materials, when
Other techniques for solar energy storage would the PCM reaches the temperature at which they
be used; hybrid thermal energy storage systems, change phase (their melting point) they absorb
aquifer and underground thermal energy storage, large amounts of heat without getting hotter. In
and photocapacitors. the contrary, when the ambient temperature around
the PCM drops, the PCM solidifies, releasing its
stored latent heat. Different techniques to enhance
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS the thermal performance of PCMs have been
introduced to magnify their capacities to store
Solar energy storage has attracted many research- solar energy. One of the most effective techniques
ers to develop new efficient systems to harvest and to achieve this goal is the infiltration of PCMs
store this green energy. One of the most important in conductive solid porous matrices. Parametric
features for these systems is their ability to absorb studies have been introduced to predict the key
and convey solar energy. Accordingly, the future factors that manipulate the performance of the
research work would be focused on develop- combination of the PCMs and porous matrices.
ing PCMs based nanocomposites with superior On the contrary, nanotechnology is one of the
thermal characteristics. Also, the research area hot-button fields of scientific study. Accord-
for establishing new energy storage systems that ingly, the role of nanotechnology in solar energy
consist of solid porous matrices infiltrated with storage systems has been introduced as well.
PCMs is a promising area since many variables Various types of nanocomposites with superior
should be considered; different PCMs, solid porous thermal characteristics have been proposed to
matrices with variable porosities and pore sizes, be used as solar energy storage mediums. On

Solar Energy Storage

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Chapter 3
Solar Photovoltaic Servo
Tracking Controlled System
Murad Shibli
Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, Institute of Applied Technologies, UAE

Renewable energy has known a great interest during the last two decades. Solar energy is viewed as the
cleanest renewable source of energy for the future since it is the least polluting and the most inexhaust-
ible of all known energy sources. Subsequently, technologies that enable the use of solar energy focus on
solar thermal collectors and on the photovoltaic effect of semiconductors to generate electricity directly
from sunlight. In the case of solar energy, it is shown that optimal energy is obtained when the rays of
the sun are incident normally on the collecting surface. Therefore, several techniques and experiments
have been conducted recently to develop efficient solar tracking systems. Solar panel tracking systems
optimize energy output of photovoltaic panels by positioning them to follow the sun’s path throughout the
day. The sun’s position in the sky varies both with installation location, the seasons, and the time of day.

OBJECTIVES requiring fewer solar panels, therefore, it has

great significance for research and development.
Currently, most solar panels have fixed orientation Moreover, Electro-optical control unit tracks the
to the sky and do not turn to follow the sun. To sun by a solar detecting device that is sensitive
increase the unit area illumination of sunlight on to solar radiance. Simple equipment such as pho-
solar panels, a solar tracking electricity generation totransistors and DC motor are employed in the
system is designed. The design mechanism holds device of our working station. Furthermore, an
the solar panel and allows the panel to track the analog operational-amplifier PD based controller
sun’s movement during the day and improve the is implemented to improve the time response of
overall electricity generation. This system can the tracking system. Finally, simulation and ex-
achieve the maximum illumination and energy perimental results are demonstrated to verify the
concentration and cut the cost of electricity by effectiveness of the light tracking servo system.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch003
Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

The major objective is to design an electro- system is based on the fuzzy reasoning applied to
optical solar servo tracking system of photovoltaic crisp sets. In this case, it can be easily implemented
panel in order to increase its overall efficiency on general purpose microprocessor systems. Four
using phototransistors, DC motor and PD con- light sensitive devices, such as LDR, photodiodes
troller such that or phototransistors are mounted on the solar panel
and placed in an enclosure. The four light detectors
1. Derive the overall closed-loop controlled are screened from each other by opaque surfaces.
dynamical model. Each pair of the light sensors is used to inform
2. Obtain all parameters related to electro- the controller on the orientation of the solar panel
optical system. vertically and horizontally respectively.
3. Design a PD controller such that the settling A two-axes equator based tracking mechanism
time of the overall system does not exceed with computer control for solar photovoltaic
three seconds with a maximum overshot of modules has been designed, fabricated and tested
50%. by Patil, Nayak and Sundersingh (1997). The
4. Design a Lag Compensator. performance of the system is quite satisfactory;
5. Demonstrate the design using both simula- the tracking error is quite small. Tracking leads to
tion and experimental implementation. an increase in the output of the PV modules typi-
cally by about 30%. The operation of the tracker
is found to consume a very small fraction of the
INTRODUCTION output power.
A solar tracking generating power system is
An optimal control on two axes and design for designed and implemented in the work of Huang,
solar tracker which called altitude and azimuth is Kuo, Chen, Chang, Wu, and Wu (2009). A tracking
challenge. The phototransistor with the shade that mechanism is integrated with an expert control-
blocks the screen was employed by Singthong as a ler, sensors and input/output interface, that it can
detector of solar beam radiation (2010). The height increase the energy generation efficiency of solar
of the screen determined the sensitivity operation cells. In order to track the sun, cadmium sulfide
or period of tracking in this solar tracker. The light sensitive resistors are used. To achieve opti-
phototransistor is particularly designed to detect mal solar tracking, a fuzzy algorithm is developed
solar bean radiation thoroughly through the two and implemented. A field programmable gate array
axes with the operating time. The mechanism of is applied to design the controller so that the solar
this solar tracker is that it has a capacity of solar cells always face the sun in most of the day time.
tracking in every 10 min, approximately, which The design and construction of a prototype
respond in terms of time at about 37°/sec with for solar tracking system with two degrees of
and operating point at 0.3 sec. The solar tracker freedom, which detects the sunlight using pho-
obtained an average deviation at about 2.5°/hour. tocells is described in research of Barsoum and
In weak sunlight however, the value varies and Vasant (2010). The control circuit for the solar
fluctuates rapidly depending on sky condition. tracker is based on a PIC16F84A microcontroller
There is only average of 2.5° error shown. The (MCU). This is programmed to detect the sunlight
experiment also shows that the error rate dimin- through the photocells and then actuate the motor
ishes as the solar radiance expand. to position the solar panel where it can receive
A low cost and an easy to implement solar maximum sunlight.
tracker system is presented by Louchene, Ben- A novel solar tracking scheme which adopts a
makhlouf and Chaghi (2007). The design of the linear switched reluctance motor (LSRM) as its

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

servo actuator, is proposed in the research work the efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) arrays, and
of Cheung, Zhao, Gan, Sun, Kwok (2008). Three are essential for concentration PV systems. This
control schemes are designed for different require- experiment discusses a light tracking servo model
ments. The solar tracking system is divided into to simulate the movement of a photovoltaic array.
an electromagnetic subsystem and a mechanical In this experiment a computer simulation program
subsystem, which are corresponding to the elec- within Matlab is used to simulate the dynamics
tromagnetic behaviors and the mechanical move- of the servo system. A qualitative analysis of the
ment, respectively. The system controller has a Matlab results and the dynamics of the working
cascaded structure, and two different controllers physical model are compared to clearly illustrate
are designed for the two subsystems. Simulation the important dynamics of the system.
results demonstrate the effectiveness of the model-
ing and the control scheme. Physical and Conceptual Description
A solar tracking generating power system is
designed and implemented by Huang, Wu, Chen, The light tracking system consists of a permanent
Chang, and Kuo (2009). An expert controller, magnet DC motor, a directional light detect-
sensors and input/output interface are integrated ing circuit, and an amplifier to drive the motor.
with a tracking mechanism to increase the energy Refer to Figure 1 for the physical configuration
generation efficiency of solar cells. In order to track and a simple block diagram representation. Two
the sun, cadmium sulfide light sensitive resistors photo sensitive resistors are physically mounted
are used. To achieve optimal solar tracking, a fuzzy on a triangular Plexiglas mount so that when the
algorithm is developed. A field programmable panel (the aluminum bar) is perpendicular to the
gate array is applied to design the controller such light source, each receives an equal amount of
that the solar cells always face the sun in most of irradiance. When one receives more light than
the day time. the other, the panel is not aligned properly and
In remote areas the sun is a cheap source of an error voltage results. The error voltage is used
electricity because instead of hydraulic genera- as a command to an amplifier circuit to drive the
tors it uses solar cells to produce electricity. The motor and align the panel to be perpendicular to
output of solar cells depends on the intensity of the light source beam. The following subsections
sunlight and the angle of incidence. It means to describe in detail the mechanical and electrical
get maximum efficiency; the solar panels must components of the model.
remain in front of sun during the whole day. But
due to rotation of earth those panels can’t maintain DC Motor
their position always in front of sun. This prob-
lem results in decrease of their efficiency. Sun The SRV02 incorporates a MicroMo Coreless
tracking systems are very effective in increasing DC Motor (2338S006). This model represents a

Figure 1. Block diagram of light tracking servo system

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

high efficiency low inductance motor resulting resistors in an electrical bridge which is con-
in a much faster response than a conventional nected to a unity gain differential operational
DC motor. The motor connection is a 4-pin DIN amplifier circuit. When one light sensitive resis-
connector configured to be driven by a Quanser tor receives more light than the other, a differen-
Universal Power Module as shown in Figure 2. tial voltage results across the bridge network
which is fed into the op-amp U1A to convert a
Gears differential signal into a voltage signal referenced
to ground. The photo detecting circuit has a mea-
The gears were configured to provide high gear sured gain of approximately 1.6 volts per radian
ratio described in Figure 3. This is the recom- under fluorescent lighting. This gain may vary
mended configuration for all other experiments depending on the intensity of the light.
that require an additional module such as the ball
and beam, gyro, rotary inverted pendulum, etc.
This solution is recommended by Quanser since MODELLING AND SIMULATION
an extra module was attached to the servo plant. OF ELECTRO-MECHANICAL
The free-body diagram for the rotor is shown in
Photoresistor or light dependent resistor or Figure 6. The positive direction is defined as the
cadmium sulfide (CdS) cell is a resistor whose counter clockwise which is the direction of the T.
resistance decreases with increasing incident By applying the Newton’s Law the equation can
light intensity as shown in Figure 4. It can also be be described as the following:
referenced as a photoconductor. A photoresistor
is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If ∑F = J θ
m m (1)
light falling on the device is of high enough fre-
quency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor
give bound electrons enough energy to jump into J m θm + bθm = T = K t ia . (2)
the conduction band. The resulting free electron
(and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby
lowering resistance. Figure 2. DC motor hardware

Photo Detecting Circuit and


The light tracking circuit described in Figure 5

provides an electrical driving force to the motor
which is proportional to the rotational misalign-
ment of the panels to the light source. This circuit
can be broken into three sections; photo detector,
gain adjust, and current amplifier.
The photo detector provides a voltage signal
which is linearly proportional to the rotational
offset from the ideal position of the PV panel.
This is accomplished by putting two light sensitive

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 3. Gears of the DC drive motor

In Laplace transformation Equation (2) can be Combing the DC Motor mechanical equation
written as: part and electrical part, the transfer function will
be represented as:
(J ms 2 + bs )θm (s ) = K t I a (s ). (3)
θm (s ) Kt
= .
Now looking at Figure 6 which represents the Va (s ) s ((J ms + b) (Las + Ra ) + K t Ke )
electric part of the motor the following equation (6)
will be represented by applying KVL:
Since inductance can be neglected due to its
dia small value much and has a little effect on the
−va + La + Ra ia + Ke θm = 0. (4)
dt system, then the equation will be represented as:

θm (s ) K t / Ra K
Transforming Equation (4) form the time- = = ,
domain to the s-domain using Laplace Transfor- Va (s ) 
  K K  s (τ s + 1)
s J ms + b + t e 
mation yields to:   Ra 
(Las + Ra )I a (s ) = K is θm (s ) + Va (s ). (5)

Figure 4. The photoresistor

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 5. Light tracking circuit diagram for the sun tracker

where the time constant τ and the gain K are

defined by:
θm (s ) 0.0029 0.7250 1.45
= = = .
Va (s ) s (2 × 10−3 s + 0.0040) s (0.5s + 1) s (s + 2)
J m Ra
τ= (8) (10)
bRa + K t Ke
The DC motor open-loop time unit-step re-
K = K t / (bRa + K t Ke ). (9) sponse is described in the following Figure 7.
It can be seen easily that the open-loop of the
For the SRV002, the electro-mechanical pa- system is unstable.
rameters are listed in Table 1. Now, in order to stabilize the system a unity
Substituting the parameters given in Table 1 feedback closed-loop circuit should be used as
in the dynamics equations (7)-(9) yields to the shown in the following block diagram Figure 8.
following open-loop transfer function: The corresponding unit-step response is demon-

Figure 6. Free Body Diagram of the Electro-mechanical DC Motor Drive

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Table 1. DC motor system parameters

Figure 7. Unit-step response of the open-loop DC motor

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

strated in Figure 9. It is recognized that it takes K (0.0670)

1+ =0
the system 4 seconds to reach its final value with s(0.8s + 1)
an error close to zero.
 s (s + 2) 
Root Locus of the DC Motor K = −1   = − s 2 + 2s 
  
 1. 45 
It is desired now to construct the root locus of the
closed-loop DC motor system. dk
= [2s + 2 ] = 0     then
   s = −1.
1.45 K
G (s ) = .
s (s + 2) Now the root locus of the uncontrolled DC
motor can be constructed as shown by Figure 10.
The zeros and poles of the open loop system It can be concluded that the closed-loop DC
are located on the real axis as: motor system is stable since poles are on the left-
half s-plane. But it is interesting to improve the
Zeros  (m ) = None system time response (transient response) using
a PD controller as will discussed in the next sec-
Poles (n ) = s = 0, s = −2

The asymptotes point and asymptote angle are DESIGN OF A PD CONTROLLER

calculated as follows:
A proportional–integral–derivative controller

∑Poles − ∑Zeros = (0 − 2) = −1 (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback
n −m 2−0 mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial
control systems as described in Figure 11. A PID
controller attempts to correct the error between a
θ = 180 (2k + 1) = 90° measured process variable and a desired set point
by calculating and then outputting a corrective ac-
tion that can adjust the process accordingly. The
It is desired now to calculate the break-in and PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves
break-away points (if any exist): three separate parameters; the Proportional, the
Integral and Derivative values.

Figure 8. Block diagram of the closed-loop DC motor

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 9. Unit-step response of the closed-loop DC motor

The Proportional value determines the reaction In this chapter only a PD controller is consid-
to the current error, the Integral value determines ered for the purpose of design and implementa-
the reaction based on the sum of recent errors, tion.. A PD controller is a proportional deriva-
and the Derivative value determines the reaction tive controller which means that it consists of a
based on the rate at which the error has been proportional coefficient and a derivate coefficient
changing. A PID controller will be called a PI,
PD, P or I controller in the absence of the respec- U PD (s ) = K p + K Ds . (11)
tive control actions.

Figure 10. Root locus of the DC motor system

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

A PD controller is specifically used to improve R4 R2 R

where K p = And K D = 4 R2C 1
the transient response of the system. The overall R3 R1 R3
closed-loop PD controlled system now will have
Design Specifications
the block diagram shown in figure 12.
It is desired to implement an analog op-amp
The objective now is to design a PD controller
PD controller as demonstrated in Figure 13 with
such that the overshoot does not exceed 50%
a transfer function modeled by
and it a settling time of 3 seconds. It is worth to
mention that the overshoot and settling time are
R4 R2
(R1C 1s + 1). (12) governed, respectively, by
R3 R1
1−ξ 2
Note that the addition of a PD controller allows Mp = e (15)
us to deal with the system as a second order sys-
tem. The standard form of a second order system 4.6
can be represented as ts = (16)

s 2 + 2ξωns + ω 2n = 0. (13)
Solving Equations (15) and (16), respectively,
for the damping ratio and the natural frequency
where ξ is the damping coefficient of the system, yields to a damping ratio ξ = 0.2103 and natural
ωn is the natural frequency of the system. Based frequency ωn = 7.29 rad / sec .
on the closed-loop PD controlled system shown
Comparing the closed-loop characteristic
in Figure 12, the closed-loop characteristic equa-
equation with the standard order second order
tion is given as
system leads to a proportional gain and derivative
gain values give respectively as K P = 36.65 and
(K D K + 1) K K
s2 + s + P = 0. (14) K D = 0.732.
τ τ

Figure 11. A block diagram of a PID controller

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 12. Closed-loop PD controller of a DC motor

Electronic Circuit Design confirmed the same results as shown in Figure

15 and 16. Moreover, the stability of the system
In order now to design the analog electronic cir- has been also guaranteed as well as demonstrated
cuit of the PD controller and based on the previ- in Figure 17.
o u s a n a l y s i s , c h o o s e C 1 = 1µF a n d
R3 = R4 = 1M Ω . B e n e f i t i n g f r o m Experimental Results of PD
R Controlled Systems
K D = 4 R2C 1 = 0.732, a n d
Upon completion the modeling and theoretical
K p = 4 2 = 36.65 then R2 = 0.732 MΩ design analysis and simulation, experimental set
R3 R1
up has been conducted for the solar tracking servo
and R1 = 20 kΩ. system as explained below.
Simulation Results
1. Construct the PD op-amp based analog
To verify whether the design of the PD control- circuit.
ler has met the desired specifications off-line 2. Connect the photo resistor in the breadboard.
simulation has been conducted. It is figured out 3. Make the connection between the breadboard
that the design has successfully met the desired and the DC Motor.
specification with overshoot of 51% and a settling 4. DC Motor and breadboard connected to the
time of 2.32 sec as it can be seen in Figure 14. UPM 2405 and summer connection.
Simulation with Simulink Matlab toolbox has

Figure 13. Based Op-Amp PD Controller

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 14. Unit-step response of a closed-loop PD controlled systems

5. Measure the resistors and capacitor values LAG COMPENSATOR DESIGN

by the DMM.
6. Connect the input and the output of the system In this section it is required to design a lag com-
to the oscilloscope to visualize the behavior pensator without changing the closed-loop poles
of the system in terms of input-output time but it is required to improve the static velocity error
performance. constant 20 times as its original value to control
the solar tracking controlled system.
Investigating the system transient response, it Lag compensator is defined as a type of con-
is noticed that the system experiences 51.4% troller that changes the steady state error constant
overshoot and settling time of 2.3 sec. Conse- value without changing in the dynamic system
quently, PD controller was able to meet the characteristics by adding a zero and pole near to
specifications as demonstrated in Figures 19 and the value of zero, where the ratio of the desired
20. error constant and the original one would be the
ratio between the zero and the pole of the lag

Figure 15. System platform using Simulink

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 16. System response using Simulink

Lag Compensator Analysis By the virtue of (17), then K ϑ is calculate as

Using lag compensator to improve steady state  1.45 

response of the closed loop system, it is required K ϑ,original = lim s   = 0.725
s →0  s ( s + 2) 

now to calculate for the original velocity static
error constant K ϑ such that:
Since it is specified that the desired velocity
 1.45  static error constant is to be improved 20 times,
K ϑ,original = lim sG (s ) = lim s   = 0.725
s →0  s ( s + 2) 
s →0
 

Figure 17. Root locus of the PD controlled system

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 18. The setup of the light tracking servo system

kϑ desired Zc
â= . (18)
= 20 × 0.725 Pc
= 14.5.
Assume now the compensator zero is selected Based on Equation (18) and the selected value
such that: Zc = −0.02. The attenuation factor of the zero of the compensator Zc = 0.01 , then
â can be chosen to have the value 20 (based on the pole of the compensator will have the value
the design specifications). The attenuation factor Pc = −0.001
â can be defined mathematically as

Figure 19. Unit-step response of the experimental results

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

The objective at the moment is to determine C 2 = 1µF ,

the compensator gain K c using the desired veloc-
ity static error constant given by and

 s + 0.02   1.45  R2 = 1G
kϑ desired = lim s K c  ⋅  = 14.5
s →0  s + 0.001  s ( s + 2)
(19) All the op-amp lag circuit components have
been calculated
which leads to a compensator gain value of unity It is ready now to represent the compensated
K c = 1. forward controlled system by the transfer function
For the sake of calculating the values of the
resistors and capacitors of the electronic circuit 1.45 (s + 0.02)
of the lag compensator, the following equations G1 (s ) = . (23)
s (s + 2) (s + 0.001)
govern the zero, the pole and the gain of the lag
compensator, respectively, as
The root locus of the compensated closed-loop
−1 controlled system can be demonstrated using
Zc = (20) Matlab as shown in Figure 22.
R1C 1
Next section will provide the experimental
details of the lag compensator set-up.
Pc =  (21)
R2C 2 Experimental Results of
the Lag Compensator
R4 C 2
Kc = ⋅ (22) 1. Construct the op-amp analog circuit as shown
R3 C 1
in figure (21) such that
R4 = R3 = 1M Ω  and   C 1 = 1µF , then
Based on Equation (20), (21) and (22) then
R1 = 50 M Ω , C 2 = 1µF and
 Ω . The braed board of lag com-
R2 =  1 G
R1C 1 = 50,
pensator is built as in Figure 23.
2. Connect the constructed Lag controller
R2C 2 = 1000  , circuit with Analog System Control (ACS)
as in Figure 24.
R4 C 2 3. Connect ACS with DC motor as in Figure
Kc = ⋅ = 1 , 25.
R3 C 1
4. Upon completing connecting Lag control cir-
cuit with ACS, oscilloscope and DC motor,
Choose R4 = R3 =1MΩ and C1=1μF, then connect the Lag circuit with DC generator
and signal generator described in Figure 26
R1 = 50 M ,
5. Adjust input voltage amplitude and offset

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 20. Error response of the experimental results

Figure 21. Op-amp lag compensator circuit

Figure 22. Root locus with the lag compensator

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 23. Constructed lag compensator circuit on the bred board

Figure 24. Lag controller circuit connected to ACS

6. Using oscilloscope demonstrate and record stable else. Although from the origin, the system
the result of the system response and the was unstable but after awhile it change to be
steady state error. stable as displayed in Figure 28.

Figures below shows the results for the lag

compensator, the steady state response was im- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
proved against transient response as shown in
Figure 27. The steady state response of the system Horizontal axis sun tracking system which is
was very fast and there is no overshoot. In addi- proposed in this chapter is able to track the sun-
tion, the steady state error is still valid but it re- light. Compared with fixed-position installations,
duces from the original value. The error signal is solar tracking systems make solar energy a viable

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 25. Connected ACS to the DC motor

Figure 26. Connected ACS, DC motor, and lag compensator circuit

Figure 27. The steady-state response feedback signal with step input

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Figure 28. The error signal with step input

long-term option to other energy sources. Such a The obtained simulation results are quite
system is recognized by its low cost and easiness encouraging; they show the efficiency and the
to implement. It is know that optimal energy is simplicity of the proposed method. The most
obtained when the rays of the sun are incident important advantage of our method is the short
normally on the collecting surface. Therefore, solar overshoot time to track the light.
panel tracking systems energy output of photovol- At this stage, our efforts are focused on one-
taic panels can be optimized by positioning them axis control output. This is motivated by the
to follow the sun’s path throughout the day. The avoidance of three DC motors. Future work is to
sun’s position in the sky varies both with instal- pursue research work by controlling two or three
lation location, the seasons, and the time of day. axes solar tracking system. The adequate criterion
The minimum sun tracking error is achieved for the solar tracking control can be improved
using an electro-optical DC motor and PD control- real-time computer controlled system.
ler as well as a lag compensator. Remarkably, it
can be easily implemented using phototransistors
which are mounted on the solar panel and placed REFERENCES
in an enclosure to inform the PD controller on the
required orientation of the solar panel. Barsoum, N., & Vasant, P. (2010). Simplified
In this chapter a control method is proposed for solar tracking prototype (Vol. 1). Global Energy
the control of a sun servo tracker. In particular, two on Technology and Optimization, Transaction in
control algorithms have been presented in order Controllers and Energy.
to improve the tracking time response. The design Cheung, N. C., Zhao, S.-W., Gan, W.-C., Sun, Z.-
of the proposed controller is simple because it is G., & Kwok, S.-C. (2008). A solar tracking system
based on the well-known and easy-to-use op-amp design based on linear switched reluctance motor.
PD controller and lag compensator. Control Theory & Applications, 25(2), 316–320.

Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System

Franklin, J. (2004). Feedback control of dynamic KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS

systems, 5th ed. K&H MFG Co. Ltd. (2005). Analog
control systems, ACS-1000. Taiwan. Analog Operational-Amplifier: A high gain
electronic voltage device used to amplify a DC
Huang, Y. J., Kuo, T. C., Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. input voltage.
H., Wu, P. C., & Wu, T. H. (2009, November 19). DC Motor: An electrical motor that operates
The design and implementation of a solar tracking on direct electric (constant) current.
generating power system. IAENG, Engineering Lag Compensator: Is an electronic device
Letters. used in control systems to improve the system
Huang, Y. J., Wu, B. C., Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. frequency response.
H., & Kuo, T. C. (2009). Solar tracking fuzzy Matlab: Is trademark software that uses a
control system design using FPGA. Proceedings high-level language and interactive environment
of the World Congress on Engineering, Vol. 1, that enables a user to perform computational
London, UK, July 1 - 3, 2009. tasks faster than with traditional programming
Lauritzen Inc. (2009, June). Linear actuators in PD Controller: A proportional–integral–de-
solar tracking systems. rivative controller (PID controller type) is used
Louchene, A., Benmakhlouf, A., & Chaghi, A. in control systems based in calculation the error
(2007). Solar tracking system with fuzzy rea- value as the difference between a measured value
soning applied to crisp sets. Revue des Energies and reference value.
Renouvelables, 10(2), 231–240. Photoresistor Cell: Is a resistor whose re-
sistance decreases with increasing incident light
Ogata, K. (1997). Modern control engineering intensity.
(3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. Renewable Energy: Is the energy produced
Patil, J. V., Nayak, J. K., & Sundersingh, V. P. from natural resources such as sunlight, wind,
(1997). Design, fabrication and preliminary test- waves and geothermal heat.
ing of a two-axes solar tracking system. RERIC Root Locus: Is a graphical tool used in control
International Energy Journal, 19(1). systems to examine how the roots of a system is
changed by varying the system parameters.
QUANSER Technical Catalogue. (2009). SRV02- Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Con-
series rotary servo plant. trolled System: A system in which a photovoltaic
Singthong, P. (2010). The solar tracking system panels is controlled to follow and track the sunlight
by using digital solar position sensor. American so as to increase its output and efficiency.
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Time Response: How and how long it takes
3(4), 678–682. doi:10.3844/ajeassp.2010.678.682 a generic system to react to a given input.


Chapter 4
Power Electronics and Controls
in Solar Photovoltaic Systems
Radian Belu
Drexel University, USA & Desert Research Institute, USA

The use of renewable energy sources is increasingly being pursued as a supplemental and an alternative
to traditional energy generation. Several distributed energy systems are expected to a have a significant
impact on the energy industry in the near future. As such, the renewable energy systems are presently
undergoing a rapid change in technology and use. Such a feature is enabled clearly by power electronics.
Both the solar-thermal and photovoltaic (PV) technologies have an almost exponential growth in installed
capacity and applications. Both of them contribute to the overall grid control and power electronics
research and advancement. Among the renewable energy systems, photovoltaic (PV) systems are the ones
that make use of an extended scale of the advanced power electronics technologies. The specification
of a power electronics interface is subject to the requirements related not only to the renewable energy
source itself but also to its effects on the operations of the systems on which it is connected, especially
the ones where these intermittent energy sources constitute a significant part of the total system capacity.
Power electronics can also play a significant role in enhancing the performance and efficiency of PV
systems. Furthermore, the use of appropriate power electronics enables solar generated electricity to be
integrated into power grid. Aside from improving the quality of solar panels themselves, power electron-
ics can provide another means of improving energy efficiency in PV and solar-thermal energy systems.

INTRODUCTION more visibility due to several reasons. First, there

have been considerable incentives for developers,
This chapter will discuss current developments in second, there have been technology advances,
the controls and power electronics that enable the and finally, both fuel prices and environmental
PV systems to become a real power source for the concerns have pushed the interest forward. Power
grid system. In the last decade, the PV power sup- electronics and control technologies will play a key
plied to the utility grid has been gaining more and role in changing the characteristics of a renewable

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch004
Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

energy system to an active power source in the near silicon, while at the same time, price has been
future. The expected trends in power electronics continuously reducing. Power electronics, being
and control technologies for solar energy systems the technology of efficiently converting electric
are also discussed in this chapter. power, plays an important role in the field of
Renewable energy systems are presently under- modern electrical engineering. It is an essential for
going a rapid change in technology and use. This the integration of the DG units in order to achiev-
rapidly growing interest in various aspects of clean ing high efficiency and performance. A power
energy is a reaction to the major energy-related converter is the interface between a generator
challenges of the humanity. These efforts involve and the load or the grid. For most of the power
renewable energy sources, distributed generation converters, the power may flow in both directions,
systems, and conservation of energy in a variety though this is dependent upon topology and ap-
of the electromechanical energy systems such as plications. Three important issues are of concern
industrial drivers, electric and hybrid cars, etc. using such systems, the reliability, the efficiency
The renewable energy systems (RES) are now a and the cost. In the last decades, the trends are
major contributor to the grid power. In classical that power electronic conversion is shrinking in
power systems large power generation plants volume, size and weight. It has also been shown
located at adequate geographical places produce that more integration and functions that are more
most of the power, which, is then transferred to available are the keys to being competitive. The
the large consumption centers over long distance key driver of this development is the advances in
transmission lines. The system control centers the device technology.
monitor and regulate the power system continu- This chapter presents several examples of
ously to ensure the quality of the power, namely power electronics and control applications in the
frequency and voltage. However, now the overall PV/solar energy systems, both utility interactive
power system is changing and a large number of systems and stand-alone systems. The most com-
dispersed generation (DG) units, including both mon power electronics topologies and control
renewable and non-renewable sources such as strategies for photovoltaics are discuessed in
wind turbines, PV generators, fuel cells, etc. are details. PV systems can be classified as follows:
being developed and installed. Solar energy alone a) Stand-alone PV Systems; b) Hybrid Power
has an almost exponential growth in installed ca- Systems; and c) Grid Connvected or Intgrated
pacity and applications in the last three decades. A Systems. Each type of system generally requires
widespread use of the renewable energy sources a power electronics interpace unit to enable the
in distribution networks and a high penetration PV system to transfer solar cell generated electric-
level will be seen in the near future in many ity optimally to the desired load, grid or storage
places. To interface a renewable energy source system. Power electronics and control unitis for
efficiently to a load or grid the power electronic PV systems are of two types: stand-alone and
converters are performing power conditioning, grid-connected. The two types have serveral
voltage boosting, power flow control and power similarities but they are different in terms of
quality improvements. control functions. The intent of this chapter is
Power electronics has changed rapidly during to presnt the what, why and how of PV system
the last decades and the number of applications has control, power electronics and design. The use
been increasing mainly due to the development of power electronics in PV system is described
of semiconductor devices and microprocessor in details. Conversion, control and monitoring of
technology. For both, higher performance has electric energy with the use of semiconductors are
been steadily increasing for the same area of also described. Methods for analyzing convert-

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

ers including resonance converters for design contains protection for both the DES source and
are presented in detail. Selection of converter the utility at the point of coupling. Due to many
topologies is included in this chapter. One section inherent similarities in these modules, it is pos-
of the chapter is dedicated to the modular power sible that a modular and scalable power electronics
electronics concepts, control techniques, and their interface could allow each of the energy source
applications in renewable energy technologies, and technologies to use the same power electronic
especially for the photovoltaic (PV) systems. Dif- components within their system architectures.
ferent power electronics topologies are discussed These requirements can lead to modular and flex-
for each of the PV systems and the advantages ible design of the power electronics converters for
and disadvantages of generalized topologies were the DES&DG applications.
presented for understanding the control design. A power electronic converter is an electronic
system for converting and controlling electric
energy (current, voltage, and frequency) designed
POWER ELECTRONIC to supply a load. The power converters apply one
CONVERTERS FOR or more switching power semiconductor, mag-
PHOTOVOLTAICS netic components, capacitors, control electronics
and other essential supplementary components.
Power electronic circuits are key elements for Power electronic converters are found in a count-
renewable energy power generation. The power less number of applications in a very wide range
electronics for solar power conversion shall of power and circuit topologies. In order to make
have the ability to automatically track the maxi- the power generated by PV systems useful espe-
mum power point (MPP) in order to achieve the cially for grid-tied applications, it must be con-
maximum efficiency of the solar cells and inject verted to AC, via inverters. Inverter generate a
sinusoidal and in-phase current to the grid so that regulated AC supply from a DC input, and are
power quality complies with the power system commonly found in systems providing standalone
requirements. Figure 1 shows a general block AC power, utility-connected DES systems, or at
diagram of general power electronics interface electric motor control. There also are a significant
for use with DES systems and can be subdivided number of applications for the DC-DC converters
into four major modules. These include: the source in PV and solar energy systems. They are used to
input converter module, an inverter module, convert the DC voltage magnitude from one
the output interface module, and the controller level to another for a specific load application,
module. The blue arrows depict the power flow with or without galvanic isolation. An example
path for the RES sources whereas the red arrows for such topology can be found in PV applications,
show the bidirectional power flows for the RES where the dedicated DC-DC units are often de-
storages. The input converter module can be either signed to extract the maximum power output of
used with alternating current (AC) or direct cur- the PV array. A summary of the different power
rent (DC) RES and is most likely to be specific converters that can be used for DES applications
for each type of energy source or storage device. are given in Shepherd and Zhang 2004, Teodor-
The DC-AC module (inverter) is the most generic escu et al., 2011, or elsewhere in the literature. A
of the modules and converts a DC supply to a bloc diagram of a typical power electronic con-
grid-compatible AC power. The output interface verter is shown in Figure 2.
module filters the AC output from the inverter. The are four main classes of power electronic
The fourth major module is the monitoring and converters: a) AC-DC converters (rectifiers) that
control unit that operates the entire interface and convert an input AC to a DC signal with adjust-

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 1. Modular configuration for RES power electronics interface. Block diagram of typical RES
power electronic systems. Adapted from Kramer et al. 2008.

ment of output voltage and current; b) DC-AC may also contain several switches of the same
converters (inverters) that produce an output AC type connected in series, parallel or series-paral-
voltage of a controllable magnitude and fre- lel, to incresae to overall voltage and/or current
quency from an input DC voltage; c) AC-AC ratings.
converters (cycloconverters) that change AC A solar cell is the core of PV technology, and
frequency, phase, magnitude, and shape; and 4) is typically made of semiconductor materials such
DC-DC converters (choppers) that change the DC as crystalline silicon and absorbs sunlight and pro-
voltage and current levels (Mohan et al. 2003). duces electricity through the photovoltaic effect.
Each of these converters consists of the primary The efficiency of a solar cell is determined by its
electronic elements: resistors, capacitors, trans- ability to convert available sunlight into usable
formers, inductors, etc., and basic semiconductor electrical energy and is typically around 10%-
devices: a) diodes, including Zener, and Schottky 15%. Therefore, to produce significant amount of
diodes, and diacs; b) thyristors, particularly sili- electrical energy, the solar cells must have large
con-controlled rectifiers (SCR), triacs, gate turn- surface areas. Individual solar cells are usually
off (GTO), and MOS-controlled thyristors; and manufactured and combined into modules that
c) transistors, such as bipolar junction (BJT), consist of 36 to 72 cells, depending on the output
field-effect (FET), and insulated gate bipolar voltage and current of the module. The modules
(IGBT) transistors. To facilitate the design and vary in size by manufacturer, but are typically
simplify the physical layout of the power elec- between 0.5 to 1 m2 and generate around 100 W/
tronic converters, manfucturers offer a variety of m2 of energy during peak solar conditions for
power electronic modules, representing a set of a 10% efficient module (Blaabjerg et al. 2004,
power switches interconnected into a speciic to- Messenger and Ventre, 2010). The modules may
pology and enclosed in a single case. Most popu- also be grouped together in various configura-
lar topologies are single- and three-phase bridges tions to form arrays with specific voltage and
or their subcircuits. Power electronic modules current characteristics. The distinction between

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 2. Block digram of a power converter

modules and arrays is important when considering The PV inverter is the key element for PV
power electronics interfaces, as power electronics systems performing several functions. It converts
manufacturers design their products using either the generated DC power into AC power compat-
module-centric or array-based approaches. The ible with the utility. It also contains the protective
magnitude of the voltage output of a PV system functions that monitor grid connections and the
depends on the configuration in which the solar PV source and can isolate the PV array if grid
cells/modules are connected. On the other hand, problems occur. The inverter also monitors the
the current output from the PV system primarily terminal conditions of the PV module(s) and
depends on the available solar irradiance. The main contains the MPPT for maximizing the energy
requirement of power electronic interfaces for the capture. The MPPT maintains the PV array opera-
PV systems is to convert the generated DC voltage tion at the highest possible efficiency, over a wide
into a suitable AC for consumer use and utility range of input conditions that can vary due to the
connection. Generally, the DC voltage magnitude daily and seasonal variations (Blaabjerg et al.,
of the PV array is required to be boosted to a higher 2004, 2010, Iov et al., 2010). PV Systems can be
value by using choppers before converting them to structured into several operational configurations.
the utility compatible AC. The inverters are then Each configuration has the basic power electronic
utilized to convert the voltage to 60/50 Hz AC. interfaces that interconnect the system to the grid or
The process of controlling the voltage and cur- to a load. Figure 3 shows the configuration where
rent output of the array must be optimized based a centralized inverter is used. This has been the
on the weather conditions. Specialized control most common type of PV installation configura-
algorithms have been developed called maximum tion with less use in today applications, except
power point tracking (MPPT) to constantly extract for the large PV plants. In this configuration, PV
the maximum amount of power from the array modules are connected in series and/or parallel and
under varying conditions (Blaabjerg et al., 2004, connected to a centralized DC-AC converter. The
Iov et al., 2010). The MPPT control process and primary advantage of this design is the fact that if
the voltage boosting are usually implemented in the inverter is the most costly part in the installed
the DC-DC converter, whereas the inverter is used PV system, this system has the lowest cost design
for grid-current control (Blaabjerg et al., 2006 and because of the presence of only one inverter. The
2010, Kroposki, 2010). primary disadvantage of this configuration is that

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

the power losses can be high due to the mismatch conditions across the array. The use of high-
between the PV modules and the presence of string voltage DC wiring raises some safety concerns,
diodes (Blaabjerg et al., 2004 and 2006). Another such as a higher risk of arc faults, which is a
disadvantage is that this configuration has a single primary cause of PV-related fires. Central invert-
point failure at the inverter; therefore, it has less ers cannot monitor the performance of individu-
reliability (Kjaer et al., 2005). al PV modules, so damaged or otherwise com-
Central inverters are one of the most common promised modules often go undetected. Central
power electronics interface used in PV systems inverters also necessitate additional installation
today. In this model (Figure 3), a single, large and system design costs, and a failure of the in-
inverter is connected to many PV modules wired verter results in a complete loss of production
in series to form strings with up to 600V of open- from the entire array. Central inverters usually
circuit voltage (1,000V in Europe). Multiple carry five- to ten-year warrantees, such a system-
strings within the array may also be wired to- level outage can occur several times over the
gether in parallel before converging at the in- operating life of a PV system, and leads to the
verter, yielding some added flexibility in system costly purchase and installation of a replacement
design and performance. The efficiency of many inverter each time. Finally, central inverters
central inverters is 95% or higher, and they feature limit the design and site selection of the PV sys-
a relatively low unit cost per watt (Kjaer et al. tems, particularly in residential or low-power
2005, Teodorescu et al. 2011). However, central applications. They require co-planar module
inverters have multiple drawbacks. They perform layouts and a lack of partial shading from chim-
maximum power point tracking on the combined neys, trees, vent pipes, etc. PV installers may out
DC voltage and current produced by the series- of half or more of potential sites due to these
connected modules, resulting in lost energy harvest restrictions.
due to module mismatch and varying shading

Figure 3. Centralized PV system configurations

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM MODEL, standards. One requirement of standards is that the

SOLAR CELL EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT inverters must also be able to detect an islanding
situation and take appropriate measures in order
Solar generators deliver DC voltage or current. to protect persons and equipment (Myrzik and
Some of the small appliances (such as watches Calais, 2004, Carrasco et al., 2006).
and computers) are designed for DC supply, Solar cells are the building blocks of the PV
while most of the appliances require AC current systems designed to convert solar energy into
of 230/120 V and a frequency of 50/60 Hz to op- electricity. A solar cell is a p-n semiconductor
erate. Even, for stand-alone PV systems without junction, when exposed to light a DC current is
grid-connection, frequently power conditioning generated. The generated current varies linearly
and inverters are sued to convert DC current into with the solar irradiance. The standard equivalent
appropriate AC power required by commercially circuit of the PV cell is shown in Figure 4. The
available appliances. However, the inverters are basic equation that describes the I-V characteristics
required to convert the PV generator electricity of the PV model is expressed as:
into similar electricity of the grid. The output of
the inverter can be single- or three-phase voltage 
 q (V + IRS )  V + IR
system. Inverters are rated by the total output I = I L − I 0 exp   − 1 − S

  kT   RSH
power capacity, which ranges from hundreds of
watts to megawatts. The designers should specify
both the type and the size of the load the inverter is
Here: I is the cell current (A); IL is the light
intended to service. An inverter is also character-
generated current (A); I0 is the diode saturation
ized by its power-dependent efficiency. Another
current; q is the charge of electron = 1.6x10-19 (C);
main function of an inverter is to keep a constant
k is the Boltzman constant (J/K); T is the cell
voltage on AC side and convert the input power
temperature (oK); Rs, Rsh are cell series and shunt
into the output power with highest possible effi-
resistance (ohms); and V is the cell output voltage
ciency. Due to advances in semiconductor device
(V). A typical PV system model is made up of the
technology, the inverter topologies have changed,
following components: PV array, MPPT control-
in the last decades from large thyristor-equipped
ler, battery charge controller, batteries, critical
inverters to smaller IGBT-equipped ones, permit-
loads, and/or non-critical loads. PV arrays gener-
ting to increase the switching frequency in order
ally range in efficiency from 6% to 30%, with
to extract more energy and fulfill the connecting

Figure 4. Equivalent circuit of a solar cell

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

costs varying tremendously. Usually, the 30% efficiency are the nonlinear variations of output
efficiency arrays are used for space applications voltage and current with solar radiation levels,
because of their power generation density (and operating temperature, and load current. To over-
radiation tolerances), while arrays with 6% to come these problems, the maximum power oper-
15% efficiency are used for typical terrestrial ating point of the PV system (at a given condition)
applications. A block diagram of this PV system is tracked using online or offline algorithms and
setup is shown in Figure 5. the system operating point is forced toward this
The main drawbacks of PV system technolo- optimal condition (Salas et al., 2006; Mutoh et
gies are high fabrication cost and low energy- al., 2006; Femia et al., 2008; Gules et al., 2008;
conversion efficiency, which are partly caused by Blaabjerg et al., 2010).
their nonlinear and temperature-dependent cur- Over the years, many MPPT techniques have
rent-voltage (I-V) and power-current (P-I) char- been proposed, analyzed, and implemented. They
acteristics. Three essential approaches are used can be categorized as: a) “Look-up table” methods,
to overcome these drawbacks: 1) improving the b) “Perturbation and observation (P&O)” methods,
manufacturing processes of the solar arrays (Ben- and c) “Computational” methods (Salas et al.,
ner and Kazmerski, 1999. Messenger and Ventre, 2006, and 2009). The nonlinear and time-varying
2010); 2) controlling the insolation input to PV nature of solar cells and their great dependency
arrays, the input solar energy is maximized using on radiation and temperature levels as well as the
sun-tracking solar collectors (Riatsch et al., 1997; degradation (aging, dirt) effects, make it difficult
Shimazu et al., 2001; Salas et al., 2006) or rear- to record and store all possible system condi-
ranging the solar-cell configurations of PV arrays tions, making the first MPPT category difficult
with respect to changes in environmental condi- to apply. On the other hand, the measured cell
tions (Watanabe et al., 1998; Calais et al., 2000); characteristics (current, voltage, power) are em-
and 3) utilization of output electric power of solar ployed, in the P&O methods along with an online
arrays. The main reasons for the low electrical search algorithm to compute the corresponding

Figure 5. Block diagram of the PV system model

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

maximum power point independent of insolation, result, the decrease in the total generation power
temperature, or degradation levels. Problems with is minimized (Shimazu et al., 2001; Femia et al.,
this approach are the undesirable measurement 2005, 2006 and 2007; Kerekes et al., 2007; Salas
errors (especially for current) which strongly af- et al., 2009). The generation control circuits en-
fect tracker accuracy. In the last MPPT methods, able each of the individual PV modules to operate
the nonlinear I-V characteristics of the solar panel effectively at maximum power even when some
are modeled using mathematical equations or of the PV modules are covered by shadows.
numerical approximations. The model must be
valid under different insolation, temperature, and
degradation conditions. Based on the modeled PV INVERTER CONFIGURATIONS
I-V characteristics, the corresponding maximum AND TOPOLOGIES
power points are computed for different load con-
ditions as a function of cell open-circuit voltages The PV power generators, the array of solar cells,
or cell short-circuit currents. may be configured in many ways, and accordingly,
One of the major disadvantages previously the DC to AC power conversion as well (Wilk,
associated with the applications of PV power 1995). From single modules with individual in-
generation, such as initial cost, efficiency, and verters, over strings of modules with associated
reliability, no longer present such a significant inverter, to large arrays of serial and parallel
problem, due to the unprecedented advances in PV connections of modules, with one or more (e.g.
technologies over the last three decades. Today, configured in master-slave mode) central inverters;
the PV generation is a flexible power generation many different configurations and topologies may
technology, applicable in both small and large be applied. Functionalities that need to be covered
power generation plants (anywhere from less than include: 1) converting DC power into AC power
3 kVA to over 100 kVA). In recent years, there with highest possible efficiency; 2) tracking the
is an increased interest in the small PV power PV array’s maximum power point with highest
generation systems designed to be installed and possible static and dynamic accuracy; 3) sinusoidal
used in the house. However, various problems waveform of the output current proportional to
limit the effectiveness and economic feasibility the grid voltage and lowest possible harmonics
of PV power generation. When a typical urban produced; and 4) safety functions, surveillance
home is equipped with a PV power generation and protection from DC side faults and AC side
system the PV modules are normally installed grid irregularities, including monitoring of volt-
on the roof. Thus, in addition to shadows created age and frequency and consequent stopping of
by clouds, those created by neighboring homes, power delivery in case of irregularities (to avoid
trees, utility and/or telephone poles, and power undesired islanding). Nowadays, technical im-
line cables sometimes partially cover these PV provements and advances in the circuit design
modules. These factors may lower the overall gen- of the converters, and integration of the required
erated power to a larger degree than was initially control and protection functions into the converter
expected. Thus, the construction cost is increased, control circuit have allowed introducing into the
because the number of PV modules installed on market advanced PV converter systems that also
the roof must be increased, and as a result, PV provide sufficient control and protection func-
power generation will be less attractive. Therefore, tions such as maximum power tracking, inverter
new power electronic circuits were designed and current control, and power factor control. Within
developed to generate the maximum power for the range of power until 10 kW several DC-AC
each of the modules, or PV configurations. As a converter configurations have been proposed

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

from single stage to double or multi-stage topolo- 2. String inverters, typically in the 0.4-2 kW
gies according to the number of cascaded power range for small rooftop plants with panels
stages, with or without a low or high frequency connected in one string.
power transformer. Single-stage single-phase or 3. Multi-string inverters, typically in the 1.5-6
three-phase inverters are the traditional solution kW range for medium large rooftop plants
adopted to interface a large number of PV modules with panels configured in one or two strings.
to the grid as the modules are connected in series 4. Mini central inverters, typically > 6 kW with
to create strings with a suitable high value of the three-phase topology and modular design
output voltage and the strings are connected in for larger rooftops or smaller power plants
parallel through interconnection diodes to obtain in range of 100 kW and typical unit size of
the desired power level. 6, 8, 10 and 15 kW.
The presence of the low-frequency transformer 5. Central inverters, typically in the 100-1000
and the poor efficiency of the centralized inverter kW range with three-phase topology and
associated to the poor performance of the MPPT, modular design for large power plants rang-
have moved to “string conversion” solutions, ing in tenths of a MW and typical unit size
which basically consist in a double stage power of 100, 150, 250, 500 and 1000 kW.
converter for each string of the PV plant. Using
an input stage in boost configuration allows one For a better understanding of the needs, con-
to connect fewer panels in series to create the DC straints and possibilities of topologies and con-
voltage, while increasing the overall efficiency of figurations for the PV-inverters, it is very helpful
the power conversion, as the blocking diodes are to use an approach similar to the one proposed in
not requested and the MPPT algorithm is applied (Blaabjerg, et al. 2004; Kjaer et al., 2005). When
to only one string with limited number of panels. all additional features like communication, moni-
String conversion configurations based on several toring, and safety functions are ignored, and we
DC-DC converters connected to a high voltage focus on the power electronic functions of a PV-
DC bus and linked to a single DC-AC converter inverter, then five basic functions can be identified
in principle appear as more complex solutions but for all PV-inverters: 1) MPPT for the DC-input:
offer higher efficiency due to single string MPPT The inverter controls the DC voltage in order to
control and modularity of the PV plant. Finally, operate the PV-modules at their maximum power
for very low-power applications it is recognized point. The MPP varies with the insolation, the
that the solution based on AC modules is the best module temperature and the shading conditions.
one to solve such issues as input power optimiza- Therefore, sophisticated tracking algorithms are
tion, plant modularity, and system reliability. With used. For good efficiency of the MPPT, it is impor-
this architecture every single PV panel is directly tant that not only the mean values of voltage and
connected to the grid through micro-inverters current of the module are tracked to the MPP, but
(MIC) having the same power of the panel and also the behavior at higher frequencies has to be
installed on its back side. Depending on the PV considered (Esram and Chapman, 2007; Azevedo
system configuration, according to Teodorescu et et al., 2009). If the power electronic topology of
al., 2011, the PV inverters can be categorized as: the inverter introduces voltage ripples at the PV-
terminals, that ripples have to be kept small, to
1. Module integrated inverters, typically in the avoid the instability of the operating point of the
50-400 W range for very small PV plants PV generator. Most state of the art string-inverters
(usually a single panel). use a one-stage topology, in which the DC-link
is directly connected to the PV-input. Controlling

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

the grid current (and thus the power delivered to and DC currents injection under control in order
the grid) the DC-link voltage can be influenced. to comply with the safety issues.
But also topologies with a separate DC-DC stage Inverter interfacing PV module(s) with the
for MPPT can be found (Blaabjerg et al. 2004; grid involves two major tasks (Teodoresecu et
Salas et al. 2006). 2) Change of the voltage am- al., 2006; Iov et al., 2010). One is to ensure that
plitude: If the PV-inverter uses a voltage sourced the PV module(s) is operated at the MPP. The
inverter (VSI) as a grid interface, this inverter other is to inject a sinusoidal current into the grid.
has a buck-characteristic, meaning that its output Since the inverter is connected to the grid, the
voltage is always smaller than the input voltage. standards given by the utility companies, as well
If the PV-system delivers a voltage that is smaller as the national and the international ones must
than the peak value of the grid voltage, a voltage be obeyed. These standards deal with issues like
boost is needed. This can be done with use of a power quality, detection of islanding operation,
transformer or by a DC-DC converter. 3) Grid grounding, etc. This is also reflected in the chosen
interface: This is the main function block of the inverter topologies, which have changed from
inverter. Most common is the use of a VSI. It can large thyristor-equipped grid-connected inverters
be built as a standard full-bridge for inverters with to smaller IGBT- or MOSFET-equipped ones. The
a transformer at the AC-side. 4) Power decoupling inverters must also be able to detect an islanding
between DC- and AC-side: The power fluctuations situation, and take appropriate measures in order to
between DC- and AC-side of the inverter (switch- protect persons and equipment (LaRocca, 1992).
ing frequency and double the grid frequency for Islanding is the continued operation of the inverter
single-phase inverters) have to be decoupled by when the grid has been removed on purpose, by
the energy storage. Most common are electrolytic accident, or by damage. In other words, the grid
capacitors forming a DC-link. has been removed from the inverter, which then
Because the minimization of the DC-link- only supplies local loads. The available detec-
capacity seems to be essential to achieve higher tion schemes are divided into active and passive
inverter lifetimes (film-capacitors could be used) methods. The passive methods do not have any
a trend to 3-phase-inverters can be expected even influence on the power quality, since they just
for smaller power levels within the 1 to 5 kW monitor grid parameters. The active schemes
ranges. 5) Galvanic isolation between input and introduce a disturbance into the grid and moni-
output: Can be achieved by the use of transformers, tor the effect. This may affect the power quality,
operating at the grid-frequency, This may have and problems with multiple inverters in parallel
severe drawbacks like high weight, high cost, with the grid are also known to exist (IEEE Std.
additional losses and a non-unity power factor, 929-2000, IEEE Dtd. 1547, 2003).
especially under low load conditions. New inverter To achieve a higher power, voltage or current
developments use high-frequency transformers. level for a PV system, several the PV-modules are
A third solution is to leave out the transformer connected in combinations of series and parallel
and the isolation between input and output of the configurations. Very common is a series connec-
inverters. The resulting transformerless inverters tion of modules (the cells inside the modules are
have very high efficiencies, a low weight and connected in series, too), which is called a string.
have lower costs (Kerekes et al., 2007; Iov et al., The voltage of such a PV string can be between
2010). However, the transformerless configura- 150 V and 1000 V for grid connected PV-systems.
tions require complex solutions, resulting typically These DC voltages are higher than the peak volt-
in novel topologies in order to keep the leakage age of the grid (325 V DC for 230V AC-grids), so
the inverter does not need to step-up the voltage

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

by using a DC-DC converter or a transformer. In the series connection within the string. A major
this case often single-stage full-bridge inverters disadvantage of the string-inverters in comparison
are used, which can have a high efficiency. The to the central inverters is the higher price per kW
peak current which can be delivered by one string because of the rather low power level (1 to 5 kW)
is determined by the size of the solar cells used per unit. String inverters were built as single-phase
in the modules. Several strings can be connected inverters due to the low power level. A very com-
in parallel (Figure 6a) to achieve higher power. mon classic topology is the full-bridge with a low
The resulting large PV system is connected to the frequency transformer on the AC-side for gal-
input of a central inverter. The central inverter vanic isolation. Newer developments are often
configuration has disadvantages especially for built as transformer-less inverters using special
smaller rooftop applications, like mismatching topologies, which are explained later in this chap-
losses between the modules or strings and miss- ter.
ing individual MPPT for each string (Chen and A variation of the string-inverter is the multi
Smedley, 2004, Messenger and Venter, 2010). string-inverter shown in Figure 6c. It is a string-
This leads to relatively high forfeits in the energy inverter with two (or three) inputs, providing an
gain from the system, when shading or differ- independent MPPT. It has the advantage that the
ent orientation of modules occurs. On the other inverter can reach a higher power level than a string
hand, this configuration has advantages like high inverter without having to sacrifice the advantages
inverter efficiency because of the higher power of the string technology. A major disadvantage is
level in comparison to string inverters, simplicity that the multi string-inverter always needs two
and low cost. Therefore, central inverters are still power conversion stages to allow individual track-
the first choice for medium- and large scale PV ing at the inputs. This two-stage design leads to a
applications, where shading or different orienta- smaller peak efficiency compared to a single-string
tion of modules is avoided already at the planning inverter. On the other hand multi-string inverters
stage and therefore plays no role (Solar Parks, have often a very wide input voltage range (due
large rooftop applications). Central inverters were to the additional DC-DC stage), giving a larger
mainly built with three-phase full-bridges (using flexibility in the PV system design. This is why
IGBTs) and low-frequency transformers. the multi-string-inverters have a good acceptance.
When the focus is on smaller applications, the Even if the string- and multi-string inverters
drawbacks of central inverters become important. give more freedom in the PV system design, the
In many applications, the PV modules cannot be modules of one string still have to be matched
installed with the same orientation and are subject and should be installed in the same orientation to
to different shading conditions during the day. achieve a high-energy harvest. If the individual
For such applications the string inverter, shown MPPT is extended to the level of one PV module
in Figure 6b is the choice. Smaller inverters for alone, a logical solution on the inverter side is the
each string are used here. In this case, each string module inverter shown in Figure 6d. These invert-
has its own MPPT, which means that all strings ers are attached to only one PV-module. Because
are completely independent from each other. With of the low power level, the devices can be small
this approach, it is easy to build PV-systems even and be integrated into the housing or frame of the
under constraints like different orientation of parts PV-module. The result is often called AC-module
of the roof, difficult shading conditions or even that can simply be connected to the grid. It is a big
various types or number of PV-modules. The advantage that no DC-wiring is needed, because
modules of each string should be matched and then all wiring of the PV generator can be done
operated under the same conditions, because to with normal installation material. The risk of

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 6. Configurations for PV systems

electric arcing and fire within the DC-wiring is classification based on the number of inverter
also minimized. In spite of these advantages the output phases is presented next.
module integrated inverter has still a low accep-
tance. This is due to several disadvantages: The Single-Phase Single-Stage, Single-
low power level per unit leads to a low efficiency Phase Multiple-Stage Inverters
and high costs, which in most applications can-
not be compensated by the better MPPT for each The most fundamental topology for a PV inverter
module. In addition, the packaging of PV-module is a single-phase, self-commutated PV system as
and inverter to one device leads to the need for shown in Figure 7. The DC output of the PV ar-
equal lifetimes of module and inverter. Current ray is connected across a filter capacitor, used to
inverter technology does not reach the lifetime limit the harmonic currents in the PV array. The
of PV-modules (20 years and more) therefore output of the capacitor connects to a full-bridge
the bundling of inverter and module often leads converter and the output of the converter is con-
to a failure of a valuable PV-module (Kalogirou, nected to an inductor, limiting the high frequency
2009, Messenger and Ventre, 2010). When the harmonics injected into the AC system. A synthe-
lifetime problem is solved, module integrated sized AC output voltage is produced by control-
inverters could get very interesting because of ling the switches. To enable operation at or near
their straightforwardness in use and installation. unity power factor, the switches are controlled in
If they enter mass production, even the higher response to the measured PV array output volt-
price due to the small power per device could be age to produce the required AC output voltage.
compensated. The power electronics topologies The PV array is then connected to the utility grid
for the PV systems can also be categorized based through an electrical isolation transformer. There
on the number of power processing stages, the are several drawbacks of this topology, one being
location of power decoupling capacitors, utiliza- that all of the modules are connected to the same
tion transformers, and the types of grid interfaces MPPT device (see the next section of this chapter
(Carrasco et al., 2006; Boswell, 2011). The basic

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 7. Single-phase single-stage PV power electronics. Adapted from Kramer et al., 2008.

for details). This causes severe power losses dur- waveform is measured to establish the reference
ing partial shadowing. waveform for the sinusoidal line current whose
To avoid the inclusion of the low frequency amplitude is determined by a peak power-tracking
transformers (a poor component mainly due to controller. Several topologies exist for single-
their relatively large size and low efficiency), the phase, dual-stage grid connected inverters as can
multiple stage (usually two-stage systems) con- be found in Blaabjerg et al., (2004) and Kjaer et
version systems are widely used for PV power al., (2005) or elsewhere in the literature.
systems. The most common two-stage topologies
consist of a DC-AC grid-connected voltage source Three-Phase Inverters
pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter with
some kind of DC-DC converters. In general, the For systems larger than 10kW, three-phase invert-
DC–DC converter performs the maximum ers are most often used. All the configurations
power point tracking (MPPT) and, perhaps, volt- described for single-phase utility connection
age amplification (Kjaer et al., 2005). The DC–AC can be used for the three phase. Again, the isola-
full-bridge inverter controls the grid current. A tion from the grid can be done either by using a
simple design for a multiple stage PV inverter is line-frequency transformer or a high-frequency
shown in Figure 8, which utilizes a high fre- transformer. In the later case, an additional con-
quency transformer for a single-phase connection verter is required for converting DC from PV
to the grid (Mohan et al. 2003). The DC voltage into high frequency AC. Figure 9 shows a typical
input is inverted to produce a high frequency AC topology for a three-phase PV inverter utilizing a
across the primary of the high frequency trans- line-frequency three-phase transformer. The DC
former. The transformer secondary voltage is output of the PV array is connected across a filter
rectified and the resulting DC output is interfaced capacitor. Each phase output of the converters is
with the line voltage through a thyristor inverter. connected to an LC network to limit the high-
Since the line-current is required to be sinusoidal frequency harmonics injected into the AC system.
and in phase with the line-voltage, the line-voltage A synthesized AC output voltage is produced by

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 8. Power electronics of single-phase multiple-stage PV systems. Adapted from Kramer et al., 2008.

appropriately controlling the switches. A three- Island Inverters

phase transformer is then used to connect the PV
system to the grid. While the low voltage grid supplies sinusoidal
Different configurations without transformers electric energy of 120V/60 Hz (or 230 V/50- Hz
can be used for the PV system; however, such in Europe), island inverters are subdivided into
topologies are more for the European countries three main groups according to their voltage wave-
and Japan where system grounding is not manda- forms: rectangular, trapezoidal, and sine inverters.
tory for the PV inverters. The PV modules be For low power range, e.g. for the local supply of
system grounded and monitored for ground faults individual AC loads within a DC grid, very often
when the maximum output voltage of the PV rectangular or trapezoidal inverters are used, due
modules reaches a certain level (e.g., 50 V) (Kjaer their very simple structure and operation. For larger
et al., 2005; Kerekes et al., 2007). Only a few systems (more than 1 kW), sine-wave inverters are
transformer-free, high-input voltage topologies most commonly employed. In recent years, there
that can be grounded both at the input and at the is an increased tendency to use sine-wave invert-
output are yet known. Modern inverters tend to ers for small-scale applications. The rectangular
use a high-frequency transformer for galvanic and trapezoidal inverters consist of a four-switch
isolation. This technology results in entirely new bridge controlled by an appropriate circuitry. The
designs, such as the printed circuit board (PCB) main disadvantage of the rectangular inverter is
integrated magnetic components (Kjaer et al., that the output voltage is direct proportional to
2005). One such design is shown in Figure 9, the fluctuations of the DC source voltage. In the
where the transformers are embedded in high- case of the trapezoidal inverter, the output volt-
frequency DC-DC converters. Such a topology age contains a blanking interval, its width being
is also very useful for multi-string configurations, adjusted by the controlling circuit in such way
where each of the strings can be connected to a that even for different input voltages an almost
common DC bus and then converted to grid com- constant actual output voltage can be achieved.
patible AC by using a single DC-AC inverter. During the operation of such inverters it is needed
to check whether the intended consumer, gener-
ally designed for sine wave voltages can perform
reliable under the given voltage conditions. The

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 9. Three-phase PV topology with line-frequency transformer. Adapted from Kramer et al., 2008.

output voltage of the sine inverter is identical to formerless topologies is the fact that they have
that of the utility supply, so all consumers can no conduction separation and therefore additional
be provided with power useable without any safety features must be integrated. Regardless of
problems. They are built in a great variety of the application and topology, the requirements
topologies. Unlike rectangular inverters the input for all inverters are: a) high efficiency; b) low
voltage is “chopped” at much higher frequencies self consumption; c) stable operation behavior; d)
(some 10 kHz to a few 100 kHz). A downstream entire voltage range coverage; and e) sinusoidal
filter is included to suppress all high-frequency output voltage without DC bias. The current trend
components of the signal and to generate the for the larger standalone hybrid systems consists
desired sinusoidal waveform voltage, while the of the use of the bi-directional inverters, allowing
downstream transformer adjusts the voltage to the battery charging from additional generators (wind,
required voltage. This system component may be hydropower, fuel cells, diesel generators, etc.)
omitted in case of sufficiently high input voltage,
reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency. Grid-Connected Inverters
For stand-alone or isolated local grids, such high
input voltages are currently only applied for large To feed PV systems into the grid, inverters are
power plants, mainly due to the requirements of required to convert DC generated power into AC
the battery and/or other energy storage systems. power compatible with the mains. The inverters
However, due to the risk of the individualization for PV grid-integrated systems are usually direct
of different solar cells, the batteries are difficult connected to the PV systems without any storage.
to operate at high voltage levels than at low volt- Unlike as earlier grid-connected inverters, modern
ages. For power plant installed capacity less than semiconductor components, in conjunction with
10 kW input voltages usually vary between 48V optimized circuit topologies allow the develop-
and 60 V. To avoid the above shortcomings, the ment of special PV inverters with significantly
usually topology includes a DC-DC converter improved properties and characteristics. For ex-
between the battery and the inverter supplying ample, the system self-consumption has been
the appropriate voltage level. This concept allows significantly reduced, so the required efficiency
the transformerless inverter design for any type over 90% could are reached at a nominal output
of PV system. A major disadvantage of all trans- power of 10%. Besides the low self-consumption,

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

grid-connected inverters are characterized by very Grid-connected inverters must be synchronized

high efficiencies at rated power. There is a wide with grid; in the case of grid failure, the inverter
power range of devices and configurations on the operation must be prevented for safety reasons.
market from 10 W up to hundreds of KW, as well To minimize the risk of islanding while the mains
as a wide range of functional principles is applied. is disconnected, in many countries, it is required
Grid-commuted inverters need, due to their by law to supervise the single-phase PV systems
design, a strong power grind to function. They to ensure that maintenance at the grid can be
are using thyristors as switching elements, due to performed safely.
their robustness and cost. Such inverters, gener- If the input voltage is sufficiently high, the in-
ally grossly distort the supplied output voltage, verters can directly feed into the grid without trans-
and cause phase shifts with regard to the mains former for voltage adjustment. Besides reducing
voltage. For these reasons, they require additional the cost, weight and volume, the transformerless
filter and compensation measures. Other configu- configurations reduce the self-consumption and
rations, especially, within the low power range are improve the efficiency especially in the partial-
now used. Self-commuted inverters are based on load range. On the other hand, the devices provided
disengage able power switch, so an external grid with transformer may be categorized into systems
is not required for normal operation. A widely equipped with a 50/60 Hz transformer and systems
used principle is the pulse width modulation provided with high-frequency transformers. The
(PWM) offering a wide range of circuit topologies. later offers weight and volume advantages on the

Figure 10. Flowchart of the most used MPPT methods and algorithms

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

expenses of higher losses and failure probability and 2007). They differ in many aspects such as
due to more complex overall circuit layout. complexity, sensors required, cost or efficiency.
However, it is pointless to use a more expensive
or complicated method if with a simpler and less
MAXIMUM POWER POINT expensive one similar results can be obtained. This
TRACKING SYSTEMS FOR is the reason why some of the proposed techniques
PHOTOVOLTIACS are not used. Measuring the efficiency of MPPT
algorithms has not been standardized until the
The output current of PV panels varies depending European Standard EN 50530 was published at
on the status of the load. Figures 12(a) and (b) are the end of May 2010. It specifies how to test the
I-V and P-V characteristics of a certain PV panel, efficiency of the MPPT methods both statically
respectively. Over a wide range of current and and dynamically.
voltage, it is essential to find a point that maxi- Tracking the MPP of a photovoltaic array is
mizes the output power. The point maximizing usually an essential part of a PV system. Over the
the power consequently enables users to extract years, many MPPT methods have been developed
maximum capable power from the PV cell. The and implemented. As such, many MPPT methods
point is called the Maximum Power Point (MPP) have been developed and implemented (Salas et
and finding this point is called Maximum Power al., 2006; Esram and Chapman, 2007; and Dolara
Point Tracking (MPPT). Here tracking does not et al., 2009). Rodriguez and Amaratunga (2007)
mean physical movement e.g., following on the developed a mathematical model using the mean
sun. MPPTs play an important role in PV power value theorem providing the analytic solution of
systems because they maximize the power output a point in a close neighborhood of the MPP. They
from a PV system for a given set of conditions, proved that this point is enclosed in a ball of small
and therefore maximize the array efficiency. radius that also contains the MPP and therefore
Thus, an MPPT can minimize the overall system can practically be considered as the MPP. Since
cost. MPPTs find and maintain operation at the the solution is analytic, no iterative schemes are
maximum power point, using an MPPT algorithm. necessary in this approach, and only a periodic
Many such algorithms have been proposed, over measurement is required to adjust to changes in
the years (Hohm and Ropp, 2003). MPPT algo- solar irradiance. A circuit was implemented based
rithms are necessary because PV arrays have a on this analytic solution that proved the validity
non-linear voltage-current characteristic with a of the theory and the accuracy of the solution.
unique point where the power produced is maxi- However, the MPPT methods vary in complex-
mum (Hohm and Ropp, 2003); Salas et al., 2006; ity, sensors required, convergence speed, cost,
Esram and Chapman, 2007). This point depends on range of effectiveness, implementation hardware,
the temperature of the panels and on the irradiance popularity, and in other respects. The names of
conditions. Both conditions change during the day some of these methods are hill climbing, perturb
and are different depending on the season of the and observe (P&O), incremental conductance
year. Furthermore, irradiation can change rapidly (InCond), fractional open-circuit voltage, frac-
due to changing atmospheric conditions such as tional short-circuit current, fuzzy logic and neu-
clouds. It is very important to track the MPP ac- ral network controls, ripple correlation control,
curately under all possible conditions so that the current sweep, DC-link capacitor droop control,
maximum available power is always obtained. In load-current or load-voltage maximization, and
the past years, numerous MPPT algorithms have dP/dV or dP/dI feedback control. The detailed
been published (Femia et al., 2004, 2005, 2006 overview of these MPPT methods can be found

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

in Hohm and Ropp, (2003), Salas et al., (2006), or When properly applied, a maximum power
Esram and Chapman, (2007). They range from the point tracking control can prevent the collapse of
almost obvious (but not necessarily ineffective) the array voltage under excessive load demand,
to the most creative algorithms (not necessarily particularly when supplying a constant-power
most effective). In fact, so many methods have type of load. One of the proper approaches is to
been developed that it has become difficult to operate the system in a solar array voltage regula-
adequately determine which method, newly pro- tion mode where the array voltage is clamped to
posed or existing, is most appropriate for a given a commanding set point, which is dynamically
PV system. Figure 10 shows a diagram summariz- updated by the MPPT control circuit. The control
ing the most common used MPPT methods and process feedback signals, such as the array current
algorithms. The number of papers focusing on the and voltage, to determine a proper direction to
MPPT methods, algorithms and implementation move the operating point. Eventually, this con-
per year has grown considerably of the last three tinuously updated set point will fluctuate around
decades and remains strong. the voltage corresponding to the array peak
A PV array under constant uniform irradiance power point. By adjusting the operating point of
has a current–voltage (I-V) characteristic like that the array to the set point, the array power output
shown in Figure 11. There is a unique point on is maximized, and the most efficient use of the
the curve, called the MPP, at which the array solar array may be realized. For a system without
operates with maximum efficiency and produces MPPT, the voltage will quickly collapse to zero.
maximum output power. When a PV array is di- This phenomenon can be understood from the I-V
rectly connected to a load (a so-called ‘direct- characteristic of a solar array. The flatness of the
coupled’ system), the system’s operating point I-V curve on the left of the MPP implies that a
will be at the intersection of the I–V curve of the small incremental increase in current demand
PV array and load line shown in Figure 11. In leads to large voltage change. A system with MPPT
general, this operating point is not at the PV ar- avoids the voltage collapse by keeping the oper-
ray’s MPP, which can be clearly seen in Figure ating point near the MPP. On the I-V curve, the
11. Thus, in a direct-coupled system, the PV array operating point corresponding to the MPP is around
must usually be oversized to ensure that the load’s the “knee” region (see Figure 11). Therefore, un-
power requirements can be supplied. This leads like other power systems with stiff voltage
to an overly expensive system. To overcome this sources, the power conversion from the PV systems
problem, a MPPT is used to maintain the PV ar- with MPPT requires a more robust design due to
ray’s operating point at the MPP. The MPPT does the risks of voltage collapse under the peak load
this by controlling the PV array’s voltage or cur- demand or severe changes in the PV array char-
rent independently of those of the load. If prop- acteristics
erly controlled by an MPPT algorithm, the MPPT From the previous discussion, it can be ob-
can locate and track the MPP of the PV array. served that the most generalized form of power
However, the location of the MPP in the I–V plane electronics topology for the PV application is the
is not known apriori. It must be located, either DC-DC converter with embedded high-frequency
through model calculations or by a search algo- transformer, along with the DC-AC inverter as
rithm. The situation is further complicated by the shown in Figure 12. Usually, the MPPT and volt-
fact that the MPP depends in a nonlinear way on age boost are done by the DC-DC converter. The
irradiance, temperature, PV cell surface charac- power flow control to the utility and the sinusoidal
teristics, etc. (Kalogirou, 2009). unity power factor current-injection to the utility
are produced by the DC-AC inverter controller.

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 11. PV panel characteristic curves

A simplified block diagram of the PV system sun. MPPT is a power electronic circuit intercon-
with the power electronics and control is given in necting a PV power source and a load or gird. It
Figure 12. Usually the power electronics circuit maximizes the power output from a PV module
consists of a DC-DC converter and an inverter. or array with varying operating conditions, and
The inverter includes galvanic isolation between therefore maximizes the system efficiency. MPPT
the PV system and the grid, so the PV strings can is made up with a switch-mode DC-DC converter
be easily system-grounded and compatible with and a controller. For grid-connected systems, a
the NEC Article 690 requirements. The current- switch-mode inverter sometimes fills the role of
source input stage is beneficial since it reduces the MPPT. Otherwise, it is combined with a DC-DC
requirement for the filter capacitor in parallel with converter that performs the MPPT function. In
the PV strings. Furthermore, the diodes included addition to MPPT, the system could also employ a
in the rectifiers are current-commutated, involv- sun tracker. The power-matching scheme requires
ing low-reverse recovery of the diodes and low the panels to have suitable output characteristics
voltage stress (Kjaer et al., 2005; Iov et al., 2010). that can match with particular loads. Figure 12b
The voltage from the PV string is first converted shows an equivalent circuit of the solar panel
into a high frequency AC; galvanic isolation with connecting to an MPPT, modeled by a Thevenin’s
voltage boosting is accomplished with a high- equivalent circuit, consisting of a voltage source
frequency transformer. The transformer secondary connected in series with an output resistance
voltage is then rectified using a full-bridge diode around the MPP. Both the generator voltage and
rectifier. The rectified DC is then converted into current are subject to the level of insolation and
grid compatible AC and connected to the utility temperature. In addition to MPPT, the system
by a three-phase voltage-source inverter. could also employ a sun tracker. According to
The MPPT is now prevalent in grid-tied PV the data in reference (Shimazu et al., 2003), the
power systems and is becoming more popular in single-axis sun tracker can collect about 40% more
stand-alone systems. It should not be confused energy than a seasonally optimized fixed-axis
with sun trackers, mechanical devices that rotate collector can in summer in a dry climate such as
and/or tilt PV modules or arrays in the direction of Albuquerque, New Mexico. In winter, however,

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 12. Typical block diagram of a solar system

it can gain only 20% more energy. In a climate scheme. The effectiveness of the ASP method,
with more water vapor in the atmosphere, the and the active sun tracker for a grid-connected
effect of sun tracker is smaller because a larger PV generation system was verified by realistic
fraction of solar irradiation is diffuse. It collects experimentations. According to the experimental
30% more energy in summer, but the gain is less results, the ASP method provides faster tracking
than 10% in winter. The two-axis tracker is only response and overcomes the oscillation problem
a few percent better than the single-axis version. in the conventional P&O method for reducing
Sun tracking enables the system to meet energy extra power losses. Moreover, the implementation
demand with smaller PV modules, but it increases of the active sun-tracking scheme because of the
the cost and complexity of system. Since it is made open-circuit voltage of PV modules is to improve
of moving parts, there is also a higher chance of the generation efficiency of the fixed-installation
failure (Kalogirou, 2009). PV array, and to save the cost of the conventional
The use of sun trackers schemes in conjunction sun tracker with light sensors. In order to increase
with the MPPT control strategies has been dem- the efficiency and reduce the cost of a PV system,
onstrated to be very useful in order to get higher Jaen et al., (2009) proposed to combine a MPPT
efficiency in photovoltaic plants (Alboteanu et with a Sun Tracker (see Figure 13). In their work
al. 2006, Cañada et al., 2007). The basis of sun the use of a sun tracker system is proposed as an
tracker equipment is to hold the PV array in the additional improvement applied to a photovoltaic
best position regarding the sun location during installation that works under a MPPT control tech-
the sunny time. This can be done by means of nique. Proposed system consists of PV module,
single axis (azimuth) or dual axes (azimuth and boost converter, P&O controller and sun tracker
elevation) systems. The system presented in this equipment. Experimental results show good
work belongs to the last category. The sun tracker performance. Comparing data in terms of energy,
is usually composed by a mechanical mainframe the PV array performances are rather improved
that supports the PV array and its electronic con- by the use of the sun tracker equipment. Other
trol system that allows its movement in two axes. implementations of the combined MPPT and sun
Wai et al., (2006) developed a grid-connected PV tracking involves the intelligent techniques will
generation system with an adaptive step-pertur- be discussed later.
bation (ASP) method and an active sun-tracking

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

The MPPT methods vary in complexity, sen- Hill-Climbing/Perturb and

sors required, convergence speed, cost, range of Observe MPPT Algorithms
effectiveness, implementation hardware, popular-
ity, and in other respects. Among these techniques, Most MPPT algorithms and techniques are based
P&O and incremental conductance algorithms on the hill-climbing method and the MPP is found
are the most common. Most of the MPPT methods by changing the reference voltage of the PV, so
yield a local maximum and some, like the frac- the extracted power is always the highest one for
tional open circuit voltage or short circuit current, the present irradiation and temperature. Both P&O
give an approximated MPP, not the exact one. In and InCond algorithms are based on the “hill-
normal conditions, the V-P curve has only one climbing” principle, which consists of moving the
maximum, so it is not a problem to find it. How- operation point of the PV array in the direction in
ever, if the PV array is partially shaded, there are which power increases (Femia et al., 2005, 2006
multiple maxima in these curves. In order to relieve and 2007; Nguyen and Low, 2010). Hill-climbing
this problem, some new algorithms have been techniques are among the most popular MPPT
implemented as in (Bellini et al., 2010, Nguyen methods due to the ease of implementation and
and Low, 2010, Petreus et al., 2010). In the next good performance when the irradiation is constant
section, the most popular MPPT techniques are (Sera et al., 2006a, and 2006b). The advantages
discussed. The total number of MPPT papers from of both methods are the simplicity and low com-
our bibliography survey per year since the earli- putational power required. The shortcomings are
est MPPT papers we found increased dramati- also well-known: oscillations around the MPP and
cally and remain strong. In the next subsections they can get lost and track the MPP in the wrong
of this chapter, we introduce and discuss the dif- direction during rapidly changing atmospheric
ferent MPPT techniques, methods and algorithms, conditions (Husein et al., 1995; Sera et al. 2006a
as well as the use of these techniques and algo- and 2006b; Nguyen and Low, 2010). The P&O
rithms in the practical applications. algorithm is also called “hill-climbing”, but both
names refer to the same algorithm depending on
how it is implemented. Hill-climbing involves a
perturbation on the duty cycle of the power con-
verter and P&O a perturbation in the operating

Figure 13. Block diagram of a photovoltaic system including MPPT control and sun tracker equipment
(Adapted from Jaen et al., 2009)

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

voltage of the DC link between the PV array and problem is common also to the InCond method,
the power converter (Salas et al., 2006, Esram as was mention earlier. Both P&O and InCond
and Chapman, 2007, Azevedo et al., 2009). In methods can be confused during those time inter-
the case of the hill-climbing, perturbing the duty vals characterized by changing atmospheric
cycle of the power converter implies modifying conditions, because, during such time intervals,
the voltage of the DC link between the PV array the operating point can move away from the MPP
and the power converter, so both names are basi- instead of keeping close to it. This drawback is
cally referring to the same technique. The sign shown in Figure 16 (Femia et al, 2005 and 2006)
of the last perturbation and the sign of the last where the P&O MPPT operating point path for
increment in the power are used to decide what the an irradiance variation from 200 W/m2 to 800 W/
next perturbation should be. The flowchart of this m2 is reported. The example shown in Figure 16
algorithm is shown in Figure 14. As can be seen presents two different behaviors in the plane
in Figure 14, on the left of the MPP incrementing output power vs. voltage: Figure 16a) shows the
the voltage increases the power whereas on the operating point path in presence of slowly chang-
right decrementing the voltage increases the power. ing atmospheric conditions, while Figure 16b),
The P&O MPPT algorithm is based on the instead, shows the failure of MPPT control to
following criterion: if the operating voltage of the follow the MPP when a rapid change in atmo-
PV array is perturbed in a given direction and if spheric conditions occurs.
the power drawn from the PV array increases, this In the case of most single-stage grid con-
means that the operating point has moved toward nected PV systems, the control is acting on the
the MPP and, therefore, the operating voltage grid side current only, which means that the MPPT
must be further perturbed in the same direction. is directly adjusting the amplitude of the grid
Otherwise, if the power drawn from the PV array current. Hill-climbing involves a perturbation in
decreases, the operating point has moved away the duty ratio of the power converter and P&O a
from the MPP and, therefore, the direction of the perturbation in the operating voltage of the PV
operating voltage perturbation must be reversed. array. In the case of a PV array connected to a
If there is an increment in the power, the perturba- power converter, perturbing the duty ratio of
tion should be kept in the same direction and if power converter perturbs the PV array current
the power decreases, then the next perturbation and consequently perturbs the PV array voltage.
should be in the opposite direction (Femia et al., Hill-climbing and P&O methods are different
2005; Esram and Chapman, 2007). The process ways to envision the same fundamental method.
is repeated until the MPP is reached, as shown in From Figure 15, it can be seen that incrementing
Figure 15. A drawback of P&O MPPT technique (decrementing) the voltage increases (decreases)
is that, at steady state, the operating point oscil- the power when operating on the left of the MPP
lates around the MPP giving rise to the waste of and decreases (increases) the power when on the
some amount of available energy. Several im- right of the MPP. Therefore, if there is an increase
provements of the P&O algorithm have been in power, the subsequent perturbation should be
proposed in order to reduce the number of oscil- kept the same to reach the MPP and if there is a
lations around the MPP in steady state, but they decrease in power, the perturbation should be
slow down the speed of response of the algorithm reversed. D’Souza et al. (2005) shown that the
to changing atmospheric conditions and lower the algorithm also works when instantaneous (instead
algorithm efficiency during cloudy days (Hus- of average) PV array voltage and current are used,
sein et al., 1995; Rooji et al., 2000). Then the as long as sampling occurs only once in each
operating point oscillates around the MPP. This switching cycle.

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 14. The flowchart of the P&O algorithm

The process is repeated periodically until the distribution and ensure a fast dynamic response,
MPP is reached. The system then oscillates about an adjustable load sharing capability and eliminate
the MPP. The oscillation can be minimized by the circulation current. The system controller is
reducing the perturbation step size. However, a based on a DSP algorithm in order to simplify
smaller perturbation size slows down the MPPT. the circuit and it is easy to modify the system.
Solution to this conflicting situation is to have a A modified method of tracking the PV MPP’s
variable perturbation size that gets smaller towards and forcing the system to operate close to these
the MPP (Al-Amoudi and Zhang, 1998; Hua and points is proposed. The results of the computer
Lin, 2001; Xiao and Dunford, 2004; Femia et simulation and experiments show that the single
al., 2005, 2006 and 2008; Kim et al., 2006). Hua module inverter has good voltage regulation and
and Lin, (2001) proposed a three-loop operation quick transient responses. In multi-module inverter
control for the photovoltaic power system with parallel operation, in order to achieve power shar-
parallel operation. Instantaneous power sharing ing, the instantaneous power sharing method is
control is used in this study to achieve the current usually adopted to ensure that the system has the

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 15. Sign of the dP/dV at different positions on the power characteristic

ability to provide different current according to increasing expanding flexibility, the system is
the system rating or the command. The analysis operated by digital controller.
of the computer simulation and the waveforms of D’Souza et al., (2005) proposed a fuzzy logic
the circuit experiments indicate that the designed (FL) based P&O MPPT with peak current control
controller features good performance and fast with variable variation of the reference current
transient response. Moreover, in order to reach for improved transient as well as steady state
the goal of minimizing the system volume and performance. The proposed FL-based P&O MPPT

Figure 16. P&O MPPT operating point path. The * represents MPP for different levels of the irradi-
ance: a) slow change in atmospheric conditions, b) rapid change in atmospheric conditions Adapted
from Femia et al. 2005.

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

algorithm with peak current control and sampling as illustrated in Figure 17. Starting from an op-
of instantaneous, not averaged, values. It outputs erating point A, if atmospheric conditions stay
a reference current that is adjusted with variable approximately constant, a perturbation ΔV in the
variations as a function of the variations of the PV system voltage will bring the operating point to
instantaneous values of the PV array current and a point and the perturbation will be reversed due
power. Simulation results show a 15% gain in to a decrease in power. However, if the irradiance
the transient response and decrease of the power increases and shifts the power curve from P1 to P2
loss in the steady state. In this way very fast tran- within one sampling period, the operating point
sient responses are achieved, while reducing the will move from A to C. This represents an increase
oscillations around the MPP in the steady state. in power and the perturbation is kept the same.
The remaining power loss in the steady state is Consequently, the operating point diverges from
due only to the current ripple. Jain and Agarwal, the MPP and is continuing to diverge if the irradi-
(2004) proposed a two-stage algorithm offering ance steadily increases. To ensure that the MPP is
fisr stage faster tracking and finer tracking in the tracked even under sudden changes in irradiance,
second stage. The new algorithm was capable of Hsiao and Chen, (2002) uses a three-point weight
rapid tracking of the MPP in PV systems by using comparison P&O method that compares the actual
a variable iteration step-size and a non-linear esti- power point to two preceding ones before a deci-
mate of the initial value of the MPP reference. The sion is made about the perturbation sign. In this
algorithm brings the operating point very close to way avoids the oscillation problem of the perturba-
the actual MPP with a few iterations. Hill-climbing tion and observation MPPT algorithm. Xiao and
or incremental conductance methods with finer Dunford, (2004) proposed an improved algorithm
steps can, then, be used to track the exact MPP. toggling between the traditional hill-climbing
The proposed algorithm has the advantage of very algorithm and a modified adaptive hill-climbing
fast convergence and accurate tracking of MPP, mechanism to prevent deviation from the MPP.
and it is quite efficient during the transient tracking The simulation and experimental results show that
phase, as compared to conventional methods and is the proposed MPPT control can avoid tracking
especially suitable for fast changing environmental deviation and result in improved performance in
conditions. This algorithm has been verified on a both dynamic response and steady state.
PV system modeled in MATLAB–Simulink. The As we mentioned before, the major drawbacks
algorithm significantly improves the efficiency of the MPPT P&O algorithms are the oscillations.
during the tracking phase as compared to a con- The operating point oscillates around the MPP at
ventional algorithm. It is especially suitable for steady state giving rise to the waste of some
fast changing environmental conditions. Tafticht amount of available energy. The P&O algorithm
and Agbossou (2004), bypass the first stage by can be confused during those time intervals char-
using a nonlinear equation to estimate an initial acterized by rapidly changing atmospheric condi-
operating point close to the MPP. Besides, that tions. In order to handle the above stated drawbacks
all of these P&O schemes with fixed variation of P&O, Femia et al., (2005) and (2006) proposed
for the reference current and the intelligent MPPT a method based on the optimization of the sampling
algorithm were able to identify the global MPP rate. The idea underlying the proposed optimiza-
in a partially shaded PV module. However, the tion approach lies in the customization of the P&O
performance of the intelligent MPPT algorithm MPPT parameters to the dynamic behavior of the
was better. whole system composed by the specific con-
Hill-climbing and P&O methods can fail verter and PV array adopted. A theoretical analy-
under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions sis allowing the optimal choice of such parameters

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 17. PV array power vs. voltage at two insolation levels (adapted from Wasynczuk, 1983)

was also carried out. The results obtained by means with good performance. DSP or microcomputer
of such approach have shown that in the design control is more suitable for hill-climbing and P&O
of efficient MPPT regulators, the easiness and even though discrete analog and digital circuitry
flexibility of P&O MPPT control technique can can be used, as proposed by Kim et al., (1996).
be exploited by optimizing it according to the Lim and Hamill, (2000) proposed an MPPT
specific system’s dynamic characteristics. algorithm derived from the nonlinear dynamics.
D’Souza et al., (2005) simply uses a high sampling Although the control circuit is extremely simple
rate to avoid these drawbacks. In this way, very and robust, its dynamics are complex. The MPP
fast transient responses were achieved, while becomes inherently the global attractor of the
reducing the oscillations around the MPP in the system, thus ensuring optimum operation under
steady state. transient and steady state conditions. Experimental
MPPT algorithms usually require two sensors results confirm excellent tracking effectiveness
to measure the PV array voltage and current from and rapid dynamic response. Although its dynam-
which power is computed. However, depending ics are complex and are still under investigation,
on the power converter topology, only a volt- the circuit appeals, because it is far simpler than
age sensor might be needed as in proposed by the most MPPTs, is robust and performs well. It is
Veerachary et al., (2001) and Wolfs and Tang, also worth to mention that the issue of P&O MPPT
(2005). Kasa et al., (2005) estimated the PV array has been addressed in different ways and several
current from the array voltage, eliminating the implementations are presented in the literature
need for a current sensor. A sensorless current of the last decade (Salas et al., 2006; Azevedo
flyback inverter has been proposed in this work et al., 2009; and Boxwell, 2011). For low-cost
to be applied to a PV system guided by MPPT implementations, the P&O MPPT algorithm is
operation. This sensorless method can contribute the most commonly used method due to its ease
to the space saving and cost reduction of the PV of implementation (Salas et al., 2006, Esram and
power conditioner. The experimental data show Chapman, 2007, and Azevedo et al., 2009).
that the sensorless current flyback inverter can be
applied to MPPT for the PV small power system

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Constant Voltage Method By comparing the increment of the power vs.

the increment of the voltage (current) between
The constant voltage (CV) algorithm is the sim- two consecutives samples, the change in the MPP
plest PV system MPPT control method. In this voltage can be determined. The slope and power
method the operating point of the PV array is derivative are given by the equation:
kept near the MPP by regulating the array voltage
to match a fixed reference voltage equal to the dP dI ∆I (2)
= I +V ≅ I +V
VMPP of the PV panel (Franda and Leva, 2008, dV dV ∆V
Dolara et al. 2009). The CV method assumes that
individual insulation and temperature variations The maximum condition implies that dP/dV
on the array are insignificant, and that the constant = 0, and so:
reference voltage is an adequate approximation
of the true maximum power point. Therefore, ∆I
the operating point is never exactly at the MPP I +V =0 (3)
and different data have to be adopted for differ-
ent locations and geographical areas. The CV
The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the
method does not require any input. However, the
instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental
measurement of the PV voltage VPV is necessary
conductance (ΔI/ΔV) as shown in the flowchart in
in order to set up the duty-cycle of the DC-DC
Figure 19. Vref is the reference voltage at which
converter, as shown in the flowchart of Figure 18.
the PV array is forced to operate. At the MPP,
It is important to observe that when the PV panel
the reference voltage equals to VMPP. Once the
is in low insulation conditions, the CV technique
MPP is reached, the operation of the PV array is
is more effective than either the P&O method or
maintained at this point unless a change in ΔI is
the IncCond method (analyzed below) as analyzed
noted, indicating a change in atmospheric condi-
by Yu et al., (2004) or Dolara et al., (2009). Due
tions and the MPP. The algorithm is decrementing
to these characteristics, the CV method is often
or incrementing the reference voltage to track the
combined with other MPPT techniques. Using
new MPP. The increment size determines how fast
this approach, Yu et al., (2004) developed a novel
the MPP is tracked. Fast tracking can be achieved
two-mode MPPT control algorithm.
with bigger increments but the system might not
operate exactly at the MPP and oscillate about
Incremental Conductance
it instead; so there is a tradeoff. Similar MPPT
schemes can be found in Park et al., (2006), Xiao
and Dunford, (2004), Wolfs and Tang, (2005), and
The incremental conductance (IncCond) algorithm
Liu et al., (2008). There are two main different
is based on the fact that the slope of the curve
variants of the IncCond method available in the
power vs. voltage (current) of the PV module is
literature. The IC method offers good performance
zero at the MPP, positive (negative) on the left
under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions.
of it and negative (positive) on the right, as can
The classic IncCond algorithm requires the same
be seen in Figure 12:
measurements in order to determine the pertur-
bation direction: a measurement of the voltage
• ΔV/ΔP = 0 (ΔI/ΔP = 0) at the MPP
VPV and a measurement of the current IPV. The
• ΔV/ΔP > 0 (ΔI/ΔP < 0) on the left
Two-Model MPPT Control algorithm combines
• ΔV/ΔP < 0 (ΔI/ΔP > 0) on the right
the CV and the classic InCond algorithms; if

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 18. Flowchart of the CV method (Adapted from Dolara et al., 2009)

the irradiation is lower than 30% of the nominal to match a load resistance proportional to the
level of the irradiance, the CV method is used, ratio of the open-circuit voltage (VOC) to the short-
otherwise, the classic IncCond method is adopted. circuit current (ISC) of the PV array. This two-stage
This method requires the solar irradiation S, as alternative also ensures that the real MPP is tracked
additional measurement. in case of multiple local maxima. It is shown in
It is well documented in the literature (Esram these papers that the proposed control method is
and Chapman, (2007)) that several maximum effective under non-uniform insolation. The
output power points arise in the PV system under simulation results (Kobayashi et al. 2003) show
non-uniform insolation. To overcome this prob- that the response time of this control system is
lem, Irisawa et al., (2000) and Kobayashi et al. within 0.3 s even under the great change of inso-
(2003) proposed a method that brings the operat- lation pattern. Koizumi and Kurokawa, (2005)
ing point of the PV array close to the MPP in a uses a linear function to divide the I-V plane into
first stage and then uses IncCond algorithm to two areas, one containing all the possible MPPs
exactly track the MPP in a second stage. In order under changing atmospheric conditions. The
to get the real peak output power point, the two- proposed method takes full advantage of the known
step MPPT control was proposed which is based PV module characteristic. Identifying the domain
on the combination of dV/dl method and the without MPP, the operating point can rapidly ap-
monitoring cell system. By proper control of the proach the MPP using a linear function. In the
power converter, the initial operating point is set neighborhood of the MPP, the algorithm is

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 19. The flow chart of incremental conduc-

Microcontroller-based converter is chosen
tance (IncCond) MPPT algorithm
because it permits easy system modifications.
The converter is simple, lightweight and small
in size. Therefore, it can be attached to the solar
panel as a single unit. Their MPPT algorithm is
a modified version of the ones presented above.
A less obvious, but effective way of performing
the IncCond technique is to use the instantaneous
conductance and the incremental conductance to
generate an error signal (see for details Costogue
and Lindena, 1976):

I dI
err = + (4)
V dV

It is a trivial task to prove that err goes to

zero at the MPP. A simple proportional integral
(PI) control can then be used to drive err to zero.
Measurements of the instantaneous PV array volt-
age and current require two sensors. Harada and
Zhao, (1993) proposed a novel MPPT based on the
analysis of the characteristics of solar cells and Van
Allen’s multivibrator to control the output power
of solar cells easily and to derive the maximum
solar power simply and accurately according to
the current load conditions. IncCond method lends
itself well to DSP and microcontroller control,
which can easily keep track of previous values of
switched to a conventional IncCond method. The voltage and current and make all the decisions as
operating point is brought into this area and then per Figure 20. In both P&O and InCond schemes,
IncCond is used to reach the MPP. The measured how fast the MPP is reached depends on the size
time taken for the approach to the MPP is reduced of the increment of the reference voltage.
from 22% to 48% compared to the conventional There are two drawbacks of these techniques.
algorithm. Against rapid radiation, reduction from The first and main one is that they can easily lose
0.9 kW/m2 to 0.8 kW/m2 the response time is kept track of the MPP if the irradiation changes rap-
about the same to the IncCond algorithm. This idly (Salas et al., 2006; Femia, 2008;, Azevedo
method is quite simple so that it can be easily et al., 2009). In case of step changes, they track
applied to not only IncCond method but also the MPP very well, because the change is instan-
various MPPT algorithms. The linear function taneous and the curve does not keep on changing.
can be replaced to the higher order function. However, when the irradiation changes following
Masri and Chan, (2010) proposed a new a slope, the curve in which the algorithms are
approach to design a boost converter for pho- based changes continuously with the irradiation,
tovoltaic (PV) system using microcontroller. as can be seen in Figure 19, so the changes in the

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 20. P-V curve depending on the irradiation

voltage and current are not only due to the per- the rapid change of the irradiation conditions,
turbation of the voltage. Therefore, it is not pos- Sera et al., (2006a) and (2006b) developed an
sible for the algorithms to determine whether the improved P&O algorithm, called “dP-P&O”, in
change in the power is due to its own voltage which an additional measurement is performed
increment or due to the change in the irradiation. without perturbation in the voltage and current.
The other handicap of both methods is the oscil- In this way, every three consecutive samples the
lations of the voltage and current around the MPP effect of the perturbation in the voltage (current)
in the steady state (Veerachary et al., 2001, Jain and the effect of the change in the atmospheric
and Agarwal, 2004, Salas et al., 2006). This is conditions can be evaluated so that the increment
due to the fact that the control is discrete and the in the power used in the algorithm only contains
voltage and current are not constantly at the MPP the effect caused purely by the MPPT algorithm.
but oscillating around it. The size of the oscilla- Then the correct decision about the direction of
tions depends on the size of the rate of change of the next perturbation can be taken. The efficiency
the reference voltage. The greater it is, the high- of the tracking is improved. A different solution
er is the amplitude of the oscillations. However, is suggested in (Jain and Agarwal, (2004)), which
how fast the MPP is reached also depends on this considers the traditional P&O algorithm, in which
rate of change and this dependence is inversely the perturbation amplitude is tuned constantly
proportional to the size of the voltage increments. taking into account the previous changes in the
The traditional solution is a tradeoff, if the incre- power. It also includes a stage in which the latest
ment is small so that the oscillations decrease, increment in the power is compared with the latest
then the MPP is reached slowly and vice versa, perturbation amplitude to determine if the power
so a compromise solution has to be found. increment was due to a change in the irradiation.
To overcome these drawbacks, some solutions If this is the case, then the voltage perturbation
have been published in recent years. Regarding is set to the same direction as the change in the

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

power condition. The steady state error and the suggested the use of pilot cells from which VOC
tracking speed are improved, but the algorithm can be obtained. These pilot cells must be carefully
has only been tested with irradiation step changes chosen to closely represent the characteristics of
and not with the irradiation slopes proposed in the the PV array. Kabayashi et al., (2004) claims that
European Standard EN 50530. the voltage generated by the p-n junction diodes
is approximately 75% of the open voltage. This
Fractional Open-Circuit Voltage and eliminates the need for measuring VOC and com-
Short-Circuit Current MPPT Methods puting VMPP. Once VMPP has been approximated, a
closed loop control on the array power converter
The near linear relationship between VMPP and can be used to asymptotically reach this desired
VOC of the PV array, under varying irradiance and voltage. Since Equation (5) is only an approxima-
temperature levels, has given rise to the fractional tion, the PV array technically never operates at
VOC algorithm applied for PV MPPT systems the MPP. Depending on the application of the PV
(Masoum et al., 2002, Kobayashi et al., 2004), as: system, this can sometimes be adequate. Even if
fractional VOC is not a true MPPT technique, it
VMPP ≈ k1VOC (5) is very easy and cheap to implement as it does
not necessarily require DSP or microcontroller
where k1 is an empirical constant determined form control. However, Bekker and Beukes, (2004)
the experimental data. Since k1 is dependent on pointed out that k1 is no more valid in the presence
the characteristics of the PV array being used, it of partial shading (which causes multiple local
usually has to be computed beforehand by empiri- maxima) of the PV array and proposes sweeping
cally determining VMPP and VOC for the specific the PV array voltage to update k1. This obviously
PV array at different irradiance and temperature adds to the implementation complexity and incurs
levels. The factor k1 has been reported to be more power loss.
between 0.71 and 0.78. Once k1 is known, VMPP On the other hand, the fractional short-circuit
can be computed using Equation (5) with VOC current ISC results from the fact that, under vary-
measured periodically by momentarily shutting ing atmospheric conditions, IMPP is approximately
down the power converter. Masoum et al., (2002) linearly related to the ISC of the PV array as shown
developed adetailed theoretical and experimental in (Masoum et al., 2002, Mutoh et al., 2002, Ko-
analyses for the comparison of two simple, fast bayashi et al., 2004), and is given by:
and reliable maximum power-point tracking
I MPP ≈ k2I SC (6)
(MPPT) techniques for PV systems: the voltage-
based (VMPPT) and the current-based (CMPPT)
approaches. Two powerful and practical methods where k2 is an empirical constant determined form
were proposed, investigated and compared in this the experimental data. Just like in the
study for MPPT of PV systems. They concluded fractional VOC technique, k2 has to be deter-
that the optimal MPPT methodology strongly de- mined according to the PV array in use. The
pends on matching load and tracker characteristics, constant k2 is generally found to be between
considering the natural behavior, advantage, and 0.78 and 0.92. Measuring ISC during operation is
limitations of CMPPT and VMPPT techniques problematic. An additional switch usually has to
However, the VMPPT and CMMPT methods be added to the power converter to periodically
incur some disadvantages, such as temporary loss short the PV array so that ISC can be measured
of power. To prevent this, Kobayashi et al (2004) using a current sensor. This increases the number

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

of components and cost. Yuvarajan and Xu, (2003) Therefore, the PV array power is also subject to
used a boost converter, in their CMPPT algorithm ripple. Ripple correlation control (RCC) (Midya
where the switch in the converter itself can be used et al., 1996) makes use of ripple, as an alternative
to short the PV array. One have to keep in mind to external operating point perturbation to perform
that power output is not only reduced when finding MPPT. RCC correlates the time derivative of the
ISC but also because the MPP is never perfectly time-varying PV array power dp/dt with the time
matched as suggested by the Equation (6). One derivative of the time-varying PV array current di/
way of compensating k2 such that the MPP is better dt or voltage dv/dt to drive the power gradient to
tracked while atmospheric conditions change. To zero, thus reaching the MPP. Referring to Figure
guarantee proper MPPT in the presence of mul- 1, if v or i is increasing (dv/dt > 0 or di/dt > 0)
tiple local maxima, Bekker and Beukes, (2004) and p is increasing (dp/dt > 0), then the operating
suggested to periodically sweeping the PV array point is below the MPP (V < VMPP or I < IMPP).
voltage from open-circuit to short-circuit to update On the other hand, if v or i is increasing and p is
k2. Most of the PV systems using fractional ISC in decreasing (dp/dt < 0), then the operating point is
the literature use a DSP, while Yuvarajan and Xu, above the MPP (V > VMPP or I < IMPP). Combining
(2003) reommended insterad the use of a simple these observations, we see that dp/dt*dv/dt or dp/
current feedback control loop. Masoum and Savri, dt*di/dt are positive to the left of the MPP, negative
(2008) performed a comprehensive theoretical and to right of the MPP, and zero at the MPP. When
experimental analysis to investigate the impact of the power converter is a boost converter (Midya
array temperature on the performance of VMPPT et al., 1996), increasing the duty ratio increases
and CMPPT techniques. Their major findings are: the inductor current, which is the same as the PV
1) the dependency of open-circuit voltage on array array current, but decreases the PV array voltage.
temperature is more than that of the short-circuit Therefore, the duty ratio control input is:
current; 2) the variation of insolation level has
more impact on the short-circuit current than the dp dv
d (t ) = −k3 ∫ dτ (7)
open-circuit voltage; 3) in CMPPT techniques, dt dt
variation of the current factor
k2 = IMPP / Isc with respect to temperature is or
linear and its slope and distance from the origin
are constant under different insolation conditions; dp di
4) in VMPPT techniques, variation of the voltage d (t ) = −k3 ∫ dτ (8)
dt dt
factor k1 = VMPP / Voc with respect to temperature
is linear and slop of variation is approximately
where k3 is a positive empirical constant. Control-
constant; and 5) the implementation of CMPPT
ling the duty ratio in this fashion assures that the
method is more convenient due to less depen-
MPP will be continuously tracked, making RCC
dency on array temperature as compared with the
a true MPP tracker. The derivatives in (7) and (8)
VMPPT approach.
are usually undesirable, but Midya et al., (1996)
shows that AC-coupled measurements of the PV
Ripple Correlation Control
array current and voltage can be used instead since
MPPT Methods
they contain the necessary phase information.
High-pass filters can also be used to approximate
When a PV array is connected to a power converter,
the derivatives with cutoff frequency higher than
the switching action of the power converter im-
the ripple frequency. A different and easy way of
poses voltage and current ripple on the PV array.

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

obtaining the current derivative in (8) is to sense this control system and confirm the effectiveness
the inductor voltage, which is proportional to the of the proposed PV generation system for any
current derivative. The non-idealities in the induc- operating condition. A dynamically rapid RCC-
tor have a small effect since the time constant of based method for tracking the MPP of PV arrays
the inductor is much larger than the switching pe- was studied by Esram et al., (2006). The algorithm
riod in a practical converter. Esram and Chapman was verified against the experiment. The technique
(2007) has been mentioned that d(t) can fail due takes advantage of the signal ripple, which is au-
to the phase shift brought about by the intrinsic tomatically present in power converters. In this
capacitance of the PV array at high switching method, the ripple is interpreted as a perturbation
frequencies. However, correlating power and from which a gradient ascent optimization can be
voltage as in (7) is barely affected by the intrinsic realized. The technique converges asymptotically
capacitance. Simple and inexpensive circuits can at maximum speed to the maximum power point
be used to implement RCC (Midya et al., 1996). without the benefit of any array parameters or
Performed tests show that RCC method accurately measurements. The technique has also simple
and quickly tracks the MPP, even under varying circuit implementations.
irradiance levels. The time taken to converge to the Kimball and Krein, (2008) extended the RCC-
MPP is limited by the switching frequency of the based MPPT algorithm from the previous analog
power converter and the gain of the RCC circuit. technique to the digital domain. The proposed digi-
Another advantage of the RCC methods is that it tal implementation is less expensive, more flexible,
does not require any prior information about the and more robust. With a few simplifications, the
PV array characteristics, making its adaptation to RCC method is reduced to a sampling problem;
different PV systems straightforward. that is, if the appropriate variables are sampled at
There are several papers dedicated to the ap- the correct times, the discrete-time RCC (DRCC)
plications of the RCC MPPT methods or the ones algorithm can quickly find the optimal operating
that resemble to the RCC approach (see Esram point. Although the new method superficially
and Chapman, 2007. Casadei et al., 2006) imple- resembles conventional techniques like P&O,
mented a novel MPPT scheme for single-phase DRCC can reach true steady-state and uses only
grid-connected PV systems employing an embed- ripple information that is readily available in any
ded MPPT algorithm able to find the maximum switching power converter. A mode-switching
power point by computing the sign of the PV algorithm that used the fractional VOC method
power derivative versus voltage. This computation for periodic re-initialization improved robustness
exploits PV current and voltage oscillations, at a and ensured that the MPPT would converge to
frequency twice than that of the grid, due to the the global maximum power point. Tracking ac-
connection of the converter with a single-phase curacy exceeded 98% for direct insolation with
grid. The proposed MPPT algorithm does not this method, while an update rate of more than 1
require knowledge of the model of the PV panels. kHz enabled the system to track maximum power
Once the MPPT algorithm has computed the power on the time scale of milliseconds.
derivative, the dc link voltage regulator drives the Kroeger at al., (2010) proposed a digital
PV panels’ voltage toward the MPP value. The implementation of ripple correlation control
current regulator ensures steady-state sinusoidal based on a continuous-time analog formulation
current and unity power factor, even in the pres- was presented. The performance of the method
ence of grid voltage perturbations. Simulation was examined in experiments. The results showed
and experimental results in both steady state and the addition of a lead compensator to account for
dynamic conditions shown good performance of the impact of panel capacitance and wire induc-

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

tance. This simple digital implementation is user transfer with less than 4% error. Over all, the
friendly and allows for use of centralized control steady-state error and tracking response of the
and monitoring of multiple MPPTs in multi-panel proposed EAPO are shown to be similar to RCC.
installations. Spiazzi et al., (2010) discussed and
compared three maximum power point tracking Temperature Methods
(MPPT) techniques: voltage linear reference,
ripple correlation and incremental and mirrored The open-circuit voltage VOC of the solar cell var-
conductance (IMC). Their minimum complexity ies mainly with the cell temperature, whereas the
makes them ideal candidates for low cost on- short-circuit current is directly proportional to the
chip integration and suggests their employment irradiance level, and is relatively steady over cell
in photovoltaic (PV) module applications. The temperature changes. The open-circuit voltage VOC
basic operating principle, the main limitations is function cell temperature and the open-circuit
and the expected effectiveness of each technique voltage under standard test conditions (STC) (see
are illustrated. Experimental verification of the Faranda and Leva, 2008). However, the optimal
attainable performance from proof of concept voltage can described by the following equation:
circuit implementations and a comparison of the
expected performance and circuit complexity have VOP ≅ f (S ,T ) ⋅VMPP ,STC (9)
been presented. The outcome shows for each of
the techniques the need to trade-off simplicity
where VMPP_STC is the MPP voltage under STC, and
against some inherent limitation (reduced effec-
S is the irradiance level. There are two different
tiveness, sensitivity to parasitic components, limit
temperature methods available in the literature.
cycle oscillations respectively). Overall, the IMC
The temperature gradient (TG) algorithm uses
method seems to represent the best candidate for
the temperature T to determine the open-circuit
integration in PV module converter applications.
voltage VOC from the solar cell equations. The
An exponential adaptive perturb and observe
optimum operating voltage Vop is then determined
algorithm (EAPO) for real-time optimization
as in the open circuit voltage technique, avoid-
of dynamic systems was developed by Buyuk-
ing power losses. TG requires the measurement
degirmenci et al., (2010). In this paper, other
of the temperature T and a measurement of the
adaptive methods are reviewed and compared.
voltage VPV for the PI regulator. The temperature
Convergence and stability are discussed, while the
parametric (TP) equation method adopts Equa-
design requirements for applying EAPO are also
tion (9) and determines the optimum operating
addressed in an example for impedance matching.
voltage Vop instantaneously by measuring T and
The proposed EAPO is compared to two prior
S. The TP method requires also the measurement
real-time optimization techniques: conventional
of solar irradiance S.
perturb and observe algorithm (P&O), and ripple
correlation control (RCC). The method is shown
to track the optimum with lower amplitude os-
cillations than P&O in the context of maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) of a photovoltaic
array. It is also compared to RCC in several ap-
plications including MPPT, impedance matching,
Microcontrollers have made possible the use
and loss minimization of a separately excited DC
of the fuzzy logic control techniques for PV
machine. Simulations and experiments show that
system MPPT over the last decades (Hilloowala
the proposed EAPO achieves maximum power
and Sharaf, 1992, Won et al., 1994, Senjyu and

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Uezato, 1994, and Simoes et al., 1998). Simoes numerical variable. The membership function
et al. (1998) studied the analysis, modeling and maybe sometimes made less symmetric to give
implementation of a fuzzy based photovoltaic more importance to specific fuzzy levels as pro-
peak power tracking system. The solar panel is posed by Hilloowala and Sharaf, (1992), Simoes
integrated with the converter model and a fuzzy at al., (1998) and Veerachary at al., (2003). These
algorithm is developed to perform an on-line membership functions are denser at the center and,
search procedure to track the maximum power con- thus, provide more sensitivity against variation in
tinuously. An inexpensive RISC microcontroller the solar cell array terminal voltage (Veerachary
implemented the system. Experimental results at al., (2003)). This occurs particularly in cases
have shown excellent performance, robustness where the change in the terminal voltage tends to
with parameter variation, modularity for paral- zero. The inputs to a MPPT fuzzy logic controller
lel operation at higher power, ready to retrofit are usually an error E and a change in error ΔE.
existing installations. Veerachary et al., (2003) The user has the flexibility of choosing how to
emphasized that the fuzzy logic controllers have compute E and ΔE. Since dP/dV is zero at the MPP,
the advantages of working with imprecise inputs, Hilloowala and Sharaf, (1992) and Khaehintung
not needing an accurate mathematical model, and et al., (2004) and (2005) used the approximation:
handling nonlinearity. Moreover, the fuzzy control
improves the tracking performance compared to P (n ) − P (n − 1)
E (n ) = (10)
the conventional PI controller and, thus, avoids the V (n ) −V (n − 1)
tuning of controller parameters. Furthermore, use
of coupling among the inductor branches improves
the steady-state performance without deteriorating and
the dynamic performance. Finally yet importantly,
the simulation and experimental results demon- ∆E (n ) = E (n ) − E (n − 1) (11)
strated the peak power tracking capability of the
proposed fuzzy logic-based schemes. Equivalently, equation (10) is very often used.
Fuzzy logic controlller (FLC) generally Once E and ΔE are calculated and converted to
consists of three stages: fuzzification, rule base the linguistic variables, the fuzzy logic controller
table lookup, and defuzzification (Simoes et al., output, which is typically a change in duty ratio ΔD
1998, Wilamowski and Li, 2002). During fuzzi- of the power converter, can be looked up in a rule
fication, numerical input variables are converted base table (Veerachary at al., 2003, Khaehintung
into linguistic variables based on a membership et al., 2004 and 2005). The linguistic variables
function similar to Figure 21. In this case, five assigned to ΔD for the different combinations of
fuzzy levels are used: NB (Negative Big), NS the E and ΔE are based on the power converter
(Negative Small), ZE (Zero), PS (Positive Small), being used and on the knowledge of the user. If
and PB (Positive Big). Mahmoud et al. (2000) for example, the operating point is far to the left
and Patcharaprakiti and Premrudeepreechacharn, of the MPP (see Figure 12 for details), that is
(2002) used seven fuzzy levels, to improve the E is PB, and ΔE is ZE, then we want to largely
accuracy. The simulation and experimental results increase the duty ratio that is ΔD should be PB to
of these implementation show adequate and ro- reach the MPP. In the defuzzification stage, the
bust performance for the proposed FLC in terms fuzzy logic controller output is converted from
of settling time, overshoot and steady state error a linguistic variable to a numerical variable still
with the PV system. In Figure 21, the parameters using a membership function as in Figure 21.
a and b are based on the range of values of the

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

This provides an analog signal that will control around the MPP. An asymmetrical membership
the power converter to the MPP. functions are also used in this implementations.
Khaehintung et al., (2004) and (2005) inves- MPPT fuzzy logic controllers have been shown
tigated the application of self-organizing fuzzy to perform well under varying atmospheric condi-
logic controller (SOFLC) for maximum power tions. However, their effectiveness depends a lot
point tracking the grid-connected PV system. In on the knowledge of the user or control engineer
their design, a boost converter is used in the sys- in choosing the right error computation and com-
tem to deliver the output from the solar array to ing up with the rule base table. Patcharaprakiti
DC-AC inverter, and feed the power into the AC and Premrudeepreechacharn, (2002) suggested
grid. The duty ratio for the operation of the boost the use of an adaptive fuzzy logic control that
converter is optimally adjusted in such a way that constantly tunes the membership functions and
the maximum power point, which normally var- the rule base table so that optimum performance
ies according to the environment, can be achieved. is achieved. Experimental results from shown fast
The simulation results confirm that the proposed convergence to the MPP and minimal fluctuation
SOFLC has improved the speed and the transient about it. While Veerachary at al., (2003) empiri-
response of the maximum power point tracking cally uses two different membership functions to
of a PV array. This leads to fast settling time of show that the tracking performance depends on
the response for the DC-DC converter to capture the type membership functions considered. An
the utility DC bus voltage, and the power conver- offline ANN, trained using the back-propagation
sion operation of the DC-AC inverter. The pro- algorithm, was utilized for online estimation of
posed technique can be easily realized by means reference voltage in the feed-forward loop. Simu-
of a look-up table. It therefore offers a cost-effec- lation and experimental results demonstrated the
tive approach for real time MPPT implementation. peak power tracking capability of the proposed
D’Souza et al., (2005) and (2006) studied the scheme. It was also demonstrated that the fuzzy
implementation of hybrid (P&O and FLC) MPPT control improves the tracking performance
algorithms, allowing the use of smaller perturba- compared to the conventional PI controller and,
tions, reducing the power oscillation around the thus, avoids the tuning of controller parameters.
MPP and increasing the power yield in the steady- Furthermore, use of coupling among the inductor
state without compromising the transient response. branches improves the steady-state performance
The use of variable size perturbations based on without deteriorating the dynamic performance.
Fuzzy logic further reduced the power oscillations Taherbaneh et al., (2007) proposed a combination

Figure 21. Membership function for inputs and output of fuzzy logic controller

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

of fuzzy-based MPP tracking and fuzzy-based search and detection algorithm is fully dynamic
sun tracking in order to maximize the PV system in nature and operates without any required direct
generated power. Based on the experimental tests measurement or forecasted PV array information
they concluded that the combined implementation about the irradiation and temperature. An added
of fuzzy-based MPP tracking and fuzzy-based sun Search sensitivity measure is defined and is used
tracking simultaneously, the panel output power in the MPP search algorithm to sense and dynamic
could be remarkably increased leading in turn to response for other reduced MPP operating points.
the reduction of the size, weight and cost of PV The proposed dual action control scheme is very
systems. Karlis et al., (2007) presented a novel effective for large PV array installations using
MPPT method based on fuzzy cognitive networks only the measurements of common stand-alone
(FCN). The new method gives a good maximum photovoltaic array current and voltage signals. The
power operation of any PV array under different proposed novel dynamic FLC controller uses the
conditions such as changing insolation and tem- power error and the ratio ∆P/∆I as the two input
perature. FCNs can model dynamical complex signals instead of using error signal and its change
systems that change with time following nonlinear over one sampling period. The rule generation
laws. Moreover, they can operate in continuous philosophy of this approach differs from that of
interaction with the physical system they repre- a usual FLC structure. The auxiliary part of the
sent and adapt their knowledge based on training dual fuzzy MPP tracking controller is introduced
data. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm as a novel approach to handle the dead zones left
has been studied for identifying the maximum from the main part. The proposed MPP detection
operating point for the real time MPPT control of algorithm and dual fuzzy logic MPP tracking
PV modules. The FCN was off-line trained using controller are tested using the MATLAB/Simulink
appropriately constructed data. With this training software environment by digitally simulating the
the FCN is appropriate to operate with any PV PV array scheme feeding hybrid DC loads.
system under changing climatic conditions. When Zhang and Zhao, (2009) in order to minimize
tested with a specific PV system gave accurate the inherent oscillations of the P&O MPPT al-
predictions under different conditions such as gorithms employed a novel asymmetric fuzzy
changing insolation and temperature. The accuracy control method, which adjusts the perturbation
is not degraded due to seasonal variations. step according to the PV module work to reduce
Thiagarajan et al., (2008) proposed an adaptive the power oscillation. An asymmetric fuzzy control
fuzzy controller, combined with a DC-DC boost was selected in this study, which has input vari-
converter to improve the performances of PV able that can reflect working point of PV module
systems in standalone of grid-connected mode exactly, and membership function and fuzzy rules
of operations. The above system is analyzed with are designed to make fuzzy controller can adjust
variation in temperature of PV cell and variation the perturbation according to working point of PV
in the load parameters for the feasibility of the module. Experimental results have shown that the
designed controller is found that the controller proposed method can track MPP rapidly under
developed provides fast responses and good per- solar insolation changing and reduce significantly
formance. Atlas and Sharaf, (2008) developed a the power oscillations. Zeng and Liu, (2009)
novel and simple on-line fuzzy logic-based dy- proposed an intelligent fuzzy method for MPPT
namic search, detection and tracking controller of PV systems is. A quick tracking can be done
to ensure MPP operation of a PV system under by inference engine expressed by equations with
excursions in solar insolation, ambient temperature adaptive factor, while no memory space for fuzzy
and electric load variations. The proposed MPP rules table was employed in this implementation,

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

instead of fuzzy rules lookup table, which saves ing the controller proposed. Diaz et al. (2010)
memory space and accelerates operation process. studied an intelligent fuzzy method for maximum
It is simple to be implemented on single chip. power point tracking of a single grid-connected
The availability and adjustability of this method PV system. The proposed MPPT fuzzy method
is validated by experiments using PV arrays, is improved by weighting the control action by
boost converter and single-phase grid-connected the short-circuit current, via an estimator of the
inverter. The simulation and experiment results short-circuit current based on a Takagi-Sugeno
showed its attractive features such as simplicity, (T-S) fuzzy model of the PV generator. The short-
fast response, well dynamic performance and that circuit current can be estimated under any weather
it can increase output power extracted from PV condition in real time, without disconnecting the
arrays. In addition, the experiment results show photovoltaic generator and measuring it. Simula-
that more power has been extracted from the PV tion results show attractive features such as, ac-
arrays with this method and output holds stable, curacy, fast response, good dynamic performance
though its hardware cost is low comparing to and efficiency in the conversion process.
those with other methods. In order to overcome Jiang et al., (2010) developed an adaptive
the drawbacks of the traditional MPPT methods, mechanism and control for the MPPT method
Jiang and Wang, (2009) considered the applica- based on fuzzy logic, which includes automatic
tion of a of fuzzy support vector machine (FSVM) parameter tuning and directly uses the DC-DC
regression to predict the output voltage of pho- converter duty cycle as a control parameter. The
tovoltaic components MPP. Cross-validation and verification was performed in MATLAB/Simu-
the steepest descent were used to determine the link. Simulation results show that PV power gen-
best parameters of the regression model of support eration system, which applies fuzzy control, can
vector machine. The prediction model of output fast and efficiently track the maximum power point
voltage is based on the open circuit voltage and of PV solar array. Chiu et al., (2010) developed a
the parameters time of MPP. From comparative T-S fuzzy model based maximum power control to
analysis of results shows that the FSVM methods enhance the efficiency of the solar PV systems. To
have higher accuracy, stability, and has a very good draw the maximum power from a solar PV array,
basis of mathematical theory than neural network a buck converter is applied to adjust the output
method. Therefore, using the method of support of PV power. Based on the T-S fuzzy representa-
vector machine to predict the MPPT have good tion, the fuzzy maximum power point tracking
application prospects. (MPPT) controller was developed to maintain
Ammasai Gounden et al., (2009) have devel- the maximum power voltage. The MPPT control
oped a fuzzy logic controller, for the first time for is achieved with asymptotic convergence, while
interfacing PV array with utility grid through a control gains can be systematically designed by
three-phase line-commutated inverter. The con- solving linear matrix inequality (LMI). Further-
troller tracks and feeds maximum power to the more, the robust MPPT is also discussed to cope
utility grid. The linguistic variables have been with varying atmosphere and system uncertainty.
selected appropriately to modulate the firing angle The advantages of the proposed controller in-
of the inverter for tracking the maximum power. clude: i) the calculation of the maximum power
The MATLAB/Simulink model of the proposed operational point is not required; ii) a controller
scheme employing fuzzy logic controller has been redesign is not needed even if the insolation and
built using MATLAB/PSB. The comparison of temperature of the PV array are changed; iii) the
experimental and simulation results shows very robust MPPT control is guaranteed when con-
close agreement between the two thus validat- sidering uncertainty; and iv) the design is more

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

systematic than traditional methods. In addition, common ANN configuration consists of three-
the overall stability has strict analysis, which is layer structure as shown in Figure 22.The number
lacked in traditional methods. Satisfactory perfor- nodes in each layer vary and are user-dependent.
mance is shown from the numerical simulation The input variables can be PV array parameters
and experimental results. like VOC and ISC, atmospheric data like irradiance
Fuzzy-based MPPT control to cope with the and temperature, or any combination of these. The
drawbacks associated with traditional MPPT ap- output is usually one or several reference signal(s)
proaches due to the changing atmospheric condi- like a duty cycle used to drive the power converter
tions and oscillations around MPP were proposed to operate at or close to the MPP. How close the
and studied, during the last decade by several operating point gets to the MPP depends on the
authors. Among anthers, Petreus et al., (2010), algorithms used by the hidden layer and how well
implemented fuzzy MPPT control to overcome the the neural network is trained. The links between
PV power fluctuations due to changing of luminos- the nodes are all weighted (Figure 22). To iden-
ity, while Subiyanto et al., (2010) implemented tify accurately the MPP, the weights have to be
a hardware prototype of such fuzzy logic MPPT carefully determined through the training process,
controller. Chiu and Ouyang, (2011) used a unified usually over long periods. The most used algorithm
T-S fuzzy model-based maximum power control for training is the so-called back-propagation
approach to enhance the efficiency and robustness (B-P), referred also as supervised training. The
of the solar photovoltaic power generation. By B-P training algorithm needs only inputs and the
using the T-S fuzzy model, the fuzzy maximum desired output to adapt the weight. This method
power voltage (MPV)-based and direct maximum performs a gradient descent on the error surface
power control schemes were realized in the same to minimize the error function. Since most PV
design form. The asymptotic MPPT and gain arrays have different characteristics, a neural net-
criterion performance to disturbance and rapidly work has to be trained specifically for a PV array
changing atmosphere are achieved even if consid- with which it will be used. The characteristics of
ering partial state feedback and parametric uncer- a PV array also change with time, implying that
tainty. Furthermore, the controller and observer the neural network has to be trained periodically
gains are able to be solved and adjusted separately to guarantee accurate MPPT.
by the new linear matrix inequality formulation. Giraud and Salameh, (1999) used a combined
Other advantages of the proposed control method radial-basis-functions (RBF) and B-P network to
include: 1) no coordinate transformation and no predict the effects of passing clouds on a grid-
calculation of the maximum power operational connected PV system with battery storage. In this
point is required; 2) the overall stability has strict method the irradiance as input signal, the neural
analysis, which is lacked in traditional methods; network models the effects of random cloud
and 3) better control performance is obtained in movement on the electrical variables of the MPPT
comparison with the traditional methods from and the variables of the utility-linked inverter over
theoretical analysis and experiments. a short period. During this short time interval, the
The advent of microcontrollers makes possible irradiance is considered as the only varying input
the MPPT fuzzy logic controllers. The neural parameter affecting the electrical variables of the
networks (Hiyama et al., 1995, Hussein, 2002; system. The advantages of ANN simulation over
Mellit and Kalogirou, 2008), are well adapted standard model is that it does not require the
for microcontrollers. Artificial neural networks knowledge of the internal system parameters,
consist of an input layer, one or more hidden involves less computational effort, and offers a
layer(s), and am output layer. However, the most compact solution for multiple-variable problems.

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 22. Example of neural network architecture

Al-Amoudi and Zhang, (2000) proposed a neural posed. The advantage of ANN-based PV model
network-based approach for solar array modeling. method is the fast MPP approximation based on
The logic-hidden unit of the proposed network the ability of ANN according the parameters of
consists of a set of nonlinear radial basis functions PV array that used. The advantage of IncCond
(RBFs) which are connected directly to the input method is the ability to search the exactly MPP
vector. The links between hidden and output units based on the feedback voltage and current without
are linear. The model can be trained using a ran- caring the characteristics of the PV array. While
dom set of data collected from a real photovol- the ANN decreases the tracking time of the Inc-
taic (PV) plant. The training procedures are fast Cond algorithm, the IncCond tracks the exact
and the accuracy of the trained models is compa- MPP and helps ANN not be trained periodically.
rable with that of the conventional model. The The simulation implemented in MATLAB.
principle and training procedures of the RBF- Zhang et al., (2002) studied a novel genetic
network modeling when applied to emulate the algorithm trained radial basis function neural
I- V characteristics of PV arrays are discussed. network (GA-RBFNN)-based model to carry out
Simulation results of the trained RBF networks the MPPT control for grid-connected PV power
for modeling a PV array and predicting the generation control systems. The hidden layer of
maximum power points of a real PV are given. the ANN is self-organized by the GA-based RBF
This RBFN-based scheme can be used to predict growing algorithm. The trained GA-RBFNN-
the reference voltages on-line or the power con- based MPP model is then employed to predict the
ditioners of any PV-grid connected systems. The MPPs of a PV array using measured environmental
well-accepted fact that in the grid connected data. The simulation results are compared with the
photovoltaic (PV) systems, the MPPT algorithm conventional P&O method can track the maximum
plays an important role in optimizing the solar power points more promptly and accurately in
energy efficiency led Lee at al., (2010) to de- response to a change in weather condition. Thus, it
velop a the new ANN-based MPPT method for can give higher energy collection efficiency. The
searching MPP fast and exactly. For the first time, main benefit in using the GARBFNN is that one
a combined the ANN-based PV model method can treat a PV array as a black box, and a MPP
and incremental conductance method was pro- model can be obtained without having any prior

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

knowledge of the physical parameters relating to on ANN-based maximum power point tracking
the PV panel studied. A new MPPT methodology controller is demonstrated through simulated and
was applied to a grid-connected photovoltaic sys- experimental results. The simulated results show
tem based on a novel neuro-fuzzy estimator was that the ANN based controller in its maximum
developed by Chaouachi et al., (2010). The whole power point tracking performance excels over
system was simulated under MATLAB/Simulink the conventional PID controller and avoids the
environment. In this study, the developed neuro- tuning of controller parameters. Ben
fuzzy network consists of two stages; the first one Salah and Quali, (2011) performed a com-
is a fuzzy rule-based classifier, the second one is parative study of two MPPT methods, one using
composed of three multi-layered feed forwarded a fuzzy logic approach and the other one using a
ANNs trained offline using experimental data neural network controller. These proposed algo-
from a real PV system installed at the engineering rithms in FL and ANN consist in commanding a
campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture and boost DC–DC inverter to obtain the MPPT di-
Technology. The proposed neuro-fuzzy estima- rectly from the climate data solar radiation and
tor showed the ability to faithfully emulate the PV cell temperature. The approaches are vali-
dynamic and nonlinear behavior of a photovoltaic dated on an experimental setting connected to a
generator under a large wide of climatic conditions. 24V DC load. The new methods give a good
In fact the multi-model aspect of the proposed maximum power operation of any photovoltaic
machine learning confer it a distinct generalization array under different conditions such as changing
ability comparing to a conventional single ANN- solar radiation and PV cell temperature. From the
based MPP predictor. Maximum power operation simulation and experimental results, the fuzzy
was achieved by tracking the reference voltage logic controller can deliver more power than the
estimated by the neuro-fuzzy network through a ANN-based one. However, both can generate
DC–DC converter. The completely grid-connected more power than other methods found in literature
system performance was tested during a cloudy
day with several rapid irradiance variations. The
simulation results showed that the proposed OTHER MPPT TECHNIQUES
system performances was not degraded, as the
MPPT dispositive was able to track the reference Current Sweep MPPT Methods
voltage insuring an optimal operating condition
under any rapid changing meteoric conditions. The current sweep MPPT method (Budur and
A controller consisting of an ANN MPPT Ermis, 1994) uses a sweep waveform for the PV
tracker and the optimal control unit for a PV array current such that the PV array I-V char-
system was developed by Rai et al., (2011). The acteristic is obtained and updated at fixed time
ANN tracker estimates the voltages and currents intervals. The VMPP can then be computed from
corresponding to a maximum power delivered the characteristic curve at the same intervals. The
by solar PV array for variable cell temperature function chosen for the sweep waveform is directly
and solar radiation (Figure 23). In this approach, proportional to its derivative. The PV array power
the cell temperature is considered as a function can be expressed as p(t) = v(t)∙f(t), and the MPP
of ambient air temperature, wind speed and solar the power derivative is zero:
radiation. The proposed ANN-based MMPT is
trained employing a set of 124 patterns using dp(t )  dv (t )  df (t )
v (t ) + k 
the back propagation algorithm. The peak power dt
=  4
dt  dt = 0 (12)
 
tracking capabilities of the proposed scheme based

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Figure 23. Schematic diagram of ANN controlled PV system (Adapted from Rai et al., 2011)

The differential equation in (12) has the fol- chopper when the panel output power becomes
lowing solution: less than a preset power value.

 t 3
PPV = aVPV 2
+ bVPV + cVPV + d (15)
f (t ) = I max ⋅ exp −  (13)
 τ 
This process should be repeated every few
The current in (12) can be easily obtained by milliseconds in order to find a fine MPP. The
using some current discharging through a capaci- accuracy will depend on the number of samples.
tor. Since the derivative of (13) is nonzero, (12) The disadvantage of this method is that either
can be divided throughout by df(t)/dt and, with f(t) it requires accurate knowledge of the physical
= i(t), (12) simplifies to this differential equation: parameters relating to the cell material or manu-
facturing specifications or the expressions used
dp(t ) dv (t ) are not valid for all climatological conditions. In
= v (t ) + k4 = 0 (14) addition, it might require a large memory capacity
dt dt
for calculation of the mathematical formulations.
Once VMPP is computed after the current sweep,
DC Link Capacitor Droop Control
(14) can be used to double check whether the
MPP has been reached. Budur and Ermis, (1994)
DC link capacitor droop control (Kitano et al.,
implemented this algorithm through analog com-
2001) is a MPPT technique that is designed to
putation. The current sweep takes about 50 ms,
work with a PV systems connected in parallel
implying some loss of available power. However,
with an AC system line. The duty ratio of an ideal
this MPPT technique is only feasible if the power
boost DC-DC converter is given by:
consumption of the tracking unit is lower than the
increase in power that it can bring to the entire PV
system. The proposed method was implemented d = 1− (16)
on a 250 W photovoltaic solar panel successfully. Vlink
In the experimental setup, a sleep mode is also
implemented to minimize the energy loss of the where V is the voltage across the PV array and
Vlink is the voltage across the DC link. If Vlink is

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

kept constant, increasing the current going in the long as they do not exhibit negative impedance
inverter increases the power coming out of the characteristics. Therefore, for almost all loads of
boost converter and consequently increases the interest, it is adequate to maximize either the load
output power of the PV array. While the current current or the load voltage to maximize the load
is increasing, the voltage Vlink is kept constant as power. Consequently, only one sensor is needed.
long as the power required by the inverter does
not exceed the maximum power available from the dP/dV or dP/dI Feedback
PV array. If that is not the case, Vlink starts droop- Control MPPT Techniques
ing. Right before that point, the current control
command Ipeak of the inverter is at its maximum With the capabilities of the DSP technique and
and the PV array operates at the MPP. The AC microcontroller being able to handle complex
system line current is fed back to prevent Vlink computations, an obvious way of performing
from drooping and d is optimized to bring Ipeak to MPPT is to compute the slope (dP/dV or dP/dI)
its maximum, achieving MPPT. of the PV power curve (see Figure 12) and feed
DC link capacitor droop control does not it back to the power converter with some control
require the computation of the PV array power, to drive it to zero (Shmilovitz, 2005). The way
but according to Kitano et al., (2001), its response the slope is computed differs from paper to paper.
deteriorates when compared to a method that de- Bhide and Bhat, (1992) propsed a new algorithm
tects the power directly; this is because its response to compute the derivative dP/dV, stores its sign
directly depends on the response of the dc voltage for the past few cycles, and used on the stored
control loop of the inverter. This control scheme signs to either to increment or decrement the
can be implemented easily with analog operational duty ratio of the power converter to reach the
amplifiers and decision-making logic units. MPP. A dynamic step size is usually used to
improve the transient response of the system. In
Load Current or Load a similar approach Sugimoto and Dong, (1997)
Voltage Maximization used a linearization-based method to compute
dP/dV. Other approaches used sampling and data
The purpose of MPPT techniques is to maximize conversion algorithms with subsequent digital
the power coming out of a PV array. When the division of power and voltage to approximate
PV array is connected to a power converter, dP/dV (Chiang et al., (1998)). Conventionally,
maximizing the PV array power also maximizes PV energy conversion systems are composed of
the output power at the load of the converter. a DC-DC converter, a DC-AC inverter, batteries,
Maximizing the output power of the converter and a center-tapped output transformer (Sera et
maximizes also the PV array power output (Enslin al., 2006a, 2006b, Teodorescu et al., 2011). The
and Snyman, 1992, Arias et al., 2004), assuming efficiency of such series-connected multi-stage
a lossless converter. It is well known that most of devices is low. Further, the size is large and the
the loads are voltage-source type, current-source weight is high. To overcame these drawbacks Kuo
type, resistive type, or a combination of these. et al., (2001) proposed a new approach. A novel
For a voltage-source type load, the load current single-stage MPPT controller is used for rapid
iout should be maximized to reach the maximum tracking of the PV array’s MPP. The proposed
output power. For a current-source type load, design, by contrast, uses a single-stage configu-
the load voltage vout should be maximized. For ration, thus increasing efficiency and reducing
the other load types, either iout or vout can be size. In addition, the proposed system operates
used. This is also true for nonlinear load types as as power supply on sunny days and operates as

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

an active power line conditioner at low or zero varying dynamic feedback controller tracks the
insolation. Hence, the proposed PV energy con- MPP. Simulations confirmed that this technique
version system provides useful function in any is robust and insensitive to changes in system
weather, significantly enhancing system utility. parameters and that the MPPT is achieved even
Using the slope of power vs. voltage of a PV with changing atmospheric conditions and in the
array, the proposed MPPT controller allows the presence of multiple local maxima caused by par-
conversion system to track the maximum power tially shaded PV array or damaged cells. However,
point very rapidly. As opposed to conventional no experimental tests of the method validity were
two-stage designs, a single-stage configuration is conducted. The common PV power electronics
implemented, resulting in size and weight reduc- topologies consist of two power stages (usually
tion and increased efficiency. Figure 23 is showing a DC-DC converter followed by an inverter). A
the single-stage PV system. The proposed system single-stage inverter that performs both MPPT
acts as a solar generator on sunny days, in addition and output current Solodovnik et al., (2004), de-
to working as an active power line conditioner veloped regulation for the utility grid distribution.
on rainy days. The simulations and experimental Based on the voltage of the PV array, one-cycle
results demonstrate the superior performance of control is used to adjust the output current of the
the proposed technique. The proposed algorithm single-stage inverter such that MPPT is attained.
reduces oscillation, resulting in significantly The control circuit consists of an inexpensive
improved tracking. DSP system. Operation is shown to be close to
Other MPPT techniques and methods include, the MPP throughout a daytime period. The slight
among others: the array reconfiguration, linear discrepancy is due to the inability of the controller
current control, the computation of the IMPP and to account for temperature variation.
VMPP involving the irradiance and temperature Masoum et al., (2002) proposed microproces-
levels or state space models. El-Shibini and Rakha, sor-controlled tracker capable of online voltage
(1989) proposed the arrangements of the PV ar- and current measurements and programmed with
rays in different series and parallel combinations VMPP and IMPP algorithms. Considering the natural
such that the resulting MPPs meet specific load behavior, these researchers for some typical PV
requirements. This method is time consuming and loads made advantage, and limitations of the
tracking MPP in real time is not obvious. A linear IMPP and VMPP techniques, the following sug-
current control employing the fact that there is a gestions. The PV loads that require low-voltage
linear relationship between IMPP and the level of and high-current outputs (e.g., battery chargers
irradiance was developed by Pan et al. (1999). and low-resistance loads), are best matched with
The current IMPP is found by sensing the irradiance the VMPPT system and result in better overall
level and a PI controller is used such that the PV performance (cost, efficiency, and noise). While
array current follows IMPP. The IMPP and VMPP can be the PV loads with high voltage and low current
computed from equations involving temperature (e.g., motors and high resistive loads) could be
and irradiance levels, which are not usually easy matched with either VMPP or IMPP systems, but first
to measure, as used in the algorithm developed technique will result in simple hardware with
by Takashima et al., (2000). Once IMPP or VMPP is higher efficiency and lower noise and cost. Sta-
obtained, feedback control is used to force the PV tistical data relevant to irradiance and temperature
array to operate at the MPP. A state-based MPPT levels are collected over a period of one year or
algorithm was introduced by Solodovnik et al., longer, together with the best fixed voltage (BFV)
(2004). A state space model, in this approach, to find the representative values of the MPP (de
represents the PV system while a nonlinear time- Carvalho et al. 2004). The control sets either the

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

operating point of the PV array to the BFV or cannot estimate the correct state values under the
the output voltage to the nominal load voltage. parameter variations and noisy environments. The
Operation is therefore never exactly at the MPP structure of a sliding-mode observer is simple, but
and different data has to be collected for different it shows the robust tracking property against mod-
geographical regions. The PV array characteristic eling uncertainties and parameter variations. In
equation, which needs to be solved iteratively for this paper, the sliding-mode observer for the solar
the MPP, is manipulated to find an approximate array current has been proposed to compensate
symbolic solutions for the MPP in the algorithm for the parameter variations. The mathematical
proposed by Ritz-Rivera and Peng, (2004). This modeling and the experimental results verify the
method, so-called linear reoriented coordinate validity of the proposed method. The proposed
method (LRCM), requires the measurement of system is possible to reduce the expensive current
VOC and ISC to find the solution. Other constants sensor and shows superior performance than the
representing the PV array characteristic curve are conventional system.
also needed. The maximum error in using LRCM Faranda and Leva, (2008), Faranda et al.,
algorithm to approximate the MPP was found to (2008), Berrera et al., (2009), Dolara et al., (2009),
be but 0.3%, but this was based only on simulation and Buyukdegirmenci et al., (2010) conducted
results, not on the experimental tests. extensive comparisons of the most used MPPT
A new solar insolation estimator using the techniques among others. The Berrera et al.,
state vector machine (SVM) algorithm has been (2009) at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, consider-
proposed by Ahmed and Al-Othman, (2010) for ing several irradiation conditions, performed
finding the MPPT of PV systems based on offline extensive tests and experimental comparisons
training. This estimation algorithm requires only between some of the most used MPPT techniques.
measurements of PV voltage and power without The aim of their work was to compare several
the need for any environmental measurements. widely adopted MPPT algorithms between them
The offline training is achieved using the PV array in order to understand which technique has the
output voltage and current as an input samples, the best performance. The evaluation of algorithms’
insolation as an output sample and consequently performance was based on the power and the total
the maximum PV output power can be achieved. energy produced by the panel during the same test
A relevant function between system inputs and cycle. In particular, different types of solar insola-
output is deduced by offline training, and the in- tion characterized by low and medium irradiation
solation can be estimated directly online knowing level are considered, and the energy supplied by
the PV output voltage and current. The proposed a complete PV array is evaluated. The differ-
estimation algorithm offers different advantage as ent MPPT techniques have been implemented
good tracking efficiency, high accuracy, relatively following the directions found in the literature.
high convergence speed and well control for the They found that one has been preferred or better
extracted power. Kim et al., (2006) proposed a improved respect to the others. The results show
new maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for that the best MPPT technique is the modified P&O
a grid-connected photovoltaic system without (P&Ob). The logic turned out to be effective in
solar array current sensor. The solar array current both the situations considered, providing always
information is obtained, in this approach from the the highest efficiency. P&Ob technique shows its
sliding-mode observer and fed into the MPPT to limit in the response to the irradiance variation
generate the reference voltage. The parameter val- at low irradiance level. The IncCond technique
ues such as capacitances can be changed up to 50% has an efficiency lower than the P&O techniques,
from their nominal values, and the linear observer but its response time is quite independent to the

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

irradiation values and its efficiency increase with greatly depends on the end-users’ knowledge,
the irradiance level. This technique can be a good with analogical circuit, SC, OV, or CV are good
alternative to the P&O methods in applications options, otherwise with digital circuit that require
characterized by high, fast and continuous radi- the use of microcontroller, P&O, IncCond, and
ance variations, e.g. the PV applications in trans- temperature methods are easily to implement.
portation. The two techniques are also equivalent Moreover it is important to underline that analogi-
concerning the costs and the software complexity. cal implementations are generally cheaper than
However, both the techniques require a micro- digital (the microcontroller and relative program
controller with medium to higher performances are expensive). To make all the cost comparable
than the ones required by other techniques, due between them, the computation cost comparison
to the necessity of high computation capability. is formulated taking into account the present
Other hill climbing techniques present acceptable spread of MPPT methods. The number of sen-
results, and may provide good alternatives to the sors required to implement the MPPT technique
two previous techniques. In the present analysis, also affects the final costs. Most of the time, it is
the CV, OV and SC techniques turned out to be easier and more reliable to measure voltage than
the worst ones. Their performances are lower current and the current sensors are usually more
than the ones obtained with P&Ob techniques, expensive and bulky. However, the irradiance or
especially in case of conditions very different from temperature sensors are very expensive and quite
the radiance and temperature values. Moreover, uncommon in applications and significantly may
OV and SC techniques require additional valves affect the cost of the MPPT controllers.
in the converter that decrease its efficiency and
the output power. The CV technique is still a
very simple one, which provides a very good ef- CONCLUSION
ficiency for radiance values closed to 700 W/m2,
with low costs. Hence, generally this technique The chapter has covered the most common inverter
can be selected only if there is the necessity to and control topologies for PV systems, both grid-
minimize the control system cost. However the integrated and standalone configurations. The
cost of a microcontroller currently low, so that development of modern power electronics has
the implementation of the P&O type techniques been briefly discussed. PV cell characteristics and
is anyway preferred. PV systems are also discussed including the new
Feranda et al., (2008) and Dolara et al., technology, inverters and their control methods.
(2009) presented a comparative study of ten An important part of this chapter is dedicated
widely-adopted MPPT algorithms, as well as to the study and simulation results of various
their performance was evaluated using MATALB/ MPPT topologies. Comparisons among some of
Simulink. In particular, this study compares the the more diffused MPPT techniques in relation
behaviors of each technique in presence of solar to their energy performance are also presented.
irradiation variations. Twelve different types of The advantages and disadvantages of the most
solar insulation were considered, in this study important MPPT algorithms are presented. The
and the energy supplied by a complete PV ar- indirect methods (‘‘quasi trackers’’) have the par-
ray was calculated. Furthermore, regarding the ticular feature of not obtaining, but rather estimat-
MPPT implementation costs, a cost comparison ing, the maximum power for either irradiance or
was proposed taking into consideration the costs temperature. They must measure some of the PV
of sensors, microcontroller and additional power generator’s voltage and current PV (or both), the
components. The MPPT implementation typology irradiance or use empirical data, by mathemati-

Power Electronics and Controls in Solar Photovoltaic Systems

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KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS AC to or from DC, or the voltage or frequency,
or some combination of these.
DC-DC Converter: A DC-DC Converter PV Inverter: A PV inverter is a type of elec-
refers to an electronic circuit that allows for the trical inverter that is made to change the direct
conversion of direct electric current from one level current (DC) electricity from a photovoltaic array
of voltage to another level of voltage. into alternating current (AC) for use with home
Fuzzy Logic Controller: A fuzzy logic con- appliances and possibly a utility grid.
troller (FLC) based on fuzzy logic theory provides Solar Cell: A solar cell is any device that
a means of converting a linguistic control strategy directly converts the energy in light into electri-
based on expert knowledge into an automatic cal energy through the process of photovoltaics.
control strategy for various applications.


Chapter 5
Photovoltaic Devices
Ashraf Uddin
University of New South Wales, Australia

Photovoltaics (PV) have been the world’s most rapidly growing energy source, with markets increasing
at a compounded rate over the years. The electricity generating capacity of new photovoltaic product
manufactured in 2006 exceeded new nuclear power capacity for the first time, with the gap widening in
each year. The present continues to be a most exciting and challenging time for photovoltaics. More are
recognising the possibility of a future where solar cells provide a significant part of the world’s energy
needs, without the environmental problems and escalating costs associated with the present mainstream
approaches. Silicon is a semiconductor material which is mostly used for PV devices. Silicon is avail-
able in different forms like single crystal, poly crystalline, and amorphous. Most photovoltaic sales are
of “first-generation” solar cells made from silicon wafers. First-generation PV research challenges
are the cost reduction and further improving efficiency. The rapid growth of the photovoltaic industry is
generating widespread interest in past and ongoing innovations of the PV technology. Silicon is quite
brittle, so silicon wafers have to be reasonably thick, at least a fraction of a millimetre, to be sufficiently
rugged for processing into solar cells with reasonable yields. Without this mechanical constraint, silicon
would perform well even if very thin, over 100 times thinner than present wafers.

INTRODUCTION saving in silicon material and cells can be made

more quickly over the entire area of large glass
Thin film or “second-generation” approach gives sheets. Thin films of some other poly-crystalline
enormous potential cost savings. Not only are materials like Copper Indium Disengage, Cad-
the costly processes involved in making wafers mium Telluride, organic polymer materials, etc,
no longer required, but also there is an enormous are also used in the construction of photovoltaic

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch005
Photovoltaic Devices

cells. In large enough production volumes, even industry in the 1960s which required a power
these reduced material costs will dominate thin- supply separate from “grid” power for satellite
film costs. This has led to the interest in advanced applications. Their application and advantage
“third-generation” thin-film solar cells such as to the “remote” power supply area was quickly
all-silicon tandem solar cells, multi-junction recognized and prompted the development of
solar cells, etc. targeting significant increases in terrestrial photovoltaics industry. In the 1980s
energy-conversion efficiency. Higher conversion research into silicon solar cells paid off and solar
efficiency means more power from a given invest- cells began to increase their efficiency. In 1985
ment in materials, reducing overall power costs. silicon solar cells achieved the milestone of 20%
The semiconductor bandgap can be controlled efficiency. The year 1997 saw a growth rate of 38%
by quantum-confinement of carriers in small and today solar cells are recognized not only as a
quantum-dots dispersed in an amorphous matrix means for providing power and increased quality
of silicon oxide, nitride, and polymer materials. of life to those who do not have grid access, but
Cells based on “hot” carriers are also of great in- they are also a means of significantly diminishing
terest since they offer the potential for very high the impact of environmental damage caused by
efficiency from simple device structures. conventional electricity generation in advanced
The development of a sustainable future industrial countries.
energy option is one of the most important chal- The increasing market for, and profile of
lenges facing the human race. The solar energy photovoltaics means that more applications than
components of the energy needs will continue to ever before are “photovoltaically powered”. These
grow in significance as pressures mount rapidly applications range from power stations of several
to generate power in a clean and renewable way. megawatts to solar calculators. Specific materials
Photovoltaics (PV) clearly would be preferable to generally semiconductors are commonly used
other options such as nuclear fission or fusion, or in fabrication of photovoltaic cells. Silicon is a
biomass – all with fundamental difficulties. The semiconductor material which is mostly used for
more widespread uptake of the technology would this purpose. Silicon is available in different forms
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the burn- like single crystal, poly crystalline and amorphous.
ing of fossil fuels and, if sufficiently inexpensive, Thin films of some poly crystalline materials like
reduce the need for on-going investment coal- Copper Indium Disengage, Cadmium Telluride etc
fired baseload electricity plant. For decades, PV are also used in the construction of photovoltaic
devices have seems the most promising technology cells.
to harvest the energy; however, despite gradual The present photovoltaic market is dominated
growth in use worldwide, PV devices still have by “first-generation” product based on silicon
not yet lived up to their potential for very high wafers, either single-crystalline or a lower-grade
materials and processing cost. Globally research multicrystalline wafer (Figure 1). This market
effort has driven towards the low-cost and high dominance is likely to continue for at least the
efficiency PV devices, resulting second and third next decade by silicon base PV technology. First
generation PV devices. The main challenge with generation production volume is growing rapidly
photovoltaics is to greatly reduce costs while with the technological emphasis upon stream
improving device performance. lining manufacturing to reduce costs while, at
Photovoltaic is the process of converting the same time, improving the energy conversion
sunlight directly into electricity using solar efficiency of the product. Wafers are expensive
cells. Research and development of photovolta- and need quite careful encapsulation, since
ics received its first major boost from the space brittle and also thermally mismatched to the glass

Photovoltaic Devices

coversheet, making first generation technology conversion are much higher (74% for non-con-
inherently material-intensive. To avoid associated centrated light, giving indication of the potential
cost penalties, several companies worldwide are for improvement).
commercialising “second-generation” thin-film If a reasonable fraction of this potential can be
cell technology based on depositing thin layers of realised, Figure 2 suggests that third-generation
the photoactive material onto supporting substrates costs could be much lower than second-generation
or superstates, usually sheets of glass. Although by a factor of 2 to 3. An “all-silicon” tandem
materials other than silicon are of interest for these cells based on bandgap-engineering using nano-
films, silicon avoids problems that can arise with structures was selected as the most promising.
these more complex compounds due to stability, This involves the engineering of a new class of
manufacturability, moisture sensitivity, toxicity mixed-phase semiconductor material based on
and resource availability issues. At the present partly-ordered silicon quantum-dots in an insu-
time, such second-generation thin-films are en- lating amorphous matrix. Photon up-conversion
tering the market in increasing quantities. More as a way of “supercharging” the performance of
power from a given investment in material is pos- relatively standard cells forms a second line of
sible by increasing energy-conversion efficiency. research. A third is the investigation of schemes
This leads to the notion of a third-generation of for implementing hot-carrier cells. Organic solar
solar cell distinguished by the fact that it is both cells is the another area of PV technology for the
high-efficiency and thin-film. low cost electricity generation.
The third-generation is specified as a thin-film
technology, which has manufacturing costs per
unit area similar to second-generation, but is based CRYSTALLINE SOLAR CELLS (1ST
on operating principles that do not constrain ef- GENERATION)
ficiency to the same limits as conventional cells
(31% for non-concentrated sunlight for these). The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Unconstrained thermodynamic limits for solar first developed the silicon solar cell of conver-

Figure 1. (a) Passivated emitter, rear locally diffused (PERL) crystalline silicon solar cell; (b) Multi-
crystalline silicon solar cell (Annual report, UNSW, 2009).

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 2. Efficiency and cost projections for first,

metal contact have been developed and analysed.
second and third generation photovoltaic technol-
In addition to overcoming the current and voltage
ogy (wafers, thin-films and advanced thin-films,
limitations imposed by the design shown below, a
respectively) (Annual report, UNSW, 2009).
further aim has been to retain compatibility with
existing equipment and infrastructure currently
used for the manufacture of screen-printed solar
cells. Screen-printed solar cell technology domi-
nates commercial photovoltaic manufacturing,
with well over 50% share of markets. Despite
the dominance of this technology, this solar cell
design shown above has significant performance
limitations that limit the cell efficiencies to well
below those achievable in research laboratories
around the world. In particular, the front surface
screen-printed metallisation necessitates a heavily
diffused emitter to achieve low contact resistance
sion efficiency of 25% of incident sunlight into and also to achieve adequate lateral conductivity
electricity in 2008. The passivated emitter, rear in the emitter since the metal lines need to be
locally diffused (PERL) cell structure leading to widely spaced compared to laboratory cells to
this achievement is shown in Figure 1(a). The jump avoid excessive shading losses. Such cells typi-
in performance leading to the attainment of the cally have emitters with sheet resistivities in the
milestone resulted from more detailed knowledge range of 40- 4 ohms.
about the composition of sunlight that led to the Screen-printed fingers running perpendicular
adoption of a new reference solar spectrum by were developed to the heavily diffused grooves
the International Electrotechnical Commission where electrical contact is made. A dielectric/AR
in April 2008. The solar spectrum has more en- coating passivates the top surface and isolates the
ergy at both blue and red ends of the spectrum, metal from the lightly diffused top surface as
with relatively less energy at intermediate green shown in Figure 3(b). To raise this sheet resistiv-
wavelengths. The exceptionally strong response ity to above 100 ohms per square as required for
of the PERL cell at both blue and red wavelengths near unity internal quantum efficiencies for short
increases its performance margin over less highly wavelength light, serious resistive losses are in-
performing devices. This gives essentially 100% troduced, both in the emitter and the contact re-
internal quantum efficiency (IQE) at blue wave- sistance at the metal to n-type silicon interface.
lengths with impact ionisation increasing the IQE The conventional design of screen-printed solar
above 100% at wavelengths below 370 nm. cells has quite poor surface passivation in both
the metallised and non-metallised regions. Even
Screen Printed Solar Cells if good ohmic contacts could be made to more
lightly doped emitters, the large metal/silicon
The performance of the conventional screen-print- interface area would significantly limit the volt-
ed solar cell (as shown in Figure 3(a)) is limited for ages achievable due to the high levels of recom-
the last 30 years. The UNSW PV research groups bination in these regions and the corresponding
have been identified its limitation and innovative contribution to the device dark saturation current.
approaches to redesigning the emitter and front These voltage limitations are not of major sig-

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 3. (a) Standard screen-printed solar cell structure. (b) Screen-printed fingers running perpendicu-
lar to the heavily diffused grooves where electrical contact is made. A dielectric/AR coating passivates
the top surface and isolates the metal from the lightly diffused top surface (Annual report, UNSW, 2009)

nificance at the moment due to the limitations used with appropriate pastes, appear to provide
imposed by the substrates. However, in the future adequate protection to the lightly diffused surface
if wafer thicknesses are reduced to improve the regions, preventing the screen printed metal from
device economics, the cells will have the potential contacting the silicon. Fill factors above 79% have
for improved open circuit voltages. been demonstrated with this structure on large
area devices of approximately 150 cm2, verify-
Laser Grooved Semiconductor ing the effectiveness of this contacting scheme
Finger Solar Cells for minimising resistive losses. These cells also
have near perfect response to short wavelength
The new emitter design developed in the UNSW is light as shown below, leading to short circuit
shown in Figure 3(b). The top surface is diffused current Jsc values of 36-37 mA/cm2. Even though
to 100 ohms per square, while the heavily diffused commercial p-type substrates are not capable of
grooves act as semiconductor fingers to carry the open circuit voltage (Voc) above about 640 mV;
current to the screen printed silver fingers that run the Voc approaching this value has been achieved
perpendicular to the grooves. Also not shown in in commercial production with this technology,
the figure is the surface passivating dielectric that with corresponding efficiencies as high as 18.3%.
not only passivates the lightly diffused surface so The grooves are typically spaced less than
as to give near unity internal quantum efficiencies a millimetre apart so as to minimise resistive
for short wavelength light, but it also isolates the losses within the lightly diffused emitter, while
metal from these same regions to minimise the the screen-printed metal lines can be spaced
device dark saturation current. Importantly, the significantly further apart than in normal screen-
silicon is only exposed within the grooves, with printed cells due to the comparatively excellent
the screen-printed metal having been shown to lateral conductivity of the emitter achieved by
make excellent ohmic contact to the heavily the very heavy doping within the grooves. This
phosphorus diffused silicon in these regions. concept of semiconductor fingers does not appear
Both thick oxides and silicon nitride layers, when to have been used previously in commercial solar

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 4. Spectral response of semiconductor

cells, and has considerable appeal as it facilitates
finger cell. External quantum efficiency (EQE),
good conductivity within the emitter, but without
internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and light reflec-
the normal trade-off found in screen printed cells.
tion are compared.
Normally, such regions of good emitter conduc-
tion are located at the top surface and therefore
degrade the cell spectral response as shown in
Figure 4 and current generating capability due
to the corresponding extremely short minority
carrier diffusion lengths in such regions.
A significant simplification of the proposed
emitter design is applied a phosphorus doped
passivating dielectric after lightly diffusing the
top surface. The laser scribing conditions for
groove formation are modified so as to melt the
silicon rather than ablate it, thereby allowing large
amounts of phosphorus to penetrate into the mol-
ten silicon, producing heavily doped channels
rather than grooves as shown in Figure 5. This with the high boron and oxygen concentrations
avoids the need for etching the grooves and sub- in p-type CZ silicon wafers. In particular, screen-
sequently diffusing the groove walls. An important printed Aluminium has been used as a simple and
benefit of this approach for multicrystalline silicon cost-effective way to create an Al-alloyed rear
wafers is that the heavily doped regions are able emitter for such n-type CZ material, especially in
to be formed without heating of the entire wafer. the n+np+ cell design with rear junction as shown
Some multicrystalline silicon wafers are known in Figure 6.
to degrade significantly if heated to temperatures Recently, the UNSW held the world record
above about 900 °C. The performance of these (jointly with Stanford University) for the most
devices with CZ silicon however does not cur- efficient n-type silicon devices with 22.7% con-
rently match that of the devices produced using version efficiency. The cell design was based on
the emitter design based on the use of laser groov- the inverted form of the PERL solar cell developed
ing. A further enhancement in this technology at UNSW and is shown in Figure 6. The cell
would appear to be the incorporation of the laser design has been adapted to accommodate the use
chemical processing (LCP) techniques developed of low cost screen-printed solar cell processes
by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany in con- involving the alignment of the screen-printed front
junction with the laser company Synova. This metal lines to the heavily doped n+ regions to form
would allow the superior performance of the laser the equivalent of a selective emitter on the front
grooved semiconductor finger solar cell to be surface and the use of a screen-printed aluminium
combined with the simplicity and low cost of the grid pattern on the rear to form the localised p+
laser doped semiconductor finger solar cell. regions during the spike firing of the Al.
The cells were fabricated using industrial sized
Advanced n-type Screen-Printed (125x125 mm2) phosphorous-doped CZ n-type
Solar Cells wafers of 3 ohm-cm resistivity and ~ 180 μm
thicknesses. A texturing process was performed
Interest is increasing in n-type CZ silicon material in a NaOH/Isopropanol based solution to form
to avoid the widely reported defects associated random pyramids. A thin phosphorus diffused

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 5. (a) top; (b) bottom. Cross-sectional SEM

as the bulk material. After screen-printing with a
photos show: (a) discontinuities in the Al-doped
selected aluminium paste on the entire back surface
p+ layer; (b) a deep and uniform Al doped p+ layer
with a gap of around 2 mm from the edges, the
(Annual report, UNSW, 2009).
wafers underwent an alloying process at 860 oC in
a conventional conveyor belt furnace to produce
the rear Al-alloyed emitter. A phosphorus dopant
source was then spun onto the front surface, fol-
lowed by the laser doping process using a 532 nm
wavelength Q-switch diode laser to create locally
heavily diffused lines. The wafers were rinsed
and submerged in 1% HF solution for 30 sec to
remove the dopant source and any native oxide
from the laser doped lines. Lastly, light induced
plating (LIP) was subsequently performed to de-
posit Ni, which was sintered at 400 oC, followed
by Cu plating to form the front contacts. The
n+-layer with a sheet resistivity of 200 ohm/sq performance improvement relative to the selec-
serving as the front surface field was created by tive emitter screen printed counter parts arises
a thermal diffusion at 850 °C using liquid POCl3 primarily from the reduced shading losses by the
source in a conventional tube furnace. A chemical top surface metalisation although slightly higher
etch containing HF and HNO3 was then applied to voltages (as high as 650 mV), fill-factors and
the back of these wafers to remove the unwanted yields are also achieved, apparently due primar-
n+-layer from the surface. A silicon nitride layer ily to the reduced metal/silicon interface area and
with a refractive index of 2.05 and thickness of 75 superior alignment with the laser doped contacts.
nm was subsequently deposited using commercial A spectral response measurement was performed
Roth & Rau remote plasma PECVD system to to investigate different regions in the cell. A very
simultaneously form an anti-reflective coating and high value of more than 95% was maintained for
provide passivation for the front surface as well internal quantum efficiency (IQE) from 580 nm

Figure 6. Inverted form of the PERL (Passivated Emitter and Rear Locally diffused) solar cell developed
at UNSW based on the use of n-type silicon (Annual report, UNSW, 2009)

Photovoltaic Devices

to 960 nm. However, there was a slight drop in regions beneath the metal contacts as shown in
the short wavelength range, indicating that the Figure 7. Following top surface emitter phosphorus
front surface passivation can be further improved. diffusion to about 100 ohms per square and silicon
nitride deposition, an n-type dopant source is ap-
Laser Doped Selective plied or can even be incorporated into the silicon
Emitter Solar Cells nitride layer. A 532 nm NdYAG laser can be used
to melt the silicon to a depth in the vicinity of a
The benefits of a selective emitter have been well micron while simultaneously releasing the n-type
known and quantified for many years. The ben- dopants into the molten region. The molten silicon
efits of heavy doping beneath the metal contacts subsequently regrows epitaxially, heavily doped
contribute significantly to the high performance with phosphorus. Important processing parameters
levels achieved by technologies such as the Buried in the optimization of the laser doping process
Contact Solar Cells, the semiconductor finger for textured surfaces have included laser pulse
solar cell, the point contact solar cells and the envelope shape, pulse duration, pulse frequency,
world-record holding Passivated Emitter and Rear laser light frequency, laser power, beam focus as
Locally diffused (PERL) solar cell. The heavy dop- well as the type of dielectric and dopant source
ing not only facilitates reduced contact resistance being used.
between the metal and the silicon, but probably The preferred implementation of the laser
more importantly it shields the high recombination doping selective emitter technology also uses an
velocity metal/silicon interface from the active equivalent laser doping/plating combination on
regions of the cell. In addition, by restricting the the rear surface using a boron doping source. In
heavily doped material to the immediate regions this cell design, the majority of both the front and
beneath the metal contact, little light absorption rear surfaces is well passivated using silicon nitride
takes place in such regions thereby avoiding although the preferred rear surface passivation of
problems with carrier collection from heavily the undiffused p-type surface uses somewhat dif-
doped regions where the minority carrier diffusion ferent deposition parameters for best results.
lengths are very short. A potentially effective and Implied Voc values above 730 mV at one-sun
simpler way of achieving a selective emitter is by demonstrate the near perfect passivation achieved
using laser doping to produce the heavily doped with such surfaces. Following laser doping of the

Figure 7. Laser doped selective emitter solar cell with self-aligned plated metal contacts (Annual report,
UNSW, 2009)

Photovoltaic Devices

rear surface, even though plated contacts can be to etchants such as hydrofluoric Acid (HF). This
used similarly to on the front surface. The preferred facilitates the patterning or etching of underlying
rear contact can be achieved through depositing dielectrics or semiconductor material to facilitate a
aluminium over the entire surface. The aluminium range of semiconductor processes. A new method
layer provides an excellent rear surface reflector. for patterned etching of SiO2 and SiNx dielectric
Even with standard commercial grade p-type CZ layers has been developed and patented in the
wafers, based on laboratory results it appears this UNSW as shown in Figure 8.
technology will achieve comfortably over 20% The method uses Optomec’s M3D aerosol
efficiency on full sized commercial wafers when jetting device to deposit a solution containing
established in pilot production in early 2010 with fluoride ions, according to an etching pattern,
impressive open-circuit voltages ~ 660 mV. This onto an acidic water-soluble polymer layer formed
new technology, the laser doped selective emitter over the dielectric layer. The deposited solution
combined with light induced plating of the metal reacts with the polymer layer, at the locations
contacts are used by several manufacturers to
replace the front surface screen-printed contacts.
Figure 8. Optical microscope photograph of ink
Two other popular implementations of the laser
jet patterned lines in a SiO2 layer (top figure) and
doping technology are the bifacial structure using
bottom: scanning electron microscope photograph
laser doped self-aligned contacts of opposite
of the grooves formed in the silicon surface follow-
polarity on both surfaces and the inter-digitated
ing KOH etching of (top figure) (Annual report,
rear surface laser doped contacts for rear junction
UNSW, 2009)
n-type devices.

Inkjet Technology for

Solar Cell Fabrication

Inkjet technology has been rapidly developing

over the last decade, particularly for printing. In
recent years, its application has been spreading
to other fields, such as photovoltaics. CSG Solar
first used this inkjet printing technology for their
silicon thin film photovoltaic technology in 2006
for their commenced production for a corrosive
material to etch patterns in a resist layer to facilitate
metal contacting to the underlying silicon. The
use of inkjet technology has been expanded to
encompass a range of solar cell fabrication pro-
cesses including texturing, grooving, patterning
of dielectric layers for metal contacting, local-
ized diffusions, etc. The techniques developed to
carry out these processes are uniquely different
to those used before. A non-corrosive plasticizer
is inkjet printer onto a low cost resist layer, alter-
ing the chemical properties of the resist layer in
these localized regions to make them permeable

Photovoltaic Devices

where it is deposited, to form an etchant that ometry and depth of etching can be varied. A
etches the SiO2 and SiNx under the polymer particular exciting application of this inkjet tech-
layer to form a pattern of openings in the dielec- nology work is for very high efficiency silicon
tric layer. After the pattern of openings is formed, solar cells. The key to high-efficiency silicon
the acidic water-soluble polymer and the etch solar cells is the ability to form small-area metal
residue are easily removed by rinsing in water. contacts to the silicon through dielectric passivat-
The method involves fewer steps than photoli- ing layers.
thography and is safer than existing immersion
etching techniques in that the corrosive etchant
HF is only formed in-situ on the surface to be THIN FILM SOLAR CELLS
etched. Furthermore, the method uses small (2ND GENERATION)
amounts of inexpensive chemicals and produces
significantly less hazardous fluoride waste than Organic Solar Cells
existing immersion etching methods. Aerosol jet
printing is a new deposition technology being Interest in organic photovoltaic (OPV) with in-
pioneered by Optomec, Inc. The technique enables creasing conversion efficiency has grown expo-
the finely-controlled deposition of an aerosol, nentially over recent years as shown in Figure 9.
which is generated from a liquid, by using a sheath The key development in the OPV device is the bulk
gas to constrict the aerosol into a fine jet which hetero-junction cell obtained by blending donor
is directed to the substrate. The technique has and acceptor layers, a device structure well suited
been previously used in applications such as to the associated short excitonic diffusion lengths.
printed electronics, fuel cells and displays. The The fullerene based acceptor material (PCBM)
aerosol etching method has been used to etch is interspersed with a donor polymer, commonly
groove structures in SiO2 which have been ther- P3HT, with line-bond diagrams for these materials
mally grown on polished silicon wafers. By vary- shown in Figure 10(b). The workhorse for OPV
ing the aerosol and sheath gas flow rates the ge- research has become polymer-fullerene bulk het-

Figure 9. Recent improvements in independently confirmed efficiency for small area (≤1cm2) organic
solar cells (extracted from Green et al. 2006 -2009)

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 10. (a) Typical bulk-heterojunction organic cell structure used to produce the results of Fig-
ure 9; (b) Common donor and acceptor materials for polymer–fullerene heterojunction solar cells.
Donors: MDMO-PPV _ poly(2-methoxy-5-(3_,7_-dimethyloctyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene); P3HT _
poly(3-hexylthiophene); PFDTBT _ poly(2,7-(9-(2_-ethylhexyl)-9-hexylfluorene)-alt-5,5-(4_,7_-di-2-
thienyl-2_,11_,3_-benzothiadiazole)). Acceptors: PCBM _3_-phenyl-3_H-cyclopropa fullerene-C60-Ih-
3_-butanoic acid methyl ester; (70)PCBM:3_-phenyl-3_H-cyclopropa(8,25)(5,6)fullerene-C70-D5h(6)-
3_-butanoic acid methyl ester (Brabec et al., MRS Bulletin, July 2008, p.71; http://www.solarmer.com;
Basore, 2006, Proc. 21 st European PV Solar Energy Conf., p544).

erojunction devices fabricated by coating a thin highest OPV efficiency 8.3%. The history of OPV
layer of PEDOT:PSS on the top of cleaned ITO conversion efficiency is shown for small area (≤
substrates followed by a blend of PCBM/P3HT (or 1cm2) cells in Figure 9.
other donor polymer), then by vacuum evaporation The nanoscale texture or thin film morphol-
of Al and annealing as shown in Figure 10(a). Both ogy of the donor/acceptor blends used in most
packaging and cell efficiency had improved by OPV devices is a critical variable that can domi-
2006 to the stage where independent measurement nate both the performance of new materials being
of cell efficiency was both feasible and warranted, optimized in the lab and efforts to move from
with subsequent efficiency improvements well laboratory-scale to factory-scale production.
documented. Using the above structure, Konarka, Although OPV conversion efficiencies (up to 8%)
USA established 4.8% efficiency for a tiny 0.14 cells have improved significantly in recent years,
cm2 cell in July 2005. Konarka increased this to progress in morphology optimization still occurs
5.15% in December 2006 with 5.24% posted for largely by trial and error, in part because much of
a 0.7 cm2 cell in July 2007. Companies such as our basic understanding of how nanoscale mor-
Plextronics have reported roughly comparable phology affects the optoelectronic properties of
results using similar materials with 5.4% efficiency these heterogeneous organic semiconductor films
confirmed in July 2007 for a 0.1 cm2 device, 6.0% has to be inferred indirectly from macroscopic
in August 2008 for an even smaller 0.04 cm2 cell measurements. The morphology of the active film
and 2.0% as recently as 28 January 2009 for a is a very important factor to produce high effi-
224 cm2 module. OPV device developer Solarmer ciency devices. Films spin-coated from blend
Energy achieved 7.9% efficiency in December solutions undergo separation of the donor/accep-
2009. In November 2010, Konarka achieved their tor phases. The scale of the phase separation

Photovoltaic Devices

depends on the solvent, solubility of the materials als as required, experimental cell fabrication, cell
and parameters of the spin-coating process such performance characterisation and modelling, cell
as speed, temperature, etc. If the morphology design improvement, implementation of a range of
could be controlled on a molecular scale the ef- new ideas relevant to recombination reduction and
ficiency of charge separation and transport could improved light trapping in cells and exploration
be expected to be substantially higher. of the potential of a range of “third generation”
options as a means of significantly boosting per-
OPV Challenges formance. While retaining the advantages of OPV,
the hybrid approach offers additional advantages
Plastic solar cells rolled out like cling-wrap readily including the potential for higher conversion ef-
capture the imagination of the public, politicians ficiency and improved stability. The approach
and even venture capitalists. However, although also allows control of bandgap in a stable material
there may be a near-term role in specialised system. This opens the opportunity for fabricat-
consumer products, viable photovoltaic products ing optimised tandem stacks of OPV-based cells,
able to compete with inorganic solar cells within with much higher efficiency potential than 10%.
mainstream markets are a long way from being a Many new ideas and much new technology will
reality. Many new ideas and much new technol- be required before competitive products eventuate.
ogy will be required before competitive products The OPV cell needs to be protected from
eventuate. The attraction of OPV is the low costs oxygen and water vapour to increase the stabil-
that may be possible due to high throughput ity and durability, which is difficult to achieve
manufacturing on large flexible plastic sheets, using permeable organic material. Barrier coat-
rather than on the thick glass substrates favoured ings containing multiple thin blocking layers of
by the inorganic cell technologies. However, there optically transparent inorganic material are the
are three main challenges to making this type of most promising option. It is also very important
technology a reality: to identify the key degradation mechanisms to
improve the device lifetime and performance.
• Low conversion efficiency of present OPV Much work needs to be done, both in cell material
cells selection and in low cost encapsulation, before a
• Poor stability and durability level of durability required for mainstream product
• Present expense of some OPV materials. is obtained. Finally, even though the low cost of
OPV is stressed by proponents, the fullerene-based
Energy conversion efficiency (ECE) has im- materials used in all the cells reported are very
proved steadily over recent years as shown for the expensive to synthesise at present. It is expected
independently confirmed results of Figure 9. If the that fullerene costs will reduce greatly as produc-
present rate of progress can be maintained, it may tion volumes increase.
be possible to improve the recent 8.3% efficiency
record (December 2010) to 10% efficiency within Polycrystalline Thin Film Solar Cells
one/two years. It should be noted, however, that
the results shown are not for large area sheets but Thin-film poly-Si solar cells technology on glass
for tiny test devices only 1 cm2 or smaller in area. substrate as shown in Figure 11 is developing
A multi-pronged approach is needed involv- rapidly and it is expected to lead to significant cost
ing fundamental investigation of new polymeric reductions of PV electricity. The best developed
material options for improved efficiency/stability poly-Si solar cells technology is on glass substrate.
by computer simulation, synthesis of new materi- The CSG Solar has developed the best solar

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 11. Schematic structure of a p-type poly-Si solar cell on a planar glass (layer thicknesses and
grain size not to scale) (Annual report, UNSW, 2009)

cells by an approximately 1.5 μm thick PECVD- solid phase epitaxy (SPE) on a poly-Si seed layer
deposited amorphous silicon (a-Si) precursor prepared by Al induced crystallisation (AIC).
diode, crystalline at about 600°C using solid-
phase crystallisation (SPC). The highest achieved Glass Texturing
conversion efficiency of minimodules produced
by the CSG technology was 10.4% (Keevers, et A unique glass texturing process is developed at
al., 2007). The UNSW group is exploring a range the UNSW and it is referred to as “aluminium
of alternative and advanced poly-Si on glass induced texture” (AIT). A thin sacrificial Al film
processes and approaches. The group R&D work is deposited by evaporation or sputtering on pla-
over the past years has led to innovative solutions nar glass, followed by annealing at intermediate
for the key steps of the solar module fabrication temperatures (~ 600°C) in an inert gas atmosphere.
process, including glass texturing and light trap- The anneal initiates a red-ox reaction of aluminium
ping, silicon deposition, grain size improvement, and Al is oxidised to Al2O3 and SiO2 from the glass
and solar cell metallisation and interconnection. is reduced to silicon, as follows:
The glass texture is prepared by chemical reac-
tions between the glass and a sacrificial Al film 4Al + 3SiO2 = 3Si + 2Al2O3
(“aluminium-induced texture”, AIT (Widenborg,
et al., 2004). The antireflection and barrier layer A surface texture is imparted to the glass ac-
was a PECVD or reactively sputtered silicon cording to the nucleation conditions provided
nitride (SiN) film. Silicon films on SiN are deo- during this anneal. Wet-chemical etching removes
posited by either PECVD (industry standard, but the reaction products from the glass surface and
low deposition rate) or electron beam evaporation reveals the glass texture. Preferred Al deposition
(e-beam, high deposition rate). As-deposited Si method is in-line DC Al sputtering, but both
films are crystallised by rapid thermal annealing thermal and e-beam Al evaporation has been
(RTA) at 900-1000°C and hydrogenation at about shown to work very well. A typical atomic force
600°C. To obtain a larger grain size, some of the microscope (AFM) image of the bare AIT glass
cell structures under development are formed by surface with the RMS roughness of 800 nm and

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 12. (a) AFM image of bare AIT glass surface and (b) SEM images image of 2 μm thick poly-Si
film on AIT glass

Figure 13. Measured optical absorption data for 2.7 μm thick SPC poly-Si thin film solar cells on planar
and different etched AIT glass fabricated by evaporation with air as the back surface reflector (BSR)

an SEM image of the AIT glass coated with a 2 characterised by optical absorption based on
μm thick poly-Si film are shown in Figure 12. reflectance(R) and transmittance (T) measure-
To examine the light trapping effect of differ- ments as shown in Figure 13.
ent textures, 2.7 μm thick poly-Si thin films were When the AIT glass is prepared with evapo-
fabricated on these AIT glass samples by PECVD rated Al and by HF: HNO3 etching, the poly-Si
of a-Si:H films followed by SPC, rapid thermal films have the highest optical absorption (Group-
annealing, and hydrogenation. The optical prop- III) while those prepared by KMnO4:HF etching
erties of the poly-Si films on the AIT glass were (Group-I) have the lowest absorption as shown

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 14. Optical microscope transmission images of EVA (right) and PLASMA (left) films after an-
nealing for 7 hours

in Figure 13. It is also found that the optical ab- been developed for and traditionally applied to
sorption in the poly-Si films is closely correlated hydrogenated a-Si films deposited by PECVD.
with the number of bright sidewalls of the textured The evaporated film are also crystallised using the
features observed for the uncoated AIT glass in same SPC process. However, the evaporated films
the optical microscope reflection dark field mode differ from the PECVD films in both the composi-
images. The higher number of bright sidewalls, tion and the morphology. It can be expected they
the higher the optical absorption. The absorption crystallise differently, and for the optimum solar
in the 2.7 μm thick poly-Si films on the best AIT cell performance they may require SPC conditions
glass in the 500~1000 nm wavelength interval is different from those for the PECVD films. The
very close to the calculated random scattering EVA and PLASMA samples had similar n+p-p+
absorption limit, based on Monte Carlo ray trac- diode structures, except the different p- absorber
ing. It should be noted that the significantly layer thickness, 1.8 μm and 1.2 μm, respectively.
higher absorption than the theoretical limit at 1000 Images from the optical transmission microscopy
nm and above can be explained by the enhanced at the intermediate SPC stages from 7 hours show
parasitic absorption in the glass and/or measure- more advanced crystallisation in the EVA films,
ments errors as discussed elsewhere (Goldschmidt, which have fewer and larger grains than the
et al., 2003). The poly-Si films on the AIT glass PECVD films as shown in Figure 14.
fabricated by using in-line Al sputtering have The Normalised Crystal Quality factor calcu-
optical absorption similar to that of the films on lated from the sample UV-reflectance and XRD
the AIT glass fabricated by using the thermally spectra increases more rapidly for the EVA films
evaporated Al proving the scalability of the AIT compared to the PECVD films for times between
process. The results show that AIT glass has a 5 and 10 hours, and then it develops similarly for
great potential for thin-film poly-Si solar cells. both film types as shown in Figure 15. QUV, which
compares the crystallinity between the films and
Comparative Solid Phase c-Si wafer, reaches 96% for all poly-Si films. All
Crystallisation (SPC) of Evaporated characterisation methods indicate that the crystal
(EVA) and Plasma Si Films growth starts after about 4 hours at 600°C, perhaps,
marginally earlier in the EVA films. The interme-
SPC of a-Si films is one of crucial processes in diate stage, where the crystallisation degree
the poly-Si thin-film solar cell fabrication. It has quickly increases from 5% to 70%, has a higher

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 15. Evolution of normalised crystal quality

rate in the EVA films than in both hydrogenated
factors from UV (above) and XRD (below) during
and dehydrogenated PECVD films. Moreover,
annealing of EVA and hydrogenated (H+) and de-
taking into account that EVA samples were actu-
hydrogenated (H-) PLASMA Si films.
ally 0.6 μm thicker than PLASMA samples, the
observed differences in the SPC are expected to
be even more evident for the samples of the same
thicknesses. About the same onset of the crystal-
lisation points at similar incubation and nucleation
times/rates occurred in all films regardless of the
presence of hydrogen. The optical transmission
images show evidence of a more sparse nucleation
in the EVA films. However, all methods agree
that those sparse nuclei are more active and de-
velop into faster growing grains. Thus the result-
ing quality of EVA poly-Si diodes should be at
least as good as for the PECVD poly-Si films,
which have demonstrated the cell efficiency of
10.4% (Keevers, et al., 2007). The faster crystal
growth in the evaporated films potentially allows
a shorter SPC process for poly-Si thin-film cell

CdS/CdTe Solar Cells

Early 1950’s, cadmium telluride has been known

as a good candidate for solar cells when it could
be doped n- and p-type and its band gap energy at
1.45 eV is close to optimal for solar energy con- deposition has led to a further rapid development
version (Jenny, et al., 1954). In 1991 Ting L. Chu of a thin-film solar cell industry.
reached CdS/CdTe solar cell 15% efficiency (Chu The CdS/CdTe solar cell is produced by evapo-
et al, 1991, 1992 and Aramoto, et al., 1997). This ration of a thin CdS layer on top of a conductive
opened the potential for significant commercial glass substrate, followed by another evaporation of
interest by a dozen new start-up companies. The a typically 2 μm thick CdTe layer and the deposi-
maximum solar conversion efficiency of the CdS/ tion of a metal contact layer to complete the initial
CdTe cell that was already achieved in 2001 now process as shown in Figure 16. The cell is then
stands, as confirmed by NREL at 16.5% (Ban et treated for a short time at a temperature of about
al., 2006). First Solar in 2005 was achieved to 450 °C, usually with a CdCl2 flux that causes a
reach a production capacity of 25 MW/year. The partial crystallization of the two semiconductors
CdS/CdTe cell became the preferred commercial as shown in Figure 17. This allows for the copper
solar cell because of the ease of reproducible doping of the CdS in the same process (the flux
fabrication of large area cells, and their better or other components at the outer interface of the
long-term stability. The production of a large area CdTe layer provides the source for this doping)
of these solar cells by relatively simple vacuum (Hegedus, et al., 2005). All of these procedures can
be performed economically on a semiautomatic

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 16. A schematic diagram of the basic structure of the glass/FTO/CdS/CdTe/metal thin-film solar
cell. The fluorinedoped tin oxide (FTO) coated glass substrate are commercially available.

production line. In the last two decades numerous the current–voltage characteristics. The conver-
other compounds were investigated in an attempt sion efficiency enhancement by a thin layer of
to replace CdS and achieve similar conversion CdS was known for almost three decades, but an
efficiency improvements, or even surpass the ef- explanation of the reasons for it was elusive. Only
ficiency of CdS. All these attempts failed and only recently, a more thorough analysis of the physical
a few materials showed some, but insignificant, behaviour of copper-doped CdS has helped to
improvements of the CdTe or CIS type solar cells clear up this puzzle (Bőer, 2009, 2010).
(Ferekides, et al., 2000). It is known that CdS is an n-type semiconduc-
The reason why CdS is a good partner to CdTe tor that, when doped with copper becomes highly
was first thought to be the enhanced optical trans- photoconductive. Under optical excitation of solar
mission through the covering CdS layer, that is cell, the electron density is found in the order of
caused by the lower index of refraction of CdS 1018 cm3. Such photoconductivity can easily be
compared to CdTe and experiences a lower light quenched by additional low energy excitation, such
reflection from the cell surface. This effect im- as by infrared light, or, what becomes important
proves the cell current and the substantial increase in the case of the solar cell, by an intermediate
of the open circuit voltage and the fill factor in electric field. This field causes a Frenkel-Poole

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 17. SEM pictures of ((a) and (c)) as-deposited, (b) heat-treated (400°C for 20 min in air), and
(d) CdCl2-treated followed by heat-treated ED-CdS layers

excitation (Bőer et al., 1970) of trapped holes from One can now include several other important
Coulomb attractive hole centers into the valence factors to explain the behavior more quantitatively.
band. The now set-free holes can be trapped by
fast recombination centers from which they can 1. The electric field at the CdS side of the
interact with the conduction electrons, permitting junction is a function of the voltage drop
enhanced recombination/and thereby reducing that is observed at various points of the cur-
their density. These intermediate electric fields rent–voltage characteristics: It is generally
can be reached at the CdS side of the junction to low in forward bias and increases rapidly
the CdTe, causing, in the corresponding thin CdS when approaching the open circuit voltage,
layer, such ‘‘field quenching” to occur (Hadley, and beyond in reverse bias. This means,
et al., 1972). The field quenching is one of the for sufficient forward bias, there is no field
reasons for the cell improvement since it can quenching, and hence electrons can travel
reduce the electron density at the junction inter- through the junction easily. However, as the
face and hence its back-diffusion into the CdTe, field increases when Voc is approached, field
that would represent a junction leakage. Such a quenching sets-in and substantially reduces
leakage consequently would result in lower solar such electron leakage (Bőer, 2010).
conversion efficiency, as it is observed in the 2. CdS in the quenched region shows a nega-
uncoated CdTe cells. tive differential conductivity, that is, the

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 18. Schematic energy band diagram of CdS/CdTe solar cell. EC, EF and EV are the conduction
band, Fermi energy level and valence band energy levels, respectively

photocurrent decreases with increasing band at the interface must disconnect from
applied voltage. When the field quenching the conduction band of the CdTe, to which it
is strong enough, a high-field domain is cre- was connected in forward bias (Bőer, 2010).
ated in which the field is limited to ~ 50 kV/ This again limits the electron back-diffusion
cm. This field is approximately the same as into the CdTe.
that in which substantial field quenching is 4. To permit such relative shift of the bands be-
observed. In fact, the field quenching is the tween CdS and CdTe, a change of the dipole
cause of the negative differential conductiv- moment at the interface, which determines
ity that is necessary to initiate the high-field the band connection (or the band offset), is
domain (Bőer, et al., 1968). This maximum required. There is experimental evidence
field near the CdS/CdTe interface is too low that in copper-doped CdS platelets, the di-
to permit electron tunneling through the pole moment that is involved in a Schottky
junction, which otherwise would shunt the barrier to a metal electrode can be changed
junction and reduce the solar cell efficiency. by changing the photoconductivity (Böer et
3. The field quenching near the CdS/CdTe in- al., 1969, 1971). That seems to justify the
terface can be strong enough to turn the CdS assumption that such a change of the dipole
into a p-type layer (Böer, et al. 1967). This moment at an even ‘softer’ interface can
causes the Fermi level in this layer to move occur.
much closer to the valence band. Since the
Fermi level at open circuit condition must With these conditions, one can draw the band
remain horizontal, this means that both the diagram of a CdS/CdTe solar cell close to the junc-
valence and conduction bands curve up in tion interface (Hadley, et al., 1972) as it is shown
the field quenched region and the conduction in Figure 18. By interpretation of this figure, one

Photovoltaic Devices

should recognize that the influence of the outer THIRD GENERATION SOLAR CELLS
electrodes is omitted, and so is any additional junc-
tion recombination. This is a qualitative drawing Multi-Junction Tandem Solar Cells
that also does not show the quasi-Fermi levels that
need to be considered but for which additional III–V semiconductor materials multi-junction
information on the defect structure on both sides of (MJ) solar cells have the potential to achieve
the junction is required. The model picture should conversion efficiencies of over 50% (Yamaguchi,
therefore only be considered to point attention to 2003) and are promising for space and terrestrial
the involved basic physics and is no attempt to applications. In order to apply the III–V compound
quantitatively model an actual CdS/CdTe solar semiconductor solar cells widely, their cost reduc-
cell. Field quenching is quite sensitive to the tion by using thin-film structures fabricated on
distance between the Coulomb attractive centers inexpensive substrates such as silicon (Si) and
that are produced by copper doping (Hadley, et al., their concentrator operation is necessary. Thin-
1972). If this density is too low, then the quench- film MJ solar cells on Si substrates have a great
ing is not efficient enough to reduce the electron potential for high-efficiency, low-cost, lightweight
density markedly. If, on the other hand, the density and large-area space cells. There are, however,
is too high, then these centers become too close major problems such as high-density dislocation
and the critical field for Frenkel-Poole excitation generation and residual stress in III–V compound
becomes much higher. Accidentally, the saturation films grown on Si substrates, owing to large lat-
level of copper in CdS is about 100 ppm, which tice mismatch and large thermal expansion coef-
brings the distance between the copper atoms to its ficient differences between III–V compounds and
optimal value (Böer, et al., 1970). Though in some silicon. These problems have prevented solar-cell
other semiconductors one can induce such field property improvement. Especially, the density of
quenching and consequently negative differential dislocations short the minority-carrier lifetime in
conductivity, one must design the doping just to III–V-on-Si. Some authors have developed high-
the right level. This is too complicated to achieve efficiency GaAs-on-Si cells (Kadota, et al., 1989)
over large enough areas, causing this alternative as a result of dislocation density reduction in GaAs
layer to become highly inhomogeneous and its films on Si substrates by introducing novel struc-
beneficial effect limited to a small percentage of tures such as AlGaAs/GaAs super lattice (SL) and
the solar cell area. InGaAs/GaAs strained layer super lattice (SLS)
Thin film CdTe solar cells are typically hetero- in addition to thermal cycle annealing (TCA).
junctions with CdS being the n-type partner, or The most obvious III-V materials for direct
window layer. Efficiencies as high as 16.5% have epitaxial III-V integration on Si is gallium phos-
been achieved, but still there is some potential for phide (GaP) because of the small lattice mismatch
increasing them. We make an analysis of the to Si, 0.37% at 300 K. Early research into inter-
typical CdS/CdTe superstrate solar cell, and from facial defect mitigation in GaP/Si heteroepitaxial
it we establish critical issues and different lines integration focused on high-indexed Si substrates.
of research in order to improve the current effi- First researcher has started their researches on Al-
ciencies. GaAs/GaAs 2-junction solar cells since 1982 and
same group has demonstrated 20.2% efficiency
by proposing double hetero (DH) structure tun-
nel junction as a sub cell interconnection in 1987
(Yamaguchi, et al., 1987). In Japan, based on such
an activity, R&D project for ‘‘Super-high Effi-

Photovoltaic Devices

ciency MJ Solar Cells’’ has been conducted under on a single-crystal Ge substrate, which forms
support by NEDO since 1990 (Yamaguchi et al., the bottom junction as shown in Figure 19. This
1996, 1997) as a long-term target to the early 21st highly mature latticematched design has achieved
century, in which challenges and efforts are made 40.1% efficiency at 135 suns concentration (King
in the development of super-high-efficiency solar et al., 2007) using Ga.5In.5P, Ga.98In.02As, and Ge
cell technology, aiming at a dramatic increase in junctions with the band gap combination of 1.86,
conversion efficiency of over 40% and develop- 1.39, and 0.67 eV. By growing alloy layers with
ing innovation technologies. The mechanically the same crystal lattice constant as the substrate,
stacked InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs 3-junction cells (1 most dislocations, which form recombination sites
cm2) have reached the highest (1-sun world-record) (a loss mechanism), can be avoided. However, the
efficiency of 33.3% at 1-sun AM1.5G by joint constrained band gap combinations of the lattice
work of Japan Energy Co., Sumitomo Electric matched alloys are not optimal for maximum
Co. and Toyota Tech. Inst. in 1997 (Yamaguchi photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the solar
et al., 1996, 1997). In 2004, the world-record MJ spectrum. Using a semi-empirical model, one has
efficiency concentrator was InGaP/InGaAs/Ge calculated the maximum theoretical efficiency
3-junction solar cells with an efficiency of 37.4% (58%) of a series-connected triple-junction solar
at 200-suns AM1.5 and out-door efficiency of cell for a range of band gap combinations assum-
27% with area of 7000 cm2 as a result of widening ing GaAs-like material parameters (Friedman, et
top cell band gap, current matching of sub cells, al., 2006, 2005). While it is unlikely that these
precise lattice matching of sub cell materials actual theoretical efficiencies can be achieved,
(Yamaguchi, et al., 2006). the relative values are instructive for optimizing a
Multiple stacking of solar cells with increasing solar cell design. In order to grow a more efficient
band gap energies increases the efficiency of the monolithic solar cell structure with an improved
overall device since the solar spectrum is exploited band gap combination, lattice mismatched alloys
more profitably. The currently most promising with low defect densities are required.
realization of this approach is the III-V-based Compositionally graded buffer layers can be
triple-junction solar cell. The state-of-the-art de- used to accommodate the lattice-mismatch by the
vice is a lattice-matched triple-junction solar cell formation of misfit dislocations within the buffer
consisting of monolithically stacked Ga0.5In0.5P, while inhibiting the propagation of these disloca-
Ga0.99In0.01As, and Ge junctions. It has reached tions into the active junction. The resulting struc-
conversion efficiencies of 40.1% at concentrations ture, incorporating active layers of different lattice
of 135 suns, 1 sun correspond to 1 kW/m2, under constants separated by the graded layer, is com-
the AM1.5d low aerosol optical depth spectrum monly referred to as a metamorphic structure
(King, et al., 2007). Yet, detailed-balance (Shock- (Grider et al., 1990). Metamorphic triple-junction
ley, et al., 1961) calculations show that the band solar cells are beginning to realize their potential
gap combination of the lattice-matched design is for higher efficiencies. An efficiency of 40.7% at
not optimally adjusted to the solar spectrum. This 240 suns has been achieved (King et al., 2007) in
is why different approaches have been suggested a metamorphic triple-junction device using a Ge
how to achieve current-matching (Barnham, et al., bottom junction and two coupled metamorphic
2002). Presently the use of metamorphic structures junctions that are both 0.5% misfit from the sub-
proves to be the most promising strategy. strate with the band gaps 1.80, 1.29, and 0.67 eV.
Currently available high-efficiency triple- This highly mature lattice matched design has
junction solar cells consist of two III–V semicon- achieved 41.1% efficiency at 135 suns concentra-
ductor junctions epitaxially grown lattice-matched tion using Ga.5In.5P, Ga.98In.02As, and Ge junctions

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 19. Structure of triple-junction (3J) solar cell on Ge substrate (Yamaguchi, 2002)

with the band gap combination of 1.86, 1.39, density dislocation generation and residual stress
and 0.67 eV (Guter, et al., 2009). However, the in III–V compound films grown on Si substrates,
constrained band gap combinations of the lattice owing to large lattice mismatch and large ther-
matched alloys are not optimal for maximum mal expansion coefficient differences between
photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the solar III–V compounds and silicon. These problems
spectrum as shown in Figure 20. In order to grow have prevented solar-cell property improvement.
a more efficient monolithic solar cell structure Especially, the density of dislocations short the
with an improve band gap combination; lattice minority-carrier lifetime in III–V-on-Si. Recently,
mismatched alloys with low defect densities are Tomioka, et al. (Takamoto, et al., 1997) have
required. Compositionally graded buffer layers reported on selective-area growth of vertically
can be used to accommodate the lattice-mismatch aligned GaAs nanowires in SiO2 template on
by the formation of misfit dislocations within Si(111) substrate as shown in Figure 21. Small
the buffer while inhibiting the propagation of diameter openings in SiO2 template reduced the
these dislocations into the active junction. The antiphase defects and improved the optical prop-
structure, incorporating active layers of differ- erties in the GaAs nanowires. They have realized
ent lattice constants separated by the graded coherent growth without misfit dislocation at the
layer, is commonly referred to as a metamorphic GaAs/Si interface. These results are promising for
structure. Metamorphic triple-junction solar cells future III–V nanowire-based MJ solar cells on Si
are beginning to realize their potential for higher platforms. One of the most important issues for
efficiencies. One suggestion to push conver- realizing high-efficiency monolithic-cascade type
sion still further is to add a GaInNAs layer that MJ cells is to achieve optically and electrically
would absorb photons with energy around 1 eV. low-loss interconnection of sub-cells. Because it
However, there are major problems such as high- is difficult to obtain high tunnelling peak current

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 20. Each sub-cell converts different part of solar spectrum. This approach has theoretical ef-
ficiency limit of 52 – 56% (depending on light concentration). (Ref. http://www.fotowoltaika.edu.pl/

Figure 21. 45-degree tilted view of a scanning electron microscopy image of a GaAs nano-wires array
on a Si(111) surface (Takamonto et al., 1997)

Photovoltaic Devices

with wide gap tunnel junction, thinning depletion hybrid concept for PV cells is getting interesting
layer width by the formation of a highly doped and attractive in recent years.
junction is necessary. Various promising hybrid solar cells have
been reported, including devices which utilize
Nanocrystalline Hybrid Solar Cells polymer in conjunction with cadmium selenide
(CdSe) (Greenham, et al., 1996), lead sulfide (PbS)
Nanocrystals (NCs) hybrid photovoltaic (PV) (Gunesa, et al., 2007), lead selenide (PbSe) (Cui,
devices offer a potentially low cost alternative to et al., 2006) and copper indium disulfide (CuInS2)
the traditional inorganic counterparts made from spherical nanocrystals (Arici, et al., 2003); CdSe
materials such as silicon, gallium arsenide, cad- nanorods (Huynh, et al., 2002); and CdSe hyper-
mium telluride, copper indium diselenide and other branched nanocrystals (Gur, et al., 2007). These
compound semiconductors. Organic-inorganic devices were made by spin-coating nanocrystal/
NCs hybrid PV devices can be processed at room polymer blends onto substrates where they phase
temperature and can be deposited on a large area segregate at the nanometer length scale to facilitate
and/or flexible substrates. At present, one major exciton dissociation and subsequent charge carrier
challenge to hybrid solar cells remains their low transport. In these hybrid solar cells the organic
conversion efficiencies (up to 5.5% (Saunders, et semiconductor usually acts as the hole-transport
al., 2008)) and high cost of materials because of medium while the inorganic nanocrystals take
the limited use. Theoretical efficiency of hybrid the role of electron-transporting medium. Van
PV devices limit up to 44% (M-Sero, et al., 2009). Hal et al. 2003, reported on hybrid devices based
Hybrid solar cells are a mixer of nanocrystals on blends of TiO2 with MDMO-PPV. To prepare
of both organic and inorganic materials. They bulk heterojunctions they blended MDMO-PPV
combine the unique properties of inorganic with titanium(iv)-isopropoxide, a precursor for
semiconductor nanocrystals with properties of preparation of TiO2 nanocrystals. External quan-
organic/polymeric materials. Inorganic NCs such tum efficiency up to 11% has been achieved.
as quantum dots (QDs) have also high absorption Beek et al., 2006, used blends of nanocrystalline
coefficients and particle size induced tunability of zincoxide (nc-ZnO) and regioregular P3HT from
the optical band-gap. When the inorganic NCs size solution to construct hybrid polymer–metal oxide
become smaller than an exciton (typically about bulk heterojunction solar cells.
10 nm or smaller), their electronic structure will Silicon (Si) has enjoyed years of success in
change than their bulk. The electronic and optical the solar cell and microelectronics industries
properties of such small particles depend not only and is a prime candidate for polymer-NCs solar
on the material, of which they are composed but cells given its abundance, nontoxicity, and strong
also on their size (Murphy, et al., 2002). Band-gap UV absorption. A schematic structure of free-
tuning in inorganic nanocrystals with different standing silicon NCs and regioregular P3HT to
sizes can be used for realization of device archi- form NC-polymer hybrid solar cells is shown
tectures, such as tandem solar cells in which the in Figure 22. The energy band diagram of the
different bandgaps can be obtained by modifying structure is shown in right. The band alignment
only one chemical compound (Green, et al., 1998, of Si and P3HT is such that exciton dissociation
1993). A substantial interfacial area for charge at the interface is energetically favourable even
separation is provided by nanocrystals, which for bulk Si and becomes increasingly favourable
have high surface area to volume ratios (Huynh, for quantum-confined Si NCs. This device also
et al., 1999). Thus, the organic-inorganic NCs has the potential for enhanced exciton dissociation
due to the greater interfacial area afforded by the

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 22. A Schematic structure of an organic-silicon NCs hybrid solar cell. Thin films of PEDOT:PSS
and Si NCs/P3HT were spun sequentially on transparent ITO coated glass substrate. Aluminum metal
electrode is deposited on the top. The energy band diagram of the structure is shown in right (Liu, et
al., 2009).

blend architecture. Silicon NCs were synthesized and reducing recombination losses are crucial for
in nonthermal radio frequency plasma via dis- improving device performance. One way to pur-
sociation of silane and collected on mesh filters sue this goal is via molecular surface modification
(Mangolini,et al., 2005). By variation of chamber that allows control of the energy level alignment
pressure, precursor flow rate, and rf power, Si (Lin, et al., 2009).
NCs can be made with average sizes between 2 Compared to the silicon device area, the pro-
to 20 nm. To minimize oxidation, Si NC collec- cessing field of organic-inorganic hybrid cells is
tion and handling were conducted in a nitrogen in its relative infancy. Innovation in organic-in-
purged glovebag. organic NCs materials selection, device structure
Recently there is a report to enhance perfor- and process technology will be essential to de-
mance of hybrid photovoltaic device, where P3HT velop high efficiency hybrid solar cells. It needs
is used as active material and a solution-processed fundamental investigation of new organic and
thin flat film of ZnO modified by a self-assembled inorganic NCs materials for improved efficiency/
monolayer (SAM) of phenyl-C61-butyric acid stability of cell performance characterisation and
(PCBA) is used as electron extracting electrode modelling, cell structure design improvement,
as shown in Figure 23. Ultraviolet photoemission implementation of a range of new ideas relevant
spectroscopy measurements reveal an increase in to carriers recombination reduction, increase
the substrate work function from 3.6 to 4.1 eV exciton dissociation and improved light trapping
upon PCBA SAM deposition due to an interfacial in cells and exploration of the potential of a range
dipole pointing away from the ZnO. External of “third generation” options as a means of sig-
quantum efficiency (EQE) of the SAM modified nificantly boosting cells performance. A number
devices reached 9% (Vaynzof, et al., 2010). In of ideas for new inorganic quantum dot materials
these hybrid ZnO-polymer solar cells, photoex- and organic donor/acceptor materials have been
citation creates excitons within the polymer film proposed in the literature (Thompson, et al., 2005
that may dissociate into free carriers as they reach and Gregg, et al., 2003). A variety of characterisa-
the interface of the electron accepting metal-oxide tion techniques that have proved valuable in the
ZnO and the polymer. Optimizing exciton dis- group’s excitonic quantum dot solar cell work
sociation into free carriers at the heterojunction will be applied. The largest potential for current

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 23. (c) Mechanism of dipole assisted charge separation at the P3HT/PCBA/ZnO interface: (i)
excitation, (ii) exciton migration to the interface, (iii) rapid electron transfer to the PCBA monolayer,
(iv) interfacial dipole assisted electron collection in the bulk of the ZnO, and (v) hole collection at the
WO3 /Ag electrode. (d) Structure of the inverted hybrid PV device and the chemical structure of the
PCBA molecule (Vaynzof, et al., 2010).

output improvement would seem to lie in improved very important to study on organic-NCs interface
excitonic collection/dissociation by vertical junc- to enhance exciton dissociation and suppress
tion structures, essentially the basis of the success carrier recombination. Normally, free carriers
of the bulk heterojunction approach, or by paral- are produced when the band offsets are greater
lel multijunctions as well as by improved light- than the exciton dissociation energy. Controlling
trapping in the devices. Light-trapping in or- aggregation within organic/NCs/solvent mix-
ganic and hybrid cells does not appear to have ture to obtain morphological optimisation will
been fully exploited to date. Light-trapping in this improve the hybrid cells efficiency. Increasing
case can not only improve light absorption and the dispersion stability of organic/NCs/solvent
hence current output but also can reduce carriers’ mixtures should improve the morphology of the
radiative recombination and hence improve volt- photoactive layer and improve the efficiency. A
age output. key challenge for organic-NCs hybrid PV cells is
There is a lack of information in the literature to control the aggregation within the NCs phase
about the structure of the organic-NCs interface in order to produce equilibrium morphologies to
in hybrid PV cells. The nature of the organic- minimise recombination losses.
NCs interaction and the extent of adsorption will
affect dispersion stability and also photoactive Third Generation Approaches
layer morphology. It will also play an important
role in charge transport across the organic-NCs In the present terminology, “third generation”
interface. Good interfacial contact is essential in refers to approaches fundamentally capable of
order to maximise the interfacial area and mi- higher performance than from a single junction
nimise the series resistance across the cell. It is device. The tandem cell stacks of the previous

Photovoltaic Devices

section are the most common example of a third erty required for the long intermediate level
generation approach as shown in Figure 24. This lifetimes needed in these approaches.
approach is not well suited for organic-inorganic
NCs hybrid cells due to the difficulty in identify- Hot-Carrier Solar Cells
ing stable organic material with a low bandgap,
a difficulty the combined organic/inorganic QD Normally, theoretical analysis of conventional
approach, described above, may circumvent. solar cells is based on particle conservation for
Other “third generation” approaches may be each absorbed photon, one electron–hole pair
better suited to hybrid cells. One is up-conversion, is generated within the device and, for each
given the better stability demonstrated by differ- electron–hole pair that recombines via radiative
ent bandgap hybrid devices. Similarly, intermedi- recombination and a single photon is emitted.
ate band cell concepts are particularly appropriate However, energy conservation is not applied be-
for organic-inorganic hybrid cells. The instabil- tween the electron–hole pairs that are withdrawn
ity of narrow band gap organic compounds tends and the absorbed photons because of energy losses
to dictate large band gap absorbers. Whilst these by thermalisation of carriers with the lattice.
bandgaps are above the optimum for a single Electron–phonon scattering produces separate
bandgap device they are ideal for a multiple Fermi distributions for holes in the valence band
level up-converter or an intermediate band ap- and electrons in the conduction band at the lattice
proach. Also the relatively discrete nature of temperature with separate Fermi energies for each
energy levels in organic molecules (even for band. Since the Fermi energy of the conduction
partially delocalised molecules) is just the prop- band distribution is larger than the Fermi energy
for the valence band, the chemical potential of
the electron–hole pairs is greater than zero. This
Figure 24. A schematic diagram of an all-Si quan- is an essential result for conventional solar cells,
tum dot super lattice tandem solar cell (Aliberti, since the maximum electrical energy obtainable
et al., 2010; Dawei, et al., 2010) per extracted electron–hole pair is equal to their
chemical potential.
In analysing the potential of obtaining high ef-
ficiencies by using hot carrier solar cells, Ross and
Nozik considered the generation of electron–hole
pairs in solids where thermalisation of carriers
with the lattice is suppressed (Ross, et al., 1982).
They applied, in addition to particle conservation,
energy conservation between the photons and
electron–hole pairs. Electron–electron scattering
within a band leads to Fermi distributions for
the electrons and the holes which have a higher
temperature than the lattice temperature and a
negative chemical potential of electron–hole pairs
for best performance. Electron–hole pairs are then
removed at a single energy level where the Fermi
distributions in the absorber and the contacts are
equal, to achieve the highest possible efficiency
for the energy conversion process. Owing to the

Photovoltaic Devices

monoenergetic extraction of electrons and holes al., 2009 and Conibeer, et al., 2008). In the latter,
from an ideal hot-carrier solar cell, the net absorbed the energy loss rate can be fitted to experimental
energy flux is converted to electrical energy at the data by the following equation:
Carnot efficiency, irrespective of whether elec-
tron–hole pairs are conserved. In the case where Ep
Pth = QTh (TH − T ) exp(− ); (1)
the chemical potential of the absorber is negative, kBTH
the emitted photon flux is less than from a thermal
emitter with zero chemical potential at the same
where QTh is a thermalization coefficient in watt
temperature. This means that the overall efficiency
kelvin per square centimeter and is a material
of the hot-carrier cell is somewhat smaller under
constant, Ep is the zone center LO phonon energy,
the assumption of non-negligible impact ionisa-
and TH and T are the carrier and lattice tempera-
tion, particularly for non-concentrated radiation.
ture, respectively. A model considering nonideal
The hot carrier solar cells concept provides an
selective contacts has also been proposed but with
attractive solution of the conversion efficiency of
neglected thermalization in the absorber, and only
Shockley–Queisser limit (Shockley, et al., 1961).
in the limit of a band gap equal to zero (O’Dwyer,
Hot carrier solar cells allow efficiency enhance-
et al., 2008). The charge and energy current in that
ment by converting the excess carrier kinetic
case are given, following the Landauer formalism
energy, which is normally lost as heat because
by the following expressions (Imry, et al., 1999):
of carrier thermalization, into electrical work.
Two loss processes (i) a heat transfer to lattice
2N ∞
due to phonon emission and (ii) a heat leakage J e,h =
h ∫
τ e,h (E )[ fH e,h (E ) − fC e,h (E )]dE ;
to the contacts carried by charge carriers are
extracted from the absorber. These loss can be
minimized when the contacts are energy selective, 2N ∞
i.e., allow carrier transmission at a single energy P e,h =
h ∫ 0
τ e,h (E )[ fH e,h (E ) − fC e,h (E )]EdE ;
level (Würfel, 1997). The use of nanostructured (3)
semiconductors was found to reduce the electron
cooling rate related to phonon emission (Rosen- where τe,h (E) is the electron or hole contact trans-
waks, et al., 1993). On the contact side, the solu- missivity which is the probability for an electron
tion proposed so far showed the technological (or hole) having an energy E to cross the contact,
difficulty to achieve a good selectivity and high and N is the contact degeneracy (i.e., the areal
current densities (Jiang, et al., 2004). concentration of contact energy levels). fH e,h and
The first model of a hot carrier solar cell was fC e,h are the Fermi–Dirac distribution functions
proposed considering no carrier thermalization for electrons/holes in the absorber with the quasi-
in the absorber and perfectly selective contacts Fermi level splitting ΔμH as chemical potential, and
(Würfel, et al., 2005). This model gives optimal in the electrodes with the voltage qV as chemical
efficiency up to 86% under maximal concentra- potential, respectively (see Figure 25).
tion (≈ 46000 suns). Other models, that consider These two thermalization processes are not
thermalization in the absorber and ideal selective independent and have to be considered simultane-
contacts, with a thermalization rate independent ously. The thermal losses in the absorber and at
of the carrier temperature or using a thermaliza- the contacts are compared for different contact
tion rate determined from experimental data that selectivity and thermalization rates. This model
depends on the carrier temperature, still predict is based on a detailed balance model described
efficiencies in the 50% range or higher (Takeda et

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 25. Schematic of a hot carrier solar cell. Electron–hole pairs are photogenerated in the absorber
and kept hot (temperature TH > TC, TC is the ambient temperature) where the thermalization rate with
the lattice is slow enough. They are ideally extracted through energy selective contacts with a narrow
transmission range δE for minimal heat flux with an extraction energy close to Eext = Eexte – Eext h. μe,h
are the electron and hole chemical potential, respectively, in the absorber, and μn,p are the Fermi levels
in the electrodes (Le Bris, et al., 2010).

by Ross and Nozik, 1982, consisting in a charge power W = IV and a heat flow carried by the col-
and energy balance between electron–hole pairs lected carriers Pcontact = Pe + Ph − IV. Generation
generation on one side, recombination and extrac- and recombination charge and energy current are
tion (electric current) on the other side. The ab- given by a generalized Planck law (Würfel, 1982).
sorbed photon current Jabs and power Pabs are If one consider conduction band and valence
distributed as follows: band are symmetrical, then two types of carriers
can be considered identical with Te = Th = TH, and μe
J abs = J e,h + (1 + ηNR )J em ; (4) = − μh = ΔμH/2 (see Figure 25 for definition). This
assumption enables more straight forward inter-
pretation of the influence of contact transmissivity
Pabs = P e + P h + Pem + Pth ; (5)
on the device behavior, with fewer parameters.
Similarly, the electron and hole transmissivities
where Je,h is the collected electron or hole current at are taken one in the range (Eeext, Eeext + δE) and
the contact, Pe and Ph are the energy current at the (Ehext, Ehext − δE), respectively (see Figure 25),
electron contact and the hole contact, respectively, zero outside. Finally, particle conservation is also
Jem and Pem are the charge and energy current lost assumed which means that nonradiative recombi-
by radiative recombination, Pth is the heat loss nation are considered negligible ηNR=0 (Ross, et
carried by phonons, and ηNR is the nonradiative al., 1982 and Würfel, et al, 2005). Solving above
recombination rate. The electric current is given equations, one can obtain the current-voltage
by I = qJe = qJh and the power transmitted by the characteristic of the device under illumination.
contact P = Pe + Ph is divided between electrical The influence of the extraction energy Eext and

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 26. Conversion efficiency vs extraction energy at various thermalization rates, for a 1 eV band
gap absorber under full concentration with highly selective contacts (δE = 1 meV). QTh= 0, means no
thermalization in the absorber, QTh=100 W/K/cm2: fast thermalization. A value of QTh=10 W/K/cm2 was
measured with GaAs quantum wells samples. Eabs is the average energy of absorbed photons, i.e., 1.91
eV for a 6000 K black body spectrum (Le Bris, et al., 2010).

the contact selectivity δE on the conversion ef- et al., 2005). Value with QTh >> 100 W/K/cm2 the
ficiency can hence be studied while heat losses carrier population is almost fully thermalized.
in the absorber and through the contacts can be For extraction energy below the carrier average
compared for various thermalization rates. In ideal energy, large currents are achievable but the en-
conditions means no thermal losses in the absorber, ergy extracted per collected electron–hole pair is
the optimal extraction energy is equal to the aver- lower than the available energy, resulting in a
age energy of absorbed photon (thus equal to the limited external voltage. For extraction energy
average energy of photogenerated electron–hole above the carrier average energy, a higher voltage
pairs) for maximal power conversion efficiency. is possible but the available energy in the electron
In that case, carriers are generated and extracted gas in not sufficient for all carriers to be ex-
at the same average energy. tracted, resulting in limited current. An optimal
Figure 26 presents the efficiency as a func- value of the extraction energy is found that de-
tion of the extraction energy for different ther- creases with the increase in the thermalization
malization rates. A value of QTh = 10 W/K/cm2 rate in the absorber. The second important param-
corresponds to a thermalization rate measured on eter is the contact selectivity, related to the contact
GaAs quantum wells and a value of about 1000 transmission energy range. It controls the heat
W/K/cm2 is typical for bulk GaAs (Guillemoles, flux that accompanies the charge current at both

Photovoltaic Devices

Figure 27. Efficiency (circles) and losses (heat losses in absorber: squares, heat flux at contacts: up
triangles) vs contact selectivity for a 1 eV absorber under full concentration of sun light with suppressed
thermalization (filled markers) or with a thermalization factor QTh = 1 W/K/cm2 (empty markers). The
extraction energy is optimized for each value of the thermalization factor and for a transmission range
δE = 1 meV.

contacts. For perfectly selective contacts, the heat kBT, the heat flux increases significantly and the
flux is minimal and is given by the difference efficiency decreases. For δE >> kBT, the heat
between the power extracted EextJ and the electric flux saturates. But even though the contacts are
power IV, J being the charge current, and I the not selective, the heat flux is limited by the small
electric current (I=qJ). Finally, the heat losses are carrier density at energies above the extraction
given by Equation 3 Pcontact = (Eext – qV)J in this energy. The efficiency with high-pass contacts
case. For nonideal selective contacts, with non- rather than bandpass is still higher than the
vanishing transmission energy range δE, Equation Shockley–Queisser limit where the absorber’s
3 applies to determine the heat losses at the con- band gap Eg limits both the output current and
tacts. voltage of the device.
Figure 27 presents the efficiency and losses For a thermalization coefficient QTh = 1 W/K/
as a function of the contact selectivity for two cm2, the efficiency drop with the broadening of
values of electron thermalization rates. For very the transmission range is smaller than in the case
narrow selective contacts (δE << kBT) the heat of infinitely slow thermalization (QTh = 0). When
flux at the contacts is limited and the efficiency is the heat flux at the contacts increases because of
that of a hot carrier solar cell with ideally selec- a broader transmission range the carrier tempera-
tive contacts (Würfel, et al., 2005 and Conibeer, ture decreases, leading to reduced heat transfer
et al., 2008). When δE becomes comparable with to phonons, thus limiting the losses. For a trans-

Photovoltaic Devices

mission range δE >> kBTH, i.e., a semiselective laser doped technology for selective emitter solar
contacts, allowing transmission above Eext, and cells, use inkjet printing technology for solar cell
with a small thermalization factor Qth = 1 W/K/ fabrication, use low quality silicon ingot such as
cm2, an efficiency above 50% is achievable. multi-crystalline silicon wafers, slicing ingots to
obtain ultra-thin wafers, and surface passivation
of multi-crystalline silicon wafers need to be
Thin-film solar cells: In section 3 some out-
Through PV research and development (R&D) and lines of the preliminary research for thin-film
mass deployment efforts, solar cell manufactur- solar cells are discussed. Poly-crystalline silicon
ing costs have been reduced. It is crucial for PV thin film solar cell is one of the important areas
power generation to be cost competitive to the to investigate, such as glass substrate texturing
existing conventional residential power genera- for improve light trapping, different crystalliza-
tion. At present the PV electricity generation cost tion technology, different methods of silicon thin
is still higher than conventional residential power. film deposition, re-design of devices structure,
Energy resource and global environmental issues develop new method to fabricate high efficiency
have emerged; the importance of PV systems is device, etc. CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells is the
ever increasing. Further efforts are required to another area to investigate to improve the device
create a full-scale market for PV systems as well efficiency, such as re-design device structure,
as to elevate the status of PV power generation improve light trapping, increase crystallization
to an established energy supply technology. The of CdS and CdTe films, clear understanding the
R&D on elemental device technologies, such as mechanism of cell performance, etc.
thin-film solar cells and tandem solar cells, etc. Organic solar cells: Organic solar cell is the
is important to achieve the goal. The R&D for new area of research for alternative low cost PV
practical uses will also need to be enhanced for technology. But there are lots of challenges to
mass production and mass deployment. Objectives solve before making this technology commercially
are subsequent for next-generation technologies available, such as improve the device conversion
to achieve the targeted cost reductions. The fu- efficiency and improve the device stability and
ture PV research direction should cover several durability. To improve the device efficiency it is
different projects categories: crystalline silicon important to control the morphology of donor and
solar cells, thin-film silicon solar cells; organic acceptor in the blended active layer, improve the
solar cells, multi-junction tandem solar cells, light trapping, enhance the exciton dissociation
Nano-crystalline solar cells and hot-carrier solar rates, etc. To improve the device stability and du-
cells. The outline of the research in each category rability it is very important to develop new device
is as follows: structure, develop encapsulation, understand the
Crystalline silicon solar cells: In section 2 mechanism of degrading, etc.
some important areas of on-going research for Multi-junction tandem solar cells: In section
crystalline silicon solar cells are presented. The 4 multi-junction tandem solar cells are explained.
main objectives of this research are to reduce the This device on Si substrates have a great potential
consumption of silicon material in addition to for high-efficiency, low-cost, lightweight and
increase conversion efficiency greater than the large-area space cells. However, there are major
present value to reduce production costs. The problems such as high-density dislocation genera-
redesigning of emitter and front and back metal tion and residual stress in III–V compound films
contact of PV devices, used n-silicon substrate, use grown on Si substrates, owing to large lattice

Photovoltaic Devices

mismatch and large thermal expansion coefficient essential to make further technical breakthroughs
differences between III–V compounds and silicon. in order to realize innovative technologies. It is
It is important to re-design the device structure to also important to collaborate with other renewable
control the interconnection dislocation density to energy technology fields.
improve the device conversion efficiency.
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Chapter 6
Nanotechnology for
Photovoltaic Energy:
Challenges and Potentials

Salahuddin Qazi
State University of New York Institute of Technology, USA

Farhan A. Qazi
Syracuse University, USA

Solar radiation is plentiful and a clean source of power. However, despite the first practical use of
silicon based solar cell more than 50 years ago, it has not been exploited to its full potential due to the
high cost of electrical conversion on a per Watt basis. Many new kinds of photovoltaic cells such as
multi-junction solar cells dye –sensitized solar cells and organic solar cell incorporating element of
nanotechnology have been proposed to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost. Nanotechnology, in
the form of quantum dots, nanorods, nanotubes, and grapheme, has been shown to enhance absorption
of sunlight, makes low cost flexible solar panels and increases the efficiency of photovoltaic cells. The
chapter reviews the state of current photovoltaic cells and challenges it presents. It also discusses the
use of nanotechnology in the application of photovoltaic cells and future research directions to improve
the efficiency of solar cells and reduce the cost.

INTRODUCTION Becquere (1839). The first Solar cell was built

by Fritts (1883), who coated the semiconductor
Photovoltaic is derived from Photo meaning selenium with an extremely thin layer of gold to
“light” and voltaic meaning “electric” and is de- form the junctions (1% efficient). The modern age
fined as the conversion of sunlight to electricity of solar power technology started when Chapin,
through a photovoltaic cell (PV). It was first dis- Fuller, & Pearson (1954) from Bell Laboratories,
covered by French physicist Alexandre-Edmond discovered that silicon doped with certain impuri-

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch006
Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

ties was able to generate electricity for satellites. becoming the world’s major energy source because
This device originally known as the solar battery is of many challenges it presents in its implementa-
currently called Solar cell, exploited the principle tion. This includes higher cost of making large
of P-N junction. Initially the energy conversion silicon solar panels and inefficient Solar cells
of the cell, was 6% and reached 11% by the year due to inadequate absorption of sunlight and low
1957 and 14% by the year 1960 (Pearson, 1957; efficiency of 31% set by Shockley and Queisser
Rappaport, 1961). Photovoltaic cell is a non (1961) for a single semiconductor junction. The
–mechanical device usually made from silicon high price for Solar cells is largely due to the
which creates an electron imbalance across the use of expensive substrate materials and costly
cell and produces direct current (DC) as a result microfabrication processing. The efficiency of
of incident sunlight. To convert DC current into thin film photovoltaic cell increased from 10%
workable alternating current (AC) electricity a in 1970 to over 24% in the most recent years by
device known as power converter is used. Solar the use of new photovoltaic materials. Ongoing
energy or solar radiation can also be used for research in photovoltaic energy and new develop-
thermal energy source. ments in nanotechnology is overcoming some of
The world current energy consumption is 4.1 x these challenges. Nanotechnology in the form of
1020 Joules/year which is equivalent to a continu- nanoparticles, nanowires and nanostrucures has
ous power consumption of 13 trillion watts or 13 been shown to enhance absorption of sunlight,
terra watts (TW). The earth surface receives an make low cost flexible solar panels and increase the
average of 120,000 TW from the sun, ignoring efficiency of photovoltaic cells beyond Shockly
the energy being scattered by the atmosphere and and Queissar (1961) limit by using multiple exci-
clouds. Thus with Solar cells as low as 10% con- ton generation in nanostructures. The advantages
version efficiency, the world’s energy needs can be of nanotechnology based Solar cells also reduce
satisfied with solar panels covering 0.16% of earth manufacturing costs as a result of using a low
surface which would supply 20 TW of power. In temperature manufacturing process instead of
US it will take 1.6% of the land area to meet the high temperature vacuum deposition process
country domestic needs (“Basic Research Needs typically used to produce conventional crystalline
for Solar Energy Utilization,” 2005). According semiconductor based Solar cells.
to Pike Research forecasts, the worldwide demand The problem of making large and costly silicon
for solar energy will nearly double between 2010 solar panels is overcome by making Solar cells
and 2013, reaching 19.3 Giga watts by the end of so thin that that they can be painted and printed
that period, caused by the shift of solar industry onto rolls of thin film in the form of a foil or spray
from supply-constrained to demand-driven over which can be produced cheaply and quickly. The
the past two years. This shift is driven by a new cell uses alloy of copper called copper Indium
abundance of polysilicon, as well as the effects of Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) and is as efficient
the worldwide financial crisis, and the plunging as silicon but is cheaper and lighter (Marshall &
price of solar modules. This market realignment Bazeley, 2006). A new method of increasing the
will set the stage for a new era of solar growth absorption of sunlight is obtained by combining
over the next several years (“Global Solar Energy silicon with low cost plastic which improves the
Outlook,” 2010). efficiency and reduces the cost of photovoltaic
Photovoltaic energy as an alternative re- cells. These cells consist of a large number of very
newable energy source is emerging as a viable small wires made of 2% silicon grown on 98% of
solution to energy problems worldwide. Despite plastic substrate. The dimensions of silicon wires
its immense potential it is still a long way from range from 30 to 100 µm in length, and 1 µm in

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

diameter. Each wire is coated with antireflective the current state and challenges of photovoltaic
coating so that light can easily penetrate them; cells. Section 4 discusses nanotechnology based
bounce around among the forest of silicon wires solution to improve the Solar cells and details of
until it is absorbed. The silicon-wire array has different photovoltaic cells based on nanotechnol-
shown to absorb up to 96% of incident sunlight ogy. Section 5 discusses the use of graphene for
at a single wavelength and 85% of total collect- Solar cells and graphene based photovoltaic cells.
ing sunlight. These panels are flexible and can The chapter is concluded with a conclusion and
be applied to any surface to collect solar energy list of references.
(Johnson, 2010). Nanorods have also been used
to increase absorption in solar panels designed to
absorb sunlight at a single angle by including layers SOLAR RADIATION
of nanorods in the spray which forms a multi-layer
coating that works like a series of funnels. The Solar energy is the most important source of
top layer of nanorods takes the light hitting the regenerative energy which is also the source of
panel at a wide angle and redirects the direction waterpower, wind and biomass. The total power
causing it to always hit at the proper angle for radiated into space from the Sun is about 3.86 x
maximum absorption instead of a panel’s need to 1026 watts. Most of this radiation is in the visible
rotate with the sun (“ Nanotechnology and Solar and infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum,
Energy,” n.d). with less than 1% emitted in the radio, UV and
Nanowires of different sizes have been used to X-ray spectral bands. The annual energy input of
extend the range of sunlight absorption resulting in solar irradiation on Earth (5% UV, 43% visible,
increase in the conversion efficiency. The thinner 52% IR) exceeds the world’s yearly energy con-
10 nm wire is good for absorbing light in the visible sumption by several thousand times. Since the Sun’
range and larger nanowires are good for longer distance is 150 million kilometers from the Earth
wavelength stretching into the infrared (invisible) and 6300 km radius of Earth, only 0.000000045%
part of the spectrum. This means that these wires of this power is intercepted by our planet which
can be used to detect and absorb light even in the amounts to a massive 1.75 x 1017 watts. The solar
cloudy weather or in the dark (Orenstein, 2009). constant defined as power of the sun at the earth
Research is ongoing in the use of quantum dots per square meter is approximately 1370 watts per
for achieving photon multiplication and making square meter (W m-2).The solar constant varies by
hot –carrier cells. In photon multiplication up to +/- 3% because of the Earth’s slightly elliptical
seven electrons–hole pair are achieved for each orbit around the Sun. On the surface of the earth
incoming photon, thus increasing the Solar cells on a clear day, at noon, the direct beam radiation
efficiencies up to 40%. The hot carrier cells are will be approximately 1000 watts/m2 for many
made by making use of extra energy lost as heat in locations (Shaw, 1953).
the photon-electron conversion (Johnson, 2008). The different regions of solar radiation shown
The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the in Figure 1 are described by their wavelength range
use of nanotechnology in the implementation of within the broad band range of 0.20 to 4.0 µm.
low cost, highly efficient and easy to implement This includes visible and near-visible (ultraviolet
photovoltaic cells. The chapter also discusses the and near –infrared) radiation emitted from the Sun
current state of photovoltaic cells and challenges as: Ultraviolet: 0.20 – 0.39 µm, Visible: 0.39 –
it presents. The chapter starts with introduction 0.78 µm, Near-Infrared: 0.78 – 4.00 µm, Infrared:
as section 1. Section 2 discusses the solar radia- 4.00 – 100.00 µm. The availability of Sun energy
tion and its characteristics. Section 3 discusses is affected by location, season, and time of day, all

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 1. Solar radiation (© 2007, Robert A Rohde, Global warming art; Retrieved from http://www.

of which can be readily determined. However, the creates excitation of the electron to the conduction
biggest factors affecting the available energy are band leaving behind a hole in the valence band
cloud cover and other meteorological conditions resulting into electron-hole pairs or excitons in the
which vary with location and time. case of organic semiconductors. The electron-hole
pairs separate at the p-n junction with electrons
and holes diffusing across depletion zone to the
PRINCIPAL OF PHOTOVOLTAIC p –type and n-type region respectively. This flow
CELL of charge carriers due to thermal energy generates
a current which is essentially due to electrons in
The principle of Solar cell is based on the well the conduction band that moves through the semi-
known photoelectric effect and semiconductor conducting material. The current generated as a
physics. In semiconductor physics a photon with result of incident photons on p-n junction depends
energy greater than bandgap energy (hϑ> Egap) directly on the mobility of the carriers in the mate-
incident on a semiconductor can excite electrons rial and the exposed surface area of the junction
from the valence band to conduction band, allow- (“Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utiliza-
ing for current to flow. The energy of photon which tion,” 2005). The amount of current generated by
appears in the form of packets of energy is given photon excitation in a photovoltaic cell at a given
by E= hϑ, where h is Planck constant (6.626·10-34 temperature is affected first by the intensity of the
Ws2), and ϑ is frequency in Hertz. The maximum incident light and second by the wavelength of the
current density is given by the flux created by that incident light. The materials used in photovoltaic
of incident photons energy. The excess energy cells exhibit a varying sensitivity with respect to
which is the difference of incident photon energy the absorption of photons at given wavelengths
and energy gap (hϑ-E gap) is lost in the form of because of the different spectral responses to
heat or thermalization and is therefore wasted. incident light. For each semiconductor material
A Solar cell is essentially a large area p-n there is a cut off frequency or incident radiation
junction diode. Energy from the incident photons threshold frequency, below which no photovoltaic

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

effect will take place. Above the threshold fre- range 10-8/m2), V is diode voltage, VT is thermal
quency, the kinetic energy of the photogenerated voltage = kT/q ( 25.7 mV at 25°C), m is diode
electron will vary according to the wavelength of ideality factor = 1...5 x VT (-) (m = 1 for ideal diode)
the incident radiation without any relation to the Efficiency of Photovoltaic cell: It is defined
change in the intensity of light. The increase in the as the ratio of electrical power (Pout) produced
intensity of light will proportionally increase the by a photovoltaic cell at any instant to the power
rate of photogeneration in the material used for of the solar input (P in) which is sunlight striking
photovoltaic cell. The light absorbed by a Solar cell the cell measured in W/m2. Pout can be taken to be
in real life application is a combination of direct P MAX since the Solar cell can be operated up to
solar radiation, as well as diffused light bounced its maximum power output to get the maximum
off surrounding surfaces. As a result Solar cells efficiency.
are often coated with anti-reflective material to
absorb the maximum amount of radiation possible. Pout P
η= → ηMAX = MAX
Pin Pin
3.1 Characteristics of
Photovoltaic Cell
ηMAX (maximum efficiency) found from the
light test is an indication of the performance of
Photovoltaic cells (PV) can be modeled as a cur-
the device under test. It can be affected by ambi-
rent source in parallel with a diode. When there
ent conditions such as temperature, intensity and
is no light present to generate any current, the
spectrum of the incident light.
PV cell behaves like a diode. As the intensity of
Fill Factor (FF): Fill factor is defined as the
incident light increases, current is generated by
ratio of photovoltaic actual power (P out) to the theo-
the PV cell, as shown in Figure 2. (“Photovoltaic
retical power (PT) if both the open circuit voltage
Cell I-V Characterization,” 2009)
and short circuit current were at their maximum.
Equation of the ideal Solar cell model, is
It is a measure of evaluating performance of the
given by (Lenardie, 2010)
cell. Typical fill factors range from 0.5 to 0.82.
Fill factor is often represented as a percentage.
I= Iph – Is [e V/ (mVT) – 1]
Pmax Imp*Vmp
IPh is photocurrent in amperes, IS is reverse FF = =
saturation current in amperes (approximately PT Isc*Voc

Figure 2. I-V curve of PV cell and associated electrical diagram

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

State of Current Solar Cells due to the manufacturing processes used to make
them. Solar radiation contains photons with ener-
The conventional Solar cells are made of semicon- gies from about 0.5 eV to 3.5 eV. Mass produced
ductor material, usually crystalline silicon (c-Si) as Solar cells are less efficient and achieve only 10%
light absorbing semiconductor. It was developed efficiency. In 2007, first generation Solar cells
in the 50s as first generation Solar cells. The first accounted for 89.6% of commercial production
type of crystalline Solar cells is monocrystalline and it is thought that it will not be able to provide
which are wafers, of about 0.3 mm thick, sawn energy more cost effective than fossil fuel sources
from Si ingot of single crystal silicon made by (Lenardic, 2008 & 2010).
using Czochralski process discovered in 1916. It To reduce the high cost of crystalline silicon
is a method of crystal growth used to obtain single which makes up to 40-50% of the cost of finished
crystals of semiconductors, metals and salts with product led the industry to the second generation
the most important application in the growth of Solar cells based on thin film semiconductors
large cylindrical ingots of single-crystal silicon. developed in the 1990s and early 2000s. These
The ingots are typically 400 mm in diameter cells are made with minimal materials of about 1
and 1 or 2m long. Dopants of n-type or p-types micron thick and can be deposited on a large area
are added to make monojunction semiconductor substrate of 1 meter using cheap manufacturing
device during the process. processes. The manufacturing materials include
The second type of crystalline Solar cells amorphous silicon (a-Si) or polycrystalline ma-
are Polycrystalline (multicrystaline) made by terials such as copper indium gallium diselenide
sawing a cast square ingot block of silicon first (CIS or CIGS), and (CdTe) cadmium telluride
into bars and then wafers. In this process molten (Ginley, Green, Collins, 2008). Amorphous silicon
multifacet crystalline silicon is first poured into a cells are typically single or triple junction designs
large molding container and carefully cooled and laid down in multiple layers by vacuum deposi-
solidified. Polycrystalline Solar cells typically tion processes such as plasma enhanced chemi-
have a slightly lower efficiency of 13-15% result- cal vapor deposition (PECVD) and sputtering as
ing in larger individual cells and thus typically a shown in Figure 3.
slightly larger module (“Solar cell Technologies,” Amorphous silicon has a larger absorption
n.d.). Monocrystalline cells are more expensive coefficient because of quasi –direct bandgap and
to manufacture and typically have a slightly hence needs thinner absorbing layers and less
higher efficiency of 13-18% than do conven- material cost than crystalline silicon which absorbs
tional polycrystalline cells. Shockley and Queisser less light near its band edge. Currently it has been
(1961) calculated the maximum thermodynamic the most commercially successful thin film pho-
efficiency for the conversion of unconcentrated tovoltaic technology with 5-6% of the total PV
irradiance into electrical free energy in the radia- market. These cells with bandgap of ~ 1.7 eV can
tive limit to be 31%. This efficiency was obtained be doped in a fashion similar to c-Si, to form p-i-
assuming a single threshold absorber and thermal n-type semiconductor junctions and often used to
equilibrium between electrons and photons. In produce large-area photovoltaic Solar cells.
this model excitation energy above the bandgap Amorphous silicon cells, however suffer from
is lost to heating and excitation energy below the light induced instability that causes the cell effi-
band gap is not absorbed. These cells are very ciency to degrade with time. This effect is known
efficient, approaching their theoretical efficiency as Stabler Wronski and was discovered by D. L.
in semiconductor with bandgaps ranging from Staebler and Christopher R. Wronski in 1977 who
about 1.25eV to 1.45 eV but are very expensive showed that the dark conductivity and photocon-

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 3. Triple-junction spectrum-splitting amorphous (Si/Ge and Si) and microcrystalline silicon Solar
cell structure (©2006, Yan et al.)

ductivity of hydrogenated amorphous silicon can to produce wafers directly from the melt instead
be reduced significantly by prolonged illumination of through crystallization of ingots. One of the
with intense light. Polycrystalline silicon (bandgap method is known as EFG (edge-defined film-fed
of 1.1 eV) consists solely of crystalline silicon -growth) which differs from the conventional
grains (1mm), separated by grain boundaries. method in that the thin silicon wafers are not
Their main advantage over amorphous Si is the sawn by wire saws from a block but are drawn
mobility of the charge carriers. Polycrystalline directly as silicon film from a silicon furnace. To
material shows greater stability under electric achieve this silicon film is produced in the form
field and light-induced stress. Cadmium telluride of an octagonal hollow pipe and pulled directly
(CdTe) cells (band gap of ~ 1.58 eV) deposited from the silicon melt. A laser is used to cut out
on glass are usually sandwiched with cadmium the wafers from the surface shell of this hollow
sulfide (CdS) to form a hetrojunction photovol- pipe. This process reduces the waste because only
taic Solar cell. It is cheaper than silicon, espe- about 10% of the silicon material is cut away
cially in thin-film Solar cell technology but is less and recycled compared to Kerf losses (typically
efficient. Copper indium gallium diselenide 50%) in the conventional wire sawing process
(CIGS) alloy cells (bandgap of ~ 1.38 eV) are and makes it lighter on resource use and more
deposited on either glass or stainless steel sub- efficient than other processes. The first EFG rib-
strates but are more complex heterojunction bon was grown in 1971 by Tyco Labs and since
models (Solar cell technologies, n.d., Lenardie, the mid-1990s, the EFG technique have reached
2008, Ginley, Green & Collins, 2008). a mature and competitive status at RWE Schott
Solar http://www.us.schott.com/photovoltaic/
Challenges of Photovoltaic Cell english/about_pv/technologies/crystalline2010).
The efficiency of silicon ribbon cells is in the
Since the beginning of Solar cell development range of 14 -16% which is less than monocrystal-
based on crystalline silicon, there have been efforts line photovoltaic cells.

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Another method of making wafers for photo- generated electron interacts with the vibrations
voltaic cells is based on String Ribbon which was of the semiconductor lattice called the phonons
proposed in 1980 by Emauel M. Sachs (“Building and cools to the bottom conduction band. At the
Solar cells”, 2007) and is used for making Solar most only 55% of sunlight energy can be used
cells by Evergreen Solar, Inc., (http://evergreen- because either the energy is below the bandgap
solar.com/en/) since 1994. This method uses of the material or carries excess energy in most
two high-temperature strings which are pulled of the materials used in photovoltaic cell.
vertically through a shallow crucible of molten Surek (2005) studied the progress made in the
silicon. As the string exits the silicon melt, a thin last several decades for efficiencies of research
film is formed between the strings through sur- scale photovoltaic devices including crystalline
face tension. During this continuous process the silicon, thin film, thin film and concentrators and
thin film solidifies between the strings forming a the future generation photovoltaic cells as shown
silicon ribbon of long length out of the melt. The in Figure 4.
melt is replenished and silicon ribbon is cut into It is found that in nearly all the photovoltaic
smaller pieces for further processing into Solar cell technologies conversion efficiencies increased
cells without interrupting growth. String Ribbon because of better understanding of materials and
technology like EFG ribbons wafer offers a less device properties. Crystalline silicon based cell
expensive manufacturing technique but is not ca- has already reached close to the theoretical ther-
pable of achieving the same electrical performance modynamic limit of 31%. The efficiencies of thin
as wafer technology. A traditional cut wafer will film technology amorphous silicon, CIGS and
convert typically 15-16% of the incoming light CdTe, progressed steadily but are still below their
into electricity where String Ribbon Solar cells full potential. The efficiencies of emerging dye
are capable of converting 13-14%. Nakayashiki cells, organic photovoltaic cells shown in Figure
& Rounsaville et al. (2006) have obtained conver- 4, are currently much lower and still being inves-
sion efficiency as high as 18.3%, in the laboratory, tigated. The production efficiencies of commercial
however it cannot be produced commercially to or the best prototype modules are only 50-60%
this specification. lower than the efficiency of best research cells.
The two main drawbacks of the current semi- The cost of crystal silicon which represents
conductor photovoltaic cells, the lower efficiency nearly 90% of solar panels has shown a decrease
and higher cost, are inherent to single bandgap with the increase of production. The price has
silicon semiconductor cells. Crystalline silicon dropped by approximately 20% for every dou-
has a bandgap energy of 1.1 eV. Photon energy of bling of the total cumulative production of pho-
light varies according to the different wavelength tovoltaic modules worldwide. The current cost of
of light and the entire spectrum of sunlight, from approximately $4 per watt peak ($4/Wp) is still
infrared to ultraviolrt covering a range of about high to influence energy production markets. It
0.5 eV to about 2.9 eV. A major factor limiting is estimated, though difficult to determine, that
the conversion efficiency is due to large bandgaps costs for wafer-based silicon panels will level
for low energy to be absorbed, while much of the off in the range of $1-1.5/Wp in the next 10
energy from electrons freed up by high-energy years., which is still higher than 0.33$/Wp target
is lost as the electron is extracted. This results (Margolis, 2003). Many of the emerging third
in creating charge carriers with a total excess generation technology based Solar cells including
kinetic energy equal to the difference between Gritzel cell, organic photovoltaic cells, quantum
the photon energy and the bandgap. This excess dot Solar cell and multiple exciton devices can
kinetic energy is converted to heat as the photo- be fabricated with low cost because they require

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 4. Progress of research-scale photovoltaic device efficiencies, under AM 1.5 simulated solar
illumination for a variety of technologies (©2010 Kazmerski; Used with permission)

low temperature and low atmospheric pressure efficiency that a Solar cell can achieve from a
processing techniques such as spray painting or single material is about 31%, whereas in practice,
inkjet printing. These devices however are in the the best achievable efficiency is about 25%. It is
development stage with efficiencies in the range possible to improve on the efficiency by stack-
of around 10%, with the promise of exceeding ing materials with different band gaps together
efficiency beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit in multi-junction cells with dozens of different
in certain cases (Ginley, Green, Collins, 2008). layers, by greater than 70 percent. However this
method of achieving higher efficiency results in
technical problems such as strain damages to the
NANOTECHNOLOGY BASED crystal layers. The most efficient multi-junction
PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS Solar cell consists of three layers: gallium indium
phosphide/gallium arsenide/germanium (GaInP/
In order to increase efficiency and reduce cost, GaAs/Ge) and is based on dual junction GaInP/
research is targeted to third generation cells in GaASS Solar cell made in 2001 by the National
the last few years, with respect to finding an ef- Renewable Energy laboratory (NERL) in part-
fective alternative to silicon-based Solar cells. nership with Spectrolab Inc., of USA. It was the
The goals of third generation Solar cell research first monolithic cell to reach a record of 34%
are higher efficiency and lower cost per watt of efficiency under concentrated sunlight designed
electricity generated. In conventional photovoltaic for terrestrial application. (“Material and Device
cells photons with less energy than the band gap Development,” June 29, 2005).
slip right through without being absorbed, while Nanotechnology might be one of the emerging
photons with energy higher than the band gap technologies to be able to increase the efficiency
are absorbed, but their excess energy is wasted, and reduce the cost of Solar cells. The third gen-
and dissipated as heat. The maximum theoretical eration Solar cells tends to include, among others,

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

nonsemiconductor technologies (including poly- shifts toward red light. This property of quantum
mer-based cells and biomimetics), quantum dot dot is used in extending the bandgap of Solar cells
technologies, nanostructured cells using nanorods and increasing the maximum proportion of inci-
to better pick incident light, tandem/multi-junction dent light absorbed, hence improving efficiency.
cells, hot-carrier cells, dye-sensitized Solar cells The second advantage of quantum dot in
and upconversion technologies. It is predicted that comparison to semiconductor crystalline struc-
third generation cells could start to be commer- ture used in other photovoltaic cell is its lack of
cialized sometime around 2020. Nanotechnology rigidity which helps in constructing or molding
can be used to improve the efficiency and reduce it into different shapes including sheets or three
the cost by making use of nanotechnology in the dimensional arrays. Quantum dots prepared by
following way. colloidal synthesis are free floating in solution and
can be easily made in porous films or combined
Improvement of Efficiency of with conductive or semiconductor polymers or
Photovoltaic Cells by Quantum Dots dyes. Because of the possibility of using liquid
phase, which requires relatively low temperature,
For improving the efficiency of photovoltaic cells it is possible to create junctions on inexpensive
beyond standard thermodynamic limit, quantum substrates such as coated glass, metal sheets and
dots are used because of their unique proper- plastics(Mae-Wan, 2006). This approach does
ties. Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor not need the costly microfabrication processes
nanocrystals of nanometers dimensions whose used to make contemporary silicon and thin-film
electrons-holes (excitons) are confined in all based Solar cells.
three spatial dimensions. Quantum dots have
discrete electronic states, and the absorption of Quantum Dots for Multiple
photons with energies greater than the energy Exciton Generation (MEG)
difference between the highest hole state (1 Sh)
and the lowest electron state (1 Se) (also termed One of the methods of increasing the efficiency
the HOMO-LUMO transition) produces excited of Solar cells beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit
exciton. They have quantum optical properties is to utilize high efficiency carrier multiplication
that are not found in the bulk material due to through multiple exciton generation which has
the property of quantum confinement exhibited recently been demonstrated in quantum dots. Mul-
by the nanoscale structures. Quantum dots were tiple exciton generation involves the generation
discovered by Ekimov & Onushchenko (1981) in of more than one exciton from the absorption of
a glass matrix and by Louis E. Brus in colloidal a single photon as shown in figure 5.
solutions. The term quantum dot was coined by It is based on impact ionization which pro-
Mark Reed of Yale University. duces multiple electron-hole pairs when a photon
The first advantage of quantum dots is its abil- is absorbed in semiconductors that are at least
ity to change bandgap with the change in size of twice the bandgap. The creation of multiple elec-
quantum dot so that the wavelength at which it tron hole pairs in bulk materials has been known
will absorb or emit light can be adjusted to specific since 1960’s for germanium and has been dem-
application. The bandgap increases as the size of onstrated in bulk silicon Solar cells (Kolodinski
quantum dot is reduced which in turn shortens the et al. 1993). The impact ionization effect in bulk
wavelength and shifts toward blue or ultraviolet materials is too small to be used for any substan-
light. On the contrary as the size of quantum dot tial efficiency enhancement. In bulk semiconduc-
is increased, the wavelength becomes longer and tors the phenomenon of multiple formations of

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 5. Multiple carrier generation solar cells. Utilization of high energy photon to multiple electron-
hole pairs. (©2007, Nozik; Used with permission). Retrieved from http://www.nerl.gov_review/2007/

excitons does not occur as the excess energy of Quantum Dots in Hot Carriers
photons dissipates away in the form of heat before
it can cause other electron-hole pairs to form. Quantum dots have been used to increase the
Whereas in semiconducting quantum dots the efficiency by capturing hot electrons which are
probability of charge carriers increases resulting lost as heat in solar-to-electric power conver-
in enhancements of exciton formation because sion. Quantum dots in the form of semiconductor
the rate of energy dissipation is significantly re- nanocrystals have been shown to slow down the
duced and charge carriers are confined. MEG has cooling and increase the life time of hot electrons
been recently demonstrated in synthesized nano- by as much as 1000 times (Tisdale, Williams,
crystals (quantum dots) including PbS, PbSe, Timp, Norris & Aydil, 2010). The first predic-
PbTe, CdS, CdSe, InAs, and Si (Kim, S.J., Kim, tion of slowed cooling at low light intensities in
W. Jin., Sahoo, Y., Cartwright, A.N., & Prasad, P. quantized structures was made by Boudreaux,
N. 2008). MEG has also been demonstrated in Williams & Nozik (1980) who anticipated that
InP colloidal quantum dots (Beard, MC., Knutsen, cooling of carriers would require multi-phonon
KP., Yu, P., Luther, JM., Song, Q. 2007). Quantum processes when the quantized levels are separated
dots made of PbSe (2.9 nm diameter) and PbS in energy by more than phonon energies. Hot car-
has demonstrated the ability to achieve quantum riers refer to electrons or holes that have gained
efficiencies over 300% when the energy of photons very high kinetic energy after being accelerated
absorbed is four time that of bandgap and mul- by a strong electric field within a semiconductor
tiple exciton start to form when the photon en- such as MOS. Because of high electric field the
ergy reaches twice the bandgap. In case of single carriers can be injected or trapped in certain unal-
–bandgap photovoltaic devices impact ionization lowable areas of the semiconductor forming space
produces greatly enhanced theoretical thermody- charge. The influence of space charge shifts some
namic conversion efficiencies ranging from 45- to of the characteristics of the device and can cause
85% depending on cell temperature, solar con- the device to degrade or become unstable (Hot
centration and the number of electron-hole pairs carriers, 2004). In hot carrier Solar cell device
produced per photon (Hanna, Ellingson, Beard, electrons and holes, heated by incident photons
Yu, Micic, & Nozik, 2004) by solar radiation are removed from the absorber

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

before the resultant hot carriers can thermalise with Photodetectors Composed of Quantum Dot
the lattice, and collect them in the external circuit. Arrays: This configuration deals with three di-
Carrier thermalisation typically occurs in a mensional (3-D) array arrangement of quantum
few picoseconds; hence a significant slowing of dots (nanocrystals) superlattices with sufficiently
carrier cooling is required which occurs due to small spacing so that strong electronic coupling
the interaction with phonons in the semiconductor occurs and minibands are formed. It is a 3-D system
lattice. The hot carriers relax in a short time in similar to a 1-D superlattice and the nanocrystal
the order of a few picoseconds by the emission array is placed in the intrinsic region of a p-i-n
of optical phonons and subsequent cooling to the structure as shown in figure 6.
band edge occurs via acoustic phonon scattering The formation of a delocalized quantized 3-D
known as Klemens mechanism. This phenomenon miniband formed as a result of three dimen-
of interference with optical to acoustic phonon sional ordering of closely spaced quantum dots
scattering has the potential to significantly re- allows long range electron transport leading to
duce carrier cooling rates. A periodic network high values of carrier mobility required in infra-
of quantum structures, such as semiconductor red photodetectors. Delocation state is a state of
nanoparticles, incorporated into the absorber motion in which a charge carrier is spread over a
material has been shown to significantly reduce whole molecule or crystal. These quantized states
the scattering between phonon modes effect could also be expected to slow the carrier cooling
called the phonon bottleneck. Conibeer, Green, and permit the transport and collection of hot
Marti, Luque & Guillemoles (2008) implemented carriers at respective p- and n- contacts to produce
phonon bottleneck by engineering a nanoparticle a higher photopotential in a Photovolatic cell or
network embedded in an absorber matrix that is in a photoelectrochemical cell in which 3-D
homogeneous on a scale greater than a few tens nanocrystal array is the photoelectrode. The phe-
of nanometers. Such a structure is compatible nomena of MEG and hot electron transport /
with thin-film deposition techniques and retains collection however cannot take place simultane-
the potential for high efficiencies. ously and only one of the two processes can be
present in a given system. Although fabrication
Quantum Dot Solar Cell Configurations of 3-D ordered quantum dots is still a major
problem, significant progress has been made in
For enhancing the conversion efficiency of forming 3-D arrays of both colloidal and epi-
quantum dot Solar cell, Nozik (2001) proposed taxial II-VI and III-V quantum dots. The colloidal
the following three conceptual configurations. quantum dots have been formed via evaporation
These configurations are based on two fundamen- and crystallization of colloidal QD solutions
tal pathways of increasing photovoltage (Ross containing a uniform QD size distribution. The
and Nozik, 1982; Boudreaux, Williams, Nozik, crystallization of QD solids from broader size
1980) and increasing photocurrent (Landsberg, distributions leads to close-packed QD solids, but
Nussbaumer, Willeke,1993; Kolodinski, Werner, with a high degree of disorder. In the epitaxial
Wittchen, and Queisser, 1993) II-VI and III-V, process QDs have been formed
by successive epitaxial deposition of QD layers.
• Photodetectors composed of quantum dot Once the first layer of QDs is formed, successive
arrays layers tend to form with the QDs in each layer
• Quantum dot-sensitized nanocrystalline aligned on top of each other (Nozik, 2006). The
TiO2 Solar cells epitaxial self-assembled QDs are commonly
• Quantum dot dispersed in organic semi- obtained by the Stranski-Krastanow (SK) growth
conductor polymer matrices mode, which follows a two step process in which

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 6. Quantum dot arrays solar cell

QDs forms on top of a thin two-dimensional wet- dyes can absorb a broad spectral range covering
ting layer. This process is also known as ‘layer solar spectrum. The high efficiency of these cells
–plus island growth,’ the properties of the wetting is contributed to the fact that the mesoporous
layer such as thickness and composition are hard TiO2 nanoparticles increase the surface area for
to control independently of those of the overlying dye chemisorptions to a thousand times over a
QDs. flat electrode of the same size. One of the main
Quantum Dot-sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 reasons of slow progress is due to the limited dif-
Solar cells: Quantum dot-sensitized nanocrystal- fusion length of photogenerated electrons which
line TiO2 Solar cells configuration is a variation conducts by way of random hopping through a
of a relatively new type of photovoltaic cell percolated path in a three dimensional network
based on dye-sensitized Solar cells (DSSC) was of TiO2 nanoparticles. One of the approaches to
invented by Gratzel and O’Regan (1991). DSSC improve the electron transport is to replace TiO2
consists of photoelectric structures composed of nanoparticles with crystalline TiO2 nanorods or
mesoporous oxide layers of nanocrystalline TiO2 nanowires.
which have been sintered together to allow for In quantum dot –sensitized cells as shown in
electronic conduction to take place. The com- Figure 7, dye molecules are replaced by quantum
monly used oxide TiO2 is a thick semiconductor dots which have been successfully implanted us-
nanoparticle film which acts as an electrode that ing semiconductor quantum dots including CdS,
provides a large surface area for the adsorption CdSe, InP, and PbS (Zaban, Micic, Gregg, Nozik.
of light harvesting organic dye molecules. This Langmuir, 1998; Vogel and Weller, 1994; Weller
porous electrode absorbs light in the visible region and Bunsen-Ges, 1991; Liu & Kamat, 1993; Hoyer
of electromagnetic spectrum and then initiates & Konekamp, 1995).
the charge separation process eventually leading Advantages of using quantum dots over dye
to the generation of photocurrent. The process molecules include tunability of optical properties
is accompanied by a charge transfer to the dye with size and capability of producing greater
from an electron donor mediator supplied by quantum yield than impact ionization. Despite
an electrolyte, hence resetting the cycle. One advantages of dye sensitized Solar cells, they
of the problems with this cell is that only a few suffer from electrolyte leakage.

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 7. Quantum dot –sensitized solar cell

crystal which can be controlled to give highly
elongated molecules, resulting in better pathways
for electron transport. Greenham et al (1996) first
reported the photo luminescence quenching in
MEH-PPV (poly (2-methoxy, 5-(2’-ethyl)-hexy-
loxy-p-phenylenevinylene) by intermixing it with
the spherical nanoparticles (quantum dots) of 5
nm diameter of CdS and CdSe. In this configura-
tion disordered array of CdSe quantum dots is
electron conducting material and MEH-PPV is a
hole conducting conjugate polymer. The photo-
generated holes produced as a result of photo-
excitation of the quantum dots are injected into
the MEH-PPV polymer phase, and are collected
via electrical contacts to the polymer phase. The
electrons on the other hand remain in the CdSe
Quantum dot Dispersed In Organic Semicon- quantum dots and are collected through diffusion
ductor Polymer Matrices: Photovolatic effect is and percolation in the nanocrystalline phase to an
found in structures composed of quantum dots electrical contact to the quantum dot network
forming junctions with organic conjugate poly- (Greenham, Peng, Alivisatos, 1996; Greenham,
mers. Conjugate polymers are organic polymers Peng, and Alivisatos, 1997). The quantum effi-
which conduct electricity and may either be semi- ciency (EQE) of conjugated Polymer–CdSe
conductors or metallic conductors. These polymers nanocrystal photovoltaic cell made by depositing
are also plastics which can combine mechanical the blended films on a transparent indium –tin
properties of plastics such as toughness, flexibility, oxide (ITO) electrode and using an evaporated
elasticity etc; with the electrical conductivities. aluminum top electrode was 12% under low in-
Conjugate photovoltaics offer a low cost, eas- tensity light. The power efficiency under AM 1.5
ily manufactured and non-toxic alternative to G conditions was estimated to be around 0.1%.
in-organic based Solar cells. However for many The performance of the photovoltaic cell improved
conjugated polymers, charge-carrier mobility is by increasing the weight fraction of nanocrystal,
usually limited by disorder effect, which prevents leading to the conclusion that low efficiency is
inter-chain coupling. In order to improve the elec- the result of poor electron transport in photovol-
tronic mobility, polymer photovoltaic devices rely taic conversion.
on the introduction of another material which also
provides an interface for charge transport. High Nanorods Based Solar Cells
efficiency can be achieved by forming a photo-
voltaic cell by blending conjugate polymers with One way of improving the efficiency of quantum
CdSe nanocrystal as shown in figure 8. dot conjugated polymer Solar cell is to use one di-
The advantage of using CdSe nanocrystals is mensional nanorod which provides a directed path
to have two components in the bulk heterojunction for electrical transport. Nanorods are also used to
that can absorb visible light and contribute to control the bandgap by varying the radius of rods
photocurrent. Another advantage of using CdSe and using the quantum size effect. Using quantum
nanocrystal lies in the shape of the CdSe nano- confinement effect the absorption coefficient of

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 8. Quantum dot blended conjugate polymer solar cell

nanrods can be enhanced which will affect the nanocrystals and then spin casting MEH-PPV
length and width of nanorods leading to thinner on top. TiO2 layer is used as electron conducting
devices for optimal absorption of incident light. phase and MEH-PPV is used as hole conduct-
Huynh et al. (2002) combined nanorods CdSe with ing phase and a gold top electrode was used to
the conjugated polymer poly-3 (hexylthiophene) extract holes from polymer. External quantum at
(P3HT) to create charge transfer junctions with the peak absorption wavelength of the polymer
high interfacial area. CdSe nanocrystal in this was found to be 2% and 6% for the devices with
combination as shown in Figure 9, is used as solid and nanoporous TiO2 respectively. TiO2,
electron transport material while P3HT is used although absorbs less visible light than CdSe,
as effective hole transport material. has advantage of being better electron-accepting
The photovoltaic device consisting of 7 nm x material than CdSe.
60 nm CdSe nanorods and P3HT was assembled
using solution phase synthesis at temperature Nanotube Based Solar Cells
below 3000 C. External quantum efficiency of
over 54% and monochromatic power conversion Because of low carrier mobility and inefficient
of 6.9% was obtained under 0.1 mW per square charge transfer in majority of polymers cells in-
cm illumination at 515 nm. The device showed a cluding CdSe quantum dots and semiconductor
short circuit current of 5.7 mA, open circuit volt- nanorods, the use of carbon nanotubes in these
age of 0.7 V, a fill factor of 0.4, and a power devices is an attractive approach for several
conversion efficiency of 1.7% was under Air Mass reasons. Single wall nanotubes (SWNTs) have
(AM) of 1.5. Bandgap tuning by varying the a nanometer-scale diameter and exhibit ballistic
nanorod radius was used to optimize the overlap electrical conductivity and are very efficient for
between the absorption spectrum of the cell and transporting electrons and providing high electric
the solar emission spectrum of the sun leading to field at the polymer/nanotube interfaces. This
improved optical absorption in the visible range. coupled with extremely high surface area for puri-
In another configuration, Arango et al. (1999) fied SWCNT provides a tremendous opportunity
made the first polycrystalline TiO2 –polymer for exciton dissociation. SWCNT exhibit large
photovoltaic cell by sintering together TiO2 aspect ratio and at low doping levels percolation

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 9. Hybrid nanorod polymer solar cell (©2011; Huynh, et al., Used with permission)

pathways are established providing the means for Nanotube in Organic (Polymer) Cell
a higher carrier mobility and efficient charge trans-
fer. In addition SWCNT offers unique properties The dispersion of SWNTs into polymers like
of offering a wide range of bandgaps to match the poly (3-octylthiophene) - (P3OT) has been
solar spectrum, enhanced optical absorption and shown to dramatically improve both the electri-
reduced carrier scattering for hot carrier transport. cal conductivity and optical absorption of the
The motivation for investigating the use of polymer in comparison to the pure polymer. The
carbon nanotube as an electronic transport mate- photoresponse of Solar cells using P3OT doped
rial in polymer cells started after the discovery with SWNTs is significantly improved over the
in 1992 of photoinduced charge transfer between undoped version under simulated air mass zero
conjugated polymers and buckminsterfullerene (AM0) illumination. The use of CNTs as electron
and its derivatives. Buckminsterfullerene, C60 is acceptors in bulk-heterojunction Solar cells was
the smallest fullerene molecule made up of 60 first reported in 2002 by Emmanuel Kymaki et
carbon atoms arranged in a series of interlocking al (2002). The author integrated single-walled
hexagons and pentagons, forming a structure that carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in conjugated electron
looks similar to a soccer ball. It is the third allo- transfer at the polymer/nanotube interface and
trope of Carbon, which was discovered in 1985 by observed an increase in the photocurrent of two
Robert Curl, Harold Kroto and Richard Smalley. orders of magnitude. The device shown in Figure
Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with 10, composed of a sandwich formation containing
a cylindrical structure. Carbon nanotubes were the composite film between an indium –tin-oxide
discovered by Sumio Iijima in 1991. They are (ITO) front and aluminum back as showed a diode
members of fullerene structural family and were response.
produced by vaporizing carbon graphite with an The SWNT used was synthesized using arc
electric arc under an inert atmosphere. A nanotube discharge method. The purity of SWCNT powder
is not a metal, but a structure built by covalent was estimated to be about 60% which was self
bonds whereas SWCNT is a graphite sheet that organized into 1.4 nm of bundle –like crystallities
is rolled into a cylinder of a few micrometres and carbon encased nanoparticles. A chloroform
in length and a few nanometers in diameter. In solution was used to dissolve nanotube powder
single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), the which was then dispersed using high power ul-
small Fermi velocity and low dielectric constant trasonic probe and blended with P3OT solution
suggests that electron-electron interactions are for 1 hour sonication. Organic films were devel-
very strong and that high-energy carriers should oped from chloroforms solution by drop and spin
efficiently generate e-h pairs. coating onto a glass substrate with ITO. Electrodes

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 10. Chemical structure of P30T, SWNTs, and device structure of the photovoltaic cell (©2002,
Kymakis & Amaratunga; Used with permission)

of aluminum were thermally evaporated under a 95% by weight. The nanotubes were synthesized
vacuum. Both the pristine device ITO/P3OT/Al by using pulse laser vaporization technique which
and blended devices 1% ITO/P3OT-SWNTs/ blend employed Alexandrite laser of 755 nm to target the
devices were tested under dark and white light surface of Ni/Co doped graphite. The preparation
illumination (AM 1.5, 100 mW/cm2) from the of a SWNT-P3OT composite was achieved by a se-
glass/ITO side and showed that the dark current ries of steps starting first by dissolving regioregular
is much higher in forward bias than in reverse P3OT in chloroform using water bath sonication
bias indicating diode behavior. The 1% doped by to achieve pristine solution. Next, the composite
weight blend of SWCNT/P3OT under illumination dispersion was performed by blending purified
showed short circuit photocurrent density of 0.12 SWCNTs to the pristine solution at the desired
mA/cm2 and an open circuit voltage of 0.75 V, doping levels. The composite solution was then
compared to 0.7 uA/cm2 and 0.35 V for pristine placed in a water bath sonicator for five minutes
P3OT devices (Kymakis and Amaratunga, 2002 before stirring it at high speed for 72 hours at room
; Kymakis, Kornilios and Koudoumas, 2008). Lee temperature. Portion of dispensed solution was cast
Ji U (2005) demonstrated that carbon naontubes on Teflon substrate to produce desired thin films
can form ideal p-n junction diodes and observed at room temperature. Device fabrication involved
a photovoltaic effect in a pristine nanotube diode deposition of P3OT composite on ITO –coated
device consisting of two CNTs with different polyethylene terapthalate. This is achieved initially
electrical properties. Under illumination, SWNT by spray depositing an intrinsic layer of pristine
diodes show significant power conversion effi- P3OT on to a masked active area of the substrate
ciencies owing to enhanced properties of an followed by spray deposition of the SWCNT-P3OT
ideal diode. composite solution. This approach of deposition
Bailey et al. (2005) investigated light weight has the advantage of making thin film polymetric
flexible photovoltaic devices based on regioregu- Solar cells more flexible and lower in structural
lar P3OT/SWCNT for space power applications. weight. The Solar cells are eventually completed
The devices were constructed by blending regio- by applying aluminum contacts using thermal
regular poly (3-octylthiophene) with 1% by weight evaporation under vacuum to the SWNT –P3OT
of single wall carbon nanotubes purified more than and ITO composite film layers.

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

The polymer Solar cells used a stable composite Nanotube in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
dispersion of 0.1% by weight SWNT for pristine
P3OT and 1.0% by weight SWNT in P3OT. It Despite many advantages of DSSC in cost ef-
was tested under simulated AM0 illumination for ficiency compared to semiconductor Solar cell
I-V characterization and showed photoresponse it suffers from temperature stability problem
with an open circuit voltage of 0.98 V and short because of the use of the liquid electrolyte. The
circuit current density of 0.12 mA/cm2. The result electrolyte can freeze at low temperature, end-
also showed that there is an apparent conductivity ing power production and potentially leading to
effect on short circuit current in the composite physical damage whereas at high temperature the
films which can be controlled by SWNT doping. electrolyte liquid can expand, making sealing a
Mitra & Li (2008) developed an organic pho- serious problem. In addition solvents used in the
tovoltaic cell by combining spherical fullerene electrolyte permeate plastics, making large-scale
C60 with cylindrical SWCNT to improve quantum outdoor application and integration into flexible
efficiency. C60- SWCNT complex is fabricated on structure more difficult.
flexible plastic substrate as shown in Figure 11. Carbon nanotubes being transparent, easy to
In this configuration C60 was used to separate conduct electricity and good catalyst of electricity
the photogenerated carriers because of its large production can create a single layer that performs
surface –to- volume ratio, whereas SWCNT is the functions of both the oxide used to conduct
used to efficiently transport the carrier because electricity and the platinum film to act as a catalyst
of its ballistic electrical conductivity that serve to speed up the chemical reaction in dye –sensitized
as tiny wires. To improve the performance of the Solar cells. The oxide films used in DSSC has
photovoltaic cell SWCNT was added to a photo- the disadvantage of not being applied to flexible
active coating composed of poly (3-hexylthio- materials which makes it expensive and limited
phene). The short circuit current and fill factor in product application because of its suitability to
improved significantly after introducing SWCNT a rigid and heat resistant substrate like glass. On
into the photoactive composite layer via binding the other hand carbon nanotube films are much
with C60. Power conversion efficiency was im- more flexible, difficult to crack and are more suited
proved by 78%. to inexpensive roll-to-roll processing. Compared

Figure 11. Fullerene combined with SWCNT organic photovoltaic cell; (©2011, Mitra & Li; Used with

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

to carbon naotube platinum degrades easily over tor nanoparticles and the second is by aiding in
time when it makes contact with an iodide/tri- collecting and transporting photogenerated charge
iodide liquid electrolyte, therefore reducing the carriers to the collecting electrode surface. The
efficiency. It has also been demonstrated that the principle of such a process for a semiconductor
conductivity and transparency of nanotube film particle –CNT based composite in the operation of
has reached closer to transparent conducting oxide photoelectrochemical cell is shown in Figure 12.
on rigid comparable to TCO on flexible substrate. Kongkannad & Kamat et al. (2007) observed
Trancik et al. (2008) used ozone treated carbon a twofold increase of photoconversion efficiency
nanotube film as catalyst which showed high by creating SWCNT networks to disperse photo-
performance to replace platinum and a TCO in active TiO2 semiconductor nanoparticles. The
the DSSC. The films were deposited from single SWCNT network was created on a conducting
wall carbon nanotube which was produced using carbon fiber and glass electrodes where SWCNTs
arc discharge method. The conductivity and trans- was used as a conducting scaffold to facilitate
parency of carbon annotate was also improved by charge collection and charge transport in nao-
increasing the length of carbon naotube. structured semiconductor films.
This technique of light harvesting has also
Single Wall Carbon Nanotube been used to improve the performance of DSSC
as Conducting Scaffold which uses nanostructured TiO2 films for trans-
portation of electrons. The disadvantage of using
To improve the photoelectromechanical perfor- nanostucured titanium dioxide in DSSC is that the
mance of photovoltaic cell based on semiconductor photogenerated electrons have to travel through the
nanoparticles, SWCNT are also used as conducting network of semiconductor particles and encounter
scaffold. This is achieved by employing the unique many grain boundaries, hence increasing the prob-
properties of SWCNT namely the high surface ability of recombination during random transit.
area and wide electrochemical window to act as Use of one dimension nanostructure such as TiO2
scaffold to anchor light gathering semiconduc- and ZnO nanowires and nanotube, it is possible
tor particles. The performance can be improved to direct the flow of photogenerated charge carri-
in two ways. The first way is by separating the ers and increase the photoconversion efficiency.
photoinduced charge in the attached semiconduc-

Figure 12. (a) Photoinduced charge injection from excited semiconductor particle into SWCNT and (b)
SWNCT as conducting scaffold to transport photo-generated charge carriers in a photoelectrochemical
cell (©2007, Kamat et al., Reproduced by permission of ECS-The Electrochemical Society)

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Carbon Naotube for Multiple band carrier gains enough energy to excite ad-
Electron-Hole Pairs ditional electrons by combining with photons
excess energy which converts single electron in
Carbon nanotubes are shown to produce multiple to extra electrons. In other words in SWCNT
electron-hole pairs in response to a single pho- photodiode, a single photon with energy greater
ton increasing photovoltaic efficiency beyond than twice of bandgap is converted into multiple
Shockley and Queisser of 31%. McEuen & et al. electron-hole pairs leading to enhanced photocur-
(2009) demonstrated this making photovoltaic rent and increased photo-conversion efficiency.
cell of single wall carbon nanotube measuring This device however has to overcome the problem
3-4 micrometer long and 1.5-3.6 nm in diameter of scalability and investigation of efficiency
as shown in Figure 13. mechanism at room temperature.
An insulating substrate is used to hold the
carbon nanotube which also contains three buried
electrodes. The nanotube behaves like a p-n junc- USE OF GRAPHENE IN
tion photodiode when connected to appropriate SOLAR CELLS
voltages. A laser was used to illuminate the pho-
todiode and monitor the changes in the current Despite many advantages of naonotubes there are
when an additional bias voltage was applied along significant problems in the implementation on a
the nanotube. Generation of multiple carriers was large scale. The epitaxial graphene, on the other
observed when voltages to the photodiode in op- hand, avoids these problems while retaining many
posite direction to freely flowing current were of the important electronic properties of carbon
applied at or below 90K. The resulting current in nanotubes. Recent work shows that graphene is
response to light increased in steps as the voltage highly conductive and highly transparent form
was increased. It is believed that generation of of carbon which is a critical requirement for or-
multiple electron hole pair is achieved by incident ganic photovoltaic cell. It also shows outstanding
photons that increase the resulting electrons by thermal and chemical stability. One of the most
more than one subband energy level. This second important advantage of graphene based organic

Figure 13. (a) Experimental setup of a SWCNT photovoltaic cell (b) I-VSD characteristics of photovol-
taic cell, (©2009, McEuen et al., Used with permission) Retrieved from http://physicsworld.com/cws/

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Solar cell over the ITO is its physical flexibility graphene on metal substrates, but lacks the suf-
which is commonly used as a transparent con- ficient structural homogeneity on large areas.
ductive through which light couples in or out of The second method deals with micromechani-
photovoltaic cell. ITO and other metal oxides are cal exfoliation of graphite which was used first to
brittle and cannot be used on flexible substrates. isolate separate graphene in 2004. This method,
Other problems of ITO as a conductive electrode called “Scotch Tape method” is based on me-
include instability of metal oxides used in the pres- chanical exfoliation of graphite which is achieved
ence of acid or base, susceptibility to ion diffusion by mounting flakes of highly ordered pyrolytic
in to polymer layers and limited transparency in graphite (HOPG) on sticky tape and separating
the near –infrared region. Graphene is capable of a single layer by carefully peeling away the tape
absorbing a wide range of light frequencies com- which is essentially a stack of graphene sheets.
pared to semiconductors, which typically need to This process is not easy as the individual sheets
be layered together for this purpose. tend to clump together and graphite does not have
Graphene is basically a single layer of graphite, the high mechanical strength because it is soft and
consisting of a hexagonal array of sp2-bonded flaky. It is not suitable for large-scale application.
carbon atoms, just like those found in bulk graph- The third method is based on epitaxial growth
ite. Although the existence of graphene has been in which graphite layers are grown on top of other
known for decades, it was first discovered in its crystals which remain bound to underlying sub-
form of isolated thin carbon sheets (Novoselov strate like copper, nickel or silicon. The substrate
et al, 2004). It is produced mostly by exfoliating is subsequently removed by chemical etching after
graphite and is limited to small size, although the epitaxial structure is cooled down. It provides
the researchers have been working to produce high quality multilayer grapheme samples inter-
large swaths of the ultrathin membrane since its acting strongly with their substrates. However
discovery. Although graphene shows promise the ultra vacuum required makes its applications
as an effective, relatively inexpensive, and less limited.
toxic alternative to other materials currently used The fourth method is based on chemical exfo-
in Solar cells, there are problems with graphene. liation of graphite in which graphene is produced
The intrinsic graphene is a semi-metal or does not from colloidal suspensions made from graphite
have a bandgap that is essential for semiconduc- derivatives such as graphite oxide and graphite
tor device operation. In the application of using intercalation compounds (Park & Ruoff, 2009).
attached grapheme films, large graphene sheets
tend to clump together and there is a need to Large Area Graphite
address issue of materials integration (Geim & Oxide for Solar Cells
Novoselov, 2007; Geim 2009).
The commonly used method of making graphite
Methods of Manufacturing Graphene oxide is Hummer method (Hummers Jr., & Of-
feman, 1958) in which graphite oxide is typi-
There are essentially four different methods of cally made by treating crystalline graphite with
making graphene (Park, Ruoff, 2009). The first Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), Sodium nitrate (NaNO3)
method started in 1970 used chemical vapor depo- and Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) for over-
sition of hydrocarbons on the surface of transition night reaction, then mixing with water for further
metals like nickel and subsequent transfer onto reaction, and finally rinsing with methanol. The
insulating substrates. This method has produced oxidation product like the graphite consists of
large area graphene films of single-to-few –layer layered structure of graphene oxide sheets with

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

–OH and >O functionality so that intercalation of cations were introduced in the graphite sheets
water molecules between the layers readily occurs. made from graphite flakes and suspended in N,
In other words graphite oxide is hydrophilic and N-dimethylformmamide (DMF). The reduction
readily disperses in water to form stable colloidal was carried in DMF at 180° C using solvothermal
suspensions. Exfoliation of graphite oxide for process and hydrazine monohydrate as the reduc-
producing aqueous colloidal suspension can be ing agent. Graphite sheet of average size of about
achieved by simple sonication and by stirring the 300 nm on the side remained well dispersed in
water/graphite oxide mixture for a considerable DMF after reduction.The height of graphene sheet
time. This method of making grapheme is scalable (GS) used was between 0.8 to 1 nm.
and can be used for high volume production with Marcano et al (2010) improved the prepara-
the possibility of using it in many applications. It tion of graphite oxide by excluding NaNO3 and
is also well suited to chemical functionalization. increasing the amount of KMnO4 from the com-
Ruoff et al in 2008 showed that adding acid monly used Hummers’ method and performing the
to graphite in water can yield graphite oxide that reaction in a 9:1 mixture of H2SO4/H3PO4. This
can be separated into individual pieces. The flakes method improved the efficiency of the oxidation
which are suspended in liquid are then deposited process and provides greater amount of hydro-
onto a substrate to form a film. The addition of philic oxidized graphene compared to Hummers
other chemicals or heat can drive off the oxygen method with additional KMnO4. Hydrazine was
groups, yielding graphene. used for reduction. This improved method does
Although chemical exfolitation methods for not generate toxic gas, is easy to control tempera-
making large size graphene are efficient, the pro- ture and can be used for large scale production of
cess of oxidation introduces defects in as-made graphite oxide film.
sheets. It has been shown to partially restore the
structure and conductance of graphite oxide by Graphene Based Solar Cells
making use of Hydrazine reaction at temperature
below 100° C. This process however shows strong Because of the advantages of graphene listed
defect peaks and 2-3 order of magnitude higher above, it has been used in dye-sensitized Solar
resistivities than pristine grapheme. Hailiang et al cells (Wang, Zhi, and Mullen, 2008) and organic
(2009) used mild exfoliation–reintercalation ex- Solar cell (Wu, Becerril, Bao, Liu, Chen, Peumans,
pansion method for forming high-quality graphite 2008; Gomez De Arco, Zhang, Schlenker, Ryu,
sheet with higher conductivity and lower degree of Thompson, Zhou, 2010),as an anode to replace
oxidation than graphite oxide. This was achieved ITO.
by using 180°C solvothermal reduction methods Wang, Zhi & Mullen (2008) in 2007 dem-
both for graphite sheets and graphite oxide. Solvo- onstrated the application of graphene films by
thermal process is defined as a chemical reaction fabricating solid state dye sensitized Solar cells
in which process is carried out in a thick walled using graphene film as anode and gold as cathode
steel vessel (autoclave) at higher temperature as shown in Figure 14.
than boiling point of solvent and elevated pres- The anode consisted of organic molecule
sure in the presence of nonaqueous solvent. This namedspiro-OMeTAD (chemical name:
process is an extension of hypothermal method 2,2_7,7_-tetrakis (N, N_-di-p methoxyphenyl-
and solvothermal reduction is more effective amine)-9,9_-spiro-bifluorene) as a hole transport
than the earlier reduction methods in lowering material and porous TiO2 for electron transport.
the oxygen and defect levels in graphite sheets. This is a solid state hole transport material which
Graphite sheets Oleum and tetrabutylammonium is most widely used in solid state DSSCs to over-

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

Figure 14. (a) High –resolution image of graphene films, (b) Illustration of dye-sensitized solar cell
using graphene film, Au, and compact TiO2, (©2008, Wang, Zhi, & Mullen)

come the problem of potential leakage and cor- The graphene electrodes were deposited on quartz
rosion occurring in liquid based DSSCs. The I-V substrates by spin coating of functionalized gra-
(current –voltage) characteristics of the photovol- phene using modified Hummers method. This was
taic cell under illumination of simulated solar achieved first by chemically oxidizing a graphite
light showed a short-circuit photocurrent density crystal by treating it with a solution of NaNO3,
of 1.01 mA/ cm2, with an open circuit voltage of KMnO4, concentrated H2SO4 and 30 wt % H2O2,
0.7 V. The overall power conversion efficiency and washing with HCL and purified water. The
of 0.26% and calculated fill factor of 0.36 was resulting graphene sheets are then ultrasonicated
obtained. to exfoliate the individual sheets producing a
Graphene films as an alternative to metal oxide loose brown powder that can be separated. The
window electrodes for Solar cell were fabricated spin coating rate is gradually increased first to
using Hummers method through acid oxidation spread the water dispersion on the quartz, and
of flake graphite. This was achieved first by de- then drying the graphite film. The residual water
positing graphite oxide on pretreated substrates by is removed by heating graphite films to 100o C
way of dip coating of a hot dispersion of graphite for several hours in a vacuum oven. In order to
oxide in water and then drying it by controlling obtain acceptable sheets resistance the resulting
the temperature. The thickness of the film was functionalized graphene films must be reduced
adjusted by changing the temperature of graphite which partially restores electron decolonization
oxide and number of time it is dipped. Reduction and increases both the electrical conductivity
of graphite oxide was obtained by thermal treat- and light absorption of the film. Small molecular
ment under protection of Ar and / or H2 flow. This organic photovoltaic cells were fabricated directly
process resulted in graphite film of a thickness on quartz with thickness of grapheme films mea-
of a ca. 10nm which showed a high conductivity suring 4 and 7 nm. The corresponding values of
of 550 S/cm and transparency of more than 70% transmittance are between 85%-95% and sheet
over 1000-3000 nm. resistance between 100 to 500 Kilo ohms/sq. The
Wu et al. (2008) demonstrated the use of solu- short circuit current density, open circuit voltage,
tion processed grapheme thin films as a transparent fill factor and power conversion efficiency of 2.1
conductive anode for organic photovoltaic cell. mA/cm2, 0.47 V and 0.34 respectively. The lower

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

short circuit current and fill factor of the graphene based cell reaching close to the theoretical ther-
cell is caused by the high sheet resistance of the modynamic limit of 31%. Many of the emerging
grapheme thin films. third generation technology based Solar cells can
De Arco et al. (2010) created dense arrays of reduce manufacturing costs as a result of using
flexible organic photovoltaic cells by producing a low temperature manufacturing process. These
grapheme/polymer sheets ranging in sizes up to devices including Gritzel cell, organic photovol-
150 sq cm using chemical vapor deposition tech- taic cells, and nanotechnology based Solar cell
nology. This was achieved by first creating ultra also promise exceeding efficiency beyond the
thin graphene sheets by depositing carbon atoms Shockley-Queisser limit in certain cases. These
in the form of graphene films on a nickel plate devices however are in the development stage with
from methane gas. A protective layer of thermo efficiencies in the range of around 10%.
plastic was then laid down over the grapheme layer Nanotechnology in the form of quantum dots,
and dissolving the nickel underneath in a bath of nanorods, carbon nanotubes and graphene has been
acid. Finally the plastic protected graphene was shown to enhance the absorption of sunlight, make
attached to a very flexible polymer sheet which low cost flexible solar panels and increase the
can be incorporated into a photovoltaic cell. The efficiency of photovoltaic cells beyond Shockly
resultant Solar cells produced by this method are and Queissar limit. The ability of a quantum dot
more flexible than those based on ITO, but less to change bandgap with the change in its size is
efficient. The reduced efficiency is compensated used in increasing the amount of incident light
by the low price and ease of manufacturing. Be- absorbed by the photovoltaic cells, therefore im-
cause of its physical flexibility it could be hung proving efficiency. The efficiency of the Solar cell
as curtains or made into fabrics and be worn as beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit is achieved
power generating clothing. It was shown that by utilizing carrier multiplication through multiple
compared to ITO grapheme based cell remained exciton generation and capturing hot electrons
operational after repeated bending at much larger which are lost as heat in solar-to-electric power
stress angles. conversion. Nanorods are also used to control the
bandgap by varying the radius of the rods and
using the quantum confinement effect which will
CONCLUSION lead to thinner devices for optimal absorption of
incident light. However, because of low carrier
Despite the immense potential of solar energy, it mobility and inefficient charge transfer in semi-
presents many challenges as the world’s major conductor nanorods and CdSe quantum dots the
alternative energy source. The widely used photo- use of carbon nanotubes in these devices is a better
voltaic cells based on single bandgap semiconduc- approach. Single wall carbon nanotubes are very
tors are costly and are limited by 31% efficiency efficient for transporting electrons and providing
set by Shockley and Queisser effect. The high high electric field that provides an opportunity for
price of Solar cells, around 90% of which uses exciton dissociation. They also provide higher car-
crystal silicon is largely due to the use of expensive rier mobility and offer a wide range of bandgaps
substrate materials and costly microfabrication to match the solar spectrum, enhanced optical
processing. Although the cost has decreased with absorption and reduced carrier scattering for hot
the increase of production, it is still high enough carrier transport. However, single wall carbon
to influence energy production markets. The work nanotube suffers from problems of implementation
done in the last decades to improve the conversion on a large scale. The epitaxial graphene, on the
efficiency of Solar cells shows crystalline silicon other hand, avoids these problems while retaining

Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

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Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Energy

energy from electrons freed up by high-energy is to improve efficiency of photovoltaic cells beyond
lost as the electron is extracted. standard thermodynamic limit. They have unique
Graphene Based Solar Cell: The epitaxial quantum optical properties that are not found in
graphene is basically a single layer of graphite, the bulk material due to the property of quantum
consisting of a hexagonal array of carbon atoms, confinement exhibited by the nanoscale structures.
just like those found in bulk graphite. Recent Semiconductor Based Solar Cell: The con-
work shows that graphene is highly conductive ventional Solar cells are made of semiconductor
and highly transparent form of carbon which is a material, usually crystalline silicon (c-Si) as
critical requirement for organic photovoltaic cell. light absorbing semiconductor. The first type of
It also shows outstanding thermal and chemical crystalline Solar cells is monocrystalline which
stability. are wafers, of about 0.3 mm thick, sawn from Si
Multiple Exciton Generation (MEG): Mul- ingot of single crystal silicon. The second type of
tiple exciton generation involves the generation crystalline Solar cells are Polycrystalline (multi-
of more than one exciton from the absorption crystaline) made by sawing a cast square ingot
of a single photon. This a method is used to block of silicon first into bars and then wafers.
increase the efficiency of Solar cells beyond the Shockley and Queisser Limit: Refers to the
Shockley-Queisser limit which has recently been maximum theoretical efficiency of a Solar cell of
demonstrated in quantum dots. around 33.7% assuming a p-n junction band gap
Nanorods: Nanorods are one dimensional of 1.1 eV (for silicon). In other words only 33.7%
structure which provides a directed path for of all the power contained in sunlight falling on a
electrical transport and are used to control the silicon Solar cell, could ever be turned into elec-
bandgap by varying the radius of rods and using tricity. In this model excitation energy above the
the quantum size effect. The efficiency of quan- bandgap is lost to heating and excitation energy
tum dot conjugated polymer Solar cell can be below the band gap is not absorbed.
enhanced by using quantum confinement effect Single Wall Nanotubes (SWNTs): have a
which will affect the length and width of nanorods nanometer-scale diameter and exhibit ballistic
leading to thinner devices for optimal absorption electrical conductivity and are very efficient for
of incident light. transporting electrons. In addition SWCNT of-
Photovolatic (Solar) Cell: A photovoltaic cell fers unique properties of offering a wide range of
is a Solar cell essentially made of a large area p-n bandgaps to match the solar spectrum, enhanced
junction diode. Energy from the incident photons optical absorption and reduced carrier scattering
creates excitation of the electron to the conduction for hot carrier transport.
band leaving behind a hole in the valence band Solar Radiation: The annual energy input
resulting into electron-hole pairs or excitons in of solar irradiation on Earth exceeds the world’s
the case of organic semiconductors. yearly energy consumption by several thousand
Quantum Dot: Quantum dots (QDs) are semi- times. Most of the energy coming from sun is in
conductor nanocrystals of nanometers dimensions the visible and infrared part of the electromagnetic
whose electrons-holes (excitons) are confined in spectrum, with less than 1% emitted in the radio,
all three spatial dimensions. Quantum dots are used UV and X-ray spectral bands.


Chapter 7
CuInGaSe Based Thin Films
for Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Harry Efstathiadis
University at Albany, State University of New York, USA

Adam Filios
Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, USA

The authors present a brief overview of thin film photovoltaics, focusing on technologies that could
play an important role in the manufacturing of next generation of solar cells. Over the past decade,
there have been tremendous research and development efforts worldwide, to address the issues and
challenges that thin film photovoltaic technologies are facing. Recently however, there has been great
hope that advances in nanotechnology may open the door for breakthroughs in photovoltaics research.
In particular, significant opportunities exist in the area of nanostructured materials, fueled by recent
advances in equipment and processes that allow manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular
level, thus facilitating precise fabrication techniques and device characterization at the nanometer scale.

This chapter mainly focuses on two promising technologies, Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS)
and nanocrystalline silicon solar cells. Heterojunctions based on CIGS have been studied for several
years, and have shown very stable performance in field tests.

INTRODUCTION growth on flexible substrates. Nanocrystalline

silicon films have also recently attracted atten-
We’ll discuss various preparation methods for tion for use in photovoltaic solar cells as they
CIGS solar cells, the effects of composition ratio provide an approach which results in lower cost
on the performance, doping profiles, alternative and higher efficiency than conventional solar
buffer layers, low cost fabrication techniques as cells. Furthermore, silicon based nanoparticles or
well as global market trends. We will also in- superlattices may be integrated with other mate-
vestigate incorporation of nanoparticles such as rials for bandgap-engineered devices. Designed
quantum dots and quantum wires, and material appropriately, variation of the effective bandgap

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch007
CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

across the device allows a larger portion of the the materials and installation, development of
solar spectrum to be coupled into the solar cell solar cells with increased quantum efficiency,
increasing the conversion efficiency. and expanded application space, such as for
Non-vacuum methods for absorber deposition example, flexible modules, building integrated
promise significantly lower capital expenses and photovoltaics, light-weight modules for portable
reduced materials costs, and have been used to applications, etc.
produce devices with efficiencies of up to 14%. According to European PV Industry Associa-
Such efficiencies are already high enough for com- tion, while the European Union has dominated
mercial up-scaling to be considered and several the world market for years, the rest of the world
companies are now trying to develop products has clearly the biggest potential for growth. In
based on non-vacuum deposited CIGS absorbers. 2010, the EU was the world’s largest PV market.
The goal of the US Department of Energy With more than 13 GW installed in 2010, its total
(DOE) through its SunShot Initiative is to reduce installed PV capacity surged from 16 to almost 30
the cost of solar energy systems to reach grid GW. PV makes economic as well as environmental
parity. The $300 million over the next five years, sense and is a sustainable solution to the energy
Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC) needs of countries around the Equator. Driven by
initiative awarded to the College of Nanoscale local and global energy demand, the fastest PV
Science and Engineering (CNSE) and to Interna- growth is expected to continue in China and India,
tional SEMATCH from DOE will be presented. followed by South-East Asia, and Latin America.
The PVMC is primarily focused on CIGS thin The PV potential of the Sunbelt countries could
film technology. The goals of the PVMC is to range from 60 to 250 GW by 2020, and from 260
promote supply chain collaboration in the US, to 1,100 GW in 2030, representing 27% to 58%
advance large-scale solar manufacturing, boost of the forecast global installed PV capacity by
American competitiveness, reduce cost, and drive then (European PV Industry Association, 2011).
the deployment of solar energy. Currently the cost The rest of the world accounts for a 3 GW mar-
of CIGS thin film based panels is at $1.10/Watt. ket for PV. Japan and the USA approached the
As the demand for sustainable and environ- GW mark in 2010 and are expected to continue
mentally friendly energy sources continues to growing in 2011.
increase, there exists an urgent need to develop The vast majority of commercially available
materials, products, and processes that will make photovoltaic solar cells and modules are made of
these sustainable energy conversion technologies silicon, in its various forms (Ullal, 2007). Typi-
more efficient and economically attractive. Solar cally, either single-crystalline, or polycrystalline,
energy conversion, and in particular photovoltaics, or amorphous silicon are used in the fabrication
is in the forefront of the sustainable technologies of solar panels both for residential and large
holding promise to provide a clean, inexhaust- scale commercial photovoltaic systems. Each
ible source for the production of electric power. of these technologies offers a well-established
Although the increasing demand for clean energy price to performance ratio and specific cost and
has motivated a record expansion of photovoltaic benefit advantages depending on the particular
facilities worldwide in recent years, to date this application, location, available area, aesthetics,
technology represents only a fraction of a percent etc. However they are all “first generation” tech-
of the total electricity production. Tremendous nologies suffering from performance limitations
opportunities exist for the technology to become due to the properties of the bulk silicon material
much more pervasive, provided that there will used. Some improvements in the performance
be advances in areas such as cost reduction in have been achieved with optimization in the solar

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

cell design such as the SANYO Heterojunction all devices sold worldwide being silicon based.
with Intrinsic Thin Layer technology etc., electri- Therefore, the already very well established
cal contacts, and purity of the material (Tanaka, infrastructure and silicon processing technol-
2003). However, to significantly improve the ogy (silicon is the material that has been most
efficiency and/or reduce cost, the issues with the extensively studied for many years) was easily
fundamental limitations in the optical properties transferred to the photovoltaics industry. Silicon’s
of silicon have to be addressed. Single crystalline dominance in microelectronics and photovoltaics
silicon solar cells currently provide relatively is mostly due to the following aspects, which
good power conversion efficiency, however they provide benefits that other electronic materials
suffer from high cost. Crystalline silicon has low cannot easily match: (i) Silicon is non-toxic,
absorption coefficient, thus quite thick material, relatively inexpensive (silicon comprises about
200 to 300 microns, is needed for efficient light 26% of the earth’s crust which makes it second
absorption, increasing the material cost. Its band in abundance only to oxygen), easy to process (a
gap is also narrower than that desired for solar very well established industrial infrastructure in
cell applications. Solar light with energy much silicon processing exists around the world), and
larger than the silicon bandgap, when absorbed has quite good mechanical properties (strength,
by the material is converted into heat rather than hardness, thermal conductivity, etc.) and (ii) Sili-
electricity thus reducing the efficiency. con possesses two of the most outstanding natural
Polycrystalline silicon or amorphous silicon dielectrics, silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon
solar cells are available at lower cost; however nitride (Si3N4), which are essential for device
their conversion efficiency is lower compared formation. In particular, SiO2, which is the basis of
to single crystalline based cells. In addition, the metal – oxide – semiconductor devices (MOS)
amorphous silicon shows photodegradation and can be grown thermally on a silicon wafer, it is
reduced stability under light illumination, which chemically very stable and can achieve a very high
is known as Staebler-Wronski effect. Because of breakdown voltage. The interface defects of the
this effect, the cell efficiency drops when the cell thermally grown SiO2 by reaction of oxygen with
is exposed to light. The degradation acts primarily a silicon wafer are several orders of magnitude
on the fill factor (FF) and the short circuit cur- lower than those of any deposited film.
rent (Isc), whereas open-circuit voltage remains Especially for photovoltaics, the absorber
almost constant. Degradation can be reversed, is a single element layer which makes it easier
but only by exposing the cells to a temperature to process compare to other absorber materials
of approximately 160°C. This effect has not been which consist of a combination of elements. Back
fully explained. One possible explanation is that draws of silicon based solar cells is the high cost
the recombination of light-generated charge car- of silicon. Even though the current price is lower
riers causes weak silicon-hydrogen bonds to be than $50/kgr it is still expensive while a couple
broken in the amorphous material, thus creating of years ago the silicon price exceeded $300/Kgr.
additional defects that lower the efficiency and However, many believe that the future in photo-
increase serial resistance. voltaics will involve a major market penetration
In spite of these drawbacks, silicon is still the from novel technologies based on thin films and
dominant material in commercial photovoltaics. nanoscale materials.
One of the main reasons is that silicon is by far Various types of thin film materials and de-
the major player in today’s semiconductors mar- vices such as CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium
ket and the most important material, dominating Selenide – CuInGaSe2), CdTe, polymer based
the microelectronics industry with about 90% of materials, etc., but also nanoscale silicon based

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

devices (in addition to the old technologies of the only material to directly compete with single
amorphous and polycrystaline silicon), are being crystalline and polycrystalline silicon in the mar-
investigated for the next generation photovoltaic kets. CIGS offers several advantages over silicon,
solar cells. In particular some of these thin film with the most important being the promise of
technologies have received major funding (espe- achieving lower cost approaching less than $1/
cially since there has been a shortage of refined, Watt, which is considered an important target in
device quality, silicon material during the recent the PV industry. Crystalline silicon, even though
years) and there have been major achievements is a single element material, is still quite higher
and significant progress in improving efficiency in cost than this benchmark due to the high cost
and reducing cost. of raw material. The cost benefit of CIGS is
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory mostly due to a lower manufacturing cost of the
(NREL) has claimed a world record for CIGS material and high production yield. In addition
thin-film solar cell conversion efficiency of 19.9% on the technical arena, CIGS as a direct and tun-
(Repins, 2008). The conversion efficiency for able bandgap material, offers high absorption
CIGS is now close to that of multi-crystalline coefficient therefore very thin material of only
silicon-based solar cells, according to NREL. a couple of microns thick (~1-2 μm) is enough
Thus, the efficiency of thin film solar cells is now to absorb most of the light incident on the solar
achieving its goal of matching polycrystalline device. Therefore, significant cost savings could
silicon in performance. One of the CIGS deposi- be reached, since very little material is used. A
tion methods lately investigated for scale up and second very important advantage of CIGS is that
industrial production is thermal evaporation. As it can be deposited on flexible substrates by roll
compared to other deposition methods, thermal to roll process, resulting in modules that will have
evaporation produces the highest efficiency thin an extended application space, such as in build-
film solar cells and has the lowest materials costs ing integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), consumer
with high material utilization driving down the electronics, applications that require light-weight
manufacturing cost per watt. modules (aerospace applications, for example)
During the last years Veeco Inc. started an effort and portable devices. Flexible, light-weight pho-
to introduce in the market multi-source evapora- tovoltaic modules with high conversion efficiency
tion systems which could process large area 1.1m will provide a major breakthrough, allowing pho-
x 1.4m glass panels. The modular architecture tovoltaics excellent applicability in many areas.
of the system would allow PV manufacturers to CIGS provides the best conversion efficiency
scale output according to their needs. Recently, among the thin film technologies. In a laboratory
Veeco decided to pull from CIGS tool develop- environment, a single junction CIGS based thin
ment efforts but decided to continue its unique film solar cell has shown to achieve a 19.9% ef-
thermal deposition source technology that could ficiency (Contreras, 2005). Typical efficiency of
be attractive to equipment companies. CIGS modules is about 10 – 13%. Besides higher
efficiency, CIGS offers other advantages as well
over other thin film technologies. For example,
GIGS BASED PV: BENEFITS tests have shown that CIGS does not degrade in
AND CHALLENGES sunlight, which is a major concern with other thin
film technologies such as amorphous silicon, and
CIGS is one of the most promising thin film results in reduced efficiency over the years. In
materials that is closer in being at the level of addition, this technology is environmentally safe,
development and manufacturing. It is possibly since cadmium is in very small quantities and also

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

bonded to sulfur while it is manufacturing ready Currently, there are significant research and
with strong research base to build on and has the development efforts to consider alternative ma-
immediate potential for job creation within the terials that use lower cost and more abundant
United States. For all the above reasons, CIGS elements, while maintaining the advantages of
technology has attracted major interest, and in CIGS absorbers, such as direct and tunable band
recent years there are many companies worldwide gap, high efficiency and low cost. These efforts are
that have heavily invested in this material. focused on vacuum and non-vacuum techniques
Thin-film CIGS based devices also rely on a of kesterite-based Cu2ZnSn(S/Se)4 (CZTSS) thin-
larger combination of elements making it more film solar cells, in which the indium and gallium
challenging to achieve the right stoichiometry, from CIGS are replaced by the readily available
crystallinity, and uniformity, especially in large elements zinc and tin.
deposition areas for monolithic integration. In The advancement of new generation of thin
addition some of these elements are costly and solar cell technology toward more efficient and
rare (e.g., Ga, In, Se). These issues could limit lower cost PVs resembles the advancement of
their use in large scale deposition for production. micro/nano chip fabrication over the last two
Several technical challenges CIGS technology is decades. The development of integrated circuits
facing are the absorber and device complexity, (ICs) is known as Moore’s law. According to
the lack of fundamental understanding of materi- this law, the number of transistors per unit area
als and processing in the absorber layer, buffer is doubling every 18 months. There is a debate
layer, and front/back contacts level. Other areas among PV community, if Moore’s law can be
include materials composition and their integra- applied solar cell development efforts. A possible
tion into a device, engineering of interfaces and answer is that while not directly transferable, the
tight control of impurities. There is also a lack of technical features of Moore’s Law have analogs
widely accepted deposition process and process- in PVs (Bowden, 2010). The technical parameter
ing parameters as well as reliability testing and that drives Moore’s Law is the gate length on
scientific understanding of possible degradation the transistor level. A shorter gate length both
mechanisms. CIGS modules have shown long- improves computer clock speed and reduces costs
term stability. However, performance degradation by allowing more transistors on a silicon wafer,
has also been observed. CIGS devices are sensi- i.e. higher transistor density (transistors/cm2). As
tive to water vapor; e.g., change in properties of expressed for ICs, Moore’s law does not directly
ZnO. Thin film barrier to water vapor and new translate to PV, as neither efficiency nor module
encapsulants and less aggressive application pro- area scale by large factors. For example, the ana-
cess are challenges that need to be addressed. A log to transistors/cm2 is power generated per unit
lot of effort is needed in high performance, high volume of material in the solar cell, i.e. W/cm3. In
volume manufacturing equipment and real time, PVs, the volume is the relevant parameter rather
in-line metrology. Controls and diagnostics based than surface area (as in transistors) both because
on material properties and film growth lead to PV price is dominated by material volume in
higher throughput and yield, improve reliability large-scale production and because performance
and reproducibility of the process, and result relates to material volume. For example in real
higher conversion efficiency. In addition, there cell devices, several critical characteristics such
are no roadmaps, standards, protocols, certifica- as absorption and recombination relate to mate-
tions while scaling in manufacturing - small-area rial volume.
champion cell to large area still remains the most Decreasing solar cell thickness and increasing
important issue. concentration are two possible ways to decrease

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

material volume while increasing efficiency. necessary for increasing the efficiency of the solar
A thinner solar cell enables higher W/cm3 by cell. For substrates that do not provide a natural
increasing the efficiency and by decreasing mate- sodium source for diffusion, Na needs to be in-
rial use, making solar cell thickness an analog to corporated by other means during the fabrication
gate length in transistors. During the last ten to process leading to an additional step. One of the
fifteen years, the thickness of silicon solar cells disadvantages of the glass substrate is that it is not
has decreased from 1,000 µm to 200 µm or less flexible. Flexible and light-weight solar cells will
today. While in new thin film technologies the enable many applications, as they can be integrated
silicon thickness is in the range of 20 µm to 2 easily on any contour surface. Photovoltaics on
µm. On this respect, CIGS based solar cells are vehicles and building-integrated photovoltaics
thin film devices with targeted thickness of CIGS (BIPV) are only a few of the applications that will
absorber layer approximately 2 µm. The change benefit from flexible solar modules. Polymers can
in thickness is numerically similar to the change provide a flexible and light-weight substrate, but
in gate length in ICs, which decreased the last they impose limitations in the processing substrate
twenty five years from about 5 µm to under 30nm temperature that can be used. Typically, heat-
today. The combination of increased efficiency, resistant polymers such as polyimides are used,
thinner wafers, concentration and other effects will which can withstand temperature up to 500°C,
enable a five-order of magnitude improvement in which is within the acceptable range for good
W/cm3, similar to that experienced in transistors/ quality device fabrication. Metal foils offer an
cm2 in Moore’s Law. additional choice for flexible substrates. Stainless
steel, titanium, or molybdenum are typically used
Cu(InGa)Se2 Deposition Methods (Dhere, 2005). These metal foils can withstand
and Device Fabrication higher processing temperatures and can be used
in roll to roll process such as 1m width. One of
CIGS based solar cells are multilayer devices the major issues metal substrates introduce is that
consisted of a substrate, a metal back contact, a impurities from the foil can diffuse to the absorber
Cu(InGa)Se2 layer which serves as light absorber layer reducing the efficiency of the solar cell. To
and forms the p-type material of the p-n junc- eliminate this possibility, a barrier layer is required
tion, a wide-bandgap n-type material – typically between the metal foil and the CIGS absorber
CdS – to complete the junction, and a transparent to reduce or possibly eliminate the diffusion of
conducting oxide forming the front side contact. impurities. Usually nitride such at TiN or TaN or
The structure is completed with a top metallic oxide layers such as Cr2O3 or SiO2 could be used
grid contact of Ni/Al. as impurities diffusion barriers. Another issue is
The most common substrate used is soda lime that the surface of the metal foils fabricated in a
glass, however, in recent years light-weight and machine shop is contaminated by hydrocarbons
flexible substrates such as polymers or metal foils and is also very rough. Thus, additional cleaning
are been explored. The use of soda lime glass and surface treatment steps are required prior to
substrate offers several benefits. Besides providing barrier layer deposition.
a material, which has a very good thermal expan- One of the biggest advantages of the CIGS
sion match to the CIGS layer, it also provides a solar cells over their silicon counterparts is the
source for sodium (Na) which diffuses from the very efficient light absorption offered by the
substrate to the CIGS absorber layer. It has been Cu(InGa)Se2 absorber layer. For a good light
shown that Na incorporates in the grain bound- absorber material, a direct bandgap semiconduc-
aries and the surface of the CIGS layer, and it is tor with high absorption coefficient is required.

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

As CIGS provides an excellent absorber, only a absorber deposition process is complex and the
very thin layer of about 2 – 3 μm in thickness is industry continues to search for economical and
required to absorb the incident photons. On the reliable methods to grow device-quality CIGS in
contrary, crystalline silicon having an indirect large areas and integrating such devices to form
and relative small bandgap of 1.1 eV is not an modules. NREL has developed one step thermal
efficient absorber. About 300 μm to 200 μm of evaporation process to deposit CIGS films high
silicon is required for effective light absorption, from point sources of Cu, In, Ga and Se. However,
i.e. approximately 100-times thicker material than uniform and fast delivery over large areas of these
that required with CIGS. Another advantage of the elements with a satisfactory compound formation
CIGS absorber is that its bandgap can be tailored process capable of producing high quality CIGS,
over a range between 1.0–1.7 eV, by varying the currently presents a significant challenge.
Ga and In content in the alloy, allowing a design In the two step process of sputtering fol-
that can match better the solar spectrum. lowed by selenization, the metal precursors (Cu,
Several vacuum and non-vacuum process In and Ga) are deposited on a substrate via rf or
methods are used for the deposition of the CIGS dc-sputtering (printing or electroplating as non-
absorber layer. Vacuum deposition techniques vacuum techniques could also be used) followed
include magnetron sputtering by a single CuInGa by exposure to a selenium atmosphere and heat.
target with premixed elemental composition or by The selenium atmosphere may originate from a gas
a combination of Cu, In, CuGa targets followed of hydrogen selenide (H2Se), or diethyl selenide
by selenization (two step process) and thermal ((C2H5)2Se), or in the form of a vapor from a solid
evaporation from single element sources (one selenium source. The issue with H2Se is that it is
step process). Non-vacuum methods include ink very toxic while (C2H5)2Se is less toxic but five-
printing, electroplating, spray pyrolysis, ultrasonic times more expensive than H2Se. In sputtering,
spray coating, and processes involve deposition Cu, In and Ga source atoms are ejected from a
from a chemical bath solution. Each deposition solid target material such as In, Cu, and CuGa
method has several advantages and disadvantages. (75%,25%) or CuInGa due to bombardment of the
Even though, thermal evaporation is the method target by energetic ions. As mentioned, sputter-
of choice for small area samples, to date there is ing is a mature thin film deposition process used
no single technique widely accepted to deposit extensively in other industries, including flat panel
CIGS films which could result in large area depo- displays, semiconductors, etc. It is also adopted
sition. Several intense research and development for CIGS large area deposition, in part, because
efforts are under way, to prove that one deposition the scalable nature of the sputtering process.
technique can be the dominant for large areas. A The metallic precursors are deposited se-
key problem for the commercialization of CIGS quentially on a double layer of molybdenum on
technology is scaling up laboratory techniques to glass substrates by magnetron sputtering. Precise
the industrial level while maintaining a high con- control of film composition, density, and substrate
version efficiency of cells and modules. Key issues temperature are critical factors in making device
to solve are thickness and composition uniformity quality CIGS films. For example, the atomic com-
across large areas such as 2 ft x 6 ft on glass, or position of the resulting films sputter deposited
on 1 m wide metal foil. A possible approach is the from Cu, In, and Cu/Ga sputtering targets is Cu/
use of already available in the market production (In+Ga)=0.895 and Ga/(In+Ga)=0.298. These
equipment such as magnetron sputtering systems. metallic precursors are then selenized in Se atmo-
Sputter deposition is controllable and reproduc- sphere followed by sequential deposition of CdS,
ible method in large area substrates. However, the i-ZnO, and ZnO:Al layers and metal contacts to

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

fabricate CIGS devices. Devices fabricated with reported CuInGa precursor thin films with mean
two step process exhibit conversion efficiency roughness values below 200 nm for the same
in the range 10% to 15% under AM1.5. Several precursor film thickness. In this work we were
research groups have investigated physical and able to produce dense, smooth and homogeneous
electric properties of the CIGS thin films by dif- CuInGa precursor thin films with RMS roughness
ferent temperature profiles under controlled Se values below 20 nm (Gremenok, 2004).
vapor pressure. Scaling up of this process requires It was found that the selenization kinetics and
the adoption of the simplest possible cell structure chalcopyrite syntheses strongly depend on the state
in order to minimize cost. of the metallic precursor film after deposition. The
An interesting deposition method is a two step film morphology and homogeneity has a great
CIGS process in which the precursor films were influence on the reaction process. Precursors with
deposited at substrate lower than room tempera- rich In phases on the surface will give rise to badly
ture. CuInGa precursor thin films were deposited reproducible interfaces with selenium and can give
using simultaneously CuGa (75-25 at%) and In rise to significant change in absorber synthesis ki-
3” diameter target material by magnetron sput- netics and will therefore yield a bad reproducibility
tering. The precursor films were deposited on of the process. The morphology of the precursor
Si, Mo/Si and glass substrates at -80ºC and room thin films stays unchanged even though the crystal-
temperature. The films characterized by various lographic phases become similar at a post anneal
characterization techniques such as Rutherford at 200 °C (Berwian, 2005). Increasing the process
Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), Inductive temperature during precursor thin film formation
coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), does not change the morphology of co-sputtered
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Scanning and sequentially sputtered films. Because of the
Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Mi- strong influence of the precursor sputter process
croscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). on the surface morphology, homogeneity and the
Precursors films deposited at -80ºC found to related absorber formation, it is of great importance
possess smooth surface morphology with a 90% to have smooth and homogeneous precursor thin
reduction in all roughness values (average rough- films. The metallic precursors were selenized by
ness, root-mean-square) and are more dense and annealing in elemental selenium environment and
homogeneous in structure compared to precursors devices fabricated exhibited power conversion ef-
deposited at room temperature. ficiency in the order of 5-6% under AM1.5 global
The characterization results revealed informa- solar photon flux normalized to 1000W/m2.
tion on the micro-chemical and micro-structural Another example of CIGS deposition is the
properties of the CuInGa precursor films. The find- work reported by A. Delahoy et al. (Delahoy,
ings supported that depositions at -80 °C result in 2004). The investigators deposited CIGS on
dense, homogeneous and smooth precursor films 0.43m2 modules which consisted of 71 mono-
due to the retardation of diffusion of In out of the lithically integrated cells with each cell consisted
Cu-Ga system (Hanssen, 2001). There is a strong of Mo/CIGS/CdS/i-ZnO/n-ZnO. The CIGS was
correlation between substrate temperature and grown by first depositing an (InxGa1-x)2Se3 layer
crystallographic structure, density, homogeneity by delivering In, Ga, and Se to a heated substrate,
and surface morphology. The precursor material and then deposited a Cu layer by sputtering
was quenched on cold substrates, locking the (Delahoy, 2004). The stacked Cu/(InxGa1-x)2Se3
particles in place and resulting into homogeneous, layer was treated in a Se atmosphere followed by
smooth and dense thin films. The precursor films delivery of In, Ga, and Se to complete the CIGS
thickness was 600 nm films. Other groups have deposition. High-quality CIGS has been produced

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

with Cu sputtered. Using a standard R&D-scale islands on the film surface, while the CuInGa
multi-source evaporator and stationary substrates, precursor film becomes rough and inhomoge-
a cell efficiency of 13.5% was achieved with the neous in structure. To reduce In segregation and
Cu sputtered under AM1.5. The measured exter- improve homogeneity and surface morphology,
nal quantum efficiency versus wavelength for a a bi-layer CuGa/In approach is reported. This
hybrid process cell without AR coating was also bi-layer structure increases homogeneity and re-
measured. The devices showed very good carrier duces surface roughness, nevertheless, still gives
collection and a high peak QE stemming from the rise to an In-rich islands on the surface, due to
reduced reflection resulting from the roughness of phase separation at room temperature or higher
the CIGS. The band gap of the CIGS was ~1.11 temperatures during deposition.
eV, was determined by extrapolation of the tangent PVD evaporation of single elemental layers on
at the inflection point of the QE curve. a substrate cooled to -160 oC resulted in smooth
To address the need for a simpler, scalable, Cu and Ga thin films. The cooled substrate ap-
low-cost cost deposition technology for CIGS, proach has not further investigated to date in the
research groups are trying to employ one-stage form of multi compound thin films obtained by
magnetron sputtering from a single Cu(In0.7Ga0.3) co-sputtering. This is the reason CNSE has further
Se0.6Nax target (initially, with alternative composi- investigated the improvement of precursor mor-
tions developed as needed) to deposit CIGS on phology and homogeneity using a liquid N2 cooled
up to 4” square Mo-coated glass substrates fol- substrate before co-deposition. The chemical com-
lowed by selenization to crystallize the films. To position, sticking coefficient, and the morphology
investigate composition effects, a Cu target could and crystal structure of the precursor thin films
be used in the same sputtering system to supply are strongly depended on the temperature of the
additional Cu. The motivation for this work was substrate. The deposition of CuInGa precursor thin
the need to improve the ease and uniformity of films with a dense and smooth morphology and
CIGS delivery (as compared to delivery by linear homogeneous in structure has been demonstrated
source evaporation) in the case of large- area sub- using this approach. In addition, this deposition
strates. This work is currently in the development process can easily be accommodated to an indus-
of a baseline process which could be followed trial mass-production system.
by optimizing a manufacturing-worthy process. In addition to sputtering technology, thermal
The high efficiencies achieved with CIGS thin evaporation in vacuum from point sources, as one
films, with a world-record efficiency CIGS solar step process, provides excellent control of CIGS
cell of 19.9% was deposited by co-evaporation film composition. Evaporation is the method
trough a three-step process. Co-evaporation has traditionally used for the absorber layer and has
difficulties in scaling-up for a large-manufacturing produced to date the highest power conversion
system because of its complexity. Along other efficiency (19.9%) solar cells. It involves co-
deposition techniques, the two-step process, in evaporation of elemental Cu, In, Ga, and Se in a
which the selenization step follows the sputtering high vacuum (10-7 torr) chamber. During deposi-
step of the metallic precursors, seems to be the tion the substrate is heated at temperatures of 400
most feasible for industrial production use. °C – 600 °C. Higher temperatures lead to better
Co-sputtering of CuInGa precursor thin films, material structure, however for polymer substrates
from a dual target approach was proposed to form the temperature is kept at the lower end of the
homogeneous precursor material. However, for range. Boron nitride Knudsen cells are typically
deposition at room temperature and higher tem- used to hold the source material. The temperatures
peratures, Indium segregates, and forms In-rich required for evaporation of the source materials

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

are as follows: T(Cu) = 1350 °C, T(In) 1000 °C, Another possible alternative to CIGS absorber
T(Ga) = 1100 °C, and T(Se) = 300 °C. Precise layer which has been investigated is CuInAlSe
temperature control of the sources typically leads (CIAS) (Dwyer 2010). It was found that in CIGS
to excellent control of the film parameters and the devices as more Ga is introduced in the absorber
best performance films. Another benefit of this layer the energy band gap (Eg) of the absorber
method is that it allows independent control of layer increases. For example, the Eg of CIGS films
each element. Therefore by adjusting for an ap- with (Ga/(Ga+In)~0.5) is approximately 1.3 eV.
propriate ratio of Ga/(In+Ga) gradient, bandgap However, as more Ga is introduced beyond this
engineered devices with a bandgap gradient can point, the device efficiency is decreased. There
be produced. Furthermore, this process allows for are several explanations about this behavior. A
the growth of Cu rich films. Although this method possible one is that high-Ga atomic concentration
provides excellent results for laboratory or small in CIGS films introduces mid-gap Ga defects
area applications, it is not very well suited for which act as recombination centers. Replacing Ga
large area, high throughput production. with Al can further increase the Eg and introduce
A variation used in several commercial pro- fewer structural defects due to the smaller size of
cesses involves using an in-line array of evapora- Al atom compared to Ga. Record CIAS lab scale
tion sources that deposit material on substrates that device efficiency has reach 16.9% using a co-
are on a moving heated stage. Another approach evaporation process (Marsillac 2002). In Dwyer et.
involves a two-step process. In the first step al. work, CuInAl precursor films with varying Al/
copper, indium and gallium are co-evaporated. (In+Al) ratios were co-sputtered onto Mo coated
The resulting film is then annealed in a selenide soda-lime glass substrates. Metal precursor films
atmosphere to form the CIGS structure. Several were then selenized under vacuum conditions
companies have developed vacuum equipment using thermally evaporated elemental selenium.
designed for heating and coating large-area mov- Devices fabricated using CIAS as absorber layer
ing substrates in which the materials (e.g. Cu, In, with ~2.0 atomic % aluminum, exhibited under
Ga, Se) are supplied using their own proprietary AM1.5 power conversation efficiency 5.2%.
linear thermal source technology (Delahoy, 2000; Although vacuum deposition techniques result
Delahoy, 1996). The use of elemental selenium in good quality films, they are rather expensive
rather than toxic H2Se or expensive (C2H5)2Se gas and do not always lead to cost effective high-
can help make for a safe manufacturing environ- throughput manufacturing. Most materials via
ment. These choices concerning film deposition, evaporation and sputtering are lost and recycling
substrates, and source materials help to minimize is a difficult process if utilizing vacuum processes.
the processing costs of CIGS. The advantage of non-vacuum or solution pro-
Besides thermal evaporation, sputtering can cesses is that the deposition rates can be much
also be used as an alternative vacuum deposi- higher. With vacuum deposition, you are depos-
tion technique. This is a two-step process. First iting at a rate of less than ten microns an hour.
Cu, Ga, and In are co-sputtered in vacuum using With solution processing, with one sweep, one can
con-focal sputtering guns for better uniformity. have a big fraction of the targeted thickness of the
The second step involves selenization of the as deposited film. Several alternative non-vacuum
deposited film by reaction with Se in an inert gas methods have been developed for fabrication of
environment. As an alternative, a Se layer may be CIGS. Among the most promising non-vacuum
evaporated on the film followed by rapid thermal techniques is the use of metal precursors followed
processing (RTP). by a selenization process. The first step involves

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

the deposition of Cu, In, and Ga on the substrate tion. It was successfully shown that AACVD is
by screen printing or spraying. A precursor ink a useful alternative to conventional CVD when
consisting of nanoparticles of Cu, In, and Ga the vapor pressure of the precursor is too low for
oxides is used for this process. The desired ratio CVD, since easily delivers precursors to a heated
can be adjusted very accurately within the ink. substrate by spraying it into a hot zone, followed
An ink-jet printing method can be used to deliver by evaporation over a heated substrate.
the ink very accurately resulting in a fast method As it is already mentioned, CZTS is another
that minimizes wasted ink. Selenization of the absorbing thin film to replace CIGS. It utilizes only
resulting films is then performed either by using abundant and cheaper metals and is expected to
an RTP process, or by exposing the films in an lower production costs. Performance and produc-
atmosphere of H2Se and N2 gases. tion yields for CZTS, in large scale production,
Sono-Tek Corporation, Milton, NY, USA has can be as competitive as CuInSe (CIS). The zinc
developed an ultrasonic coating technology for and tin supply are more abundant compared to
spraying CIGS solutions and CdTe layer chem- indium and gallium making the supply situation
istries in thin film solar cell manufacturing. This more stable. One other possibility is to replace
technology was demonstrated at the 26th Euro- the selenium in the record efficiency cells with
pean Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU sulfur. CZTS has a similar crystal structure to that
PVSEC) in Hamburg, Germany (www.sono-tek. of chalcopyrites. The optoelectronic properties of
com). The coating equipment costs a fraction of CZTS do not seem to vary very much from that
the cost of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and of CIGS as well, showing similar light absorption
sputtering deposition methods while the ultrasonic properties. However, CZTS does offer a potential
nozzles are advantageous for depositing uniform benefit in that it has a higher band gap (that is
thin films of nanosuspensions. Using high frequen- similar to that of CdTe), meaning higher output
cy sound vibrations, the nozzles atomize liquid voltages compared to CIGS or c-Si solar cells.
solutions to form a soft spray of micron- sized Devices based on CZTS, deposited using
droplets. The nozzles are non-clogging precision vacuum equipment such as sputtering from
atomizing devices, whose high frequency vibra- pressed targets of quaternary materials or by
tions break up any agglomerations in solution sequential deposition of metal layers such as
throughout the entire coating process. This is Cu/Sn/Zn, have achieved efficiency as high as
particularly valuable when depositing cadmium- 6.8%, while liquid-based deposition approaches
based suspensions where agglomerations can of the absorber layer led to devices with power
result in non-uniform distribution of particles and conversion efficiency of 10-11% (Katagiri, 2009)
lower cell efficiency. Ultrasonic atomization cre- This achievement attracted more attention to non-
ates a very stable process with highly repeatable vacuum development of kesterite materials and
thin films, and uniformities as low as +/-2%. An brought this technology into a range of possible
aerosol assisted CVD process using both solid commercial interest. There are several technical
and liquid ternary single-source precursors was barriers which have to overcome in order to even
performed in a vertical atmospheric pressure cold- further increase the efficiency of these devices to
wall reactor with a commercial ultrasonic nozzle the 14-15% range. Among the issues that limit the
(Sono-Tek 120 kHz) (Jin, 2003). One important cell performance and need to be addressed are loss
prerequisite for single-source precursors is a lower mechanisms such as interface recombination, high
decomposition temperature than the substrate series resistance and low minority carrier lifetime.
temperature so that film deposition can be initiated In addition understanding of long-term device
on polymer substrate without thermal degrada- stability and solving issues such as composition,

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

texture, and thickness uniformity in large areas must form a continuous coating over the absorber
are important to move this technology forward layer at low thicknesses. Pinholes in the film can
(Mitzi, 2011). cause localized degradation in electronic proper-
Copper-indium-gallium-sulfur-(di)selenide ties, increasing tunneling and lowering contact
thin-film photovoltaic panels are currently potential at the junction. This continuous coating
produced by several companies such as Stion must be formed at low thicknesses (<100 nm) to
which is based in California. Stion may also be avoid losses in light transmission associated with
the only CIGS player that has been pursuing a thicker films. The conduction band offset (CBO)
tandem-junction architecture in which their first- that is created at the CIGS/buffer interface is also
generation product (with ~11% efficiency at the important, especially for wide band gap absorber
panel level) is actually the bottom device of what materials for both single and multijunction devices.
will ultimately be a mechanically stacked dual The CBO of the highest efficiency CIGS cells
structure (www.stion.com). (band gap 1.15 eV) at the CIGS/CdS interface
As mentioned already, the as prepared CIGS is 0.3 eV. This is a nearly optimal value. As the
absorber layer is a p-type material. Doping occurs absorber band gap is increased buffers with wider
naturally in the material by intrinsic point defects band gaps than CdS are needed to maintain this
and vacancies in the crystalline lattice. The next ideal CBO value (Contreras, 2002).
layer in the structure is an n-type material that must Several alternative materials to CdS are be-
have a larger bandgap to allow photons to pass ing explored to serve as emitter layer, mainly to
through it, so that they can be absorbed in the CIGS avoid the environmental issues involving the use
absorber layer. This is called the “window layer” of cadmium which is considered as highly toxic
or the “emitter layer”. Cadmium sulfide (CdS) is eventhough it is bonded to sulfur and it is not in
commonly used, which is a direct bandgap mate- free form (Dwyer, 2010). Some of the alterna-
rial with a bandgap of 2.4 eV. Some of the light in tives may also offer added benefits, such as wider
the blue region of the solar spectrum is therefore bandgap and a dry or vacuum fabrication process
absorbed in the CdS layer, however most of the which will be more compatible with the rest of
generated carriers are lost to recombination and the device. Some of the alternative emitter materi-
do not contribute to the photocurrent. Typically a als include ZnxS, Zn(O,S,OH), ZnSe, In2S3, and
CdS film of thickness of 40–80 nm is deposited Zn1-xMgxO. These materials may be deposited by
by chemical bath deposition. The as deposited vacuum deposition techniques such as atomic layer
CdS film is an n-type material because of native deposition (ALD), sputtering, MOCVD, PVD, etc.
defects. Therefore it is used to form a p-n junction From a market perspective, PV manufactur-
with the p-type CIGS absorber layer. ing in the US is at risk. Equipment and materials
For a material to be a suitable buffer layer suppliers expressed their concern to members of
a few requirements must be met. First a high the US House and Senate over the possibility that
band gap is desired, with high light transmission some incentives -- the Manufacturing Tax Credit
below the band edge to allow maximum light and the 1603(c) Grant in Lieu of Tax Credits -- will
generated current. CdS has a band gap of 2.4 eV, not be extended. This could lead at least some of
corresponding to a photon wavelength of 517 nm. them to consider manufacturing overseas, where
Photons with energy above 2.4 eV can be optically tax holidays, land, and less expensive labor are
absorbed, reducing the available light to generate easier to come by. But there is more to manufac-
electron–hole pairs in the absorber layer. A higher turing than policy. At the second annual North
band gap film that allows light transmission down American PV Fab Managers Forum, organized
to 370 nm (3.35 eV) is desired. Second, films by SEMI in conjunction with Intersolar North

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

America 2011 put the PV solar manufacturing Solar (USA, Germany, Malaysia, Vietnam), Q-
supply chain in the US under the microscope. Cells (Germany and Malaysia), REC (Norway and
This year’s theme was “thin film,” focusing on Singapore) and Solarworld (Germany and USA).
CIGS and CdTe. The Forum featured manufactur-
ers, equipment and materials suppliers, and other
contributors, before the backdrop of global and THE PHOTOVOLTAIC
US thin-film market trends and developments MANUFACTURING CONSORTIUM
-- and yes, some policy. Cost drivers, efficiency
barriers, and supply-chain wide dialogue around Based on economic and population growth, it is
shared challenges are issues of great importance predicted that energy demand is going to triple
and interest which were all discussed. in next 100 years. The percentage of U.S. elec-
The tenth edition of the PV Status Report, tricity produced by non-hydro renewable energy
published by the European Commission’s Joint sources is expected to increase from 4% in 2009
Research Centre (JRC), indicates that in 2010, the to 12.3% in 2030. As a result of these predictions,
photovoltaic (PV) industry production more than the investments in PV industry tripled the last
doubled and reached a world-wide production years while the renewable energy sources will
volume of 23.5 Gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaic grow nearly 207% by 2030.
modules (Jäger-Waldau, 2011). Since 1990, pho- In response to the market trends in photovolta-
tovoltaic module production has increased more ics for low cost energy production and the focus
than 500-fold from 46MW to 23.5 GW in 2010, given in thin film solar cells, the US Department of
which makes photovoltaics one of the fastest- Energy, as part of the SunShot Initiative, awarded
growing industries at present. to CNSE and International SEMATECH, the
In 2010, the world-wide photovoltaic produc- Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC)
tion more than doubled, driven by major increases initiative. The PVMC is based in Albany, New
in Europe. For 2010 the annual market volume York, at the CNSE-Univeristy at Albany campus.
of newly-installed solar photovoltaic electricity It is an industry led consortium with cooperative
systems varies between 17 and 19 GW, depending R&D programs among industry, university, and
on estimates. This represents mostly the grid-con- government partners. Its overall goal is to work
nected photovoltaic market, as there are no reliable on innovative solar technologies, pulling research
estimates available for the non grid-connected into the industry mainstream, lead major programs
market. The report shows that with a cumulative to address critical industry transitions and focus
installed capacity of over 29 GW, the European manufacturing processes. More specifically during
Union is leading in PV installations. By the end the first years of operation its goal is to accelerate
of 2010, European photovoltaic installations the development, commercialization, and manu-
provided more than 70% of the total world-wide facturing of photovoltaic systems based on thin
solar photovoltaic electricity generation capacity. film CIGS (Haldar, 2011).
The photovoltaic industry has changed dra- PVMC’s goal is to improve absorber uniformity
matically over the last few years. China has and increase the power conversion efficiency of
become the major manufacturing center for solar CIGS thin film PV technologies in large deposi-
cells and modules followed by Taiwan, Germany tion areas by improving manufacturing processes
and Japan. Among the twenty biggest photovoltaic and driving down costs. The key components of
manufacturers in 2010, only four had production PVMC include: collaborative R&D programs to
facilities in Europe or North America, namely First address infrastructure needs in CIGS technology

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

and manufacturing; manufacturing development In addition to these activities, PVMC has es-
facilities to speed development and scale-up of tablished technology working groups of experts to
CIGS materials, processes, equipment, facilities, produce and publish the International Technology
and products; CIGS roadmap and standards to align Roadmap for PV (ITRS PV) in order to assess
industry research, development, and manufactur- the industry’s future technology requirements. In
ing; on line metrology and new characterization fashion similar to the one expressed by the Interna-
techniques; support to the industry in testing and tional Technology Roadmap for semiconductors,
reliability, balance of system, technology com- these future needs for PVs are expected to drive
mercialization, and workforce development. strategies for world-wide research and develop-
PVMC is expected to provide significant ment among manufacturers’ research facilities,
impact on the growth of the U.S. PV industry universities, and national labs. The first ITRS PV
especially on CIGS based devices. The resources is expected to contain the most recent information
of PVMC, in addition to SEMATECH and CNSE, from the technology experts. The ITRS is a set
which are the founding members, include over of documents produced by a group of PV experts
80 industrial partners and organizations, and from the US PV industry and National Labora-
over $300 million in projected state, federal, and tories. The final documents to be published will
industry funds. More specifically, PVMC partners probably carry the disclaimer, similar to the one
include the entire supply chain. These are organi- for semiconductors: “The ITRS is devised and
zations and companies representing universities intended for technology assessment only and is
and national laboratories, equipment, materials without regard to any commercial considerations
and metrology suppliers, module producers and pertaining to individual products or equipment
integrators, and end users. (www.itrs.net).
PVMC is establishing an innovative model In addition to the PVMC there many other
similar to the one already in place at CNSE for national and international organizations and
the semiconductor industry. It is expected, within government agencies to promote PV related
the next five years, to develop and commercial- activities such as research, R&D, manufactur-
ize CIGS thin film technology to increase power ing, market development and organizes various
conversion efficiency and reliability of large area kinds of events. The SEMI PV Group is a global
panels while reducing the cost of manufacturing. trade association which helps improvement of
The focus of PVMC will initially be on reel-to-reel PV manufacturing standards and connects the PV
processing on flexible and light weight substrates. supply chain. The group promotes the interests
This unique effort is based on the collaboration and of its members on global issues, legislation, and
expertise of SEMATECH’s industry consortium critical regulations that facilitate PV supply chain
model and CNSE’s public-private partnerships interactions, innovation, promote investment, and
and state of the art infrastructure. The PVMC grow the solar market. PV SEMI helps the PV
partners are providing the expertise, experience, manufacturing supply chain with an international
and knowledge needed to help the industry move network of trade events, listed in Appendix A,
toward PV optimization and commercialization standards development activities, public policy
faster. To promote this integration and collabora- initiatives, research, and information that work
tion of key players from across the spectrum of together to expand opportunities in solar energy
the PV industry with CNSE and SEMATECH, for the group members and advance the industry

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

CONCLUSION area devices while the large volume of chemicals

disposal remains a problem.
As the worldwide interest in renewable energy is The PVMC established by CNSE and Inter-
expected to increase, there is a growing demand national SEMATECH at the University at Albany
for the development of photovoltaic devices is a significant effort to promote research and
that are produced at lower cost and offer higher development and manufacturing in thin film tech-
performance than those commercially available nology in the US and also produce and publish
today. In addition, certain characteristics such as the first ITRS in PV.
light-weight photovoltaic modules and solar cells
that can be fabricated on flexible substrates are
of great importance for emerging applications. REFERENCES
Thin-film photovoltaic solar cells have shown
promise for enhancing the performance to cost Berwian, P. (2005). Experimentelle Untersuc-
ratio. Reducing fabrication and material costs will hung und Modellierung der Bildungskinetik von
be essential for the broad deployment of solar cells. CuInSe2-basierten Halbleiter-Dünnschichten für
On this market climate, thinner Si wafers, die Solarzellenherstellung. Friedrich-Alexander-
thin films and/or new architectures are expected Universität, Diplomarbeit.
to be the dominant technologies that will lead to Bowden, S., Honsberg, C., & Schroder, D. (2010).
improvements in efficiency and gain the largest Moore’s law of photovoltaics. Future Photovolta-
market share. In addition to improving efficiency ics. Retrieved from www.futurepv.com
they offer the potential for lower areal manufactur-
ing costs. CIGS based thin film photovoltaics are Contreras, M. A., Ramanathan, K., Abu Shama,
promising devices which could potentially gain a J., Hasoon, F., Young, D. L., Egaas, B., & Noufi,
large market save which is currently dominated R. (2005). Diode characteristics in state-of-the-art
by silicon. US based manufacturers have the po- ZnO/CdS/Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 solar cells. Progress
tential to gain a large market share by investing in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 13,
in development and fabrication and production 209–216. doi:10.1002/pip.626
of CIGS technology. The costs of solar power
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system is very difficult because of their complex-
& Kiss, Z. J. (2000). Proceedings of 28th IEEE
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as low cost deposition techniques. However,
they suffer from low efficiency (~10%) on small

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Delahoy, A. E., Chen, L., Akhtar, M., Sang, B., & Jin, M., Banger, K., Harris, J., & Hepp, A. (2003).
Guo, S. (2004). New technologies for CIGS pho- CuInS2 films deposited by aerosol-assisted chemi-
tovoltaics. Solar Energy, 77, 785. doi:10.1016/j. cal vapor deposition using ternary single-source
solener.2004.08.012 precursors. NASA STI Program report.
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Development of CIGS2 thin film solar cells. Ma- ratio on CZTS-based thin film solar cells. Mate-
terials Science and Engineering B, 116, 303–309. rials Research Society Symposium Proceedings,
doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2004.05.053 1165, M04–01.
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P. (2010). Selenization of co-sputtered CuInAl Birkmire, R. W., & Shafarman, W. N. (2002). High-
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Solar Cells, 94, 598–605. doi:10.1016/j.sol- films. Applied Physics Letters, 81, 1350–1352.
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Jäger-Waldau, A. (2011). Research, solar cell Commercialization, critical issues, and applica-
production and market implementation of pho- tions. 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
tovoltaics, 10th ed. of PV status report. European Conference (PVSEC) and Exhibition Milan, Italy.
Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute
for Energy, Renewable Energy Unit, Ispra (VA),

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells

KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS and government partners. It is organized by The

College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
CIGS: Copper indium gallium (di)selenide, is (CNSE) at the University at Albany and the In-
a compound semiconductor material that shows ternational SEMATECH.
promise for use in manufacturing next generation Solar Cells: Are solid state devices that convert
thin-film photovoltaic solar cells. photon energy (the energy of light) into electricity
Evaporation: Is a technique commonly used by the photovoltaic effect.
in thin film deposition. The source materials are Thin Films: Are thin layers of material(s),
thermally evaporated in a vacuum chamber and ranging from a few Angstroms to several microm-
condense on a substrate. eters in thickness, deposited on a substrate. They
Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium are used extensively in semiconductor devices
(PVMC): An industry led consortium with coop- and optical coatings.
erative R&D programs among industry, university,

CuInGaSe Based Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells


The authors would like to conclude the chapter with a series of global solar events organized by the
SEMI PV Group: PV Fab Managers Forum (www.pvgroup.org/pvfmf), PV Production & Technology,
Intersolar Europe (www.pvgroup.org/events/ctr_032929), Intersolar North America (www.intersolar.
us), North American PV Fab Managers Forum (www.semiconwest.org/SessionsEvents/Photovoltaic),
PVTaiwan (www.pvtarwan.com), SOLARCON India(www.solarconindia.org), PVJapan (www.pvjapan.
org), SOLARCON China (www.solarconchina.org).


Chapter 8
Nanoparticle Scattering,
Absorption, and Interface
Effects for Surface
Plasmon Enhanced Thin
Silicon Solar Cells:
Theory, Past Findings, and
Future Directions

Nirag Kadakia
State University of New York at Albany, USA

Recently, surface plasmons have been employed in a variety of methods to increase the efficiency of solar
cells. Surface plasmons are oscillations of electrons that arise from surface effects of light interaction
with materials that have appreciable free carrier densities; their resonance is confined to a region that
depends on the dielectric response of the medium. It has been observed that noble metals exhibit this
resonance within visible- near IR range, making them an attractive candidate for silicon solar cells
whose primary absorption bands are in this region. Research in silicon-based plasmonic solar cells has
utilized the high scattering cross section and favorable angular distributions of noble metal nanoparticle-
scattered radiation to increase absorption of thin silicon devices, which are normally weakly absorbing
for photons of energy below 2 eV. The interaction is subject to interface effects, interferences of scat-
tered and incident radiation, and the dielectric nature of the embedding medium or surface. In addition,
perturbations caused by the longitudinal field of the metal nanoparticle may theoretically enhance the
direct interband transitions of free carriers near the particle surface, further enhancing the photocurrent.
This latter possibility has yet to be fully explored experimentally in crystalline silicon photovoltaics.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch008
Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

INTRODUCTION reducing their costs. As is seen in Figure 1, 300

µm of silicon with an adequate anti-reflective
Thin Film Crystalline coating will absorb 90% of above bandgap pho-
Silicon Solar Cells tons, while a 2 µm c-Si film with no front or rear
reflection absorbs only one third; for a film on a
Silicon is the second most abundant material in glass substrate without any anti-reflective coat-
the earth’s crust. It accounts for the vast majority ings, that number drops to barely about one fifth.1
of electronic devices and lies at the heart of the Yet the long-term benefits of silicon cannot be
computer industry. Despite its being abundant, understated: it is inexhaustible and nontoxic. For
environmentally benign, and at this point in our this reason, much of silicon-based photovoltaic
scientific evolution precisely grown and engi- research now focuses on methods of increased
neered, it is—to put it somewhat poetically—not absorption and light trapping within silicon itself,
particularly fond of our sun’s offerings. Its absorp- so that thin crystalline silicon solar cells, less than
tion coefficient in much of the solar spectrum is a few micrometers thick, may attain efficiencies
so weak that crystalline substrates 300 microm- as high as bulk wafers.
eters thick are required to adequately absorb the
bulk of photons whose energy is greater than or Plasmonic Modes in Metal
equal to its bandgap. Though a thickness less Nanoparticles
than third of a millimeter may seem nominal by
everyday standards, it has in fact proven to be One path to achieving this is by harnessing
a central factor compromising the adoption of plasmonic modes in metal nanostructures. The
silicon photovoltaics. Semiconductors of direct interaction of light with confined electron gases
bandgap materials require thicknesses of a few can lead to numerous remarkable phenomena,
micrometers, expediting their production and which due to dielectric-metal boundaries are ab-

Figure 1. Absorbed photon flux for 300 µm (upper solid line) and 2 µm (lower solid line) thick c-Si
wafers, assuming no reflection on the front or rear of the cell. Also shown is the absorbed flux for a 2
µm c-Si film with no antireflective coatings situated upon on a glass substrate (dotted line), and the
incident AM1.5 solar flux (dashed line).

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

sent in bulk metals. To gain some insight, let us particular theoretical and experimental interest in
begin with a look at the dielectric function of one photovoltaic devices (Bohren & Huffman, 1983).
metal which will receive considerable attention in
the next few pages. Figure 2 shows the real and Relevance of the Noble Metals
imaginary parts, ε´ and ε´´, of the dielectric func-
tion of silver, along with the Drude free electron Of particular importance are the noble metals, Ag,
model of a Ag predicted on the basis of its electron Au, and Cu. The dielectric functions εp of Au and
density (Johnson & Christy, 1972). The primary Ag are shown in Figure 3 (Cu closely mimics Au
plasma frequency, ωp, occurs where ε´ vanishes. in this region and is omitted for clarity) (Johnson
Though the free electron model predicts a value & Christy, 1972). Also shown are the plots of
of about 9.2 eV for ωp, the influence of the ionic -2·εm, where εm is the dielectric function (real part
potential on the bound electrons lowers this value only) of Si, SiO2, or air. As will be described later,
to 3.8 eV (Ehrenreich & Philipp, 1962). Below the Surface Plasmon resonance condition occurs
ωp, the real part of ε tends further and further when εp + 2·εm= 0; the intersection of -2·εm with εp
negative, associated with high reflectance and indicates the Surface Plasmon frequencies when
more pronounced electric field screening, and these metals are embedded as small spheres in the
above ωp, ε tends to 1 while the imaginary portion, corresponding medium. Superimposed upon this
ε´´ exhibits a discrepancy with the free electron graph is the solar spectrum (arbitrary units), and
curve of a few eV, a result of interband transitions as can be seen, ωSPR is for the noble metals near
which are neglected in the free electron model. It the region of high irradiance, and can be further
is in the region immediately below ωp that is of tuned by altering the particle size and shape. For
particular interest in metallic nanostructures. In this reason, nanoparticle-based plasmonic photo-
a bulk metal, a strong resonant interaction occurs voltaic research has focused almost exclusively in
between the free electrons and the oscillation of the noble metals, in particular Ag and Au.
the photon’s electric field at ωp, corresponding to In Figure 3, one notes that as εm increases, ωSPR
the creation of bulk plasmons of energy hνp. In a exhibits a clear redshift. For example, for Cu
small sphere, a similar interaction occurs at the nanospheres in air, SiO2, and Si, ωSPR is 350, 450,
resonant frequency ωspr = ωp /√(1+ 2εm), which and 750 nm, respectively. In this manner, the
is somewhere below ωp, in the region where εp exact resonance frequency can be tuned by alter-
is negative (Bohren & Huffman, 1983). The as- ing the dielectric environment, as has been indi-
sociated quantum particle is dubbed a “surface cated in previous work with Ag nanoparticles
plasmon.” While most solid materials with an embedded in SiO2, a-Si, c-Si and TiO2 (Jensen,
appreciable free electron density exhibit the char- Malinksy, Haynes, & Van Duyne, 2000; Beck,
acteristic negative-to-positive transition of the real Polman, & Catchpole, 2009; Mertens, Verhoeven,
dielectric function about ωp, the actual value of ωp Polman, & Tichelaar, 2004; Lim, Mar, Matheu,
itself dictates the applicability of these materials Derkacs, & Yu, 2007; Liu, H. Wang, Li, & X.
for use in photovoltaics. As ωp2 is proportional Wang, 1998). The plasmon resonance, both in
to the free electron density, metals have much peak location and width, can also be tuned with
greater ωp values than semiconductors: they are particle size and shape (Catchpole & Polman,
typically in the visible and UV range; thus the 2008a; Stuart & Hall, 1998; Xu, Tazawa, Jin,
resonance condition, is satisfied within the solar Nakao, & Yoshimura, 2003; Kottmann, Martin,
spectrum. It is for this reason that they are of Smith, & Schultz, 2000). Due to these consider-

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

Figure 2. Real (left axis) and imaginary parts (right axis) of the dielectric function of Ag as a function
of energy, taken from the Drude free electron model (dashed line) and experimental data (Johnson &
Christy, 1972) (solid line).

ations, it is clear that the factors affecting the research. Let us now turn to a more in-depth in-
plasmon resonances are numerous and intercon- vestigation of the theory of a small dielectric or
nected—indeed, with so many avenues of explo- metal particle embedded in a uniform electric
ration, harnessing the remarkable properties of field, along with the two primary effects near the
light incident upon metallic nanoparticles can resonance: increased, preferential scattering and
provide for an incredible breadth of insightful enhanced proximal electric fields.

Figure 3. Real part of the dielectric function (left axis) of Ag (leftmost solid line) and Au (rightmost solid
line) as a function of wavelength; -2·εm (right axis) for air, SiO2, and c-Si (dashed lines). Superimposed
is a normalized graph of the solar spectrum photon flux.

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

ENHANCED SCATTERING: On the other hand, for the small particle ap-
MIE THEORY proximation, only the lowest order term in this
expansion is retained, giving the same result as
Surface Plasmon Oscillations in that of a sphere within a uniform static electric
Small Metallic Spheres: Basic Theory field, an elementary calculation by comparison.
The nanoparticle diameter is usually small enough
Owing to design and materials considerations, that the uniform field approximation holds, with
typical nanoparticles will range in size from 10 to the next lowest order terms occasionally being
200 nm in diameter. From a theoretical standpoint, added for better accuracy in larger particles. Let
the size is beneficial for two reasons. A 10 nm- us expound this latter approach. The total electric
diameter Ag sphere contains nearly 5000 atoms, field E(r,θ,φ) outside a particle of a dielectric
so is large enough to exhibit the bulk properties constant εp and radius R, embedded in a medium
of a crystal; in modeling, one generally assumes of dielectric constant εm and within a uniform ap-
the bulk dielectric properties. In addition, a 100 plied electric field E0 pointing in the z-direction
nm sphere is a small fraction of the wavelength is given by (Griffiths, 1999):
of visible light and IR light, whereby the incident
electric field can be considered approximately R 3 (εp − εm )E 0
uniform over the surface of the sphere. In deter- E = E 0ˆz +
r 3 (εp + 2εm )
(2 cos θˆr + sin θ¸ˆ)
mining the electric field distributions within and (1)
around the sphere, the exact solution requires that
the incident field is assumed a plane wave, which This is identical to the superposition of two
is then expanded into a series of basis functions, fields: the applied field and that of a point dipole,
the spherical vector harmonics. The coefficients with dipole moment p = αεm E 0 and polarizabil-
of this expansion are determined by exploiting
the orthogonality of the vector harmonics and
integrating its product with the plane wave over all
(εp − εm )
space, in the same way the coefficients of a Fourier α = 4πR 3 (2)
series are determined. The coefficients are then (εp + 2εm )
given in closed form by matching the boundary
conditions at the interface, with the radial portion We call this the dipole or electrostatic ap-
given by Bessel functions and the angular portion proximation. It is clear that the scattered electric
by Legendre polynomials. Finally, an approxima- fields can become very large when εp + 2·εm= 0,
tion to any desired accuracy can be determined at the Surface Plasmon resonance, provided the
by expanding these coefficients in increasingly imaginary part of εp is small, as is usually true.
higher powers of the size parameter, ρ = kR (k = In this case, enhanced and directional scatter-
2πn/λ is the wavevector of the incoming light and ing will occur. In the dipole approximation, the
R is the particle radius), a measure of the particle electric field can of course be taken to be that of
size in comparison to the wavelength. From these an incident plane wave of arbitrary polarization
coefficients, the scattering distributions and inten- and a wavelength sufficiently large enough for
sities are derived. This more involved approach this approximation to hold. The dipole points in
is described in full detail in the text by Bohren the direction of the electric field vector and oscil-
and Huffman (1983). lates in line with the electric field of the incident

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

photon, so for non-linearly polarized light it will and higher order terms must play a role. As will be
change orientation over time. This is inconvenient seen later, most situations in which intense light
for calculating the radiated power, which is much scattering is sought rely on nanoparticles whose
more easily determined when assuming a linear diameters are 100 nm or more, that is for which ρ
oscillation. Fortunately, any polarization state is a in the 400-1100 nm range is therefore greater than
combination of linearly polarized radiation either 0.5 and even as high as 4 for mediums of higher
parallel (I||) or perpendicular (I∟) to the scattering εm. In this regime, the dipole approximation does
plane, which is defined by the direction of the not hold and increased forward scattering may
incident light propagation and the direction of prevail. Indeed, for size parameters of this order,
observation. Solar irradiation is unpolarized, and the proportion of light scattered in the forward
so it is in fact a direct average of these two states. direction may well be several times the fraction
For I|| states, the dipole is oriented at an angle θd that is backscattered (Bohren & Huffman, 2003;
to the direction of observation, and for I∟ states Temple, Mahanama, Reehal, & Bagnall, 2009).
the dipole is always oriented at θd = 90° to the Furthermore, when the particle is situated near
direction of observation. Thus the time-averaged an interface of two different dielectric media, the
scattered radiation of an electric dipole of polariz- asymmetry is magnified, as will be discussed later.
ability given by Equation 2, excited by unpolarized The light interaction of a dielectric sphere
incident radiation of angular frequency ω is found with light is known as Mie theory, after one of
to be (Jackson, 1962; Bohren & Huffman, 1983): its early investigators, Gustav Mie. Extensions to
Mie theory may take into consideration different
ω 4n 5R 6I i εp − εm
cos2 θ + 1 shapes, sizes, interparticle coupling, and quantum
Is = ˆr (3) effects. These will not be developed in this paper,
c 4r 2 εp + 2εm 2
though an introduction to scattering from various
shapes is given by Bohren and Huffman (1983)
where n = √εm is the medium’s refractive index, and a comprehensive overview of the interparticle
θ = θd + π is the angle of observation relative to effects for the case of Au nanoparticles is given by
the direction of the incident radiation, and the Ghosh and Pal (2007)). Ruppin (1975) describes
intensity of the incident light is given by the effect of longitudinal oscillations—that is,
bulk plasmons—in small metal spheres, in ad-
εm E 02 dition to the typical electromagnetic transverse
Ii = (4) oscillations. The result of these is a number of
µm 2
smaller oscillations above the plasma frequency,
although the appearance of these is minimal for
Here the last factor in the scattered radiation particles of diameters above 20 nm. In addition,
accounts for averaging over both polarization a considerable about of theoretical work has been
states: sin2(θd) = cos2(θ) for I∟ states and sin2(θd) done in addressing the quantum effects in small
= 1 for I|| states. The angular portion indicates an nanoparticles (Ruppin, 1975; Rice, Schneider, &
important fact: the distribution of the scattered Strassler, 1973; Ruppin & Yatom, 1976, Lush-
light is equal in the forward and (-π/2 < θ < π/2) nikov, Maksimenko, & Simonov, 1978; Wood
and backward (π/2 < θ < 3π/2) directions. On the & Ashcroft, 1982; Granqvist & Hunderi, 1977),
other hand, since the demonstration of enhanced although virtually all photovoltaic experimental
photocurrent in photodetectors and solar cells rely and theoretical work has treated the physical in-
on the preferential forward scattering of light, it is teraction and the dielectric function—using bulk
clear that the dipole approximation is inadequate values along with effective medium averaging—as

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

a classical one. Considering the regime delineated Mechanisms for Increased

by the wavelengths of the solar spectrum and the Absorption
sizes of the nanoparticles, the classical picture is
more than sufficient, especially when including What is the benefit of enhanced scattering, one
size and shape effects in the modeling (Bohren may ask, if normally incident light is already
& Huffman, 1983; Granvquist & Hunderi, 1977). directed in the forward direction toward the wa-
fer? One simple answer is that forward scattering
Extinction Cross Sections negates the effects of reflection, which increases
for substrates of higher refractive index. A bare
A particle will both scatter and absorb light. The silicon wafer reflects more than 30% of the solar
sum of these processes is often referred to as spectrum for normally incident light, and exploit-
“extinction,” suggesting that either of these two ing enhanced forward scattering provides an effec-
processes lead to situations in which the intensity tive antireflective coating without damaging the
of the incident beam is diminished, either by the surface as is done in the usual surface texturing
conversion of light to another form of energy, techniques. This avoids the problem of increase
typically heat through damped electronic oscil- surface recombination, a carrier collection limiting
lations, or by changes in photon momentum. The factor particularly in thinner cells (Brendel, 2003)
total scattered cross section is defined as the ratio Secondly, scattering aids collection efficiency
of the scattered flux, integrated over an enclosing when the scattering directions are parallel or nearly
surface, to that of the incident light intensity; it parallel to the device surface, and especially
has dimensions of area and is therefore viewed as when within the critical angle for total internal
a “cross section” in much the same way as scat- reflection. Considering the refractive indices
tering in geometric optics and nuclear physics. of silicon—between 3.5 and 4 for 500-1000
In the dipole approximation, this is (Bohren & nm light—the critical angles for total reflection
Huffman, 1983): within silicon upon air, SiO2, and Si3N4 are 15,
24, and 30 degrees respectively. The benefit of
3k 4  4πR 3  εp − εm
this is that the path length within the wafer may
C sca =   (5) increase several times, increasing the collection
2π  3  εp + 2εm
of low energy photons whose absorption lengths
are larger than the device thickness. In addition,
while the total absorption cross section is for thin device layers which can support a lim-
ited number of guiding modes, light is scattered
 4πR 3   εp − εm  strongly in directions corresponding to these
C abs = 3k   Im   (6)
 3   εp + 2εm  guided modes. These modes can account for a
sizeable portion of the scattered radiation within
the semiconductor, in turn greatly increasing the
It is seen that the absorption cross section is likelihood of absorption (Catchpole & Pillai,
linear with particle volume, while the scattering 2006; Mertz, 2000).
cross section is proportional to the volume squared: Lastly, a quick look at Equations 5 and 6 sug-
absorption dominates scattering in very small par- gests that the scattering and absorption efficiency
ticles and vice versa for larger ones. As expected, are not limited to values between 0 and 1. In fact,
the imaginary part of the particle dielectric function rewriting these and taking the ratio to the geo-
dictates the absorption cross section (we assume metrical cross section (πR2 for a sphere), we obtain:
that the medium is only weakly absorbent).

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

8ρ 4 εp − εm k4 2 of longest dimensions ~30-200 nm, in some cases
Qsca = = 2 2
α (7) spherical and ellipsoidal, and in other cases more
3 εp + 2εm 6π R
amorphous. The photocurrent was measured as
the wavelength of the incident monochromatic
 ε − ε  beam was swept from 400 to 1100 nm. A relative
Qabs = 4ρ Im  p m
 = k Im(α) (8)
 εp + 2εm  πR 2 photocurrent enhancement of 3x, 5x, and 12x
for Ag, Au, and Cu respectively, all occurring at
a peak wavelength ~800 nm, was found in each
At the surface plasmon resonance, εp´ equals case when compared to the control sample. The
-2εm, so the denominator of the scattering ratios SPR wavelengths for Ag, Au, and Cu nanopar-
is determined entirely by εp´´. For small values ticles in air should occur at approximately 350,
of εp´´, the sphere can become highly polarized, 480-510 and 365 nm, yet the actual photocurrent
and in fact both Qabs and Qscat may be more than enhancements peak for all three samples is much
unity. The particle therefore actually interacts with higher. The authors attribute this to the fact that
light that is not geometrically incident on it. This the nanoparticles sit upon a silicon substrate of
implies that sparse coverage of nanoparticles on markedly higher dielectric constant than air, red-
a surface may be sufficient to capture and scatter shifting the resonance. The effective medium is
the majority of the incident light. This remark- therefore some average of air (1) and silicon (~4).
able phenomenon was indicated, for example, In addition, while not mentioned in their work, the
by Catchpole and Polman (2008a), where it was size and shape of the particles likely play a large
shown that with appropriately chosen particle role in the redshifting of the resonance, though
size and shape parameters, Qscat may reach up to the actual effect is unclear without SEM or AFM
14 for Ag nanocylinders. The benefit of sparser images to indicate the effect of these geometric
surface coverage lies not only in the ease of ma- factors. Due consideration is also given to the
terial processing, but also in the prevention of fact that the photocurrent enhancement is most
interparticle coupling effects which may degrade likely due to surface plasmon coupling rather
the resonance benefits. than anti-reflection effects as a result of surface
roughening by the particles, as the enhancement
is too dramatic and the peak too localized.
INITIAL FINDINGS Similar trends and further extensions have
been demonstrated in various studies published
Forward Scattering, Interface since Stuart and Hall’s findings. Schaadt, Feng,
Effects, and Guided Modes and Yu (2005) performed a similar experiment, in
which a bulk Si diode was suspended in a colloidal
Increased photoresponse due to the presence of solution of Au nanoparticles, and photocurrent
metal nanoparticles was initially demonstrated was measured. Here, SEM images show sparsely
in Si p-n diodes by Stuart and Hall (1996). Here distributed nanoparticles upon the surface, of
a thin 160 nm of Si atop a buried oxide was diameters 50, 80, or 100 nm. They observed a
decorated with Ag, Au, and Cu nanoparticles by 1.4x-1.9x peak photocurrent enhancement, which
depositing a 10-15 nm film and annealing at a broadens and shifts to higher wavelengths with
low temperature, which leads to the formation of increasing diameter as expected. Pillai, Catchpole,
metal islands by coalescence. Though not indi- Trupke, and Green (2006) compared the photocur-
cated in their work (no SEM or AFM images were rent enhancement of bulk 300 um p-n junctions
shown), this typically results in flattened particles and 1250 nm SOI devices with Ag nanoparticles

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

of disperse size and density. The results, pictured they derived the usual dipole radiated power
in Figure 4 indicate that larger nanospheres exhibit distribution and integrated intensity as is found
higher enhancements, and that the enhancements in any text on classical electrodynamics. The
of the thin SOI devices shows gains at wavelengths model was then extended by including the influ-
600-1100 nm, whereas the wafer device exhibits ence of reflection of the scattered field from a
these gains primarily in the vicinity of the band- nearby interface, the result being that the interac-
gap where Si is weakly absorbent. As mentioned tion of the scattered and reflected waves may
above, spheres with very small size parameters, enhance or diminish the radiated power, with
when embedded in a uniform dielectric, do not marked asymmetries at interfaces between media
show any preference for scattering in the forward of different refractive indices. It was found that
versus backward direction. Forward scattering, for point dipoles located at the interface of two
however, increases rapidly with the size parameter materials of different dielectric functions, scat-
and shows strong preference even with just a single tering is preferential into the denser medium.
term added beyond the dipole approximation Using a more elegant argument based on the
(Bohren & Huffman, 1983; Born & Wolf, 1965). Lorentz reciprocity theorem, Mertz arrived at the
Temple et al. (2009) performed this calculation same conclusion. Interestingly, the evanescent
for a 100 nm Ag sphere in vacuum; they found wave plays the primary role in transferring the
non-preferential scattering for the dipolar mode at power from the dipole to the denser medium: what
393 nm and increased forward scattering—about is evanescent in one medium may be propagating
3 times versus the backward direction—for the in the second. These waves decay exponentially,
quadropolar mode at 354 nm. and only in the case of very proximal dipoles will
The situation is even more skewed for the case the fields—indeed nearly all of the radiated
of particles located at the interface of two dielec- power—adequately couple into the denser me-
trics. Such asymmetrical scattering was investi- dium. This asymmetry quickly diminishes for
gated by Lucosz and Kunz, (1977a; 1977b) and distances greater than the wavelength or so. This
by Mertz (2000). The approach taken in the first general trend is found for not just dipoles, but
paper relied on typical methods of determining cylinders, spheres, and hemispheres as well
electromagnetic fields in dielectric media utilizing (Catchpole & Polman, 2008a; Beck, Mokkapati,
Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditions; Polman, & Catchpole, 2010).

Figure 4. Photocurrent enhancements for 1.25 µm SOI devices (left image) and wafer based devices
(right images) with Ag nanoparticles, for varying thicknesses of deposited Ag. Reprinted with permis-
sion from Pillai et al. (2006).

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

Dipole Moment Phase 3εm εp ′′

and Interferences tan ϕ = (10)
(εp ′ − εm )(εp ′ + 2εm ) + εp ′′2
Yet the preferential scattering into the material
of higher dielectric does not tell the whole story: If the particle is absorbing, εp´´ is nonzero,
while the angular distribution is more favorable leading to a nonzero phase with the incident radia-
with decreasing particle-substrate distance, the tion. This is also evident in Equation 1 where it is
total scattering cross section itself decreases, seen that the total electric field is a superposition
necessitating a trade-off when determining the of the incident and dipole scattered radiation, and
proper dielectric spacer thickness. The cause of the phase of the second term, proportional to α,
this reduced scattering and absorption cross section may reduce the overall field in particular direc-
is the reduction of the effective driving field of tions. Dipole radiation scatters spherical waves,
the dipole itself. The phenomena described in the so the scattered field is not everywhere parallel
previous paragraph derive from the interference to the incident plane wave. However, due to the
of scattered and reflected fields, and they assume cos2θ angular dependence of the scattered elec-
that the dipole moment is unalterable. But since tric field, the components parallel to the incident
the dipole is the product of its polarizability and wave are the largest. For these components, the
the driving field, then these would both have to be scattered field can then be added to the incident
assumed isolated from the system, which is obvi- field and the destructive or constructive behavior
ously not the case. The dipole can be classically is determined by φ. The phase approaches π when
modeled as a damped driven harmonic oscillator, the first term in the denominator is negative and
whose frequency therefore matches that of the large: this occurs in the region below the SPR
driving force (the incident field), and whose phase wavelength, where (εp´+2εm) is positive and (εp´
depends primarily on the difference of the driv- - εm) is negative. On the other hand, above the
ing frequency from the natural frequency. Being SPR peak, the first term is large and positive,
a sinuoidal quantity, it is certainly susceptible to leading to a small phase. The situation becomes
the phase of other ambient radiation; that is, it will more skewed as εm is increased, as is shown in
interfere with the incident wave (and this occurs Figure 5. Thus, particularly in dielectric media,
without an interface) on the one hand, as well as one would expect more interference effects for
with reflected waves from the nearby interface. larger bandwidth regions in the solar spectrum,
To illustrate the first effect, let us look again at since the SPR peak redshifts.
the dipole approximation for a dielectric sphere Such detrimental effects have been observed
illuminated by a plane wave. Assuming that the by Lim et al. (2007). Here, experimental work
particle is absorbing (so the dielectric function is was paired with FDTD simulations in determining
complex), while the medium is not, we can rewrite the optical response of colloidal Au nanoparticles
the polarizability as a |α|eiφ with the amplitude deposited on Si p-n junction photodiodes. While
and phase given by: an enhanced response was found at a resonance
position of 680 nm, a diminished response was
((εp ′ − εm )(εp ′ + 2εm ) + εp ′′2 )2 + (3εm εp ′′ )2 observed at 500 nm, which is accounted for by
α = 4πR 3
the phase difference maximum of about 35 degrees
(εp ′ + 2εm )2 + εp ′′2
(9) in the Au polarizability near this point.

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

Figure 5. Phase of the polarizability for small Ag spheres embedded in air: ε = 1 (solid line), SiO2: ε ~
3.5 (long-dashed line), and c-Si: ε ~ 11.9 (short-dashed line)

Beck et al. (2009) also investigated these ef- For example, by placing the nanoparticles further
fects by coating bulk Si wafers with film stacks of below the surface, one can ensure that high energy
different dielectric layers, with the top layer being light will have been absorbed before impinging
either SiO2, or Si3N4, or TiO2. On top of this, Ag the nanoparticle. The particle may therefore act
hemispherical nanoparticles were fabricated using as an antenna for only those wavelengths whose
thermal deposition and low temperature anneal- absorption coefficients are sufficiently low
ing. It is found that in comparison to the reference enough, allowing an enhancement in this region
sample, total absorption in the 600 to 1000 nm while avoiding reflection of lower wavelength
range decreases markedly for the TiO2 sample, is photons that lie in the φ ≈ π range. Accordingly,
comparable for the Si3N4 sample, and is enhanced it is found that if the Ag is placed on the backside
for the SiO2 sample. The SPR wavelength for the of the sample, no diminution is seen in the 600-
TiO2 sample (εm ~ 6.5) is sufficiently high that as 1000 nm range, while the absorption is increased
discussed above, scattering for lower wavelengths in the 1000-1200 nm range, particularly in the TiO2
has an appreciable phase, contributing to lesser sample whose resonance is closer to this range.
absorption. The situation in Si3N4 is similar, though Thus by placing the nanoparticles at the rear, the
not as high: a slight decrease for 600-800 nm and undesirable phase effects at lower wavelengths are
a slight increase for 800-1000 nm. On the other eliminated, leaving only the increased scattering
hand, the SPR wavelength, being in the ~500-600 of higher wavelength photons. The result is that
nm range for Ag hemispheres on SiO2 films on a rear-coated TiO2 + Ag nanoparticle solar cell
Si, is sufficiently low that constructive scattering exhibits an external quantum efficiency enhance-
dominates above 600 nm, leading to absorption ment of more than two times in the Si bandgap
of 80% - 90% for 600-1000 nm light, compared range (Beck et al., 2009)
to 65% on the reference sample. A second manifestation of polarizability phase
To remedy the effects of these interferences, differences arises when the dipole is placed very
one may alter the vertical placement of the close to a dielectric or metal interface. Here, the
nanoparticles with respect to the sample surface. reflected wave may be in and out of phase with the

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

incident wave, reducing or enhancing the driving considerably in a wide neighborhood of the SPR
field of the dipole moment as a periodic function resonance, for both polarizations and most incident
of the dipole’s distance from the interface (Lucosz angles. As expected, at the resonance, a strong
& Kunz, 1977b; Catchpole & Polman, 2008b). field enhancement is found on the end of the disk
Since the total scattered radiation is proportional to nearest the Si, which is the denser medium. Yet
p2, which is itself proportional to the driving field due to phase differences, presumably between
squared, even slight changes in this field can have the transmitted and scattered fields, the actual
a pronounced impact. The reflected wave from scattered irradiation into the substrate is highly
an interface undergoes a 180 degree phase shift, diminished in this region, which instead exhibits
meaning that the largest reduction in driving field strong backscattering. When the cylinders were
will occur on the surface itself. To take an example, instead modeled with a small SiO2 spacer beneath
the refractive index of Si for 800 nm light is 3.7, them, the resonance peak was highly blueshifted
whereby the amplitude of the transmitted wave and the photocurrent enhancement was found to
is.43 times that of the incident wave. Due to the be similar to that of a sphere: enhanced above
continuity of the tangential electric fields at the the main resonance and decreased below. Thus,
interface, this is the amplitude of the driving field the presence of the high-index substrate induces
at the surface, meaning a scattering cross section higher radiative coupling, which is nonetheless
that is only.432 ~ 20% of that in the absence of an negated by interference with the outlying fields.
interface. However, for particles situated at 60,
100, and 200 nm above, the relative amplitudes Rear Placement
will be.6, 1.2, and 1.5, or relative cross sections
of.36, 1.4, and 2.3. Thus, particles very near the These consequences arising from phase effects can
surface will experience diminished driving fields, to some extent be rectified by insertion of small
while some slightly further away will experienced dielectric films of refractive index somewhere
enhanced ones. As the usual fabrication geometry between vacuum and silicon. Alternatively, one
employs spheres or hemispheres upon the substrate may place the particles on the rear of the cell as
proper, care must be taken to ensure that serious touched on above. The work by Beck et al. (2010)
degradations do not occur. is a more in-depth study of the asymmetrical scat-
The observations by Catchpole and Polman tering effects in front versus rear placed cells. In a
(2008a) and Hagglund, Zach, Petersson, and simple model, the authors calculate the effective
Kasemo (2008) offer lucid illustrations of phase dipole driving field of dipoles situation directly
effects that arise from the combination of the vari- on a thin film SiO2 atop a silicon substrate, by
ous scattered, reflected, and incident components. adding the incident and reflected electric fields in
In the former, it was calculated that nanocylinders the case of varying SiO2 thicknesses. For shorter
above a 10 nm SiO2 underlayer on a Si substrate wavelengths, the driving field is increased from
will scatter more than 85% of solar light into silicon 30% to 125% that of the incident field with a film
but suffer a reduced scattering cross section com- thickness increase of 0 to 45 nm. As expected,
pared to one placed a bit further above the substrate. the change is minimal for longer wavelengths,
This observation is corroborated in the latter. Here as the film thickness is too small to introduce
elliptical Au disks were patterned directly on a Si appreciable phase differences. While not calcu-
p-n junction and illuminated with several incident lated in the paper, it can be shown that even for
angles and polarization of monochromatic light. the case without the SiO2 spacer, the driving field
Compared to the unpatterned reference sample, is very sensitive to the dipole’s placement above
the overall photocurrent was found to decrease the substrate. For example, if placed at the Si, the

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

driving field is modified by a factor of 0.3, while a factor of 0.8 or so, a far cry from that previous
if placed 50 nm above the silicon, it is enhanced case in which the interferences of reflected and
by a factor of 1.3, a simple manifestation of the transmitted waves give changes lower than 0.3.
modulation of the total wave amplitude Er + Ei Moreover, since the transmitted wave amplitude
in the upper medium over time. does not interfere with any reflected waves, then
Most interestingly, for rear-placed particles, unlike the case above the substrate, the amplitude
the authors consistently find high scattering cross is independent of the dipole placement above the
sections in the absence of a dielectric spacer; substrate. Consequently, resistant to the phase
such cross sections decrease as the oxide thick- effects that characterized the particles on top of
ness increases to ~ tens of nanometers. This is the device, the scattered light from rear-placed
further investigated in (Ouyang et al., 2010). particles can couple effectively into the higher-
Here, Ag nanoparticles were fabricated in one index medium, without exhibiting sensitivity to
of two schemes: directly on the rear of a crystal- the distance from the interface.
lized 2-um a-Si solar cell device, or similarly The need to place the Ag nanoparticles upon
fabricated but with a 30 nm SiO2 spacer between the silicon directly, rather than upon a dielectric,
the Ag and the Si. Also, the authors tested simi- passivating layer, complicates matters somewhat.
lar schemes in combination with white paint for It is true that as is claimed by Ouyang et al. (2010),
added scattering. External quantum efficiencies for amorphous silicon and thermally crystallized
peaked in the region of 1100-1200 nm, and the poly-Si of small grains, the bulk minority carrier
highest enhancement (6x) was seen for the cell in lifetime is so short that surface recombination
which the nanoparticles were placed directly on plays a purportedly minimal role. The authors find
the Si backside without the dielectric spacer. For that varying the surface recombination velocity
the cell with the SiO2 spacer, a 3x enhancement from negligible to very high (107 cm/s) in their
was observed, the same as applying white paint simulations does not change the efficiency of the
to the back of cell. The enhanced photocurrent for devices beyond 1%. This is further corroborated
particles directly on silicon is attributed to more by their experimental findings. However, it also
effective coupling of the near field into the silicon. puts into question the applicability of this process
By the same token, the detrimental phase effects to more commercially viable and higher efficiency
that appeared in the other schemes do not arise. devices, which exhibit larger grains and thus longer
This can be understood in the following way. Since bulk carrier diffusion lengths, ideally at least a few
an anti-refection coating was applied to the front times the device thickness. In such cases, surface
of the cells, we may expect a decrease in the wave recombination is a major limiting factor; if the Ag
amplitude by approximately √(nair/nSi) ~ 0.5 during nanoparticles are indeed to act as an effective light
transmission from air to the higher index substrate coupling mechanism upon a substrate whose bulk
(with an associated increase in wavevector by a properties are so deficient as to render the surface
factor of nSi to conserve energy and momentum). effects unimportant, then there may be really little
On the backside, the wave is partially reflected advantage over using a traditional surface textur-
from the surface, but due to lowering of n from ing method whose depths are limited to about 1
Si to air, the transmitted amplitude will be larger µm (Kadakia, Naczas, Bakhru, & Huang, 2010;
than that in Si by a factor a little smaller than √(nSi Nishioka, Horita, Ohdaira, & Matsumara, 2008).
/nair) = 1.9, say ~1.5 (due to some absorption). A scheme in which noble metal nanoparticles are
Thus, the total transmitted amplitude will acquire fabricated directly on the active silicon layer will

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

likely require an additional method to passivate scattered fields, here the energy stored in the fields
the surface without compromising the proximity is localized to the nanoparticle vicinity, which in
of the evanescent surface waves to the silicon. this sense acts as a sort of energy antenna. Un-
like radiation, it is a longitudinal field, and may
cause electronic transitions at higher rates than
ENHANCED FREE CARRIER are found for photons using typical Fermi golden
INTERBAND TRANSITION RATES rule calculations involving the Hamiltonian of free
radiation. Instead, carriers may be created by a
Photocurrent Enhancements via Hamiltonian of longitudinal oscillations. We will
Increased Transition Rates refer to this phenomenon of increasing transition
amplitudes from one quantum state to another as
Aside from tuning the cross section and angular direct carrier generation, in contrast to enhanced
distribution of particle-scattered light, a slightly scattering, which is primarily a light trapping and
different mechanism may be employed to increase guiding effect.
the photocurrent in semiconductor p-n junctions.
This is predicated on the considerable dipole mo- Initial Theoretical and
ment of a nanoparticle about the surface plasmon Numerical Calculations
resonance frequency. At this frequency the ampli-
tude of the polarizability can be written: Historically, the use of direct carrier generation
for photovoltaic applications has been examined
primarily in organic solar cells, since nanoparticles
εp ′′ 4 + 9(εp ′′ εm )2 εm
α = 4πR 3
≈ 12πR 3 can be more naturally embedded and fabricated in
εp ′′2 εp ′′ organic absorbing media (Rand, Peumans, & For-
(11) rest, 2004; S.-S. Kim, Na, Jo, D.-Y. Kim, & Nah,
2008; Westphalen, Kreibig, Rostalski, Luth, &
We see that for small values of the imaginary Meissner, 2005; Morfa, Rowlen, Reilly, Romero,
part of the dielectric coefficient of the particle, & Van de Lagemaat, 2008; Kume, Hayashi, Oh-
the polarizability, and hence the dipole moment, kuma, & Yamamoto, 1995). Some work, however,
can be very large. The imaginary part provides a has begun in solid state p-n junction based pho-
sort of measure on both the upper bound of the tovoltaics. The theoretical examination is found
resonance and the width of the peak. As εp´´ goes in the papers, one by Luque, Marti, Mendes, and
to zero, this peak becomes sharper and higher. Tobias (2008) and the other by Kirkengen, Bergli,
The scattered field of an oscillating dipole and Galperin (2007). In the first, a semiclassical
contains three terms, proportional to 1/r, 1/r2, approach is used to find the carrier transition en-
and 1/r3. The last of these is a spherical wave hancement using classically modeled fields and a
that accounts for the radiation described thus first order harmonic perturbation given by Fermi’s
far. On the other hand, the first two terms ac- golden rule. The Hamiltonian of the perturbation
count for scattered fields that are nonradiative, is treated simply as the potential of the dipole
in the sense that E, H, and k, are not mutually moment in the metal nanoparticle: a longitudinal
perpendicular. Very close to the surface, the 1/r3 field whose amplitude is the product of the driving
term dominates. This term is in fact, identical to field and the polarizability. For metal spheres, a
the field of a static electric dipole whose dipole peak is obtained where the real part of εp equals
moment amplitude increases and decreases with -2εm; the approach given here is more general and
the frequency of exciting radiation. Unlike the uses elliptical particles. The dipole potential is

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

the product of the polarizability and a geometric oscillating dipole, the tight-binding approximation
factor that depends on the relative dimensions of to characterize the states, and the transition rate
the ellipsoid. The normalized absorption enhance- again given by Fermi’s golden rule. The direct
ment is then found to be absorption of radiation in the near field is found
to have the same x2 dependence on energy as
D = Λ(λ)Ψ(ξ )
(12) typical indirect absorption (Yu & Cardona, 2005).
Heating, radiation, and direct carrier generation
are all found to be proportional to the dipole mo-
where Λ(λ) is the polarizability at the wavelength ment squared, so their relative magnitudes were
λ and Ψ is a geometric factor associated with the compared. The central findings are that radiated
relative dimensions of the ellipse as a function at power dominates at large distances, while direct
the ellipsoidal coordinate ξ. As seen in Figure 6, the carrier absorption through the dipole interaction
total enhancement resonance peak maximum and dominates at smaller distances. Heating losses
width is highly shape and medium dependent.2 In were calculated using a simple P = I2R for an
Figure 7 is a graph of Ψ as a function of distance oscillatory dipole argument, where I = qv/V =
from the nanoparticle surface for various shapes, ωqd/V = ωp/V, whereby heating is proportional
normalized to the enhancement at the particle to 1/V and thus dominates at very small particle
surface. The x-axis is in multiples of the largest radii. It was therefore recommended that any
semiaxis of the ellipsoid. Within one or two fac- particles utilizing this interaction be placed in the
tors of this length, the enhancement diminishes close vicinity of the semiconductor, especially
to less than 10% of the surface value; the need to near the p-n junction, but are not so small that
place the particles directly near the photoactive ohmic losses dominate.
medium is evident.
Further work examining the possibility of Minority Carrier Lifetime
exploiting direct near-field carrier generation in Considerations
carrier substrates has been done by Kirkengen, et
al. Here the approach is quantum-mechanical, These two papers, and to some extent, Ouyang
relying on the electromagnetic interaction Ham- et al. (2010), make a compelling case for the
iltonian (Shankar, 1994) and the potential of an fabrication of embedded noble metal nanopar-

Figure 6. Left image: Absorption enhancement (D, equation 16) for spheres embedded in air (solid line),
SiO2 (long-dashed line), and c-Si (short-dashed line) as a function of wavelength. Right image: absorp-
tion enhancement for ellipsoidal particles whose relative dimensions along the H, k, and E directions
of the incoming photons is 10:10:1, for the same dielectric media.

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

Figure 7. Magnitude of Ψ as a function of distance from nanoparticle surface, for various shapes whose
relative dimensions along the H, k, and E directions, respectively, are given in parentheses. The graphs
are normalized to the value of Ψ at the surface of the nanoparticle. Reprinted with permission from
Luque et al. (2008).

ticles in silicon. But what will the incorporation & Suzi, 1996) the lifetime of a FZ b-doped Si
of transition metal impurities have on overall wafer was found to drop from 20 µs to.1 µs with
performance, particularly when such impurities a heavy treatment of Ag contamination. With fur-
are known to have damaging consequences for ther anneals at lower temperatures, the atomic Ag
carrier lifetimes? Typical bulk lifetimes of lightly forms less electrically active precipitates and the
p-doped CZ-Si range anywhere from 100 to 1000 lifetime recovers slightly to around 1µs, which in
µs, corresponding to diffusion lengths of 500 to p-Si corresponds to a diffusion length of 30 µm.
2000 µm. Intentionally contaminated Cu can de- It is somewhat unlikely that the reference sample
grade lifetimes by 10 times in p-Si and up to 100 would have such a low lifetime (one would expect
times in n-Si (Istratov & Weber, 1998). For severe it to be at least an order of magnitude higher,
contamination, in which Cu can exist in concen- particularly for FZ Si), but the relative drop—3
trations of more than 1018, the lifetime has been orders of magnitude—suggests an effective
shown to dip to around 7 µs, or 100 µm (Zhong capture cross section for Ag contaminants in Si.
& Shimura, 1992). Nevertheless, for thin solar Still, even the worst case, a 1 µs diffusion length
cells of thicknesses less than 10 µm, this is not would be adequate for a device layer of less than
expected to cause any degradation in photocurrent, 10 um, as it is still 3 times the device thickness.
being several times the device thickness. Sparse Due to its low absorption losses and high
literature is found for Ag precipitates in Si, as it is scattering cross sections, Ag nanoparticles are
not does typically exist in notable concentrations best suited for surface plasmon excitations in Si-
in solar grade silicon, unlike Cu and even Au. In based solar cells. When in precipitate form, they
one study (Adegboyega, Passari, Buttri, Poggi, are less electrically active and contribute less to

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

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outer s-shells are only half filled, giving rise to
Westphalen, M., Kreibig, U., Rostalski, J., Luth, distinctive optical and electronic properties.
H., & Meissner, D. (2005). Metal cluster enhanced Photovoltaics: The method of generating
organic solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and power from the sun’s radiative energy through
Solar Cells, 61, 97–105. doi:10.1016/S0927- the use of solar cells.
0248(99)00100-2 Plasmonics: The field concerning the utiliza-
Wood, D. M., & Ashcroft, N. M. (1982). Quan- tion of plasmons, in particular surface plasmons,
tum size effects in the optical properties of small for electronic applications.
metal particles. Physical Review B: Condensed Silicon: The fourteenth element of the periodic
Matter and Materials Physics, 25, 6255–6274. table, a semiconductor of bandgap 1.1 eV, and
doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.25.6255 a ubiquitous material in the electronic industry.
Solar Cell: A solid state or organic device
Wurfel, P. (2005). Physics of solar cells. which converts the sun’s radiation into electrical
We i n h e i m , G e r m a n y : W i l e y - V C H . energy.
doi:10.1002/9783527618545 Surface Plasmon: An quantized oscillation of
Xu, G., Tazawa, M., Jin, P., Nakao, S., & Yo- electrons on the interface between two different
shimura, K. (2003). Wavelength tuning of surface dielectric media.
plasmon resonance using dielectric layers on Thin Film: A layer of material ranging from
silver island films. Applied Physics Letters, 82, less than a nanometer to several micrometers in
3811–3813. doi:10.1063/1.1578518 thickness, typically deposited or grown upon a
substrate of much greater thickness, and used for
a wide variety of electronic applications.

Nanoparticle Scattering, Absorption, and Interface Effects for Surface Plasmon Enhanced Thin Silicon

The results obtained in the paper are replot-
ted using the formulae given by Luque et al.
In this graph, the total flux per wavelength (2008) for the embedding mediums of air,
(photons per area per unit wavelength) is SiO2, and silicon (using a constant value
shown, rather than the spectral irradiance of εm = 11.75 for Si) and using the data for
(power per area per wavelength) as is done in εAg given by Johnson and Christy (1972).
some publications. The reason is that a single The discrepancy between this data and the
junction cell extracts photons of various published graphs originates from the devia-
energies at only one operating voltage, Vmp; tions between the measured values of εAg and
since a 1 eV and a 3 eV photon both deliver the Drude free electron model used in their
the same energy, qVmp, only the number of paper. Specifically, the imaginary part of εAg
absorbed photons is relevant. For a tandem is experimentally found to be much lower
solar cell, this would not be the case. than the Drude model values, increasing the
absorption enhancements by many factors.


Chapter 9
Nanotechnology and
Polymer Solar Cells
Gavin Buxton
Robert Morris University, USA

In response to environmental concerns there is a drive towards developing renewable, and cleaner,
energy technologies. Solar cells, which harvest energy directly from sunlight, may satisfy future energy
requirements, but photovoltaic devices are currently too expensive to compete with existing fossil fuel
based technologies. Polymer solar cells, on the other hand, are cheaper to produce than conventional
inorganic solar cells and can be processed at relatively low temperatures. Furthermore, polymer solar
cells can be fabricated on surfaces of arbitrary shape and flexibility, paving the way to a range of novel
applications. Therefore, polymer solar cells are likely to play an important role in addressing, at least
in some small part, man’s future energy needs. Here, the physics of polymer photovoltaics are reviewed,
with particular emphasis on the computational tools which can be used to investigate these systems. In
particular, the authors discuss the application of nanotechnology in self-assembling complex nanoscale
structures which can be tailored to optimize photovoltaic performance. The role of computer simulations,
in correlating these intricate structures with their performance, can not only reveal interesting new insights
into current devices, but also elucidate potentially new systems with more optimized nanostructures.

INTRODUCTION Solar cells are a promising method of both cap-

turing this energy, and converting it directly into
More energy is incident upon the Earth in one hour electrical energy. While this still leaves the need
than is consumed by the world’s population in an for energy storage, in order to provide electrical
entire year. Harvesting just a small fraction of this power during times of darkness, there are still
solar energy could provide the solution to our long- many benefits to using solar cells. Firstly, solar
term energy needs. However, first it is necessary cells could be used to complement other technolo-
for this solar energy to be captured, converted, and gies which do not rely on sunlight. For example,
stored in a cost-effective fashion (Lewis, 2007). times of low sunlight and darkness often coincide

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch009
Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

with instances of high winds and rainfall which semiconductor solar cells. Organic photovoltaic
could provide wind and hydroelectric power, re- cells are typically produced from either small-
spectively (Hinrichs, 2006). Secondly, our current molecular-weight films or polymer films. One of
fossil-fuel based methods of generating energy the main advantages of organic materials is their
are having a devastating impact on our environ- high optical absorption which results in solar cell
ment. Ice sheet disintegration, sea level rise, and thicknesses on the order of 100nm; a thousand
other adverse consequences of global warming, times thinner than silicon-based solar cell and
have recently emphasized our need for develop- ten times thinner than inorganic thin film cells
ing inexpensive alternative energy sources (Kerr, (Kietzke, 2007). The use of organic materials
2007). Furthermore, due to the portable nature of can also significantly reduce the costs of produc-
solar technology, these devices will especially tion through solution processing and continuous
benefit isolated communities in the developing deposition techniques. In other words, less of
world, whose fragile existence is most likely to these cheaper materials can be deposited at lower
be affected by global warming. However, the need temperatures and over relatively large areas. The
for solar cells which can generate electricity as cost of producing organic solar cells, therefore, is
inexpensively as fossil-fuel based technologies are significantly less than inorganic cells. However,
required before this energy source can provide a organic solar cells are inefficient at converting
practical long-term alternative. solar energy into electrical energy, with power
Solar cells based on silicon are currently the conversion efficiencies reported to be only as high
dominant photovoltaic technology. Silicon solar as 6.8% (Chen, 2009). This means that while the
cells are reliable and highly efficient at convert- cost of polymer solar cells is small, their inefficien-
ing solar energy into electrical energy. Combined cies limit the “cost per watt” of these devices. In
with the natural abundance of silicon, this has order for polymer solar cells to be economically
made silicon solar cells a popular choice since viable the cost per watt of energy would have to
the first p-n junction devices where fabricated be reduced, requiring an increase in efficiencies
in the 1950’s (Cummerow, 1954). However, the without driving up costs.
high cost of silicon, especially crystalline silicon The overall efficiency of polymer solar cells
which is the most effective material, has limited is influenced by four main processes; the absorp-
the societal impact of solar cell technology and tion of a photon to create an exciton (a mobile but
led to an interest in alternative materials (Sha- bound electron-hole pair), the dissociation of an
heen, 2005). Thin film inorganic materials, such exciton to form a hole and an electron, the potential
as amorphous silicon, have also attracted interest recombination of these charges, and the collection
but high processing temperatures can make all of carriers at their respective electrodes (Shaheen,
inorganic solar cells prohibitively expensive. That 2005). In polymer solar cells the absorption of
said, recent advances in solar concentration could a photon does not result in free charge carriers,
decrease the amount of solar cell material required as in inorganic devices, but rather the creation
and decrease the costs of silicon photovoltaics, of a coulombically bound electron hole pair, or
while providing novel features such as partially exciton. This exciton must then find an interface
transparency devices with non-planar geometries between two materials with different electron
(Currie, 2008). In terms of photovoltaic research, donating and electron accepting properties in
however, there is still an impetus towards finding order for the exciton to be dissociated into a free
alternative materials and developing new devices. electron and hole, on either side of the interface
In recent years, organic materials have emerged (Tang, 1986). These charges will then diffuse due
as a possible alternative to traditional inorganic to the density gradient at the interface, and drift

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

as a result of the built-in field from the difference which preferentially transport holes or electrons,
between the electrode work functions, until the respectively. However, this is not necessarily a
charges reach the electrodes. Free charges which restriction on their actual ability to transport dif-
successfully reach the electrodes can be extracted ferent charges but rather reflects the ease of charge
and contribute to the outside circuit. During this injection from the electrodes; a material is often
process the incident energy could be lost due to referred to as a hole, or electron, transporter when
the polymer not absorbing incident photons, the its ionization energy, or electron affinity, closely
geminate recombination of resultant electron-hole matches the Fermi level of the electrodes (Corop-
pairs or the recombination of separated electrons ceanu 2007). A crucial aspect of organic materials
and holes prior to reaching the electrodes. To limit are their low mobilities, which increases the
these losses, and consequently improve solar cell likelihood of charge recombination, and energy
efficiencies, there is a need to discover better loss, in organic solar cells. Efficient charge trans-
materials and further elucidate the device physics. port requires that the charges be able to hop from
Conjugated polymer chains are an attractive molecule to molecule and not be trapped or scat-
option for organic devices, and can be regarded tered. Therefore, charge mobility is dependent on
as quasi one-dimensional semiconductors. Both pathways of high interchain charge-transfer rates,
donor and acceptor polymers have been designed, and disordered chain configurations play an im-

Figure 1. The mechanism of charge separation. Illustration of (1) photon absorption, (2) exciton diffu-
sion to the DA interface, (3) dissociation if exciton into free charge, and (4) drift of free charge carriers
to electrodes.

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

portant role (Athanasopoulos, 2007). More spe- interface over a relatively short time scale then
cifically, the mobility can depend on a variety of the electron-hole pair will undergo geminate re-
conditions including molecular packing, disorder, combination and the energy from the photon will
presence of impurities, molecular weight and be potentially lost. It is, therefore, imperative to
temperature. The application of an electric field photovoltaic performance that the DA interfaces
causes the charge carriers to drift and, in these are close to regions where photoexcitation occurs.
disordered materials, also results in an increase Furthermore, upon dissociation the electrons and
in mobility with increasing applied field (Frenkel holes are now separated on either side of the DA
1938). Increasing the mobility is necessary if the interface and will have to travel in the different
efficiencies of organic devices are to be increased phases of a two-phase morphology in order to find
significantly; the longer it takes for charge to leave their way to the correct electrodes. Even though
the device, the greater the chance of charge re- the electrons and holes are confined to separate
combination occurring. regions of the device, the charge carriers can still
Another crucial factor in organic solar cell per- recombine at the DA interfaces in between the
formance is the creation of an exciton, rather than two phases. In particular, if the charges are un-
free charge carriers, upon absorption of a photon. able to traverse the solar cell to the electrode, via
An exciton is a mobile excited state that arises a continuous path of the appropriate phase, then
from the coulombic attraction between the electron the concentration of charge carriers can build up
and hole. In materials of low relative dielectric at the interfaces resulting in an increase in charge
constant the photon creates an electron-hole pair recombination. Ensuring the charge carriers have
which are bound together by their coulombic at- a continuous pathway to the electrodes, therefore,
traction. The exciton binding energy, which arises is necessary for obtaining high photovoltaic ef-
from this electrostatic interaction, is roughly an ficiencies.
order of magnitude larger in organic materials than
in inorganic materials (where thermal energy is
enough to separate the photogenerated charges). MORPHOLOGY
In organic solar cells, therefore, photoexcita-
tions result in the creation of excitons, whereas The three morphological constraints on the internal
in inorganic devices photoexcitations typically structure of polymer solar cells would appear to
lead directly to free carriers. In order for organic be, firstly, that the internal DA interface is always
materials to function as photovoltaic devices the within a small distance from where photoexcita-
exciton must be dissociated (the electron and hole tion occurs. Therefore, the diffusion distance of
must be separated). excitons, which is on the order of 10nm, limits the
An efficient mechanism for dissociation is domain size of the internal morphology. Secondly,
through the use of a donor-acceptor (DA) inter- that the thickness of the polymer cell is sufficient
face (Tang, 1986). A DA interface exists as the to absorb the majority of incident light. While the
boundary between a donor and acceptor material. optical absorption of polymers is generally high,
The donor material has a low ionization poten- and device thicknesses are smaller than that of
tial and the acceptor has a high electron affinity. inorganic devices, the thickness of polymer solar
When the exciton interacts with a DA interface it cells are still on the order of 100nm. Finally, that
is energetically favorable for dissociation to oc- upon the dissociation of excitons, the resulting
cur, and for the electron to reside in the acceptor electrons and holes have direct access to the cor-
and the hole in the donor (Tang, 1986; Gunes, rect electrodes. In other words, as the electrons are
2007). If the exciton does not interact with a DA confined to the acceptor material, and similarly

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

the holes are confined to the donor material, if Halls, 1995). Typically, the two materials are
the domains of these materials do not percolate spin-cast in a good solvent, resulting in thin films
then the electrons and holes will likely recombine of phase-separated domains. An example of such
before they can be extracted from the cell. a morphology is shown in Figure 2b and consists
The simplest device morphology, as shown in of random pathways in which the free charges
Figure 2a, is the two-layer or bilayer solar cell. can travel. Therefore, the excitons can find a DA
Introduced by Tang as a method of creating a DA interface within 10nm from where they are pho-
interface through which charges can be separated, toexcited, but the pathways in which the charges
these structures are perhaps the simplest way to travel are tortuous and do net necessarily percolate.
arrange two different materials (Tang, 1986). Ei- This can lead to morphological bottle-necks and
ther material can absorb a photon and the resultant cul-de-sacs down which the free charge can
exciton diffuses over a distance of roughly 10nm travel, without finding an electrode. Instead the
before either geminate recombination occurs or the charges will drift towards the DA interfaces and
exciton finds the DA interface. As the DA interface potentially recombine with opposite charges on
only exists through the center of the device, it is the other side of the DA interface. This results in
only excitons which are created in this narrow the loss of charge and, hence, a loss in converted
central region which will likely contribute to the energy (Buxton, 2006).
external current. Excitons created in the remainder Alternatively, an idealized morphology has
of the solar cell will recombine and the absorbed been proposed which would provide a domain
energy will be lost. For this reason bilayer devices size on the order of 10nm, allow for device
are no longer considered practical for polymer thicknesses on the order of 100nm and provide
solar cells, although it should be mentioned that if continuous pathways for charge carriers to the
exciton diffusion could be improved then bilayer electrodes (Coakley, 2003). This ideal morphology
devices could become more practical. Improve- is depicted in Figure 2c and consists of an inter-
ments in molecular packing could increase ex- digitized structure where the donor and acceptor
citon diffusion lengths and result in more of the materials interlace in an organized manner. The
excitons reaching, and being dissociated at, the most obvious way to create such morphologies
DA interface (Rim, 2007). Furthermore, as the in polymer systems is to use diblock copolymers.
excitons are dissociated at the DA interface there Diblock copolymers consist of two segments of
exists a reduction in exciton concentration at the different polymer species which are covalently
DA interface. The high concentrations of excitons bonded. This causes the polymer domains to phase
within the donor and acceptor materials, and separate only over a limited lengthscale, which
relatively low concentrations at the DA interface, depends on the length of the polymer chains. The
results in an exciton concentration gradient. This idealized morphology was initially proposed by
concentration gradient results in the net drift of Coakley for hybrid devices, where diblock co-
excitons towards the DA interface (Gregg, 2003). polymer morphologies where used as a template
In order to increase the efficiency of polymer for inorganic substitution. Alternatively, polymer
solar cells, however, it is desirable to have the brushes can be grown using surface-initiated po-
internal DA interfaces within close proximity to lymerization to obtain similar structures (Snaith,
regions where photoexcitation occurs. Therefore, 2005). However, the role of morphology is only
the two domains of the donor and acceptor ma- part of the story. Polymer chain configuration
terials can be blended together to form bulk- and orientation can also play a crucial role in
heterojunction solar cells (Yu, 1995; Yu, 1995b, determining photovoltaic properties.

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

Figure 2. Different polymer solar cell morphologies: A) Bilayer, B) bulk-heterojunction, and C) ideal-
ized structures are compared

POLYMER CHAIN ORIENTATION DA interface, which is beneficial to charge, and

exciton, transport from the center of a domain to
As mentioned previously, diblock copolymers are the DA interface but for charge transport within
a good way to self-assemble the ideal morphology the domain this will result in very low mobilities
for polymer solar cells. There has, therefore, been and a greater chance of recombination. There is
a drive towards creating diblock copolymers where expected to be a competition between the transport
one segment of the chain consists of a donor mate- of excitons from the center of the domains to the
rial and the other segment consists of an acceptor DA interface, and the transport of charge to the
material (Stalmach, 2000; Boer, 2001; Lindner, electrodes (Shah, 2009). If the polymer chains are
2004). The photovoltaic efficiencies of diblock aligned perpendicular to the DA interface (as in
copolymer solar cells, however, have not shown diblock copolymer systems) then exciton diffu-
any improvement over bulk-heterojunction solar sion to the DA interface is enhanced, but charge
cells. One possible reason for the disappointing transfer to the electrodes will be suppressed. If
performances is that the chain orientation inside the polymer chains are oriented parallel to the DA
the donor and acceptor domains is in the plane interface, then the opposite is true, charge transfer
of the film. If the DA interface exists due to the to the electrodes will occur more readily at the
microphase separation of the diblock copolymer, expense of exciton diffusion to the DA interface.
then it is well known that the chains will extend There is, therefore, likely to be some compromise
out perpendicularly from this interface. Hence, as between these two extremes. Perhaps with the
charges traverse the device they are forced to hop chains oriented parallel to the DA interface in the
inefficiently from one chain to the next. center of the domains, and perpendicular to the
Charge mobility in polymers is generally great- DA interface near the DA interface.
est along the backbone of a conjugated polymer The morphology and chain orientation of poly-
chain and is significantly lower when charge mer solar cells can be modified through anneal-
transfer occurs between chains, and so any pref- ing and other processing methods. For example,
erential orientation of polymer chains will result thermal annealing of a bilayer solar cell can lead
in anisotropic mobilities. As mentioned, this is to donor and acceptor intermixing, and better
just the case with diblock copolymer systems. power conversion efficiencies (Stevens, 2009).
The chains are oriented perpendicular to the Electrical annealing, where the film is subject

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

to an external electric field during processing, is and this, in turn, increases mobilities and device
another method that has been explored. In organic performance. As expected, similar effects have
light emitting diodes, devices have been found to also been found for exciton diffusion lengths in
exhibit superior properties subsequent to electrical crystalline polymers (Rim 2007). To enhance
annealing (Lee, 2000; Padinger, 2003). Although charge, and exciton, transport in polymer mate-
it is unclear in these experiments if the electric rials it may, therefore, be desirable to increase
field oriented the morphology, creating stripes of interpolymer ordering and crystallinity.
different domains, or if the electric field oriented
the polymer chains and enhanced the charge mo-
bility. Either, or both, of these effects could also OPTICAL PROPERTIES
arise in electrically annealed polymer solar cells.
A common method of processing polymer Of course, in optimizing the photovoltaic per-
blends is to spin coat them onto a substrate, formance of polymer solar cells, it is worth
together with a solvent, and allow the polymer remembering that the optical properties of these
blend to phase separate as the solvent evaporates. devices will also play a role. Recently, optical
Interestingly, if the solvent evaporates quickly absorption enhancements have been reported
then an ordering front can occur within the phase through organizing the devices into regions of
separating film (Buxton, 2007). The layer of differing dielectric constants. These photonic
film nearest to the top will have less solvent (as crystals have been made from alternating layers
the solvent evaporates from this surface) while of photoactive material and a low index of refrac-
nearer the substrate the solvent concentrations tion conducting material, where the geometry was
will be highest. Phase separation between the capable of enhancing spectral absorption by 17%
the two polymers will occur at a critical solvent (Tumbleston, 2009). Numerical calculations have
concentration, and this condition will be met at the also predicted this behavior in multicomponent
top surface first. In particular, the top surface can polymer photocells (Shikler, 2007). In particular,
phase separate before other regions of the film. As it was found that both an energy flow from the
deeper regions of the film begin to phase separate less-absorbing to the more-absorbing material,
they do so templated by the region of film directly and resonance amplification of absorption, lead
above. This surface-induced phase separation can to an enhancement in the numerically calculated
result in perfectly aligned domains perpendicular absorption spectrum by up to 2.6 times (Shikler,
to the film (Buxton, 2007). 2007). This work emphasizes the role of scattering
Processing can also promote molecular order in in these devices as a design tool to obtaining more
these films. Crystalline polymers can have higher efficient solar cells. Dielectric contrast can also
mobilities, especially if the degree of crystallinity be achieved by adding nanoparticles to polymer
is high, and anealing can play a role in the de- domains to create photonic crystals and this could
gree of crystallinity in these materials. Recently, be used to design, for example, DA regions of
Schilinsky et al. (2005) and Sommer et al. (2009) different dielectric constant (Buxton, 2003). With
have looked at the influence of molecular weight the DA domain size on the order of 10nm, and the
on crystalline polymer solar cells. In particular, domain spacing for dielectric contrast comparable
they found that increasing the molecular weight to optical wavelengths, it may be interesting to
of P3HT increased the crystallinity and improved consider the phase separation of two different
hole carrier mobility by more than two orders of semiconducting block copolymers.
magnitude. Intermolecular order (stacking) is While it is highly desirable to increase absorp-
promoted in larger molecular weight polymers tion through scattering, polymers typically absorb

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

only a small portion of the whole solar spectrum. formance could be through the use of hybrid solar
It is, therefore, highly desirable to absorb a broader cells. Hybrid solar cells consist of both organic
fraction of the incident solar spectrum using and inorganic constituents. As mentioned previ-
low-band gap polymers. Recently, for example, ously, Coakley and McGehee (2003) identified the
Wu et al. (2009) developed a new low band gap ideal morphology for polymer solar cells through
semiconducting polymer for polymer solar cells, the incorporation of an inorganic material into a
which exhibited a power conversion efficiency diblock copolymer morphology. In particular, a
of 5.6% (Wu, 2009). The incorporation of dye conjugated polymer was infiltrated into films of
molecules could also increase absorption. mesoporous titania, which had been created us-
Since it seems unlikely that a single organic ing a structure-directing self-assembling diblock
material can absorb efficiently over the entire copolymer.
range of the incident solar spectrum it is likely However, it is the application of high aspect ra-
that tandem solar cells, or multijunction solar tio nanorods which have drawn the most attention.
cells, will help push the performance of polymer Their elongated structure facilitate charge trans-
solar cells. Tandem solar cells consist of two (or port, while the band gap can be tuned by varying
more) subcells which on their own would act as the nanorod radius. This enables the absorption
a solar cell. However, in tandem cells these sub- spectrum of the devices to be tailored to overlap
cells are combined one on top of the other, with with the solar emission spectrum (Huynh, 2002).
the uppermost subcell absorbing higher energy At present the nanorods in polymer solar cells are
photons and the lower subcells absorbing lower typically incorporated into a polymer matrix. An
energy photons. One difficulty with tandem solar alternative to this approach is to incorporate the
cells is that the total current from the device is nanorods into either a polymer blend or diblock
limited by the lowest current-generating subcell. copolymer system (Balazs, 2000; Buxton, 2004).
That said, tandem polymer solar cells have been An example of how nanorods can be corralled
constructed. Dennler et al. (2006) found that into the domain of a diblock copolymer is shown
the open circuit voltage was nearly doubled in a in Figure 3. Figure 3 depicts rods which are se-
P3HT:PCBM and ZnPc:C60 tandem solar cell, but lectively incorporated into a diblock copolymer
that the power conversion efficiency was lower morphology, which causes the nanorods to form
than a P3HT:PCBM cell alone. Recently Kim et al. a percolating structure which spans the system.
(2007) reported tandem solar cells exceeding 6% While these structures have been shown to pos-
conversion efficiency by using a TiOx interlayer sess superior mechanical and electrical properties
to separate two subcells. This tandem approach (Buxton, 2004), it is hoped that their photovoltaic
will likely be a necessary ingredient to polymer properties might also be improved due to the
solar cell designs, if these devices are to harvest percolation of nanorods. Interestingly, Wang et
a broader fraction of incident sunlight. However, al. (2007) have recently reported a new hybrid
the success of tandem solar cells will depend on solar cells consisting of a polymer and multiarmed
the development of novel low-bandgap materials. CdS nanorods. They found that the solvent used
when spin coating these devices can play a crucial
role in dispersion. However, it is unclear how the
HYBRID SOLAR CELLS multiarmed structure of the nanoparticles will
benefit charge transport in these device. Rather,
A promising route for maintaining the benefits of the orientation of nanorods perpendicular to the
polymer solar cells, such as flexible devices and film would be expected to increase charge mobil-
ease of production, whilst increasing device per- ity, and hence device performance. To this effect,

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

nanorods have been grown from the substrate in Similar to tandem device, different dyes could be
an attempt to realize an ideal device structure with used throughout the solar cell ensuring that large
these hybrid constituents (Snaith, 2005). However, band gap dyes are closer to the top surface and
it might be more advantageous to have an internal smaller bandgap dyes are closer to the substrate.
morphology self-assemble from the constituents The inclusion of nanoparticulates as a con-
to reduce processing costs. stituent in polymer solar cells has drawn further
A variation on using nanorods has been to interest with the recent observation that PbSe
incorporate dye-functionalized carbon nanotubes quantum dots can yield multiple excitons from a
in to polymer solar cells (Bhattacharyya 2004). single absorbed photon (Schaller, 2004). While, at
The premise of these devices is for the dye to present, there is no way to extract the photogen-
absorb the incident light over a wide range of erated charge carriers from these quantum dots
wavelengths, and for the interaction of dye mol- this observation could open the door to similar
ecules with both the nanotubes and polymer to phenomena in other nanoparticulates.
facilitate the efficient transfer of electrons to the
nanotubes and the holes to the polymer. Further-
more, the dye molecule can be chosen to ensure COMPUTER SIMULATIONS
an absorption spectrum which closely matches
the solar spectrum. This opens up the possibility Computer simulations are a powerful tool for ex-
of not only absorbing more sunlight, but also of ploring the device physics of polymer solar cells.
designing a solar cell with an absorption gradient. In particular, computer models can provide key in-

Figure 3. The effects of corralling nanorods into a single phase of a phase separating polymer blend.
Predicted nanorod percolation in a diblock copolymer using computer simulations. The black lines rep-
resent the nanorods, while the difference in concentration between the two polymer species is depicted
as a contour plot. See Balazs (2001) or Buxton (2004) for computational details.

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

sights into the internal mechanism of these devices ing a standard one-dimensional drift-diffusion
in a way which would be difficult experimentally. model of an inorganic system, but to mimic how
For example, while charge recombination can exciton dissociation occurs only at DA interfaces,
be inferred from experimental data, in computer limited electron and hole generation exclusively
simulations it is possible to identify the exact to the interface. This demonstrated how charge
location and rate at which charge recombination carriers can be extracted entirely due to internal
occurs. However, the outcome of any computer concentration gradients; charge-carriers can dif-
model is only as accurate as the assumptions and fuse from regions of high concentration at the DA
insights used to derive the model, and the input interface to regions of lower concentration at the
parameters used. Furthermore, precise agreement electrodes, thus proving an important mechanism
between computer simulations and experimental of charge extraction. However, this model did not
data is most likely either fortuitous or as a result of account for exciton generation, diffusion, or dis-
fitting parameters. While the quantitative ability sociation. Barker et al. (Barker, 2003) developed a
of computer simulations to predict polymer solar one-dimensional drift-diffusion model specifically
cell performance is spurious, computer simulations for organic devices to capture a bilayer system.
can still provide an invaluable wealth of qualitative Good agreement with experimental data was ob-
insights and predictions. There have been a wide tained. They simulated the generation of electrons
range of computer models developed for analyzing and holes at the DA interface by considering the
polymer solar cells. The main two models are the fraction of light that was likely to lead to charge
drift diffusion model and the Monte Carlo model. separation, but did not model the concentration
of excitons directly. Furthermore, in terms of the
charge-carrier continuity equations, the acceptor
DRIFT-DIFFUSION MODEL and donor regions where essentially solved sepa-
rately, with electron concentration in the acceptor
The drift-diffusion model captures the drift of domain solved separately from the holes in the
charge carrier concentrations in an electric field donor material. Haerter et al. (Haerter, 2005)
and the diffusion of charge carrier concentrations have simulated a one-dimensional device, and
due to gradients in the concentrations (Selber- have gone further by allowing the interface to be
herr, 1984). Typically in an inorganic device, the `broader’ in order to capture the effects of phase
drift-diffusion model evolves through the self- separation. They considered electrons and holes
consistent solution of Poisson’s equation and the to be produced at internal interfacial regions and
continuity equations for both electrons and holes. allowed the charge carriers to move throughout
While this model has only recently found appli- the entire system, taking into consideration the
cation in modeling organic devices, it is a well presence of these internal interfaces. However,
established and successful technique for model- in this one-dimensional model, morphological
ing inorganic semiconductor devices (Selberherr, effects were taken into consideration by having
1984). Most of the modeling work on organic a simple one-dimensional variation in proper-
devices involves the simulation of organic light ties. Recently, Koster et al. (Koster, 2005) have
emitting diodes (OLED’s) (Yang, 2000; Crone, developed an equilibrium one-dimensional drift-
2000; Blades, 2000; Ruhstaller, 2001; Lee, 2004) diffusion model for polymer:fullerene bulk het-
whilst, in contrast, there has been less focus on erojunctions solar cells. However, the device was
photovoltaic devices. Gregg and Hanna (Gregg, considered to consist of a single semiconductor
2003) demonstrated the fundamental differences material and charge generation was considered
between inorganic and organic devices by utiliz- to occur uniformly through the device. Even

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

though current-voltage curves were obtained of the electrostatic potential and accounts for the
which matched experimental data very well, the drift of charges in the local electric field. The
effects of internal morphology and variations in second term involves gradients in the charge car-
exciton density where not incorporated into their rier concentrations themselves and accounts for
model. More recently, Buxton and Clarke (2006) the diffusion of charge carriers from regions of
developed a two-dimensional model of polymer high concentration to regions of low concentra-
solar cells which takes into consideration exciton tion. The charge carriers can be created via the
generation, diffusion and dissociation (Buxton, dissociation of excitons and this can be described
2006; Buxton, 2007). This model has also been by Onsager’s theory for electrolyte dissociation,
used by Shah and Ganesan (2009). As this is the given by (Goliber 1984)
most cutting-edge drift-diffusion model of poly-
mer solar cells it is worth describing in more detail. D(E, x ) = xN f ∫

kD (E, a )F (a )da (5)
The drift-diffusion model involves the solution 0

of continuity equations for electron (n) and hole

(p) concentrations, and exciton (x) concentrations. where kD (E, a ) is the electric-field dependent rate
These are updated along with the Poisson’s equa- constant given by Braun (Braun 1984) and is of
tion for the electrostatic potential ( φ ). These four the form
equations can be written as
 2 3 4 
kD (E, a ) = K R
3 −∆E /kβT
e 1 + b + b + b + b + ...
∇·(∇ψ) = −q(p − n ) (1) 4πa 3  3 18 180 
 
∂n 1
= D(E, x ) − R(n, p) − ∇ qn µn ∇ψ − kβT µn ∇n  where ∆E is the binding energy, minus the dif-
∂t q
(2) ference in electron affinity, K R = q〈µ〉 / 0 〈r 〉
(where < ... > represents spatially averaged
∂p 1
= D(E, x ) − R(n, p) − ∇ −qpµp ∇ψ − kβT µp ∇p  values) and b = q 3 | E | /8π〈〉kβ2T 2 . Because of
∂t q
the local disorder in polymeric materials the dis-
sociation rate is integrated over a Gaussian dis-
2 2
tributionofseparationdistances,a. F (a ) = a 2e −a /a0
= G (r) + R(n, p) − R(x ) − D(E, x ) − ∇ −kβT µx ∇x 
∂x 1 1
∂t 4 q represents this distribution function (a0 is a char-
(4) acteristic length of 1nm) and N f = 4 / π1/4a03 is
a normalization factor (Goliber 1984). The charge-
where the first equation is Poisson’s equation
carrier concentrations are reduced through the
which relates the electrostatic potential to the
recombination term, R(n, p) . Free charge carriers
concentration of charged particles,  is the permit-
recombine with a recombination rate of the Lan-
tivity and q the elementary charge. The second
gevin form, R(n, p) = q(µn + µp )pn /  . A frac-
and third equations are the continuity equations
for the electron and hole concentrations, respec- tion (commonly taken as ¼) recombine to form
tively, where µi is the mobility of species i, kβ is singlet excitons and, therefore, this term also ap-
pears in the fourth equation which describes the
the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature.
continuity equation for excitons. The dissociation
The flux of these charge carriers are dictated by
term also appears in the fourth equation as exciton
two terms (gradient terms in the second and third
dissociation reduces the concentration of excitons.
equations). The first term involves the gradient
The fourth evolution equation also includes a term

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

which account for the recombination, or decay, Since the variables in the above equations are
of excitons Rx = x / τx , where τx is the average of different orders of magnitude, and can vary
lifetime of an exciton. The photogeneration of considerably throughout the heterogeneous sys-
excitons is given by tem, the above equations and variables should be
scaled (Selberherr, 1984). The concentrations can
G (r) = ∑ Φi (rx )αi exp
−αi (Ly −ry )
(7) be scaled by N, which is chosen such that the
i spatial discretization is scaled by a Debye length
of ∆x = kβT / (q 2N ) = 1nm . The electro-
where Φi is the incident photon flux, which we static potential is scaled by kβT / q and the mo-
take to be uniform across the film (independent bilities are scaled by µmax = 1 × 10−8 m 2V −1s −1 .
of rx ), Ly is the location of the top surface and
The time scale is scaled by ∆x 2q / µmax kβT .
ry the distance through the film thickness. The
Our initial four equations can now be written
frequency, νi , dependent absorption coefficient,
in a scaled form as
αi ∝ exp[−(νi − m )2 / (2σ 2 )] / σ 2π , is as-
sumed to have a Gaussian distribution with an ∇·(∇ψ) = p − n (9)
average, m=500nm, a standard deviation,
σ = 75nm , and a peak value of
α0 = 2 × 105 cm −1. = D(E, x ) − R(n, p) − ∇Jn (10)
Current transport in organic semiconductors is a
hopping process which can be phenomenologi-
cally captured with a field-dependent carrier mo- = D(E, x ) − R(n, p) − ∇Jp (11)
bility of the Poole-Frenkel form (Frenkel 1938),

∂x 1
µ = µ0 exp(γ | E |) (8) = G (r) + R(n, p) − R(x ) − D(E, x ) − ∇Jx
∂t 4
The effects of internal heterogeneity and,
therefore, internal interfaces, can be included in
this model. One can adopt the strategy of Ruh- where J n , J p , and J x are the concentrations
staller et al. (Ruhstaller 2001) for simulating the fluxes for electrons, holes and excitons, respec-
hopping process at internal interfaces. They as- tively. The exciton concentration flux is simply
sume that the hopping rate between two sites of the form −µx ∇x .
differing in energy by ∆E to be proportional to The Scharfetter-Gummel method (Scharfetter
exp −(∆E + E p )2 / 4kTE p  , where E p is the 1969) must be used to obtain the charge-carrier
polaron binding energy. fluxes. For example, the flux for the electron
The metal-semiconductor interfaces at the concentration in the x-direction can be shown (via
electrodes can be simulated using the boundary solution of the ordinary differential equation and
conditions of Scott and Malliaras (Scott, 1999). subsequent finite difference approximation) to be
The precise form of the current in these Schottky of the form (Scharfetter 1969)
barriers can be found in either Barker et al. (Barker,
2003) or Lacic and Inganas (Lacic, 2005).

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

J n (x ) = n µn
− µn
∂n µ
= n B (ψi − ψi +1 ) − B (ψi +1 − ψi )
+µ p 1 B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit,+j +1 1 )pit,+j +1 1
i,j +
∂x ∂x ∆x

(13) +µ p 1 B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit,+j −11 )pit,+j −1 1

i,j −

where B(x ) = x / (e x − 1) is the Bernoulli func-

tion and ψi is the electrostatic potential at position 
− µ p 1 B(ψit++11, j − ψit,+j 1 ) + µ p 1 B(ψit−+11, j − ψit,+j 1 )
i. We can, therefore, write the full discretized i + ,j
 2
i− ,j

equations in the following form:

ψit++11, j +  ψit−+11, j +  t +1 t +1 + µp B(ψit,+j +1 1 − ψit,+j 1 ) + µ p B(ψit,+j −11 − ψit,+j 1 ) pit,+j 1
 1 1 1 ψi , j +1 +  1 ψi , j −1 i,j +
i,j −
i + ,j i− ,j i,j + i,j − 2 2 
2 2 2 2

t +1
−( 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 )ψ
i,j = (p − nit, j )
i + ,j i− ,j i,j + i,j −
2 2 2 2
x it,+j 1 − x it, j 1
(14) = G (r) + R(nit, j , pit, j )
∆t 4
n t +1
−n t −R(x it, j ) − D(E, x it, j )
i,j i,j
= D(E, x it, j ) − R(nit, j , pit, j )

+ µx 1 x it++11, j + µx 1 x it−+11, j + µx 1 x it,+j +1 1 + µx 1 x it,+j −1 1
n t +1 t +1 t +1
+µ 1 B(ψ i +1, j −ψ i,j )n i +1, j
i + ,j
 2
i− ,j
i,j +
i ,jj −
i + ,j
(15) (17)
+µn 1 B(ψit−+11, j − ψit,+j 1 )nit−+11, j
i− ,j
2   
− µx 1 + µx 1 + µx 1 + µx 1  x it,+j 1 
 i + 2 , j i,j − 
i− ,j i,j +
2 2 
+µn 1 B(ψit,+j +1 1 − ψit,+j 1 )nit,+j +1 1
i,j +

+µn B(ψit,+j −11 − ψit,+j 1 )nit,+j −1 1 where nit, j is the concentration of electrons at
i,j −
2 discrete position i,j and time t. The mobilities are
defined off lattice and µin+1/2, j represents the mo-
 bility of electrons at the position i + 1 / 2, j .These
− µn 1 B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit++11, j ) + µn 1 B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit−+11, j )
i + ,j
 2
i− ,j
discrete equations can now be solved semi-im-
plicitly. In other words, each of the above equations

represent a system of linear equations which can
+ µn 1 B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit,+j +1 1 ) + µn 1 B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit,+j −11 ) nit,+j 1 be solved separately. All four equations are solved
i,j + i,j −
2 2  in turn using the conjugate gradient method at
each time step. In one dimensions this model is
pit,+j 1 − pit, j very fast. For example, Figure 4 shows the results
= D(E, x it, j ) − R(nit, j , pit, j ) for a bilayer device which took less than 2 minutes
to run on a single processor. However, simulations
of higher dimensions can be more computation-
+µ p B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit++11, j )pit++11, j
i + ,j ally demanding.
(16) The main benefits of the drift-diffusion
+µ p B(ψit,+j 1 − ψit−+11, j )pit−+11, j
i− ,j
model is that the input parameters are taken di-
rectly from experimental studies. However, the

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

Figure 4. Electron, hole, and exciton concentra-

Watkins, 2005; Offermans, 2005; Frost, 2006;
tions in a bilayer device. The DA interface is at
Athanasopoulos, 2007; Marsh, 2007). These mod-
a depth of 50nm in a 100nm thick film. Note that
els progress through successive rate-dependent
the electrons and holes are largely confined to
events in the system, such as charge hopping or ex-
their separate domains (although some overlap
citon dissociation. Individual electrons, holes and
in concentration, and hence recombination, oc-
excitons are updated on a regular lattice depending
curs near the DA interface). See Buxton (2007)
upon the rates at which different events are likely
for more computational details.
to occur. This technique has recently emerged as
a promising method for capturing the physics of
polymer solar cells. Using a dynamical MC model
including exciton diffusion, exciton dissocia-
tion, charge recombination, and charge transport
Watkins et al. (2005) explored the relationship
between the scale of random phase separation
and the efficiency of the solar cells. They found
a strong dependence on interfacial area (required
for exciton dissociation) and also concluded that
charge mobility is an important determinant of
peak efficiency. Furthermore, they found that an
ordered morphology can significantly enhance the
device efficiency over disordered morphologies.
Frost et al. used MC models to both generate
homopolymer chain structures (using a slithering
snake algorithm) and to simulate charge transport
(Frost, 2006). Interestingly, they separated intra-
chain and interchain hopping rates and, as such,
their model can be used to investigate the effects
of chain orientation on charge carrier mobility.
In a dynamical MC model of photovoltaic
performance the excitons, electrons and holes are
simulated discretely on a regular lattice (where
drift-diffusion model can be more computation-
single site occupancy is imposed) (Scheidler,
ally expensive than other alternatives, such as the
1996). This microscopic approach must be dy-
Monte Carlo method, in multiple dimensions and
namically correct and a proper temporal sequence
the Monte Carlo method can also directly take
of events maintained. The simulation evolves
into consideration atomistic configurations.
through the identification of rates for various
events (Scheidler, 1996). In particular, an exciton
can hop from its current site i to a neighboring
site j with a rate
Dynamical MC models have found general appli-
 R 
6 (18)
cability in simulating inorganic systems for many  0 

wij = we   f (E i , E j )
years (Jacoboni, 1989), but have only recently been  Rij 
used to study polymeric systems (scheidler, 1996;

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

where Rij is the distance between sites i and j, R0 Only one event for each particle is added to
is the exciton localization radius, and we is the the list. The events list contains these events,
rate at which hopping is attempted (Watkins 2005). stored in order of increasing τ . At each time step
The function f (E i , E j ) can be given by the event at the start of the list, with the smallest
τ , is executed and removed from the list. An
   amount of time τ is assumed to have passed dur-
exp − E j − E i  E > E ing the execution of this event and all other events
  
 kT 
j i
f (E i , E j ) =  in the list have their waiting time reduced by this
1 E j < Ei value. All new events are slotted into the list ac-

(19) cording to their waiting times, maintaining the
correct temporal sequence. This algorithm is
Ei and E j being the energies of occupation of continually evolved until steady state is obtained.
sites i and j, respectively. An exciton may also In particular, when there is a balance between
recombine at a rate of wer , or dissociate at a DA charges being created from the exciton dissocia-
interface with a rate of wdiss (Watkins, 2005). tion events and charge being removed from the
system (either recombining with other charge or
Charge carriers may also hop with a rate, in the
being extracted via the electrodes) then the system
case of an electron, of
is considered to be in a steady state.
This method provides a simple and intuitive
wij = wnexp(−2γRij )f (E i , E j ) (20)
way to capture the photovoltaics of polymer solar
cells in three-dimensions. Furthermore, updating
where wn is the rate at which hopping is at- individual excitons, electrons and holes in this mi-
tempted for an electron. γ is a localization constant croscopic approach enables the diblock copolymer
which can be related to the charge mobility. Op- chain structure (in particular, chain orientation)
positely charged particles on adjacent sites may to be taken into account in a relatively straight
recombine at a rate of wcr . The charge can also forward manner. In other words, the interchain
leave the system if the charge is next to the ap- and intrachain hopping rates can be assigned to
propriate electrode, at a rate of wce (Watkins, ensure charge carrier mobility is greatest along
2005). the polymer backbone and significantly reduced
The dynamical MC method is typically evolved if due to a hopping process (Frost, 2006). The
in time using the first reaction method (FRM). For only drawback of this model is that the input
each rate in the system a corresponding waiting parameters are not easily identifiable from ex-
time is calculate from perimental studies.

τ =− ln([0 : 1]) (21) STRUCTURE-PROPERTY
where [0 : 1] is a random number uniformly
One of the most important advantages of using
distributed between 0 and 1 (Scheidler, 1996).
computer simulations is the ability to first simulate
The event with the smallest τ for a given particle
the morphology of these devices, before feeding
is then chosen as the event for that particle which
these morphologies directly into a computer model
is added to a list of events.

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

of photovoltaic performance. The input to these are significantly more computationally expensive
photovoltaic models is likely to be the local con- than continuum models.
centrations of donor and acceptor materials, and The integration of a morphological model and
possibly the local orientation of polymer chains. a photovoltaic model enables the morphological
There are many models of polymer morphology effects to be considered directly and the full history
which could be used including continuum mod- (from constituents and processing to performance)
els and atomistic models, and it is worth briefly to be captured. While this improves the predictive
mentioning them here. capabilities of these computer simulations, it is
Continuum or coarse-grained models include the insights that can be gained about the internal
the Cahn-Hilliard model, the self-consistent field device physics of organic solar cells which can
theory and the lattice Boltzmann model. The be most fruitful. For example, through simulat-
Cahn-Hilliard model is often used in conjunction ing the photovoltaics of actual morphologies it is
with the Flory-Huggins theory which describes possible to observe how exciton concentrations
the entropy of mixing different polymer spe- vary near DA interfaces, or how the build up of
cies (Cahn, 1958; Buxton, 2005). This model electrons and holes in morphological cul-de-sacs
has also been extended to include the effects of results in charge recombination (Buxton, 2006).
nanoparticles and nanorods (Balazs, 2001). The It is, therefore, an important consideration if
self-consistent field theory incorporates the micro- computer simulations are to be more accurate,
scopic effects of polymer chains, and yields more reveal experimentally observable trends and lead
accurate morphologies than the Cahn-Hilliard experiments in device design.
model at the expense of computational efficiency An interesting development in Monte Carlo
(Thompson, 2001). The lattice Boltzmann model simulations involves the ability to take the output
is traditionally a model of hydrodynamic flows, from an atomistic model and incorporate this
but has also been extended to capture polymer atomistic structure into the Monte Carlo model
systems (Succi, 2001). Continuum models will through site hopping probabilities. While this
yield the local concentrations of donor and ac- has only been realized in simple systems using
ceptor phases during phase separation, but gener- a slithering snake algorithm for the morphology
ally lack individual atomistic details. In order to (although the conjugated nature of these polymers,
capture the effects of individual polymer chains and large persistence lengths, make the slithering
it is necessary to use atomistic methods such as snake model unsuitable) it could be extended
a Monte Carlo model or a Molecular Dynamics to more complicated models (Frost, 2006). For
model. The Monte Carlo model is in general an example, an off-lattice model could be used to
equilibrium model which samples possible poly- determine the morphology, and the chain positions
mer chain locations and conformations and selects could be used to determine an irregular network
configurations which are more energetically for the Monte Carlo photovoltaic model. It is also
favorable. In contrast, the Molecular Dynamics possible to introduce anisotropic mobilities in
model integrates the Newtonian laws of motion the drift-diffusion model and incorporate similar
for individual atoms and updates their positions chain orientation effects, in a more coarse-grained
in time. However, it is often difficult to reach an manner. While the drift-diffusion model cannot
equilibrium structure using a dynamic model as account for the orientation of individual chains it
the time scales are computationally prohibitive. can take the average orientation for a given loca-
The atomistic models yield both the domain tion and consider the charge and exciton mobility
structure of phase separating polymer systems, to be greater along the chain direction (Shah,
and the local orientation of polymer chains, but 2009). For example, Shah and Ganesan recently

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

fed the output from a self-consistent field theory creating low-cost and efficient flexible solar cells.
model of rod-coil block copolymers, including Further research is also needed to determine how
information regarding the morphology and aver- to extract multiple charges from the absorption of
age chain orientation, into a drift-diffusion model a single photon. While this phenomena has been
(Shah, 2010). observed in isolated quantum dots it has yet to be
achieved in photovoltaic cells.


Future work in polymer solar cells will likely
concentrate on developing new polymer materials The detrimental effects of global warming and
which absorb light over more of the solar spectrum rising energy costs will continue to drive our
and have higher mobilities. Semi-crystalline poly- future need for low-cost clean energy technolo-
mer materials will also attract further attention as gies. Polymer solar cells could provide, at least a
they offer the possibility of significantly increasing small part of, our solution to these environmental
charge mobility between adjacent chains. In par- problems. Furthermore, polymer solar cells will
ticular, diblock copolymer systems will continue open up new avenues for the application of photo-
to be developed with crystalline ordering within voltaic technologies by enabling the construction
the polymer domains. This offers the promise of flexible and more portable devices. However,
of small domain sizes and high mobility, which before polymer solar cells can be considered
would significantly improve device performance. economically viable there must be a significant
The use of polymers for photovoltaics opens increase in power conversion efficiencies. Future
up the possibilities of developing flexible devices research in these devices, therefore, will attempt to
at relatively low cost. Furthermore, the ability of increase their performance. With many avenues of
these polymer materials to self-assemble into com- research being pursued these photovoltaic systems
plex, and hopefully beneficial, structures opens will increasingly offer a promising alternative to
up the possibility of a simple one-step processing. current polluting fossil fuel technologies.
It may even be possible to develop polymer solar A brief introduction to polymer solar cells has
cells which could be painted, or sprayed, onto a been presented, which concentrated on both the
surface. Polymer solar cells will likely compete device physics and the internal mechanisms of
with other energy-generating technologies as a energy conversion. The key component of polymer
consequence of their low-costs and ease of fabri- solar cells is the DA interfaces, which play the
cation. The portability and flexibility of polymer pivotal role of dissociating excitons and generat-
solar cells will hopefully see their increased use, ing free charge. The limited diffusion of excitons
especially in third-world countries. necessitates domain sizes on the 10nm scale to
Inorganic nanorods are the perfect additive for ensure that most excitons reach a DA interface
polymer solar cells. The nanorods can provide a prior to geminate recombination. In particular,
one-dimensional pathway along which charges the role of nanotechnology in creating thin films
can be transported, while the thickness of the with thicknesses on the order of 100nm, with
nanorods control the absorption spectra (Huynh, features on the 10nm scale, have been reviewed.
2002). In particular, if these nanorods can be In particular the possibility of using diblock copo-
arranged in such a way that they percolate and lymers and nanorods to create the desired internal
allow charge transport throughout the device morphologies of these films, which play a crucial
then these hybrid systems might offer a route to role in determining the photovoltaic performance

Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

of the devices, has been discussed. An idealized Bhattacharyya, S., Kymakis, E., & Amaratunga,
morphology consisting of interdigitized domains G. A. J. (2004). Photovoltaic properties of dye
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Blades, C. D. J., & Walker, A. B. (2000).
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Simulating organic light-emitting diodes. Syn-
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Monte Carlo models of photovoltaic performance photocarrier production. The Journal of Chemical
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results but to also reveal insights into the internal
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be unattainable to experimental studies) and pro-
nanorods. Molecular Simulation, 30(4), 249–257.
vide alternative designs which could guide future
experimental investigations. The role of computer
models to identify structure-property relations, and Buxton, G. A., & Clarke, N. (2005). Creating
identify the ideal structures necessary for device structures in polymer blends via a dissolution
performance, will be crucial to the further devel- and phase-separation process. Physical Review
opment of this technology. In addition, computer E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics,
simulations can also investigate the constituents 72, 011807. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.011807
and processing history required to create these
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ideal structures, and ultimately model the entire
structure and property relations in polymeric
history of a polymer solar cell.
photovoltaic devices. Physical Review B: Con-
densed Matter and Materials Physics, 74, 085207.
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in disordered semiconducting polymers. Nano
Letters, 7(6), 1785–1788. doi:10.1021/nl0708718 Buxton, G. A., & Clarke, N. (2007). Order-
ing polymer blend morphologies via solvent
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N. C. (2003). Modeling the current-voltage doi:10.1209/0295-5075/78/56006
characteristics of bilayer polymer photovoltaic
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Computer simulation of morphologies and optical C., Krasnikov, V. V., & Hadziioannou, G. (2001).
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Nanotechnology and Polymer Solar Cells

Monte Carlo (MC): An atomistic model that Polymer Solar Cell: A photovoltaic device
can capture the physics of solar cells. which is constructed from organic polymer con-
Nanotechnology: The manipulation of struc- stituents.
tures in material science on length scales smaller Recombination: The combination either cou-
than 100nm. lombically bound electrons and holes (excitons),
or free electrons and holes, to lose charge carriers
from the device.


Chapter 10
Low-Cost III-V Compound
Semiconductor Solar Cells:
Progress and Prospects

Michael G. Mauk
Drexel University, USA

The prospects for cost-effective flat plate (non-concentrator) solar cells based on III-V compound semi-
conductors (e.g., GaAs, InP, AlAs, and their alloys) are reviewed. Solar cells made in III-V materials
are expensive, but outperform solar cells in every other materials system. The relatively high cost of
compound semiconductor wafers necessitates a means to eliminate their use as substrates for epitaial
growth of conventional III-V solar cells. There are several approaches to this end, including thin-film
solar cells on low-cost, dissimilar substrates such as glass, ceramics, and metal sheets; III-V solar
cells epitaxially grown on silicon wafers; film transfer (‘epitaxial lift off’) techniques that allow re-use
of the seeding substrate; and assembled arrays of small III-V solar cells on low-cost substrates. Grain
boundary effects in polycrystalline III-V films can severely degrade solar cell performance, and impede
the application of established thin-film technologies, as developed for amorphous silicon and II-VI
semiconductor photovoltaics, to III-V semiconductor-based solar cells. The nearly fifty years of effort in
developing thin-film III-V solar cells has underscored the difficulty of achieving large-grain sizes and/
or low recombination grain boundaries in polycrystalline films of III-V semiconductors.

INTRODUCTION Recent developments related to ‘assembled’ ar-

rays of millimeter-sized III-V solar cells made
One of the more promising thin-film approaches by inkjet and contact printing, parallel transfer,
utilizes the epitaxial growth of an (Al)GaAs robotic pick and place, and fluidic self-assembly,
solar cell on a recrystallized germanium seeding are in early stages but offer several avenues for
layer deposited on a thermal-expansion matched high-efficiency III-V solar cells with much reduced
(inexpensive) substrate such as alumina ceramic. costs. These designs often use integrated optics

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch010
Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

to improve light coupling to the array solar cells, voltaics); more tolerance of increased operating
and employ a low-cost, flexible polymer substrate. temperatures, and higher operating voltages which
In this review, we survey the prospects for reduce series resistance losses. It should be kept
cost-effective III-V compound semiconductor in mind that the best commercial silicon solar
solar cells for terrestrial power generation. The cells are already at ~20% efficiency (e.g., Sanyo
III-V semiconductors include the binary com- HIT crystalline/amorphous silicon solar cell (Ta-
pounds GaAs, InP, GaN, AlAs, AlP, and InAs, guchi et al. 2005), and therefore, the areal cost of
as well as ternary and quaternary alloys between alternative single-junction III-V solar cells with
these binaries, e.g., AlGaAs, InGaAs, InGaN, similar efficiencies—and without the leveraging
and AlGaAsSb. Currently, high-efficiency III-V effect of optical concentration—will have to be
solar cells are used as standard equipment for comparable to that of the current premium single-
powering satellites and other space vehicles. High- crystal silicon solar cell technology. By the same
efficiency III-V compound solar cells may also reckoning, it can be inferred as a corollary that
prove essential for economically-viable terrestrial III-V solar cells that cost more than silicon on an
concentrator photovoltaic systems. Our primary areal basis will need to have a substantially higher
focus here, however, is on solar cells for lower- conversion efficiency than the best silicon solar
cost, non-concentrator systems—so called flat cells in order to challenge the predominance of
plate arrays with minimal tracking and external silicon photovoltaics.
optics. In other words, III-V solar cells that might Given the intrinsically higher materials and
compete directly with silicon solar cells on cost processing costs of conventional III-V solar cells,
and performance in, for example, stand-alone or one might reasonably ask whether such a cost
grid-connected roof-top solar electric systems. By goal is even possible, let alone worth the effort.
non-concentrator, we are excluding systems with Ultimately, a low-cost format for III-V solar cells
external optics and/or tracking, but not flat-plate is of interest because it could serve as a basis for
systems that use integral optics, such as lensed subsequent adaptations to very high-efficiency
cover plates or gratings to effect focusing and multijunction solar cells. The III-V semiconduc-
concentration within the solar cell module. tor alloys provide ‘tunable’ bandgaps, carrier
confinement, various hot carrier effects, and ef-
ficient luminescence (for photon recycling), as
BACKGROUND well as thermophotovoltaic or thermionic operat-
ing modes that can be exploited in innovative
The main attraction of III-V solar cells is their solar cell designs commonly termed “Third Gen-
superior performance. III-V solar cells in the eration” photovoltaics, with predicted efficiencies
form of sophisticated epitaxial multi-junction in the 30-60% range (Green 2002; Coniber 2007].
device structures have demonstrated the highest Many of these effects and design options are not
conversion efficiencies (~40%) of any photovol- readily available, nor as well developed with
taic technology to date. The relevant performance silicon-based devices nor other semiconductors.
data of various III-V solar cell technologies are Such high efficiencies would dramatically reduce
summarized in Table 1, along with silicon solar balance-of-systems costs for solar electric instal-
cells that provide a performance benchmark. lations, and also permit use where deployment is
Secondary advantages of III-V solar cells rela- limited by available area such as urban rooftops.
tive to silicon solar cells include higher radiation Novel solar cell design configurations may be
resistance (crucial for space power, but not an enabled by alternative fabrication techniques
over-riding consideration for terrestrial photo- developed for low-cost III-V solar cells, or alter-

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Table 1. Selected solar cell and module efficiencies

Cell Type Area (cm2) Illumination Efficiency (%)

multijunction Cells GaInP/GaAs/Ge 4.0 AM1.5 (1X) 32.0
GaInP/GaAs 4.0 AM1.5 (1X) 30.3
single-junction Cells monocrystalline silicon 4.0 AM1.5 (1X) 25.0
multicrystalline 1.0 AM1.5 (1X) 20.4
monocrystalline GaAs 1.0 AM1.5 (1X) 26.1
multicrystalline 4.0 AM1.5 (1X) 18.4
GaAs on poly Ge
monocrystalline InP 4.0 AM1.5 (1X) 22.1
multicrystalline 1.0 AM1.5 (1X) 19.4
From M.A. Green et al., 2010.

natively, new high-efficiency III-V solar cell to device operation and efficiency, the elimina-
designs may be more compatible with alternative tion of the substrate is not disadvantageous due
low-cost fabrication methods than with the con- to the strong optical absorption coefficient over
ventional single-crystal wafer-based epitaxial the solar spectrum of most of the III-V semicon-
III-V solar cells as currently used for space ductors. Accordingly, only very thin (~2 µm or
power applications. For example, formation of less) films of the semiconductors, supported on
III-V solar cells on insulating substrates can fa- a passive substrate, are needed for such thin-film
cilitate series interconnection schemes for high- solar cells to reach their performance potential.
voltage monolithic solar cell arrays. Also note- This concept has long been appreciated and is, of
worthy is the considerable technology developed course, the basis for thin-film solar cells such as
for solid-state lighting based on III-V semiconduc- those based on CdTe, CuInSe2, amorphous silicon,
tor LEDs that can be exploited for solar cell ap- and other more ‘exotic’ (i.e., non-silicon or III-V)
plications, particular in areas related to packaging semiconductors.
and optical coupling. The synergy between LEDs Thin-film deposition of semiconductors on
and photovoltaics has discussed and elaborated dissimilar substrates such as glass, metal sheets,
in several publications (Kurtz 2003;Algora et al. or ceramic invariably results in polycrystalline
2006). semiconductor material. The performance of
The high-cost of conventional III-V solar cells electronic and optoelectronic devices made in
is due in large part to the expensive single-crystal polycrystalline material is generally inferior to that
(monocrystalline) wafers employed as substrates of the same type of devices made in single-crystal
to seed and support epitaxial growth of the solar cell material. Interestingly, while this appears to be
device. Eliminating the need for such substrates true for silicon, germanium, and most III-V semi-
would go a long way in reducing the cost of III-V conductors, it may not be the case for solar cells
solar cells. Thus, a basic underlying motivation made from II-VI semiconductors. Visoly-Fisher
of much of the work reviewed here relates to et al. (2004) surmise polycrystalline CdTe/CdS
means for avoiding the high costs associated solar cells are more efficient than monocrystal-
with epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductors line cells of the same material and design because
on expensive single-crystal wafers. With respect the grain boundaries do not increase minority

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

carrier recombination and actually contribute to turing processes used to reduce external reflection
photovoltaic energy conversion by enhancing and induce performance-enhancing light trapping
the collection of photogenerated carriers. In the effects that rely on anisotropic etching. In brief,
particular case reported, the enhancement effect the thin film designs and processes successfully
is achieved by post-growth annealing and dop- developed for II-VI and amorphous silicon solar
ing with chlorine that leads to band bending and cells have not met with success when directly
carrier-type inversion at the grain boundaries. applied to III-V solar cells. The performance of
Grain boundaries may also act as sinks to getter solar cells made in as-deposited films of III-V on
certain lifetime-reducing impurities and defects inexpensive substrates is considerably less than
from intragrain regions. With regard to III-V their single-crystal counterparts. Either novel
semiconductors, the wide-bandgap nitrides (e.g., device designs and materials processing methods
GaN) appear to tolerate defects much better than that avoid or mitigate the effects of grain boundar-
the lower-bandgap III-V’s such as GaAs. In the ies in thin-film III-V solar cells must be realized,
widebandgap III-V nitrides, it has been postulated or else new device concepts that better utilize
that grain boundaries confine carriers for more ef- relatively expensive materials and processing
ficient radiative recombination, leading to brighter effort, as discussed in more detail later, must be
electroluminescent devices. Although radiative implemented.
recombination is generally not beneficial for solar In a first pass on surveying the routes, progress,
cell efficiency (unless photon recycling effects are and prospects of making cheaper III-V solar cells
exploited), this shows another instance where a with performance potential of III-V space solar
materials-sensitive aspect of device performance cells, approaches to this end might be categorized
can actually be improved by defects. These ob- as follows: 1. methods of drastically cutting costs
servations further suggest that III-V nitride solar in the way conventional III-V solar cells are made,
cells may better tolerate degraded material quality 2. applying monocrystalline/multicrystalline
than do GaAs- and InP-based devices. Similar silicon solar cell technology to III-V solar cells,
defect-mediating phenomena have not been 3. adapting thin-film polycrystalline solar cell
observed in III-V materials besides the nitrides. technology as used for amorphous silicon, CdTe,
In the past, it has been proposed that selective and CuInSe2 to III-V solar cells, or 4. develop-
diffusion down grain boundaries in polycryalline ing completely new technologies that exploit the
silicon can create vertical junctions that improve properties of III-V semiconductors that enable or
solar cell collection efficiency, and thus enhance facilitate novel designs and fabrication processes.
short-circuit current (Chu et al., 1980). This benefit Some of these approaches can be immediately
is probably more than offset, however, by higher dismissed as lacking much potential. In category
leakage currents and shunting associated with 1, the costs of conventional III-V solar cells are
such diffused structures. For GaAs- and InP-based dominated by high substrate costs, high epitaxy
solar cells employing conventional designs and costs, and high fabrication costs. For various
post-growth materials processing, multicrystalli- reasons, there appears to be little hope for making
nality imposes a substantial performance penalty III-V wafers sufficiently cheap enough to gain cost
with these semiconductors, at least for the grain parity with silicon wafers. III-V wafers are expen-
sizes and grain boundary characteristics achieved sive compared to silicon wafers because gallium
with commonly-employed thin-film deposition and indium are relatively scarce metals. In fact,
methods. Multicrystalline materials also impede the scarcity of gallium (and indium) could well
fine-line patterning methods for low-loss grid prove an insurmountable barrier for III-V solar
metallization contacts, and complicate surface tex- cells even if made in thin film form. Moreover,

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

III-V bulk crystals are more difficult to produce active in III-V solar cells, and the best approach
than silicon material because the high volatility is to achieve high material quality with respect to
of the Group V element at the binary melting minority carrier lifetime in a thin frontal region,
point requires atmospheres with overpressures as for example, by epitaxial growth, without any
of the Group V element and/or encapsulation of reliance on substrate lifetime. Single-crystal or
the III-V material with molten oxides. Also, the polycrystalline III-V wafers with relaxed mate-
lower thermal conductivity of III-Vs (relative to rial quality requirements and therefore somewhat
silicon) and their lower critical resolved shear lower cost can be contemplated as substrates for
stress means the conditions for low-dislocation epitaxial growth. However, casting, directional
growth of III-V crystals will translate to smaller solidification, sheet formation, dendritic-web
bulk crystals grown at slower speeds compared growth, and other alternative wafer, sheet or ribbon
to silicon (Jordan et al. 1981). For these reasons, technologies as employed for silicon solar cells
III-V semiconductor wafers will most likely cost would encounter many of the same limitations
at least a factor of five or ten more than silicon. cited above for single-crystal bulk crystal growth
Almost all III-V solar cells are made us- of III-V ingots. While there is considerable diver-
ing metal organic chemical vapor deposition gence of technology and design criteria between
(MOCVD) for growth of the epitaxial solar cell silicon and III-V solar cells with regard to wafer/
structure. There are probably no fundamental substrate, epitaxial growth, and device design,
hurdles precluding high-throughput epitaxy, and some of the high-volume production methods
significant reductions in epitaxy cost per cell ap- used for silicon solar cells and modules should
pears feasible. With some effort and modification, be transferable to III-V solar cells.
the screen printing metallization processes, surface In spite of the general inapplicability of con-
texturing, and anti-reflection coating processes ventional silicon solar cell technology, there is
developed for high-efficiency silicon solar cells one particular recent development in silicon solar
can most likely be developed for III-V solar cells cells worth mentioning for potential application
as well. To summarize, although significant cost to III-V solar cells: the so-called Sliver® silicon
reductions might well be realized for epitaxy and solar cell technology developed at Australian Na-
device fabrication (metallization, anti-reflection tional University. Sliver® technology (see Figure
coatings), conventional III-V solar cells will re- 1) could offer a means for substantial reductions
main expensive due to high single-crystal wafer in materials consumption and cost when applied
substrate costs. to III-V wafer-based solar cells. Sliver ® cells
With regard to category 2, the wholesale ad- are micromachined as slats from a silicon wafer
aptation of conventional wafer-based silicon solar (as shown in Figure 1a) and then embedded in
manufacturing to III-V solar cells would not yield a transparent light-trapping media (as shown in
much cost reduction even if feasible. Silicon solar Figure 1b). In the case of silicon solar cells, this
cells are bulk devices in that there is a substantial approach decreases silicon usage by a factor of 12.
contribution to output from light absorption and Applied to III-V solar cells, an analogous Sliver®
collection of photo-generated carriers that oc- process could incorporate a wrap-around epitaxial
curs deep (~ 100 microns) below the surface of growth step in place of the diffusion process used
incident light. Silicon solar cells require adequate to make the p-n junction in silicon solar cells. Also,
minority carrier lifetimes through the bulk of the precious gallium could be recovered from the kerf.
entire wafer, and low minority carrier recombi- While to our knowledge there are no reports of
nation losses at the back surface of the wafer. adaptation of Sliver® or similar methods to solar
In contrast, the substrate is not photovoltaically cells other than those made with monocrystal-

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

line silicon, this example illustrates a possible much of which can be applied to III-V thin-film
unconventional route to low-cost III-V solar cells. solar cells.
Category 3 refers to the utilization and adapta- Category 4 includes novel methods developed
tion of thin-film solar cell technology commonly explicitly for III-V semiconductor optoelectron-
employed for II-VI materials and amorphous ics, such as heteroepitaxy on silicon, film transfer
silicon to III-V solar cells. This approach has techniques, microscale printing, fluidic assembly,
comprised the main efforts in developing low-cost and nanostructuring of III-V materials. These
III-V solar cells since the mid-1960s and up until present some of the more recent and promising
recently. The substantial work in this area did not avenues for low-cost III-V solar cells, and will be
lead to any sustained commercialization efforts discussed at some length in this review.
and, in fact, indicated there were formidable
technical barriers to low-cost, thin-film polycrys-
talline III-V solar cells. In the late 1990s, the PERSPECTIVE
demonstration of a 20% efficiency GaAs solar
cell on a polycrystalline germanium substrate Currently, silicon-based solar cells are the
addressed some of the technical objections, show- mainstay of the photovoltaics industry. About
ing in principle that high-efficiencies could be 90% of solar cells are made from single-crystal
achieved in large-grain (~mm) polycrystalline (monocrystalline) or polycrystal (multicrystal-
GaAs films. Further, parallel developments in line) silicon wafers or silicon sheets/ribbons. The
other thin-film solar cells have generated a dominant position of silicon stems from the good
highly-developed technology base and infrastruc- conversion efficiencies of silicon solar cells (15%
ture for thin-film solar cell analysis and production, in commercial modules), the highly-developed

Figure 1. From Weber et al. (2005) showing Sliver® silicon cells and embedding in transparent matrix for
light trapping and optical enhancement due to embedding the solar cell in a transparent light-trapping

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

silicon technology base (silicon is basis of almost polycrystalline form, the II-VI semiconductors are
the entire microelectronics industry), the excellent more developed than polycrystalline III-Vs, since
stability of silicon solar cell modules (silicon solar most of the research effort in these materials has
cell modules have thirty-year warranties), and the focused on polycrystalline thin films, primarily
abundance of silicon (silicon is the second most for application to solar cells.
plentiful element in the earth’s crust). Silicon is
also non-toxic, in contrast to constituents of some
other solar cell technologies. Over the last forty THIN FILM POLYCRYSTALLINE
years, many alternative materials technologies III-V SOLAR CELLS
have been posed to challenge the prevalence of
silicon solar cells, including thin-film solar cells Early Work, 1960-1980
based on cadmium sulfide (CdS/CuxS hetero-
junctions), amorphous silicon and related alloys, In this section, we review work on solar cells
CdTe, and CuInSe2, to name the most prominent comprised of thin films of III-V semiconductor
materials, and more recently, solar cells based formed directly on low-cost, dissimilar substrate
on nanomaterials and organics. Yet silicon solar materials such as metal sheets or glass. This ap-
cell technologies continue to withstand these proach is motivated by related thin-film solar cell
challenges, and there is more room for further technologies developed for CdS, CuInSe2, and
cost reductions and performance improvements amorphous silicon photovoltaics.
in silicon solar cells to help sustain its premier Vohl et al. (1967) reported methods for mak-
position as the dominant solar cell material. ing thin-film polycrystalline GaAs solar cells on
In contrast, space solar cell technology, that is, molybdenum and aluminum substrates. The GaAs
photovoltaic devices that provide electric power films were deposited by a close-spaced vapor
to orbiting satellites and other space vehicles is transport (CSVT) process using water vapor as the
currently dominated by GaAs-based solar cells. transport agent (Robinson 1963, Thurmond and
For satellites and space vehicles, the superior Frosch 1964), optimally in a temperature range
performance and radiation hardness of III-V-based of 750 to 850 °C. GaAs films formed by such
solar cells rationalize their higher costs. Although chemical vapor deposition were found superior
GaAs-based cells are generally considered too to those made by sputtering or flash evaporation.
expensive for earthbound solar systems, there is a The importance of a substrate with a thermal-
substantial technology base that can be exploited expansion coefficient closely matched to GaAs
for producing lower cost versions of these solar was appreciated in order to assure good adhesion
cells. This is because, unlike most compound of the GaAs film and reduce thermal stress-induced
semiconductors employed in various types of fracture. Aluminum substrates were also feasible
thin-film solar cells, GaAs and other III-V semi- but they had limited deposition temperatures due
conductors are widely utilized in optoelectronics to their low melting point (660 °C). Diffused
(lasers, LEDs, photodetectors) and high-speed junction and epitaxial junction devices had poor
electronic devices, and thus there is a considerable characteristics attributed to rapid Zn diffusion
science, technology, and infrastructure available along grain boundaries. Junctions formed by Pt
for GaAs-based semiconductor devices. More- films and Cu1.8Se gave better results, leading to
over, fundamental understanding of the physics solar cells with efficiencies of 3% (4 cm2 area),
and materials science of III-V semiconductors is 4.5% (2 cm2 area) and 5% (0.2 cm2 area). This
considerably greater than materials such as CdTe, work identified many of the key issues in thin-film
CuInSe2, and amorphous silicon. However, in GaAs solar cells and set the stage as the starting

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

point for much of the subsequent effort in this foreign substrates typically exhibited grain sizes
area. An early study of evaporated GaAs films less than 10 microns. Later work has generally
(Takahashi 1972) indicated that GaAs material not yielded any dramatic improvements in as-
made by simple deposition processes such as deposited grain size.
evaporation were plagued by defect trapping and For GaAs films deposited directly on dis-
other anomalous phenomena. Pulfrey and Russel similar substrates, deleterious electrical effects
(1976) used a CSVT process to deposit polycrystal- associated with grain boundaries significantly
line GaAs films on Mo foil from which Schottky limited solar cell performance, and surmounting
barrier diodes were made. An optimum growth the 10% efficiency ‘barrier’ was far from certain.
temperature of 725 °C produced GaAs films at a Modeling indicated the sensitivity of solar cell
deposition rate of 25 μm/hour. The grains were performance to grain boundary dimensions, but
columnar with lateral dimensions ranging from 10 the modeling results (discussed below) were
to 100 microns, and with a bed of stunted grains highly-dependent on many assumptions regarding
near the Mo-GaAs interface. the crystallographic nature and chemical compo-
Chu et al. (1979) described polycrystalline sition of grain boundaries. This resulted in two
GaAs films deposited on graphite substrates using lines of research: 1) increasing grain size of as-
a chloride vapor-phase transport process. GaAs deposited III-V films, and 2) methods of electri-
films 10-20 microns in thickness exhibited grain cal passivating grain boundaries to mitigate their
sizes comparable to the film thickness. Metal Ox- effects on solar cell performance. A third line of
ide Semiconductor (MOS) type solar cells made research, post-growth enhancement of grain size,
on this material showed efficiencies higher than such as by recrystallization/annealing, has also
6%. The MOS type cell avoids the grain bound- been pursued but with limited success, as III-V
ary shunting problem associated with junction materials are difficult to recrystallize. The most
formation by Zn diffusion. Chu et al. (1978) promising route for GaAs thin film solar cells
subsequently reported p+/n/n homojunction GaAs appears to be the use of a recrystallized Ge inter-
solar cells in polycrystalline GaAs films deposited layer on the low-cost substrate. Ge is relatively
on tungsten-coated graphite with efficiencies of easy to recrystallize and achieve large grain sizes,
8.2% (1 cm2 area). The poly GaAs films were and such Ge layers can seed the epitaxial growth
approximately 10 microns thick with grain sizes of large-grain GaAs, as the GaAs overlayer will
of 2 to 10 microns. replicated the grain structure of the Ge layer. Ef-
Bachmann et al. (1977) developed poly- forts along these lines are reviewed below.
crystalline CdS/InP heterojunction solar cells
on graphite substrates with a heavily Zn-doped Studies of Grain Boundary Effects
intermediate layer of GaAs to facilitate ohmic and Grain Boundary Passivation
contact between the InP film and substrate. The
grain size dimensions of the polycrystalline InP Ghandi et al. (1979) showed that grain boundaries
layer were 2-3 microns, and efficiencies of 5.7% shunting and diode leakage effects in polycrystal-
were demonstrated. line GaAs Schottky barrier cells could be prevented
Johnston (1979) surveyed the early results on by selective anodization. Polycrystalline GaAs
polycrystalline III-V solar cells which are sum- films, 8 microns in thickness, deposited on mo-
marized in Table 2, and surmised that the prospects lybdenum substrates by MOCVD (Metal Organic
for III-V thin film solar cells for terrestrial power Chemical Vapor Deposition) were anodized in
generation at this juncture were somewhat uncer- aqueous solutions of tartaric acid and ethylene
tain. As-deposited III-V semiconductor films on glycol, such that, the relatively high localized

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Table 2. Properties of thin-film GaAs and InP solar cells from Johnston (1979)

Cell Type GaAs/AlAs GaAs GaAs InP/CdS heterojunction

Deposition method VPE VPE MOCVD CVD
Typical grain size 3-5 3-5 1-3 1-3
Efficiency -- 6.3% 4.0% 5.7%
Open-circuit voltage 0.95 0.65 0.63 0.65
reference Johnston and Callahan Chu et al. Johnston [1978] Shay et al. [1978]
[1978] [1978]

current at ‘leaky’ grain boundaries result in an cells showed better efficiencies, which they at-
insulating oxide barrier over the grain boundary, tributed to lower grain boundary activity from
thus electrically isolating the grain boundary edge passivation by oxidation. Residual oxygen in the
at the top surface from the Schottky barrier metal LPE growth system produced oxidation at grain
layer. Schottky barrier solar cells with 5.5% ef- boundaries during the growth process. Oxidation
ficiency were demonstrated on such passivated of grain boundaries was corroborated by Auger
GaAs films. electron spectroscopy (AES), secondary ion mass
Cohen et al. (1980) probed the electrical po- spectrometry (SIMS), and x-ray photoelectron
tential in the vicinity of GaAs grain boundaries, spectroscopy (XPS). Spencer et al. (1979) used
as implied by shifts in the Auger electron spectra deep-level transient spectroscopy to characterize
in order to determine the band bending due to the grain boundaries in epitaxial layers of GaAs grown
grain boundary. Their measurements indicated that by MBE and LPE on poly GaAs wafers. They
the Fermi level was pinned by localized bandgap were able to attribute grain boundary depletion
states due to dangling bonds of the grain boundary to an accumulation of native defects, enhanced
with the resulting band bending causing a double segregation of impurities, and accumulation of
depletion region in the bulk material. Some types of copper from the substrates. Johnston et al. (1980)
grain boundaries resulted in “leaky” diodes, from and Heller et al. (1980) improved the performance
which poor solar performance could be expected. of polycrystalline GaAs liquid junction solar cells
However, some types of grain boundaries were by diffusion of ruthenium into the grain boundar-
benign, and did not appear to significantly affect ies of n-type poly GaAs films. They showed that
the characteristics of Schottky barrier diodes that grain boundary recombination can be reduced by
encompassed such grain boundaries. More detailed such strongly absorbed impurities. The stability
characterization of the electrical properties of of such passivations was not reported. McPherson
polycrystalline GaAs films deposited on alumina et al. (1980) observed strongly rectifying grain
ceramic and glass, confirming grain boundary boundaries in poly GaAs bulk material with high
defect trapping of minority carriers, was reported intergrain resistity, both of which could be reduced
by Yang et al. (1980). by diffusion of potassium. Tsuji et al. (1992)
Kazmerski and Ireland (1980) compared found similar debilitating grain boundary effects
solar cell performance for polycrystalline GaAs for GaAs films deposited on silica substrates by
films grown by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) and RF sputtering.
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). LPE-grown

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Surface Passivation cost the solar industry a decade of progress,

although technology development for making
As might be expected, passivation of free surfaces, large monolithic modules by way of thin-film
e.g., the GaAs-air interface, has some common- deposition on glass substrates for amorphous
ality with GaAs grain boundary passivation, silicon solar cells and flat panel displays would
where in both cases, the objective is to mitigate benefit other types of low-cost solar cells as well.
the deleterious electrical effects (minority car- A substantial R&D effort exploring the potential
rier recombination) of defects associated with of thin-film polycrystalline III-V solar cells at
the surface or interface. Surface passivation Rockwell International (with Cornell University,
techniques may also include treatments before Howard University, and North Carolina A&T Uni-
application of metal contacts in Schottky barriers versity), AT&T Bell Laboratories, MIT Lincoln
or ohmic contacts, or before application of insulat- Labs, Southern Methodist University, Jet Propul-
ing layers in MIS junction type devices. Unlike sion Laboratory, and IBM had come to a close.
grain boundaries, free surfaces are accessible for There was a consensus on the crucial problems
post-growth passivation treatments and coatings. that needed to be solved for thin-film poly-GaAs
Techniques developed for surface passivation may and other III-V solar cells. Many of the recom-
nevertheless be applicable in some modified form mendations made at that time framed research
to grain boundary passivation. Conversely, some efforts for the next two decades, although at a
aspects of grain boundary passivation may lend much less intense level of activity. To what extent
themselves to passivation of free surfaces, and it these problems have been adequately addressed,
is worth viewing both surface and grain boundary or ‘designed around’ is an objective criteria to
passivation methods for a common pespective. assess progress and current prospects.
Kuroda and Ikoma (2001) investigated the pas- The Rockwell International group (Miller et
sivation effects of antimony (Sb) and bismuth (Bi) al. 1981) summarized the situation as follows:
on GaAs. Their specific interest was in applying
6-8 nm thick films of Sb and Bi as intermediate 1. It is unlikely that very large grain (~mm)
layers between the Au metal contact and GaAs thin-film GaAs will be achieved on foreign
in Schottky diodes. The Au/Bi/GaAs and Au/ substrates using current methods.
Sb/GaAs diodes showed substantially reduced 2. Rapid diffusion at grain boundaries will
reverse saturation currents and increased barrier necessitate relatively low deposition
heights. They attributed the passivation effects temperatures.
to termination of GaAs surface with Sb and Bi, 3. Grain boundaries fall into two distinct
reduction of oxides by Bi and Sb, and suppression categories: benign and catastrophic or
of Au diffusion. fatal. The benign grain boundaries have
The year 1980 provides a good vantage point little band bending associated with them,
to assess the progress and perceived hurdles of while the fatal grain boundaries behave as
low-cost III-V solar cells. The expansive Carter Schottky junctions with barrier heights of
Administration funding for photovoltaics was ~1 eV. Even a small number of such grain
coming to an end, and worldwide there was a shift boundaries significantly reduces overall
in focus to thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells solar cell performance.
as the most-promising path for economic solar
electricity. In retrospect, the amorphous silicon The Rockwell International group further of-
effort was perhaps an unfortunate diversion that fered the following recommendations:

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

1. Efforts should focus on eliminating the made in such material were still plagued by low
adverse effects of grain boundaries, either open-circuit voltages and fill factors. Based on
through passivation or elimination of the the electrical behavior of grain boundaries in
grain boundary. typical poly GaAs films, grain sizes of at least 1
2. Efforts in materials development should mm are probably needed. Methods of controlling
be directed to achieving single-crystal or deposition conditions to yield enhanced grain sizes
nearly-single crystal GaAs thin films on would therefore constitute an important develop-
low-cost substrates—using for example ment in III-V thin-film photovoltaics. Work on
graphoepitaxy or laser recrystallization—or crystal growth of semiconductors on amorphous
by film transfer techniques with re-usable substrates, with emphasis on silicon, has been
substrates. reviewed by Givargizov (1991), particularly
3. Efforts for grain boundary passivation ef- methods of grapho-epitaxy where the substrate
fects should be correlated with studies on is structured to induce a preferred alignment of
GaAs free surfaces. Grain boundary isolation nucleated crystals from a liquid phase. Other ap-
methods may also be feasible. proaches involve some method of controlling the
density of nucleation sites from the vapor-phase,
In the following, we review work that focused which ultimately determines grain size, and pos-
on these challenges, either with specific applica- sibly controlling the orientation of the nucleated
tion to GaAs solar cells, or in different contexts crystals to yield low-angle grain boundaries which
not directly related to solar cell applications. are less electrically active. Some of the work that
is specific to III-V semiconductors with relevance
to solar cells is described in more detail below.
III-V SEMICONDUCTOR FILMS Post-deposition recrystallization is often a key
ON DISSIMILAR SUBSTRATES step in thin film silicon polycrystalline solar cells,
where silicon layers deposited on a substrate, such
Films of III-V semiconductors directly depos- as ceramic, glass, or quartz, are melted and recrys-
ited on crystallographically dissimilar substrates tallized in order to enlarge grains. As described
such as metal foils or amorphous substrates such below, a similar recrystallization process applied
as glass typically exhibit average grain sizes of to germanium films serving as seeding layers
around 1-10 microns. Stocker et al. (1970) de- for GaAs epitaxy proves a valuable approach
posited polycrystalline GaAs films on sapphire to thin-film III-V solar cells. Relatively little
substrates using an open-tube AsCl3-Ga-H2 vapor has been reported on recrystallizing small-grain
transport technique, yielding grain sizes of about 1 polycrystalline III-V semiconductor films with
micron. Interestingly, such material still exhibited the aim of increasing grain size, particularly for
room-temperature photoluminescence, despite the solar cell applications. Li et al. (1985) deposited
small grain size. Without dramatic improvements 1-2 micron thick InP films on oxidized silicon
in methods of passivating grain boundaries, this by sputtering, followed by laser recrystallization
microstructure will not support a high-efficiency (5.8 to 7 W, beam diameter 70 microns). The ir-
solar cells. The required grain size will depend on radiated InP layers showed single-crystal electron
the device design and passivation methods, but diffraction patterns and carrier mobilities of 103
even grain sizes in the range of several hundred cm2/V-s. Ridgeway et al. (1991) made studies of
microns may not be suffient. Vernon et al. (1979) the solid-phase epitaxial growth of amorphized
achieved average grain sizes of 0.2 mm in GaAs InP at temperatures of 145-335 ºC, but since this
thin films on metal substrates, but the solar cells methods relies on an InP substrate, it has little

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

direct interest to low-cost III-V solar cells. Re- an analogous selective vapor-phase deposition
crystallization of deposited III-V semiconductor process to control nucleation and resulting grain
films in order to increase grain size is problematic structure of GaAs on oxidized silicon substrates,
due to the decomposition of the material related in which case the oxide-coated silicon simulates
to the high volatility of the Group V element. an amorphous substrate. First, a low density of
Encapsulating the III-V semiconductor layer can silicon crystallites are deposited on the oxide
reduce decomposition of the III-V material during surface by low-pressure CVD with a silane pre-
high-temperature processing. Iida (1985) reported cursor, where the superaturation and substrate
a somewhat complicated method of forming single temperature control the spacing of silicon nuclei.
crystal films of InP on glass substrates, using a The discrete silicon crystallites are used to seed
molecular deposition technique in combination the growth of GaAs by MOCVD. Although the
with recrystallization and liquid-phase epitaxy. GaAs is still polycrystalline, the size and texture
An 8-micron thick InP layer is deposited on glass, of the grains represented material of substantially
and then is capped with a 20-micron thick layer higher quality—as assessed by room-temperature
of molten In to suppress evaporation of P, with all photoluminescence—compared to GaAs depos-
steps performed at below 300 °C. The composite ited directly on oxide coatings with no selective
layered structure is slowly cooled to around 80 °C, silicon nucleation sites. Small-area (16-micron
then rapidly heated to 1000 °C for a few minutes, diameter) LEDs with room-temperature lumi-
and cooled again to room temperature. Iida re- nescence intensity of 1 microwatt (optical power
ported that Laue x-ray patterns and double-crystal output) at 1 mA drive current were fabricated in
X-ray rocking curves suggested single-crystal this material. Demonstration of room-temperature
films of 1-cm x 1-cm in extent could be achieved, LED operation is a good indicator of material
although in some areas an over- or under-layer of quality suitable for photovoltaics applications.
polycrystalline InP may also be present. Kanata Jones et al. (1999) investigated the MOCVD of
et al. (1988) performed a series of experiments GaAs directly on molybdenum foils. Grain sizes
on the solid-phase recrystallization of GaAs on in the range of 1-2 microns were achieved, and the
silicon dioxide / tantalum / nickel substrates. These GaAs films showed a high density of defects. These
studies including recrystallization of substrates characteristics appeared to be very dependent on
with a relief pattern to induce grapho-eptaxy. growth temperature. Imaizumi et al. (2000) used
The resulting grain size is roughly equal to the a chemical beam epitaxy system to grow poly-
feature size of the surface relief, which in this crystalline films of GaAs on quartz substrates at
case is about 1 micron. temperatures of 400 to 500 ºC. Grain sizes were
The dynamic control of nucleation sites and limited to 0.5 to 1.0 microns, with high resistivity
density in CVD, a process called SENTAXY (Se- and low carrier mobilities. Allen et al. (2005) de-
lective nucleation based epitaxy), was introduced veloped a method for selective nucleation of GaAs
by Kumoni et al. (1989) to enhance grain size on silicon. As it is feasible to grow monocrystalline
on silicon CVD layers on amorphous substrates. GaAs epitaxial layers on single-crystal silicon
Growth conditions are programmed so that small wafers, the value of this work is in translating
clusters of silicon atoms (embryonic nuclei) the method to cheaper, crystallographically dis-
formed in the early stages of growth disappear, similar substrates. Nucleation sites at submicron
leaving the sparser large clusters to emerge and holes are defined in a photoresist layer coating a
sustain as grains. Yonehara (1997) has described silicon wafer. Ga is electrochemically deposited
SENTAXY with potential application to silicon in the holes. Annealing in arsine (AsH3) converts
solar cells. Tokunaga et al. (1992) developed the selectively-deposited Ga into GaAs. The crys-

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

tals are then enlarged toward coalescence using required for III-V nitride growth. Dhakal et al.
MOCVD. Yi et al. (2001) achieved oriented growth (2009) described elecrodeposition of AlSb on
of GaSb on a patterned amorphous substrate by mesoporous TiO2 on indium tin oxide for solar cell
metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The Si applications. AlSb, with a bandgap of 1.62 eV, is
substrate was patterned with an array of inverted not normally considered for terrestrial solar cells
pyramids using lithography and anisotropic KOH due to difficulty in its synthesis by CVD or LPE
etching and then the surface, and a thin (5 to 8 and its hygrospscopic nature. However, points in
Å) amorphous SiO2 films was then formed on the its favor include its high absorption coefficient,
surface by boiling in an HCl:H2O2:H2O solution. allowing efficient thin film absorbers, and the
Strongly-oriented GaSb crystals were induced plentifulness and low cost of both Al and Sb.
with this substrate surface relief, although there Sherohman et al. (2007) discuss aluminum anti-
would seem to be the possibility of seeding by monide for solar cell applications. Some previous
the underlying silicon through pinholes in such work on magnetron sputtering and annealing of
a thin oxide layer. More generally, this work sup- AlSb polycrystalline films showed grain sizes of
ports the feasibility of graphoepitaxy methods to 20 nm (Chen et al. 2006). Analogous methods
III-V materials. for other III-V semiconductors could help make
A wide variety of processes have been inves- III-V solar cells more economical.
tigated for depositing III-V semiconductor films More recent work by Jones et al. (1998) on
on dissimilar substrates. Barnett et al. (1984) CVD grown III-V semiconductor thin films
described a metallic solution growth process, akin investigated the microstructure of GaAs films
to liquid-phase epitaxy, for depositing thin films formed on molybdenum substrates by metal
of GaAs on dissimilar substrates such as steel organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).
and quartz, with application to solar cells. Qia Grain size increased with growth temperature,
et al. (2009) co-evaporated Ga and Sb to form but average grain sizes were less than 2 microns,
poly-GaSb on glass substrates. Although the grain and there was a high density of intragrain defects
size was small (0.5 microns), hole concentrations (Imaizumi et al. 2000). Friedman et al. (1997)
of 1017 cm-3 and hole mobilities of 130 cm2/V-s used molecular beam epitaxy to deposit poly-
suggested some promise for thermophotovoltaics. crystalline GaAs, but concluded that while solar
Milnes and Feucht (1976) suggested a process cell photocurrent could be enhanced somewhat
called rheotaxy, first described by Rasminis in by optimizing growth temperature and III/V flux
1963 for the growth of silicon layers on ceramic ratio, it was unlikely that material quality (could
glazed with oxide compounds which are fluid at be achieved without a substrate that could serve
the temperature of Si growth, might also have as a template for large-grain sizes. Tokunaga et
potential for producing large-grain III-V films al. (1992) produced discontinuous polycrystalline
on low cost substrates. They explored the growth GaAs films on silica-coated silicon substrates,
of III-V films from the vapor-phase on substrates by first depositing and patterning a regular array
coated with a molten metal, GaSb, or InSb layer, (islands centered on 10 x 10 um centers) of silicon
but this technique has not been given much sub- seeding islands, followed by selective MOCVD
sequent attention. More recently, Branch et al. of GaAs. Some degree of control of grain size
[2008] developed a low-cost vector-flow epitaxy was gained by controlling the silicon island area.
for AlN that employs atmospheric pressure growth, Smaller silicon seeding islands yielded larger
maintains separation of the gaseous reagents in average grain sizes in the GaAs overlayer.
the growth chamber, and uses pre-cracking of Interestingly, some devices made in other III-
the group V precursor to reduce the V/III ratio V semiconductors appear to tolerate small grain

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

sizes in device applications, or are more amenable SuperPower (Schenectady, NY) (Selvamanickam
to achieving larger grain sizes. Qiao et al. (2009) et al. 2010; Freundlich et al. 2010) achieves as–
formed polycrystalline GaSb films on glass sub- grown single-crystal films of Ge and GaAs on
strate by co-evaporation of Ga and Sb. Although metal substrates, without a recrystallization step.
average grain sizes were only about 0.5 microns, A MgO films is deposited on a flexible hastelloy
the optical properties and carrier mobilities sug- metal substrate by ion-beam assisted deposition,
gested the as-deposited GaSb material might followed by a film of CeO. A 6-micron thick Ge
be adequate for thin-film thermophotovoltaic film grown on the oxides functions as a single-
applications. crystal-like template for subsequent GaAs epitaxy.
A somewhat different approach is to develop The single-crystal nature of the Ge films was
new substrate materials that simulate single-crystal corroborated by RHEED, X-ray diffraction, and
wafers. Norton et al. (1997) reported on methods transmission electron microscopy. These coatings
of producing metal sheets formed without large- are made in reel-to-reel continuous processing
grain boundaries using RABiTS (rolling-assisted compatible with high-throughput manufacturing.
biaxially textured substrates). For example, nickel GaAs films grown by MBE on these composite
rod can be cold-rolled into a sheet and annealed, metal/oxides/Ge substrates showed strong pho-
yielding grain sizes of 50-100 microns. This tech- toluminescence.
nology has been developed for high-temperature
superconductors, and the authors speculated on
its application for solar cells, noting a host of RECRYSTALLIZATION
problems, such as chemical compatability, that OF GERMANIUM FILMS
would need to be addressed. Along similar lines, FOR GAAS EPITAXY
Goyal et al. (1997) considered the feasibility of
using oxide buffer layers atop large-grain metal Germanium proves to be a very suitable substrate
sheets for use as substrates for epitaxial growth for GaAs solar cells. Ge is closely lattice matched
of GaAs and Si. Some suggested multilayer and thermal expansion matched to GaAs and AlAs.
structures included CeO2/Ni, YSZ (yttrium sta- High-efficiency GaAs solar cells can be grown on
bilized zirconium) /CeO2/Ni. and MgO/Ag/Pd/ Ge substrates. In fact, triple-junction GaInP/GaAs/
Ni. Exploratory research on candidate materials Ge solar cells grown on a Ge substrate have the
for alterative substrates has assessed the quality highest efficiencies of any solar cell (see Table 1).
of the substrate material grown as a layer on a Ge is relatively expensive and scarce, and solar
GaAs substrate. cells based on Ge wafers would offer no dramatic
The recent development of single-crystal-like long-term cost benefits over solar cells based on
germanium layers on flexible metal subtrates wafers made from III-V bulk crystals. The utility
with oxide intermediate layers is noteworthy. As of Ge is as an intermediate buffer layer between a
discussed in the next section, germanium buffer low-cost substrate and the GaAs solar cell device
layers on low-cost substrates can seed the epitaxial structure. The key step is recrystallization of the
growth of GaAs and related compounds; the util- deposited Ge layer to increase its grain size. The
ity of the Ge buffer layer is that it is amenable large-grain Ge layer seeds the epitaxial growth
to recrsytallization to attain large grain films. As of a GaAs overlayer. The epitaxial GaAs layer(s)
Ge is lattice-matched and thermal-expansion- replicates the grain structure of the Ge buffer. Thus,
matched to GaAs, a Ge-coated metal substrate can GaAs films with large grains can be produced on
effectively replace the expensive GaAs wafer. The a variety of inexpensive substrates. A very basic
approach described by aUniversity of Houston/ schematic of this approach is shown below.

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

This idea dates from the mid-1970s, and there reduction of GeCl4. The Ge layer was recrystal-
has been some notable progress in making >10% lized using a moving strip heater to yield elon-
efficient GaAs solar cells on cheap substrates gated Ge grains up to 1 mm in width and 5-10
coated with Ge. Yeh et al. (1978) measured an mm long. p+/n/n+ GaAs homojunction solar cells
8% efficiency on a solar cell made on CVD GaAs/ were grown on the recrystallized Ge layers by
recrystallized germanium-on-tungsten substrate. chloride vapor-phase epitaxy. Solar cells of 1-cm2
Techniques for achieving “device-quality” poly- area fabricated on this material achieved efficien-
crystalline GaAs on Ge-coated molybdenum cies of 10.3%. Shinoda et al. (1983) used a simi-
substrates by CVD were elaborated by Pande et lar approach to produce GaAs LEDs on oxide-
al. (1979) using trimethylgallium and arsine coated silicon through the use of a tungsten
precursors for GaAs and germane for Ge. This coating of the oxide, deposition of 0.4-um of Ge,
work did not include a germanium recrystalliza- and recrystallization of the Ge, followed by epi-
tion step, and grain sizes were in the range of 5-15 taxial growth of p-n homojunction GaAs LED.
microns. These workers noted that despite the The ultimate potential of this approach, i.e.,
very close lattice match between GaAs and Ge, using a large-grain Ge buffer layer, is underscored
inter-diffusion, cross-doping, and other chemical by Venkatasubramanian et al. (1997) in work
compatibility issues necessitated careful control demonstrating a 20% efficient AlGaAs/GaAs solar
of the GaAs on Ge epitaxy process. The later cell on sub-millimeter grain size multicrystalline
results demonstrating record high-efficiency Ge wafers. Optical-grade polycrstyalline Ge
GaAs/Ge solar cells by MOCVD prove this is a wafers were used as substrates for MOCVD of
manageable problem, at least for MOCVD. Chu an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. This relatively
et al. (1986) reported GaAs solar cells made by sophisticated six-layer epitaxial structure (total
first deposting a 10-micron thick layers of Ge on thickness = 5 microns) included an undoped
tungsten-coated graphite substrates by thermal GaAs spacer layer between the emitter and base

Figure 2. Recrystallized germanium layer serves as a buffer layer to seed the epititaxial growth of GaAs
solar cell. Shown here is a simple, p-n homojunction, but in principle, more complicated, multilayer
heterostructure solar cells involving GaAs and lattice-matched compositions of InGaP and AlGaAs are
also possible. The Ge buffer could also function as the low-bandgap bottom cell of a multi-junction
solar cell stack. Depending on whether the substrate is an insulator (e.g., ceramic, glass, or quartz)
or a conductor (e.g., metal foil, highy-doped silicon), the base contact may be through the substrate or
from the top side.

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

to suppress dark currents otherwise exacerbated annealing regimens, achieving grains with lateral
by high defect densities. This same group re- dimensions on the order of 100 um were described
ported some preliminary work on growing Ge by Polly et al. (2009). In a similar effort, the re-
on glass or molybdenum as a pathway to GaAs crystallization of amorphous Ge films deposited
solar cells on low-cost substrates, using the solar by RF sputtering on 25-µm thick molybdenum
cell design tried with poly Ge wafer substrates. foils was studied (McNatt et al. 2009), achieving
The significance of this work is that presumably grain sizes as large as 0.5 cm2. Understanding
a recrystallized Ge layer (with comparable grain the differences in thermal expansion coefficients
structure) on a cheap substrate could substitute between Ge and various metals comprising the
for the poly-Ge wafers, leading the way to a substrate was a key aspect of this work.
high-efficiency, thin-film polycrystalline GaAs
solar cell, and in fact, this work revived interest Methods of Achieving Large-Grain
in low-cost thin-film poly-GaAs as a candidate for Ge Films on Dissimilar Substrates
low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell. NASA (Glen and Applications to GaAs Thin-Film
Research Center) has investigated the use of poly Solar Cells
GaAs on poly Ge deposited on flexible metal foil
or polymer substrates for light-weight, compactly The ability to recrystallize Ge—yielding millime-
stowable space solar cells (Wilt 2006). As a first ter-size grains— is remarkable, especially in view
step, they developed single-junction GaAs p-i-n of the relative difficulties encountered with analo-
solar cells with InGaP front and back cladding gous processes applied to silicon and compound
layers on polycrystalline Ge wafers with grain semiconductors. Germanium is expensive, and
sizes on the order of millimeters, but the cells consequently there is great incentive to develop
were limited to an estimated efficiency of 13% recrystallization processes that can be applied to
by an unintended junction formed at the GaAs/ thin (1 micron or less) layers. Thin films of molten
Ge interface (Wilt et al. 2007). Solar cell results germanium will tend to agglomerate and therefore
on Ge/W/Ti/Mo foil substrates were reported by in many cases the Ge layer is capped with an inert
Bailey et al. (2008). Figure 3a shows the basic test layer to maintain the integrity of the planar Ge
device structure grown on commercial poly Ge coating in the molten state. Wetting angles and
wafers (100 µm2 average grain size). Figure 3b surface tensions of Ge1-xSix melts on different
shows the metal foil substrate structure for the test substrates (fused quartz, BN, AlN, Si3N4) have
device. The Ge layer is annealed post-deposition at been measured by Cröll et al. (2004). A simple
675 °C in hydrogen to promote grain growth and solar cell structure is afforded by using a metal
improve crystallinity. The test device on poly Ge or other conducting substrate, as the substrate
wafers exhibited about 17% efficiency, but when can then serve as the back ohmic contact for the
grown on the molybdenum foil substrate showed cell. This presumes that a non-rectifying, low-
only about 4% efficiency, which is attributed to resistance current-voltage characteristic can be
the small grain size and rough surface morphol- achieved between the substrate and deposited
ogy in the case of the metal foil substrate. Bailey layers. Alternatively, while an insulating substrate
et al. (2008) suggest a possible remedy is the use such as a ceramic complicates the contacting of
of textured polycrystalline Ge layers, deposited the backside of the solar cell, it facilitates various
epitaxially using a series of metallic buffer layers, all-top-contact, interconnection schemes where an
to improve this situation. Techniques along these array of smaller, electrically isolated solar cells
lines using evaporated Ge layers (2 to 3.4 µm are formed, by for example etching through the
thick), W/Ti and Cr adhesion layers and various device layers to the insulating substrate, and then

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 3. (a) NASA (Glenn Research Center) solar cell test structure, and (b) low-cost Mo foil substrate
with Ge buffer layer for thin-film GaAs space solar cells. After Bailey et al. [2008].

connected in series to achieve higher voltages. In seeds the selective epitaxy of a GaAs-based solar
this case, the insulating nature of the substrate is cell after etching off the tungsten cap. In epitaxial
a definite advantage. With metal substrates, an growth under sufficiently low supersaturation,
additional electrical insulating layer would be there is no nucleation or deposition of GaAs in
needed to simulate an insulating substrate. Mono- the trenches. The solar cell mesa elements could
lithic series-connected GaAs solar cells generating be series-interconnected to form a monolithic
open-circuit voltages of 4 V, have been demon- submodule. Although some active area is lost due
strated (Borden et al. 1980; Masu et al. 1981). to the isolation trenches, this area could be used
These designs take advantage of the availability for the metallization lines that inevitably shade
of semi-insulating GaAs substrates (such semi- the solar cell to some degree. Also, it is feasible to
insulating substrates are generally not available largely mitigate this active area loss with a lensed
for many other solar cell materials systems), and array or prismatic coverslip (Figure 6) that refracts
presumably similar approaches would be feasible light away from the isolation trenches, as is done
with GaAs solar cell structures formed on other to avoid grid shading losses in more conventional
types of electrically insulating substrates. solar cells—see for example Boca et al. (2009)
Mauk et al. (1999) described a device topol- and Jaus et al. (2010).
ogy wherein a germanium film is deposited on an In this design, internal grain boundaries are
alumina ceramic and then isolated into a regular traded for increased cell perimeter (as shown in
array of mesas with trenches formed by etching Figure 7). Edge or perimeter recombination has
or scribing (Figure 4). The Ge is then capped with been shown to be significant in GaAs solar cells,
tungsten to prevent agglomeration, and recrystal- mainly through increased dark current which leads
lized in a rapid thermal annealing system (as seen to lower open-circuit voltages (Henry and Logan,
in Figure 4). The Ge mesas (typically ranging in 1978; Stellwag et al. 1990a,b). The perimeter
area from 0.5-mm x 0.5-mm to 1-mm x 1-mm) current is exacerbated as the area of the mesas is
are often single-crystal or comprised of just a reduced. Although in many regards, grain bound-
few grains (as seen in Figure 5). This array of Ge ary recombination is similar to perimeter (or free

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 4. Process for forming an array of GaAs

comparable low level of minority carrier recom-
solar cell mesas on a ceramic susbtrate
bination) as free surfaces are with wide-bandgap
AlGaAs cladding layers, grain sizes of 20-50
microns would suffice to achieve 20% conversion
efficiency. As surveyed below, this grain size ap-
pears feasible, but the extent to which free-surface
passivation methods can be applied to grain
boundaries is uncertain.
The mesa array design is based on the premise
that small mesas can be formed without—or at
worst a few— grain boundaries. The penalty is a
loss of active area due to the isolating trenches
between adjacent mesas, and the increased pe-
rimeter recombination of the mesa solar cells. The
loss in active area could be mitigated by utilizing
the trenches for grid metallization, and using
refractive cover slips to bend light away from the
trenches onto the mesas. The increase in junction
perimeter to reduce grain boundary effects is a
favorable trade-off, since free surfaces such as
junction perimeters can be effectively passivated,
while methods for highly-effective grain bound-
ary passivation in GaAs remain elusive. Addition-
ally, Yamaguchi (1991) showed that reduction in
epilayer coverage of GaAs on silicon, where the
GaAs is isolated as mesas, could provide dra-
matic reductions in thermal stress and dislocations
(as measured by etch pit density), when the lat-
eral dimensions of the mesa were less than 100
microns. Presumably, the improvement in mate-
surface) recombination, recombination at free rial quality with growth area reduction—either
surfaces can be very effectively reduced by the by selective growth through openings patterned
use of lattice-matched, wide-bandgap cladding in a masking layer covering the substrate, or by
or window layers. In fact, the use of lattice-matched post-growth patterning with isolation trenches—
heterostructures for minority carrier confinement is related to a reduction in stress effects due to
and reduction of surface recombination is one of thermal expansion and lattice mismatch. As the
the key enabling features of GaAs-based semi- alumina substrate is better thermal match to Ge
conductor devices, including solar cells. Kurtz and GaAs, than GaAs is to silicon, this effect may
and McConnell (1997) made a very informative be operative for even larger (100 microns to > 1
modeling study of the effect of free surface (in- mm) GaAs/Ge mesas on alumina. Figure 9 shows
cluding perimeter) vs. bulk (grain boundary) re- various mesa geometries and the degree to which
combination on GaAs solar cell efficiency, as junction perimeter is exposed and free surfaces
summarized in Figure 8. If grain boundaries could can be passivated. Whether practical epitaxial
be as effectively passivated (i.e., rendered to a growth methods could reproducibly achieve these

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 5. Recrystallization of germanium on alumina ceramics. These 1-mm x 1-mm islands showed
one or just several grains.

‘wrap-around’ wide-bandgap layer cladded struc- earlier works showing large-grain Ge films could
tures is not certain. be formed on dissimilar substrates, and represents
The use of recrystallized Ge buffer layers for a favored approach of melting the deposited Ge
seeding the epitaxial growth of GaAs solar cells layer and resolidifying it to achieve larger grains.
supported on a low-cost substrate such as ce- A related graphoepitaxy method for forming
ramic or metal foil solves several problems by germanium layers on a SiO2/Ta-coated nickel
mitigating grain boundary effects and allowing a replica substrate impressed with a surface relief
wider range of candidate substrates. The main from a pyramidally-texture etched silicon wafer
objective is to achieve large grain structures in as was reported by Kanata et al. (1989).. The Ge is
thin a Ge layer as possible. Some secondary issues grown from a molten Ge-metal eutectic by scan-
include texture (i.e., predominant orientations of ning laser melting/recrystallization. Ge crystallite
the grains), grain aspect ratios (e.g., elongated sizes of 2-10 microns were achieved.
grains), grain boundary angles, chemical compat- Barná et al. (1972) studied nucleation and
ibility, and whether Ge buffer layer itself could crystal growth rates in thermally-evaporated
support a low-bandgap bottom solar cell as part amorphous germanium films deposited on SiOx-
of a multi-junction tandem stack solar cell. Some coated substrates, and in particular, characterizing
methods of forming Ge films on dissimilar sub- nucleation rates as a function of temperature and
trates, with potential relevance to III-V solar cells time. This represents an alternative approach of
are reviewed below. solid-phase recrystallization of an amorphous or
Kurov et al. (1963) evaporated Ge films, with fine-grained deposited Ge film in order to enhance
thicknesses of 4-20 microns, on substrates of grain size. Herd et al. (1972) added a metal con-
different materials (quartz, graphite, steel), and tacts to the amorphous germanium film to induce
studied the effect of temperature and substrate nucleation, and add a degree of nucleation site
material on the size of Ge crystals In some cases, control in order to reduce nucleation density and
millimeter-size grains were achieved by post- achieve larger grains. The solid-phase recrystal-
deposition recrystallization. This was one of the lization process was combined with graphoepitaxy

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 6. Scheme illustrating one possible application of small (Al)GaAs solar cells formed on ceramic
for use with refractive lens concentrators

on SiO2 substrates with a 0.2-µm period relief that align the crystallites along features of the
grating (Yonehara et al. 1984). Solid-state, surface- microrelief. A graphoepitaxy approach based on
energy-driven grain growth produced a preferred recrystallizing 0.5-micron thick evaporated Ge
orientation in 30-nm thick Ge films. Similar metal- films on quartz substrates with a square-wave or
induced selective solid-phase crystallization as saw-tooth surface relief gratings yields Ge crystals
developed by Yang and Atwater (1996). In this ~3.5 microns by several hundred microns in size
approach, metal islands were deposited on top (Geis et al. 1982). Nishioka et al. (1984) studied
of a 50-nm thick amorphous germanium film to the crystallographic orientation of electron-beam
control grain size and location. Ge grain sizes as deposited, 300- to 400-nm thick laser-recystallized
large as 50 microns were achieved at temperatures Ge films on quartz substrates.
less than 475 °C, although it appears that many Zone-melting Ge film crystallization was
much smaller grains were interdispersed among reported by Ohmachi et al. (1983). These work-
the larger Ge grains. ers crystallized 0.4 to 0.8 micron thick Ge films
Klykov and Sheftal (1981) achieved single on W-masked, oxidized silicon wafers. The Ge
crystal layers of Si and Ge, with an area of about layer was capped with another layer of W. The
15 mm2, on fused quartz substrates that featured capped Ge was recrystallized with a moving (1
a micro-relief for graphoeptiaxy, and using a mm/s) strip heater. The W cap can be selectively
vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth process. In VLS stripped from the recrystallied Ge layer. Single-
growth, the germanium deposits from a molten crystal Ge regions, 100 microns wide and several
layer of metal, e.g., 15 microns of gold), that millimeters long, were achieved. As an alternative
is supplied via the vapor-phase by reduction of to heating for recrystallization of Ge, Som et al.
GeCl4. The orientation of crystals nucleated from (2008) demonstrated room-temperature recrys-
the molten metal phase is due to capillary forces tallization of amorphous Ge films (produced by

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 7. Control of grain structure by selective growth of GaAs mesas

Figure 8. Modeling showing the effect of grain boundary size and surface passivation on GaAs solar
cell efficiency. The bottom curve (Yamaguchi) shows the efficiency assuming a typical model for grain
boundary recombination and its effects on voltage, current, and fill-factor. The top curves indicate the
efficiencies expected if the perimeter recombination of a grain were as low as that achieved for external
GaAs surfaces (e.g., using an AlGaAs passivating layer). RTI data refers to GaAs solar cells grown
on multicrystalline Ge wafers (grain size approx. 1 mm), see Venkatasubramanian et al. (1997); After
Kurtz and McConnell (1997).

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 9. Edge and grain boundary exposure and methods of passivation. Grain boundaries are not ac-
cessible to passivation. Forming the solar cell as small mesas decreases the internal grain boundaries
(which are difficult to passivate), but increases external surface area (which can be effectively passivated
by, for example, lattice-matched wide-bandgap cladding layers).

irradiation with Ge ions) by irradiating with 100 300 nm, and then capped with 50 nm of SiO2.
MeV silver ions. Solid-phase crystallization was performed by
Liu et al. (2004) produced high-quality single- heating the samples in a nitrogen ambient for 20
crystal Ge on insulator by selectively seeding Ge hours at 400, 500, or 600 °C. Best crystallinity
in windows that exposed underlying silicon in was obtained with substrate temperatures of 450
a nitride-masked silicon substrate. The 100-nm °C, without the need for a post-deposition solid-
thick Ge is first sputtered over the nitride mask, phase crystallization step. It was suggested that
and then encapsulated with a low-temperature the high-crystalline quality obtained by these
oxide to form a self-aligned “microcrucible” to methods could be promising for thin film solar
prevent agglomeration of germanium in the liquid cells on glass.
state. The germanium is melted by a rapid thermal More fundamental studies of Ge nucleation on
annealing, and the entire encapsulated Ge layer, SiO2 in molecular beam epitaxy were untaken by
20 microns long, is solidified as a single crystal. Leonhardt et al. (2009). An oxide masking layer
This work is interesting due to the thin layer of was patterned to expose the underlying silicon
Ge used, and that it does not require a traveling substrate, which provided sites for preferential
heated zone for the crystallization step. nucleation. Nucleation densities were observed
Tsao et al. (2009) investigated the low- as a function of substrate temperature, Ge flux,
temperature growth of polycrystalline Ge thin and distance from a window etched in the oxide
films on glass, with post-deposition solid-phase mask to expose the underlying silicon as sites for
recrystallization. Ge films were sputtered on SiNx- preferential nucleation and as a sink for adsorbed
coated borosilicate glass at substrate temperatures Ge atoms diffusing over the surface oxide. These
ranging from 255 to 450 °C, to a thickness of studies indicated the difficulty in controlling

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

nucleation of Ge in deposition processes that oc- III-V solar cells heteroepitaxially grown on silicon
cur far from thermodynamic equilibrium, such substrates is a good indicator of the viability of
as MBE, MOCVD, sputtering, and evaporation, these methods for producing material suitable for
and accounts for the fact that virtually all methods various semiconductor device technologies. One
of achieving large-grain Ge films on dissimilar reason for interest in GaAs-on-silicon solar cells
substrates have relied on a melting and regrowth, is due to space applications. The stronger and
or to a lesser degree of effectiveness, solid-phase less-dense silicon substrate affords a considerable
recrystallization. weight reduction. Heteroepitaxy of III-V devices
A novel approach for providing large grain or on silicon must address lattice-mismatch (4%
even single crystal Ge as a template for epitaxial for GaAs-on-silicon and 9% for InP-on-silicon),
growth of GaAs is due to Flamand et al. (2005). thermal expansion mismatch, formation of anti-
A porous silicon layer is formed on a silicon phase domains, and interdiffusion of substrate
substrate by electrochemical anodization methods and epilayer components. These problems have
in a bath of HF:HCH3COOH. The porous silicon been solved to varying degrees, but still, the
is plated with a thin 100-nm thick Ge layer by performance of III-V solar cells on silicon sig-
plasma-enhanced CVD. A ~6 µm-thick Ge layer nificantly lags that of III-V solar cells on better
is then grown by Close-Spaced Vapor Transport matched III-V binary substrates and Ge. Soga et
(CSVT) which is a simple, inexpensive epitaxial al. (2000) achieved an efficiency of 18.3% for a
growth method using water vapor as a transport fairly standard design Al0.8Ga0.2As heteroface p-
agent. The PECVD Ge interlayer proved essential on-n GaAs homjunction solar cell. Performance
in achieving (epitaxial) monocrystalline CSVT Ge was improved by hydrogen plasma passivaton
layers. This approach could have the following and thermal annealing. A considerably more
advantages. First, the porous silicon layer may sophisticated (13 epitaxial layers) dual-junction
serve as soft buffer layer to accommodate stress GaInP/GaAs solar cell was demonstrated on a
due to lattice mismatch and thermal expansion metamorphic SiGe/Si substrate which included
mismatch between Si and Ge. Second, the com- a step-graded SiGe buffer layer as a defect filter
bination of thick Ge deposit and porous silicon (Lueck et al., 2006). This approach reached an
layer could perhaps provide a metallurgical barrier active area efficiency of 18.6%, with prospects
between the silicon substrate and GaAs epilayers for continued fine tuning and enhanced efficiency.
grown on the CVST Ge. This could allow the use Under high optical concentration, the effect of
of metallurgical-grade silicon wafers as low-cost defects on performance will saturate. This is
substrates for GaAs solar cells. borne out by an earlier result reported by Vernon
et al. (1999) showing 21.3% (at ~200 suns) for
an MOCVD GaAs on silicon solar cell.
III-V SOLAR CELLS ON SILICON Approaches based on GaAs-on-silicon (and
InP-on-silicon) are probably not a viable route
Considerable effort has been directed at monolithi- to low-cost thin film solar cells unless a high-
cally integrating GaAs (and other III-V materials) efficiency tandem solar cell can be made. While
devices on silicon substrates. In addition to detec- the best GaAs-on-silicon cells may approach 20%
tors, field-effect transistors, bipolar transistors, efficiency, this is roughly comparable to where
lasers, and LEDs, solar cells figure prominently commercial high-efficiency silicon solar cells
in this work. After laser diodes, solar cells are can be expected to perform. Therefore, it would
probably the most sensitive of the above devices be difficult to justify adding epitaxial growth to a
to material quality. Therefore, the performance of silicon wafer without achieving a more significant

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

improvement in efficiency. The use of a low- the substrate cost is spread out over many solar
quality (metallurgical grade and/or polycrystalline cells. As with GaAs-on-silicon, the advantage
Si) would gain some cost reductions, but prob- of this approach may be in attaining a substrate
ably incur too high a penalty in performance and that is lighter in weight, or has more desirable
reliability. Recrystallized silicon layers low-cost electrical, optical, or mechanical properties, such
susbstrates might also be an option to use GaAs as for space power applications, rather than real-
on silicon in a inexpensive substrate configuration. izing lower cost solar cells. The economics will
Nevertheless, the epitaxial growth technologies depend on the number of times the seeding sub-
and methods to address lattice and thermal expan- strate can be re-used, the cost of the superstrate,
sion mismatch as developed for III-Vs on silicon the largest feasible substrate size, the yield, and
will be useful in other types of low-cost III-V solar the cost incurred by additional processing steps
cells. For example, in studies of GaAs diodes needed for separating the epitaxial layer from its
and solar cells on Si substrates with SiGe buffer substrate, attachment to the superstrate, and any
layer, Andre et al. (2005) concluded that p-type reconditioning of the substrate for re-use.
emitter / n-type base GaAs solar cells were more One of the earliest reports of this concept
tolerant of dislocations than the n-type emitter (applied to silicon solar cells) was by Milnes and
/ p-type base configuration. Clark et al. (2006, Feucht (1975). A silicon wafer is coated with an
2005) are utilizing epitaxial BeTe and ZnBeTe epitaxial SiGe layer, followed by a 20-micron
buffer layers to bridge the lattice mismatch and thick epitaxial silicon solar cell. When heated,
between silicon and AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well the SiGe alloy (lower melting point than silicon)
solar cells. Sandoval et al. (2010) are growing melts and releases the silicon solar cell. The silicon
GaAs films on nanostructured silicon substrates wafer can then be re-used. Stirn (1980) proposed
as a means of reducing defects in the GaAs. For a related ‘peeled-film’ approach for GaAs-based
such GaAs grown by MOCVD on nanostructured solar cells, where a 4-micron thick GaAs solar cell
silicon substrates, improved material quality is is grown on a GaAs substrate coated with a thin,
inferred by photoluminescence characterization, etchable AlAs layer. The AlAs release layer is
and defects levels reduced to 103 cm-2, comparable selectively etched with hydrofluoric acid or redox
to those achieved in GaAs/GaAs homoepitaxy, solutions such as potassium iodide. This method
are expected. (For MBE grown GaAs, ‘whisker’ of layer transfer to a surrogate substrate became
growth is observed on the nanostructured silicon more commonly referred to as Epitaxial Lift Off.
substrates.) In another early version of this approach, called
CLEFT, Cleaved Epitaxial Film Transfer, (Fan et
al. 1984; Bozler et al. 1984), the separation of the
III-V SOLAR CELLS ON RE- substrate from the expitaxial solar cell structure
USABLE SUBSTRATES was facilitated by epitaxial lateral overgrowth,
wherein prior to epitaxy, the substrate is masked
The reuse of substrates is still another venue for with a dielectric film. The mask layer is patterned
lowering solar cell costs. A thin, multilayer solar with stripe openings that expose the underlying
cell is grown on a substrate (e.g., GaAs) that seeds substrate and acted as selective seeding regions
its epitaxial growth. The solar cell structure is to initiate epitaxy. During subsequent stages of
bonded to a superstrate, such as glass or metal, growth, the crystals seeded at the stripe open-
and then separated from the substrate upon which ings overgrow the mask and eventually impinge
it was seeded. The substrate can then be repeat- with growth fronts of crystals seeded at adjacent
edly re-used to produce more solar cells. Thus, stripe openings, coalescing to form a continuous

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

film atop the mask. Konagai et al. (1978) real- cells to gold-coated copper substrates. Solar cell
ized 13.5% efficiency GaAs solar cells with the performance was improved due to the enhanced
selectively-etched AlAs release layer approach, light absorption effected by the Au mirror coat-
as an early validation of its potential, and also ing, and the higher open-circuit voltages from
suggested that multilayered solar cell stacks could lower reverse saturation currents (through lower
be used to release more than one solar cell struc- operating temperatures) by the heat dissipation
ture from a substrate. Using the CLEFT process of the copper substrate.
described above, Bozler et al. (1984) reported More sophisticated solar cell structures can be
efficiencies as high as 17% on 0.5 cm2 solar cells. made by ELO. For example, Chao et al. (2009)
Zahraman et al. (1994) used ELO AlGaAs so- transferred double-junction InGaP/GaAs micro-
lar cells as top cells for a tandem AlGaAs/silicon cuboid array onto glass, where the epitaxial
solar cell. The transferred film approach avoids structure is ‘diced’ into a rectangular array of
the parasitic absorption of the top cell that would 25-µm x 25-µm ‘cuboids’ before transfer, which
diminish the bottom silicon cell performance. speeds up the release etch. ELO techniques have
The measured efficiency of the Al0.2Ga0.8As/Si also utilized mesoporous GaAs layers made by
tandem reached 21% AM1.5. Lee et al. (1997) etching to facilitate film transfer. InGaP/GaAs/In-
used ELO to demonstrate GaAs solar cells on GaAs inverted metamorphic (IMM) triple junction
glass substrates with total thickness of the ac- (TJ) solar cells were fabricated on epitaxial liftoff
tive (light-absorbing) layers as thin as 0.32 um. (ELO) GaAs wafers, 100 mm in diameter, with an
Yazawa et al. (1998) used MBE (molecular beam efficiency of 30% at one sun, and an efficiency
epitaxy) and ELO to make GaAs solar cells with of 36.3% at concentration of 264suns (Rao et al.
GaInP window layers on quartz substrates. Chang 2010). This is the highest reported efficiency for
et al. (1999) substituted a vapor-phase etch of the IMM ELO thin cells to date.
AlAs release layer, in place of the liquid HF etch From the cost perspective, the most pressing
for selectively etching, which could improve the issue is the practicality of substrate re-use. Bauhuis
manufacturability of the ELO process. Omnes et et al. (2010) used ELO to transfer GaAs-based
al. (1996) demonstrated ELO GaAs solar cells solar cells from 4-inch diameter Ge and 2-inch
on Pd-coated silicon substrates, achieving a 20% diameter GaAs wafers. The wafers were re-used
efficiency. Arokiaraj et al. (2000) used ELO to several times, but the wet-etch release had to be
transfer GaAs pn junction solar cells to selenium combined with chemico-mechanical polishing
sulphide (SeSe2) treated silicon substrates. The to render it suitable for repeated epitaxy. This
SeS2 layer can provide interface passivation. substrate re-preparation removed 11 microns of
Schermer et al. (2006) deposited a gold reflec- substrate material, implying a substrate could
tor layer on GaAs-based solar cells transferred ultimately be re-used ten to twenty times.
to substrates by ELO, and the resulting photon
confinement provided devices with efficien-
cies of 24.9% efficiency, comparable to similar ASSEMBLED III-V MICRO
epitaxial solar cells on GaAs substrates. Their SOLAR CELL SYSTEMS
designs included bifacial cells, reduced cell thick-
nesses, and processing cells grown on both sides Some new approaches for solar cells circumvent
of the seeding wafer. The performance potential intractable or stubborn materials problems associ-
of GaAs solar cells by ELO is indicated by the ated with large-scale crystal growth and thin film
26.1% efficiency reported by Bauhuis et al. deposition by using micro assembly techniques.
(2009). Tseng et al. (2009) transferred GaAs solar These include inkjet and contact printing, parallel

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

transfer, robotic pick and place, and fluidic self- the solar cell array reduces photocurrent losses
assembly. These methods represent a substantial due to gaps between cells and grid shading. Park
departure from the traditional solar cell paradigm et al. (2010) used etch and release processes to
of fabricating solar cell structures in intact wafers form microscale (100 x 100 micron up to 500 x
or in as-grown thin films on a substrate. In some 500 micron) AlGaAs LEDs. Transfer printing lift
sense, these methods are extensions of selective these devices from the seeding wafer and deliver
growth of solar cell arrays, epitaxial lift-off and them into sparse arrays on polyethylene terephta-
film transfer, and Sliver® technologies discussed late sheet. The sheet is coated with thin layers of
above. The new approaches are diverse and cannot photocurable polymers that define interconnection
be neatly categorized, but discussions of a few metallization patterns. These methods have also
representative cases will provide an appreciation been used to make printed arrays of transistors,
for their potential advantages. Generally, small diodes, and circuits on plastic substrates (Sun et
solar cells are fabricated by epitaxy and micro- al. 2006; Kim et al. 2008). Yoon et al. extended
fabrication, separated from their substrate, and the productivity of this technique by growing re-
then assembled into macro arrays on a second leasable multilayer assemblies of the GaAs solar
(low-cost) substrate. The rationale being that cells. They demonstrated 10 x 10 interconnected
small, high-performance solar cells can be made arrays of (500 x 500 micron) GaAs solar cells.
more easily than large-area solar cells, as large- Fluidic self-assembly has been developed a
area thin film solar cells encounter difficulties in means to site small solar cells on a host substrate.
scale-up. For instance, the etch release process For example, batches of small mesa solar cells
in epitaxial film transfer is easier to perform on can be made by selective growth and released
small die compared to large-area continuous films by undercut etching, or diced from a substrate.
of conventional solar cells. Scale-up is achieved The solar cells, suspended in a liquid, are then
in post-growth assembly, and this approach is flowed over the substrate where they will eventu-
recently enabled by advances in microfabrica- ally settle into recesses formed in the substrate.
tion, printing, and fluidic technologies that offer In this scheme, the substrate for epitaxy could be
cost effective means for assembly. We include re-used. Figure 10 below shows a process devel-
a review of reports where these methods were oped by Soga et al. (2003) for fluidic assembly
demonstrated with silicon solar cells or with LEDs of thin, disk-shaped (50-micron diameter) GaAs
and other devices, because it appears feasible to on oxide-coated silicon substrates. The solar cell
apply similar methods to III-V solar cells. ‘blocks’ are released from the GaAs seed substrate
A University of Illinois (Urbana-Champagne) by wet etching and suspended in methanol which
research group has developed transfer printing serves as the carrier fluid. As the liquid mixture
techniques to create flexible arrays of solar cells, of methanol and GaAs blocks flows over the sili-
III-V LEDs and microelectronic devices. Yoon con substrate (with recesses formed in the oxide
et al. (2008) made arrays of silicon solar cells as coating), virtually all the recesses are eventually
narrow strips of silicon (length =1.5 mm, width filled with GaAs blocks. Stauth and Parvitz (2005)
= 50 μm, thickness =15 μm) released by undercut demonstrated integration of silicon components
etching from a silicon wafer onto a soft elasto- on plastic substrates using fluidic self-assembly.
meric stamp, and subsequently transferred by Silicon devices are released from a substrate and
contact printing on a flexible polymer substrate. suspended in an aqueous solution. The comple-
Electrical interconnection was made by evaporat- mentary shape between the substrate wells and
ing metal onto the polymer substrate through a silicon chips provides for a shape recognition ef-
shadow mask. A lenticular lens array placed over fect such that different devices can be selectively

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

sited on the substrate. Self-assembly is due to the using micro-concentrators to replace active solar
gravitational forces in that devices fall into the cell area with cheap plastic optics. Flexible sub-
wells, and capillary forces of molten solder bind strates would allow deployment of arrays on the
the device to the substrate and provide electrical contours of natural terrain and buildings, as well
connection. as in portable electronics and on vehicles. To date,
A University of Minnesota group has published 3-micron thick GaAs cells used in this process
extensively on various applications of assembly have 10% efficiency, while 14-micron silicon
arrays of microscropic devices made by fluidic solar cells have 14.9% efficiency. Much higher
surface-tension directed self-assembly (Chung et efficiencies with more sophisticated 3-5 cell
al. 2006; Kneusel and Jacobs 2010). Figure 11 structures appear feasible.
shows a process for surface tension-directed self- Semprius (Durham, NC) is developing photo-
assembly at a liquid-solid interface. The various voltaic modules using micro-transfer printing and
interface energies in water vs. silicon oil as a surface mount technology (Furman et al. 2010).
solvent provide the driving forces for transfer and The cells are dual-junction GaInP/GaAs cells (<
placement of die on the substrate, such that the 5 mm2 in area) made by an ELO process. Figure
die (20 x 60 µm) are sited on liquid solder contact 12 shows steps of the microtransfer printing pro-
pads. For silicon solar cell arrays, there is an ap- cess. Module efficiencies greater than 25% have
proximate factor of 10 reduction in silicon usage, been achieved.
due to the 20-micron thickness of the chips (com- Another application of self-assembly for solar
pared to several hundred microns for a wafer) and cells is the formation of a coating of 1-micron
the factor of 4 reduction in silicon area coverage, monodisperse polystyrene microspheres on the
which would be compensated by cover slip optics surface of the solar cell which boosts light absorp-
placed over the array. Zheng and Jacobs (2005), tion and current generation by 25% (relative in-
and Kneusel and Jacobs (2009) extended these crease) [Chang et al. 2009], as shown in Figure
techniques for directed three-dimensional self- 13.
assembly, perhaps of use for tandem or multijunc-
tion cell applications of non-lattice-matched
semiconductor systems. CONCLUSION
A Sandia National Laboratories group (Gupta
et al. 2010) has described a Microsystems-enabled Solar cells based on III-V semiconductors repre-
technology for making solar cell arrays for silicon sent the state-of-the-art for performance, but they
and III-V solar cells intended for concentrator are too expensive for large-scale power genera-
applications. GaAs cells are grown on a handle tion. This stems primarily from the high cost of
wafer and processed into hexagonal-shaped solar the single-crystal substrate wafer and secondarily
cells (20 microns total thickness, 250 microns to from the epitaxy and device fabrication. On the
1 mm in lateral dimension), released from the other hand, polycrystalline III-V thin-film solar
wafer, suspended in a liquid carrier, and depos- cells on dissimilar substrates such as metal or
ited on receptive sites formed in an interconnec- glass, similar to other compound semiconductor
tion layer, and encapsulated in a flexible substrate solar cells such as those based on CdTe or copper
with a microlens array that concentrates sunlight indium diselenide, could provide a low-cost route
onto the cells. This fluidic assembly approach for photovoltaic solar energy. Points in favor of
would reduce array costs in several ways: making this approach include: 1) the demonstrated high
cells with small dimensions (reducing material efficiencies (30-40%) of tandem GaAs-based
consumption and facilitating layer transfer), and solar cells, 2) the respectable efficiencies (20%)

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 10. Fluidic self-assembly of GaAs devices using epitaxial lift off (top) and deposition from a
flowing suspension over a receptor host substrate (bottom); (After Soga et al., 2003).

of single-junction GaAs solar cells grown on for substrates such as glass, graphite, ceramics,
large-grain Ge wafers, and 3) the highly devel- and metal sheets. However, a recent development
oped technology base of III-V semiconductors describing growth of GaAs on oxide (MgO)-coated
(compared to other non-silicon semiconductors), hastalloys, as reviewed above, suggests perhaps
due to their use in optoelectronics. Against this innovative substrates might be the key to making
approach is the lack of substantial progress or com- direct epitaxy work, rather than new methods of
mercialization of a low-cost thin-film III-V solar epitaxy. The GaAs-on-silicon, as well as other
cell despite considerable effort. Work on low-cost III-V semiconductors growth heteroepitaxially on
III-V solar cells dates from the 1970s, although silicon, does not appear to be a promising avenue
with substantially less effort than that expended for significant cost reductions.
on amorphous silicon, CdS, CdTe, and CuInSe2 On the other hand, the growth of GaAs-based
solar cells. To date, there is a considerable gap solar cells on large-grain Ge has demonstrated
between the performance of epitaxial III-V solar considerable potential. While Ge wafers are as
cells grown on single-crystal wafers, and solar cells costly as III-V wafers, thin Ge layers can be
made in thin polycrystalline III-V films deposited readily deposited and recrystallized on a variety
directly on low-cost substrates. A combination of low-cost substrates such as alumina. In fact,
of small grain size and grain boundary electrical as most high-efficiency GaAs-based tandem cells
activity reduces the efficiency by roughly 30-50% utilize a bottom Ge cell, the incorporation of a Ge
compared to commercial single-crystal GaAs interlayer between the substrate and GaAs layers
solar cells. Based on the work reviewed in this could be viewed as an advantage. Because Ge
chapter, there does not seem to be any immediate is relatively expensive, the thickness of the Ge
prospects for improving material quality of GaAs interlayer must be kept thin, on the order of a
thin films deposited directly on the obvious choices micron or less. The crucial elements constituting

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 11. Self-directed fluidic assembly of solar cell array from suspension of small solar cells. Solar
cell assembly on substrate schematisized as substrate is withdawn from a beaker containing two im-
miscible layers of oil and water; After Chung et al. (2006); Kneusel and Jacobs (2010)

a proof of concept for this approach have been There have been numerous reports of microas-
demonstrated, in that epitaxial growth of a GaAs sembly methods for producing arrays of small solar
solar cell on a recrystallized Ge buffer layer formed cells on flexible substrates. These include fluidic
on a low-cost, e.g., ceramic, substrate is feasible. assembly, transfer printing and other methods
Yet this type of thin-film GaAs solar cells, similar reviewed above. These approaches represent a
in concept and design to traditional thin-film solar considerable departure from previous and current
cell technologies, has not been pursued to any solar cell technology by circumventing the need
great extent in the last ten years. for scaling up the throughput and area of materi-
Solar cell approaches based on GaAs (and als processing steps such as crystallization and
other III-V semiconductors) on silicon appear to epitaxy, thin-film deposition, metallization, and
have little potential for dramatic cost reductions. surface treatments. Whether such methods will
The epitaxial layer transfer or epitaxial lift off achieve the yields and low-costs needed for ter-
(ELO) techniques may be more promising in this restrial solar cell production is difficult to gauge
regard, but manufacturing cost is still a concern. at this early stage. As these techniques have wider
This technology nominally reduces the high cost applications to LEDs and other ‘macroelectronic’
of using a GaAs wafer but the viability of these uses, continued development and commercializa-
processes for commercial solar cell production, tion efforts can be expected. It is worth mention-
when applied to large-area, and particularly with ing that solar cell arrays made by microassembly
respect to yield and scale-up, remains in question. processes can utilize small die (less than 1 mm).
More generally, these approaches validate various Smaller dimension die facilitates etch release
design concepts for a thin GaAs solar cell on a and film transfer in epitaxial lift-off processes.
dissimilar substrate. The use of self-assembly methods to make GaAs

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

Figure 12. Semprius microtransfer contact printing process for solar cells on flexible substrates (After

solar cell arrays on flexible plastic substrates, boost the prospects of this approach. The stabil-
including sparse arrays that would reduce mate- ity of III-V semiconductors, as proven by their
rial consumption of precious semiconductor, but long-term use in optelectronics and satellite solar
which could be compensated by plastic microlens power, and their suitability for exploiting effects
concentrators formed over the array, may hold needed in ‘third-generation’ photovoltaic designs
forth the best prospects for III-V solar cells as low- give further impetus to a low-cost III-V solar cell.
cost solar electric systems. Further developments
in low-cost, high-throughput epitaxy of III-V
compounds to grow the solar cell die would also

Figure 13. Use of microsphere coatings to improve reflection and optical enhancement of GaAs-based
solar cells (After Chang et al., 2009)

Low-Cost III-V Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells

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Chapter 11
Materials Characterization
Techniques for Solar
Cell Devices:
Imaging, Compositional and
Structural Analysis

Michael S. Hatzistergos
International Business Machines (IBM), USA
& University at Albany, State University of New York, USA

Characterization of an issue provides the required information to determine the root cause of a problem
and direct the researcher towards the appropriate solution. Through the explosion of nanotechnology
in the past few years, the use of sophisticated analytical equipment has become mandatory. There is
no one analytical technique that can provide all the answers a researcher is looking for. Therefore, a
large number of very different instruments exist, and knowing which one is best to employ for a specific
problem is key to success.

INTRODUCTION the same principle: an incident beam of photons

or charged particles interacts with the specimen
A large number of analytical techniques have generating various types of signals. Part of these
been developed to determine the properties of a signals is collected by an appropriate detection
specimen. The reason behind this variety is that system and the data is analyzed to provide infor-
each method will provide a very specific type of mation on the properties in question (Brandon
data. Therefore, in order to fully characterize a and Kaplan 1999).
specimen, a variety of such methods need to be The purpose of this chapter is to give a short
implemented. Most of these techniques rely on description of the most widely used analytical

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch011
Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

techniques along with their advantages and dis- Optical Microscopy

advantages. The end goal is that the reader will
be able to determine which technique is most Optical microscopy is the first line of defense. It is
suitable for a given situation. often the first technique used to assess the condi-
tion of a sample and such instruments are found
in almost every laboratory. Optical microscopy
BACKGROUND is used to examine surfaces for imperfections,
contaminants, micro-cracks or to make ourselves
Analytical instruments and analysts can be seen as familiar with the sample and make markings that
“problem solvers.” In almost any environment the can be used later in a different technique to more
solution requires the knowledge of all processing easily navigate to the region of interest. Variations
steps underwent by the specimen. The more infor- of brightfield microscopy are also used to extract
mation available the more likely it is an answer information that may not be otherwise visible
will be found. Often enough analytical results (e.g. darkfield, uv fluorescence and polarized
can be interpreted in more than one way due to light microscopy).
various issues, such as overlaps, detection limits Little or no sample preparation is required
and resolution. A separate piece of information, and optical inspection of interior features is pos-
obtained by other means, can rule out one scenario sible through optically transparent layers. Using
and support another. Furthermore, an absolute calibrated magnification standards, feature sizes
answer may sometimes not be obtainable due to down to a few micrometers can be seen and
various limitations. In such cases a comparative measured (the magnification limit is of the order
analysis is performed between a “good” and a of 2000x in air).
“bad” sample. A “good” sample is a reference, a
structure that “works,” or a thin film that does not Scanning Electron Microscopy
show the problem. Differences in the collected
signals can point to the correct direction without Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) use a finely
necessarily knowing the absolute values of the focused beam of electrons that is scanned over the
measured quantity. This approach is known as surface of the specimen. The incident electrons
qualitative analysis. When a traceable standard is undergo a series of elastic and inelastic collisions
used, for example a structure with known dimen- creating various signals, including secondary and
sions or a film with a known composition, then backscattered electrons. These signals are used to
the instrument can be calibrated based on this form an image of the specimen on the viewing
standard and quantitative results are obtained. monitor (Goldstein 1992).
The basic components of an SEM are the elec-
tron gun, the lens system, the electron detector,
IMAGING the vacuum system and the viewing monitor. An
electron source is incorporated in the gun assem-
Everyone has heard of the expression “a picture is bly and provides electrons by thermionic or more
worth a thousand words.” When we are presented typically these days field emission. The emitted
with a sample that does not “work,” our first reac- electrons are accelerated to energies, usually, up
tion is to examine it and see if there is something to 40keV and are focused by the lens system to
obviously wrong with it. The following section a spot of the order of 1nm. A deflection system
will cover the most commonly used techniques scans the electron beam along a line which is then
that are used to examine a specimen. displaced for the next scan until a rectangular

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

Figure 1. Total emitted electron coefficient as

raster is generated that covers the inspected area
a function of incident beam energy. Typical E2
on the specimen. There is a point-to-point corre-
values for quartz, Teflon, and PVC are 3.0, 1.82,
lation between the location on the sample where
and 1.65keV, respectively.
the electron beam strikes and the location on the
viewing monitor where the image is formed. The
signal from each point is collected and is used to
modulate the intensity of the corresponding point
on the viewing monitor thus creating an image.
The magnification of the image is the ratio of the
linear size of the viewing monitor to the length of
the line that is scanned on the specimen. Therefore,
higher magnifications are obtained by simply
scanning the electron beam over smaller areas.
A wide range of magnifications are available,
from about 10x to over 500,000x with a resolv-
ing power of the order of one nanometer. Due to
this, SEMs are widely used these days and there
are few laboratories in the world, if any, without
one in their arsenal. compared to conventional SEMs) allowing the
Forming an image using the secondary elec- imaging of a larger variety of samples.
tron signal will provide topographic information Minimal sample preparation is required before
and an image formed by backscattered electrons a sample can be introduced in the SEM chamber. A
will provide images with atomic number contrast sample may be coated with a thin conductive layer
(elements with higher atomic number have higher to reduce charging effects or material delineation
backscatter electron yields). through light etching may be also implemented
The mean free path of electrons is very small for decoration purposes to enhance contrast.
in air, therefore the electron column and speci- In addition to the secondary and backscatter
men chamber are kept under vacuum. Therefore, electrons, Auger electrons, characteristic and
specimens need to be vacuum compatible. Further- Bremsstrahlung X-rays are created amongst
more, the specimen needs to be fairly conductive other signals when the incident beam of electrons
in order to avoid charging effects. However, since interacts with the specimen. Combined with an
incident electrons enter the sample and secondary X-ray detector, an SEM can provide compositional
and backscatter electrons escape the sample, non analysis and with the use of an electron backscat-
conductive samples can be imaged if the ratio of ter diffraction detector, information on crystal-
incoming to outgoing electrons is close to unity. lographic orientation can be obtained making an
The total emitted electron coefficient varies as SEM an extremely useful and versatile tool to
a function of incident beam energy as shown in have available in any laboratory (Reimer 1998).
Figure 1. Therefore, operating between the two
crossover energies, E1 and E2, can allow us to Focused Ion Beam Microscopy
image challenging samples.
In addition to modifying the incident electron Focused Ion Beam (FIB) instruments use a finely
beam energy, environmental SEMs have been focused beam of Gallium ions that is scanned
developed where an imaging gas is present in the over the surface of the specimen. The principles
vacuum chamber (operating at higher pressures of operation are very similar to that of an SEM

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

with the only difference that Ga+ ions are used electrons is accelerated to high energies, in general
instead of electrons and hence a modified lens 100-400keV in order to ensure that electrons can
system is also required. easily pass through the specimen and to be able
Due to the nature of Ga+ ions, upon imping- to achieve small spot sizes. Post specimen lenses
ing the specimen surface not only they generate collect the transmitted electrons to form an im-
various signals, including secondary electrons age. The smallest distance that can be resolved is
used for imaging, but they also very lightly sputter related to the wavelength of the imaging beam.
material away. This can be used to remove material For electrons:
locally without affecting the surrounding region.
Furthermore, FIBs are typically equipped with λ=1.22E-1/2 (1)
a gas injection system that can be used to either
remove material from selected regions at higher where λ is the electron wavelength in nanometers
rates, as opposed to just using the ion beam, or and E is is the energy of the electron in electron
deposit materials by using different chemistries. volts. Therefore, for 100keV electrons, λ~4pm,
For example, a region of a specimen can be pro- which is enough to provide images with atomic
tected by depositing a thin film of platinum or resolution. Furthermore, electron scattering pat-
tungsten and sputter away material from the sur- terns (diffraction patterns) can be recorded and
rounding area in a manner that the protected area used to identify material phases.
can now be inspected in cross-section to measure Sample preparation is critical and labor inten-
film thickness or examine subsurface features. sive. Specimens can be thinned to the required
The above unique capabilities make FIBs thickness by traditional polishing methods or more
increasingly popular and are now equipped with recently by using a FIB. Images with magnifica-
an electron column in addition to the ion column tions of several millions can be achieved; hence
for added flexibility. These instruments are widely material differences can be distinguished on the
used in failure analysis (Hatzistergos 2004) and nanometer scale. However, one has to be careful
are critical in preparing specimens that are to be of how representative TEM analysis is. It is an
analyzed in other techniques such as transmission excellent technique to analyze specific regions
electron microscopy and atom probe tomography of a specimen but it does have a narrow field of
that will be discussed later. view (Reimer 1993, Williams and Carter 2009).
Combined with an X-ray detector or an electron
Transmission Electron Microscopy energy loss detector, a TEM can also provide some
compositional information.
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) use
a finely focused beam of energetic electrons that Scanning Probe Microscopy
pass through a thin specimen. The transmitted
electrons are collected to form images with atomic In Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) a sharp
resolution. probe is positioned in close proximity to a speci-
Being an electron microscope, TEM requires men surface and is then scanned over the sample.
the use of vacuum but the most characteristic The probe-sample interaction is measured and
aspect is the specimen characteristics. Specimens the resulting information is used to construct a
that are analyzed in a TEM typically have the form map. The measured properties may include lateral
of a lamella which thickness is usually 50-200nm. frictional forces, surface potentials, electrostatic,
Solids are not transparent to electrons, hence the magnetic, capacitive, or resistive interactions
thin lamellas. In addition, the incident beam of between the tip and the specimen surface. One

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

of the most commonly used SPM derivatives is is used as the tip is scanned in continuous contact
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) which is used with the surface. In non-contact and tapping modes
to characterize surface morphology with atomic a high spring constant cantilever (typically 1 to
resolution. The AFM setup shown in Figure 2 100N/m) is used as the cantilever is oscillated at
forms the base platform for many SPM techniques. frequency slightly over its resonant frequency. In
There are many variations of AFM measuring non-contact mode the amplitude of the cantilever
topographic, electrical and phase differences, but oscillation is under 10nm where van der Waals
the basic principle is the same for all. A sharp tip, forces and/or other long range forces tend to de-
with a radius of curvature of the order of a few crease the resonance frequency of the cantilever.
nanometers, is part of the free end of a cantilever. Therefore, a topographic image can be constructed
The tip-cantilever system is usually made of by adjusting the distance between the tip and
silicon or silicon nitride and is brought in contact sample in order to maintain a constant amplitude
or in close proximity to the specimen surface. or frequency as the tip travels over the various
AFMs rely on the forces, e.g., van der Waals, surface features. In tapping mode the oscillation
between the tip and the specimen surface. These amplitude is of the order of 100nm and the net
forces are calculated by measuring the deflection force between long and short range forces is used
of the cantilever which is typically measured by to image the surface (Wiesendanger 1998).
reflecting a laser spot from the backside of the AFM is a non-destructive technique that is
cantilever into a position sensitive detector. typically used to measure surface roughness, step
There are several operating modes for AFM heights, and film properties such as hardness and
with different capabilities. Depending on the Young’s modulus. When equipped with the appro-
sample and the type of information that is sought priate hardware and operated in the corresponding
the appropriate mode is used. In contact mode a mode it can also provide electrical measurements.
low spring constant cantilever (typically 0.1N/m) For example, Scanning Capacitance Microscopy

Figure 2. AFM setup consists of a probe (cantilever and tip), a laser beam system, control electronics,
and a xyz scanner

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

(SCM) and Scanning Spreading Resistance Mi- Depending on which core and outer shells are
croscopy (SSRM) are used to measure local carrier involved in this electron/energy exchange, the
concentrations in a doped semiconductor. emitted X-ray has a well known characteristic
No sample preparation is required to collect energy. By measuring the energy of the emitted X-
topographic information; however, when used rays one can determine what elements are present
in modes such as SCM and SSRM, specimen in the specimen. Furthermore, from the intensity
preparation can be very labor intensive. of the collected X-rays, and using the appropriate
reference material one can be quantitative with
sensitivity in the high part per billion (ppb) range.
COMPOSITIONAL ANALYSIS The incident X-rays, unlike electrons, can
travel in and escape from great depths (microm-
The composition of a thin film or structure can eters). Therefore, information from subsurface
explain its behavior. In both developing and regions is also collected allowing the analysis of
manufacturing environments, recipes are built multilayered structures. The lateral resolution of
for each processing step to consistently produce XRF ranges from several micrometers up to a few
films with the desired composition. When this millimeters limiting its application space to large
composition falls out of an acceptable range, it structures. However, it requires little on or sample
affects the device performance. In qualitative preparation, it is non destructive and in addition
analysis the main question that is answered is: to solids it can handle a large type of specimens
what elements are present in the specimen? The such as powders, liquids and gels.
additional information that is provided in quantita-
tive analysis is the percentage of each element that X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
is present in the specimen. The next section will
cover the most commonly used techniques that In X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) the
provide qualitative and quantitative information. specimen is irradiated with a beam of X-rays.
The principles behind XPS are different than
X-Ray Fluorescence those of XRF. The incident X-ray is absorbed by
an electron which can escape from the specimen.
In X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), a beam of energetic By measuring the kinetic energy of the emitted
X-rays is directed towards the specimen surface. photoelectron, one can calculate its binding energy
The incident X-rays need to have enough energy and determine the identity of the atom it used to
to eject a core shell electron of a constituent atom. be bound to (Briggs and Grant 2003).
Once the atom is ionized it is in an unstable/
excited state and will “relax” by having an outer Ebinding = Ephoton- (Ekinetic-ϕ) (2)
shell electron fill the gap that was created in one
of the inner shells. As a consequence, an Auger where Ebinding is the calculated binding energy, Ephoton
electron or a characteristic X-ray is emitted to is the energy of the incident X-ray photons, Ekinetic
balance the energy difference between the outer is the kinetic energy of the collected photoelectrons
and inner shell (when an electron drops from an and ϕ is the work function of the detector.
outer shell to an inner one, its energy needs to be Due to the nature of the collected signal, pho-
adjusted since it can not exist in a state having the toelectrons, the XPS analysis requires ultra high
energy of another). In XRF the emitted charac- vacuum conditions. Similarly to XRF, the incident
teristic X-rays are collected and both qualitative X-rays penetrate several micrometers into the
and quantitative information can be extracted. specimen, however, since electrons have a much

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

shorter mean free path in solids, only photoelec- characteristic X-rays unlike the SEM which is
trons that were created usually within the top ten used mainly for imaging purposes.
nanometers can escape into vacuum. Because of Like any other electron beam instrument,
this, XPS is extremely surface sensitive and if EPMA requires a vacuum chamber. Little or no
subsurface regions need to be analyzed an ion sample preparation is required to perform the
gun needs to be used (XPS systems are typically analysis, i.e. when a sample is not conductive; a
equipped with one) to sputter away the top layers thin coating is deposited to “drain” any surface
and expose underlying features. charge buildup. There are two types of X-ray
The lateral resolution of XPS is similar to that detectors that an EPMA is typically equipped
of XRF, several micrometers, and requires no with, Energy Dispersive Spectrometers (EDS),
sample preparation but is sensitive only down to (usually found on SEMs as well) and Wavelength
parts per thousand. However, due to its sensitivity Dispersive Spectrometers (WDS).
it is capable in providing bonding information and EDS detectors collect the entire X-ray spec-
combined with angular resolved analysis, i.e. col- trum, i.e., any X-ray that is emitted from the
lecting photoelectrons at different take-off angles; specimen towards the detector can be detected. In
it can provide powerful and extremely sensitive a few seconds enough counts are collected to be
non destructive analysis. able to detect the main constituents. Longer col-
Analytical techniques that implement X-rays lection times are required in order to improve the
as their irradiation beam have many advantages signal to noise ratio for atoms that are present in
but one of their main disadvantage is their lat- lower concentrations. The energy resolution of an
eral resolution. When small features (submicron) EDS detector is of the order of 130eV, so overlap
need to be analyzed then an electron beam based issues exist when two or more elements that are
technique needs to be used due to the ability of present in the specimen have characteristic X-rays
focusing electrons to extremely fine spots. The that differ less that 130eV in energy.
most commonly used techniques that fall under WDS detectors do not collect the entire X-
this category are: electron probe microanalysis and ray spectrum that is emitted from the specimen.
Auger electron spectroscopy and will be described Instead, they need to be “tuned” to a specific
next. In addition to those two techniques when energy. This could be seen as a limitation, how-
TEM is combined with an electron energy loss ever once a qualitative analysis is done and the
detector or an X-ray detector it can also provide present elements are known; WDS detectors are
some compositional information. advantageous over EDS detectors. The energy
resolution of a WDS detector is of the order of 10
Electron Probe Microanalysis eV, therefore overlap issues are more rare and can
handle much higher count rates than EDS detec-
In Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) a tors. Furthermore, they exhibit lower backgrounds
focused beam of electrons is directed to the and therefore the signal to noise ratio along with
surface of a specimen. Figure 3 summarizes the detection limits are improved.
various signals that are generated as a result of EPMA relies on standards for accurate quan-
the electron-solid interactions. These signals are: titative analysis. Several “standardless” methods
heat, characteristic and Bremsstrahlung X-rays, exist but errors as high as 150% associated with
Auger, backscattered and secondary electrons. those types of measurements have been reported
The electron probe microanalyzer is related to (Newbury 1995). When standards are used then
SEM but it is designed to detect and measure accuracies of fraction of a percent are achievable.

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

Figure 3. Signals produced by the electron bombardment of a material. The incident electrons need to
have enough energy to ionize the specimen atoms and emit characteristic X-rays and Auger electrons.

The standard used, can be of the form of a pure to three effects, atomic number (Z), absorption
element. For example, if a NiAl alloy is to be (A) and fluorescence (F), corrections need to be
analyzed then a pure Ni and a pure Al standard made in order to get an accurate result. Therefore,
can be used, or a compound containing several the concentration CA and CB for element A and B
elements of known concentration can also be are given by:
used. This is particularly useful since it may be
hard to find various elements in a pure form or kA=CA(ZAF)A and kB=CB(ZAF)B (4)
stable solid state (Hatzistergos 2006).
X-rays are collected from both the unknown Instead of the ZAF correction in Equation 4
material and the standards under identical condi- another method known as ϕ(ρz) can be used in
tions (i.e., the same beam energy, current, take-off its place which is a different approach in applying
angle and detector position). If the alloy in ques- the same corrections (Goldstein 1992, Reed 1997
tion contains two elements, A and B, a ratio is and Scott 1995).
formed of the background and detector dead time Contrary to XRF and XPS, EPMA can analyze
corrected X-ray intensity for each element over micron sized features due to the use of an electron
the corresponding standard, known as the k-ratio: beam. Even though the electron beam can be fo-
cused to a spot size of just a few nanometers, the
kA=Iunknown-A/Istd-A and kB=Iunknown-B/Istd-B (3) excitation/interaction volume can be of the order
of a micrometer or more, depending in the energy
where kA, is the k-ratio for element A and Iunknown-A, of the incident beam and the material. Therefore,
Istd-A are the background and dead time corrected care needs to be taken when quantitative analysis
characteristic X-ray intensities for element A col- of submicron features is required. Furthermore, a
lected under identical conditions from the sample planar surface is essential for this kind of analy-
and from the pure element A respectively (same sis to avoid any masking or edge effects which
for element B). constricts the quantitative application space but
To a first approximation the alloy concentration it is still very valuable for qualitative analysis of
in element A is equal to its k-ratio. However, due submicron features (Gauvin 1995).

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

Auger Electron Spectroscopy Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

In Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) a focused In Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)
beam of electrons is used to excite atoms at the the energy distribution of the electrons that have
surface of a specimen. Upon relaxation, X-rays gone through the TEM lamella is analyzed. These
and Auger electrons are emitted. By measuring the electrons can still have their initial energy or may
kinetic energy of the emitted Auger electrons the have suffered inelastic collisions, therefore having
composition of surface layers can be determined less energy than upon entering the lamella.
(Briggs and Grant 2003). The energy loss events from the interaction of
The kinetic energy of the emitted Auger the primary electron beam and the specimen can
electrons serves as a signature to the identity of reveal a lot of information, including elemental
the excited atoms. By measuring the intensity of identification, bonding information, free electron
the collected signal and using sensitivity factors, density, specimen thickness and band gap if there
determined from standards, one can determine is one. The energy resolution is of the order of
the composition of the surface. Auger electrons <1eV and combined with the nanometer lateral
are generated at various depths as the primary resolution, makes it a very powerful technique.
electron travels in the specimen. However, only However, there are some limitations with EELS.
those generated within ~10nm from the surface Sample preparation is very labor intensive and the
can escape and get detected. Therefore, similarly lamella needs to be less than 100nm thick, less
to XPS, AES is very surface sensitive and com- than 50nm for best results. It is highly sensitive for
bined with an ion sputtering tool one can obtain light elements but is lucking in heavier atoms and
a compositional depth profile. Contrary to XPS, is difficult to quantify the results since the peak
AES can easily analyze sub-micrometer features intensities in the spectrum depend on the lamella
and is typically used to characterize particles and thickness (Williams and Carter 2009).
defects that are as small as tens on nanometers The combined TEM/EDS/EELS system is very
in size. A fraction of a percent is typically the powerful but also very expensive instrument to
detection limit of AES. have. EELS and EDS are complementary tech-
High vacuum is required for this kind of mea- niques and most TEMs are typically equipped
surements; therefore only vacuum compatible with both spectrometers.
specimens can be analyzed. Since an electron
beam is used, mainly metallic, semiconducting Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
materials and thin oxides can be examined. Typi-
cally no sample preparation is required but in the In Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) the
event where a thick oxide needs to be analyzed, surface of a specimen is sputtered by a focused
then coating the surface with a thin conductive ion beam (typically oxygen or cesium). This
layer may be the solution in collecting useful causes the ejection of secondary ions and neutrals.
information. The secondary ions coming off the specimen are
AES spectra can suffer from overlaps as measured by a mass spectrometer, revealing the
well and the analyst needs to be aware of such composition of the sample.
limitations and use the appropriate technique. For SIMS is a destructive analytical technique.
example, Ti and N overlap in an AES spectrum An area of 150x150 µm2 is typically sputtered to
making it extremely difficult to extract any useful collect enough ions and determine composition.
information but the Ti and N photoelectron peaks The high number of ions coming off the specimen
in XPS do not. Contrary, Ta and N overlap in XPS makes SIMS one of the most sensitive analytical
but not in AES. techniques with a detection limit down to the parts

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

per billion range. Sputtering of the sample allows field strength momentarily causing an atom to
the study of elemental distribution as a function evaporate. The moment the voltage pulse is ap-
of depth. Therefore, layered specimens can also plied, is marked as t0 and the moment the evapo-
be analyzed with a depth resolution of the order rated atom strikes the position sensitive detector is
of a nanometer. The excellent mass resolution, marked as t1. The time difference Δt=t1-t0 defines
sensitivity and precision of these instruments make the time of flight and is essential to determine the
them ideal for trace element analysis (Feldman identity of the collected atom.
1986 and Ronsheim 2008). Contrary to techniques The use of a voltage pulse can be applied on
relying on X-ray detection for compositional metallic specimens but for semiconducting or
analysis, all elements can be analyzed and little insulating samples it is replaced by a laser pulse.
or no sample preparation is required. The implementation of a laser pulse has opened
Smaller areas can be analyzed but sensitivity an entirely new application space; therefore, more
is compromised making lateral resolution an issue and more APTs are now found in laboratories
for SIMS. Furthermore, standards are required and around the world.
because secondary ion yields are matrix depen- APT is a unique technique providing three
dant, standards for each material are necessary, dimensional analysis with atomic resolution and
unlike EPMA where pure elemental or compound sensitivity in the order of parts per million without
standards are used for any matrix. the need of standards. It is ideal in analyzing grain
A variation of SIMS is the Time of Flight SIMS boundaries, interfaces and structures that require
(TOFSIMS) where the time of flight of the ejected both high spatial resolution and sensitivity. When
ions is used to determine the mass to charge ratio used in combination with TEM and SIMS, APT can
of the collected species. provide solutions to problems that neither could
answer on their own. After data collection, the
Atom Probe Tomography analysis volume is reconstructed in 3D allowing
the analyst to extract information such as con-
In Atom Probe Tomography (APT) the sample is centration profiles at any direction, 2D elemental
evaporated one atom at a time and a time of flight maps and cluster size distributions (Miller 1996,
spectrometer is used for elemental identification. Miller 2000 and Tsong 2005).
A position sensitive detector allows the analyst The use of a laser causes the needle shaped
to reconstruct the analyzed volume atom by atom specimen to temporarily warm up and if this heat
in three dimensions making APT one of the few is not efficiently removed before the next laser
techniques that can provide 3D characterization. pulse, the continuous temperature rise causes
APT is a destructive analytical technique, deterioration in the spectrum resolution (atoms
where the specimen is prepared either by electro- start evaporating between pulses) and can also
polishing, for metals, or in a FIB in such a way result in tip damage. Furthermore, the stress that
that a sharp tip is formed (radius of the order of is involved in these measurements (high voltage
50nm), with the region of interest carefully placed and pulses) result into frequent tip fractures.
at the apex of the tip. A voltage is applied to the Sample preparation can be challenging and is very
specimen such that the resulting field is strong labor intensive. It is one of the most critical steps
enough to extract specimen atoms (typical values for a successful analysis. In addition, insulating
are of the order of a few V/nm). materials are still a challenge to evaporate in APT
In order to achieve controlled atom evapora- and since each material has a different evapora-
tion, a standing voltage is applied to the point tion field, multilayered structures are difficult to
where the resulting field is almost enough to cause analyze.
evaporation. A short voltage pulse increases the

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

There is a lot of room for improvement in CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS

sample preparation procedures, hardware (e.g.,
detection system) and the 3D reconstruction proce- The crystal structure of a material is another
dures. Despite those limitations the combination of property that is often analyzed, i.e., knowing the
atomic resolution and high sensitivity makes APT location and identity of atoms in three dimensions
one of the very few techniques that can analyze throughout the specimen. Solids can be single
nanometer scaled features in three dimensions. crystals, where all atoms are arranged in the same
repeating manner, amorphous, where there is no
Rutherford Backscattering specific ordering or polycrystalline, where there
Spectrometry is short range but not long range symmetry.

In Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry X-Ray Diffraction

(RBS) a specimen is bombarded with a highly
energetic ion beam, usually MeV He ions. The In X-ray Diffraction (XRD), a specimen is irra-
energy distribution of the backscattered ions is diated with an incident beam of monochromatic
recorded providing a quantitative determination X-rays of wavelength λ which is diffracted to
of the material as a function of depth. specific directions that depend on atom arrange-
As the incident ions collide with the specimen ment. As X-rays strike the sample at a given
atoms, energy is transferred from the projectile incident angle, some are reflected and some keep
to the stationary target atom. The amount of en- traveling into the specimen. X-rays that traveled
ergy loss depends on the masses of the incident deeper into the material can be reflected from
ion and the atom it underwent a collision with. atomic planes formed by the ordered atoms. If
RBS is non destructive, does not need standards the traveled distance between planes differs by
to quantify its results, has a depth resolution of an integer number of wavelengths then construc-
several nanometers and good sensitivity (ppm) for tive interference occurs (diffraction), otherwise
heavy elements. Both conductors and insulators destructive interference takes place and nothing
can be easily analyzed and determine thin film is measured by the detection system. Bragg’s law
composition and thickness or density if one of the summarizes the above into the following equation:
two is known (Feldman 1986).
RBS is not as sensitive with light elements and 2dsinθ=nλ (5)
other methods, such as nuclear reaction analysis
need to be implemented. In addition, it requires a where d is the lattice plane spacing and θ is the
large area of analysis, usually about 2 millimeters angle between the incident X-ray and the scattering
and is insensitive to the electronic configuration planes as shown in Figure 4. Using a goniometer
and chemical bonding of the specimen. the angle theta can be varied, satisfying Bragg’s
Despite its limitations, due to its simplicity, law for different lattice spacings, therefore ex-
accuracy and precision, RBS is widely used as amining the material for different phases, crystal
the benchmark analytical technique and its results orientations and in certain cased grain sizes in
are often used as standards for calibrating other thin films (Cullity and Stock 2001).

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

Figure 4. X-rays of wavelength λ that are reflected from successive planes have traveled distances that
differ by 2dsinθ. For constructive interference this difference in path length needs to be equal to nλ,
where n is an integer.

Little or no sample preparation is required to disadvantages. It is important that the analyst

obtain information such as crystal orientation, understands the limitations of each technique and
thickness and strain of thin epitaxial films. XRD use the appropriate one or combination to obtain
is non destructive and does not require vacuum, the desired answers. The type of sample, data that
however, the lateral resolution is of the order of is needed and instrument availability will dictate
several micrometers or millimeters (typically 50 the best approach. Furthermore, with the increased
micrometers or more for lab instruments). calculation capacity that computers have these
days, the combination of analytical and simula-
ELECTRON BEAM DIFFRACTION tion techniques, such as Monte Carlo modeling
(Gauvin 2006 and Sempau 1997), has proven to
Due to the large X-ray spot sizes, XRD can analyze be very helpful in solving complex problems.
blanket films or large structures. If the crystallin-
ity of small structures is required, then electron
beam diffraction is the solution. Diffraction pat- REFERENCES
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Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

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ed.). New York, NY: Ellis Horwood.
their application to a single standard procedure
for quantitative x-ray microanalysis. Journal of Sempau, J., Acosta, E., Baro, J., Fernadez-Varea,
Applied Physics, 100(12), 124312-1–124312-9. J. M., & Salvat, F. (1997). An algorithm for Monte
doi:10.1063/1.2400089 Carlo simulation of coupled electron-photon
transport. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in
Miller, M. K. (2000). Atom probe tomography:
Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions
Analysis at the atomic level. New York, NY:
with Materials and Atoms, 132(3), 377–390.
Plenum Press. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-4281-0

Materials Characterization Techniques for Solar Cell Devices

Tsong, T. T. (2005). Atom-probe field ion mi- Characterization: Characterization in ma-

croscopy. Field ion emission, and surfaces and terials science refers to the procedure of using a
interfaces at atomic resolution. New York, NY: series of analytical techniques.
Cambridge University Press. Composition: Composition refers to identity
and fraction of each element/ingredient present
Wiesendanger, R. (1998). Scanning probe micros-
in a material.
copy and spectroscopy. Methods and applications.
Crystal Structure: Crystal structure refers to
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
the arrangement of atoms in a material.
Williams, D. B., & Carter, B. C. (2009). Trans- Imaging: Imaging is the visual representation
mission electron microscopy, parts 1-4: Basics, of an objects property.
diffraction, imaging and spectrometry, 2nd ed. New Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative analysis
York, NY: Springer. is a procedure used to determine the fraction of
each element in a material.
Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative analysis is
a procedure used to determine what elements are
present in a material.
Analytical Technique: An analytical tech-
nique is a procedure used to determine material


Chapter 12
Mechatronics Technology
for Solar Cells
H. Henry Zhang
Purdue University, USA

Danny Rodriguez
Purdue University, USA

Qiong Li
Purdue University, USA

A mechatronic real-time solar tracker is developed with National Instruments Compact Rio program-
ming module, photoresistors sensor, stepper motors, and a set of nickel metal hydride (NiMH) cells. The
tracking array is able to pivot on two axes by way of the stepper motors to reflect the effect of daily and
seasonal trajectories of the sun. This design will keep the solar cell perpendicular to the sunlight. This
project furthers the application of mechatronics to the field of renewable energy.

INTRODUCTION fuels, alternative power sources must be realized.

The advancements in energy storage and system
The environmental impact of depleting the carbon control tools allow alternative energies to be more
based fossil fuels and the finite availability of viable solutions than in the past.
these resources have been urging the researchers As one of the largest green, renewable and
to investigate the alternative sources of energy sustainable energy sources available on our
for decades of years. As our current utility sys- planet, the solar energy, whose average incident
tems are based on the burning of carbon fuels power is about 1000 W/m2 can be converted into
environmentalists are studying the effects on the electric energy via the photovoltaic cells which
environment. These types of energy utilities pro- are exposed to sunlight. Among the converters or
duce greenhouse gasses. As energy demand rises, producers of alternative energies, “solar cells have
the production of greenhouse gasses will also rise. no known adverse environmental impacts during
With the exponential growth of the population and operation, while coal power produces sulfur and
the continued depletion of carbon-based fossil acid rain, nitrogen oxides, coal dust, and carbon

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch012
Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

dioxide, and nuclear power produces wastes that For this study, five of the 20 PV modules were
are dangerous for thousands of years and can be installed in the shadow of a chimney, and when
used to make nuclear bombs, solar cells have none connected in series PV modules are forced to draw
of these hazards.” (Pinkerton and Rose, 1981) the same current. The shaded modules would act
Only a small amount of waste is created during as passive loads. The system is proposed to utilize
the manufacturing process of solar cells. This low machine intelligence to determine which modules
one time environmental impact of solar cells is had low power output and disconnected them
significantly less than that of other power sources. from the system. This increased the efficiency
New technologies developed enhance the of the system.
viability of renewable energy as an alternative Houssamo et al. (2010) compared their adap-
energy. The industry of photovoltaics has ex- tive perturbation and observation (P&O) algorithm
perienced enormous grow in the past decade. to the incremental conductance (INC) algorithm
Photovoltaic cells gained the market share in for maximum power point tracking. The P &O
successive years. Aronson has identified the algorithm utilizes a voltage difference, while
following “categories of solar power systems”: the incremental conductance (INC) algorithm
(1) Multimegawatt systems supplying large fa- utilizes the derivative of the photovoltaic system
cilities or towns; (2) Commercial systems that impedance. Two identical photovoltaic systems
supplement grid power or are the only power were set up consisting of eight solar panels each
source for a single building; (3) Single residential programmed to perform one of the two algorithms.
systems to power a single home or farm. Solar The feedback data was the load impedance of the
power units are now produced in three general photovoltaic system. The systems made adjust-
configurations: flat-plate photovoltaic (PV) cell, ments through the use of four DC-DC converters. It
concentrator design, and non-photocell version is found that the properly optimized P&O method
of the concentrator. (Aronson, 2009) has “mostly the same MPPT efficiencies as INC
In solar energy utilization, researchers ex- method, and is highly competitive against other
plore several methods to improve the efficiency MPPT algorithms by its easy implementation.”
of photovoltaic cells. Some applications of ma- Jalili-Kharaajoo (2004) conducted a study
chine intelligence to solar energy are surveyed on a solar thermal power plant. The effects of a
as follows: Solar collection yields a low amount neuro-fuzzy controller to adjust the flow rate of oil,
of electrical energy. Studies have shown that on which was heated for a solar thermal power plant.
large systems uneven collection can cause some It is reported that “thermal energy storage in the
solar cells to act as resistive loads on the system. tank can subsequently used to produce electrical
This can significantly impact the system’s output. energy in a conventional steam turbine/generator
There have been several applications of machine or in a solar desalination plant operation.”
intelligence to improve system efficiency. This is Another approach is the attitude control of the
commonly referred to as maximum power point photovoltaic cells, and it also helps to produce
tracking (MPPT). the maximum energy on a given solar panel. The
In the study by Roman et al. (2006), a PV ar- solar panel is kept directly facing the sun, so that
ray with 20 PV modules were wired in series for the surface normal of the solar panel is parallel
a residential rooftop application. It is stated that to the sunlights every moment in any day of the
avoidance of partial shading in this environment year. Mechatronic solar tracking system is a natu-
is not always attainable. A substantial reduction of ral choice to cope with the sun movement from
the system performance is resulted by trees, build- sunrise to sunset and the seasonal variation of sun
ings, television aerials, and other roof structures. trajectories during the year, and the functions of

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

such a solar tracker requires multiple degree of loop and open-loop control algorithms. These
freedom (DOF). There are several ways to de- various tracking methods were compared to a
sign mechatronic solar tracking systems to serve non-tracking system. It concluded, “compared
the purpose. In general, the solar panel attitude to their traditional fixed-position counterparts,
controls can be realized mainly by two types of solar systems which track the changes in the
approaches: (1) using the time operated tracking sun’s trajectory over the course of a day collect
techniques; (2) using the sensing and alignment far greater amount of solar energy, and therefore
techniques. In the former approach, the attitude generate significantly higher output power.”
of the solar panel is adjusted by the system mi- Zhang et al. (2007) studied the applications
crocontroller via electric motors and their drives of a FPGA development board to intelligent solar
according to the trajectory data of the sun stored tracking. Utilizing the Nios II Embedded Proces-
in the IC memory chip. In the latter approach, the sor, they developed a solar tracking system. A
solar position is determined by sensors, through stationary sensor tower collected sensory data
which the microcontroller adjust the photovol- in real-time to calculate the correct orientation
taic panel’s attitude via electric motors and their to tilt the cells. The experiment was tested by
drives. The following survey presents some of comparing collection capacity of the unit when
these realizations. it was stationary to when it was dynamic. The
In 2008, Al-Soud et al. developed a parabolic results of the experiment yielded 59,904 J more
solar cooker that automatically tracked the sun. than the array as a stationary unit. Zhang et al.
The cooker consisted of a parabolic array of mir- claimed, “This system can achieve the maximum
rors focusing on a black steel tube in the center. illumination and energy concentration and cut the
Two motors controlled the tilt and rotation of the cost of electricity by requiring fewer solar panels,
cooker. Water was pumped into the black steel therefore, it has great significance for research
tube on one end and exited the other end. A PLC and development.”
controlled the system and adjusted the cooker Sungur (2008) studied the application of a
based on previously calculated solar angles. In- PLC to intelligent solar tracking. His prototype
cremental position adjustments were made in used photosensors and an algorithm applying solar
10-20 minute increments on the horizontal axis angles to solar tracking. These angles were derived
and 15-35 minute increments on the vertical axis. by the PLC based on local latitude and time of
The parabolic solar cooker heated the tube water year. Sungur said, “in these photosensor systems
to temperatures of 90o C. This is an applications used, unstable states may exist under overcast
of the time operated tracking techniques. and partly cloudy weather conditions when the
The simplest and most efficient technique to photosensors do not see the sun.”
maximize the collection potential of a solar cell is Woodward (2008) analyzed the maximum
to have line of sight orientation with the sun. This power point tracking control algorithm perturb
maximizes the exposure potential of the collection and observe. He states, “The perturb-and-observe
surface. The effectiveness and importance have algorithm is the basis of the maximum power point
been realized by researchers. Lee et al. [2009] said, tracking control circuit but with a twist which
“it is necessary to track the sun to a high degree achieves a feedback function equivalent to a cur-
of accuracy.” When the PV system is oriented at rent times voltage power calculation but without
a right angle the optimal energy collection can be the complexity of a conventional multiplier.” The
realized. (Sungur, 2008) two conditions required for this relationship are
A study conducted by Lee et al. [2009] focused the logarithmic behavior of transistor junctions
on the potential energy gain by various closed- and the mathematics of adding logarithms.

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

Sefa et al. (2009) designed a single axis sun allows for installation of the Duratrack system
tracking system in Turkey. The sun tracking over various terrains with ease. The drive line
system developed by Sefa and others included a rotates the panels form east to west. The system
serial communication interface based on Rs 485 is controlled by a PLC utilizing sensory data form
to monitor whole processes on a computer and GPS inputs. The Duratrack system comes in two
record the data. Feedback data was recorded by models, one 0 degree tile and one 20 degree tilt.
two photo resistors. The solar cell was aligned at Presher quotes Brian MacCleery, a senior product
a fixed 41o facing the south. A microcontroller manager at National Instruments who focuses on
observed and controlled the east-west rotation green and renewable energy projects stating, “one
of the tracker by means of 24V 50W dc motor. of the drivers in solar tracking is the emergence
The results of the measured energy showed an of concentrated photovoltaics. Because the optics
increase up to 46.46% of collected solar energy. used in these systems magnify and concentrate the
Oner et al. (2009) developed a solar tracker sunlight onto a small solar cell, they require very
utilizing the application of a spherical motor. precise two-axis tracking of the sun to achieve
The motor contains a rotor containing a four peak output”. MacCleery continues citing research
pole magnet surrounded by eight individually conducted at the Applied Research Center for
energized stator poles. With the magnet in the Intelligent Control and Automation. MacCleery
middle direction is controlled by the surrounding states the research being done utilizes Labview
stator poles. This design allows for three degrees in combination with SolidWorks to create virtual
of freedom. The degrees of freedom being forward prototypes of sun tracking systems. (Presher, 2010)
and back tilt, a left and right lateral tilt, and rota- In 2010 another solar tracking system was
tion along a z-axis. Feedback data is recorded designed by Barsoum and Vasant at Curtin Uni-
by two phototransistors in the middle of the top versity in Sarawak, Malaysia. Their prototype
and left side of the solar panel. The feedback utilized a control circuit based on a PIC16F84A
data is fed into a PIC 16F877 micro-controller microcontroller. The prototype utilized feedback
for directional adjustments. The control logic of data collected from four cadmium sulfide photo
the micro-controller adjusted the solar panel in resistors. The cadmium sulfide photo resistors
increments in 5”. By utilizing a spherical motor were selected based on darkness and light satura-
allows for one motor to perform the same function tion resistance. A perpendicular obstruction was
gained by two conventional motors. placed between any given pair of photo resistors.
An article by Presher (2010) reported recent The purpose was to increase the voltage differ-
developments in the applications of solar tracking. ence between any given pairs not perpendicularly
Reliathon, a Suntech Power Holding, developed a aligned. The tracker aligning was performed by
solar tracking system, Duratrack for utility scale two 12 volt motors. The motors drove the align-
solar plants in 2010. He claimed, “what makes ment utilizing a chain gear system to produce
the DuraTrack solar tracker unique from other the necessary torque. They said, “a lot of time
companies in horizontal axis tracking for the was needed to be set aside for verification and
utility market is the drive system. Other hori- testing due to the unpredictability of weather and
zontal tracking systems use a push/pull linkage debugging issues.”
to move many rows with one linear actuator or Ghosh et al. (2010) studied how the orientation
motorized drive, while Array Technologies’ design and tilt angle of a solar cell affected performance
uses a rotating drive linkage.” The flexible drive of a solar radiation conversion system. They uti-

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

lized three mathematical models- the Isotropic, the DESIGN OF A SOLAR TRACKER
Klucher and the Perez model to determine hourly
and seasonal optimum tilt angles. The Isotropic This research project is to access the application
model is a simplified model. In the Klucher model of Mechtronics to enhance the viability of solar
the cloud conditions are adjusted for. The Perez energy as an alternative energy source. The type of
model is designed to compensate for a variety of research done in this project will be quantitative.
weather conditions. The three models were evalu- Equipment for this experiment include two solar
ated for accuracy by having their root mean square, panels of equal size and output ratings, three equal
bias error, and mean relative percentage error. The sets of nickel metal hydride cells, and a real-time
anisotropic Perez model resulted in the smallest prototype solar tracking array. Each solar panel will
root mean square reading 0.09 for monthly tilt feed directly into to a set of nickel metal hydride
factor. It is stated that “the results demonstrated cells. The third set of nickel metal hydride cells
that a gain in the amount of solar radiation received will power the solar tracking unit. For each trial
by the surface mounted tilt angle at monthly tilt the stationary solar panel will collect energy within
angle lied in the range of 0%–55%.” 10 feet of the solar tracking unit for a period of
The research surrounding solar energy has 12 hours. At the end of the tracking period, the
a brief history of rapid growth. Bell Telephone energy will be recorded. The study will include
Laboratories originally created Solar Cells dur- 10 trials. Any trials to be stopped due to inclimate
ing the 1970s (Nansen, 1995). Utilization of this weather shall be recorded with their exposure
developing technology may lead to long-term time. Descriptive statistics will be performed on
solutions to the growing energy crisis. the data. This will develop an overall differential
With the continued damage to the environment in collection tendencies.
and growth of energy demands new sources of The researchers at Purdue University fabricate
energy must be realized for continued prosperity. the real-time solar tracking array using control
Experts can all agree that two basic criteria must laws with a National Instruments Compact Rio (NI
be observed to be considered a viable option. En- Crio) programming module, three photoresistors
ergy must be low cost and reliable. Other criteria sensors, two DC motors, and a set of NiMH cells.
to be considered are environmental effects and The tracking array is able to pivot on two axes to
usability of the type of energy. (Aronson, 2009; reflect the effect of daily and seasonal trajectories
Nanson, 1995) Aronson (2009) said:“Solar and of the sun. The NI CRio programming module
wind energy, classified as intermittent power, are is programmed in Labview. The control logic
potential sources of tremendous energy. But, the will have the three sensors mounted to the solar
long-standing challenge is converting that energy cell taking measurements and comparing their
into usable power.” signals. As the solar cell tilts, new measurements
In this chapter, we will focus on the design of are taken. If the measurement is different, then
this 2 DOF mechatronic solar tracker controlled the solar tracker will adjust in that direction and
with sensing and alignment techniques to harness take another measurement. If not, it will remain
this renewable energy source. A solar tracking ar- in its current position. This design will provide
ray fitted with photovoltaic panels will be designed the optimal collecting potential fixing the solar
to adjust solar collecting positions dynamically. cell perpendicular to the sun. There is possible
The solar tracking device with higher efficiencies tilt instability due to overcast conditions. This
and lower cost should endure various kinds of project furthers the application of mechatronics
weather conditions. to the field of renewable energy. Utilizing the NI
CRio allows the use of Labview programming
further demonstrating its flexibility (see Figure 1).

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

Figure 1. Design of solar tracker


A closed programming loop will be used based on

feedback principles. The three cadmium sulfide
photo resistors will be the inputs. The Compact
Rio is programmed so it can obtain the resistance
data from the photo resistors and turn left or
right, tilt forward or backward. The Compact Rio
processing power is far greater than required for
this task. Realizing the performance may be too
fast a delay timer is needed. Barsoum and Vas-
ant [2010] state, “the drawbacks associated with
high frequency clock are: their requirement for
large power consumption and also possibly the
electromagnetic interference (p. 155)”
The Labview program for the sun tracker is
used to gather sensor data and send correspond-
ing control signals to the DC motors in order to
and main control VI for talking with FPGA VI
minimize the angle of incidence between the
to make control decision based on the collected
incoming light and the solar panel.
input signals and sending out the control signals.
In the sun tracker system, three photo resis-
Figures 2 and 3 show the block diagram and
tors are installed on the solar panel to sense the
front panel of FPGA VI. In the block diagram,
luminous intensity, with two on each of the top
there are four frames inside. The top left one is
sides and one on the bottom. The output signals
the program module for collecting analog signal
of the photo resistors are corresponding analog
from NI 9201, with the sampling frequency 25
voltage signals. As a dual axis sun tracker, two
Hz. The top right module is controlling the FPGA
DC motors are used to control the orientation and
led on NI cRIO 9012 to make sure the controller
tilt angle of the solar panel, and their input signals
is working all right when it blinks. The other two
are PWM wave.
modules are exactly the same, which are used for
Labview NI cRIO 9012 is chosen as the con-
NI 9505 to get the control signals from control VI
troller. Moreover, considering the hardware inputs
and output the PWM wave to the two DC motors.
and outputs, proper control modules should be
The real time input signals and control signals can
chosen too to plug in the controller sluts. In order
be read from the front panel.
to gather analog signals from photo resistors, NI
Figures 4 and 5 show block diagram and front
9201 module is used to interface with them, while
panel of control VI. The block diagram reads the
two NI 9505 modules are used to output PWM
input analog signals from the FPGA VI, and de-
control signals to the two DC motors.
cides the corresponding control signals based on
Since the program needs to communicate with
its designed control laws. The control laws used
peripheral hardware, Labview FPGA project is
here are built upon the comparisons between the
used to build this connection between software
three groups of input data: comparison between
and hardware. This program includes two VIs,
the signals from top left and top right photo resis-
FPGA VI for interfacing with hardware by input-
tors for orientation control, while comparison
ting analog signals and outputting PWM signals,

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

Figure 2. Block diagram of FPGA VI

Figure 3. Front panel of FPGA VI

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

Figure 4. Block diagram of control VI

Figure 5. Front panel of control VI

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

between the bottom signal and average signal of turntable. The friction is small enough to be
top left and top right photo resistors for tilt angle neglected, the rotation is smooth. The turntable
control. In order to avoid noise, averaged com- also made the tracker have the ability to stop in
parison results are preferred and designed in this a more precise spot with a smaller movement.
program. The control signals sent from the control The researcher will fabricate the proposed
VI to FPGA VI are PWM duty cycle ticks, which real-time solar tracking array. The various parts
could be positive, zero and negative numbers. required for the array are framing, a National
Since the sun tracker should be working in a slow Instruments Compact Rio programming module,
mode, the amount of differences are not used in three optical sensors, one dc motor, one stepper
the program to determine the duty cycle ticks of motor, and one set of nickel metal hydride cells.
the PWM wave when the differences are not zero, The tracking array will be able to pivot on a tilt-
which means the duty cycle ticks of the PWM ing axis by way of a 12 volt DC motor with at-
wave is constant in this program without the sign, tached gear box. The tracking array rotation will
furthermore, the amount of difference only decides be performed by the stepper motor. The National
the moving direction and the time that costs to Instruments Compact Rio programming module
arrive at the desired status. The front panel of will be programmed in Labview 8.6.
control VI gives the real time results of the com- The Feedback Design will utilize cadmium
parisons and the PWM duty cycle ticks sent to sulfide photo resistors as the optical sensors. The
the FPAG VI in order to monitor the data exchange cadmium sulfide photo resistors were selected for
between the Vis and the control decisions. their simplicity and availability. The photo resis-
tors are to be aligned on the top and bottom of the
solar cell. Attached to the back side of the solar
PROTOTYPE AND EXPERIMENTS cell the photo resistors are shimmed to half the
height of the thickness of the solar cell. This is to
It is demonstrated that the energy gained from create a larger differential between the voltage of
optimal collection will exceed the energy require- top and bottom. It was assumed that the distance
ment of continuous monitoring and adjustment. between the left and right photo resistors will
The harnessing of solar photovoltaics energy has already have a large enough voltage difference.
many aspects that may be refined. There are elec- The primary unit of interest is volts collected.
trical circuit inefficiencies in large grid systems, This will be measured by using a volt meter to
losses from physical positioning, and a lower check the voltage of the nickel metal hydride cells.
energy yield. The project scope will be further Other units of interest will be foot-candle levels in
narrowed to losses from physical positioning. the interest of calibrating any potential differences
In the design of this 2 DOF mechatronic solar in static readings. For these readings a Type 214
tracker, the relative components were sealed so General Electric light meter will be used.
that they are weatherproofed. Wheels are mounted Solar collection data was taken for seven days.
to hold up the panel and rotate around the verti- On the first day of energy collection it was discov-
cal axis. There is another motor attached to the ered that the solar tracker was unable to determine
side of the panel and have that rotates the panel a distinction in left right sensor readings. In an
across the horizontal axis. The rest of the system attempt to increase this distinction, the dead zone
components function properly, and efficiently. in the program was reduced allowing the most
Two light weight and compact motors are selected. minor differences to activate motor direction.
The rotation about the vertical axis is guaran- The result was unsuccessful causing a continuous
teed using the wheels and a corrosion-resistant clockwise rotation and a seesaw motion by the tilt

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

motor. During the second day of energy collection Solar collection data was taken for seven days.
the dead zone in the program was made slightly During the energy collection performed on the
larger. This allowed a difference in tilt readings; first day and the second day the sensitivity was
however the difference in left right readings was calibrated for outdoor conditions. The results have
completely in the program’s dead zone. This data shown that a 28% increase in energy collected
as unintended provided useful insight as to the with solar tracking, however due to the energy
tendencies of the solar tracking system. From the demands of C- Rio controller and motors the net
voltage data in table 5.1, it is seen that the voltage energy gains were less than a stationary collector.
drained by the non-operating motor (M2 Batt) This project has resulted in a working solar
was significantly close to that of the utilized tilt tracking prototype. With a few design modifica-
motor (M1 Batt). These findings suggest that as tions an upgrade to this system may prove useful
built the solar tracking system would not experi- in future research. With the growing complexity
ence significant power savings using periodic of technology, interest in mechatronics will con-
data. Trial two was ended early to develop a way tinue to develop requiring further research will be
to incorporate rotation into the motion. Before necessary. Therefore, this project provides Purdue
the third day of energy collection shades were University with demonstration prototype in the up
added to the solar tracker. This allowed the left and coming field of mechatronics.
right readings to have a differential and allowed
rotation as well as tilt. Energy collection days five
to seven serve as a control of the stationary col- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
lector. Trials five and six were ended prematurely
due to rain. The results have shown that a 28% The authors sincerely thank students Jacob Homan
increase in voltage collected with solar tracking. and Doug Fritz for 3D modeling of the solar tracker.


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Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

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(2009). Design of a new three-degree of freedom supports thousands of identical logic cells inter-
spherical motor for photovoltaic-tracking sys- connected by a matrix of wires and programmable
tems. Renewable Energy, 34(12), 2751–2756. switches. The array of logic cells and interconnect
doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.04.025 form a fabric of basic building blocks for logic
circuits. A user desired circuit can be realized by
Pinkerton, A., & Rose, H. (1981). The energy specifying simple logic functions for the cells and
crisis, conservation, and solar. Ann Arbor, MI: switching to form the interconnect matrix.
Ann Arbor Science Publishers.

Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells

Mechatronics: Mechatronics is an interdisci- ity, and it is the most available and sustainable
plinary system, composed of electrical, electronic, energy source to the earth.
mechanical, structural and control subsystems Solar Tracker: The attitude of the solar panel
and their interfacings, integrated with real-time composed of photovoltaic cells is controlled to
microprocessor / controller operations. track the sun movement from sunrise to sunset
Solar Energy: solar energy is the energy of and the seasonal variation of sun trajectories dur-
solar radiation that is carried to the earth via sun ing the year, so that the solar panel produces the
beams. It can be converted into heat and electric- maximum energy on the solar panel.


Chapter 13
Computer Simulations of
Solar Energy Systems
Akram Gasmelseed
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

In recent years, computer simulation has become a standard tool for analyzing solar energy systems.
The interaction of light with nanoscale matter can provide greater functionality for photonic devices and
render unique information about their structural and dynamical properties. As the field of nanophotonics
continues to experience phenomenal growth at both the fundamental research and applications level,
computational modeling is essential both for interpreting experiments and for suggesting new directions
– for example, in designing of thin-film photovoltaic cells. The demand for computer simulation contin-
ues to increase as researchers and developers tackle the tough challenges of designing new generation
devices and optimizing current generation devices. This chapter is devoted to the development and ap-
plication of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method to solar energy systems. In addition,
new models covering the latest advances in nanophotonics technologies, as well as key improvements
to the numeric solvers and new usability features, are introduced in this chapter.

INTRODUCTION In order to describe the propagation and

scattering of sunlight within the solar cell and
Thin-film solar cells offer the possibility to im- optimize the process, Maxwell’s equations have
prove efficiencies and lower costs in next genera- to be rigorously solved. Some of the well-adopted
tion photovoltaic devices. Further, light trapping simulations for optical simulations are the finite
is the standard technique for improving solar cell difference time domain (FDTD) method (Qiu
efficiencies and for harvesting the spectrum of and He, 2000; Farjadpour et al., 2006; Ong et
incoming sunlight. al., 2007; Tsakalakos et al., 2007), the transfer
matrix (TM) method (Hu and Chen, 2007), and
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch013 scattering theory (Street et al., 2008).
Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

This chapter is devoted to the development and ∂H z 1  ∂E ∂E y 

=−  x −  (5)
application of the finite-difference time-domain ∂t µ  ∂y ∂x 
(FDTD) method to solar energy systems. In ad-
dition, new models covering the latest advances
in nanophotonics technologies, as well as key ∂E x 1  ∂H z ∂H y 
=  − − σE x  (6)
improvements to the numeric solvers and new ∂t ε  ∂y ∂z 

usability features are introduced in this chapter.
∂E y 1  ∂H x ∂H z 
=  − − σE y  (7)
∂t ε  ∂z ∂x 
∂E z 1  ∂H y ∂H x 
=  − − σE z  (8)
The FDTD method numerically solves Maxwell’s ∂t ε  ∂x ∂y 

curl equations by representing time and spatial de-
rivatives as finite differences. The basic Maxwell’s
curl equations in a three dimensional (3D) domain The FDTD algorithm divides the problem
are expressed as (Taflove & Hagness, 2000): geometry into a spatial grid where electric and
magnetic field components are placed at certain
 discrete positions in space, and it solves Max-
∂E 1  σ 
= ∇× H − E (1) well’s equations in time at discrete time instances
∂t ε ε
(Taflove & Brodwin, 1975; Yee, 1966). Grid co-
 ordinates on a uniform, rectangular FDTD mesh
∂H 1  are defined as:
= − ∇× E (2)
∂t µ
(i, j , k ) = (i ∆x , j ∆y, k ∆z ) (9)

where both the electric field E and magnetic field

H describe the interaction between light and the in which ∆x , ∆y , and ∆z represent the physi-
solar cell. The solar cell is described by its permit- cal dimensions of each grid cell. Furthermore,
tivity ε and permeability µ . The parameters, any function with temporal and spatial variations
ε = εr εo and σ describe the optical properties of can be generally expressed as:
the solar cell. Expanding the curl operator in (1)
and (2) and equating their respective vector com- sin, j ,k = (i ∆x , j ∆y, k ∆z ) (10)
ponents on each side appropriately, these equations
can be represented with the following six equa- with ∆t denoting the time-step and n the corre-
tions in a Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z): sponding time index. Using this notation, the time
and space derivatives of s in central-difference
∂H x 1  ∂E ∂E y  form can be written as:
=−  z −  (3)
∂t µ  ∂y ∂z 
n ∂s n − ∂s n
∂s 1
i + , j ,k
i − , j ,k
+ O (∆x ) 
i , j ,k 2
∂H y 1  ∂E ∂E x  = 2 2

=−  z −  (4) ∂x ∆x  
∂t µ  ∂x ∂z  (11)

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

1 1
n+ n− 
 σ 1 ∆t 
∂sin, j ,k ∂si , j ,k2 − ∂si , j ,k2 
+ O (∆t ) 
2 i + , j ,k
= (12)  1 − 2
∂t ∆t    2ε 1 
 i + , j ,k 
n +1
E x | 1 =  2  E |n
σ ∆ t  x i + 1 , j ,k
i + , j ,k
 1  2
where O (∆x )  and O (∆t )  represent the 
2 2 i + , j ,k
 1 + 2

     2ε 1 
 i + , j ,k  
second order terms. Applying these central-dif- 2

ference approximations to Equations (3) through  

 ∆t 
(8), results in the following set of six, explicitly  
 ε 1 
coupled, finite-difference update equations:  i + , j ,k 
+  2  ⋅
 σ 1 ∆t 
 i + , j ,k 
  1 + 2ε
   

1 1
n+ n−
t i + , j ,k 
+ 
Hx |
= Hx |
 ×  2 
i , j + ,k +
1 1
i , j + ,k +
 µ 1 1     
 i , j + 2 ,k + 2 
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
n+ n+ n+ n+
 H | 2 − H |
  H | 2 −H |
 z i + 1 , j + 1 ,k z 1 1 
 

y 1 1 y 1 1 
i + , j ,k − 
 E |n   
−E z | 1 
i + , j − ,k i + , j ,k +

  E z |  − 
n n n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

 y i , j + 1 ,k +1 −E y |i , j + 1 ,k  ∆ y 
   ∆z 
   i , j + 1, k +
i , j ,k + 
2 
2 2
 −  2
    
 ∆z   ∆y   
    (16)


 σ 1 ∆t 
i , j + ,k 
   1 − 2

   2ε 1 

1 1
n+ n−
t  i , j + ,k 
+   × E y | 1 =   E |n
2 2
Hy | = Hy | n +1
i + , j ,k +
1 1
i + , j ,k +
 µ 1 1  i , j + ,k  σ 1 ∆t  y i , j + 12 ,k
2 2 2 2
 i + 2 , j ,k + 2 
 i , j + ,k 
1 + 2ε
2 
 E |n n
  n n
  1 
 z i +1, j ,k + 1 −E z |i , j ,k + 1   E x |i + 1 , j ,k +1 −E x |i + 1 , j ,k   i , j +
,k 
 2 
  
 −  2 2
  
 ∆x   ∆z  
 ∆t 
    
  ε 1 
 
(14) + 
i , j + ,k
2 ⋅
 σ 1 ∆t 
 i , j + ,k 
  1 + 2ε
2 
1 
∆t   1 
= Hz |

+   i , j + ,k 
Hz | × 2
1 1
i + , j + ,k
1 1
i + , j + ,k  µ 1 1   1 1
  1 1
 i + 2 , j + 2 ,k 
n+ n+ n+ n+
 H | 2  H | 2
2 2 2 2
 
2 2
− H | 1 
−H |
 x i , j + 1 ,k + 1 x
i , j + ,k − 
 z z
 − 
1 1 1 1 1
 2 
i + , j + ,k i − , j + ,k
 E |n 
  E y | 1 −E y | 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

n n n

 x i + 1 , j +1,k −E x |i + 1 , j ,k   ∆ z 

   ∆x 
    
 
i + 1, j + , k i , j + ,k
2 2
 −  2 2  
 
 ∆y   ∆x  
    (17)


Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

 σ 1 ∆t 
 and is the underlying mechanism enabling non-
 i , j ,k + 
 1 − 2
 dissipative field propagation in this technique.
 2ε 1 

n +1  i , j ,k +
2 

 E z |
n The six field components can be visualized
E z | 1 = 
i , j ,k +
 σ 1 ∆ t 
 i , j ,k +
as existing on two separate but interlaced grids
 i , j ,k +

1 + 2ε
2 

occupying a single cubic unit cell in space. This
 1 
 space lattice, illustrated in Figure 1, is often re-
 2 
i , j ,k +

ferred to as a “Yee cell” (Yee, 1966). The electric

 
 ∆ t  field vector components are placed at the centers
 ε 
 1  of the edges of the Yee cells and oriented parallel
+ 
i , j ,k +

 ⋅
σ to the respective edges, and the magnetic field
 1 ∆t 
1 + vector components are placed at the centers of the
i , j ,k +
2 
 2ε 
 1 
 faces of the Yee cells and oriented normal to the
2 
i , j ,k +

respective faces. It can be easily noticed in Figure
  n+
 H | 2 − H |
  H | 2 −H |
 1 that each magnetic field vector is surrounded
 y 1 1 y
i − , j ,k + 
1 1   x 1 1 x 1 1 
i , j − ,k + 
 2  2 
by four electric field vectors that are curling
i + , j ,k + i , j + ,k +

2 2 2
 −  2 2 2
 ∆x   ∆y 
 
   around the magnetic field vector. Similarly, if the
 
 neighboring cells are also added to the figure, it
would be apparent that each electric field vector
is surrounded by four magnetic field vectors that
in which the electric and magnetic field compo-
are curling around the
nents are spatially separated quantities that are
electric field vector. Using either one of the
interwoven in both space and time. The method
visual representations, the origin (i,j,k) for both
for solving this system of finite-difference equa-
the electric and magnetic fields coincide with the
tions is often referred to as a “leapfrog” technique
origin at (1,1,1). The color distinction between
in which the field components are solved for
electric and magnetic fields is used to better
and marched forward in time one after another,
highlight the fact that these field components
exist on two interlaced, orthogonal grids.

Figure 1. Position of the electric field and magnetic field vector components in the Yee cell. The origin
coincides with the point (i,j,k).

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

During numerical simulation, the individual E yn +1 (i, j , k ) = ca (i, j , k ) E yn (i, j , k )

field components are updated and stored in large  n+1 n+
1 
+ cb∆z (i, j , k ) H x 2 (i, j , k ) − H x 2 (i, j , k − 1)
data arrays with indexed values designated by  
whole integers, not half-integer values as indicated  n+1 n+
1 
− cb∆x (i, j , k ) H z 2 (i, j , k ) − H z 2 (i − 1, j , k )
in (13) through (18). Thus, in the actual program-  
ming code implementation the individual field (23)
components are referenced to the origin at (1,1,1)
as are the half-integer values as well. This is done E zn +1 (i, j , k ) = ca (i, j , k ) E zn (i, j , k )
 n+1 
to simplify the equations making them easier to
+ cb∆x (i, j , k ) H y 2 (i, j , k ) − H y 2 (i − 1, j , k )
implement in a programming language such as  
 n+1 
MATLAB or FORTRAN. The actual programming
− cb∆y (i, j , k ) H x 2 (i, j , k ) − H x 2 (i, j − 1, k )
 
code implementations of Equations (13) through  
(18) are given by: (24)

1 where the coefficients dbΔm, ca and cbΔm are de-
Hx 2
(i, j , k ) = H x 2 (i, j , k ) fined as
+ db∆z (i, j , k ) E yn (i, j , k + 1) − E yn (i, j , k )
− db∆y (i, j , k ) E zn (i, j + 1, k ) − E zn (i, j , k ) ∆t
db∆m (i, j , k ) = (25)
(19) µ (i, j , k ) ∆m

1 1
2ε (i, j , k ) − σ (i, j , k ) ∆t
n+ n−
Hy 2
(i, j , k ) = H y 2 (i, j , k )
ca (i, j , k ) = (26)
+ db∆x (i, j , k ) E zn (i + 1, j , k ) − E zn (i, j , k ) 2ε (i, j , k ) + σ (i, j , k ) ∆t
− db∆z (i, j , k ) E xn (i, j , k + 1) − E xn (i, j , k )
(20) 2∆t / ∆m
cb∆m = (27)
2ε (i, j , k ) + σ (i, j , k ) ∆t
1 1
n+ n−
Hz 2
(i, j , k ) = H z 2 (i, j , k )
+ db∆y (i, j , k ) E xn (i, j + 1, k ) − E xn (i, j , k )
and Δm = Δx, Δy, or Δz.
− db∆x (i, j , k ) E n
y (i + 1, j , k ) − E (i, j , k )

E xn +1 (i, j , k ) = ca (i, j , k ) E xn (i, j , k ) AND STABILITY
 n+1 n+
1 
+ cb∆y (i, j , k ) H z 2 (i, j , k ) − H z 2 (i, j − 1, k ) The general FDTD method discussed above is
 
 n+1 n+
1  second-order accurate in both space and time.
− cb∆z (i, j , k ) H y (i, j , k ) − H y (i, j , k − 1)
2 2
This follows directly from the Taylor series ap-
 
 
(22) proximations used to express the temporal and
spatial derivatives in (11) and (12). Finite dis-
cretization of Maxwell’s equations and their
subsequent solution on a lattice mesh results in
nonphysical dispersion of the simulated wave
propagation within the computational domain.
Taflove (1975) was the first to present the correct

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

stability criteria for the original orthogonal-grid from Equation (28), c∆t ≤ δ / 3 ≤ δ / 2 . That
Yee algorithm (Taflove & Brodwin, 1975; Taflove means the wave can propagate the distance of half
& Hagness, 2000). Dispersion is the change in cell in one time step.
wavelength λ with frequency f (or the variation
in wave number k with angular frequency ω ).
This phenomenon results in a change in the phase ABSORBTION BOUNDARY
velocity of propagating waves that can vary with CONDITIONS (ABCs)
wavelength, grid discretization, and the direction
of wave propagation along the grid. So, it is im- There have been many attempts over the last
portant to consider the spatial step, time step and several decades to achieve effective ABCs for
their relationship, which decide the algorithm’s electromagnetic wave problems. As a result, many
stability. different types of ABCs have been developed over
Numerical error due to grid dispersion can the years including the radiating boundary (Hol-
be minimized by ensuring that specific grid cell land, 1971), the one-way approximation of the
dimensions are chosen such that they are smaller wave equation (Engquist & Majda, 1977), which
than the minimum wavelength λ simulated on the was later applied to electromagnetic wave prob-
grid. A general rule of thumb is to use between 10- lems by Mur (Mur, 1981). Berenger (Berenger,
20 grid cells per minimum wavelength, meaning 1996; Berenger, 1997; Berenger, 2002) introduce
that simulated spatial increments should be chosen an alternative way as Perfectly Matched Layer
to be no greater than λ /10 or λ /20, respectively. (PML) to truncate the computational domain for
Although this rule does not completely eliminate FDTD.
dispersive effects, it does ensure a smooth variation This approach utilizes an absorbing outer
of the field components across grid cells. boundary layer with a specially designed matching
Another important issue faced when explicitly medium to absorb and attenuate propagating elec-
solving the finite-difference form of Maxwell’s tromagnetic waves. The original formulation of
equations on a grid involves the maximum time- this technique involves a numerical field-splitting
step over which the resulting update expressions technique within the boundary layer resulting in
can be solved. This upper limit on the time-step an artificial or imaginary layer of cells that can
results from both the temporal and spatial discreti- theoretically absorb any kind of traveling wave
zation required for the finite-difference solution at any frequency, regardless of the direction of
of partial differential equations. This inherent wave travel, and without reflection. By properly
stability limit, known as the Courant criterion selecting the appropriate loss parameters for a
(Courant et al., 1967), limits the maximum time- dispersionless media, Berenger was able to design
step based upon the chosen spatial increments and an interface between the computational space and
maximum wave velocity simulated. In 3D, this the PML that is perfectly matched. Thus, the use
condition is expressed as: of the PML at the boundary of an FDTD grid al-
lows for the physical propagation of waves out
  towards infinity while effectively reducing the
 1 1 1 
c∆t ≤  + +  (28) negative and unwanted effect of reflections back
(∆x )2 (∆y )2 (∆z )2 
  into the computational space.
Implementation of the PML is a conceptually
This is the relationship between the time step straight forward task that requires a reformula-
and spatial step. When ∆x = ∆y = ∆z = δ , tion of the conventional FDTD update equations

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

previously discussed. To include the PML bound- in which each field component has now been split
ary condition into the FDTD algorithm, the field into a summation of two terms (e.g. Ex=Exy+Exz)
updates in (13) through (18) are expressed in a and σx , σy , σz , σx* , σy* , and σz* represent the cor-
split-field notation which expands them into a set responding electric and magnetic (*) loss param-
of twelve new update equations: eters (i.e. conductivities) within the boundary
layers. Note here that, if σx = σy = σz = 0 and
∂E xy ∂ (H zx + H zy ) σx* = σy* = σz* = 0, then (29) through (34)simply
ε + σy E xy = ,
∂t ∂y reduce down to (13) through (18), the form of

∂H xy ∂ (E zx + E zy ) Maxwell’s equations appropriate in a vacuum. As
µ + σy*H xy = − waves travel outward and into the PML layer,
∂t ∂y
(29) these conductivities (which can be either linear
or polynomial graded) effectively attenuate the
wave amplitude absorbing its energy into this
∂E xz ∂ (H yz + H yx )
ε + σz E xz = − , unphysical artificial layer. The outermost layer
∂t ∂z of grid cells is defined as a perfect electric con-
∂H xz ∂ (E yz + E yx ) ductor (PEC) by setting the tangential components
µ + σz*H xz =
∂t ∂z of the electric field to zero and reflect any remain-
(30) ing waves backwards through the PML layer
further absorbing any remaining waveforms.
∂E yz ∂ (H xy + H xz ) Within the PML absorbing layers there are
ε + σz E yz = , twelve components of the electric and magnetic
∂t ∂z fields that must be updated at each time-step.
∂H yz ∂ (E xy + E xz )
µ *
+ σ H yz = − Figure 2 illustrates the implementation of a con-
∂t ∂z ventional PML layer surrounding a 3D compu-
(31) tational space. The subscripting in the figure is
included for the most general case in which the
∂E yx ∂ (H zx + H zy ) specific PML layer thickness at each boundary
ε + σx E yx = − ,
∂t ∂x are arbitrary. In other words, the fron face (i.e.

∂H yx ∂ (E zx + E zy ) front yz plane) might compose of a certain num-
µ + σx*H yx = ber of layers while the back face may contain a
∂t ∂x
(32) completely different number of total layers. Thus,
the specific component conductivities in each of
∂ (H yz + H yx ) these regions can be completely unique and is
∂E zx
ε + σx E zx = , accounted for via the integer subscripting in the
∂t ∂x coordinates given in the figure.
∂H zx ∂ (E yz + E yx ) The efficiency of this technique lies in the fact
µ + σx*H zx = −
∂t ∂x that the FDTD grid itself is virtually unchanged
(33) within the main computational space. The only
change comes from the additional six field com-
∂E zy ∂ (H xy + H xz ) ponents now required within the split-field PML
ε + σy E zy = − , layers. Within the inner simulation domain, the
∂t ∂y
fields are still updated according to (29) through
∂H zy ∂ (E xy + E xz )
µ + σy*H zy = (34). In the PML, regions, however, the fields are
∂t ∂y updated using the finite-difference form (29)
(34) through (34).
Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

Figure 2. Implementation of PML surrounding 3D computational domain

Immediately following the introduction of shifted PML (CFS-PML) parameters originally

the PML method, numerous publications quickly introduced by Kuzuoglu and Mittra (Kuzuoglu
appeared in the literature validating this new ap- & Mittra, 1996) in 1996 and later implemented
proach and reporting on its application directly by Gedney (Taflove & Hagness, 2005) and Tong
within FDTD codes and simulations (Taflove & et al. (Tong et al., 1999), based on a stretched-
Hagness, 2000). However, it was found that this coordinate formulation (Chew & Weedon, 1994)
technique suffered from large reflection errors incorporated into a recursive convolution algo-
when trying to absorb low frequency evanescent rithm (Luebbers et al., 1990).
waves. This could occur if the PML was placed Transforming the Maxwell’s equations in the
relatively close to the corners or edges of a me- stretched-coordinate space, then we can write the
tallic boundary in the simulation. Second, it was first two Equations (29) and (30) of Berenger’s
also discovered that large spurious errors could PML in phasor domain as
be generated for the case of traveling waves strik-
ing a PML boundary at grazing angles near zero  ∂  
j ωεsy E xy = (H zx + H zy ) (35)
incidence. This effect was problematic primarily ∂y
when the PML was used to terminate highly elon-
gated structures and/or their surrounding domains  ∂  
(Berenger, 1996; Berenger, 1997; Berenger, 1998). j ωεsz E xz = (H yx + H yz ) (36)


Si = κi + (37)
The convolutional perfectly matched layer αi + j ωε0
(CPML), was introduced by Roden and Gedney
(Roden & Gedney, 2000) in 2000 and was based are the metrics of the stretched-coordinates, where
upon the previously published complex frequency- κi ≥ 1 . The metrics are known as the complex-

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

frequency shifted (CFS) coordinates. Also the  

∆t 
1 1
n+ n−
parameters σi , αi ≥ 0 are introduced in the PML 2
= Hy |

+ 
Hy | ×
region to absorb the outgoing waves. (Note that
i + , j ,k +
1 1
i + , j ,k +
 µ 1 1 
 i + 2 , j ,k + 2 
2 2 2 2

κi = 1 , and σi = αi = 0 outside the PML re-

 E |n n
  n n
gions). The introduction of a non-zero αi can  z i +1, j ,k + 1 −E z |i , j ,k + 1   E x |i + 1 , j ,k +1 −E x |i + 1 , j ,k 
 2 
  
  −  
2 2 2

improve the PML performance at low frequencies,  κ ∆ x    κ ∆z 

x 1 z 1
by enhancing the absorption of the evanescent  i + 
   k + 
 
2 2

waves. An extra term appears when we substitute +ψ n 

 H y ,x | 1 1 − ψH y ,z |n 1 1 
the impulse response of si−1 into (36) and (37) and  i + , j ,k +
2 2
i + , j ,k +
2 2
discretize the update equations. This term can be (41)
computed efficiently by using the recursive con-
volution method. The details of this derivation ψ n = bx 1 ψ n −1
H y ,x | i+ H y ,x |
are omitted here.
1 1 2 1 1
i + , j ,k + i + , j ,k +
2 2 2 2

The explicit updates are very similar to Equa-  E |n −E z | 1 

 z
i , j ,k + 
tions (19) through (24) except for the addition of 
2 
i +1,, j ,k +
+cx 
the ψ CPML components, and the κ parameters. i+
 ∆ x 

The equations are given as: 

  ψ = bz ψ
  n n −1

1 1
n+ n−
t H y ,z | 1 H y ,z |
+ 
Hx |
= Hx |
 × 1
i + , j ,k +
1 2 1
i + , j ,k +

 µ 1 1 
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
 E |n 
i , j + ,k + i , j + ,k + n
 i , j + 2 ,k + 2  −E x | 1 (43)
2 2 2 2
 x 1 
 E | +cz  i + , j , k +1 i + , j ,k
  
n n n n 2 2

 y i , j + 1 ,k +1 −E y |i , j + 1 ,k   E z |i , j +1,k + 1 −E z |i , j ,k + 1  1  ∆ z 

 
 −  
2 
2  
2 2

  
 kz 1 ∆z 
  ky 1 ∆y 
 k+   j+ 
 
2 2

+ψ n − ψ   
 H x ,z | 1 1 n
  

1 1
H x ,y | n+ n−
  +   ×
2 2
Hz | = Hz |
1 1
i , j + ,k + i , j + ,k +

 µ 1 1 
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
(38) i + , j + ,k
2 2
i + , j + ,k
2 2
 i + 2 , j + 2 ,k 
 n n
  n n
ψ = bz ψ  E x |i + 1 , j +1,k −E x |i + 1 , j ,k   E y |i +1, j + 1 ,k −E y |i , j + 1 ,k 
 
n n −1
H x ,z | k+
1 H x ,z |   − 
i , j + ,k +
1 2 1
i , j + ,k +
2 2

 
2 2
 κy 1 ∆y   κx 1 ∆x
2 2 2 2
 E |n n
−E y | 1  (39)    
 y
j+ i+

  
2 2


i , j + , k +1
i , j + ,k
2  +ψ n − ψ 
1  ∆ z   H z ,y | 1 1 n
H z ,x | 1 1 
2    i + , j + ,k i + , j + ,k 
  2 2 2 2


ψ n = bz 1
ψ n −1 ψ n = by 1 ψ n −1
H x ,y | 1 1 j+ H x ,y | 1 1
H z ,y | j+ H z ,y |
i , j + ,k + 2 i , j + ,k + 1 1 2 1 1
i + , j + ,k i + , j + ,k
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

 E |n −E z | 1 
(40)  E |n n
−E x | 1  (45)
 z  x 1 
i , j ,k + 

i , j + 1, k +
2 2 
 +cy  i + , j + 1, k
i + , j ,k
2 
1  ∆ y  1  ∆ y 
2  
2  
  

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

ψ = bx 1 ψ  σ 1 ∆t 
H z ,x |
i+ H z ,x |
n −1
 i , j + ,k 
1 1
i + , j + ,k 2 1 1
i + , j + ,k  1 − 2

2ε 1 
2 2 2 2
 E |n n
−E y | 1  (46)  i , j + ,k 
 E |n
 y E y | 1 = 
n +1
 2
 y i , j + 1 ,k

i +1,, j + ,k
i , j + ,k
2  i , j + ,k  σ 1 ∆ t 
 
2 2

∆x  i , j + ,k
1 + 2ε
1 2
2   
   i , j + ,k 
1 
 2 
 
 ∆t 

 σ 1 ∆t   
i + , j ,k   ε 1 
 1 − 2
  
 2ε 1  i , j + ,k
 ⋅
  +  2
σ ∆ 
E x | 1 =  t
i , j ,k
n +1
2  E x |
 1
1 +
i , j + ,k
 σ ∆ t 
1 2 
i + , j ,k i + , j ,k
2ε 1 
2 2

1 +
i + , j ,k
2 
 
 i , j + ,k  
 2ε 1  2
 i + , j ,k  
2  n+
  n+
   H | 2 − H |
  H | 2 −H |
  x 1 1 x
i , j + ,k − 
1 1   z 1 1 z 1 1
  2 
∆t 
i , j + ,k + i + , j + ,k i − , j + ,k

  
2 2 2
 −  2 2 2 2

 ε 1   κ ∆ z 
   κ ∆ x 
  
 
i + , j ,k

⋅ 
+  2
 
 σ 1 ∆t   
 i + , j ,k  +ψ n + 1 − ψ n + 1 
1 + 2ε
2   Ey ,z | 2 1 Ey ,x |
2 
  1
i , j + ,k i , j + ,k
i + , j ,k 
1 2 2
 2  (50)
 n+
  n+
 H | 2 − H |
  H | 2 − H |
 z z
i + , j − ,k 
  y y 1 
i + , j ,k − 
1 1
i + , j + ,k
2 2
2  − 
i + , j ,k +
2 2 
ψ 1 = bzk ψ 1
   n+ n−

 κy j ∆y   κz j ∆z  Ey , z |
Ey , z |

    1

i , j + ,k
i , j + ,k
 2 2
   1 1
   H | 2
n+ n+
+ ψ − ψ  (51)
 1 1 
 −H | 1 
i , j + ,k − 
x x
 Ex ,y |n +12 n+
Ex ,z | 1
2  1
i , j + ,k +
1 1
2 
 i + , j ,k i + , j ,k  +czk  2 2 2
 
2 2

(47) ∆z
 
 
ψ n+
1 = by j ψ n−
2 2
E x ,y | E x ,y |
i + , j ,k
i + , j ,k
ψ n+
1 = bxi ψ n−
2 2
Ey , x | Ey , x |
 n+
 1 1
 H |
i , j + ,k i , j + ,k
 (48)
2 2

 z i + 1 , j + 1 ,k −H z |i + 1 , j − 1 ,k
2 2

  n+
+cy j  2 2 2 2
  H | 2 −H |
 (52)
 ∆y   z i + 1 , j + 1 ,k z 1 1
i − , j + ,k 
  +cxi  2 2 2 2
   ∆x 
 
 
ψ n+
1 = bzk ψ n−
2 2
Ex ,z | 1
Ex ,z | 1
i + , j ,k i + , j ,k
2 2

 n+
 H | 2 −H |
 (49)
 y i + 1 , j ,k + 1 1 
i + , j ,k − 
y 1
2 
+czk  2 2 2
 ∆z 
 
 

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

 σ 1 ∆t 
 σs ,max r −r
 

 1 −
i , j ,k +
 σs (r ) = m
 2ε 1 
 d
n +1  i , j ,k +
2 
 n
E z | 1 =   E z |
 σ ∆ t 

σ (57)
i , j ,k + i , j ,k +
2 1 2
 i , j ,k +

 0.8(m +1)
1 + 2ε
s ,max =
 1 
 η0 ∆s εr ,eff µr ,eff

 2 
i , j ,k +

  ma
 ∆ t   r − 1
  αs (r ) = αs ,max   (58)
 d 
ε 
 i , j ,k +

+  2  ⋅ s
 σ 1 ∆t 

1 +
i , j ,k +
2 
 2ε 1 
  r −r m 
 i , j ,k +
2 

κs (r ) = 1 + (ks ,max − 1)  m
0 
 (59)
 n+
  n+
  d 
 H | 2 − H |
  H | 2 − H |
 y 1 1 y
i − , j ,k + 
1 1   x 1 1 x 1 1 
i , j − ,k + 
 2  2 
i + , j ,k + i , j + ,k +

2 2 2
 −  2 2 2
 κxi ∆x   κy j ∆y 
 
  
  where r0 is the spatial position of each PML/
 
 + ψ 1 − ψ 1  computational space interface, d is the total thick-
 Ez ,x |n + 2 1 E z ,y |
2 
 i , j ,k +
i , j ,k +
 ness or physical depth of each PML region, m and
(53) maare the orders of the grading polynomials, εr ,eff
and µr ,eff are the effective relative permittivity
ψ = bxi ψ
and permeability, η0 is the free-space wave imped-
1 1
n+ n−
2 2
Ez ,x | 1
Ez ,x | 1
i , j ,k +
i , j ,k +
2 ance, ∆s is the grid cell dimension for s= x, y, or
 n+
 z, and αs ,max , σs ,max , and κs,max are the maximum
 H | 2 −H |
 (54)
 1 
i − , j ,k + 
y y
i + , j ,k +
1 1
2  assigned values for each of the corresponding 1D
+cxi  2 2 2
 ∆x  arrays. When compared with the traditional split-
 
  field PML, the CPML is much easier to implement
directly into an existing FDTD algorithm and has
demonstrated improved absorption of low-fre-
ψ = by j ψ
2 quency evanescent waves. The CPML can also
E z ,y | E z ,y |
i , j ,k +
i , j ,k +
2 be easily incorporated into existing FDTD codes
 n+
 already adapted to model anistropic, dispersive,
 H | 2 −H |
 (55)
 x i , j + 1 ,k + 1 x 1 
i , j − ,k + 
1 and nonlinear media. This is a direct result of the
2 
+cy j  2 2 2
 way in which the field component updates in the
 ∆y 
  computational space are separated from those in
 
the absorbing boundary layers.

Finally, the CPML parameters α, σ, and κ are

one-dimensional (1D) arrays that are each spa- TOTAL-FIELD / SCATTERED-
tially scaled along the x , y, and z axes. They are FIELD FORMULATION
defined as:
The total-field/scattered-field (TF/SF) formula-
tion resulted from attempts to model the source

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

as a plane wave. Different procedures have been quired to evaluate the scattered field at any point
implemented to model the plane wave source on or inside the scatterer. However, in this for-
condition. The initial attempt to model the inci- mulation, we exploit the analytical solution of
dent plane wave condition dates back to Yee’s incident field everywhere in space, there are no
work in 1966 (Yee, 1996) and it was based on phase errors due to numerical dispersion such as
a defining the initial condition of the electric those that occur on the connecting surface of the
field in space. However, this technique requires original TF/SF formulation (Taflove & Hagness,
a large simulation space to model a sinusoidal 2005). However, the advanced formulation intro-
wave or a long-duration pulse accurately. To duced in TF/Sf technique has suppressed the
overcome this problem, techniques based on the numerical dispersion (Watts & Diaz, 2003;
scattered-field (SF) (Holland, 1977) formulation Guiffaul & Mahdjoubi, 2000).
or the total-field/scattered-field (TF/SF) (Mur,
1981; Merewether et al., 1980; Umashankar &
Taflove, 1982) formulation have been proposed. THIN-FILM SOLAR CELLS
Both these techniques are based on the linearity
of Maxwell’s equations and the possibility to We consider an FDTD modeling example that
decompose the total E and total H into a known simulate the electromagnetic wave propagation
incident and an unknown scattered field. In SF within the thin-film microcrystalline silicon solar
formulation we exploit a new formulation for cell. There has recently been considerable interest
updating scattered fields, in which the scattered in applying the FDTD method to the calculation of
fields in the whole space are updated instead of performance characteristics of solar cells (Dewan
total fields. However, in the TF/SF formulation, & Knipp, 2009; Lin & Phillips, 2008; Lo et al.,
the simulation space is divided into two distinct 2007). Thin-film solar cells are usually produced
regions of total field and scattered field which by physical or chemical deposition techniques,
are connected with a hypothetical boundary as which can be easily applied to large areas and
shown in Figure 3. fast throughput (Rech & Wagner, 1999; Meier et
The disadvantage of the SF technique is the al., 2004). Thin-film technology is of much com-
need for significant computational resources re- mercial interests because it offers lower costs and
possibilities for mass production and deployment.
Light trapping (Zhou & Biswas, 2008) is the
Figure 3. Total-field / scattered- field zones in the standard technique for improving the thin-film so-
FDTD computational space lar cell efficiencies and for harvesting the spectrum
of incoming sunlight. Enhancing light trapping
in thin-film solar cells is typically achieved by
a textured metal back reflector that scatters light
within the absorber layer and increases the optical
path length of solar photons.


The geometry of the solar cell is shown in Figure

4 (Dewan & Knipp, 2009). The thickness of the
transparent conductive oxide (TCO) front and back

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

Figure 4. Solar cell geometry

contacts are considered to be 500 nm and 80 nm
respectively. The hydrogenated microcrystalline
silicon diode has a thickness of 1000 nm. Further,
the silver back layer is modeled as perfectly electric
conducting (PEC) wall.
The important factors in the FDTD simulation
are dimensions of solar cell layers, permittivity,
refractive index, and extinction coefficient (Meng
et al., 1993; Wachtman & Haber, 2001; Kaiser &
Pulker, 2003). The index of refraction is a complex
quantity, n = n − jk , where its imaginary part,
k, is the extinction coefficient of the material. The
permittivity is computed from the complex index
of refraction using the formula:

εr = n 2 − k 2 (60)

σ = 2⋅n ⋅k (61)

The time average power loss Q (x, y) within

the solar cell was calculated using the equation
(Dewan & Knipp, 2009):

c ⋅ ε0 ⋅ n ⋅ α 2
Q (x , y ) = E (x , y ) (62)

where c is the speed of light in vacuum, ε0 is the

permittivity of vacuum, α is the absorption coef-
ficient, with n being the real part of the complex wavelength of 700 nm with amplitude of 1 V/m.
refractive index, and E is the electric field. Figures The simulation is performed with the TF/SF
5 and 6 exhibit E (x, y) and Q(x, y) for an incident technique. Further, the effect of groove height on

Figure 5. Resulted electric field profile for groove heights (a) 100 nm, (b) 200 nm, and (c) 300 nm

Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

Figure 6. Resulted power loss profile for groove heights (a) 100 nm, (b) 200 nm, and (c) 300 nm

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was simulated for grooves of 100, 200, and 300 netic waves. Journal of Computational Physics,
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Chew, W., & Weedon, W. (1994). A 3D perfectly
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In order to describe the propagation and
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Computer Simulations of Solar Energy Systems

KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Perfectly Matched Layer (PML): Is an ar-

tificial absorbing layer for wave equations with
Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABCs): an absorbing material is that it is designed so that
Are artificial absorbing layer for wave equations, waves incident upon the PML from a non-PML
commonly used to truncate computational regions medium do not reflect at the interface.
in FDTD method to simulate problems with open Solar Cell Efficiency: Is the percentage of
boundaries. electric power converted from incident light.
Courant Criterion: Is a necessary condition Thin-Film Solar Cell: Is a solar cell that
for convergence while solving Maxwell’s dif- is made by depositing one or more thin film of
ferential equations numerically. photovoltaic material on a substrate.
Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Total-Field/Scattered-Field (TF/SF) For-
Method: Is a powerful tool to solve electromag- mulation: Is a method for injecting energy into
netic problems based on the numerical solution the FDTD simulation.
of Maxwell’s equations. Transparent Conductive Oxide (TCO): Is
Nanophotonics: Is the science and engineer- doped metal oxide used in optoelectronic devices
ing of light–matter interactions that take place on such as flat panel display and photovoltaic.
wavelength and subwavelength scales where the Yee Cell: Is rectangular unit cells of a Cartesian
physical, chemical or structural nature of natural computational grid so that each E-field vector
or artificial nanostructured matter controls the component is located midway between a pair of
interactions. H-field vector components, and conversely.


Chapter 14
Image Processing for Solar
Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and
Quality Assurance Inspection
Michael G. Mauk
Drexel University, USA

Image capturing, processing, and analysis have numerous uses in solar cell research, device and pro-
cess development and characterization, process control, and quality assurance and inspection. Solar
cell image processing is expanding due to the increasing performance (resolution, sensitivity, spectral
range) and low-cost of commercial CCD and infrared cameras. Methods and applications are discussed,
with primary focus on monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells using visible and infrared
(thermography) wavelengths. The most prominent applications relate to mapping of minority carrier
lifetime, shunts, and defects in solar cell wafers, in various stages of the manufacturing process. Other
applications include measurements of surface texture and reflectivity, surface cleanliness, integrity of
metallization lines, uniformity of coatings, and crystallographic texture and grain size. Image processing
offers the capability to assess large-areas (> 100 cm2) with a non-contact, fast (~ 1 second), and modest
cost. The challenge is to quantify and interpret the image data in order to better inform device design,
process engineering, and quality control. Many promising solar cell technologies fail in the transition
from laboratory to factory due to issues related to scale-up in area and manufacturing throughput. Image
analysis provides an effective method to assess areal uniformity, device-to-device reproducibility, and
defect densities. More integration of image analysis from research devices to field testing of modules
will continue as the photovoltaics industry matures.

INTRODUCTION utilized for device and process diagnostics and

materials analysis; as well as for inspection and
This chapter reviews image processing technol- quality assurance. Most of the foregoing discus-
ogy and methods in their application to research, sion focuses on monocrystalline or multicrystal-
engineering development, and production of line silicon solar cells. Such silicon-based solar
photovoltaic solar cells. Image processing can be cells make up about 90% of the world solar cell

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch014
Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

market, and the features and fabrication methods shunting, and flaws in metallization. Many of these
of silicon solar cells readily lend themselves to imaging techniques are relatively fast (~1 second),
useful and informative image processing analysis. and can be done in-line for real-time process
We will emphasize aspects of image processing control and quality assurance on the factory floor.
with digital photography /machine vision, spe- More detailed solar cell image analysis methods
cifically—analysis of CCD images captured from are realized with scanning/probing techniques,
solar cells in various stages of processing. Many such that small sub-areas of the solar cell are
of these techniques are applicable at virtually all individually probed to show the spatial variation
phases of solar cell manufacture, including steps of defects and other areal inhomogenieties. It is
preceding the formation of a p-n junction, as well important to compare and correlate image pro-
as those preceding application of metal contacts cessing methods with more established scanning
and anti-reflection coatings. More in-depth evalu- and probing methods since the interpretation and
ation is possible with samples that have junctions analysis of images is complicated, material- and
and metallization contacts, such that the working process-specific, and test conditions (bias, light
solar cell can be energized with an externally intensity, minority carrier injection level) may not
applied electrical voltage. The resulting infrared correspond to actual operating conditions of the
thermal emission and electroluminescence can solar cell. The solar cell can be scanned by physi-
be imaged to provide a two-dimensional map cal contact with a moving mechanical probe that
of solar cell characteristics and defects. Images impinges the solar cell, or more commonly, the
of infrared transmission though the solar cell solar cell can scanned with a collimated energy
are also revealing, as the infrared absorption is source such as a laser or electron beam. Probably
proportional to the number of free carriers. If free the most common and useful of these techniques
carriers are generated by supra-bandgap excitation, measures the solar cell current when raster scanned
they will quickly reach a steady state concentra- with a laser or focused light beam, in which case
tion where the generation rate is matched by the it possible to ascertain highly localized features
recombination rate. As such, the density of free of the solar cell. This LBIC (light beam induced
carriers is an indicator of the recombination rates, current) analysis is time consuming and gener-
and an infrared transmission image is a map of ally not appropriate for in-line inspection. The
the variation of minority carrier recombination. information derived from light-beam induced
Thermography, the temperature mapping of the current measurements may serve as a benchmark
energized solar cell via thermal infrared emission, with which methods of simpler or faster solar cell
is also an important diagnostics tool. Infrared imaging can be compared and assessed.
cameras can detect small temperature changes
(< 0.1 °C), and image areas of localized heating
in solar cells as caused by shunts, for example. BACKGROUND
Lock-in thermography techniques, using pulsed
thermal excitation, for example, flash lamps or Solar cells are, by practical necessity, large-area
modulated lasers or electrical, synchronized with devices relative to other semiconductor compo-
multiple image capture, have increased sensitivi- nents. Silicon solar cell areas are typically in the
ties by factors of 100 to 1000. order of 100 cm2, and commercial thin-film solar
Imaging techniques can be used to assess cell modules have areas of hundreds of square
surface cleanliness, scratches, reflectivity, surface centimeters. This may be compared with semi-
texture, uniformity of anti-reflection coatings, conductor components such as photodiodes and
minority carrier recombination lifetime, localized light-emitting diodes (LEDs), where the area of

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

each discrete semiconductor device (made from rates, and performance were sensitive to various
die separated from the wafers utilized in batch parameters (e.g., resolution) of measurement
fabrication) is typically much less than a cm2, and techniques and materials characteristics. This
often less than a mm2. For most semiconductor work indicates the complexity and subtleties of
device technologies, defects and anomalies related predicting solar cell performance in inhomoge-
to area translate to reduced device yield. A fraction neous materials from various characterization
of devices (die) separated from the wafer will fail methods including imaging.
test since some defects or processing flaws will A solar cell in itself is an excellent diagnostic
be localized to individual die. Die that are free of device: its performance reveals much informa-
defects will comply with performance specifica- tion about materials properties, device structures,
tions. For solar cells, the situation is different: and anomalies in fabrication. However, much
the end-product device generally comprises the of this prospective information follows from an
entire wafer. A single flaw, such as a shunt de- electrical measurement of solar cell current and/
fect or a broken busbar metallization line, may or voltage which generally requires a junction
necessitate rejection of the entire wafer-based and/or electrical contact with the cell. Similarly,
cell. Less-than-fatal flaws will degrade solar cell other techniques based on electroluminescence,
performance, discounting its value since solar cells also require contact with the solar cell. To utilize
are generally sold on a Watts output per dollar these methods, the solar cell must be in a stage
basis. Further, the cost consequences of a flawed of fabrication where the p-n junction is formed
cell are considerably magnified if assembled as and ohmic contacts have been applied to the
a part of a module. Thus, there is a considerable device so that the contacts can be connected to
incentive in identifying and rejecting defective an external power supply. To what extent passive
solar cells before their integration into relatively (non contact) measurements of the solar cell can
costly module packages. provide useful information in comparison to active
Due to cost pressures, silicon solar cells are measurements of an electrically driven solar cell is
made by processes that would seem relatively an important question. Most of the work reviewed
crude by the standards of the microelectronics here is directed at crystalline and multicrystalline
and optoelectronics industry. These processes silicon-based solar cells. These types of solar cells
include screen printing, spray coating, immer- comprise a major portion of the world solar cell
sion and spray etching, and firing and sintering market, and image processing and analysis efforts
in conveyor belt furnaces, all done outside clean have been most developed for this type of solar
rooms. Moreover, many solar cells are made from cell. Many issues resolved by image processing
multicrystalline materials that have a variable should be common to a wide range of solar cell
texture (grain size and orientation). Therefore, it types. Neuhaus and Menzer (2007) review the
is not surprising that assessment of areal inhomog- dominant silicon solar cell technologies used in
enieties and variations, and detection of flaws, is industry.
a fundamental concern in the production of solar
cells. Metzer (2008) made a detailed study based on
simulations of photoconductance, carrier density MACHINE VISION FOR SOLAR
imaging, photoconductive decay, and solar cell CELL INSPECTION
performance in silicon material with grain bound-
aries and lifetime fluctuations on the scale of 5 What can be learned by “taking a picture” of a
microns to 5 mm, and concluded the relationships solar cell? Specifically, a solar cell in various
between lifetime measurements, recombination stages of processing can be imaged with a CCD

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

camera. (A desktop scanner will also provide Mikhaylichenko and Yakovlev (2003) used
workable images.) The lighting—intensity, fluorescent optical microscopy to identify water
spectral content, and angle(s) of illumination, stains on wet-cleaned silicon wafers. Water used
often is important., see for example Elango and in cleaning silicon wafers can be spiked with
Kurunamoorthy (2008). Such digital photography fluorescent dye (10-6 g/liter of Rh6G fluorophore)
can be analyzed with image processing software e and the surface imaged to show the distribution
such as MATLAB® or public domain software of water stains on the silicon wafer. Although a
such as Image J supported by the US National simple fluorescence microscope can be used, a
Inst. of Health (The main application of Image J confocal microscope will improve resolution by
is for digital microscopy of biological samples.) 50%. Using this method, different wafer cleaning
Some illustrative examples are reviewed below. and drying methods can be evaluated. In subse-
Wang et al. (2007) used the Image Processing quent work, Yakovlev et al. (2005) correlated
Toolbox of MATLAB® to evaluate the efficacy of water stains to the surface structure of the wafer.
silicon wafer cleaning procedures. The software Measurement of contact wetting angles for
essentially counted contamination particles evi- drops of liquids placed on the surface of the so-
dent from images of the surface of silicon wafers to lar cell can provide a surprising amount of data
assess the effectiveness of laser cleaning methods. for a relatively simple effort. Weirauch et al.
They used built-in functions provided for such (1993) demonstrated the use of sessile drop tech-
purposes in the MATLAB® software suite. Com- nique—measuring the contact angle of a drop on
mercial surface particle counters (e.g., Particle a surface—for evaluating of surface oxidation of
Guard™, Lighthouse, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA) HgCdTe. Contact angles and wetting kinetics can
using video imaging and glancing angle illumi- be readily measured with a CCD camera (Ritacco
nation can count and size-range particles (0.5 to 2006). Also, Lokhande et al. (2003) measured
4000 microns) on glass and silicon surfaces on a contact angles of water drops on CuInS2 films.
4-mm x 6-mm surface in 30 ms. Drops of ultrapure water (1 to 60 μl) were placed
Contamination of surfaces can also be imaged on the surface-under-test by a vertical syringe, and
using ultraviolet light or optically stimulated the profile was imaged with a CCD camera from
electron emission (OSEE). OSEE is also an es- which the contact angle was measured. Measure-
tablished method of evaluating surfaces for mo- ment of contact angles with a webcam has been
lecular contamination including hydrocarbon and described by Ritacco (2006). Different areas of
silicone oils, fingerprints, and corrosive solutions films showed different contact wetting angles
at very low levels (Epstein and Schlanger, 2000). (range 48 to 63º) which corroborated differences
A UV light source excites photoelectrons that are shown by scanning electron microscopy, chemi-
collected across an air gap (0.1 to 10 mm) and cal analysis, LBIC, and solar cell performance.
detected by a voltage-biased probe as a current Contact angles are a function of surface energies
(10-10 to 10-12 amps). Contaminants on the surface which depends on chemical composition, mi-
are detected by the attenuation of the normal signal crostructure, and other factors, which also affect
from the conducting clean surface. Allen et al. solar cell characteristics. Film areas that exhibited
(2000) describe the use of a commercial scanning contact angles in the lower range yielded reduced
OSEE instrument to map the contamination of solar cell efficiencies. Accordingly, contact angles
surfaces. Culik et al. (2000) discussed specific could be used to assess the quality of thin films
application of an OSEE for monitoring and wafer during solar cell fabrication. Angelo et al. (2007)
mapping cleaning and etching of silicon solar cell used contact wetting angles to characterize CdTe/
wafers at various processing stages. CdS solar cells in various stages of processing.

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

The contact angles of water and formamide were detection algorithm. Jean et al. (2011) described
used to determine the polar and dispersive surface an image processing software tool for inspection
energies of the component films (ITO indium tin of silicon solar cells using image processing func-
oxide, CdTe, and CdS). For CdTe and ITO, contact tions such as average grey level, thresholding,
wetting angles could be used to measure degree edge detection, template matching, and BLOB
of crystallinity and extent of native oxidation in (binary large object) analysis.
as-deposited films and in films after annealing in Sun et al. (2010) developed a machine vision
air, argon, CdCl2, and after surface etching., most system for inspecting electrical contacts. The
of which could be corroborated by other surface system acquires the digital image of three views
analysis methods, such as glancing incidence X- and classifies surface defects including cracks,
ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, breaks, and scratches. Although not applied to
and atomic force microscopy, and correlated with solar cells, the methodology would appear to be
solar cell performance. useful in a solar cell and module manufacturing.
Fu et al. (2004) developed image processing al- Chen (2007) has elaborated several image process-
gorithms for inspecting solar cells to detect cracks ing methods for solar cell inspection combining
in solar cells using algorithms such as gray and multi-case thresholding,
Gauss-Laplacian transforms for contour detection. Li et al. (2010) described the detection of
The steps are shown in Figure 1. The procedure physical defects in solar cells by a hyperspectral
distinguishes between the more prevalent type of imaging technology. The optical source is a su-
cracks on the edges of the cell and cracks away percontinuum ultra-broadband white-light laser
from edges. Specifically, a JPG color image of a system (Fianium Ltd., Southampton, UK) that
solar cell is transformed to a gray image. On ac- produces highly collimated radiation over a 350
count of the dispersed gray values of the pixels, the to 1400 nm wavelength range. A ‘pushbroom’
gray image is then adjusted, yielding a black and imaging system was developed where the light
white image of very high contrast. This is followed beam (10 W, 50 μm diameter) was scanned in
by a Gauss-Laplacian transform which enhances one direction, while the solar cell the solar cell
the signature of cracks. These steps highlight the stage is translated in a direction perpendicular to
solar cell edges and any cracks present in the cell. the laser scan direction. The reflected light is col-
Some lengths of cracks may appear as isolated limated and spectrally analyzed with a diffraction
points due to noise or contaminants (dirt), so the grating and CCD camera. An important finding
composite points are merged to form a continuous is that the reflections from cracks, grid lines, oily
feature. For features (contiguous groups of pixels stains, and the featureless areas of the cell all had
distinct from the background), a threshold in terms very distinct and telltale reflection spectrums.
of number of pixels in width and length is used to Image-based inspection of multicrystalline
ascertain a crack. Edge cracks are identified by wafers is more difficult because the crack shape
a search algorithm that starts at a corner of the is similar to the texture, i.e., cracks are difficult to
cell and works around the perimeter of the cell distinguish from grain boundaries, in contrast to
and encountering and noting any putative cracks. cracks in monocrystalline which would tend to be
Internal cracks are found by an algorithm that straighter, often along a crystallographic cleavage
scans the interior regions for contiguous pixel plane, and therefore show higher contrast against a
groups that fulfill the criteria of a crack. Chiou uniform background. To address this problem, Tsai
et al. (2011) developed a microcrack inspection et al. (2010) developed a machine vision scheme
system for multicrystalline silicon solar cells using based on an anisotropic diffusion model with an
NIR (near infrared) machine vision with a flaw adaptive smoothing processing using both gray-

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 1. Flow chart for crack inspection of solar

of this method is available Chao and Tsai (2010a
cells, from Fu et al. (2004)
and 2010b). The application of the anisotropic
diffusion image processing scheme to microcrack
inspection in multicrystalline solar cells, where the
crack must be visible on the the front-illuminated
surface of the solar cell, may be summarized as
follows. The diffusion process effects a strong
smoothing for pixels comprising the putative
defect, such that a large diffusion coefficient is
assigned to low-gray levels and high gradient
magnitudes in gray levels, the diffusion process
is arrested for intra-grain regions, and merely a
modest smoothing for inter-grain edges (assigned
a small diffusion coefficient). As a result, the gray
values of pixels comprising the crack are altered,
but the gray levels of the crack-free regions are
left unchanged. A difference image between the
original image and diffused image enhances the


Silicon wafers used for integrated circuits are

mirror-smooth. Solar cells, on the other hand,
often incorporate structured, textured, or rough-
ened surfaces. Solar cell performance can be
enhanced by texturing (structuring or roughening)
the front or back (or both) surfaces of the wafer.
This reduces front surface reflection and creates
an oblique light path in the solar cell that increases
photocarrier generation and short-circuit current.
High-efficiency cells rely on such engineered sur-
faces to achieve the state-of-the-art performance.
Silicon wafers can be surface textured by several
means including wet chemical etching in acid
baths (Ryabova, 2009), and reactive ion etching
(Ruby et al., 2005), as well as more sophisticated
methods using lithography (Manea et al., 2005).
Surface roughness from microfabrication pro-
cesses can be studied by atomic force microscopy
level and gradients, such that only pixels with both
(Chandrasekaran and Sundararajan, 2004), but this
low gray levels and high gradients generate high
contact method is not suitable for in-line inspec-
diffusion coefficients. A more general exposition
tion. Texturing of single crystal wafers exploits

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

anisotropic properties of etchants that dissolve 1
crystallographic directions at different rates, leav-
∑F ⋅X
i =0
i i

ing a characteristic surface texture Similar texture

etching of multicrystalline wafers is problematic 255

since each grain presents a crystallographically N = ∑ Fi

i =0
distinct plane at the exposed surfaces of the wafer
(Gangopadhy et al., 2005; 2007; Dobrzanski and
Drygal, 2008). Thus, it is challenging to formulate This roughness parameter correlates well
an etch that will properly texture each grain. Wet with roughness determined by a surface profil-
etching baths are notoriously difficult to control, imiter. More detailed mathematical descriptions
so an image capture station to monitor consis- of surface roughness have been presented by
tency and yield of a texture etch process should Schmahling et al. (2006), Jolic et al. (1994), Bal-
prove useful gunrunathan and Dougherty (2003), Gadelmawla
A standard method of surface roughness is (2004), Kumar et al. (2005), and Hu et al. (2009),
surface profiling with a contact stylus that scans providing a somewhat more elaborate technique
the surface and records the amplitude of the for evaluating three-dimensional surface rough-
surface height, from which an RMS value of sur- ness (though not explicitly for solar cells) based
face roughness along one linear direction can be on digital image processing. Akbari et al. (2006)
determined. More recently, non-contact interfer- employed neural networks and image processing
ence microscopy can make detailed surface maps for pattern classification of surface roughness. The
of solar cells. While this method is too slow for system is ‘trained’ with 10 representative samples
most in-line measurements, it serves as a ‘gold to learn how to approximate the actual surface
standard’ to assess more rapid imaging methods. roughness with features of the surface image.
There is much relevant work in machine vi- Al-Kindi et al. (2008) validated the used imaging
sion for detecting the surface finish of machined with CCD cameras to assess surface roughness at
metal parts. Luk et al. (1989) reported a machine micro and nano scales.
vision system for measurement of surface rough- Elango and Karunamoorthy (2008) used De-
ness. A surface illuminated by white light can be sign of Experiments (DOE) approach to optimize
characterized by a roughness parameter R, related lighting conditions for machine vision determina-
to the standard deviation SD of pixel intensity and tion of surface roughness of machined surfaces.
an RMS value defined below. Fi is the number of Lighting condition variables of grazing (incidence)
pixels at grey level Xi (e.g., 0, 1, 2…. 255). angle, light to sample distance, and inclination of
striations in sample were varied to optimize the
R = SD / RMS signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of correlating grey-scale
values with surface roughness. Figure 2 shows
an experimental set up to parameterize lighting
 1 235 
( ) (intensity, color, and angle of illumination) using

 N − 1 ∑
SD =  Fi ⋅ X i − X 
i =0
 a ring of LEDs controlled by a computer. Lighting
conditions can be varied to better reveal features
1 255 
1/2 of the solar cell. The reflection of grains in poly-
RMS = 
 N ∑ Fi 
crystalline silicon vary considerably with angle
i =0 of illumination. For example, Figure 3 shows
two views of the same solar cell with different
angles of illumination. The left image suggests

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

the possibility of an interrupted grid line, but Blewett and Novak (2010) studied the effect
the right image indicates the grid line is intact. of surface texture, as quantified by white light
Inspection of polycrystalline silicon solar cells interferometry, on solar cell performance. Figure
by image processing may benefit from several 5 shows various silicon solar cell surface textures
image captures with different lighting conditions. from white light interferometry imaging and the
correlation with relative solar cell efficiency.
In-line surface topography metrology (en-
SURFACE ASSESSMENT BY abling stress calculations) is available (Walecki
INTERFEROMIC IMAGING et al. 2008). This technology is capable of mea-
suring 2000 solar cells per hour. Commercial of
White light interferometric measurements produce surface metrology equipment from a number of
an image of surface features at very high resolution. companies has been described. More detailed
The height variations are in the sub-nanometer analysis of the light scattering properties of solar
range. White light interferometry is based on cell surfaces is available (Jäger et al. 2010).
an optical instrument that combines a reference
polychromatic or narrow bandwidth (as produced
by an LED) light beam with light reflected from IMAGE PROCESSING FOR GRAIN
the surface of the sample to generate interfer- STRUCTURE ANALYSIS
ence effects representative of the sample surface
topography (Haase 2010), as shown in Figure 4. Determination of grain size from images of
Commercial systems are available (Veeco, Poly- material specimens, relevant to polycrystalline
tec), including scanning instruments that can map solar cells, is a well-established metallographic
larger surface areas. Interferometry is generally technique. There is commercial software for im-
too slow for in-line diagnostics, but can serve as age analysis to determine grain distribution (Friel
a ‘gold standard’ to assess other faster methods et al., 2000). Also, basic processing of solar cell
of surface imaging and characterization. images can be performed with ImageJ software
(a public domain, Java-based image processing

Figure 2. Set-up for controlled illumination of solar cell imaging

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 3. CCD images captured for a polycrystalline silicon solar cell for different angles of illumination

program developed at the National Institutes grain size distributions, including discrimination
of Health). ImageJ was designed with an open based on identifying subregions with distinct
architecture that provides extensibility via Java grain morphology, such as small equi-axed grains.
plugins and recordable macros. A typical application of such work determines
An early example specific to solar cell work how grain structures varies through an ingot of
is due to Brenneman et al. (1990) who developed multicrystalline silicon.
a PC-based image analysis that determined grain Techniques for determining crystallographic
area and grain boundary length, as well as etch orientation from reflection patters of etched wa-
pit densities with features over 0.1 micron or fers are well known. Wang et al. (2010) reported
areas larger than 0.01 cm2, and inclusions with a reflectometry method to determine grain ori-
features 1 micron or larger or areas greater than entations in multicrystalline silicon wafers. The
0.64 cm2. More recently, Forester et al. (2009) wafer is texture etched with a caustic solution that
reported image processing methods to determine produces low-index facets and then illuminated

Figure 4. Schematic of white light interferometry imaging system

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 5. Surface texture differs between cells that exhibit differing efficiency. Several PV cell images
with different surface skew (Ssk) values are shown here (top). A linear relationship exists between Ssk
and efficiency for these cells (bottom). (From Blewett and Novak (2010).

at an angle with a laser. A pattern of reflected IMAGE ANALYSIS OF

beams from the wafer is formed on an opaque COATING UNIFORMITY
screen, the characteristic pattern of which can be
captured with a CCD camera, and assigned to a The uniformity of anti-reflection coatings (ARCs)
particular crystallographic orientation. Thus, the can be readily assessed by image processing.
crystallographic index of individual grains can be Often, this is for purely cosmetic reasons. Non-
determined. The laser can then scanned over the unformities in the anti-reflection coating(s), in
wafer to map the orientation of individual grains. combination with surface texturing, and specifi-
cally areal non-uniformities in the thickness and
refractive index of an anti-reflection coating, can
adversely affect the performance of the solar cell.
Even when performance impact is negligible, the

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

solar cell may exhibit irregular appearances which used to adjudge thickness (without analysis),
derate it commercial value. Sopori et al. (2004, simpler cameras and set-ups should suffice.
2005) describe a spectral mapping and imaging
technology to determine variation in solar cell
ARC thickness over the surface of the wafer, as FEATURE RECOGNITION
shown in Figure 6.
They note that commercial ARCs exhibit Image processing is well suited for feature-
variations of ± 10 nm in film thickness, which recognition, and in particular, the detection of
can lead to losses in photocurrent density of 1 broken busbar and grid fingers. They are well
mA/cm2, corresponding to a roughly 3% (relative) developed algorithms for extracting features,
loss in output power. In the spectral mode, the including flaws, from images of products, see
solar cell is placed in an optical integrating sphere, for example McAndrew (2004) and Zhao (2005).
illuminated with white light, and the reflected There is interesting and relevant work done in the
light is analyzed with a spectrometer to determine area of computer vision for food quality evalu-
the reflection spectrum, from which thickness and ation (Sun, 2008) that could be applied to solar
refractive index can be calculated. In a scanning cell production, including image segmentation
mode, this will produce a map of ARC parameters techniques (Zheng and Sun, 2008), object mea-
over the entire wafer. In the imaging mode, a CCD surement methods (Zheng and Sun, 2008), object
camera with a bandpass filter blocks all light not classification methods using fuzzy logic (Zheng,
of interest for the ARC mapping, such that the 2008), and hyperspectral methods (Lu, 2008).
filtered image represents a local intensity which Medical and biological applications may also
is inversely proportional to the ARC thickness. provide useful methodologies, see for example,
This technique can measure a solar cell in less Wootton, Springall, and Polak (1995).
than 40 ms. For in-process solar cell inspection

Figure 6. (a) Schematic of setup for spectral and image analysis of silicon solar cell anti-reflection
coatings; After Sopori et al. (2004). (b) An anti-reflection coating thickness map for a 4.5-in x 4.5-in
silicon solar cell; from Sopori et al. (2004)

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

IMAGING METHODS SPECIFIC Kasemann et al. (2008) provide an excel-

TO SEMICONDUCTORS AND lent introductory overview to (silicon) solar cell
THE PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT characterization by infrared imaging methods.
These techniques are enabled by advent of fast,
The methods described above are not specific low-noise charge coupled devices (CCDs), and
to solar cells, and in fact, most were previously mid-IR imagers. Figure 7 shows the basic infra-
developed for non-solar cell applications. They red imaging set-up. Here, a laser (790 to 940 nm
can be used for inspection of many types of solid wavelength) is used to illuminate the solar cell and
parts. Phenomena unique to semiconductors, and create excess photogenerated carriers. Depending
electrical injection processes that accompany the on the method, the solar cell can be illuminated
photovoltaic effect, provide a wealth of physical either from the front or back side. In some cases,
effects that can be imaged, including photolu- the intrinsic absorption of the solar cell can be
minescence, electroluminescence, variations in used as a filter to attenuate spectral regions that
carrier density, modifications of reflectivity, and would otherwise interfere with the measurements
thermal effects. The basis of these effects is that of interest. The excited solar cell emits radiation,
defects and other inhomogenieties will cause per- either as narrow luminescence emission due to
turbations in the minority carrier concentration or transitions between discrete bands, or as broader
currents of minority carriers, and indirectly these thermal emission at longer wavelengths (as shown
will be mirrored as variations in luminescence in Figure 7). The detector types (Si, InGaAs, InSb
intensity, reflectivity, conductivity, and tempera- or HgCdTe) for the spectral ranges of interest
ture. For example, localized heating due to a the are indicated. Still shorter wavelength radiation
increased current around a shunt will raise the is emitted during (reverse bias) junction break-
local temperature around the shunt defect, which down. The wavelength-signatures of the radiation
can be revealed as an increase in temperature. allow helps identify the underlying process and
Imaging techniques can be used to estimate the defect type. The basic premise is that defects or
spatial variation of minority carrier lifetime and inhomogenieties will locally modify the emission,
diffusion length, and the presence of shunts. In the thus creating image features. Of course, except
following, we review four established methods: for a completely homogenous silicon wafer (no
carrier density imaging, electroluminescence grain boundaries) with uniform diffusion, the
imaging, photoluminescence imaging, thermal grids and intrinsic carrier collection patterns in
imaging, and thermoreflectance. The latter two even a ‘perfect’ solar cell will exhibit variations
methods depend on spatial temperature variations in radiative emission, providing a normal image
LBIC (light-beam induced current) mapping and with typical features. Superimposed on the normal
EBIC (electron-beam induced current) mapping image will be features due to shunts, metalliza-
have been well reviewed in other venues and, due tion spiking, electrically active grain boundaries,
to their relatively lengthy test time, they are not cluster of dislocations and other defects, and
amenable to the types of in-line inspection that the other areal inhomogenieties. In thermal imaging
other methods of imaging can serve. Still, LBIC methods, these will manifest as hot spots due to
and EBIC can provide benchmarks to compare temperature variations resulting from the local-
the performance of other imaging systems. Warta ized heating, for example. An analysis of these
(2002) discusses the place of imaging methods anomalies can provide for diagnostics in addition
from the wider perspective of solar cell defect to simple quality control checks. More detailed
and impurity diagnostics and process monitoring. analysis is possible when the sample (solar cell)
temperature and (optical or electrical) injection

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 7. Basic principles of luminescence imaging. (a) illumination of solar cell to generate excess
carriers, (b) emission mechanisms for relaxation of excited excess carriers in crystalline silicon, and
detector types: Si-, InGaAs-, InSb- or HgCdTe-based. After Kasemann et al. (2008).

dependence on images enables a carrier lifetime ity. Electroluminescence can use non-gated detec-
‘spectroscopy’ (Warta, 2002). Imaging methods tors, with only a simple current source, and
based on these luminescence mechanisms are exhibits good reproducibility, while its disadvan-
summarized in Table 1. tage is that it can only be applied to near-finished
The excitation for emission can also be solar cells with a junction and electrical contacts.
achieved by electrical injection, at stages of solar
cell processing where a junction and electrical Carrier Density Imaging
contacts have been formed on the device. True
(2010) notes the advantages of photoluminescence Carrier density imaging measures the transmission
include its applicability to finished solar cells or of IR light through the sample, the attenuation of
solar cells in process, as no contacts or junction which is proportional to the carrier density. Isen-
is required, but its disadvantages as an in-line berg et al. (2003) used a CCD camera setup for
inspection tool include requirements of a pulsed measuring carrier concentration related changes
light source and gated detection, critical timing in IR transmission (as shown in Figure 8). The
between light source and detection, need for hot plate behind the cell generates infrared radia-
highly uniform illumination and/or non-unifor- tion. A laser with 917 nm wavelength emission
mity correction, poor shot-to-shot reproducibil- (with silicon absorption length α-1 = 40 μm) il-

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Table 1. Summary of some imaging methods

mechanism measurands methods

Band to band Lifetime, diffusion length, interstitial iron, series resis- CDI, PLI, ELI
Luminescence tance, shunts
Defect luminescence dislocations ELI, PLI
thermal Hot spots, shunts, series resistance, trapping, emitter sheet TC-DLIT
resistance, junction breakdown, hot spots, local efficiency
CDI carrier density imaging
PLI photoluminescence imaging
ELI electroluminescence imaging
DLIT dark lock-in thermography

luminates the cell to generate minority carriers. to free carrier absorption. The spatially dependent
The resulting free carrier absorption, effective minority lifetime τeff (x , y ) may be in-
αn ≅ 10−18 λ 2n (for n-type material) and ferred from the steady-state balance between
αp ≅ 10−18 λ 2 p (for p-type material) is effective carrier generation rate G (x , y ), recombination
at the (sub-bandgap) long wavelength thermal rate W ⋅ ∆n(x , y ) / τeff (x , y ) as:
radiation from the hot plate. The CCD camera
maps the infrared transmission. The lock-in mode W ⋅ ∆n(x , y )
τeff (x , y ) =
mitigates the effects of thermal fluctuations on G (x , y )
the hot-plate source. The thermal transmission is
first mapped with no laser excitation, and then where W is the thickness of the wafer. As the
with laser excitation. The images are then sub- laser illumination is steady, the generation rate
tracted, and the difference is assumed to be due can be determined with a control silicon wafer.

Figure 8. Measurement set-up with lock-in thermography for carrier density imaging; after Isenberg
et al. (2003)

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Accordingly, a map of lifetimes can be deduced. for many types of solar cell defects. Trupke et
These researchers concluded that CDI is a suitable al. (2006) note that state-of-the-art silicon solar
tool for the measurement of lifetimes on low-time cells can exhibit external luminescence quantum
material, as-cut silicon wafers, and wafers after efficiencies for the order of 1%, but more typi-
diffusion. It was deemed feasible to reduce the cal commercial silicon solar cells show external
measurement time to less than 1 second with this quantum efficiencies in various stages of process-
techniques. ing on the order of 10-6. By comparison, a GaAs
Schubert et al. (2006) developed an injection- LED can achieve external quantum efficiencies
dependent carrier density imaging method which approaching 50%.
permits resolution of trapping effects. CDI images The basic set up of ELI is shown in Figure 9,
are made at different (laser) illumination levels, after Fuyuki (2003), who developed this technique.
from which it is feasible to determine injection- The solar cell (with metal contacts and p-n junction
level dependent lifetimes. Otherwise, trapping is forward biased with a current of 1-40 mA/cm2.
effects can mask actual minority carrier lifetimes. The electrolumiscence from the cell is captured
They developed a model where images of low- with a cooled Si CCD camera.
injection recombination lifetime, trap density, and Trupke et al. (2007) described ELI of silicon
trapping kinetics could be determined. Schubert solar cells in various stages of processing includ-
et al. (2007) noted that rough or textured surfaces ing after caustic etching of the silicon wafer,
have a significant impact on CDI measurements emitter diffusion, application of a SiN coating,
and lead to an overestimation of minority carrier and for fully processed solar cells. Excess minor-
lifetimes. Lifetime values can be corrected by ity carriers that recombine at the surface do not
taking emissivity into account through deconvo- contribute to electroluminescence. Temporary
lution and filtering. surface passivity can be achieved by immersing
the wafers in HF or iodine solutions during the
Electroluminescence Imaging ELI measurements. ELI (and photoluminescence
imaging) have been used for mapping of diffusion
In electroluminescence imaging, the solar cell is lengths (Fuyuki et al., 2006) series resistance
forward-biased to act as a light-emitting diode mapping (Trupke et al., 2006a), shunt imaging
(LED). Minority carriers are injected into the base (Bothe et al., 2006; Trupke et al., 2006; Kasemann
of the solar cell a fraction of which will recombine et al., 2006), iron imaging (MacDonald et al.,
due to band-to-band transitions which emit a pho- 2008), dislocation imaging (Arguirov et al., 2002;
ton. Although silicon is not an efficient source of Tarasov et al., 2004), and crack detection (Taka-
electroluminescence due to its indirect bandgap, hashi et al., 2006; Gabor et al., 2006). Figure 10
an image can be captured with the cell at room shows some examples of EL images of commer-
temperature using a Si CCD camera. Defects that cial monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon
introduce mid-gap states will provide an enhanced solar cells. The correspondence between SEM,
non-radiative recombination, lowering the amount LBIC, and EL imaging for a silicon solar cell
of radiative recombination. Thus, defective re- sample is indicated in Figure 11.
gions of the solar cell will appear as relatively The above cited work is almost exclusively
darker areas in the electroluminescence image. applied to crystalline silicon solar cells. Brown
Although silicon is a relatively poor lumi- et al. (2010) discuss electroluminescence inten-
nescent material (compared to direct bandgap sity (though not explicitly EL imaging) as applied
semiconductors such as GaAs), an appreciable EL to thin-film solar cells. They developed EL inten-
signal can be detected and it provides diagnostics sity equations as a function of materials properties

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 9. Experimental set-up for EL imaging; after Fukiyama (2003)

and compared them to EL measurements as a taic manufacturing are reviewed by Trupke and
function of both voltage and current, and com- McMillan (2010). PL imaging is now routinely
parisons with capacitance-voltage, quantum ef- used for assessing silicon ingots, wafers, solar
ficiency, and electron-beam induced current, and cells in various stages of fabrication, and solar
were able to separate effects of recombination in modules. They note the experimental challenges
space-charge regions and quasi-neutral bulk. for solar cell applications of PL imaging include:
Several features of thin-film solar cells, such as a) the requirement for continuous optical power
lateral inhomogenieties and secondary potential of typically 100 mW/cm2 over an area of at least
barriers, complicate the interpretation of results. 156-mm x 156-mm, b) the need for homogeneous
Bothe et al. (2009) studied the luminescence illumination over that area, and c) the low quantum
of light from commercial multicrystalline silicon efficiency of silicon luminescence. Commercial
solar cells under forward and reverse bias. They PLI systems (e.g., BT Imaging, Surry Hills, NSW,
observed localized light emission in sub-bandgap Australia) for in-line inspection have throughputs
1400 and 1700 nm wavelength region which was of 2400 wafers/hour.
attributed to clusters of oxygen. PLI estimates of bulk minority carrier lifetime
in silicon ingots prove to be a useful predictor
Photoluminescence Imaging (PLI) of silicon wafer quality and monitor for process
control. Haunschild et al. (2010a,b) used PLI on
Photoluminescence imaging (PLI) is similar to the side faces of silicon ‘bricks’ (multicrystalline
electroluminesnce imaging described above, ex- ingots) to rate the quality of the material near the
cept that the excess minority carriers are generated surface. In comparison to the competing technique
by photoexcitation by an external light source of microwave photoconductive decay (MW-PCD),
rather than electrical injection of a forward-biased PLI proved faster and revealed more details. PL
p-n junction. The main advantage of this non- images of wafers cut from an ingot for ‘tomo-
contact method is that this analysis method can graphic’ information that can be used to optimize
be implemented to wafers before formation of the the crystallization process.
junction and application of metallization. The basic Trupke et al. (2006a,b) reported PLI of silicon
method and its utility for silicon-based photovol- wafers as an extremely fast, spatially-resolved

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 10. EL imaging of multicrystalline silicon solar cell. a) photograph, and b) EL image; from
Fuyuki and Kitiyanan (2009)

characterization technique that could be applied technique for mapping minority carrier properties
to large area wafers. A 15-W/ 815-nm diode laser has implicit assumptions and limitations, and it is
is used to illuminate the samples. Illumination sometimes difficult to reconcile different results
intensity variation across 8.5-cm x 8.5-cm samples between different methods. An appealing feature
was less than 5%. The PLI was captured with a of PLI is that the same technique can be used from
1-megapixel silicon CCD camera thermoelectri- ingot to assembled module, and the method can
cally cooled to -20 ºC. Spatial (lateral) resolu- be readily applied before and after a process step
tions of 130 microns were achieved. A 1000-nm is implemented in order to assess the effect of that
wavelength cutoff long-pass filter blocks the laser process on minority carrier recombination. These
illumination from entering the CCD camera. Mi- workers noted that shortly after its introduction
nority carrier lifetimes ranging from 10 to 160 µs with UNSW (University of New South Wales)
over a single wafer were typical, and correlated buried contact solar cells, PLI ‘revolutionized
with minority carrier lifetimes resolved by carrier process monitoring and has been used routinely
density imaging (CDI). In practical cases, quasi- on an almost daily basis for all process and cell
steady-state photoluminescence imaging (QSS- development.”
PLI) is unaffected by depletion region modulation Giesecke et al. (2008) described PLI for mul-
effects, temperature variations due to excitation ticrystalline silicon wafers. Figure 12 shows two
illumination, or minority carrier trapping. Every alternative experimental set-ups for PL imaging

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

Figure 11. Comparison (from left to right) of SEM (scanning electron microscope), LBIC (light-beam
induced current), and EL image of silicon solar cell; from Fuyuki et al. (2006)

using either front side or back side illumination silicon solar cells from a PL measurements under
of the solar cell. Backside illumination eliminates open-circuit (no contact) and short circuit (both
the effect of reflected light on the image from contacts grounded). While this technique cannot
the illumination source, and in general, images be considered contactless (due to the grounding
obtained due to front vs. back illumination should of contacts), it does not involve an external driv-
differ due to different optical absorption path ing circuit as does EL measurements.
lengths for the excitation and emitted light. Due The photoluminescence intensity I PL is re-
to the small luminescence signal, it was estimated lated to excess minority carrier concentration ∆n
that the long pass filter must attenuate the laser and effective minority carrier lifetime τeff as
light reflected from the sample by eight order of
magnitude. 1

Hinken et al. (2009) developed a method for I PL = C ⋅ N D /A

W ∫ ∆n(x )dx = C ⋅ N D /A ⋅ ∆n
determining the effective diffusion length of 0

Figure 12. Photoluminescence imaging of solar cells: a. front-side illumination, b. backside illumina-
tion; after Giesecke et al. (2009)

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

and ment of reflection topology is used to subtract the

effects of the spurious laser reflection. Augarten
∆n et al. (2009) used photoluminescence imaging for
τeff = (2)
G both qualitative and quantitative shunt images.
They interpreted luminescence intensity around
where C is a calibration constant (for a fixed il- local shunts in terms of extracted current density,
lumination, optics, and detection sensitivity), and derived a theoretical relationship between PL
signal intensity and shunt current.
N D /A is the doping, ∆n is the wafer-thickness
averaged excess minority carrier, and G is the PLnonshunted − PLshunted Ashunted
generation rate (Trupke et al., 2007). Thus, for a ⋅ ⋅ I L = I shunt
PLnonshunted Acell
set excitation level, the minority carrier lifetime
is proportional to the excess carrier concentration,
which in turn is proportional to the luminescence
In general, PLI is fast, contactless, and does
not need sample preparation. PLI is relatively
Thermoreflectance is based on changes in a materi-
immune to carrier trapping effects, especially at
als reflectivity with temperature. Thus, variations
low injection levels. The following examples show
in temperature over the surface of solar cell will be
the versatility of PLI for in situ analysis of solar
indicated in a image of the cell reflection. As with
cell in various stages of processing.
other temperature-based techniques, defects and
Bardos et al. (2006) used PLI to compare
inhomogenieties create variations in the current
similarly-grown n-type and p-type string ribbon
distribution of the cell under bias, and thus are
multicrystalline silicon at two stages of solar
detectable This thermoreflectance is observed over
cell processing. They were able to discern that
a wide spectral range, but the effect is relatively
the minority carrier lifetime was significantly
small, and so requires sensitive imaging. Kendig
lower in p-type material than in n-type mate-
et al. (2010) used thermoreflectance imaging to
rial after a light phosphorus diffusion step, and
identify various defects in amorphous silicon, poly
could distinguish good and bad grains along the
silicon, and CdTe solar cells with a sub-micron
growth direction. The effects of SiN passivation
resolution. They used megapixel silicon-based
also differed according to the doping type of the
CCDs to capture thermoreflectance and electro-
silicon. Sugimoto and Tajima (2007) demonstrated
luminescence signals simultaneously.
rapid (~1s) characterization of multicrystalline
silicon wafers immersed in a HF solution. The
HF provides surface passivation to reduce non-
radiative surface recombination of minority
carriers, resulting in a high photoluminescence
signal by two orders of magnitude. Giesecke
Thermographic imaging is based on the idea
et al. (2009) reported a technique to increase
that non-uniformities in the areal temperature
PLI signal from imaging silicon wafers. When
distribution of a solar cell under light and/or
detection occurs from the illuminated side of the
electrical bias provides diagnostic capability for
wafer, the luminescence signal is superimposed
defects and manufacturing variation. By virtue
with reflected light from the laser excitation. A
of the electrical contacts and bus bar, the current
correction technique based on a separate measure-

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

distribution in conventional solar cells is inher- at a well-defined temperature which can be viewed
ently non-uniform. Superimposed on this baseline with a microscope as the sample is heated. Spatial
current distribution are current variations due to non-unifomities in temperature are recorded, with
inhomogenieties in series resistance, plus local- a resolution of 0.1 K and 2 to 4 microns. Related
ized regions of material defects and shunting. In techniques were applied to solar cells by Färber
multicrystalline material, there are variations in et al. (1998), Schmidt and Dierking (2001), and
current distribution due to grain boundaries. The Ballif et al. (2002). Schmidt and Dierking (2001)
current results in Joule heating, and to a lesser covered the solar cell with temperature-sensistive
extent thermoelectric (Peltier) heating and cool- polymer-dispersed cholersteric liquid crystal foils
ing. Examples consist of a localized shunt region to detect temperature variations in reverse-bias
that would exhibit a higher local current, localized to localize shunts. Correia et al. (2004) reported
heating, and manifest itself as a hot spot of higher an easy-to-use system for fast shunt analysis us-
temperature than the surrounding area or average ing a temperature-controlled stage with vacuum
temperature of the solar cell surface. An interrupted chuck for the solar cells, a liquid crystal foil
metallization line would translate to reduced cur- over the cell and a digital camera that images the
rent in that area, and lead to a cooler region of the temperature-dependent change in reflectivity of
cell surface. The first task is to thermally image the liquid crystal overlayer. They could distinguish
the solar cell with as high as sensitivity (measured between six types of shunts (due to busbar, fingers,
in smallest resolved temperature difference ΔT) scratches, cracks, past contamination, or material
and spatial resolution as feasible or practical. defects). A similar technique called fluorescence
The thermal imaging can be done under various microthermography (FMT) can be used to locate
electrical and optical biases. The second task is hot spots in devices and circuits (Herzum et al.,
to interpret the temperature distribution provided 1998). FMT is based on the temperature-dependent
by thermal image(s) in terms of types of defects luminescence efficiency of rare earth chelate
and manufacturing flaws, with the ultimate aim of dyes, such as europium theonyltrifluoroacetonate
eliminating or mitigating these defects. Thermo- (EuTTA) in a PMMA (acrylic) polymer matrix,
graphic imaging has been greatly facilitated and which are coated on the device under test. The
expanded in scope by the development of lock-in fluorescence emission spectra when excited with
thermography (LIT) techniques. In LIT of solar UV light) is a sensitive function of temperature
cells, repeated image capture is synchronized such that the integrated fluorescence intensity
to specific phases of a modulated electrical (or (from about 600 to 630 nm wavelength) around
sometimes optical) bias which provides the ther- room temperature is
mal stimulation of the solar cell. These images
can be summed or otherwise processed to provide I = I 0 exp(−T / T0 ) (4)
composite images with greatly enhanced signal-
to-noise ratios, yielding temperature resolutions The intensity temperature relationship can be
in the millikelvin range. calibrated with a surface of known temperatures
Before reviewing LIT, we mention a few other and a CCD camera can image the temperature
thermal imaging techniques that have been used for variation of the solar cell under test. Lateral and
solar cells and other electronic devices. Csendes et thermal resolutions of 0.5 microns and 6 mK were
al. (1996) reported a thermal mapping technique achieved with this method.
for integrated circuits using liquid crystals. The Direct thermal imaging with an infrared-sensi-
device under test is coated with a layer of nematic tive camera is appealing due to its simplicity, ease-
liquid crystal which undergoes a phase transition

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

of-interpretation, and potential for in-line process analyze temperature anomalies in solar modules
monitoring. Many engineers will be familiar with as an non-destructive evaluation tool performance
such qualitative thermal imaging of ‘heat leaks’ monitoring. Dunlop and Halton (2004) used a
in buildings and equipment, and inspecting for MCT (mercury cadmium telluride) mid-IR camera
‘hot spots’ in motors and printed circuit boards. to thermally image silicon wafers, solar cells and
Maldague (2001) provides a general exposition modules that were pulse heated with an electric
of infrared methods for non-destructive testing heating stage or high power xenon flash lamp.
including thermal emission, heat transfer, IR sen- They were able to detect cracks, but differentiating
sors and optics, imaging and analysis, materials, between real and apparent temperature differences
and experimental methods, for both passive (no due to varying emissivity proved problematic in
heat sourcing probing) and active (response to some instances.
thermal excitation). Although the relatively low
sensitivity of such direct imaging (compared to Lock-in Thermography
lock in methods) is limiting in diagnosing many
types of defects, there is nevertheless many tasks The most powerful method of thermal imaging
for which direct thermal imaging is well suited. of solar cells is based on lock-in thermography
King et al. (2000) surveyed applications of in- (LIT). A comprehensive treatment of LIT, not
frared imaging shunts in solar cells (including limited to solar cells, can be found in the book by
IR imaging of thin-film solar cells through glass Breitenstein and Langenkamp (2003). In addition
superstrates), resistive solder bonds in solar cell to φ(x , y ) = φsys (x , y ) + φsig (x , y ) elucidating
modules, reverse-bias heating in modules, by-pass semiconductor device defects in solar cells, LIT
diode functionality, module temperature distribu- has applications as a non-destructive evaluation
tion, and batteries and other balance-of-system (NDE) for modules (Sakagami and Kubo, 2002).
components. Pilla et al. (2002) described a ther- Giorelo and Meola (2002) compare conventional
mographic imaging set-up to inspect for cracked pulse thermography and modulated (lock in)
solar cells. The solar cell is heated by illumina- thermography in glass-epoxy laminates, the latter
tion to about 5 ºC over the ambient temperature technique provides higher spatial resolution and
(which is typical in real applications) and lateral is less perturbed by variations in emissivity and
cooling is induced by blowing air on the solar cell heating. Reviews of lock-in thermography applied
and simultaneously monitoring the temperature to solar cells is provided by Bauer et al. (2009),
evolution with an IR camera. This enhances the but as applications to solar cells continues to
temperature contrast of cracks, which are enhanced progress the reader should consult the current
using edge-detection (e.g., Sobel-gradient) image literature, especially the photovoltaics research
processing algorithms. Avdelidis et al. (2011) confererences. Rotolante and Schneider (2011)
reported the use of an IR camera (FLIR SC 640, provide some useful practical information on set-
640 x 40 pixel uncooled microbolometer focal up and camera specifications for infrared lock-in
plane array camera with response in the 7.5 to 13 techniques in solar cell inspection.
micron wavelength range and sensitivity of 60 mK) The lock-in thermography process is illustrated
to monitor the performance of solar modules in in Figure 13. A periodic excitation, in the form of
the field. Tsanakas and Botsaris (2011) combined electrical bias (e.g., terminal voltage of the solar
thermal imaging with a transfer analysis of the cell) or optical bias (illumination of the solar
laminate structure of modules (tedlar, EVA, solar cell), or some combination, creates a time- and
cell, EVA, glass) along with ambient conditions
(temperature, humidity, wind speed) to detect and

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

spatially varying time-periodic temperature field tiple images or frames, at a sampling frame rate
in the solar cell. ffr, synchronized to the excitation, is taken during
each cycle by the camera. Two new sets of im-
T (x , y, t ) = A(x , y ) exp [i(ωt − φ(x , y )] (5) ages are created: a pair of images from each raw
image frame is created by multiplying through
two distinct discrete sine and negative cosine
where the phase delay φ(x , y ) is due to both the 

measurement system and the heat transfer through weighting factors. These are denoted by K 0 and

the solar cell or other device under test (phase K −90 because of their phase relationship to the
delay signal of interest) excitation power waveform P, sine as 0º and –cos
as -90º. The second weighting factor (-90°) is
φ(x , y ) = φsys + φsig (6) called the quadrature signal according to its phase
relationship with the first weighting factor. Its use
rather than +cos is conventional due to the prefer-
The system phase delay (due to measurement ence for non-negative results (Gupta and Breiten-
setup) can be determined in a calibration by mea- stein, 2007). This ‘two channel’ processing is
suring a homogeneously heated surface where required because, in general, the phase delay is
φsig = π / 2 and φ(x , y ) = φsys . A series of mul-

Figure 13. Lock-in thermography system for thermal imaging of solar cells. After Bauer et al. (2009).
F(t) represents the 2-D array (x,y) of intensities for each pixel in the image at some discrete image cap-
ture time t, for a series of successive image captures. For each image, two new images are calculated
using the weighting factors sin(t), denoted as K0º and –cos(t), denoted as K-90º These are respectively
summed to yield images S0º and S-90º.

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

not known. These two channels of images are where n is the number of frames captured during
separately summed. The total number summed the excitation pulse period T. The value of n is
for each channel depending on how long the typically 10 to 20, and must be greater than 4
device is imaged, and thus how many frames are according to the Nyquist sampling theorem for
captured). The longer the imaging time, the a two-channel measurement. Breitenstein et al.
higher the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). (2004) discuss other timing schemes for lock-in
This is the essential reason why high sensitiv- thermography including undersampling proce-
ity can be attained. The noise is uncorrelated to dures. For imaging with cameras working in the
the power waveform and frame rate, whereas the 3-5 micron range, the spatial resolution would be
weighted images add ‘constructively’ during the comparable to the wavelength. Breitenstein et al.
summation process. The temperature resolution (2006) described silicon-based solid-immersion
in a single image capture will be limited by the lenses that improved the spatial resolution of LIT
NETD (noise equivalent temperature difference) to 1.4 microns, but at close working distances of
of the camera (e.g., ~5 mK), but integrating mul- ~1 mm. This is of interest for microelectronic
tiple image captures ( flock −in = 20 Hz; T = 50 ms) device imaging if not yet most solar cells ap-
using the lock-in scheme can achieve sensitivities plications of LIT.
of 10 microKelvin, which is adequate to detect As indicated in Figure 13, the result of the
the localized heating associated with many types lock-in thermal imaging process is two 2-D image
 
of solar cell defects and inhomogenieties. The arrays S 0 (x , y ) and S −90 (x , y ) , which are re-
apparent temperature may be different from the lated to the amplitude and phase as from which
actual temperature due to variations in emissiv- an amplitude image
ity. This can be corrected by covering the solar
cell with a thin black film, or can be factored out
(S ) ( )
2 2
0 

as discussed below. A(x , y ) = (x , y ) + S −90 (x , y ) (9)

The spatial resolution is fundamentally limited
by the wavelength (e.g., 3 to 5 microns) of the and a phase image
infrared light, and also by the spreading of the heat
wave which smears out the temperature, an effect  −S −90 (x , y )
which is characterized by the material-specific Φ(x , y ) = arctan  0  (10)
thermal diffusion length which goes as  S (x , y ) 

1  
(7) can be calculated. S 0 (x , y ) , S −90 (x , y ) and
flock −in A(x , y ) are directly proportional to the tempera-
ture T (x , y ) and can be scaled by calibrating a
Thus, a fast lock-in rate improves spatial reso- homogeneous surface of known temperature.
lution, but this is constrained by the frame rate Φ(x , y ) is the phase shift between the signal and
of the camera. The lock in frequency is related to lock-in reference signal. The amplitude image
the camera frame rate indicates the heating or strength (magnitude of
current) at a local shunt. More particularly,

ff r S −90 (x , y ) is proportional to the heat dissipated
flock −in ≤ (8)
n at the shunt and can be used to quantify the extent
of shunting. Because the phase image involves
the ratio of intensities, it is free of emissivity

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

contrasts can simplify interpretation of results. (e.g., space charge recombination vs. injection-
Breitenstein et al (2004) have suggested still diffusion)
another computed image Measuring the amplitude images at two dif-
ferent bias voltages V1 and V2, the local ideality
factor n(x,y) can be estimated as

o o S 0 (x , y )
S 0 /−90 (x , y ) ≡ 
S −90 (x , y )
e(V2 −V1 )
n(x , y ) = (15)
 AV2 (x , y ) ×V 
which combines the good spatial resolution char- 
kT ln V1 1
 A (x , y ) ×V 

acteristic of the S 0 (x , y ) image with the emissiv-  2

ity correction of the Φ(x , y ) .

Following Breitenstein et al. (2003), a local Similarly,
current-voltage (I-V) characteristic measured
thermally, denoted as LIVT, can be related to the   V1   V2 
V ln  A (x , y ) −V ln  A (x , y ) 
 2  V 
 1  V  
amplitude image A(x,y) as J 0 (x , y ) = c ⋅ exp  1 2 
V − V 
 2 1 
 
A(x , y )  
LIVT (x , y ) = α I (x , y ) (12)
V (16)

where V is the bias voltage. A shunt current Ishunt where c is found from cell-averaged values as
with area Areashunt can be estimated from the
 I 2 ×V2
S −90 (x , y ) image as c= (17)
SV2 (x , y ) × Acell
I ×S Areashunt
I shunt = cell shunt ⋅ (13) Below, we review some of the LIT measure-
−90 Areacell
Scell ment techniques and image analysis methods
to diagnose solar cells. The LIT measurements

where the S −90 and Area values are referred to can be done with an optical excitation, electrical
the shunt region and the average for entire solar excitation, and further, at different points along
cell. Parameters in a local solar cell dark I-V curve, its I-V characteristic: short-circuit (current),
i.e., open-circuit (voltage), maximum power point, or
reverse-bias. These variations are used according
 eV  to which solar cell characteristic is sought: series
J (V ) = J 0 (V ) ⋅ exp   (14) resistance Rs or shunt (parallel) resistance Rp,
 n(V )kT 
  saturation currents, reverse-saturation currents (J01
or J02), ideality factor n, effective minority carrier
where V is the local bias, J0(V) is the (voltage- lifetime τeff, or various other material defects such
depenendent) recombination current, n(V) is as grain boundaries, precipitates, or dislocation
the (voltage-dependent) diode ideality factor, k clusters. Isenberg et al. (2005) has summarized
is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the absolute these techniques, as shown in Table 2.
temperature. The voltage dependence of J0 and n In an early practical solar cell application of
allow for extraction at various bias levels where LIT, Breitenstein et al. (2001) evaluated shunts
the dominant diode mechanism may change due to laser scribing and cleaving in silicon cells

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

using lock-in thermography that could detect where Vloc (x , y ) is the local voltage bias and
temperature variations as low as 10 microKelvin. J loc (x , y ) is the local current density.
They were thus able to localize shunting and The electroluminescence image SEL, can be
optimize the laser scribing/cleaving process with related to the local voltage bias
respect to avoiding shunt losses.
Kaminski et al. (2004) compared LBIC (light- Vloc (x , y ) through an equation of the form
beam induced current) and LIT images of polycrys-
talline silicon solar cells. In many respects, these
 ∆η(z ) 
techniques provide complementary information SEL = ∫ B(t, n, p) ⋅ n (T ) ⋅ exp 
kT 
about the solar cell. LBIC reveals inhomogenieties z

that reduce short-circuit current, such as areas of (19)

high minority carrier recombination, while LIT
shows effects that have an impact on open-circuit where B(T,n,p) is the radiative recombination
voltage and fill factor such as ohmic shunts. coefficient for silicon, ni is the intrinsic carrier
Ramspeck et al. (2007) combined electrolumines- concentration, and ∆η is the splitting of the
cence imaging and lock-in thermography to map quasi-Fermi levels, and z is the depth from the
the recombination current and series resistance front surface. With some assumptions, this leads
of large-area crystalline silicon solar cells. The to
measured total power loss of the cell was used
to scale the DLIT (dark lock-in thermography) kT
Vloc (x , y ) = ln[SEL (x , y )] + c (20)
image to determine a local heating power density e

S → Ploc (x , y ) = Vloc (x , y ) × J loc (x , y ) (18)

Table 2. Summary LIT methods for solar analysis; after Isenberg et al. (2005)

Parameter Intention Suggested Method Comments

J 01 / τeff detect ILIT @ Voc J 01 is the direct measurand

Rp detect ILIT or DLIT linear and non-linear shunts

@ ≈Vmpp detected
ILIT or DLIT only linear shunts
distinguish from J 0X @ ≈Vmpp

Rs detect ILIT @ JSc or diode currents and bulk recom-

Rs-ILIT @Jsc/Vmpp bination
Compare ILIT @Jsc or several methods of comparison
distinguish from J 0X , Rp ILIT @ Voc/Vmpp used

detect ILIT or DLIT may be susceptible to non-

J 02 @ Vmpp linear shunts

distinguish Rp from Rs See entries for Rp and Rs

overall power loss ILIT @ Vmpp directly proportional to spatial
distribution of power losses
Notes: ILIT = illuminated lock-in thermography, DLIT = dark lock in thermography, Rp is the parallel or shunt resistance, Rs is the series
resistance, J0i are the reverse-saturation dark currents, τ is the effective minority carrier lifetime, Voc = at open-circuit voltage, Vmpp at
maximum power point, Jsc at short-circuit current.

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

From which a local series resistance can be CONCLUSION

determined as
Image capture, processing, and analysis provide a
Vappl −Vloc (x , y ) remarkable array of tools for solar cell research,
Rloc (x , y ) = (21)
J rec (x , y ) diagnostics, and quality control. Virtually ev-
ery stage of the fabrication process, from grain
structure of ingots, cleaning, etching and surface
where Vappl is the external bias applied to the solar
texturing, junction formation, to applications of
cell and which assumes the total local current
metallizations and anti-reflection coatings can be
responsible for heating is equal to the recombina-
productively investigated by image analysis. Un-
tion current. Kasemann et al. (2006) have made
like most products, the solar cell can be energized
similar analyses combining luminescence imaging
by light and/or (at later stages of fabrication)
and illuminated DLIT.
applied voltages that spatially modulate optical,
Most of the work on LIT to solar cells has been
thermal, and electrical properties and phenomena
directed toward monocrystalline or multicrystal-
(reflection, luminescence, conductivity) of solar
line wafer-based silicon solar cells. Bau et al.
cell structures. A home-made CCD camera image
(2002) used LIT for shunt analysis of epitaxial
analysis systems can be built for modest cost, and
thin-film silicon solar cells. Straube et al. (2011)
the availability of IR cameras with increasing
reported the use of illuminated LIT at different
sensitivity and functionality at lower costs should
wavelengths for distinguishing shunts in the top
widen the accessibility of this technology to most
and bottom cells of tandem solar cells. Shunting
researchers. Equipment manufacturers offer an
could be identified in tandem solar cells (amor-
array of sophisticated instruments. Imaging is
phous silicon on microcrystalline silicon thin
well-suited for process control, due to its non-
films), by performing illuminated (through the
contact nature (with the exception of electrolu-
glass superstrate, under open-circuit voltage) LIT
minescence), and high throughput. As might be
with white, blue, or infrared excitation, allowing
expected, most of the work to date been directed
discrimination of shunts in the bottom cell, top
to wafer-based mono- and multicrystalline silicon
cell, or across both cells in series.
solar cells, but the extension of these methods
to non-silicon solar cells, thin-film solar cells,
Comparisons and Interpretation and solar cells with nano-scale features appears
productive as well.
Berman et al. (2008) evaluated four imaging
techniques for electrical characterization of solar
cells: photoluminescence imaging, carrier density
imaging (CDI), electroluminescence and dark
lock-in thermography shunt detection. Photolu- Abbott, M. D., Cotter, A. E., Trupke, T., Fisher,
minescence imaging and carrier density imaging K., & Bardos, R. A. (2006). Application of pho-
both generate signals which are proportional to toluminescence to high-efficiency silicon solar
the excess (non-equilibrium) carrier concentration. cell fabrication. Conference Record 2006 IEEE
There is generally good agreement between these 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy
methods and LBIC and EBIC studies. Conversion (6 pp).

Image Processing for Solar Cell Analysis, Diagnostics and Quality Assurance Inspection

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Chapter 15
Artificial Intelligence
Techniques for Solar Energy
and Photovoltaic Applications
Radian Belu
Drexel University, USA & Desert Research Institute, USA

Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques play an important role in modeling, analysis, and prediction of the
performance and control of renewable energy. The algorithms employed to model, control, or to predict
performances of the energy systems are complicated involving differential equations, large computer
power, and time requirements. Instead of complex rules and mathematical routines, AI techniques are
able to learn the key information patterns within a multidimensional information domain. Design,
control, and operation of solar energy systems require long-term series of meteorological data such as
solar radiation, temperature, or wind data. Such long-term measurements are often non-existent for most
of the interest locations or, wherever they are available, they suffer of a number of shortcomings (e.g.
poor quality of data, insufficient long series, etc.). To overcome these problems AI techniques appear to
be one of the strongest candidates. The chapter provides an overview of commonly used AI methodolo-
gies in solar energy, with a special emphasis on neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms.
Selected AI applications to solar energy are outlined in this chapter. In particular, methods using the
AI approach for the following applications are discussed: prediction and modeling of solar radiation,
seizing, performances, and controls of the solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.

INTRODUCTION, REVIEW OF AI has all the above abilities of natural organic intelli-
TECHNIQUES gence. Hence it is known as ‘Artificial Intelligence’
(AI). AI emerged as a computer science discipline
Intelligence is the ability to think, to imagine, in the mid1950s. Since then, it has produced a
create, memorize, understand, recognize patterns, number of powerful tools, many of which are
make choices, adapt to change and learn from expe- of practical use in engineering to solve difficult
rience. Artificial intelligence is a human endeavor problems normally requiring human intelligence.
to create a non-organic machine-based entity that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been defined as the

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch015
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

study of how to make computers do things which renewable energy engineering. For the modeling,
at the moment, people do better (Haugeland, 1985, prediction of performance and control of renew-
Rich and Knight, 1991). An Expert System (ES) is able energy processes, analytic computer codes are
a computer program that assimilates and reasons often used. The algorithms employed are usually
with knowledge obtained from some expert(s) complicated involving the solution of complex
with a view to solving problem(s) or giving ad- differential equations, requiring large computer
vice. Thus expert systems are software packages power and need a considerable amount of time
which translate human expertise into computer to give accurate predictions. Instead of complex
programs. Portability of software makes the use rules and mathematical routines, AI systems are
of expert systems very attractive where human able to learn the key information patterns within
expertise is scarce or costly or is likely to be lost a multi-dimensional information domain.
through mobility. Applications of AI techniques to The use of the AI techniques in the environ-
power and renewable energy systems has been an mental and renewable energy applications has
active area of research for over three decades and increased with recognition of its potential. Many
significant successes have been achieved. Among of the renewable energy problems are exactly
the AI techniques, artificial neural networks, fuzzy the types of problems, and issues for which AI
logic, expert or knowledge based systems have approach appears to be most applicable. In these
been the most successful. models of computation, attempts are made to
AI techniques play an important role in model- simulate the cognitive and sensory functions of the
ing, analysis and prediction of the performance human brain and to use this capability to represent
and control of renewable energy processes. AI and manipulate knowledge in the form of patterns.
techniques have been used to solve complicated Based on these patterns, ANNs, for example,
practical problems in various areas of engineer- model input-output functional relationships and
ing and technology and are become increasingly can make predictions about other combinations
popular. AI systems can be used as an alternative of unseen inputs. The AI techniques have the
way to tackle complex and ill-defined problems. potential for making better, quicker and more
They can learn from examples, are fault tolerant practical predictions than any of the traditional
in the sense that they are able to handle noisy methods. On the other hand, data from the renew-
and/or incomplete data, are able to deal with non- able energy processes, being inherently noisy, are
linear problems, and once trained can perform a good candidate to be handled with AI systems.
prediction and generalization at high speed. AI In the following subsections of this chapter short
systems have been used in diverse applications introduction to the AI techniques is presented, as
in control, robotics, pattern recognition, forecast- well as their advantages and disadvantages.
ing, power systems, manufacturing, optimization,
signal processing, or medical, and social sciences.
They are particularly useful in system modeling ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS
such as in implementing complex mappings and
system identification. AI systems comprise areas Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are infor-
like, expert systems, artificial neural networks, mation-processing systems inspired by models
data mining, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and formulated from the workings of the brain. An
various hybrid systems, combining two or more ANN consists of interconnected layers of neurons
techniques. Results presented in various papers, or processing elements. Information is passed
are testimony to the potential of artificial intelli- between these units along the interconnections.
gence as a design tool in many areas of energy and Data is passed through the network from layer to

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

layer via synapses or connections, each of which processing units in an ANN are interconnected
is characterised by a weight/strength of its own. by links (synapses) with weights.
In addition an activation function is associated The network has an input layer, an output
to limit the amplitude of the output of a neuron layer and any number of hidden layers (usually
and is shown in Figure 1. To achieve the desired one or two). A neuron is linked to all neurons in
relationship between the input and output of a the next layer, as shown in Figure 2.
network, values must be derived for the connection Neuron x has n inputs and one output:
weights and the activation functions. The process
of this derivation is called supervised training.  n 
y(x ) = f ∑ wi x i  (1)
ANNs while implemented on computers are not  i =0 
programmed to perform specific tasks. Instead,
they are trained with respect to data sets until
where w0,..., wn are the input weights and f is the
they learn patterns used as inputs. Once they are
non-linear activation function (Krishnamoorthy
trained, new patterns may be presented to them
and Rajeev, 1996; Pham and Liu, 1995), usually a
for prediction or classification. ANNs can auto-
step function or a sigmoid. The step function output
matically learn to recognize patterns in data from
is y = 1 if x ≥ 0, and 0 otherwise. The sigmoid
real systems or from physical models, computer
function, more commonly used, is asymptotic
programs, or other sources. They can handle
about 0 and 1 and anti-symmetric about (0, 0.5):
many inputs and produce answers that are in a
form suitable for designers or further processing.
f (x ) = (2)
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) 1 + exp(−βx )

MLPs are perhaps the most common type of feed- ANNs, while implemented on computer, are
forward networks. Figure 2 shows an MLP which not programmed to perform specific tasks. Instead,
has three layers: an input layer, an output layer they are trained with respect to data sets until they
and a hidden layer. Neurons in input layer only learn patterns used as inputs. Once they are trained,
act as buffers for distributing the input signals x new pattern may be presented to them for predic-
to neurons in the hidden layer. An incoming con- tion or classification. ANNs are constructed in
nection has two values associated with it an input layer connects to one or more hidden layers where
and a weight, as shown in Figure 1. The output of
the unit is a function of the summed value. The
Figure 2. An example of an artificial neural
Figure 1. A simple processing element

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

E P = ∑ (yPk − oPk )
the factual processing is performance through (3)
weighted connections. Each neuron in the hidden k

layer joins weighted connections. The results of

the processing are acquired from the output layer. For weights’ modification of the output layer,
Learning in ANNs is achieved through particular the direction in which the weights need to be
training algorithms which are expanded in accor- shifted is determined by the negative gradient of
dance with the learning laws, assumed to simulate Ep (3) with respect to the weight wkj. The
the learning mechanisms of biological systems adjustments in the weight for each neuron is
(Belu et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2008). However, the product of the error in the neuron’s output, the
as an assembly of neurons, a neural network can gradient of the neuron’s output, the net input given
learn to perform complex tasks including pattern to the neuron and a learning rate parameter. The
recognition, system identification, trend predic- weight’s modification in a hidden layer is done
tion and process control (Belu et al., 2003; Chen in proportion to the gradient of Ep with respect
et al., 2008; Kalogirou, 2001; Kalogirou, 2007). to the hidden layer weights. In this way, each
Data are presented to the neural network via input updated weight in a hidden layer is dependent
layer, while the output layer holds the response on all the error terms of the output layer. Thus,
of the network to the input. All hidden and output the errors that could be exactly determined only
neurons process their layer input by multiplying for the output layer are propagated back to the
each input by its weight (1), summing the prod- hidden layers. MLP learning takes place under
ucts, and then processing the sum via activation supervision, and an important parameter that has
(transfer) function to generate a result. Informa- a controlling effect is the learning rate constant.
tion flow is unidirectional in feed-forward ANNs, It decides the magnitude of changes to the con-
with no cycles, but in both directions in feedback nection weights. A high learning rate constant has
ANNs so they have cycles, by which their states the advantage of faster learning, but it may cause
evolves to equilibrium (Fuller, 2000; Kalogirou, the weights to bounce around error minima, thus
2001). In a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), perhaps failing to learn properly. On the other hand, if the
the most common type of feed-forward networks, learning rate constant is too small, the learning
input signals are propagated in gradually modified may take a long time because of the slow descent
form in the forward direction, finally reaching along the error surface, which may be favourable
the output layer. as the network may find a better error minimum
An important characteristic of the sigmoid and, hence, more accurate learning.
activation function (2) that it is differentiable
throughout its domain, which makes it suitable for Radial Basis Function (RBF)
use in the conjunction with a learning algorithm
(the weight modification is done in propagation The RBF network is a type of network that is very
to the negative gradient of the output). The error useful for pattern classification (Belu et al., 2003;
for hidden layers is determined by propagating Tefler and Kadambe, 1992). Figure 3 shows the
back the error determined for the output layer; structure of a RBF network consisting of three lay-
hence the technique is named back-propagation. ers of neurons. The input layer neurons receive the
During learning, the weights of the neurons are input pattern (x1 to xN). The hidden layer neurons
optimised according to the Generalized Delta provide a set of activation functions that constitute
Rule (GDR), which is the learning algorithm for an arbitrary “basis” for the input patterns in the
back-propagation MLP network. The error that is input space to be expanded into the hidden space
minimized by the GDR is the sum of the squares by the way of nonlinear transformation. At the
of the errors for all the output units, defined as: input of each hidden neuron, the distance between

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 3. Topology of an RBF network (adapted

the centre of each activation or basis function and
from Chen et al., 2008)
the input vector is calculated. Applying the basis
function to this distance produces the output of the
hidden neuron. The RBF network outputs y1 to yp
are formed by the output layer neurons as weighted
sums of the hidden layer neuron activations (Chen
et al., 2008; Haykin, 1994). The basis function is
generally chosen to be a standard function which
is positive at its centre x =0, and then decreases
uniformly to zero on either side. A common choice
is the Gaussian distribution function. The output
of the RBF network yj is given by:

k  x − ci 
y j = ∑ w ji K   (4)
i =1  σi 

where wji is the weight of the hidden neuron i to

the output j, ci is the centre of the basis function
i, σi is the spread of the function, and K(x) is the FUZZY LOGIC
activation function.
The purpose of training an RBF network is to The concept of Fuzzy Logic (FL) was conceived
determine the neuron weights wji, RBF centres by Lotfi Zadeh (1965, 1972) a professor at the
ci and spreads σi that enable the network to pro- University of California at Berkley, and pre-
duce the correct outputs yj corresponding to the sented not as a control methodology, but as a
input patterns x. The training of an RBF network way of processing data by allowing partial set
involves the minimization of an error function. membership rather than crisp set membership or
The error function defines the total difference non-membership. This approach to set theory was
between the actual and desired output of the not applied to control systems until the 70’s due to
network over a set of training patterns. Training insufficient small-computer capability prior to that
proceeds by presenting to the network a pattern time. Professor Zadeh reasoned that people do not
of known class taken from the training set. The require precise, numerical information input, and
error component associated with that pattern is yet they are capable of highly adaptive control.
the sum of the squared differences between the If feedback controllers could be programmed to
desired and actual outputs of the network corre- accept noisy, imprecise input, they would be much
sponding to the presented pattern. The procedure more effective and perhaps easier to implement.
is repeated for all the patterns in the training set In this context, FL is a problem-solving control
and the error components for all the patterns are system methodology that lends itself to imple-
summed to yield the value of the error function mentation in systems ranging from simple, small,
for an RBF network with a given set of basis embedded micro-controllers to large, networked,
function centres, spreads and neuron connection multi-channel PC or workstation-based data
weights (Pham et al., 2006). acquisition and control systems. It can be imple-
mented in hardware, software, or a combination
of both. FL provides a simple way to arrive at a

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

definite conclusion based upon vague, ambiguous, 3. FL is not limited to a few feedback inputs and
imprecise, noisy, or missing input information one or two control outputs, nor is it necessary
Fuzzy logic is a form of multi-valued logic to measure or compute parameters’ change
derived from fuzzy set theory to deal with rea- rate in order to be implemented. Any sen-
soning that is approximate rather than precise. sor data that provides some indication of a
In contrast with “crisp logic”, where binary sets system’s actions and reactions is sufficient,
have binary logic, fuzzy logic variables may have allowing the use of imprecise and inexpen-
a truth value that ranges between 0 and 1 and is sive sensors thus keeping the overall system
not constrained to the two truth values of classic cost and complexity low.
propositional logic (Zadeh, 1965). Furthermore, 4. Because of the rule-based operation, any rea-
when linguistic variables are used, these degrees sonable number of inputs can be processed
may be managed by specific functions. Fuzzy and numerous outputs generated, although
logic is used mainly in control engineering. It is defining the rule-base quickly becomes
based on fuzzy logic reasoning which employs complex if too many inputs and outputs are
linguistic rules in the form of IF-THEN-ELSE chosen for a single implementation since
statements. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy control feature rules defining their interrelations must also
a relative simplification of a control methodology be defined. It would be better to break the
description. This allows the application of a “hu- control system into smaller chunks and use
man language” to describe the problems and their several smaller FL controllers distributed
fuzzy solutions. In many control applications, on the system.
the model of the system is unknown or the input 5. FL can control nonlinear systems that
parameters are highly variable and unstable. In would be difficult or impossible to model.
such cases, fuzzy controllers can be applied. These This opens doors for control systems that
are more robust and cheaper than conventional would normally be deemed unfeasible for
PID controllers. It is also easier to understand and automation.
modify fuzzy controller rules, which not only use
human operator’s strategy but, are expressed in Fuzzy systems (FS) use fuzzy sets to deal with
natural linguistic terms. FL offers several unique imprecise and incomplete data. In conventional
features that make it a particularly good choice set theory an object is a member of a set or not,
for many control problems. but fuzzy membership takes any value between 0
and 1. Figure 4 shows the component of a typical
1. It is inherently robust since it does not re- fuzzy loguic system. Fuzzification transforms
quire precise, noise-free inputs and can be exact (crisp) input values into fuzzy membership
programmed to fail safely if a feedback sen- (Zadeh, 1965, Robert, 1995). Fuzzy models are
sor quits or is destroyed. The output control built on prior rules, combined with fuzzified data
is a smooth control function despite a wide by the fuzzy inference machine. The resulting
range of input variations. fuzzy output is transformed to a crisp number
2. Since the FL controller processes user- (defuzzification). Techniques include maximum,
defined rules governing the target control mean-of maximum and centroid defuzzification.
system, it can be modified and tweaked Figure 3 shows the components of a fuzzy system.
easily to improve or drastically alter sys- The development of fuzzy logic was motivated
tem performance. New sensors can easily by the need for a conceptual framework which
be incorporated into the system simply by can address the issue of uncertainty and lexical
generating appropriate governing rules. imprecision. Some of the essential characteristics
of fuzzy logic relate to the following (Yager, 1987):

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

• In fuzzy logic, exact reasoning is viewed a fuzzy system is determining good membership
as a limiting case of approximate functions. Fuzzy systems have no learning capa-
reasoning; bilities or memory. To overcome such limitations,
• In fuzzy logic, everything is a matter of fuzzy modeling is often combined with other
degree; techniques to form hybrid systems (Lakhmi and
• In fuzzy logic, knowledge is interpreted as a Martin, 1998; Von Altrock, 1995; Tefler and Kad-
collection of elastic or, equivalently, fuzzy ambe, 1992). Fuzzy systems handle incomplete or
constraint on a collection of variables; imprecise data in applications including function
• Inference is viewed as a process of propa- approximation, classification or clustering, control
gation of elastic constraints and prediction. Zadeh (1965, 1972) stated that the
• Any logical system can be fuzzified. attempts to automate various types of activities
from assembling hardware to medical diagnosis
There are two main characteristics of fuzzy have been impeded by the gap between the way
systems that give them better performance for human beings reason and the way computers are
specific applications: programmed. It attempts to incorporate the “rule
of thumb” approach generally used by human
• Fuzzy systems are suitable for uncertain or beings for decision-making. Thus, fuzzy logic
approximate reasoning, especially for the provides an approximate but effective way of
system with a mathematical model that is describing the behavior of systems that are not
difficult to derive’ easy to describe precisely.
• Fuzzy logic allows decision making with Fuzzy logic controllers, for example, are ex-
estimated values under incomplete or un- tensions of the common expert systems that use
certain information. production rules like “if-then” statements. With
fuzzy controllers, however, linguistic variables
The ability of fuzzy logic systems to handle like “tall” and “very tall” might be incorporated
vague or imprecise information represents one in a traditional expert system. The result is that
of its main strengths over other AI techniques, fuzzy logic can be used in controllers that are
although they also are easy to understand and capable of making intelligent control decisions in
apply. One of the main difficulties in developing sometimes volatile and rapidly changing problem

Figure 4. The main components of a fuzzy system

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

environments. Fuzzy logic techniques have been parent with probability computed from the fitness
successfully applied in a number of applications fi of each individual (Kalogirou, 2007):
like, computer vision, decision-making and system
design including ANN training. The most exten- f
sive use of fuzzy logic is in the area of control, F = i
where examples include controllers for cement

kilns, braking systems, elevators, washing ma-

chines, hot water heaters, air-conditioners, video
Reproduction is by genetic cross over and
cameras, rice cookers and photocopiers. Fuzzy
mutation. Crossover produces offspring by
logic has been used for the solar radiation predic-
exchanging chromosome segments from two
tion (Mellit et al., 2009) and for the development
parents. Mutation randomly changes part of one
of a solar tracking mechanism (Kalogirou, 2007).
parent’s chromosome. This occurs in frequently
and introduces new genetic material. Although
mutation plays a smaller part than crossover in
advancing the search, it is critical in maintaining
genetic diversity. If diversity is lost, evolution is
A genetic algorithm (GA) is a stochastic process
retarded or may stop. In steady-state GAs offspring
that mimics the natural process of biological
generated by the genetic operators, replace less
evolution (Harp and Samad, 1991; Buckeles and
fitted members, resulting in higher average fit-
Petry, 1992). GA’s are inspired by the way living
ness. Simple or generational algorithms replace
organisms are adapted to the harsh environment,
each entire generation (Forest, 1993). Selection
i.e. by evolution and inheritance. The algorithms
and reproduction are repeated until a stopping
imitate in the process, the evolution of population
criterion is met, e.g. all organisms are identical or
by selecting only fit individuals for reproduction.
very similar, a given number of evaluations have
Therefore, a GA is an optimum search technique
been completed, or maximum fitness has been
based on the concepts of natural selection and
reached; evolution no longer yields better results.
survival of the fittest. It works with a fixed-size
GAs are computationally simple and robust,
population of possible solutions of a problem,
and balance load and efficacy well (Forest, 1993).
called individuals, which are evolving in time.
This partly results from only examining fitness,
GA’s find extensive applications in intelligent
ignoring other information such as derivatives.
search, machine learning and optimization prob-
Genetic Algorithms treat the model as a black
lems. Problem states in a GA are denoted by
box, an advantage when detailed information
chromosomes, which are usually represented by
is unavailable. An important strength of GAs is
binary strings. A GA utilizes three principal genetic
implicit parallelism; a much larger number of
operators (Buckeles, 1992; Forest, 1993; Kalogi-
code sequences are indirectly sampled than are
rou, 2007). The initial population G(0) is gener-
actually tested by the GA. Unlike most stochastic
ated randomly. Thereafter G(t) produces G(t+1)
search techniques, which adjust a single solution,
through selection and reproduction (Buckeles,
GA keeps a population of solutions. Maintaining
1992). A proportion of the population is selected
several possible solutions reduces the probability
to breed and produce new chromosomes, Selec-
of reaching a false (local) optimum (Forest, 1993).
tion is according to fitness of individual solutions,
Therefore GAs can be very useful in searching
i.e. proximity to a perfect solution (Forest, 1993),
noisy and multimodal relations. However, the
most often by roulette selection and deterministic
latter may take a large computation time. In most
sampling. Roulette selection randomly selects a

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

cases, Genetic Algorithms use randomization non-existent for most of the interest locations
in selection. They avoid picking only the best or, wherever they are available, they suffer of
individual and thus prevent the population from a number of shortcomings (e.g. poor quality of
converging to that individual. However, premature data, missing data, insufficient long series, etc.).
convergence on a local optimum can occur if the To overcome these problems AI techniques appear
GA magnifies a small sampling error (Forest, to be one of the strongest candidates.
1993). If a very fit individual emerges early and The increased popularity of Hybrid Intelligent
reproduces abundantly, early loss of diversity may Systems (HIS) in recent years lies in the exten-
lead to convergence on that local optimum. GAs sive success of these systems in many real-world
are often used to optimize model parameters or complex problems. The main reason for this
for resource management. success seems to be the synergy derived by the
computational intelligent components, such as
machine learning, FL, neural networks and GAs.
HYBRID SYSTEMS Each of these methodologies provides HS with
complementary reasoning and searching meth-
Hybrid systems combine more than one of the ods that allow the use of domain knowledge and
technologies introduced above, either as part of empirical data to solve complex problems (Harp
an integrated method of problem solution, or to and Samand, 1991; Haykin, 1994; Von Altrock,
perform a particular task that is followed by a 1995). Hybrid systems combine two or more AI
second technique, which performs some other task. techniques (‘paradigm’) to gain strengths and
For the modeling, prediction of performance and overcome weaknesses. HS combining FL, neural
control of renewable energy processes, analytic networks, GAs, and ES are proving their effec-
computer codes are often used. The algorithms tiveness in a wide variety of real-world problems.
employed are usually complicated involving the There are three main types of hybrid systems
solution of complex differential equations. These according to how the techniques are combined:
programs usually require large computer power sequential, auxiliary and embedded (Lakhmi and
and need a considerable amount of time to give Martin, 1998). In a sequential hybrid, the first
accurate predictions. Instead of complex rules paradigm passes its output to the second to generate
and mathematical routines, artificial intelligence the output. In an auxiliary hybrid, the first para-
systems are able to learn the key information digm obtains some information from the second
patterns within a multi-dimensional information to generate the output. In an embedded hybrid,
domain. On the other hand, in design, control and the two paradigms are contained in one another
operation of renewable energy systems, such as (Lakhmi and Martin, 1998). The most common
PV or solar-thermal energy systems, a detailed hybrids are neuro-fuzzy systems, combining
long-term series of meteorological data such as ANNs and fuzzy systems. They are effective:
solar radiation, temperature or wind data is nor- fast, efficient and easily designed, implemented
mally required. The effort is to design and operate and understood (Chen et al. 2008; Fuller, 2000;
systems that can make an efficient conversion and Kalogirou 2003). By combining them, the need
utilization of these renewable energy resources. to prime fuzzy systems is reduced by learning
However, one of the problems that designers of in ANNs. Fuzzy systems attenuate ‘noise’, from
such systems are often confronted with is the which some ANNs suffer. Each AI technique has
acquisition or availability of sufficiently long capabilities and limitations, making its suitabil-
series of meteorological variables for direct uti- ity for environmental modeling specific to that
lization. Such long-term measurements are often problem. On the other hand, one has to keep in

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

mid a hybrid system may retain the weaknesses biological neuronal morphologies, followed by
of both techniques and little of their strengths learning mechanisms. This leads to the follow-
(Kalogirou, 2007; Mellit, 2008). Hybrid tech- ing three steps in a fuzzy neural computational
niques also raise the problem of communication; process (Tefler and Kadambe, 1992):
different representations have to be translated into
a common language. Another problem of hybrid • Development of fuzzy neural models moti-
systems with learning is credit assignment (Tefler vated by biological neurons,
and Kadambe, 1992). If one component cannot • Models of synaptic connections which in-
distinguish changes caused by its own actions corporates fuzziness into neural network,
from those due to others, penalties and rewards • Development of learning algorithms (i.e.,
will be in effective. the method of adjusting the synaptic
Fuzzy Neural Networks
Two possible models of fuzzy neural systems
Neural networks can be modified to incorporate are:
fuzzy techniques and produce a neural network
with improved performance. One approach is to • In response to linguistic statements, the
allow the fuzzy neural network to receive and fuzzy interface block provides an input
process fuzzy inputs. Another option is to add vector to a m layer neural network. The
layers on the front end of the network to fuzzify neural network can be adapted (trained) to
crisp input data to the fuzzy neural processing yield the desired common outputs or deci-
(Fuller, 2000; Tefler and Kadambe, 1992). The sions (Figure 5a).
fuzzy neuron is a fundamental concept used in • A multi-layered neural network drives the
many approaches to integrate fuzzy and neural fuzzy inference mechanism (Figure 5b).
technologies. In networks that map fuzzy input to
crisp output, nodes in every layer of the network
can have modified neurons. The input consists of Wavelet and Neural Networks
a set of fuzzy values, and the weights connecting
the node with nodes in the previous layer also Wavelet Neural Networks (WNNs) is an approach
have fuzzy values. Input values and the weights towards the learning function. Wavelet networks,
are each represented by membership functions. combining the wavelet theory and neural networks,
A modified summation process is used to find utilize wavelets as the basic function to construct
the product of the membership functions of the a network. A wavelet function is a local function
fuzzy inputs and weights and then add the result- and influences the network’s output only in some
ing membership functions to obtain another one local range. The WNN shows surprising effective-
that represents the integration of weighted fuzzy ness in solving the conventional problems of poor
inputs to the node. A centroid operation on the convergence or even divergence encountered in
resultant can then be used to find a crisp value other kinds of neural networks. The WNN consists
for the output of the node. The computational usually of three layers. The detailed description
process envisioned for fuzzy neural systems is of the calculation steps of WNN are explained in
as follows. It starts with the development of a Telfer and Kadambe (1992).
“fuzzy neuron” based on the understanding of

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 5. a) The first model of fuzzy neural system, b) The second model of fuzzy neural system (adapted
from Fuller, 2000)

METEOROLOGICAL-BASED SOAR and Ogunlande, 1967). The best database would

RADIATION DATA ANALYSIS, be the long-term measured data at the site of the
MODELING AND FORECASTING proposed solar energy system. However, most of
these stations do not provide complete solar data
Knowledge of the local solar radiation is essential information, mainly due to the high costs for op-
for the proper design of building energy systems, eration and measuring instruments. For instance,
solar energy systems and a good evaluation of global radiation is the most frequently measured
thermal environment within buildings (Davies and parameter, while its two components (diffuse and
McKay, 1982; Hsieh, 1986; Iqbal, 1983; Kalogi- direct irradiance) are often not measured. This
rou, 2009; Lu et al., 1998; Sherry and Justus, 1984; limited spatial and temporal coverage of solar
Lewis, 1984). Solar radiation received at the flat radiation measurements dictates the need for the
surface is the most important as far as designing development of the solar radiation models. Since
and operation of solar energy systems. All solar the direct (beam) irradiance is important in design-
energy applications require readily available, ing solar energy systems, such as high-temperature
site-oriented and long-term solar radiation data. heat engines and high-intensity solar cells, em-
A typical solar radiation database comprises of phasis is often put on modeling the beam (direct
global, direct and diffuse solar irradiance, sunshine radiation) component. There are two categories of
duration and complementary data like cloud cover, solar radiation models, available that predict the
atmospheric turbidity, humidity, air temperature, beam component or sky component based on other
wind speed, etc (Davies and McKay, 1982; Hsieh, more readily measured quantities: a) parametric
1986; Iqbal, 1983; Kalogirou, 2009; Swartman models, and b) decomposition models.

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

On the other hand, most of the solar radiation mean hourly global insolation and its diffuse
applications involved tilted surfaces, requiring the component; and hourly global insolation and its
knowledge of both diffuse and direct components diffuse component (Davies and McKay, 1982).
of global radiation falling on a horizontal surface. Solar radiation models may be categorized into
There are also a number of problems that may two groups: parametric models and decomposi-
arise during the measurement of the synoptic tion models; parametric models require detailed
and solar radiation. The most common causes of information of atmospheric conditions, whereas
the errors are related to the equipment and their decomposition models generally employ global
respective sensitivities. Another major cause of radiation to predict direct and diffuse components
errors is site operation conditions, such as instru- (Davies and McKay, 1982). Wong and Chow
ment proximity to shading elements, electrical (2001) and Muneer et al. (2007) have presented
and magnetic field interferences, bird and insect detailed reviews of these two kinds of models, as
activity and weather elements. There is, therefore well as in depth discussions of their characteristics
a need to identify erroneous data and exclude and performances. Several correlation models cor-
and correct them. In this regard, quality control relating diffuse fraction (ratio of diffuse to global
methodologies and procedures were developed radiation) and clearness index (ratio of horizontal
over the years, based on physical and statistical global radiation to extra-terrestrial radiation) have
tests to remove suspected outliers in the datasets. been developed under various climatic conditions
The available datasets were used to fine tune the (Wong and Chow, 2001). These correlations
proposed models. are mostly latitude dependent (Lu et al. 1998).
When solar radiation data is unavailable, it is Diffuse-global correlations have been developed
possible to get reasonable accurate estimates us- that include atmospheric effect such as dry bulb
ing the proposed models which rely on alternative temperature and relative humidity (Abdallah,
synoptic information or on the measurement at 1994; Muneer, 2004; Muneer et al., 2007).
other locations. These models are also useful to
fill-in any gaps in the measured radiation datasets.
Over the years, various empirical models have CONVENTIONAL MODELS
been developed for different geographical and FOR SOLAR RADIATION
meteorological conditions.
The insulation available to a solar energy Most solar energy applications such as the simula-
system, such as a photovoltaic system with given tion of solar energy systems require, at the least,
orientation and inclination depends on the local knowledge of hourly values of solar radiation on a
climate and geographical location. To calculate tilted and arbitrarily oriented surface. Knowledge
inclined insolation, it is necessary to know beam of direct irradiance is important in applications
and diffuse components of the global irradiance. where the solar radiation is concentrated, either
However, as most weather stations provide only to raise the temperature of the system, as in solar-
global irradiance data, a correlation developed thermal energy technologies, or to increase the
between the global and diffuse component using electric current in solar cells, as in PV systems.
measured values of these two quantities is used In the absence of direct irradiance data, this
to calculate the diffuse component of global component of solar radiation maybe estimated
insolation. Correlated quantities can be divided using decomposition models. They calculate di-
into four groups: daily global insolation and its rect irradiance from global solar irradiance on a
diffuse component; monthly mean daily global horizontal surface. These models are based on the
insolation and its diffuse component; monthly regressions between two dimensionless indices:

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

the clearness index, KT (horizontal global irradi- humidity. The amount of solar energy per unit
ance/horizontal extra-terrestrial irradiance) and time, at the mean distance from the sun, received
the direct solar transmittance, kB (direct normal on the unit area perpendicular to the direction of
irradiance/extra-terrestrial irradiance). propagation of the solar radiation outside the at-
As we already mentioned in a previous section mosphere is called the solar constant, SC. When
of this chapter, there are two categories of solar the sun is closest to the earth, on January 3, the
radiation models, available in the literature, that solar constant is about 1400 W/m2, while when the
predict the beam component of the based on other sun is farthest away, on July 4th, it is about 1330
more readily measured quantities: a) parametric W/m2, and the averages value adopted in 2000 by
models, and b) decomposition models. Parametric the American Society of Testing and Materials is
models require detailed information of atmo- 1366.1 W/m2.
spheric conditions. Meteorological parameters
used as predictors include the type, amount, and Parametric Models
distribution of clouds or other observations, such
as the fractional sunshine, atmospheric turbidity One of the firs model developed to estimate direct
and precipitable water content (Angstrom, 1929; normal irradiance I0 (W/m2) described by
Cartwright, 1993; Iqbal, 1978 and 1980; Kasten Iqbal (1980) is given by:
and Czelpak, 1980; Machler and Iqbal, 1985;
Muneer and Saluja, 1985; Page, 1961; Rietveld, I 0 = 0.9751E 0 ⋅ SC ⋅ τr τo τg τw τa (6)
1978; Trabea and Shaltout, 2000). One of the most
used models by the engineers and architects is
where the factor 0.9751 is included because the
the ASHRAE algorithm (ASRE, 1999), while the
spectral interval considered is 0.3-3 μm, E0 (di-
Iqbal model (1980) offers extra accuracy over more
mensionless) is the eccentricity correction-factor
conventional models as reviewed by Gueymard
of the Earth’s orbit and is given by:
(1993a, b). Development of correlation models
that predict the beam or sky radiation using other
E 0 = 1.00011 + 0.034221 cos (Γ) + 0.00128 sin (Γ) +
solar radiation measurements is also possible.
+0.000719 cos (2Γ) + 0.000077 sin(2Γ)
Decomposition models usually use information
only on global radiation to predict the beam and (7)
sky components. These relationships are usually
expressed in terms of the irradiations which are the The day angle Γ (radians) is given by:
time integrals (usually over 1h) of the radiant flux
or irradiance. Decomposition models developed to  N − 1 
Γ = 2π   (8)
estimate direct and diffuse irradiance from global  365 
irradiance data were found in the literature (Aki-
noglu and Ecevit, 1990; Almorox and Hontoria, where N is the day number of the year, ranging
1967; Bahlel et al. 1987; Balirci, 2009; Caroll, from 1 on 1st January to 365 on 31ss December.
1985; Collaress-Pereiera and Rabl, 1979; Klucher, τr, τo, τg, τw, and τa (dimensionless) are the
1979; Liu and Jorda, 1960; Lewis, 1983; Roa at Rayleigh, ozone, gas, water, and aerosol scattering
al. 1984; Trabea and Shaltout, 2000). transmittances, respectively. The expressions for
There are several relationships that relate computing these transmittances can be found in
the global radiation to other meteorological and (Igbal, 1983) or elsewhere in the literature.
climatologic parameters such as sunshine hours,
air temperature, cloud coverage, and relative

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

A simpler procedure for solar radiation is ad- or monthly basis and is an adaptation of the
opted in ASHARE (1999) and widely used in the Igbal model, discussed in the above paragraph.
engineering and architectural communities. The Monthly average hourly and daily irradiance are
direct normal irradiance In (W/m2) is given by: obtained via summing the long-term computed
and measured values. The correlation in this
 B  model is given by:
I n = (C n ) A ⋅ exp   (9)
 sec (Φ)
DBR = = 0.285211kB−1.00648 (11)
where A (W/m2) is the apparent extraterrestrial
irradiance, which takes in account the variations
in the Sun-Earth distance (see Table 1 of Muneer and
(2004)) for their values), and Φ is the zenith
angle (degrees). The variable B (dimensionless) I B = (SF ) ⋅ SC ⋅ τr τo τg τw τa (12)
represents an overall broadband value of the
atmospheric attenuation coefficient for the basic finally
atmosphere of Threlkeld and Jordan (1958). Cn
(dimensionless) is the clearness number and IG = I B + I D (13)
the map of Cn for the USA is provided in the
ASHARE handbook. Cn is the ratio of the direct
where ID is diffuse, IB is beam/direct, and IG is
normal irradiance calculated with the local mean
global irradiation (W/m2), kB is beam clearness
clear-day water-vapor to the direct normal irradi-
index (dimensionless), and SF is sunshine fraction
ance calculated with water vapor according to the
(dimensionless). Interested reader can find the
basic atmosphere. Equation (8) was developed for
full description if the model and the relationships
sea level conditions. It can be adapted for other
for the transmittances in (Iqbal, 1983; Kalogirou,
atmospheric pressures by:
Kastern and Czplak (1980) developed an algo-
 B p 
I n = (C n )A ⋅ exp  ⋅  (10) rithm (so-called Cloud-Cover Radiation Model or
 sec (Φ) p0  CRN) capable of generating hour-by-hour global,
diffuse, and direct horizontal irradiance, by using
where p (mbar) is the actual local air pressure only cloud-cover data. In order to determine global
and p0 is the standard pressure (1013.25 mbar). radiation IG from total cloud amount N in oktas,
In the above equation, the term (p/p0)sec(Φ) the radiation under cloudless sky, IGc is required.
approximates to the air mass, with the assumptions IGc depends on solar elevation angle a, and may be
that the curvature of the Earth and the refraction obtained via the linear parametrization as given
of air are negligible. by Kasten and Czeplak (1980):
An all-sky broadband empirical algorithm,
the so-called Meteorological Radiation Model IGc = (A ⋅ sin sin (α) − B ) (14)
(MRM), developed by Muneer et al. (2007) that
utilize dry and wet-bulb temperature or relative The ratio of global radiation IG for a given
humidity along with sunshine duration. The model cloud amount N (okta), to IGc has been shown to
can estimate horizontal solar components (direct, be independent of the solar elevation α:
diffuse, and global irradiation on an hourly, daily,

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

IG N  The relationships permitting the determina-
= 1 − C   (15)
IGc  8  tion, for a horizontal surface, of the instantaneous
intensity of diffuse radiation on clear days, the
long-term average hourly and daily sums of diffuse
The diffuse component is then calculated by
radiation, and the daily sums of diffuse radiation
using estimated global irradiation from Equation
for various categories of days of differing degrees
of cloudiness, with data from 98 localities in the
2 USA and Canada, were studied by Liu and Jordan
ID N 
= 0.3 + 0.7   (16) (1960). The transmission coefficient for total
IG  8 
radiation on a horizontal surface is given by the
intensity of total radiation (i.e. direct IB plus diffuse
The direct component will then be calculated ID) incident upon a horizontal surface IG divided
as the difference of global and diffuse irradiation. by the intensity of solar radiation incident upon a
The coefficients A, B, C, and D involved in this horizontal surface outside the atmosphere of the
model are fitted against the experimental data. Earth I0. The correlation between the intensities of
Muneer et al. (2007) fitted these coefficients for direct and total radiations on clear days is given by:
UK locations.
kD = 0.271 − 0.2939kB (18)
Estimation of the Hourly Diffuse
Radiation on a Horizontal Surface since
Using Decomposition Models
Values of global and diffuse radiations for indi- KT = = kB + kD (19)
vidual hours are essential for research and engi-
neering applications. Hourly global radiations
on horizontal surfaces are available for many then
stations, but relatively few stations measure the
hourly diffuse radiation. Decomposition models kD = 0.384 − 0.416KT (20)
have, therefore, been developed to predict the
diffuse radiation using the measured global data. Following the work of Liu and Jordan (1960)
The models are based on the correlations several researchers where involved in the de-
between the clearness index KT (dimensionless) velopment of solar radiation models. Orgill and
and the diffuse fraction kd (dimensionless), dif- Hollands (1977) using the clearness index only
fuse coefficient kD (dimensionless) or the direct developed a model to estimate diffuse radiation
transmittance kB (dimensionless) where: fraction, based on the measurements of global and
radiation at Toronto, Canada. Erbs et al. (1982)
IG I I I studied the same kind of correlations with data
KT = , kd = d , kD = D , kB = B ,
I0 IG I0 I0 from 5 stations, located in the Southern USA.
(17) The data were of short duration, ranging from
1 to 4 years. In each station, hourly values of
IG, IB, ID and I0 being the global, direct, diffuse normal direct irradiance and global irradiance
and extraterrestrial irradiances respectively, on a on a horizontal surface were registered. Diffuse
horizontal surface (all in MJ/m2). irradiance was obtained as the difference of these

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

quantities. Spencer (1982) studied the latitude I B = I 0 ψ − (d4 − d5 exp (mad6 )) (22)
 
dependence on the mean daily diffuse radiation
with data from 5 stations in Australia. Reindl et al.
where I0 is the extraterrestrial irradiance, is a
(1990) estimated the diffuse fraction kd using two
function of the air mass ma (dimensionless) and
different models developed with measurements
is given by:
of global and diffuse irradiance on a horizontal
surface registered at 5 locations in the USA and
ψ = 0.866 − 0.122ma + 0.121ma2 − 0.00065ma3 + 0.000014ma4
Europe. Lam and Li (1993) studied the correla-
tion between global solar radiation and its direct
and diffuse components for Hong Kong with the
and d4, d5 and d6 are functions of the clearness
measured data in1991–1994. A hybrid correlation
index KT, determined form the experimental data.
model based on hourly measured data for the pre-
Louche et al. (1991) used the clearness index KT
diction of hourly direct and diffuse components
to estimate the transmittance of beam radiation kB.
from the global radiation for Hong Kong was
The correlation was tested by using data collected
developed in their study.
at Ajaccio, Corsica, France between 1981 and
Skartveit and Olseth (1987) showed that the
1983. Vignola and McDaniels (1986) studied the
diffuse fraction depends also on other parameters
daily, 10-day and monthly average beam-global
such as solar elevation, temperature and relative
correlations for 7 sites in Oregon and Idaho, USA.
humidity. Similar arguments were found in the
The beam-global correlations vary with time of
literature (Cartwright, 1993; Kasetn and Czelpak,
year in a manner similar to the seasonal variations
1980; Muneer and Saluja, 1985; Lui et al. 1998;
exhibited by diffuse-global correlations.
Machler and Iqbal, 1985). They estimated the
direct irradiance IB from the global irradiance Gt
Correlations of Average Daily Solar
and from the solar elevation angle, Φ for Bergen,
Radiation with Hour of Sunshine and
Norway, with the following equation:
Other Meteorological Parameters
Gt (1 − ψ )
IB = (21) The first correlation proposed for estimating the
sin(Φ) monthly average daily global radiation is based
on the method of Angström (1929). The original
where ψ is a function of KT and the solar eleva- Angström-type regression equation related the
tion angle, Φ (degrees). The model was validated monthly average daily radiation to clear day ra-
with data collected in Aas, Norway, Vancouver, diation in a given location and average fraction
Canada and 10 other stations worldwide. Details of possible sunshine hours:
of this model can also be found in (Gueymard,
1993b; Lam and Li, 1993). H S 
= a + b   (24)
A quasi-physical model for converting hourly Hc  S 0 
global horizontal to direct normal insolation
proposed by Maxwell (1987) was reviewed by
A basic difficulty with Equation (7) lies in the
Batlles et al. (2000). The model combines a clear
ambiguity of the terms S/Sc and Hc. Page (1961)
physical model with experimental fits for other
and other researchers (Abdallah, 1994; Bakirci,
conditions. The direct irradiance IB is given by:

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

2009; Batlles at al. 2000; Camps and Soler, 1995; 2

S 0 =   ωs (29)
Garrison, 1985; Reidl et al. 1990) have modified 15 
the method to base it on a horizontal surface rather
than on clear radiation (Gueymard 1993a): Lewis (1983) estimates monthly average daily
global radiation on a horizontal surface by the
H S 
= a + b   (25) following equation:
H0  S 0 
H = a (RH ) (30)
where H is the monthly average daily global radia-
tion, H0 the monthly average daily extraterrestrial where RH is the relative humidity, a and b empiri-
radiation, S the monthly average daily hours of cal parameters.
bright sunshine, So the monthly average day Swartman and Ogulande (1967) proposed the
length, and a and b are the empirical constants, following models (31) and (32) for the global solar
determined from the experimental data. The radiation (GSR) prediction:
monthly average daily extraterrestrial radiation on
a horizontal surface (H0) can be computed from S 
the following relationship: H = a + b   + cRH (31)
 S 0 
24  360N 
H0 = SC 1 + 0.033 
π  365 
     
cos cos (L ) cos cos (δ ) cos (ω ) +  2πωs  sin  2πωs  sin (L ) sin(δ )
 s  360   360  
      b
S 
(26) H = a   + RH c (32)
 S

where L is the local latitude, δ is the declination, Φ
is the zenith angle, and ωs is the mean sunrise hour In the Equations (31) and 32) parameters a,
angle. The solar declination and the mean sunrise b, and c are empirical coefficients. The following
hour angle are given by the following equations relationship (33) between the solar radiation and
(Gueymard 1993a; Orgill and Hollands, 1977): sunshine hours was proposed by Almorox and
Hontoria (1967):
 360(N + 284) 
δ = 23.45 sin   (27)
 365  S 
H = a + b ⋅ exp   (33)
 S 0 
where a and b are empirical coefficients.
ωs = arcos (− tan(δ) tan(L)) (28) Bahlel et al. (1987) developed a 4-parameter
model for estimating the GSR:
here N is the Nth day of the year, counted from
2 3
January 1st of each year. The sunset hour angle H S  S  S 
is also used to compute the maximum possible = a + b   + c   + d   (34)
H0  S 0   S 0   S 0 
sunshine hours S0, for a given month, from the
following equation:

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Again, parameters a, b, c and d are empirical where a, b and c are empirical parameters.
coefficients, fitted to the measured data. On the other hand, the extraterrestrial solar
Following equation has been proposed by Aki- radiation, Gon measured on the plane normal to
noglu and Ecevit (1990) for estimating the GSR: the radiation on the Nth day of the year, varies
between the maximum and the minimum values
H S  S 
of the solar constant (SC) and can be calculated by
= a + b   + c   (35) (Almorox and Hontoria, 1967; Davies and McKay,
H0  S 0   S 0 
1982; Klucher, 1979), using the Equation (39):

here a, b, and c are empirical coefficients, as in   360N 

Gon = SC ⋅ 1 + 0.033   (39)
the previous relationships.   365 
 
Abdullah (1994) suggested the flowing model
(36) which includes the mainly daily temperature
in the global solar radiation estimate: On a surface parallel to the ground, the rate
of solar radiation, G0N, incident on this extrater-
S  restrial horizontal surface at a given time of the
= a + b   + cRH + dT (36) year is given by:
H0  S 0 
G 0N = Gon cos(Φ)
where T is the daily mean air temperature and a-d 360N
are empirical coefficients. = SC ⋅ [1 + 0.033( )]
Trabea and Shaltout (2000) related the daily [cos cos(L )cos cos(δ )coss(h )
global radiation to sunshine duration, relative + sin sin(L)sin(δ )] (40)
humidity, maximum air temperature, mean daily
vapor pressure and mean daily sea level pressure here h is the hour angle.
to calculate H (37) at five stations in Egypt as The total radiation, H0, incident on an extra-
follows: terrestrial horizontal surface during a day can be
obtained by the integration of the Equation (40)
H S  over a period from sunrise to sunset. To compute
= a + b   + cTmaxdV + eRH + fP
H0  S 0  the extraterrestrial radiation the Equation (40)
(37) is integrated between hour angles, h1 and h2, so:

where a, b, c, d, e, and f are regression coeffi- 12x 3600S 360N

I0 = [1 + 0.033( )]
cients, Tmax is the maximum air temperature, RH π 365
is the relative humidity (%) and P is the ration ×{cos cos(L)cos cos(δ )cos(h2 − h1 )
between mean sea level pressure and mean daily π (h2 − h1 )
vapor pressure (the ration of MSL to V). Recently, +[ ]sin sin(L)sin(δ )} (41)
Bakirci (2009) developed the following model
(Camps and Soler, 1995) for estimating the solar It should be noted the limits h1 and h2 may
radiation (38), using long-term measurements at define any time period other than 1 h. A compre-
several locations in Turkey: hensive list of definitions and terminology that
include those related to the solar radiation can be
S  S  found in (Davies and McKay, 1982; Iqbal, 1983)
H = a + b   + cexp   (38) or elsewhere in the literature. For example, the ir-
 S 0   S 0 
radiance (W/m2) is the rate of radiant energy falling

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

on a surface per unit of area of the surface, while H

K = (42)
the irradiation (J/m2) is incident energy per unit T

of area of a surface, obtained by integrating the

H 0

irradiance over a specific time interval. Specifi-

cally, for solar irradiance this is called insolation. where, H 0 is the monthly average daily total in-
The solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface solation on an extraterrestrial horizontal surface
is much lower than Gon because a large part of it (MJ/m2). The bar signifies a long-term average.
is scattered, reflected back out into the space, and The values of H 0 for each month function of
absorbed by the atmosphere. Some of the scattered latitude can be found in Table 2.5 of Davies and
radiation, the so-called diffuse radiation reaches McKay, (1982).
the earth’s surface from the entire sky vault. The To design or to predict the performance of
solar heat coming directly through the atmosphere a solar energy system requires hourly values of
is called direct or beam radiation. The insulation radiation. These types of data can be obtained,
received by a surface on a earth is the sum of using different correlations from the long-term
diffuse radiation and the normal component of average daily radiation data, such as the Liu and
beam radiation. The solar heat at any pint on earth Jordan (1977) correlation or the Collarees-Pereira
depends on the ozone layer thickness, the distance (1979) correlation. The ration hourly total radia-
travelled through the atmosphere, the amount of tion to daily radiation, using the Collarees-Pereira
haze in the air, and the extent of the cloud cover. correlation is given by (43):
The degree of attenuation of solar radiation travel-
ling through the earth’s radiation depends on the π cos (h ) − cos(hSS )
r= [α + β cos(h )]
length of the path and the characteristics of the 24  2πhSS 

sin (hSS ) −   cos(hSS )
medium traversed. In solar radiation calculations,  360 
one standard air mass is defined as the path’s length (43)
traversed in reaching the sea level when the sun
is a zenith (the vertical point of the observation). here, hSS is the sunset hour angle (degrees), h is
the hour angle at the midpoint of each hour, and
the parameters α and β are given by (44) and (45):
α = 0.409 + 0.5016 ⋅ sin (hSS − 60) (44)
To determine the long-term performances of a
solar system, the knowledge of the long-term
β = 0.6609 − 0.4767 ⋅ sin (hSS − 60) (45)
monthly average daily insulation data for that site
are required. Daily mean total solar radiation
(direct plus diffuse) incident on a horizontal sur- The solar collectors or PV panels are usually
face is available from various sources (radiation installed at an angle to increase the amount of
maps, metrological service database). In these radiation intercepted and to reduce reflection
sources, data, such as 24 h average temperature, and cosine losses. System designers need solar
monthly average daily radiation on a horizontal radiation data on such tilted surfaces; measured
surface, H (MJ/m2∙d), and monthly average clear- or estimated. Most of the time solar radiation
ness index, K T are given together with other is available either for normal incidence or for
parameters. The monthly average clearness index horizontal surfaces. The amount of insulation on
(42) is defined as: a surface at a given location for a given time de-
pends on the orientation and slope of the surface.

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

A flat surface absorbs beam (IBt), diffuse (IDt), and  1 − cos cos (β ) 
IGt = ρG ⋅ (I B + I D )  
 (51)
ground-reflected (IGt) solar radiation, so the total  2 
radiation is given by (46):

I t = I Bt + I Dt + IGt (46) Combining (12), (13), (14) and (15), we get:

 1 − cos cos (β ) 

 1 + cos(β ) 
I t = RB I B + I D   + ρG (I B + I D ) 
The beam radiation on a tilted surface (see  3 
  2 
Figure 6) is given by the following relationship: (52)

I Bt = I Bn ⋅ cos (θ ) (47) The total radiation on a horizontal surface, I, is

the sum of horizontal beam and diffuse radiation,
as shown in Equation (53):
While on a horizontal surface, it is given by:
I = IB + ID (53)
I B = I Bn ⋅ cos (Φ) (48)

The isotropic sky model is the simplest model,

The beam radiation tilt factor is defined by the
assuming that all diffuse radiation is uniformly
(48) equation, as:
distributed over the sky and that the reflection
on the ground is diffuse. The model developed
I Bt cos(θ)
RB = = (49) by Kloucher (1979), takes into account the ho-
IB cos(Φ) rizon brightening, and the effect of circumsolar
radiation, and the total irradiance on a tilted plane
There are several models to compute the solar (Hsieh, 1986) is given by:
radiation on a tilted surface. The diffuse radiation
on a tilted surface, according to the isotropic 1 + cos cos(β ) β
I t = I B RB + I D ⋅ [ ][1 + K t sin 3 ( )]
radiation model [51, 52] can be computed using: 2 2
[1 + K t cos2 (β ) sin 3 (Φ)] + (I B + I D )
 1 + cos(β )  1 − cos(β )
I Dt = I D   (50) ⋅ρG ⋅ [ ]
 3  2

Here ID is the diffuse radiation (ID = 2IR), and

where KT is a clearness index given by:
IR is the diffuse sky radiation (W/m2∙rad). The
ground-reflected radiation on a tilted surface is
expressed as:

Figure 6. Beam radiation on horizontal and tilted surfaces

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

 I  entation and slope of the surface. Most of measured
KT = 1 −  D 
radiation data are for either normal incidence or
I + I 
 B D 
horizontal, which need to be converted to radiation
on tilted surfaces. There are several empirical
Under overcast skies, the clearness index is relationships developed over the years for such
0 and the model reduces to the isotropic model. estimates. In the Liu and Jordan (1977) method
In the Hay-Davies (1980), the diffuse radiation the diffuse and total radiation ratio for a horizon-
is composed of an isotropic and circumsolar tal surface is expressed in terms of monthly clear-
component, while the horizon brightening is not ness index, K T as:
taken into account. Reflection from the ground
is computed as in the isotropic mode. The total
HD 3
irradiance (55) is computed by: = 1.390 − 4.027K T − 3.108K T (57)
 1 + cos cos (β ) 
I t = (I B + I D ) ⋅ RB + I D (1 − A) ⋅  +
 Collares-Pereira and Rabl (1979) extended
 2 
previous model by considering the sunset hour
 1 − cos(β ) 
+ (I B + I D ) ρG   angle:
 2 
= 0.775 + 0.0065 (hSS − 90) −
where represents the transmittance through atmo-
sphere for beam radiation.
  (
− 0.505 + 0.00455 (hSS − 90) cos π 115K T − 103 )
The Reindl model (1990) takes also into ac- (58)
count the horizon brightening, and the total ir-
radiance on a tilted surface can be calculated by: Interested readers can learn more about the
solar radiation models and estimate procedures
1 + cos cos(β ) in the following review papers (Muneer, 2004;
I t = (I B + I D )RB + I D (1 − A)[ ]
2 Muneer et al. 2007) or elsewhere in the literature.
IB β
[1 + sin 3 ( )]
IB + ID 2
1 − cos(β )
Meteorological data such as solar radiation, ambi-
Reflection on the ground is again as in the iso- ent temperature, relative humidity, wind speed,
tropic model. Due to the inclusion of the horizon clearness index and sunshine duration are accepted
brightening, Reindl (1990) model gives slightly as dependable and widely variable in renewable
higher diffuse irradiance than the previous one. energy sources. It is therefore required to be able
to formulate forecasting and estimation models of
these meteorological data. These data play a very
INSULATION ON TILTED SURFACES important role in solar energy systems. However,
in many cases these data are not available owing
The amount of insulation on a terrestrial surface to the high cost and complexity of the instrumen-
at a given location and time depends on the ori- tation needed to record them. Solar energy is a

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

sustainable, safe and abundant energy resource (Wong and Chow, 2001): 1) Global solar irradi-
and therefore there are no restrictions of time ance reaching at tilted surface includes irradiance
and space for its exploitation. Concerning the reflected from the surroundings; and 2) The view
exploitation of solar energy, it is divided into three angle of a tilted surface cuts out a limited solid
basic applications: passive solar systems, active angle of the sky. This sky irradiation not only
solar systems and photovoltaic systems (Figure depends on the tilt angle, on the azimuth of the
7). Passive and active solar systems exploit the collector and on the solar elevation and azimuth
thermal energy of global solar irradiance, while but also on the cloud conditions. The models for
PV systems convert global solar irradiance to predicting global solar irradiance on tilted sur-
electricity. Estimating global solar irradiance on faces are classified as isotropic and anisotropic.
tilted surfaces is necessary as the majority of solar The isotropic models (Bugler, 1977; Badescu,
energy systems are inclined according to the site 2002; Koronakis, 1986; Liu and Jordan, 1960;
of installation and utilization. Moreover, beam and 1962, Ma and Iqbal, 1983; Tian et al. 2002) pre-
diffuse components of global solar irradiance on dict the diffuse irradiance on a tilted surface,
inclined surfaces are essential in order to calculate assuming the uniformity of diffuse sky irradiance
the electric power of photovoltaic systems, design over the sky dome. However, this theory is not
solar thermal systems and to evaluate their long- correct (Kalogirou, 2009) and therefore addi-
term average performance. tional models, the so-called anisotropic models
Despite the fact that many meteorological were developed. In the anisotropic models con-
stations measure global and diffuse irradiation sider the sum of the anisotropy of the diffuse sky
received on horizontal surfaces, the data on in- irradiance in the circumsolar region (sky near the
clined surfaces are not available and are esti- solar disk) and the anisotropic diffuse component
mated with several models, using the components for the rest of the sky dome.
of global solar irradiance on horizontal surfaces. Solar radiation data are accepted as dependable
It must be noted that the knowledge of the com- and widely available renewable energy sources. It
ponents of global solar irradiance on horizontal is, therefore, necessary to formulate forecasting
surfaces is essential for the prediction of global and estimation models of these meteorological
solar irradiance on tilted surfaces, as it is difficult data. These data play a very important role in PV-
to develop a simple model converting solar ir- systems sizing and design. The next sections of this
radiance received by the horizontal plane to that chapter deal with overviews of the applications of
arriving at an inclined area for two main reasons various AI techniques in solar radiation estimation,

Figure 7. Basic applications of global solar irradiance (adapted from Behrang et al., 2010)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

modeling and prediction. This includes modeling day of year, solar angle, and solar constant. An
of the monthly, daily and hourly solar radiation, optimum momentum, learning rate, and number
daily clearness index modeling, and insolation of hidden nodes were determined for further use
forecasting and prediction. As we pointed out in in the development of the neural network model.
previous sections of this chapter, measurement The neural network model was tested against the
data may suffer of several drawbacks, such poor independent data set. Root mean square error var-
quality data, not enough measurements, data gaps, ied from 2.92 to 3.64 MJ/m2 and the coefficient
while the traditional modeling and forecasting of determination varied from 0.52 to 0.74 for the
algorithms may be too complex and requiring individual years used to test the accuracy of the
large computer resources. An alternative way to model. Although this neural network model was
avoid the above problems is to employ the AI developed and tested for a limited number of sites,
techniques and emphasis is given to their growing the results suggest that it can be used to estimate
use for data analysis and prediction, offering an daily solar radiation when measurements of only
effective alternative to more traditional statistical daily maximum and minimum air temperature and
techniques. precipitation are available.
Williams and Zazueta (1994, 1996) proposed
the use of feed-forward neural networks to estimate
ANN MODELS FOR SOLAR the daily solar radiation. The authors used as inputs
RADIATION ESTIMATION, other meteorological parameters such as precipita-
PREDICTION, AND FORECASTING tion, temperature, clear sky radiation, day length
and day of the year. Mohandes et al. (1996) used
Vergara-Dominguez et al. (1985) made one of data from 41 collection stations in Saudi Arabia.
the first attempts, back in 1985 of the using an From these, the data for 31 stations were used to
automatic process to generate sand estimate daily train a neural network and the data for the other
global solar radiation. However, one of the first 10 for testing the network. The input values to
applications of a neural network for predicting the network are latitude, longitude, altitude and
daily solar radiation was made by Elizondo et sunshine duration. The results for the testing sta-
al in 1994. Their neural network model predicts tions obtained are within 16.4% and indicate the
solar radiation as a function of readily available viability of their approach for spatial modeling
weather data and other environmental variables. of solar radiation. Alawi and Hinai (1998) have
Four sites in the southeastern USA, i.e. Tifton, used ANNs to predict solar radiation in areas not
GA, Clayton, NC, Gainesville, FL, and Quincy, covered by direct measurement instrumentation.
FL, were selected because of the existence of In this work, a novel approach using an artificial
long-term daily weather data sets which included neural network was used to develop a model for
solar radiation. A combined total of 23 complete analyzing the relationship between the Global
years of weather data sets were used in this model. Radiation (GR) and climatological variables,
The data sets were separated into 11 years for the and to predict GR for locations not covered by
training data set and 12 years for the testing data the model’s training data. The predicted global
set. Daily observed values of minimum and maxi- radiation values for the different locations (for
mum air temperature and precipitation, together different months) were then compared with the
with daily calculated values for day-length and actual values. The input data to the network are
clear sky radiation, were used as inputs for the the location, month, mean pressure, mean tem-
neural network model. Day-length and clear sky perature, mean vapor pressure, mean relative
radiation were calculated as a function of latitude, humidity, mean wind speed and mean duration of

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

sunshine. The ANN model predicts solar radiation data of the previous day. A second-stage neural
with an accuracy of 93% and mean absolute error network forecasts the insolation level of the next
of 7.3%. In addition, the model was also tested day from the average atmospheric pressure and
to predict GR values for the Seeb location over a weather data of the previous day. A third-stage
12 months period. The monthly predicted values neural network forecasts the insolation of the
of the ANN model compared to the actual GR next day from the insolation level and weather
values for Seeb produced an accuracy of 95% and data of the previous day. The results obtained
a mean absolute percentage error of 5.43. Data for show a prediction accuracy of 20%. The authors
these locations were not included as part of the propose a multi-stage NN method for forecasting
ANN training data. The results demonstrate the the insolation of the next day. Figure 8 shows the
generalization capability of this novel approach block diagram of the multi-stage NN used for
over unseen data and its ability to produce accu- forecasting the insolation, proposed by Kemoku
rate estimates. A RBF network has been used for et al. (1999). Meteorological data at Omaezaki,
prediction of daily solar radiation data in Algeria Japan in 1988–1993 are used as input data, and the
by Guessoum et al., (1998). insolations in 1994 are forecast. The insolations
A neural network approach for generating solar forecast by the multi-stage and the single-stage
radiation artificial series has been proposed by neural networks are compared with the measured
Zufiria et al. (1999) to predict solar radiation for ones. The results show that the mean error reduces
Spain. Tog¢rul and Onat (1999) developed a model from about 30% (by the single-stage) to about
for the estimation of the solar radiation based on 20% (by the multi-stage).
geographical and meteorological data in Elazige, Hontoria et al. (1999 and 2001a) improved
Turkey. In this study, the effect of geographical and the generation of hourly solar radiation artificial
meteorological parameters on the monthly mean series using MLP neural networks. While, Hon-
global solar radiation was investigated. A multiple toria et al. (2001b, 2002) applied an upgraded
linear regression was applied to six geographical recurrent MLP ANN, developed earlier for mod-
and meteorological data sets, which were monthly, eling the solar radiation. This model consists of
mean extraterrestrial radiation, the ratio of ‘bright the generation of synthetic series of hourly solar
sunshine hours to the day-length, ambient and irradiation. The model presented is based on the
soil temperatures, humidity and sine of declina- capacity of the MLP for finding relations between
tion angle. The global solar radiation estimated variables for which interrelation is unknown
from the models was compared with the 2-year explicitly. The information available can be in-
measurement data set. It has been determined that cluded progressively at the series generator at
these equations which express the 99th percentile different stages. Comparative study with other
of the incident solar radiation, have a −9% devia- solar irradiation synthetic generation methods
tion from our measured values. Taken in account demonstrated the validity of the proposed model.
that the mean error of the forecast insolation by the Mohandes et al. (1998) used RBF networks
single-stage neural network is about 30%, Kem- (Figure 9) for modeling monthly mean daily values
moku et al. (1999) proposed a multistage ANN to of global solar radiation on horizontal surfaces
predict the insolation of the next day. The input and compared its performance with that of a
data to the network are the average atmospheric MLP model and a classical regression model. The
pressure, predicted by another ANN and various proposed network employs as inputs the latitude,
weather data of the previous day. A first-stage longitude, altitude and sunshine duration for the
neural network forecasts the average atmospheric prediction of solar radiation values. Mohandes et
pressure of the next day from atmospheric pressure al. (2003) used solar radiation data from 41 sta-

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 8. Flowchart for insolation forecast using a multi-stage neural network (Adapted from Kemoku
et al., 1999)

Figure 9. A radial basis functions neural network (Adapted from Mohandes et al., 2003)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

tions that are spread over the Kingdom of Saudi taic systems, building services systems and load
Arabia, by using radial basis functions ANN. The forecasting and prediction.
solar radiation data from 31 locations are used for A Radial Basis Functions (RBF) and Multi-
training the neural networks and the data from the Layer Perception (MLP) methods to estimate solar
remaining 10 locations are used for testing the radiation, by using long-term data from eight sta-
estimated values. The testing data were not used tions in Oman was developed and implemented by
in the modeling or training of the networks to give Drovlo et al. (2002). It is shown by these authors
an indication of the performance of the system at that both the RBF and MLP models performed well
unknown locations. Results indicate the viability based on the root-mean-square error between the
of the radial basis for this kind of problem. The observed and estimated solar radiations. However,
authors believed that by adding new data would the RBF models are preferred since they require
further improve the models’ performances. This less computing power and are more accurate. The
is because the ANNs methods depend on learning range of errors for the RBF networks was 0.83
from examples. The method should be applicable to 10.08 MJ/m2/day, while the range of errors for
to any region, provided that samples of the so- MLP networks was 1.01 to 9.41MJ/m2/day. As the
lar radiation data from locations of all types of authors mentioned in this paper the model can be
weather conditions are included in the training used to estimate the solar radiation at any location
process. That is these methods are not limited to in Oman, with a proper training. Kalogirou et
use in areas with solar conditions similar to Saudi al. (2002) used an ANN model for prediction of
Arabia, only. maximum solar radiation. The prediction of solar
Mihalakakou et al. (2000) developed a total radiation is very important for many solar applica-
solar radiation time series simulation model based tions. Due to the very nature of solar radiation,
on ANN and applied in Athens. The model with many parameters can influence both its intensity
the least error was identified as a Neural Logic and its availability and therefore it is difficult to
Network that incorporated Logic Rules that pro- employ analytical methods for such predictions.
duced an RMS error 4.9% lower than that of the The input data that are used in their approach are
persistent approach. Sfetsos and Coonick (2000) those which influence mostly the availability and
introduced a simple approach for the forecasting intensity of solar radiation, namely, the month,
of hourly solar radiation using various AI based day of month, Julian day, season, mean ambient
techniques (ANNs, ANFIS). They also investi- temperature and mean relative humidity (RH).
gated other meteorological variables such as A multilayer recurrent architecture (considered
temperature, wind speed, pressure. A comprehen- suitable for time series predictions) employing
sive discussion and review of the ANN applications the standard back-propagation learning algorithm
in the renewable energy systems applications was has been applied, here. Using the hourly records
published by Kalogirou (2001). Interested readers for one complete year, the maximum value of
are strongly encouraged to read this paper for in radiation and the mean daily values of temperature
depth presentation of the ANN applications in the and relative humidity (RH) were calculated. The
renewable energy systems. In this paper the author respective data for 11 months were used for the
presented various applications of the neural net- training and testing of the network, whereas the
works in renewable energy problems in a the- data for the remaining one month were used for
matic rather than a chronological or any other the validation of the network. The training of the
order. This includes the use of ANNs in solar network was performed with adequate accuracy,
radiation and wind speed prediction, photovol- with a correlation coefficient between the actual
and the ANN predicted data of 0.9867. Also, the

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

sensitivity of the predictions to ±20% variation in (2000–2003) and from 12 cities spread over Turkey
temperature and RH give correlation coefficients were used in this sturdy, nine stations as training
of 0.9858 to 0.9875, which are considered satisfac- and three stations as testing data.
tory. This is considered as an adequate accuracy Mellit et al. (2004a, 2004c) used the RBF
for such predictions. networks for estimating total daily solar radiation
ANN based models for estimation of monthly in Algeria data from measured daily sunshine du-
mean daily and hourly values of solar global radia- ration and temperature data. Soares et al. (2004)
tion were proposed by Reddy and Manish (2003). used a neural network for modeling the hourly
Solar radiation data from 11 stations spread over diffuse solar radiation in the city of Sao Paulo,
India, round the year, have been used for train- Brazil. In this work, a perceptron neural-network
ing and testing the ANN. The results of the ANN technique was applied to estimate hourly values
model have been compared with other empirical of the diffuse solar radiation, using as input the
regression models. The solar radiation estimations global solar radiation and other meteorological
by ANN were in good agreement with the actual parameters measured from 1998 to 2001. ANN
values and were superior to those of other avail- verification was performed using the hourly mea-
able models. The maximum mean absolute relative surements of the diffuse solar radiation obtained
deviation of predicted hourly global radiation during 2002. The ANN was developed based on
tested is 4.07%. Their results indicate that the ANN both feature determination and pattern selection
models are a promising candidate for evaluating techniques. The inclusion of the atmospheric
the solar global radiation potential at the places long-wave radiation as input improves the neural
where monitoring stations are not established. network performance, while the inclusion of the
The maximum mean absolute relative deviation of traditional meteorological parameters, like air
predicted hourly global radiation tested is 4.07%. temperature and atmospheric pressure, are not
Sozen et al. (2004a, 2004b) used an ANN for the as important as long-wave radiation which acts
estimation of the solar potential of Turkey based as a surrogate for cloud-cover information on
on geographical and meteorological data (latitude, the regional scale. An objective evaluation has
longitude, altitude, month, mean sunshine dura- shown that the diffuse solar radiation is better
tion, and mean temperature). To train the neural reproduced by neural network synthetic series
network, 3 year of the meteorological data (from than by a correlation model.
2000 to 2002) from 17 stations spread over Turkey Hontoria et al. (2005a, 2005b) used a MLP
were used as training (11 stations) and testing (6 technique for developing solar radiation maps
stations) data. The maximum mean absolute per- for Spain. The inputs are the previous irradia-
centage error was found to be less than 6.7% and tion, clearness index and the hour order number
the absolute fraction of variance (R2) values to be of the KT. Figure 10 shows the proposed ANN
about 99.9% for the testing stations. The trained for clearness index prediction. To obtain a solar
and tested ANN models showed greater accura- radiation map it is necessary to know the solar
cies for evaluating solar resource possibilities in radiation of many points spread wide across the
regions where a network of monitoring stations area where the map is going to be drawn. In most
has not been established in Turkey. The predicted of the areas the data may not be available and
solar-potential values from the ANN were given in even where there are data they may be affected
the form of monthly maps. In later development by errors, data gaps, etc. In addition, to draw solar
of these models, Sozen et al. (2005) used ANN to radiation maps the number of points on the maps
forecast the solar potential of Turkey, to train the (real sites) that it is necessary to work with makes
neural network, meteorological data for 4 years this problem difficult to solve. However, once the

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 10. MLP architecture for clearness indexes prediction (Adapted from Hontoria et al., 2005a)

MLP is trained a solar generation can be done in the latitude of the desired location and the amount
all of the sites of the grid, which form the zone of total precipitable water content in the vertical
map. This generation is simple and takes less time column at that location. Over the range of latitudes
than the same generation than classical methods covering most parts of India, the error is within
of solar generation. Their methodology is easily 20% of the measured value. An ANN based fore-
extendible to other places. casting of the mean monthly solar radiation in
A methodology for developing a simple theo- Turkey was proposed by Adnan et al. (2005). The
retical model for calculating global insolation on proposed model has as inputs the geographical
a horizontal surface was proposed by Elminir et coordinates, altitude, mean sunshine duration,
al. (2005). The input parameters to the model are mean temperature and month. According to the

Figure 11. A single hidden-layer ANN for prediction solar radiation (Adapted from Adnan et al., 2005)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

authors, the results indicate that the ANN model monthly solar radiation data from the TMY. The
seems promising for evaluating solar resource neural network can generate the monthly solar
potential at the places where there are no monitor- radiation data. Secondly, the data have been di-
ing stations in Turkey. Figure 11 shows the pro- vided by corresponding extraterrestrial value in
posed ANN for solar radiation forecasting. A order to obtain the monthly clearness index values.
comparative study of Angstroms and ANN meth- Based on these monthly clearness indexes and
odologies in estimating global solar radiation on using a library of MTM block the sequences of
horizontal surfaces in Cyprus was developed by daily clearness indexes were generated. Known
Tymvios et al. (2002, 2005). The ANN methodol- data were subsequently used to investigate the
ogy is a promising alternative to the traditional accuracy of the prediction. Results obtained in-
approach for estimating global solar radiation, dicate that the proposed model can successfully
especially in cases where radiation measurements be used for the estimation of the daily solar ra-
are not readily available. diation data for any locations in Algeria by using
Mellit et al. (2005b) proposed an ANN and as input the altitude, the longitude, and the latitude.
Markov transitions matrices (MTM) for prediction The model can be easily applied for any location
of daily solar radiation and this model has been in the world. An application of sizing PV systems
applied for sizing a PV system at isolated sites. in isolated sites has also been applied in order to
The developed model can generate a sequence of check the model’s validity.
global solar radiation data using a minimum of López et al. (2005) proposed selection of input
input data (latitude, longitude and altitude), es- parameters to model direct solar irradiance, which
pecially in isolated sites. Using data collected at is seldom measured by using an ANN and global
60 meteorological stations in Algeria during solar radiation measurements. The proposed ANN
1991–2000, a data base and a typical meteoro- methodology can be used in unfavorable condi-
logical year (TMY) have been built. A two steps tions, in terms of limited amount of available data,
methodology was constructed. First, a neural performing successful results. In this work, the
network has been trained based on 60 known Bayesian framework for ANN, named as automatic

Figure 12. ANN model used for the estimation of beam solar radiation (Adapted from Alam et al., 2006)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

relevance determination method (ARD), was em- was similar with one of (Zervas at al., 2008). If
ployed to obtain the relative relevance of a large care is taken in considering the corresponding
set of atmospheric and radiometric variables used regional climatic differences, these correlations
for estimating the hourly direct solar irradiance. can be generalized and transferred to other sites.
In addition, the authors tested the viability of this A comparison between the performances of the
novel technique applied to select the optimum ANN model with that of two linear regression
input parameters to the neural network. For that, models has been reported. The results show that
a multi-layer feed forward perceptron was trained the ANN model is more suitable to predict diffuse
on these data. The results reflect the relative im- fraction in hourly and daily scales than the regres-
portance of the inputs selected. Clearness index sion models in the plain areas of Egypt. Turbidity
and relative air mass were found to be the more and water vapor, under cloudless conditions, are
relevant input variables to the neural network, as important source of variability of the luminous
it was expected, proving the reliability of the ARD efficacy. Due to the complex functional relation-
method. The novel methodology can be used in ship between these atmospheric variables and the
unfavorable conditions, in terms of limited amount luminous efficacy components, the derivation of
of available data, performing successful results. an on-local model considering all these physical
The model was tested using radiometric data processes is nearly impossible if standard statisti-
measured at Desert Rock, USA, between 1989 cal techniques are employed.
and 1999. AI techniques, such as FL and neural To avoid this drawback, Iqdour and Zeronal
networks, have been used for estimating hourly (2006) developed a MLP model to predict daily
global radiation from satellite images (Zarzalejo solar radiation for Morocco. They applied Pollack-
and Ramirez, 2005). The models have been fit- Ribiere algorithm to train the neural network. The
ted to measured global irradiance data from 15 agreement between the measured and predicted
Spanish terrestrial stations. daily solar radiation was excellent (see Figure
Alam et al. (2006) proposed an ANN model 13 for details). The model can be easy applied to
for estimating beam solar radiation. A new defined other locations.
parameter, known as Reference Clearness Index Lopez and Gueymard (2007) used ANN for
(RCI), is introduced. Computation of monthly clear-sky solar luminous efficacy of direct, diffuse,
mean daily beam solar radiation at normal inci- and global radiation estimates. In this purpose, a
dence has been carried out. According to the detailed spectral radiation model (SMARTS) is
authors, the results of the ANN model were com- utilized to generate both illuminance and solar
pared with measured data based on Root Mean radiation values covering a large range of atmo-
Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Bias Error spheric conditions. Different input configurations
(MBE). It was found that RMSE in the ANN using combinations of atmospheric variables and
model varies from 1.65% to 79% for the Indian radiometric quantities were analyzed. Results
region. Figure 11 shows the proposed ANN ar- presented this paper shown that an ANN model
chitecture used for estimating the beam solar using direct and diffuse solar irradiance along
radiation. with precipitable water is able to accurately re-
Elminir et al. (2007) proposed an ANN model produce the variations of the three components
to predict diffuse fraction in hourly and daily of luminous efficacy caused by solar zenith angle
scale (KD). An attempt was also done to describe and the various atmospheric absorption and scat-
the ANN outputs in terms of first order polyno- tering processes. The model developed in [46] is
mials relating KD with clearness index (KT) and considerably simpler than the SMARTS radiation
sunshine fraction (S/S0). The procedure used here model it is derived from, but still can retain most

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 13. Measured and predicted daily radiation (Adapted from Iqdour and Zeronal, 2006)

Figure 14. Luminous efficacy components predicted by the SMARTS and ANN models for different tur-
bidity conditions (Lopez and Gueyamard, 2007, used with permission)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

of its predicting power and versatility. The pro- site Florianopolis, localized in the subtropical
posed ANN model can thus be used worldwide, south of Brazil. As shown in Figure 15 the pre-
avoiding the need of using detailed atmospheric sented ANN-based MOS model improves con-
information or empirical models if radiometric siderably the output of the ARPS model simulation.
measurements and precipitable water data (or Measured air temperature and relative humid-
temperature and relative humidity data) are avail- ity values, where used by Rehman and Mohandes
able. Figure 14 displays the luminous efficacy (2008) for the estimation of the global solar ra-
components predicted by the ANN model and diation (GSR) in future time domain using articial
SMARTS versus solar zenith angle, for different neural network method. The measurements used
turbidity conditions. An excellent agreement in this study were collected between 1998 and
between the two models was found in this study. 2002 for Abha city in Saudi Arabia. The estima-
Mubiru and Banda (2008) used ANN for es- tions of GSR were made using three combinations
timating the monthly average daily global solar of data sets namely: (i) day of the year and daily
irradiation on the horizontal surface in Uganda. maximum air temperatures inputs and GSR as
He model estimated the averaged daily solar ra- output, (ii) day of the year and daily mean air
diation by using weather station data: sunshine temperatures inputs and GSR as output and (iii)
duration, maximum temperature, cloud coverage, time day of the year, daily mean air temperature
and location parameters (latitude, longitude and and relative humidity as inputs and GSR as output.
altitude). The comparison between the ANN and The measured data between 1998 and 2001 were
empirical method emphasized the superiority of used for training the neural networks while the
the proposed ANN prediction model. Kratzenberg remaining 240 days’ data from 2002 as testing
et al. (2008) developed an ANN model to improve data. The testing data were not used in training
the performances of the Numerical Weather Pre- the neural networks. Obtained results are showing
diction (NWP) model in forecasting daily solar that neural networks are well capable of estimat-
radiation. The NWP models have very low fore- ing GSR from temperature and relative humidity.
cast performance for the solar radiation. With the This can be used for estimating GSR for locations
intent to increase the performance of these mod- where only temperature and humidity data are
els, their output variables are corrected, tradition- available. A in depth and comprehensive review
ally with Model Output Statistic techniques. The of the AI technique applications was published
NWP model residuals, the forecasted weather by Mellit (2008). In this paper the author presents
variable subtracted from the measured variable an overview of AI techniques for modeling, pre-
are estimated. Even the corrected solar radiation diction and forecasting of solar radiation data.
forecasts do presently not have satisfactory fore- Published literature works, up to 2008 is pre-
cast performance. In this work the solar radiation sented and the potential of AI as a design tool for
is forecasted with the non-hydrostatic model prediction and forecasting of solar radiation data
Advanced Regional Prediction System. This is discussed. Additionally, the advantages of using
model is providing its forecast weather variables AI-based prediction solar radiation data in iso-
for a horizontal grid of (0.12 x 0.12)° resolution lated areas where there no instrument for the
with a sampling interval of 10 min. In their ap- measurement of this data, especially the param-
proach a novel high performance MOS technique eters related to photovoltaic (PV) systems is also
was developed, based on the Discrete Wavelet discussed. Interested reader also can find a rich
Transformation (DWT) and ANNs. The daily bibliography in the Mellit and Kalogirou (2008)
solar energy forecast by the presented method review paper.
reduces the RMSE from 25.5% to 9.06% for the

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 15. Daily mean values of the forecasted versus the ground measured global solar radiation on
horizontal surface utilizing the ARPS model (left panel) and the ANN-based model (right panel) (Adapted
from Kratzenberg et al., 2008)

Jiang (2008) developed an artificial neural mean square error (RMSE). The results of the
network (ANN) model for estimating the monthly ANN model have been compared with empirical
mean daily diffuse solar radiation. Solar radiation regression models to further test the ANN model.
data from 9 stations having different climatic A feed-forward back-propagation algorithm with
conditions all over China were used in this study. single hidden layer was used in this analysis.
Data, collected during1995–2004 were used for The input variables are: the monthly mean daily
training and testing the ANN. Solar radiation data clearness index, and sunshine percentage, while
from eight typical cities are used for training the the output is monthly mean daily diffuse fraction.
neural networks, while the data from the remaining The solar radiation estimations by ANN are in
one location was used for testing the estimated good agreement with the actual values and are
values. Estimated values were compared with superior to those of other available models. In
measured values in terms of mean percentage addition, ANN model was tested to predict the
error (MPE), mean bias error (MBE) and root same components for Zhengzhou station over the

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

same period. Results indicate that ANN model forecasting. The 2-D forecasting performance is
predicts the actual values for Zhengzhou with a tested through feed forward neural networks using
good accuracy of 94.81%. Data for Zhengzhou the same data. The optimal linear filters and ANN
are not included as a part of ANN training set. models are compared in the sense of root mean-
Hence, these results demonstrate the generaliza- square-error (RMSE). An ANN based model was
tion capability of this approach and its ability to used by Boscha et al. (2008) to interpolate daily
produce accurate estimates. solar radiation over the complex terrain in Spain.
The hourly solar radiation data collected during Zervas et al. (2008) developed a ANN prediction
the period August 1, 2005 July 30, 2006 from the model of the global solar irradiance distribution on
solar observation station in IkiEylul campus area horizontal surfaces. The approach was based on
of Eskisehir region of Turkey was used by Hocao- neural network techniques and has been applied
glu et al (2008) in a 2-D representation model of to the meteorological database of NTUA Campus,
the hourly solar radiation estimates. The model Athens, Greece.
provides a unique and compact visualization of the Alam et al. (2009) used ANN models for es-
data for inspection, and enables accurate forecast- timating monthly mean hourly and daily diffuse
ing using image processing methods. Using the solar radiation. Solar radiation data from 10 Indian
hourly solar radiation data mentioned above, the stations, having different climatic conditions, all
image model formed in raster scan form with rows over India have been used for training and testing
and columns corresponding to days and hours, the ANN model. The coefficient of determination
respectively. The results provide the necessary (R2) for all the stations are higher than 0.85, in-
correlation model and prediction directions for dicating strong correlation between diffuse solar
obtaining the optimum prediction template for radiation and selected input parameters. The feed

Figure 16. ANN architecture for the prediction of diffuse solar radiation (Adapted from Alam et al., 2009)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

forward back-propagation algorithm was used in tion values from the model were given in form of
this analysis (see Figure 16). The neurons in the monthly maps. Azadeh et al (2009) developed an
input layer receive nine input signals representing integrated ANN model for predicting solar global
the latitude, longitude, altitude, time, month of the radiation by using climatological variables, as
year, air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, inputs. The proposed approach is particularly
wind speed and net long wavelength. The output useful for locations where no available measure-
layer consists of one output neuron representing ment equipment.
the diffuse solar radiation that is clearness index, Seme et al (2009) was studied the prediction
Kd. Results of ANN models have been compared of solar irradiation during the day. In order to
with the measured data on the basis of percentage predict half hourly solar irradiation during the
root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean bias day an artificial neural network is applied. The
error (MBE). The maximum value of RMSE in artificial neural network was trained using error
ANN model is 8.8% in the prediction of back-propagation learning rule. Meteorological
hourly diffuse solar radiation. The computation data measured during three years in Slovenia were
of monthly mean daily diffuse solar radiation was used to form learning patterns. The trained artificial
also carried out and the results were compared neural network was tested with different patterns.
with those of other empirical models. The ANN Some of them were new while the others were
model shows the maximum RMSE of 4.5% for used in the training procedure. The comparison of
daily diffuse radiation, while for other empirical measured and by the artificial neural network pre-
models the same error is 37.4%, proving that the dicted daily distribution of solar irradiation shows
ANN model performs better than empirical coun- a very good agreement for the clear days. Mehleri
terparts. et al (2009) performed extensive comparisons of
An ANN-based model for prediction of solar various hourly slope irradiation models, found in
energy potential in Nigeria was developed by the literature, in order to select the most accurate
Fadare (2009). Standard multi-layered, feed- for the region of Athens. Finally, a neural network
forward, back-propagation neural networks model was developed to predict the global solar
with different architecture designed using neural irradiance on a tilted surface, using as input data
toolbox for MATLAB were used in this study. the total solar irradiance on a horizontal surface,
Geographical and meteorological data of 195 cities the extraterrestrial radiation, the solar zenith angle
in Nigeria for period of 10 years (1983-1993) and and the solar incidence angle on a tilted plane. The
from the NASA geo-satellite database were used comparison with the aforementioned models has
for the training and testing the network. Meteoro- shown that the neural network model, predicts
logical and geographical data (latitude, longitude, more realistically the total solar irradiance on
altitude, month, mean sunshine duration, mean a tilted surface, as it performs better in regions
temperature, and relative humidity) were used as where the other models show under estimation or
inputs to the network, while the solar radiation over estimation in their calculations.
intensity was the output of the network. The results Rahimikhoob (2010) tested an ANN model
shown that the correlation coefficients between for the estimation of the global solar radiation as
the ANN predictions and actual mean monthly a function of air temperature data in a semi-arid
global solar radiation intensities for training and environment. The ANNs (multilayer perceptron
testing data sets were higher than 90% suggesting type) were trained to estimate GSR as a function
a high reliability of the model for evaluation of of the maximum and minimum air temperature
solar radiation in locations where solar radiation and extraterrestrial radiation. The data used in the
data are not available. The predicted solar radia- network training were obtained from a historical

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

series (1994–2001) of daily climatic data collected FUZZY LOGIC AND HYBRID
in weather station of Ahwaz located in Khuzestan APPROACHES TO MODEL AND
plain in the southwest of Iran. ANN-based models PREDICT SOLAR RADIATION
for forecasting GSR on horizontal surfaces were
also developed and tested against conventional/ Sen (1998) used a FL approach for estimating solar
empirical GSR prediction models by Behrang et radiation from sunshine duration measurements.
al (2010). Daily mean air temperature, relative A fuzzy logic algorithm for estimating the solar
humidity, sunshine hours, evaporation, and wind irradiation from sunshine duration measurements
speed values collected between 2002 and 2006 was proposed in this study. The main advantage
for Dezful city in Iran, were used in this study. of fuzzy models is their ability to describe the
In order to consider the effect of each meteo- knowledge in a descriptive human-like manner in
rological variable on the daily GSR prediction the form of simple rules using linguistic variables
(the model output), six combinations of the input only. In this manner the classical Angstrom or any
variables were analyzed: a) day of the year, daily other type of regression equations can be replaced
mean air temperature and relative humidity; b) by a set of fuzzy rule bases. The fuzzy approach
day of the year, daily mean air temperature and was applied to predict solar irradiance for three
sunshine hours; c) day of the year, daily mean air sites with monthly averages of daily irradiances
temperature, relative humidity and sunshine hours; located in the western part of Turkey. The applica-
d) day of the year, daily mean air temperature, tion of the proposed fuzzy subsets and rule bases
relative humidity, sunshine hours and evaporation; is straightforward and easily to implement for any
e) day of the year, daily mean air temperature, of the irradiation and sunshine duration measure-
relative humidity, sunshine hours and wind speed; ments in any part of the world. Santamouris et al
and f) day of the year, daily mean air temperature, (1999) developed three methods for analyzing and
relative humidity, sunshine hours, evaporation modeling the global short wave radiation reaching
and wind speed. Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) the earth’s surface. The estimation methods consist
and radial basis function (RBF) neural networks of an atmospheric deterministic model and two
are applied for daily GSR modeling based on the data-driven intelligent methods. The determinis-
six proposed combinations of the input variables. tic method is a broad band atmospheric model,
The measured data between 2002 and 2005 were developed for predicting the global and diffuse
used to train the neural networks, while the data solar radiation incident on the earth’s surface. The
for 214 days from 2006 were used to test the intelligent data-driven methods are a new neural
models. The comparison of obtained results from network approach in which the hourly values of
ANNs and several conventional GSR prediction global radiation for several years are calculated
(CGSRP) models is shown higher performances and a new fuzzy logic method. The two data-driven
of the ANN-based models over the empirical ones. models, calculating the global solar radiation on
The MLP architecture with day of the year, daily a horizontal surface, are based on measured data
mean air temperature, relative humidity, sunshine of several meteorological parameters such as the
hours and wind speed as inputs has the highest air temperature, the relative humidity, and the
accuracy of predictions, while the RBF model sunshine duration. The three methods were tested
with day of the year, daily mean air temperature and compared using various sets of solar radiation
and sunshine hours, as inputs also is showing a measurements collected at Athens, Greece. The
good accuracy. comparison of the three methods showed that
the proposed intelligent techniques can be suc-
cessfully used for the estimation of global solar

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

radiation during the warm period of the year, while is presented, along with module and Irad scores
during the cold period the atmospheric determin- for some cases.
istic model gives better estimations. Solar irradiance is an extreme case of an
A fuzzy model of solar irradiance on inclined uncertain variable when measured on an hourly
surfaces has been developed by Gautman and or shorter time interval. Gomez and Casanovas
Kaushika (2002). The fuzzy model includes con- (2002) proposed a suitable model for estimating
cepts from earlier models, though unlike these, the solar radiation data using FL random vari-
it considers non-disjunctive sky categories. The ables. The solar irradiance uncertainty is treated
proposed model offers performance similar to that in this study as a fuzzy uncertainty whilst other
of the models with the best results in the compara- variables are considered crisp. This approach is
tive analysis of the literature, such as the Perez robust as it does not rely on statistical assump-
model. The cloudiness index is defined, in this tions, and it is a possible alternative to modeling
study as the fraction of extraterrestrial radiation complex systems. This was one of the first at-
that reaches the earth’s surface when the sky above tempts, proposed to use a physical model of a
the location of interest is obscured by the cloud meteorological variable based on fuzzy numbers.
cover. The cloud cover at the location of interest Previous rule-based fuzzy meteorological models
during the jth time interval of a day is assumed were only descriptive, and cannot be extrapolated
to follow the fuzzy random phenomenon. The to non-measured cases. Compared with previous
cloudiness index, therefore, is considered, here non-fuzzy models of solar irradiance, this fuzzy
as a fuzzy random variable that accounts for the model shows an improved performance, and
cloud cover at the location of interest during the when compared with experimental data, the per-
jth time interval of a day. A fuzzy based evaluation formance can be evaluated by fuzzy indices that
model of the quality of the performance of the solar take into account the uncertainty of the data and
radiation models was proposed by Bellocchi et al the model output. Gomez and Casanovas (2003)
(2002). Three modules were formulated reflecting proposed an updated model of the previous one
the magnitude of residuals (Accuracy), the corre- for estimating solar irradiation based on FL, ac-
lation estimates and measurements (Correlation), cording to the authors the fuzzy model shows an
and the presence or absence of patterns in the improved performance, and when compared with
residuals against independent variables (Pattern), experimental data.
respectively. The Accuracy and Pattern modules Sen et al. (2004) developed a more efficient
resulted from the aggregation of three (relative model based on the fuzzy system architecture
root mean square error, modeling efficiency, and for solar irradiation estimation from the sunshine
t-Student probability) and two (pattern index vs. duration measurements than the conventional
day of the year and pattern index vs. minimum empirical methods. Partial fuzzy modeling ac-
air temperature) indices, respectively, while the counts for the possible local nonlinearities in the
Correlation module was identified by a single form of piece-wise linearization in this model.
index (Pearson’s correlation coefficient). For each The parameters estimation of such a fuzzy model
index, two functions describing membership to the is achieved through the application of genetic
fuzzy subsets Favorable (F) and Unfavorable (U) algorithm technique. The fuzzy part of the model
have been defined. The expert system calculates provides treatment of vague information about the
the modules according to both the membership sunshine duration data whereas the genetic part
degree of the indices to the subsets F and U and furnishes an objective and optimum estimation
decision rules set. Then the modules are aggre- procedure. The application of genetic-fuzzy model
gated into the indicator Irad. Sensitivity analysis as proposed in this article is presented for three

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

stations in Turkey and the results are compared logic model for beam and diffuse atmospheric
by ones from the previous classical approaches. transmittances. The results lead to the conclusion
Rivington et al. (2006) conducted an extensive that developing parametric models along the ways
evaluation of three models for the solar radiation of fuzzy logic is a viable alternative to classical
estimates, using data collected at 24 weather sta- parameterization. Due to the heuristic nature of the
tions in the UK. Comparisons were made using fuzzy model input–output map, it leads to more
a fuzzy-logic based multiple-indices assessment flexibility in adapting to local climatic conditions.
system (Irad) and tests of the temporal distribution Tulcan-Paulescu and Paulescu (2008) developed
of mean errors. The conversion from sunshine a model for estimating daily global solar irradia-
duration to solar radiation produces the best tion from daily average air temperature based on
overall estimates, but shows systematic seasonal the Fuzzy sets theory for locations in Romania.
errors. The two air temperature based methods, In addition to the presentation of a new mapping
discussed in this study can be reliable alternatives technique, from the input to the output of the
when only air temperature data are available. Their model, an innovative approach for the tuning of
study demonstrates the value and importance of the fuzzy algorithm to fit a local meteo-climate
using a range of assessment methods to evaluate is proposed. Since air temperature-based solar
model estimates. radiation models are strongly dependent on the
Lah et al. (2006) applied fuzzy logic approach origin location, the adaptive method presented
to control and model daylight illuminance, Iqdour here is designed as a tool for potential users to
and Zeronal (2006) proposed the investigation of either increase the application area or to devise
the use the fuzzy systems of Takagi Sugeno (TS) more precise local models. A critical assessment
for modeling the daily solar radiation data. The of fuzzy model performances and limitations has
Takagi-Sugeno models are non-linear techniques, been conducted. The reported results demonstrated
defined by a set of If- Then rules, each of which the potential of modeling solar irradiation using
establishes a local linear input-output relationship the fuzzy sets approach.
between the variables of the model. The TS fuzzy A Neuro-Fuzzy approach has been developed
model is trained using data of daily solar radia- for prediction of clearness index (KT) in isolated
tion recorded on a horizontal surface in Dakhla in sites for Algeria (Mellit and Guessoum, 2006). The
Morocco. The predicting results indicate that the inputs of this model are the geographical coordi-
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model gives a good accuracy nates and the outputs are the mean monthly Kt. An
of 96% and a root mean square error lower than 6%. adaptive ANN and hybrid models for prediction
In addition, the performances of the identified TS of daily solar radiation is proposed by Mellit et al.
fuzzy model are then compared to a linear model (2004d, 2007a). The models combine ANN and
using the SOS techniques. The results show the fuzzy logic (ANFIS). The input of these models is
effectiveness of the nonlinear model. Paulescu et the mean temperature and the sunshine duration.
al (2008) studied two models for solar radiation Figure 17 illustrates the proposed ANFIS-model.
attenuation in the atmosphere. The novelty consists Mellit et al. (2007b) proposed a new model based
in using fuzzy logic algorithms for evaluating on neuro-fuzzy for predicting the sequences of
atmospheric transmittances associated to the main monthly clearness index and proposed it for gen-
attenuators: Rayleigh scattering, aerosol extinc- erating solar radiation, which has been used for
tion, ozone, water vapor and trace gas absorption. the sizing of a PV-system. The authors proposed
The first model encompasses self-dependent a hybrid model for estimating sequences of daily
fuzzy modeling of each characteristic transmit- clearness index by using an ANFIS and Markov
tance, while the second one is a proper fuzzy chain; the proposed model has been used for

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 17. The ANFIS-model used for estimating the irradiation from the mean temperature and the
sunshine duration (Adapted from Mellit et al., 2007a)

estimating the daily solar radiation. An applica- APPLICATION OF NEURAL

tion of sizing a PV-system is presented based on NETWORKS AND MARKOV CHAINS
the data generated by this model. Badran et al FOR SOLAR RADIATION
(2009) studied study the use of the fuzzy logic to PREDICTION
assess solar sites in Jordan and to decide which
sites should be given the highest priority with Mellit et al. (2004c, 2005b, 2005c) proposed
respect to their benefits and costs. The criterion of simplified hybrid models for generating sequences
evaluation using fuzzy logic is based on different of total daily solar radiation; the proposed model
parameters, i.e., solar resources, site capacity, site combines neural networks and Markov chains.
accessibility, soil condition, water availability, grid This model is called the ANN-MTM (Markov
connection distance, land cost, land roughness, and Transition Matrix). The inputs of the proposed
wind speed. This method seems very promising model are the geographical coordinates while the
for the solar site assessments. outputs are the daily total solar radiation. It can be
used for generating sequences of solar radiation
in the long term and it was applied for Algeria.
Figure 18 shows the hybrid configuration for
generating sequences of daily solar radiation data.
Cao and Cao (2005) developed a hybrid model for
forecasting sequences of total daily solar radiation,
which combines ANN with wavelet analysis. The
characteristic of this method is the pre-processing

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 18. Block diagram of hybrid model ANN–MTM (Adapted from Mellit et al., 2005b)

of data using wavelet transformation, i.e., the system and results in quick learning and fast
data sequence of solar irradiation is first mapped convergence.
onto several time-frequency domains and then An ANN fuzzy logic assisted model to forecast
a recurrent Back-Propagation (BP) network is solar irradiance was proposed by Cao and Lin
established for each domain. According to the (2008). In general, the forecast models based
authors, the results showed that the accuracy of on ANN perform much better in accuracy than
the method is more satisfactory than that of the many conventional prediction models. However,
methods reported before (see Figure 18 for details). a fact could not be neglected that most of such
Mellit (2006) also proposed an ANN with existing ANN-based models have not yet satisfied
Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWTs) for time researchers and engineers in forecast precision
series prediction. This model has been used for so far, and the generalization capability of these
prediction of solar radiation based on sunshine networks needs further improving. Combining
duration and mean temperature. Cao and Cao the prominent dynamic characteristics of recur-
(2006) used neural network and wavelet analysis rent neural network with the enhanced ability
for prediction of solar radiation. Mellit et al. (2006) of wavelet neural network (WNN) in mapping
proposed an adaptive wavelet-network model for nonlinear functions, the authors proposed a diago-
forecasting daily total solar radiation. In this study, nal recurrent wavelet neural network (DRWNN)
several structures have been investigated for re- method to carry out fine forecasting of the hourly
solving the missing data problem. In this particu- global solar irradiance. Some additional steps,
lar estimation process, the model consists of an e.g., using fuzzy technique to apply historical
adaptive neural-network topology with the wave- information of cloud cover to sample data sets for
let transformation embedded in the hidden units. network training and the forecasted cloud cover
The IIR synopsis network is used to create a in weather program to network input for the ir-
‘double’ local network architecture that provides radiation forecasting, were also adopted to help
a computationally efficient method of training the enhancing forecast precision. The hourly irradi-
ance forecast is completed using the sample data

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

set in Shanghai, China and comparisons between and Lorenzo (1992). In all of these, accuracy is
irradiation models show that the DRWNN model achieved by using data from daily global irradia-
is definitely more accurate. tion series. If this kind of data is not available,
the loss of accuracy is significant, or the method
cannot be used. Sidrach-de-Cardona and Mora
CONVENTIONAL METHODS Lopez (1999) suggested an alternative method:
FOR PV SYSTEM SEIZING a multivariate qualitative model is proposed to
calculate the size of the stand-alone PV system,
Power output of a solar energy system varies using as input mean monthly irradiation values
according to the irradiation and global system and setting parameters.
functioning conditions. In any solar energy and PV The estimation of the excess of energy provided
system, sizing represents an important part of the by PV generators using the utilisability method was
system design. The optimal selection of the number developed by Liu and Jordan (1977). The excess
of solar cell panels, collector selection, the size of energy provided by PV systems for an installa-
the storage battery and the size of wind-generator tion having a constant load was also evaluated
to be used for certain applications at a particular by Klein (1978). Siegel et al. (1981) evaluated
site is an important economical task for electrifica- the monthly average output, the excess of energy
tion of villages in rural areas, telecommunications, and the storage capacity of the batteries. Evans
refrigeration, water pumping, and water heating, et al (1981) described a method to consider the
etc. Besides being an economic waste, an oversized monthly average output of PV fields. All these
system can also adversely affect further utilization methods are based on the energy balance of the
of the solar cells and the pollution-free PV energy. systems studied to determine their storage capacity
The estimation of the sizing parameters PV-array and output. In the so-called numerical methods
area, useful capacity of battery, wind generator is employed to calculate the size of the PV system
very useful to conceive an optimal PV systems for the various sites are based on the loss of load
as well as conceiving an optimal and economic probability method (LOLP). The data obtained
PV systems particularly in isolated sites (Sahara with this method is usually processed via mul-
regions, small island archipelagos, remote areas in tivariate regression linear analysis. The LOLP
developing nations, mountainous locations, rural method is based on the ideas proposed by Gordon
regions, etc.). In order to decide the size of any (1981), and Klein and Beckman (1987). LOLP is
solar energy conversion system, especially of the defined as the dimensionless energy deficit, for
stand-alone photovoltaic system, various methods a PV system, carried out over a sufficiently long
can be used. Over the years, several models have period of time which allows us to fully characterize
been developed, simulating and sizing PV systems the statistical nature of the solar irradiation. To
using different operation strategies. Some are more determine the array capacity and the battery sizes
accurate than others and range from those known for a specified LOLP, the long-term photovoltaic
as intuitive to others in which a detailed simulation behavior has been simulated and calculated daily.
and analysis methods of the system is carried out The first step in this method is to calculate the solar
(numerical methods). Somewhere between these irradiation incident on the tilted surface, employ-
two poles are the analytical methods that sacri- ing one of the methods presented in the previous
fice certain accuracy in order to gain simplicity sections of this chapter. In order to simulate the
in the calculations. Among these methods, there behavior of a PV system, a daily energy balance
are ones proposed, more than three decades by is carried out each day
Barra et al (1984), Bartoli et al. (1984), and Egido

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Other methods used to estimate the perfor- Benghanem (2002) has been developed a suitable
mance of PV systems are based on the Loss of methodology based on LLP for sizing PV-system in
Load Probability (LLP) technique, defined as the Algeria. Bhuiyan and Asgar (2003) optimized PV
ratio between the energy deficit and the energy battery system for Dhaka, Bangladesh with respect
demand, both on the load, there are developed by to power output for different tilt and azimuth angle
Bucciareli (1984), Klein and Beckman (1987), for optimum performance of the system. Mellit
Barra et al. (1994), and by Bartoli et al. (1984). et al., (2004c) have presented a simplified meth-
These analytical methods are simple to apply but odology for optimal sizing PV-system in Algeria
they are not general. On the other hand, the nu- based on spatial interpolation method. Kaushika et
merical methods presented by Bucciarelli (1984), al. (2005) developed a computational scheme for
Groumpos and Papageorgiou (1987), Graham et stand-alone solar PV systems with interconnected
al. (1988), Aguiar et al. (1988), Chapman (1990) arrays have been investigated for optimal sizing
and Abouzahr (1991) present a good solution, but of the array and battery bank. The loss of power
these need a long period solar radiation data record. supply probability (LPSP) is used to connote the
Egido and Lorenzo (1992) reviewed methods risk of not satisfying the load demand.
for computing capacity of PV arrays and battery At the beginning of the 1990’s, the main PV
storage and suggested analytical model based applications were stand-alone PV system appli-
on LOLP, where it uses more complex methods cations. However, PV grid-connected systems
which allow the improvement of the precision of (PVGCS) have had the largest growth since 2000.
the LLP calculation according to the dimension In fact, PVGCS residential applications are esti-
of the PV-array area and the storage capacity. An mated to have risen. Grid-connected applications
optimal method for the panel area of PV system are the fastest growing segment of the photovoltaic
in relation to the static inverter practical results (PV) market with premium feed-in tariffs avail-
has been developed by Keller and Affolter (1995). able in many countries. Peippo and Lund (1994)
A detailed evaluation of the sensitivity of a nu- have proposed an optimal ratio of the nominal
merical sizing method developed by Notton et PV-array capacity to the rated inverter input ca-
al. (1996), has shown that the influences of some pacity in PVGCS based on numerical simulations
parameters on the sizing, i.e., simulation time step, for several locations. Keller et al., (2005) have
input and output power profile are very important. developed a methodology for solving the prob-
It is therefore important to have knowledge of lem of poor sizing. PVGCS systems often under
the daily profile at least on an hourly basis. The exploit the capacity of the static inverter resulting
authors have highlighted that optimal solution in reduced efficiency and an increase in the cost
can be obtained if PV contributes for 75% of the of energy. A simple process for the evaluation of
energy requirements. the optimal size of grid-PV-generator in building
The cost of electricity generated from a hybrid has been developed (Hernandez at al. 2007) and
PV system is also one of the decision-making pa- has been used as a useful tool for the PV designer
rameters. Shrestha and Goel (1998) demonstrated in the choice of sizing the PV system capable
a method to find optimal combination of PV array for supplying the maximum building electricity
size and battery to meet the refrigeration load, by consumption with a minimum cost. Optimum
using statistical models for both solar radiation PV/inverter sizing ratios for PVGCS in selected
and the load. Mellit et al. (2005, 2008) developed European locations were determined in terms of
methods to design stand-alone PV systems, for total system output, system output per specific cost
remote areas of Algeria based on mean monthly of a system, system output per annualized specific
clearness index and daily solar radiation data. cost of a system, has been described (Burger and

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Ruither, 2006). In (Mellit et al. 2003) the authors the configuration that yields the best compromise
have discussed how the time resolution of solar for the two considered objectives: the long-term
radiation data influences the correct sizing of PV average performance and the overall cost of the
plants. And they have demonstrated that using generating system. In particular, the objectives
instant (10 s) irradiation values instead of average of the optimization problem are: the maximiza-
hourly irradiation values leads to considerable tion of the Supplied Load Fraction, that is the
differences in optimum inverter sizing. fraction of the actual electrical load that can be
supplied by the system, and the minimization of
the Relative Unit Electricity Cost, that is the net
AI TECHNIQUES FOR cost of generating each kWh during the lifetime
SEIZING PV SYSTEMS of the stand-alone solar electrical system referred
to the UEC calculated in case of loads supplied
The conventional methodology (empiric, analytic, by the grid. The control variables are the solar
numeric, hybrid, etc.) for sizing PV-systems have cell array surface, the tilt angle of the modules,
been used for a location where the required weather and the storage system capacity. The fuzzy multi-
data (irradiation, temperature, humidity, clear- objective optimization procedure is described and
ness index, wind speed, etc.) and the information the application results are presented considering
concerning the site where we want to implement different configurations characterized by some
the PV system are available. In this case these parameters, such as the electrical load, the yearly
methods present a good solution, particularly power demand, the distance from the utility grid,
hybrid method for sizing PV-systems. However, and the solar cells unit cost.
these techniques could not be used for sizing PV Mellit et al. (2003) studied the application of
systems in remote areas, in the case where the an ANN model for the estimation of the sizing
required data are not available. Moreover, the parameters of stand-alone PV-systems. In this
major of the above methods need the long term model, the input parameters are the latitude and
meteorological data such as total solar irradiation, longitude of the site, while the outputs are two
air temperature, wind speed, etc. for its operation. hybrid-sizing parameters. These parameters are
So, when the relevant meteorological data are not used by the designers of PV-systems to determine
available, these methods cannot be used, espe- the number of PV modules and the storage unit
cially in the isolated areas. In order to overcome capacity necessary to satisfy a given consumption.
this situation, more recent methods have been While Mellit et al. (2004a) used RBF architec-
developed in the literature for sizing parameters ture to identify and model the optimal sizing of
for PV-systems based on AI-techniques (Mellit et a stand-alone PV system. The results have been
al. 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2004e, 2005a, 2006). A compared and tested with experimental values
comprehensive overview of the application of AI in these applications. An application to sizing of
techniques in the PV-systems sizing is presented stand-alone PV systems was developed by Mellit
in next subsections of this chapter. et al (2004a). These optimal sizing combinations
Conti et al (2002) proposed one of the first allow to the users of stand-alone PV systems to
applications of the AI techniques in the PV sys- determine the number of solar panel modules
tem sizing. It consists of an automatic procedure and storage batteries necessary, to satisfy a given
to perform the optimal sizing of a stand-alone consumption, especially in isolated sites where
solar electrical system with battery storage is the global solar radiation data is not always avail-
developed by a FL based multi-objective optimi- able. A developed model combines a Multi-Layer
zation approach. The procedure aims at finding Perceptron (MLP), wavelets and infinite impulse

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Figure 19. MLP architecture for the obtaining of the LLP curves (Adapted from Hontoria et al. 2006)

response (IIR) filter. The wave-net model has been curves by using simplified recurrent neural net-
trained by using 200 known sizing coefficients works. This technique has been applied for Span-
data corresponding to 200 locations. In this way, ish locations. Figure 19 presents the architecture
the adaptive model was trained to accept and even used for this simulation. It consists of three
handle a number of unusual cases. Known sizing layers. The input layer has three inputs which
coefficients were subsequently used to investigate are the following ones: the accumulator capacity
the accuracy of estimation, the unknown valida- (CS), defined as the maximum energy that can
tion sizing coefficients set produced very accurate be extracted from the accumulator divided by the
estimation with the correlation coefficient between average daily consumption of the load; loss of load
the actual und the wave-net model estimated data probability (LOLP); and yearly clearness index
of 98% was obtained. This result indicates that (KTDY). The output of the MLP is the generator
the proposed method can be successfully used capacity (CA), which is defined as the ratio of
for estimating of optimal sizing coefficients of the average energy output of the generator in the
the stand-alone PV systems, not only for any month with worst solar radiation input divided by
locations in Algeria, but the methodology can be the average consumption of the load (assuming a
easily generalized for other areas. constant consumption of load for every month).
Hontoria et al. (2006, and 2007) developed a Figure 20 shows an example of generated curve
suitable technique for drawing the iso-reliability by MLP, for Santander location, for a LLP=0.01.

Figure 20. LLP curves obtained by different methods (Santander, LLP=0.01) (Adapted from Hontoria
et al., 2006)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Several AI-based methods for sizing PV sys- in Figure 21. A database of measured weather
tems have been developed by several authors in data (global radiation, temperature and humidity)
order to select the optimal size of parameters of and electrical signals (photovoltaic, battery and
PV systems in remote areas. The results obtained regulator voltage and current) of a PVPS system
have been compared and tested with experimen- installed in Tahifet (southern Algeria) has been
tal data. Mellit et al. (2004) developed a suitable recorded for the period from 1992 to 1997 using
approach, which combines the ANN with wave- a data acquisition system. These data have been
let analysis for the sizing of stand-alone PV used for the modeling and simulation of the PVPS
system. The proposed approach presents more system. The ANFIS for the PV-generator, battery
accurate results compared with MLP, RBF and and regulator have been trained by using 10 signals
RNN. Mellit et al (2005) investigated the of RBF recorded from the different components of the
networks to find a model for daily global solar PVPS system. A set of data for 4-years have been
radiation data from sunshine duration and air used for the training of the ANFIS and data for
temperature. This methodology is considered 1-year has been used for the testing of the ANFIS.
suitable for prediction time series, by using the The ANFIS was trained to accept and handle a
database of daily sunshine duration, air tempera- number of unusual cases. The comparison between
ture and global solar radiation data corresponding actual and estimated values obtained from the
to Typical Reference Year (TRY). A RBF model ANFIS gave satisfactory results. The correlation
has been trained based on 300 known data from coefficient between measured values and those
TRY, in this way, the network was trained to ac- estimated by the ANFIS gave good prediction
cept and even handle a number of unusual cases. accuracy of 98%. In addition, test results show
Known data were subsequently used to investigate that the ANFIS performed better than the ANN
the accuracy of prediction. Subsequently, the models. Predicted electrical signals by the ANFIS
unknown validation data set produced very ac- can be used for several applications in PV systems.
curate estimation, with the mean relative error Mellit (2006) proposed an improved approach
(MRE) not exceed 1.5% between the actual and for modeling of the optimal sizing parameters of
predicted data, also the correlation coefficient Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Power (SAPVP) system
obtained for the validation data set is 98.9%, these especially in isolated sites where the meteoro-
results indicates that the proposed model can logical data are not available. In addition to tra-
successfully be used for prediction and modeling
of daily global solar radiation data from sunshine
duration and air temperature. An application for Figure 21. PVPS-system schematic (Mellit and
sizing of stand-alone PV system has been pre- Kalogirou (2006), used with permission)
sented in this paper in order to shows the impor-
tance of this modeling.
Mellit and Kalogirou (2006) proposed a
methodology for modeling of a Photovoltaic
Power Supply (PVPS) system using an Adaptive
Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). For the
modeling of the PVPS system, it is required to
find suitable models for its different components
(ANFIS PV-generator, ANFIS battery and ANFIS
regulator) under variable climatic conditions. A
simple configuration of PVPS-system is shown

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

ditional models, several artificial intelligence of the considered site. The methodology can be
based technique are studied and compared. These generalized using different locations over the
include feed-forward, radial basis function net- world, Senjyua et al. (2007) developed an optimal
work, recurrent network, modular network, and configuration of power generating systems in
the adaptive wavelet-network. The Proposed isolated islands with RE using a genetic algorithm
model consists to use an ANFIS scheme. The (GA). This methodology can be used to determine
problem consists to predict the optimal parameters the optimum number of solar array panels, wind
of SAPVP system in isolated sites, where the turbine generators and battery configurations.
traditional models are not able to estimate these Hernadeza et al. (2007) presented a systematic
parameters in these sites. From these parameters algorithm to determine the optimal location and
we can determine the optimal configuration of sizing of PV grid-connected systems (PVGCSs)
the SAPVP system for a given load. A database in feeders that provides the best overall impact
of optimal sizing parameters has been developed onto the feeder. The optimal solution is reached
by using numerical model for 200 locations in by multi-objective optimization approach. Both
Algeria. The ANFIS model has been trained by technical and economical objective functions
using 200 known sizing parameters data, in this are taken into account in the optimization proce-
way the model was trained to accept and even dure. The technical objective is related with the
handle a number of unusual cases. Known sizing improvement of the distribution feeder voltage
parameters were subsequently used to investigate conditions. The economical objective is associ-
the accuracy of estimation, the unknown valida- ated with the profitability both PV generation
tion sizing parameters set produced very set ac- and potential loss reduction on the feeder. This
curate estimation with the correlation coefficient procedure aims at finding the PV solution that
between the actual and the ANFIS model esti- yields the best compromise for the two considered
mated data of 98.5% was obtained. Obtained objectives between various potential candidates of
results indicate that the proposed model can be PVGCSs well known. The results obtained with
successfully used for estimating the optimal siz- the proposed methodology for feeders found in
ing parameters of SAPVP system for any location the literature demonstrate its applicability.
in Algeria from only the geographical coordinates

Figure 22. Fuzzy inference system (Adapted from Mellit et al., 2008)

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

In a development of previous work, Mellit a stand-alone PV system at Al-Maidinah is pre-

et al (2008) proposed an adaptive neuro-fuzzy sented to show the effectiveness of the developed
inference system (ANFIS) model for estimating RBF-model.
sequences of mean monthly clearness index () and Interested readers in the applications of the AI
total solar radiation data in isolated sites based techniques solar radiation, prediction and fore-
on geographical coordinates. The magnitude of casting or in the AI applications in PV systems
solar radiation is the most important parameter are strongly encouraged to read the following
for sizing PV systems. The ANFIS model is comprehensive review papers (Kallogirou, 2001
trained by using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and 2003, Mellit, 2008, and Mellit and Kallogirou,
based on fuzzy logic (FL) rules. The inputs of the 2009), as well as the Kalogirou, 2007 monograph.
ANFIS in this model are the latitude, longitude,
and altitude, while the outputs are the 12 values
of the mean monthly clearness index. These data CONCLUSION
have been collected from 60 locations in Algeria.
Figure 22 is showing the fuzzy inference used in A number of AI techniques have been reviewed
this model. The results show that the performance in this chapter, which are suitable for solar en-
of the proposed approach in the prediction of the ergy applications. These include artificial neural
mean monthly clearness index is better compared networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and
to the measured values. In addition, a comparison hybrid systems. AI techniques have been applied
between the results obtained by the ANFIS model in a wide range of fields for modeling, prediction,
and ANN-based only models was conducted in and forecasting of solar radiation or solar resource
order to show the advantage of the proposed estimates, simulation, modeling, optimization and
method. The technique has been applied to isolated seizing of solar energy systems. The advantages of
Algerian locations, but it can be generalized for AI-based simulation techniques are that they offer
any geographical position. It can also be used for a powerful alternative approach to conventional
estimating of other meteorological parameters physical modeling technique. These techniques
such as temperature, humidity and wind speed do not require the knowledge of internal system
Benghanema and Mellit (2010) used a Radial parameters, involve less computational effort
Basis Function network for the modeling and and offer a compact solution for multi-variable
predicting of the daily global solar radiation data problems. The successful applications presented
from the meteorological data such as air tem- in this chapter are testimony of the potential of
perature, sunshine duration, and relative humid- AI techniques in this field. Based on to the above
ity. These data were recorded in the period 1998- applications, we can conclude the following:
2002 at Al-Madinah (Saudi Arabia) by the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Four • AI based models have been successfully
RBF models have been developed, by the authors developed to model solar radiation, clear-
for the prediction of the daily global solar radia- ness index and insolation. These have been
tion. It was found that the RBF model which uses used for estimating data in sites where mea-
the sunshine duration and air temperature as input surement instruments are not available.
parameters, gives more accurate results. A com- • AI techniques differ from the traditional
parative study between developed RBF, multi- ones in that no transformations of the data
layer perceptron and conventional regression are required.
models was also conducted in this paper. In ad- • AI techniques have been demonstrated and
dition, an application for estimating the sizing of used in forecasting and prediction of the

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

solar radiation, clearness index and insola- Adnan, S., Arcaklýog¢lub, E., Ozalpa, M., &
tion, as well as for solving the problem of Agclarc, N. C. (2005). Forecasting based on
missing data. neural network approach of solar potential in
• It should be noted that some models have Turkey. Renewable Energy, 30(7), 1075–1090.
been applied for specific location, but they doi:10.1016/j.renene.2004.09.020
can be easily generalized at different sites.
Aguiar, R. J., Collares-Pereira, M., & Conde, J. P.
(1988). Simple procedure for generating sequences
Based on the review presented here, AI tech-
of daily radiation values using a library of Mar-
niques seem to offer alternative methods for mod-
kov Transition matrices. Solar Energy, 40(3),
eling, forecasting and prediction of solar radiation
229–279. doi:10.1016/0038-092X(88)90049-7
in many regions of the world that lacks complete
data. It should be noted that AI techniques have Akinoglu, B. G., & Ecevit, A. (1990). Construction
also been used for modeling and prediction of other of a quadratic model using modified Angstrom
meteorological variables, such as air temperature, coefficients to estimate global solar radiation.
wind speed, humidity, etc. that maybe used in Solar Energy, 45(2), 85–92. doi:10.1016/0038-
the solar energy system design and operation. 092X(90)90032-8
Generally, AI techniques have demonstrated the
Alam, S., Kaushik, S. C., & Garg, S. N. (2006).
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Proceedings of the, IWANN099, 4–5. KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence

is the mimicking of human thought and cognitive
ADDITIONAL READING processes to solve complex problems automati-
cally. AI uses techniques for writing computer
American Society of Heating. Refrigerating and
code to represent and manipulate knowledge.
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (1999). ASHRAE
Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial Neural
handbook: HVAC applications. Atlanta, GA:
Networks are an approach to machine learning
which developed out of attempts to model the
Chen, S. H., Jakeman, A., & Norton, J. P. (2008). processing that occurs within the neurons of the
Artificial intelligence techniques: An introduction brain.
to their use for modeling environmental systems. Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic provides a way of
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 78, taking our commonsense knowledge that most
379–400. doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2008.01.028 things are a matter of degree into account when
a computer is automatically making a decision.
Hsieh, J. S. (1986). Solar energy engineering.
Genetic Algorithms: Search algorithms used
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
in machine learning which involve iteratively
Kalogirou, S. A. (Ed.). (2007). Artificial intel- generating new candidate solutions by combining
ligence in energy and renewable energy systems. two high scoring earlier (or parent) solutions in
Nova Publisher. a search for a better solution.

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Applications

Insolation: The solar power density incident Solar Constant: The average amount of solar
on a surface of stated area and orientation (W/m2). radiation that reaches the earth’s upper atmosphere
Irradiance: The direct, diffuse, and reflected on a surface perpendicular to the sun’s rays; equal
solar radiation that strikes a surface. to 1353 W/m2.
Photovoltaic System: A complete set of com- Solar Resource: The amount of solar insola-
ponents for converting sunlight into electricity by tion a site receives, usually measured in kWh/
the photovoltaic process, including the array and m2/day, which is equivalent to the number of
balance of system components. peak sun hours.


Chapter 16
Methods of Forecasting
Solar Radiation
Rubita Sudirman
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Muhammad Noorul Anam Mohd Norddin

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Extreme demands on the methods used for forecasting solar radiation has been the driving force behind
the efforts to find the best method available. An extensive study of different techniques available was
conducted. Methods studied in this research can be classified as time series and neural network ap-
proach. Time series approaches considered are autoregressive (AR), moving average (MA), autoregressive
moving average (ARMA), and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). In neural network
approaches, multi-layer perceptron networks are used. The error back-propagation learning algorithm
is utilized in the training process. Comparison of methods and performance of different methods are
presented in the result and discussion section of this chapter. The solar radiation data used were a col-
lection of past data acquired throughout the US continent for 10 years period. These data were used to
forecast future solar radiation based on the past trend observed from the database using both time series
and neural network approaches. Finally, this chapter makes general comparison among the methods
used and outlines some advantages and disadvantages of using the neural network approach.

INTRODUCTION radiation and heat, waterfalls, and biomass are

different manifestations of solar energy and they
Energy resources that are renewed on short term have received most of the attention. They are
basis are designated as renewable energy re- fairly evenly distributed around the world and
sources. Almost all renewable energy resources are plentiful (Ramakumar, Allison, and Hughes,
considered for utilization at the present time 1974, pp. 107-115). However, these resources are
are traced back to the sun. Wind energy, solar dilute and conversion to usable forms requires
quite an expensive tools.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch016
Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Solar radiation is the emission of photons from Solar Activity

the sun. One of the ways these photons can be
utilized is by means of the photoelectric effect: the Early earth-based measurements suggested that
primary effect of photons on solids. This effect was solar output was nearly constant; it varied within
discovered by H. Hertz in 1987. The generation of one percent imposed by absorption and scattering
a potential when the region in or near the built-in of sunlight in earth atmosphere (Gopal and Scud-
potential barrier of a semiconductor ionized by eri, 1995, pp.42-59). Satellite measurements made
radiation is known as the photovoltaic effect. from the Solar Maximum Mission and Nimbus-7
Photovoltaic effect was known long before its showed constant changes of up to 0.1 percent for
feasibility for direct energy conversion (Chaplin the most recent eleven-year sunspot cycle of the
et al., 1954, pp. 676-677). solar activity (Gopal and Scuderi, 1995, pp.42-
The concept of utilizing solar radiation for 59). The maximum of sunspots and solar activity
power generation using solid-state power plants is associated with a brighter sun.
has gained momentum (Moore, 1985, pp.6-19; Solar activities are rising rapidly. This causes
Hoff and Shushnar, 1986; Calvo, 1995, pp. 916- an increase in the production of x-rays and extreme
921). The recent interest is primarily due to the ultraviolet radiation (EUV) in the range of 100 and
decreasing cost of photovoltaic devices, coupled 1000 angstroms. The ultraviolet (UV) and EUV
with their increasing conversion efficiencies. radiation varies and this matter has as a strong
Solar heat is due to thermal agitation of matter influence on the upper atmosphere of the earth.
initiated by the absorption of solar radiation. The High solar activity also increases EUV radiation;
sun has been used as a source of heat for a long it results in an increase in the temperature of the
time. For example, solar heat has been used, and ionosphere. This temperature is three times greater
still is, in many countries by farmers to dry their than normal at 100 kilometers and above in the
crops (Morhenne, et al., 1985, pp.1072-1076). atmosphere. The increase in ultraviolet radiation
Solar energy has been used for space heating and in the upper atmosphere is also important because
cooling since the fifth century B.C. Recently, the it affects stratospheric ozone levels (Gopal and
concept of utilizing the sun as a source of energy Scuderi, 1995, pp.42-59). High solar activity can
for heating purposes has also been gaining mo- effect communication, computer systems, and can
mentum (Kenna, 1984, pp.687-705). produce geomagnetic storms. These storms can
Solar radiation is probably the most funda- induce electrical currents in power lines and oil
mental source of energy on earth. It activates pipelines at the earth’s surface (Gopal and Scuderi,
not only the vital biological processes but also 1995, pp.42-59).
all meteorological systems. This is a significant
variable that can affect the growth rates of crops, Nature of Solar Radiation
and is used in numerical models to estimate soil
moisture, potential evapotranspiration, and pho- Solar energy has consistently been the most popu-
tosynthesis (Tarpley, 197; pp.1172-1181). During lar customer energy option in surveys conducted
recent years there has been an increasing trend in over past 20 years, prompting dozens of customer-
the study of solar radiation, due to the fact that focused utilities to exploit the solar energy to gain
the sun is practically the sole source of energy in a competitive edge. Although such utilities are
the earth-atmosphere system. The requests for enticed in term of operating cost reduction, the
international solar radiation information have chance to offer profitable and appealing products,
increased with the growing interest, especially in and the chance to serve new customers their interest
the use of renewable energy resources. is not limited to what is cost effective and available

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

today (Bigger and Moore, 1995, pp.21-30). Utili- or by using the strengths of one source of energy
ties continue to invest resources in technologies to overcome the weakness of the other (Hughes,
that will afford them a competitive advantage in 1976). Either one of these approaches requires
future. For example, utilities are cultivating mar- accurate forecast values of solar radiation to be
kets to help achieve reduced photovoltaic costs effective.
quickly. In addition, other emerging technologies In addition, many computer simulation models
such as the solar dish engine and power tower that are used to predict growth, development, and
(Bigger and Moore, 1995, pp.21-30) are actively yield of agronomic and horticultural crops require
pursued by the utilities. daily weather-information as an input. One of
The nature of the sun, which can produce these inputs is daily total solar radiation. Accurate
solar radiation without any limitation, makes and reliable knowledge of solar radiation is also
solar radiation a very reliable source of renew- needed for many other purposes such as design
able energy. The sun also provides hydropower, of buildings, air conditioning, snow melt calcula-
wind power, and fossil fuel. Current technology tions in hilly terrain, and solar power installations
allows radiation from the sun to provide non- with tilted or moving collectors (Dincer, et. al.,
polluting and cheap fuels, as well as electricity. 1996, pp.183-198).
It is unlikely that a single solar technology will There are variable natures in this universe
predominate. Regional variation will naturally that can effect total solar radiation collected on
favor some approaches over others. Electricity can the earth. These include cloud cover, wind speed,
be generated by burning biomass, erecting wind temperature, and precipitation. Some of these
turbines, building solar-powered heat engines, factors can increase solar radiation while others
laying out photovoltaic cells or harnessing the can reduce it. For example, when there is a large
energy in rivers with dams. amount of cloud cover, solar radiation will be less
There is a new awareness of the advantages of because the sun light is blocked. Indeed, these
utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar variable natures can cause inconsistency in total
radiation, solar heat, wind, biomass, and falling solar radiation collected.
water (Hughes, 1976). This is a consequence of As is evident from the above discussion, due to
realizing the limitations of conventional energy the variable nature of solar radiation, it is difficult
sources (oil, coal, and natural gas), the ever if not impossible, for it to be used as a reliable
increasing demands being placed on the finite source without accurate forecasting.
resources of the world (Hughes, 1976), and the
adverse effects of utilizing conventional energy
resources on the environment (Ashenayi, 1986). INTRODUCTION TO FORECASTING
Also, conventional energy resources have some
limitations. These include increasing prices and the Prediction of future events and conditions is called
adverse effects on the environment such as deple- forecast, and the act of making such prediction
tion of the ozone layer, air pollution, greenhouse is called forecasting (Bowerman and O’Connell,
effects, etc. There is one basic problem inherent to 1991). The prediction work is very important these
most of the renewable energy sources, that is their days in many kinds of organizations, especially in
intermittent and highly variable nature (Hughes, making future forecasts for the decision-making
1976). The problem caused by the intermittency process of the organization. In the forecasting
of these resources can be partially overcome by process, a forecaster normally relies on the past
adding energy storage and reconversion facilities data to analyze the trend or the pattern of the event.
(Sorensen, 1976; Johnson, 1978, pp.554-562) and/

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

From the past data the forecaster will extrapolate (MA) model, autoregressive moving-average
or extend the pattern for the future forecast. (ARMA) model, and autoregressive integrated
A forecasting technique sometimes does not moving-average (ARIMA) model.
give accurate results if the trend or pattern of the Time series have a chronological sequence of
future event it not of the same trend as the past observations on a particular variable. As stated
event. This situation usually happens when there by Bowerman and O’Connell (Bowerman and
are sudden changes in such event for example O’Connell, 1991), the essential components of a
volcano eruption, hurricanes and earthquake. time series should be identified in order to know
the pattern of the event forecast. They essential
Methods of Forecasting components are the trend, cycle, seasonal varia-
Solar Radiation tions and irregular fluctuations.
Trend is the nature of the movement that shows
In general, forecasting methods can be divided the time series over a period of time. Trend usually
into two basic types, which are qualitative and can tell the long-term pattern of the series. Cycle is
quantitative. The qualitative type requires no the recurring up and down movements around the
past data, while the quantitative type uses past trend levels. The duration normally takes years that
data to forecast. is measured from peak to peak. Seasonal variations
Quantitative type can be further divided into are the pattern that is repeated annually based on
two groups: causal model and univariate model. its calendar year. Most of the time seasonal varia-
Causal model involves the identification of other tions are affected by weather and custom factors.
variables or input elements that can affect the Irregular fluctuation is an occurrence of erratic
forecasting process. The univariate model is used movements that is not regularly happening in the
only when the prediction is based entirely on the time series pattern. It is neither recognizable nor
past data without considering other variables. regular. The most common examples of irregular
Forecasters only need to identify the pattern of fluctuations are when hurricanes, earthquakes, or
the historical data set and assume the pattern will other major disasters occur.
continue in the future.
Neural Network Method
Methods of Forecasting
Neural network has been recognized as the most
Today, methods used to predict solar radiation must promising method to predict temporal series with
be able to forecast with a high degree of accuracy. chaotic or irregular behavior. It is also known
Two methods considered in this research work that its prediction has a favorable performance
are the time series and the neural network. Both compared to conventional statistical methods.
methods are of quantitative type. The following An approach using a feed-forward neural
section will describe briefly both methods and network may resolve some of the difficulties in
their approaches. forecasting. Feed-forward neural network is useful
and practical. It is also proven as one of the best
Time Series Method methods to approach nonlinear relations without
knowing the actual underlying nonlinear function
Time series technique by Box and Jenkins (1976) is (Gopal and Scuderi, 1995, pp.42-59).
one of the traditional method that will be reviewed.
The approaches based on the time series techniques
are autoregressive (AR) model, moving-average

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Other Methods e. The desired accuracy: the margin of ac-

ceptable error, that is the degree of accuracy
Besides time series and neural network methods, a. required.
there are some other methods used to forecast f. The data availability: determine whether
solar radiations. In 1959, the first meteorological to use qualitative or quantitative method.
satellite was used to acquire data for the purpose g. The ease of operation and understanding:
of estimating solar radiation reaching the ground good understanding on the techniques of
surface (Scalero and Tepedelenlioglu, 1992, forecasting operation selected.
pp.447-458). It was known as mapping solar
radiation using satellite data.
Water vapor transmission is another method ERRORS IN FORECASTING
of prediction; this method measures the wave-
length of the solar radiation absorbed by the water Accuracy plays a very important role in the field
(PsiLoglou, Santamouris, and Asimakopoulos, of forecasting. A very small percentage of error
1994, pp.445-453). Water vapor absorbs light at is allowed in order to obtain a high degree of ac-
specific bands of the solar spectrum and in order curacy. Normally, errors in forecasting exist when
to estimate the solar radiation integral transmis- there are drastic events, for example earthquakes,
sion function is used. hurricanes, flash flooding, or volcano eruptions. If
the fluctuations in the data set are small, the result
of the forecast will be more accurate.
SELECTION OF FORECASTING Accuracy in forecasting also depends on the
METHODS method that is used. Sometimes one method pro-
duces better results than the other. The selection
The selection of methods used is related to the of an appropriate method of forecasting is very
cost of the operation. Most of the methods used important to avoid getting a low accuracy result.
promise an acceptable level of accuracy for fore- The forecast error (E) is the difference between
casting data. These are only a small number of an actual value (A) and predicted value (P).
low cost methods that are within the acceptable
percentage of accuracy. Et = At - Pt. (1)
There are some important factors that should be
considered while selecting a forecasting method. The squared error is
Bowerman and O’Connell (Bowerman and
O’Connell, 1991) outlined some of the factors (Et)2 = (At – Pt)2. (2)
as follows:
The average of the squared error is called the
a. The forecast form desired mean squared error (MSE), which is given as
b. The time frame: immediate, short-term,
n n
medium, or long-term
MSE = ∑ Et 2n = ∑ At − Pt 2n (3)
c. The pattern of data: components of meth- t =1 t =1
ods or series
d. The cost of forecasting: cost of operations where n is the total number of data points.
(storing data, programs used) Percentage error of a forecast can be calcu-
lated as

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

| actual _data − predicted _data | albedos. Finally, an accuracy of about 9% error is

Percent error = × 100%
actual _data obtained for daily and hourly total solar radiation.
(4) There are also other approaches used to pre-
dict solar radiation, which also used geostation-
Generally, most forecasters use 5% as an ac- ary satellite data. But, the results are not very
ceptable margin of error to have a high degree impressive by looking at their standard errors.
of accuracy. It was also in the 1980’s that the neural network
showed its potential in the field of forecasting,
including forecasting solar radiation. Since then
CHRONOLOGY IN FORECASTING neural network has been an emerging tool for the
SOLAR RADIATION purpose of forecasting. It has been shown that the
neural network based methods give accurate and
The nature of methods used on the early fore- reliable results. There will be more discussion
casting stages are statistical and physical. Next of neural networks method in the later chapters.
the choronological developments of different In 1990’s. Researchers who used geostationary
methods are presented. In 1960’s. The first at- satellite data obtained a higher error of daily total
tempt by Fritz (Fritz, Rao, and Wanstein, 1964, global solar radiation even when they were using
pp.141-151) in 1964 that led to the possibility the improved model. Some of the error is due to
of predicting solar radiation from satellite data. the conflict between ground data and satellite data;
In 1970’s. Vonder Haar (Vonder Haar, Raschke, there might be clouds during satellite scanning
Bandeen, and Paslernak, 1973, pp.175-184) used and no clouds at other times.
data from NIMBUSII to calculate the net radiation
of the earth atmosphere. He used the principle of
energy conservation; solar energy absorbed (Ga’) OTHER METHODS OF
in the earth’s atmosphere system is the difference FORECASTING
between the solar energy that enters into the system
(G0), and the quantity reflected by the system (Gr). The Half Sine Wave Model,
Polynomial Model, and Ψ Model
Ga’ = G0 - Gr (5)
Other methods used in the early works of fore-
The error of estimation was 10% to 15% for casting solar radiation include the half sine wave
daily total global radiation. model, the polynomial model and the Ψ model.
In 1980’s. A number of methodologies were The half sine wave model is not consistent in
assembled for estimating solar radiation from predicting the hourly solar radiation. Only 50% of
satellite images. These methods seem feasible the values predicted by this approach are within
and promising for short and long term resource 10% of the actual values (Audi and Alsaad, 1991,
assessment of solar radiation. pp.39-49). Only 10% of values predicted by the
A physical model was presented and details polynomial model are within 1% of the actual
about the process of radiation were done separately values. If the desired accuracy is within 10% then
for clear sky and cloudy sky (Islam, 1994, pp.103- 51% of predicted values are acceptable.
113). Geostationary satellite data are used in the Like the half sine wave model the polynomial
visible channel to calculate cloud and surface model produces its best forecast for the noon
hours, the most significant time in solar energy
application. The Ψ model can correctly (error ≤

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

1%) predict 29.4% of the time. The same approach TIME SERIES APPROACH
can correctly predict 67.7% of the time if we allow OF FORECASTING
for errors up to 10%. The Ψ model curve passes
through most of the data points except the early Time series approach of forecasting is widely
morning and late afternoon hours. By neglecting used and is one of the most popular methods of
early morning and late afternoon hours of a given forecasting. The most commonly used time series
day the accuracy of this model increases signifi- analysis methods are as follows:
cantly. Neglecting these hours 40.2% of the values
predicted by this model will be within 1% of the a. The autoregressive (AR)
actual value. In addition, 92.4% of the predicted b. The moving-average (MA)
values are within 10% of the actual values (Audi c. The autoregressive moving- average
and Alsaad, 1991, pp.39-49). Table 1 summarizes (ARMA)
the comparisons of these three models. d. The autoregressive integrated moving-
average (ARIMA)
Prediction Using Data Missing from e. The Box and Jenkins model.
Long-Term Meteorological Records
The first two methods (AR and MA) were
Prediction using data missing from long-term me- developed in the early phases of development of
terological records is developed to estimate daily forecasting methods. Recently, the ARMA and
total solar radiation using a 13 – year record of ARIMA methods are being used more than AR
meterological observations. A regression equation and MA methods. The Box-Jenkins time series
is developed to determine the daily solar radiation models are well know and suited for many ap-
from maximum and minimum air temperature, plications in forecasting. The logical and orga-
pan evaporation, precipitation, and calculated nized procedures for model development using
extraterrestrial radiation (Hook and McClendon, autocorrelation function make these approaches
1992, pp.739-742). particularly attractive (Haggan and Behr, 1987).
Radiation predicted had the same variances and The following sections in this chapter describe
means as the observed data, and overall correlation the methods mentioned above in details.
of 78%. This method has a 53-year record with
predicted solar radiation representing an interme-
diate step between computer generated radiation THE MODELLING PROCESS
and fully measured data (Hook and McClendon,
1992, pp.739-742). The method presented should The Autoregressive Model
help to complete long-term weather records so
that crop growth and water balance model can be The most fundamental time series model are the
applied to historical data. autoregressive model (AR (p) and the moving-

Table 1. Comparison of the half sinewave model, polynomial model, and Ψ model

Model error ≤ 1% error ≤ 10%

Half sine wave 6% 50%
Polynomial 10% 51%
Ψ Model 29.4% 67.7%

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

average model (MA). In the AR model, current ∅ (B ) Z t = θ (B ) at (10)

value of the process is expressed as a linear
combination of p previous values of the process The Autoregressive Moving-
and a random shock. Average Model
 1Z t −1 + … + ∅pZ t −p + at
Z t =∅ (6)
The linear estimation in the time-series approach
uses an autoregressive process to estimate the
By introducing moving-average part. In order to obtain asymp-
totically efficient estimates, the autoregressive
BZ t =Zt −1 , B m Z t = Z t −m moving-average (ARMA) requires that order
of the approximated autoregressive process
approximated autoregressive process approach
infinity slowly.
Equation (9) and (10) illustrate the general
∅ (B ) =1 − ∅1B − ∅2B 2 −… − ∅pB p ARMA model. The major practical problem of
ARMA approach is selection of the order of the
Equation (6) is simplified as approach is selection of the order of the order of
the approximated autoregressive process. Chiu
∅ (B ) Z t = at (7) (Chiu, 1991, pp. 315-327), proposed an alternative
estimation procedure based on the periodagram

The Moving-Average Model, MA (q) I (λ ) = (2πT )−1dx (λ ) dx (−λ ) (11)

In the moving-average model, MA (q) the cur-

rent value of the process is expressed as a linear where
combination of q previous random shocks.
T =1
dx (λ ) = ∑x (t )  exp (−iλt )
Z t =a t − θ1at −1 + … + θqat −q (8) t =0

In order to simplify Equation (8) we introduce is the finite Fourier transform of the series x (t),
(t=0,…,T-1). Under some circumstances I(λj),
Z t = θ(B )at , θ (B ) = 1 − θ1B − θ2B 2 −… − θq B q , λj=2πj/T, j=1,…,N=((T-1)/2), are asymptotically
independent exponential random variables with
mean f(λj, O₀).
By combining Equation (6) and (8), we get a The simple estimation procedure for an autore-
general autoregressive moving-average model gressive moving-average process is expressed as
(ARMA (p, q)), as expressed in Equation (9) in Equation (12):
and (10):
x (t ) + α01X (t − 1) + … + α0 p X (t − p )

Z t − ∅1Z t −1 −… − ∅pZ t −p = at − ∅1at −1 −… − ∅qat −q = ε (t ) + β01ε (t − 1) + … + β0q X (t − q ) , t = 0, ±1
(9) (12)

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

where ε(t) is a sequence of independent random problem with using this approach is that the clas-
variables with zero mean (μ=0), variance (σ₀²), sical parametric hypothesis-testing paradigm
and finite fourth order moment; p, q≥0 are the underlying the Box-Jenkins approach is inap-
order of the process. propriate (Beveridge and Oickle, 1994, pp.419-
The likelihood function is quite intractable 434). Thus, ARMA modeling is recommended
when q≥1, but the evaluation of this function is only when series are free of trends and seasonal-
very complicated. A lot of work has been done ity.
to resolve this problem to find efficient estimates
(Chiu, 1991, pp. 315-327). The Autoregressive Integrated
ARMA estimates are obtained by application Moving-Average (ARIMA) Model
of autoregressive process and moving-average
process alternately. It is known that ARIMA (p, d, q) model is a modified version of
ARMA (p, q) model. It is called the integrated
−ρk = α01ρk −1 + α02 ρk −2 + … + α0 p ρk −p   ,   (k ≥ q + 1) process of ARMA and the model forecasts are
(13) essentially extrapolations of previous history
data. ARIMA models in forecasting solar radia-
where ρu is the autocorrelation at lag u of series tion usually are inaccurate when there are sudden
x (t ). changes in the weather.
Chiu (Chiu, 1991, pp. 315-327) stated that In order to model a stationary processes with
the autoregressive moving-average process is finite variances, we use equation 3.4 and 3.5, and
close to a pure moving-average process. Hence, it is assumed that the roots of φ(B) and θ(B) lie
it is possible to obtain an initial estimate using outside the unit circle. Referring to Hagan and Behr
pure moving-average before proceeding with (Haggan and Behr, 1987), one can model some
the iteration. types of nonstationary processes by differencing
Table 2 illustrates results of the experiment con- the original process, Zt, to obtain a stationary
ducted in order to develop Akaike Criterion (Chiu, process, Wt, where
1991, pp. 315-327) for ARMA (p, q). From Table
2, we can see that ARMA (1, 1) has the smallest Wt = ∇d Z t (14)
Akaike Criterion. This means that ARMA (1, 1)
gives the best estimate in this process. The result is the general ARIMA (p, d, q) model
Surveys show that only 5-10% of practicing which is written as
forecasting use ARMA approach regularly. This
is due to the difficulties and complications in ∅ (B ) ∇d Z t = θ(B )at (15)
determining the order of the process. Another

Table 2. Akaike criterion for ARMA (p, q)

q p=0 p=1 p=2 p=3 p=4

0 -2.05 -2.90 -2.97 -2.95 -2.95
1 -2.71 -2.98 -2.96 -2.95 -2.94
2 -2.91 -2.96 -2.95 -2.93 -2.92
3 -2.94 -2.96 -2.95 -2.93 -2.93
4 -2.92 -2.96 -2.94 -2.91 -2.92

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

where ∅ (B ) is the generalized autoregressive The following examples illustrate the differ-
operator. The generalized autoregressive operator ence equations representing ARIMA processes
is a polynomial of degree p+q with exactly d of different order.
zeros equal to the unity (Anderson, 1975). There- ARIMA process of order (0, 1, 1) can be
fore represented by the following difference equation

ϕ (B ) = ∅p (B ) (1 − B ) = ∅p (B ) (∇)
(16) ∇Z t = (1 − θB ) at   ,   −1 < θ < 1 (19)

where ∅p (B ) is a stationary autoregressive op- This model can be rewritten in term of z’s
and a’s as
erator of order p. The ARIMA (p, d, q) process
for Zt will reduce to an ARMA (p, q) process for
Z t = Z t −1 + at − at −1 (20)
Wt if we replace ∇d Z t by Wt. Then, the Zt process
can be obtained by integrating the stationary Wt
process d times (Anderson, 1975). Therefore we ARIMA process of order (0, 2, 2) has the dif-
called this process the autoregressive integrated ference equation form of
moving-average (ARIMA) process.
ARIMA model uses d≤2, or p+q≤2 because it ∇2Z t = (1 − θ1B − θ2B 2 )at (21)
is not necessary to find the difference more than
twice to produce a stationary series. The process for the order of (0, 2, 2) is in the
The highest order of ARIMA (p, d, q) process invertibility region where
allowed in order to get the best result possible is
d≤2, or p+q≤2. Box-Jenkins’ observation showed −1 < θ1 < 1, θ1 + θ2 < 1, θ2 − θ1 < 1
that for the order of models not more than two
looked generally reasonable for some data. In
The model also can be rewritten explicitly in
some cases it was found that higher order model
terms of z’s and a’s as
was necessary. Therefore, the choice of order
would depend on the objective of the modeling.
Z t = 2Z t −1 − Z t −2 + at − θ1at −1 − θ2at −2 (22)
The ARIMA model relates an output Zt to an
input at in terms of the different equation. The
general form of ARIMA process of order (0, d, ARIMA model time series forecasting is
q) can be expressed in the difference equation particularly suited for short-term forecasting and
form as follows: forecasting highly seasonal variables. But, ARIMA
model is the most versatile model of Box-Jenkins
∇d Z t = (1 − θ1B − θ2B 2 −… − θq B q )at = θ(B )at time series approach. One difficulty in dealing
(17) with this family of models was lack of an effective
and objective criterion for selecting an optimal
The model can be written in terms of z’s and member (Moore, 1985, pp.6-19).
a’s in the general form of
Autocorrelation Function Test
Z t = dZ t −1 − 0.5d (d − 1) Z t −2 + …
The Box-Jenkins forecasting models can be identi-
+(−1)d +1 Z t −d + a1 − θ1at −1 −… − θqat −q fied by testing the sample autocorrelation function
(18) (SAC) and the sample partial correlation function

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

(SPAC) (Bowerman and O’Connell, 1991). Tech- The t-statistic,

niques for preliminary identification of time series
models rely on the analysis of autocorrelation rk
trk = (25)
function (AC) and the partial correlation function Srk
(PAC). These methods are very systematic and are
extremely helpful in the determination of model
The value of rk will always be in the range
order, in the preliminary estimation of model
of -1 and 1. When rk is close to 1, it has a strong
parameters, in diagnostic checking and model
possibility to move linearly with a positive slope,
refinement (Haggan and Behr, 1987).
and when rk is close to -1, it has strong possibility
to move linearly with a negative slope (Bowerman
Sample of Autocorrelation Function
and O’Connell, 1991).
The t- statistic is proposed as a criterion for
The sample autocorrelation function (SAC) has
the more complete evaluation of solar radiation
a working series of time series values Y1, Y2, …,
estimation models (Stone, 1993, pp.289-291). In
Yn. If the original time series values are neither
addition to providing a single integrated criterion
stationary nor seasonal, a stationary time series
for the evaluation and comparison of models, it
may be obtained by using the first differential
also enables the model’s predictions are statisti-
or the second differential transformation as in
cally significant at a particular confidence level.
Equation 3.28 or Equation 3.29 respectively. In
The t-statistic is not meant to replace the widely
another case, if the time series is not stationary
used root mean square and mean bias errors, but
but seasonal, then the transformation will become
to supplement them in aiding the model tester to
more complicated. Refer to (Bowerman and
quickly and reliably asses a model’s performance
O’Connell, 1991) for more detailed explanation.
(Stone, 1993, pp.289-291).
Considering the working series mentioned
above, the SAC at lag k, standard error, and t-
Sample of Partial
statistic are calculated as follows.
Autocorrelation Function
The SAC at lag

_ _ The sample partial autocorrelation function

n −k

k, rk =
∑ t =b
(Y1 −Y )(Yt +k −Y )
(SPAC), as the SAC also has the SPAC lag k,
_ standard error and t-statistic values. They are
∑ t =b
(Yt −Y ) 2
calculated as follows.
The SPAC lag
k, rkk = r1

Yt =
∑ Y
t =b t
n −b + 1
The standard error,
k −1 2
1 + 2∑ r j =1 j
Srk = (24)
n −b + 1

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

k −1 Figure 1. Autocorrelation function of a white

rk − ∑ j =1rk −1 , rk −j
rkk = , noise process
k −1
1 − ∑ j =1rk −1, j rj


k = 2, 3,… (26)


rkj = rk −1, j − rkk rk −1,k −j

j = 1, 2,…,k − 1
∅(B )ρk = 0 (30)

There standard error,

For example, from equation (6) we obtain an
1 autocorrelation function of first order of autore-
Srkk = (27) gressive process as
(n − b + 1)
Z t = 0.5at −1 + at (31)
The t-statistic,
Figures 2 (a) and (b) show autocorrelation
trkk = kk (28) function and partial correlation function of a first
order autoregressive process, respectively.
The partial autocorrelation function is also
useful for determining the order of autoregressive
Development of Autocorrelation process (Haggan and Behr, 1987). At lag k, rkk is
Function Model the solution for rk if the order p is equal to k. From
Figure 2(b), it is clear that the partial autocorrela-
The autocorrelation function describes an inher- tion function is zero for all lags k greater than the
ent correlation between observations of a time true order of the process.
series which are separated in time by some lag In the moving-average process, the autocor-
k. For a white noise process, in which there is no relation function is identically zero for lags greater
correlation in time, the autocorrelation function than the order process q (Haggan and Behr, 1987).
is shown in Figure 1 (Haggan and Behr, 1987). From equation (8), we obtain the autocorrelation
For an autoregressive process, the autocor- function of the moving-average process as
relation function is expressed as.
Z t = at + 0.8at −1 (32)
ρk = ∅1ρk −1 + … + ∅p ρk −p (29)

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Figure 2. (a) AR autocorrelation function; (b) AR partial autocorrelation function

Figure 3. (a) Autocorrelation function (b) Partial Autocorrelation Function

Figure 3.3 (a) and (b) show the autocorrelation THE BOX-JENKINS METHOD
function and the partial correlation function of a
first order moving-average process respectively. The Box-Jenkins method consists of the several
It is possible to use autocorrelation function basic step as follows (Bowerman and O’Connell,
and partial correlation function to determine the 1991):
potential model structures. According to Hagan
and Behr (Haggan and Behr, 1987), autocorrela- Step 1: Tentative identification: historical data are
tion function and partial correlation function are used to tentatively identify an appropriate
very useful to determine the appropriate model Box-Jenkins model.
adjustment when diagnostic checks indicate Step 2: Estimation: historical are used to estimate
model inadequacy. the parameters of the tentatively identified
After the model structure is determined, the model.
parameters are estimated using the method of Step 3: Diagnostic checking: various diagnos-
maximum likelihood (Box and Jenkins, 1976). tics are used to check the adequacy of the
Then the residual, at, which is the one step ahead tentatively identified model, and if needed,
forecasting error calculated. Sequence of these suggest and improved model.
residuals can be modeled using white noise. Step 4: Forecasting: once a final model is ob-
Otherwise, the autocorrelation function has to be tained, it is used to forecast future values
investigated to indentify modifications needed in of the time series.
order to improve the model.

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Classical Box-Jenkins forecasting models axon. Cell body converts the input provided by
describe stationary time series. A stationary time dendrites to an output that is then carried by the
series has constant mean, µ and variance, σ 2 axon to the dendrites of other neurons (de Jongh
through time. If the series is not stationary, it can and de Wet, 1993, pp.103-128).
be transformed to a stationary series by taking the Billions of neurons are densely interconnected
first difference of a nonstationary time series and form a biological neural network. Although
values. neural networks are inspired by the architecture
For example, if we have series of X1, X2,…,Xn, of the human brain and aspire to imitate human
then we take the first differences of each data as intelligence, they do not exactly mimic the brain
(de Jongh and de Wet, 1993, pp.103-128).
Yt = X t − X t −1  , t = 2,3,4,…,n (33) According to Lachtermacher and Fuller
(Lachtermacher and Fuller, 1995, pp.381-393),
neural networks are composed of two primitive
Sometimes we can also take the second dif-
elements: units (processing elements) and con-
ference of the time series, given as
nections (‘weights’) between units. In essence,
a set of inputs is applied to a unit that, based n
Yt = (X t − X t −1 ) − (X t −1 − X t −2 )
their weighted values, produces an input. The
connection of several unit’s outputs to inputs of
therefore, some other units make a neural network.
Neural networks have been proven to be a
Yt = X t − 2X t −1 + X t −2 (34) highly flexible function approximators and also
universal to any data-generating process (Kohzadi,
for et. al., 1995, pp.463-474). These days they are
considered as a powerful model for forecasting
t = 3, 4, 5,…,n purposes even though the design of the network’s
architecture and learning rules are difficult to
determine in order to obtain satisfactory results.
So, the series should have a constant mean
The speed of the information-processing in the
and variance through time in order for it to be
neurons is about one million times slower than cur-
rent computer gates, but the human brain is more
efficient than the fastest computers in processing
the complex tasks such as visual images and
INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL speech recognition due to the parallel processing
NETWORKS AND ITS APPLICATIONS capability (Kohzadi, et. al., 1995, pp.463-474).
Neural network is a promising area of artificial
The idea of neural networks is based on the study
intelligence because it does not depend on human’s
of human brain. The human brain is made up of
ability to develop a model of the process that is
a special kind of cell called the neuron, which
to be modeled. Most of the successful applica-
consists of dendrites, axon, nucleus, cell body,
tions of neural networks have been in the pattern
and synapse. Dendrites are neurons branches that
recognition and classification domains (de Jongh
connect to other neurons and provide the input to
and de Wet, 1993, pp.103-128). They did not
the neuron; axon is a long neural fiber that carries
become popular until 1985 when the error back-
the neuron’s output to other neuron’s dendrites;
propagation learning method was developed. The
synapse is a junction between the dendrite and
error backpropagation can be used for forecasting

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

both linear and nonlinear time series. Traditional In order to produce a forecast, first, the network
methods such as linear regression models could will adjust the connection strength, called the
not completely capture information contained in a weight, among the internal network nodes. This
nonlinear series. Fortunately, neural networks that is done until the proper transformation linking
can capture this behavior are available (Kohzadi, past inputs and outputs from the training cases
et. al., 1995, pp.463-474). are learned (Peng, Hubele, and Karady, 1992,
pp.250-257). Neural network has the potential
to overcome the reliance on a functional form of
DEVELOPMENT OF NEURAL the forecasting model (Peng, Hubele, and Karady,
NETWORK MODEL 1992, pp.250-257).
Neural network model used in the forecasting of
In the development of neural network model, input solar radiation is based on a simulated multilayer
variables play a very important role. The following feedforward network. Multilayer feedforward
inputs are considered as significant in predicting network consists of connected layers of units
solar radiation: the daily observed values of the in feedforward designs. In other words neural
minimum and maximum air temperature and pre- network consists of a collection of simple inputs
cipitation, daily calculated values for day length, and processing neurons.
and clear sky radiation. Day length and clear sky The neurons are arranged in interconnected
radiation are calculated as functions of latitude, layers known as input layer, hidden layer, and
day of year, solar angle, and solar constant. An the output layer. These neurons are connected to
optimum momentum, learning rate, and number each other by connection strength called weights.
of hidden nodes are determined for use in the Weights connections are adjusted during the train-
development of the neural network model. ing of the network.
Then the neural network model is then tested The number of neurons in the input layer is
against the test data set. The test data set con- determine by the problem description. Let us
sists of 20% of the recorded historical data. The consider the following case:
remaining 80% of recorded historical data are
used for the purpose of training. The results sug- X t = f (X t −1 , X t −2 , X t −3 , X t −4 , X t −5 ) (35)
gest that neural network can be used to estimate
daily solar radiation when measurements of only
daily maximum and minimum air temperature and
precipitation are available.
Xt = the current value to be forecasted
Neural Network Model in Forecasting Xt-1, Xt-2, Xt-3,Xt-4, Xt-5 = historical data used to
forecast the current value.
Neural networks use a relation between sets of
input data and observed output. Researchers have From the problem above, five input nodes and
found out that neural networks have the capabili- one output node are needed. Figure 4 shows a
ties to adapt changes in forecasting environment model of the three layer network mentioned above.
through the concept of self-learning. The network In this kind of network, each unit in the hidden
uses training cases to provide mappings to link layer receives an input which is a weighted sum
input variables to output variables. In this research of the network inputs.
work, the output is the forecast of solar radiation.

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Figure 4. Three layer network

At the processing stage, each neuron sums its
weighted inputs, followed by nonlinear transfor-
mation. Finally the neuron sends its output to all
neurons in the next layer, which is the output
layer. Each unit in the hidden layer then performs
a nonlinear transformation on its total input to
produce the output, which is the forecast of solar
Equation 4.2 has a sigmoid activation or trans-
fer function that introduces the nonlinearity into
the technique. It squashes the input (which may
have any value between plus and minus infinity)
so that the output from each unit is scaled among
0 and 1. Figure 5 shows the sigmoid activation or function will range the output between the range
transfer function. of -1 and 1.
The sigmoid transfer function has the form: The tanh transfer function has the form:

1 e x − e −x
sig (x ) = f (x ) = (36) tanh (x ) = (37)
1 + exp(−x ) e x + e −x

where x = the sum of weighted inputs. where x = the sum of weighted inputs.
There is also another activation function that The first step in developing a neural network
is also popular for forecasting purposes. This based modeling for solar radiation is to normalize
function is the tanh (see Figure 6) function. This

Figure 5. Sigmoid transfer function

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Figure 6. Tanh transfer function

Feedforward Neural Networks

Artificial neural network is intended to interact

with objects of the real world similar to biologi-
cal systems. A feedforward network is one where
connections only exist between any single unit and
every unit in the previous layer. However, there
is no connection between units in the same layer.
This type of network has been known to be able
to approximate any given continuous function to
arbitrary accuracy by giving large enough number
of units in each layer (Macpherson, Conway, and
Brown, 1995, pp.21753-21744).
Multilayer perceptron is an example of feed-
the training set. During this step each recorded
forward neural network. It has been used in a
value is scaled linearly so that it lies between 0.1
number of applications such as speech and im-
and 0.9. This is needed in order to avoid saturating
age recognition (Scalero and Tepedelenlioglu,
the activation function at its limit.
1992, pp.447-458). They have hidden layers that
Training process is started by randomly set-
can overcome many limitations of single layer
ting the weights. Then a set of input-output pairs
perceptrons. These feedforward networks are
from the normalized past history of time series
trained ahead of time by using known input and
will be selected. An output is calculated by the
output data (Scalero and Tepedelenlioglu, 1992,
network for a given input pattern. Then, the result
is compared with the desired output by calculating
The feedforward backpropagation neural net-
the total squared error. Adjustments are made to
work is one of the most popular neural network
the connection weights to minimize cost function
topologies (Setiono and Hui, 1995, pp.273-277).
across all output units by using the error back-
There are advantages to using these topologies
propagation learning algorithm.
such as ease of understanding and implementation.
One study shows that 25 hidden units were
Before the training starts, the number of hidden
found to be adequate for forecasting solar radiation
units has to be determined; the minimum number
(Macpherson, 1993, pp.447-450). Performance
required by neural network to solve a particular
remains the same with minor fluctuations when
problem is usually determined by trial and error
the number of hidden units is increased beyond
(Setiono and Hui, 1995, pp.273-277).
twenty-five (Gopal and Scuderi, 1995, pp.42-59).
Even though this feedforward backpropagation
Average error over the training period was less
method is considered as an easy method, there are
than 5% and the worst was about 10%, after 2500
still some problems in deciding the number of
iterations (Macpherson, 1993, pp.447-450). In this
hidden units. If too many hidden units are used,
study, a three-layer network was used. In addition,
the time for one training cycle increases and the
the study showed that this kind of network is more
resulting network may not generalized well. If too
stable when iterating from maximum to minimum.
few hidden units are used, it may not be possible
to train the network to solve the problem (Setiono
and Hui, 1995, pp.273-277).

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

These difficulties have been studied and new have. For example, if we want to find the forecast
algorithms have been developed. These new on Monday in 1971, take the Monday data from
training algorithms will automatically add hidden the years before 1971 as input. This way we can
units as they are needed or remove those that are determine the accuracy of the forecast by compar-
redundant (Setiono and Hui, 1995, pp.273-277). ing the network output and the actual data.
In order to train a network, input vectors and
Collection of Solar Radiation Data the corresponding output vectors are presented to
the network. This is done until the vectors can ap-
Solar radiation data are usually collected on an proximate a function, associate input vectors with
hourly basis by surface meteorological observation specific output vectors, or classify input vectors in
stations. The stations are located in the continental an appropriate way as defined by the user. Then
US at different altitudes and elevations. Due to dif- error vectors and the sum of the squared errors
ferent time zones across the country, data recorded are calculated. If for all training vectors the sum
at different stations need to be synchronized. All of squared errors is less than a prescribed goal er-
digitized data are synchronized in the International ror, then the training will stop. On the other hand,
Systems of Units (SI). the delta vectors are calculated for the output and
hidden layers and back-propagated through the
Neural Networks Learning network. Finally the weights are updated using
the backpropagation learning rule and the process
Learning in neural networks is carried out by repeats until the sum of the squared errors is less
adjusting the weights such that the final set of than the goal error.
weights can map inputs to the output(s) (Kohzadi, The input data are fed to the network input (call
et. al., 1995, pp.463-474). Two ways that are most feed-forward) and then we used the backpropaga-
commonly used in network learning are supervised tion learning rule to train the network. Figure 7
and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning, shows how the inputs are fed into the network.
the network is presented with both inputs and the To summarize the training process, it can be
desired output. This way the network can make a classified into four phases. They are:
comparison between the results and the desired
output, and also minimize the error. 1. Presentation Phase: Present an input train-
In unsupervised learning, the network is not ing vector and calculate each successive
presented with the desired output. The network
itself will try to classify the inputs according to the Figure 7. Feed-forward network with input
features presented in the inputs. The supervised elements
learning is the most commonly used learning
algorithm in forecasting.

Training the Networks

The purpose of training the network is to find the

connection weights, then from the output we can
determine whether this neural network method
is capable of doing forecasting works. In order
to determine the correctness of the forecast, the
output is compared to the past data that we already

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

layer’s output until the last layer’s output networks and nonlinear differentiable transfer
is found. function (Demuth and Beale, 1993). This tech-
2. Check Phase: Calculate the network error nique was selected to learn the algorithm because
vector and the sum squared error for the input this algorithm can learn from examples and
vector. It will stop if the sum of squared errors accept non-binary values as their inputs. Since
for all training vectors is less than the goal the algorithm is based on gradient-descent, the
error or if our specified maximum number mean-squared-error between desired output and
of epochs has been reached. Otherwise it actual output will be minimized.
will continue. The back propagation learning rules are capable
3. Backpropagation Phase: Calculate the of making adjustment to the weights and biases
delta vector for the output layer using the of the networks and also minimize the sum of
target vector. Then backpropagate the delta squared errors of the networks. Derivatives of
vectors to preceding layers. error are calculated for the network’s output layer.
4. Learning Phase: calculate each layer’s new Then it is backpropagated through the network
weight matrix and new bias vector. Then until the derivatives of error that is also known
return to phase 1. as the delta vectors, are available for each hidden
layer. The convergence rate is largely dependent
A network can also be over-trained. Over- on the number of hidden units, initial state of the
training occurs when the network is presents with system, and the learning rate (Gopal and Scuderi,
the training decreases as the network learns. Figure 1995, pp.42-59).
8 illustrates the error versus number of iterations
or cycles in the training. Point x on Figure 8 shows Other Methods Using Neural Network
where the training is to stop so that the network
will not be over-trained. Over-training can cause Neuroshell™ (Ward System Group, Frederic,
the algorithm to memorize the data from previous MD) is a software that contains a user-friendly
process and it will not produce accurate results. back-propagation implementation (Elizondo,
Hoogenboom, and McClendon, 1994, pp.115-
Backpropagation 132). Neuroshell™ is a menu-driven program for
developing neural network models. It includes
Backpropagation was created by generalizing several utilities for data manipulation, model de-
the Widrow-Hoff learning rule to multiple-layer velopment, graphical options, and a runtime option
to generate source code (Elizondo, Hoogenboom,
Figure 8. Error versus # of iterations and McClendon, 1994, pp.115-132).
One of the most important feature of neu-
roshell™ is that it can prevent-learning. Over-
learning process will reduce accuracy of forecasted
In Neuroshell™, maximum acceptable error
is set by the user (Elizondo, Hoogenboom, and
McClendon, 1994, pp.115-132). This is the error
between the actual and forecast output for each
pattern presented to the network. If the error is
greater than the acceptable value, the weights are

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

adjusted by the back-propagation algorithm until introduced, this method is rarely used by forecast
the error is at least below the specification. practitioners. This is due to the complication of
Neural network is considered as the most reli- transforming data from one series to another.
able method to produce an accurate result. Overall The time series method used by Box and Jenkins
it still has a tendency to over predict solar radiation has its own approach to obtaining an accurate
on the low values and under predict solar radiation result. However, it is not as accurate as the neural
at the high values of the data set. To test suitability network method (Beveridge and Oickle, 1994,
of neural networks for forecasting solar radiation, pp.419-434).
a network was trained. The values predicted by Time series can determine the trend seasonal or
the neural network have day-to-day variations nonseasonal, cycle, and variation of data predicted.
that are similar to the observed solar radiation. Transformation of the series from nonstationary
Accuracy of our network forecasting solar to stationary also helps the series to behave more
radiation can be improved by adding other field- accurately toward the actual forecast. This could
measured parameters such as percentage of cloud reduce the fluctuations on the highs and lows of
cover, solar brightness or pan evaporation. forecast data.
Present study used small time series (40 to
60 elements) and achieved a better performance
RESULTS AND COMPARISONS than the corresponding ARIMA model especially
for non-stationary series in a very short training
In this section, results of the comparison of the process. Table 3 shows the comparison between
different methods used by the forecast practi- neural network method and ARIMA method
tioners are presented. Most of the comparisons (Kohzadi, et. al., 1995, pp.463-474).
will be between the Box and Jenkins methods Referring to Table 3, it shows that the mean
and neural network method. These methods are of the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)
compared on their accuracy, cost of the forecast- of the neural network model is about 18% less
ing works,efficiency of the methods used, and than the ARIMA model. The mean of mean square
reliability of the model. error of the neural network model is about 40%
less than the ARIMA model. This shows that the
General Comparisons neural network model can yield better accuracy
than the ARIMA model.
The accuracy of the methods varies from one
method to another. Forecast practitioners who used Comparison of Box-Jenkins
neural network methods usually set their margin Method to Conventional Methods
of error within 5% of the actual data (Beveridge
and Oickle, 1994, pp.419-434). They normally The Box-Jenkins approach in forecasting is well
did not tolerate percentage error greater than 5% known where this method is using the time series
because it will cause inaccuracy in their predic- application in its forecasting model. The Box-
tions. The cost of using this forecasting method Jenkins method was also used to determine the
is within the acceptable range, even though time optimal order of p and q in and autoregressive
taken to train the networks sometimes can be as and moving-average components, respectively,
long as days or weeks. for a stationary ARMA(p,q) series (Beveridge
Box and Jenkins presented a reliable forecast- and Oickle, 1994, pp.419-434).
ing method at the beginning of the forecasting era. The Box-Jenkins method is subjective in the
But, as time goes by and new technologies are sense that analysts can see and verify different

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Table 3. Comparison of the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean squared error (MSE)
between neural network and ARIMA model


1 1.27 25.60 1.31 35.10
2 1.06 16.42 1.40 24.20
3 1.93 44.20 2.68 52.44
4 2.70 39.53 2.42 28.99
5 2.25 25.78 3.67 23.07
6 2.47 93.56 1.96 40.23
7 1.18 12.53 1.75 37.06
8 1.27 13.65 1.87 37.04
9 1.56 21.57 1.62 24.88
10 1.55 21.03 1.69 22.84
Mean 1.72 31.56 2.03 53.24

models while using the same set of data, sig- eling does not get a high mark by Box-Jenkins
nificance levels, and computational techniques method; the classical parametric hypothesis-
(Beveridge and Oickle, 1994, pp.419-434). But, testing paradigm is not appropriate either. Neither
the Box-Jenkins method is not widely used for routine is adequate for producing cost effective
the autoregressive and moving-average processes. and accurate result; even though ARMA model
Surveys indicate that only 5% - 10% of practic- reduces the prediction error by 10% of the aver-
ing forecasters use Box-Jenkins approach for the age mean-square-error over the old regression
autoregressive and moving-average processes techniques.
The Box-Jenkins method is also time consum- Advantages and Disadvantages
ing. The cost of producing the accurate forecast using Neural Network
is also very high. Even though the cost of the
computational component continues to decrease, The main advantage of the neural network is its
the direct and opportunity costs for the analysts do ability to accurately predict solar radiation. This is
not. This is not a good sign for a forecasting work. evident from results presented in Table 2, where it
S. Beveridge and C. Oickle (Beveridge and was compared to ARIMA model. Neural network
Oickle, 1994, pp.419-434) noted that a full Box- approach also has a greater flexibility in model
Jenkins analysis of each series may not be feasible development than the multi-linear regression
even without cost constraints when forecasting approach. In addition, it is easy to apply. Also,
many series within a limited period. Forecast neural network can produce reasonable results
practitioners think that cost and ease of use is when some data are missing or are in error.
as important as getting an accurate result when The main disadvantage of the neural network
selecting the method of forecasting. approach is the inability to explicitly present
Model-building process requires a significant the predictive equation. However, this does not
amount of planning and consideration before prevent neural network model from producing
selecting the forecasting procedure. ARMA mod- successful results in other applications.

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

Training neural network could also be time- Some complex and unstable problems can
consuming. This problem is due to the large num- be trained quickly when a low learning rate and
ber of parameters being calculated. In addition, momentum are used. Introducing a new alternative
it may require a large number of observations in algorithm that can be considered faster than be
order to avoid over fitting. Although, the accuracy backpropagation algorithm is a good step towards
of using neural network method is high, it do not improving the existing algorithm.
always converge to an acceptable solution. A work done by Scalero and Tepedelenlioglu
Overall, neural networks appear to be prom- (Chiu, 1991, pp. 315-327), has an added advan-
ising for forecasting short-term data such daily, tage of being less affected by poor initial weights
weekly, or monthly data. This class of data is and setup parameters. This new algorithm uses a
more likely to be nonlinear and contain enough modified form of the backpropagation algorithm
observations to avoid the over-fitting problem. in order to minimize the mean-squared error
between the desired output and the actual output
with respect to the summation outputs (Scalero
CONCLUSION and Tepedelenlioglu, 1992, pp.447-458). This
is different from the backpropagation algorithm
The neural network forecasting model has dem- where the mean-squared error is minimized with
onstrated that it is a better model than ARIMA for respect to the weights.
forecasting tasks. The results are consistent with The present methodologies using the existing
the idea that neural network is a powerful method satellite data are sufficient for producing a solar
that possesses flexible functional form properties. radiation prediction system. The data are very
Therefore, it is a useful model for forecasting useful for engineering applications involving
purposes, especially when the underlying data- the development of energy technologies and as-
generating process is not known. sessments of environmental, climatological, and
The design and architecture of neural network agricultural parameters for the sustainable devel-
have lack of detailed explanation and comprehen- opment of the economically lagging countries
sive theory (Kohzadi, et. al., 1995, pp.463-474). (Scalero and Tepedelenlioglu, 1992, pp.447-458).
There is no fixed architecture that we can use for As computers become cheaper, more powerful,
certain problems. The final result of the network and better programs are developed, generally the
involves some trial and error before it converges task of forecasting will be accomplished more
to a satisfactory result. Researchers should make efficiently. The critical issue is the difficulty in
some improvement on these difficulties. choosing the right program for the successful im-
The backpropagation algorithm is success- plementation of forecasting methods. It should be
fully used in many cases of training the neural viewed as the best way to identify and extrapolate
networks. Many iterations are required to train patterns or relationships. The forecasting errors
small networks for even a very simple problem should always be investigated so that in the future
(Scalero and Tepedelenlioglu, 1992, pp.447-458). the cause of those errors can be easily identified.
Training large network structures and data sets Forecast practitioner should also identify the na-
may take days or weeks using the backpropaga- ture and size of common errors that occur in their
tion algorithm. It would be beneficial if there were work so that they can avoid or at least minimize
a training algorithm that could reduce this long same mistake in the future.
training time as well as the cost of the process.

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

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networks for short-term load forecasting. IEEE
prediction. John Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 1.
Transactions on Power Systems, 7(1), 250–257.

Methods of Forecasting Solar Radiation

KEY TERMS AND DEFINITION Forecasting: Prediction of future events and

conditions is called forecast, and the act of mak-
AR Model: Current value of the process is ing such prediction.
expressed as a linear combination of p previous Neural Network: A method to predict tem-
values of the process and a random shock. poral series with chaotic or irregular behavior.
ARIMA Model: Relates an output Zt to an Renewable Energy: Energy resources that
input at in terms of the different equation. are renewed on short term basis.
ARMA Model: The linear estimation in the Solar Radiation: The emission of photon
time-series approach uses an autoregressive pro- from the sun.
cess to estimate the moving-average part.


Chapter 17
Greenhouse Solar
Thermal Application
Tribeni Das
Das Energy Consulting Pvt. Ltd., India

Ganesh C Bora
North Dakota State University, USA

This chapter includes brief description of different solar thermal applications of greenhouse structure
based on the different research work done in this area. It provides the basic knowledge of the use of solar
energy to increase the production of different agricultural products using greenhouse system, e.g., crop
production and drying of agricultural products. The chapter includes the introduction of greenhouse
system, the definition, the concept, and the importance of greenhouse technology. The uses of various
solar thermal applications in different greenhouse systems such as flat plate collector in greenhouse fish
pond system and application of photovoltaic system in greenhouse drying are covered in this chapter.

INTRODUCTION • Fundamentals of greenhouse technology

• Different design of greenhouse structures
Greenhouse structures are used to provide the ideal with different solar thermal applications
condition required for the growth of agricultural • Basic working principles and energy
crops throughout the year. The objective of this balance
chapter is to provide a platform to disseminate the • Thermal analysis
fundamental knowledge of greenhouse structure
with various solar thermal applications, which The aim of this chapter is to provide an insight
includes: in the subject. We have drawn materials from dif-
ferent journals and books related to the subject.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch017
Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

According to EncyclopediaC2000 (Anon, CLASSIFICATION OF

2000) the greenhouse effect for environment is GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS
defined as: “Greenhouse Effect, term for the role
the atmosphere plays in insulating and warming On the basis of working principal applications,
the earth’s surface. The atmosphere is largely greenhouse may be broadly classified in the three
transparent to incoming solar radiation. When categories:
this radiation strikes the earth’s surface, some of
it is absorbed, there by warming earth’s surface. 1. Greenhouse for crop cultivation,
The surface of the earth emits some of this energy 2. Greenhouse for crop drying
back out in the form of infrared radiation. As this 3. Greenhouse as the solar energy collector
infrared radiation travels through the atmosphere,
much of it is absorbed by atmospheric gases such The detailed classification on this basis is
as carbon-dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and shown in Figure 1.
water vapor. These gases then re-emit infrared
radiation, some of which strikes and is absorbed
by earth. The absorption of infrared energy by BACKGROUND
atmosphere and earth, called the greenhouse
effect, maintains a temperature range on earth Greenhouse pond system (GPS) can provide a
that is hospitable to life. Without the greenhouse good alternative for maintaining water tempera-
effect, the earth would be frozen planet with an ture in aquaculture facilities (Zhu et.al, 1998).
average temperature of about –18oC (about 0oF)”. One of the most important factors influencing
Similarly this phenomenon accomplishes at the fish growth is the water temperature (Brett and
micro level, for a house having the transparent Groves, 1979; Corey et al., 1983). Many of the
walls and roofs (glass, Perspex or polyethylene most popular fish species have optimum growth
film), when the solar (short wave length) radiation temperature between 25° and 32°C, thus making
passes through the transparent walls and roofs it is their culture applicable only during the warmer
absorbed by some object inside and then warming months (Stickney, 1979). Growth rate increases
up the object. The warm object emits heat in the with increasing water temperature, but when the
form infrared (long wave length) radiation, which temperature is above the optimum, it has a nega-
cannot be re-radiated back outside due to glass tive instead of a stimulatory influence (Jobling,
cover, resulting in increase in temperature. This 1993). In low temperature regions, the metabolic
house is thus called greenhouse. Today greenhouse activity of fish is greatly reduced, which affects
is mainly used for the maximized the production the growth-rate of the fish (Halver, 1972). A few
of crops mainly during the off season, because reports are available on greenhouse or plastic
inside greenhouse the favorable condition for the shelter pond that could achieve a 2.8 – 4.4 oC
optimum growth of the agricultural crops is pos- increase in water temperature for each month of
sible. Greenhouse is used to maintain the favorable the year when compared with an open–air pond
condition required for increase the productivity (Klemetson and Rogers, 1985). A Rise of 9oC
of the crop. The environment such as light, air in water temperature was achieved (Brooks and
composition, temperature and nature of the root Kimball, 1987) in January in Phoenix, USA in
media has significant effect in the production of a solar heated aquaculture pond. Again rise of
agricultural crop (Tiwari, 2003). 4.13- 6.92 oC water temperature was achieved for
greenhouse pond connected with two numbers of
collectors and in case of without collector it was

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Figure 1. Classification of greenhouse system (Source: Tiwari 2003)

3.12-5.64oC (Das and Tiwari, 2006). A number humidity). These effects reduce the losses associ-
of studies have demonstrated the enhancement of ated with evaporation, convection and radiation.
fish growth–rate inside the greenhouse by using Heat loss dependent upon the local climatic factors
common carp species (Naegel, 1977; Wisely et al., such as wind velocity, mixing of water within the
1981; Wood and Ghannudi, 1985; Bandyopadhyay pond, temperature gradient between the pond and
et al., 2000; Kumar et al., 2001; Mohapatra et al., ambient air, and relative humidity (Tiwari, 2003).
2002; Frei and Becker, 2005). Thermal modeling of greenhouses for agriculture,
Greenhouse is another option for reducing horticulture and floriculture purposes has been
heat loss and simultaneously enhancing water performed by numerous investigators (Khatry
temperature. The advantages of greenhouse are: (a) et al., 1978; Chandra and Albright, 1980; Tiwari
reduction of air velocity, (b) reduction of tempera- and Dhiman, 1986; Santamouries et al., 1994;
ture difference between the pond and surrounding Tiwari, 2003). Although there are many studies
air, and (c) reduction of vapor pressure difference available on fish culture inside greenhouse, which
between the pond water and air (increased relative depends largely on the management practices and

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

the species used (Kumar et al., 2000; Frei and A modular solar dryer was developed (Farkas et
Becker, 2005). But, these Passive greenhouse or al, (1999) in which PV panel (maximum power
direct gain system is not sufficient for heating 2x20W) to drive an electrical fan for artificial air
the pond water, where higher water temperature circulation was installed in the front side of the
is required. A more effective and reliable method dryer with changeable elevation angle suitable
to increase the water temperature is by introduc- to the different angle of sunshine in the different
ing a flat plate collector as indirect heating. This period of the year. The convective mass transfer
system is similar to the active solar still, but solar of grape was evaluated when dried in a hybrid
still water depth is usually maintained below 0.15 PV/T integrated greenhouse dryer under forced
m. Simulation of integrated collector storage mode (Barnwal and Tiwari, 2008).
solar heater system was performed (Smyth et
al, 1998). The performance of a multiple- effect
vertical solar still with a flat plate collector was GREENHOUSE FISH
analyzed (Kiatsiriroat et al., 1993) and also the POND SYSTEM (GPS)
performance with active solar still was analyzed
(Tripathi and Tiwari, 2005). Water temperature control is generally more
Drying is practice to preserve the food for important for aquatic species than land animals.
longer duration. Some traditional techniques for When the water temperature is below the optimum
improving preservation and storage are salting/ range (25-32oC), the fish lose their ability to feed
brining, open sun drying and smoking open sun because the basic body metabolism is affected.
drying is still the most common method used for Fish growth for a given variety is controlled by its
preserving food products in tropical and subtropi- environment. Therefore, the environment should
cal countries. In comparison to open sun drying be suitably controlled to tap the full potential of
the use of greenhouse dryer lead to reduction of given species and size. Greenhouse is the frame
the drying time up to 50% and to a significant im- of inflated structure covered with transparent
provement to the product quality in terms of color, material over the pond in which fish are grown
texture and test (Esper and Muhlbauer, 1998). High under partial or fully controlled environment con-
temperature drying shows significant advantages ditions. These are large enough to allow a person
on rice quality in terms of energy saving and qual- to walk within its structure to carryout cultural
ity deterioration, especially fungal deterioration and other operational activities. Sometimes, it
(Wiset et al., 2001). Furthermore, the contami- is referred as surface covered cultivation. There
nation by insects, microorganisms and bacterial have been innumerable studies qualifying the
fungi can be prevented. The storage losses can be effect of environmental parameters individually
reduced to a minimum while the shelf life of the as well as collectively on fish production. There
products can be increased significantly. Properly for creating a favorable environment means a
designed greenhouse dryer allow a great degree of significantly higher growth of fish and its yield.
control over the drying process than the cabinet The conventional aqua cultural practices can only
dryer and are more appropriate for large –scale control management practices. It does not ensure
drying (Anon, 2000). Researchers have recom- control over water temperature during culture
mended greenhouse as a dryer for drying different period under open condition.
agricultural products (Shaw, 1981; Sadydov and Water temperature is an important factor on
Khairiddinov, 1982; Muthuveerappan et al., 1985; yield, as well as the length of growing season and
Jain and Tiwari, 2004; Kumar and Tiwari, 2006; the quality of fish production. A few types of pas-
Das and Tiwari, 2008; Barnwal and Tiwari, 2008). sive aquaculture greenhouse have been reported

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

and used. In all the cases, the basic strategy is to absorbed and transmitted inside the greenhouse.
reduce heat loss, increase water temperature and A large portion of inside radiation is absorbed by
at the same time, increase fish production. water. This is utilized in raising the temperature
Greenhouse design is strongly influenced by of water. The floor absorbs rest part of radiation.
the climate and the latitude of the location and its This absorbed thermal energy is conducted and
structure is supposed to withstand loads because of convected into the ground and room air, respec-
its own weight, wind and snow, hanging baskets tively. During off sunshine hours, when room
and should allow maximum light transmission air temperature drops, a process of convective,
(Santamouris et al., 1994; Tiwari and Dhiman, evaporative and radiative heat exchanges takes
1986; Elsner et al., 2000; Tiwari, 2003). The place among floor, water and room air. This heat
choice of a greenhouse type by the fish farmers exchange is a form of long wave radiation, which
depends on locally available material and eco- is trapped inside the transparent greenhouse cover,
nomic conditions. In many cases, local tradition and consequently heats up the room air, which
and existing greenhouses play an important role in turn leads to the sudden fall in temperature.
in the decision-making. In particular, a local eco- It has an advantage of being economic and easy
nomic consideration is influenced the popularity to construct. The orientation of the greenhouse
of certain types greenhouse. was from east to west direction. One exhaust fan
was provided in the east wall of the greenhouse
Experimental Greenhouse for forced ventilation. The schematic view of the
Fish Pond System experimental greenhouse is shown in Figure 2.

The experiment was carried out in a Quonset shape Basic Energy Balance
greenhouse (popularly known as IARI model) at
Solar Energy Park, IIT Delhi (Latitude-28o35/ Assumptions
N, Longitude–77 o 12/ E and an altitude of 216
m above mean sea level). The dimension of the In order to write energy balance equation for the
Quonset shape greenhouse (popularly known as different components of the greenhouse the fol-
IARI model) used for experimental purposes 5.0 lowing assumption has been made:
x 4.0 x 2.42 m. A rectangular cemented tank of
size 4.0m x 3.0m x 1.7m was constructed inside 1. Absorptive, heat capacity of the enclosed air,
the greenhouse. The effective water volume is roof material, walls and tanks are neglected.
18 m3 with water depth level maintained at 1.5 2. Heat flow is one dimensional in a quasi
m. The effective floor and water surface area of steady state condition.
greenhouse are 20 m2 and 12m2, respectively. 3. Fish in the tank are less in number and small
The volume of the greenhouse enclosure is 37m3. in size.
The brick wall of 0.25 m was constructed on the 4. No water exchange during the
perimeter of floor area as the foundation of the experimentation.
greenhouse (Das and Tiwari, 2008)
Energy Balance Equation for
Working Principle of Greenhouse Greenhouse Fish Pond System
Fish Pond System
The rate of energy absorbed by the water from
During sunshine hours total solar radiation re- the solar radiation is equal to the sum of the rate
ceived by the greenhouse cover is partly reflected, of energy stored in the pond water, the rate of

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Figure 2. Experimental Quonset - shape greenhouse fish pond system

thermal energy losses by the pond water to the Greenhouse Fish Pond with
greenhouse air through conduction, convection Flat Plate Collectors
and radiation and the rate of the thermal energy
losses by the bottom wall and side wall of the Experimental Set-up
pond to the earth.
The greenhouse fish pond system was connected
dT to two numbers of flat plate collectors of area
∑τ I A ∑µe
= M wC w w +
i =8
i i i j
dt 2m2 (1.0 x 2.0 m) each in series. The hot water
h(Tw − Tr )Aw + U b (Tw − T∞ )Ab + U s (Tw − T∞ )As was delivered to pond through gravitational force
(1) and cool water fed to collector with the help of a
pump (Das et al., 2006). The line diagram of the
Energy Balance Equation experimental setup is shown in Figure 3.
for Greenhouse air
Working Principle of GPS with Flat
The rate of thermal energy gained by the green- Plate Collector
house air from the pond water through conduction,
convection and radiation is equal to the rate of the The thermal energy absorbed by the pond water
over all heat loss from the greenhouse air to the was increased by integrating two number of flat
ambient air in the atmosphere. plate collectors in series. The greenhouse pond
water is heated by both the direct heat gain from
h (Tw − Tr )Aw = (UA)eff (Tr − Ta ) (2) the solar radiation and also the heat absorbed
from the flat plate collectors. The hot water was
delivered to pond through gravitational force and
cool water fed to collector with the help of a pump.

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Figure 3. Experimental Quonset - shape greenhouse fish pond system with two numbers of flat plate

Energy Balance Equations for For present case N=2 and during night hours
Greenhouse Fishpond System Q u = 0 .
with Flat Plate Collector
Energy Balance Equation for Greenhouse Air
The sum of the rate of energy absorbed by the
water from the solar radiation inside greenhouse
The rate of thermal energy gained by the green-
fish pond system and the rate of energy absorbed
house air from the pond water through conduction,
by circulating the pond water through the flat plate
convection and radiation is equal to the rate of the
collector is equal to the sum of the rate of energy
overall heat loss from the greenhouse air to the
stored in the pond water, the rate of thermal en-
ambient air in the atmosphere.
ergy losses by the pond water to the greenhouse
air through conduction, convection and radiation h (Tw − Tr )Aw = (UA)eff (Tr − Ta ) (4)
and the rate of the thermal energy losses by the
bottom wall and side wall of the pond to the earth.
∑I τ A ∑µ e + Q u = M wC w w +
−n j d

i −1
i i i j
dt (UA)eff = 0.33NV + ∑ AU
i i

h(Tw − Tr )Aw + U b Ab (Tw − Tα ) + U s As (Tw − Tα )

∑ AU i i = AU
1 1 + AU
2 2 + AU
3 3 + AU
4 4

5 5 + AU
6 6 + AU
7 7 + AU
where 8 8

h = hc + hrw + hew
U1= U2= U3=U4=U5=U6=U7=U8

(1 − (1 − kk ) Equation (3) can be rewrite as
Q u = NAc [FR (α0 τ 0 ) I (t )
(UA)eff Ta + h Tw Aw
(1 − (1 − kk )N Tr = (5)
−FRU l (Tw − Ta )] (UA)eff + h Aw

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Further, Equation (4) can be written as 16.273x 10−3 hcw (Pw − γPr )
hew =
Tw − Tr
h (Tw − Tr )Aw = (UA)eff 1 (Tw − Ta ) (6)
1 1 
where εeff =  + − 1 , εw = εgc = 0.9
 εw εgc 
hAw (UA)eff
(UA)eff 1 = 
(UA)eff + hAw 5144 
P (Tw ) = exp 25.317 − 
 273 + Tw 
Substituting Equation(6) in Equation(3) and
after simplification, Equation(3) can be written  5144 
in the form of first order differential equation as P (Tr ) = exp 25.317 − 
 273 + Tr 

dTw σ = 5.67x 10−8

+ a1Tw = f (t ) (7)
1 1
U = + 
where h 
 i ho 
f (t ) =
(1 − (1 − kk )2 hi = 5.7 + 3.8v = 5.7
∑τ I A ∑µ
e + 2Ac [FR (α0 τ 0 ) I (t )
i =8
i i i j
(1 − (1 − kk ) 2 (if velocity of air inside greenhouse is taken zero)
+FRU l Ta ] + (UA)eff 1Ta + U b AT
b α + U s AT
s α
M wC w hO = 5.7 + 3.8v
L L 
(UA)eff 1 + U b Ab + U s As Uc =  c + r 
a1 = K 
M wC w  c Kr 

−AUc lF

where FR = (mC c l ) (1 − exp(
 f / AU ))
 f
hc = 2.8 + 3.0v
 f )
kk = (Am FRmU Lm mC
for 0 ≤ v ≤ 7 m/s, (Watmuff et al., 1977)

Analytical solution of Equation(7) can be

εeff σ (Tw + 273) − (Tr + 273) 
4 4

hrw =   written as
Tw − Tr
f (t )
Tw = (1 − e −a1t ) + Twoe −a1t (9)

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

where, Two is the water temperature at t=0 and determined. The heat transfer coefficient can be
f (t ) is the average of ƒ (t) for the time interval 0 increased by providing forced convection drying
and t and a1 is constant during the time. The wa- (Das and Tiwari, 2008).
ter temperature of the pond for a particular time
can be determined from this equation. Design of Experimental
Greenhouse Dryer

GREENHOUSE DRYER An even span roof experimental greenhouse dryer

with effective floor area of 120 ×0.78 m2 was used
Drying is simply the process of moisture removal for drying of prawn at IIT Delhi. The experimental
from a product. It can be performed by various greenhouse dryer for fish drying under natural
methods for a variety of different substances from and forced mode is shown in Figure 4 and Figure
solids to gases and even liquids (Hall, 1980). 5 respectively. The drying chamber constructed
Drying is a process of heat and mass transfer si- from a PVC pipe framework clad in a transparent
multaneously. Where, the heat energy applied to ultraviolet (UV) stabilized polyethylene film of
the crop is utilized to increase the temperature of 150-200 micron thickness. A fraction of transmit-
it and to vaporize the moisture present in the crop ted solar radiation absorbed partly by the fish, floor,
through provision of latent heat of vaporization. exposed tray area and remaining solar radiation
The removal of moisture from the interior of the heats the enclosed air inside the greenhouse. A
crop takes place due to induced vapor pressure wire mesh tray of length 0.4 m and width 0.24
difference between the crop and surrounding m was used to accommodate fish sample as thin
medium. The desired difference of vapor pressure layer. The orientation of the greenhouse dryer was
may be obtained either by increasing the vapor fixed with east-west direction. The inclination
pressure of the food surface or by decreasing the of south and north roof was 25.90o. The central
vapor pressure of the surrounding or by both. The height and sidewalls were raised to 0.60 and 0.40
convective heat transfer coefficient is an impor- m, respectively. For forced convection a fan of
tant parameter in drying rate simulation. Since, 120mm sweep diameter with air velocity 5m/s
the temperature difference between the air and was provided on the sidewall of the greenhouse
crop varies with this coefficient. The convective during the experiments. (Das and Tiwari, 2008).
heat transfer coefficient was evaluated for some
crops (green chillies, green peas, white gram, Drying under Natural Mode
onions, potatoes, and cauliflower) under solar
drying and developed a mathematical model for Two vents each of 0.2 × 0.1m 2 were made on the
predicting the drying parameters (Anwar and south and north roof for natural ventilation pur-
Tiwari, 2001b);(Jain and Tiwari,2003);(Kumar poses during over heating inside the greenhouse.
and Tiwari, 2006). The dependence of convec- (see Figure 4)
tive heat transfer coefficient was further studied
on the drying time during complete solar drying Greenhouse Drying under Force Mode
process of green peas and cabbage (Jain and Tiwari,
2004). Again the convective heat and mass transfer In case of forced mode greenhouse dryer a fan
coefficients at different durations of the drying of 120 mm sweep diameter with rated air veloc-
time of prawn (invertebrate) under the natural ity 5m/s was provided on the east wall of the
and forced convection of greenhouse drying was greenhouse during the experiments of forced
convection. It helps to remove the excess rela-

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Figure 4. Experimental set-up for prawn drying inside greenhouse (Source: Das & Tiwari, 2008)

tive humidity inside the greenhouse apart with in a single layer in the drying tray. The tray with
the above assembly. fish was kept on the measuring balance. Experi-
ments were conducted in July 2006 between 8:00
Experimental Observation and 17:00 h for forced drying and 10:00 to 17:00
for natural drying under the composite climate
Indian minor carp prawn (Macrobrachium lamar- of New Delhi, India .The solar radiation ranged
rei); invertebrate was considered for drying in during these hours between 150 and 900 W/m2.
greenhouse. The fresh fish purchased from local
market was washed with fresh water. Surface water
was removed by blotting with absorbent paper.
A steel wire mesh tray of 0.25 × 0.20m was used
during drying of the fish. The fish were arranged

Figure 5. Experimental set-up for prawn drying inside greenhouse under forced convection model
(Source: Das & Tiwari, 2008)

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Computation Procedure to
Determine the Convective Reynolds number (Re)
Heat Transfer Coefficient ρ vX inertia force
= v =
µv viscous force
Convective Heat Transfer
Coefficient (Natural and Forced) Therefore, the convective heat transfer coef-
ficient can be determined by using the expression
The values of convective heat transfer coefficient given in Equation(10) for the Nusselt number as
can be obtained using the following expression:
The Nusselt number Nu under natural convec- hc =
C (Gr Pr)
tion is a function of Grashof Gr and Prandtl Pr
K n
hc =
C (Re Pr) (11b)
h X n
Nu = c = C (Gr Pr) (10a)
KV The rate of heat utilized to evaporate moisture
is given as (Malik et al., 1982)
The Nusselt number Nu under natural convec-
tion is a function of Reynolds number (Re) and Qe = 0.016 hc P (Tf ) − γ P (Tr ) (12)
 
Prandtl Pr numbers.

h X n where,Qe is the rate of heat utilized in J/m2s;

Nu = c = C (Re Pr) (10b)
KV P (Tf ) and P (Tr ) are the partial vapor pressures
of air at the temperatures in oC of the fish surface
Now, the natural and forced convective heat Tf and inside greenhouse Tg at relative humidity
transfer coefficient is determined by using the γ , respectively.
following expression obtained from Equation(10a 5144
W h e r e P (T ) = exp(25.317 − )
and b) where, Gr, Pr and Re can be evaluated at T + 273
mean vapor temperature by using the expression (Fernandez and Chargoy, 1990)
given below,, hc is the convective heat transfer Substituting hc from Equation(11), then Equa-
coefficient in W/m2 K; X is the characteristics tion(12) becomes surrounding humid
length in m; Kv is the thermal conductivity of the
humid air in W/m K and C and n are the constants Kv
C (Gr Pr) P (Tf ) − γP (Tr )
Qe = 0.016
of Equation(10a). X  
Grashof number (Gr)
g β ′X 3 ρv2∆T buonyancy force Kv n
P (T ) − γP (T )
= = Qe = 0.016 C (Re Pr)  f r 
µv 2
viscous force X (13b)
Prandtl number (Pr)
µC momentum diffusivity
= v v = The moisture evaporated (mev ) in kg is deter-
Kv thermal diffusivity
mined by dividing Equation(13) by the latent heat

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

of vaporization (λ ) and multiplying by the area X= ln (Gr Pr) and bo = ln C

of the container (Ac ) and time interval (t) in s.
X= ln (Re, Pr)
mev = Ac t = 0.016 Thus,
C (Gr Pr)  P (Tw ) − γ P (Tr )  AC t
C = e bo (17)

Once the numerical values of the constants
Rearranging the terms and Equation (14) C and n are known, the convective heat transfer
becomes coefficient can be computed by Equation(16) and
using measured values of the ambient air, inside
mev n
greenhouse air, surface temperature of fish and
= C (Gr , Pr) (15a) relative humidity in greenhouse condition during
a given time period.
= C (Re, Pr)n (15b) Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient
The convective mass transfer coefficient can be
determined using the relation
KV  hc = (18)
Z = 0.016 P (Tf ) − γ P (Tr ) AC t Tr − Tf
X λ  

where, hc is the convective mass transfer coeffi-

Taking logarithm of both sides of Equation(15), cient in W/m2 K, Qe is the rate of heat utilized in
J/m2 s, greenhouse air temperature (Tr) and, Tf is
m 
ln  ev  = n ln (Gr,Pr) +ln C (16a) the average of fish temperature (Tf) just above
 Z 
the fish surface.

m 
 ev 
 Z  = n ln (Re,Pr) +ln C (16b) Computation Technique
 

The average surface temperature of fish Tf and

Equation (16a and b) is the analogy of a straight
inside greenhouse temperature above the fish
line equation,
surfaceTr were calculated at hourly intervals for
corresponding moisture evaporated. The physical
Y = b1 X + bo
properties of humid air were evaluated for the
mean temperatures of Tf and Tr . These physical
where, b1 and bo are the independent and depen- properties were utilized for calculating the values
dent variables. for the Grashof Gr, (Pr) Prandtl numbers and (Re)
Reynolds numbers. The values of C and n in
m  Equation (11) were obtained by linear regression
Y = ln  ev  , b1 = n,
 Z 

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Figure 6. Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) integrated greenhouse dryer

analysis expressed in Equation(17) at the incre- developed hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T)

ment of every hour of observation and thus the integrated greenhouse dryer is shown in figure
mean values of hc were computed at the corre- 6. (Barnwal and Tiwari, 2008)
sponding hour of drying.
Working Principle
Hybrid Greenhouse Dryer
The air moves from bottom to top through three-
Experimental Greenhouse Dryer tier system of perforated wire mesh trays as the
air at bottom becomes hot. The UV stabilized
An even span greenhouse of 1.8 m and 1.05 m polyethylene sheet has been fitted over the struc-
central and side wall height respectively was tural frame of the dryer which helps in trapping
integrated with two PV modules (glass to glass; of infrared radiation. It also prevents unnecessary
dimensions: 1.20 m _ 0.55 m _0.01 m; 75 Wp circulation of ambient air and thus maintains the
each) at the south roof was used for the drying desire temperature inside the greenhouse.
of grapes. The DC electrical power produced by
the PV modules was used to run the fan (inner
diameter = 0.080 m, outer diameter = 0.150 m) CONCLUSION
under forced convection drying and also provide
thermal heating of the greenhouse. To provide air Use of different solar thermal applications is a
movement in the greenhouse dryer, 0.15 m height is good alternative to the conventional heat require-
open at bottom side and further 0.10 m is provided ment for different purpose inside greenhouse for
with wire mesh. The air moves from bottom to top the production of agricultural crop. Greenhouse
through three-tier system of perforated wire mesh fishpond system is a good option to increase
trays as the air at bottom becomes hot. The mate- the production than open pond system. Indirect
rial of the greenhouse dryer cover is UV stabilized heating with flat plate collector is a useful tool,
polyethylene sheet, which prevents unnecessary where direct or passive heating is not sufficient
circulation of ambient air and thus maintains the for heating the pond water. Greenhouse dryer can
desire temperature inside the greenhouse. The be used to dry several agricultural crops. The heat

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

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characteristics of greenhouse in European Union
countries: Part I, Design requirements. Journal Forced Convection: Heat convection caused
of Agricultural Engineering Research, 75, 1–16. by external sources such as pump etc is known as
doi:10.1006/jaer.1999.0502 forced convection or forced mode.
Greenhouse Dryer: Greenhouse structure
Watmuff, J. H., & Charters, W. W. S. (1977). Proc- used for drying is called greenhouse dryer. Inside
tor solar and wind induced external coefficients greenhouse dryer crops are dried using the solar
for solar collectors (Vol. 2, p. 56). COMPLES. thermal energy.
Wisely, B., Holiday, J. E., & Macdonald, R. E. Greenhouse Fishpond System: The system
(1981). Heating an aquacultural pond with a where greenhouse structure with a fish pond
solar pool blanket. Aquaculture (Amsterdam, system inside is used for the cultivation of fish is
Netherlands), 26, 385. doi:10.1016/0044- known as greenhouse fish pond system.
8486(82)90171-5 Greenhouse: Greenhouse is a building where
plants are grown.
Wiset, L., Srzednicki, G., Driscoll, R., Nimmunta- Hybrid Greenhouse Dryer: Greenhouse
vin, C., & Siwapornrak, P. (2001). Effects of high dryer which include photovoltaic thermal hybrid
temperature drying on rice quality. Agricultural collectors for the drying of crop is known as hybrid
Engineering International: The CIGR Journal of greenhouse dryer. Hybrid PV/T system converts
Scientific Research and Development, Vol. III. solar radiation into thermal and electrical energy.
May 2001. Manuscript FP 01 003. Natural Convection: Natural convection is the
Wood, C. S., & Ghannudi, S. A. (1985). Study type of heat transport or circulation of air which
of a shallow crap (cyprinus carpio) pond and its is generated by thermal and density effect not by
relevance to island fish farming in Libyan Jama- external source.
hiriya. Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Solar Thermal Application: Applications
44, 125. doi:10.1016/0044-8486(85)90015-8 where solar thermal energy is used.
Thermal Analysis: Thermal analysis is a
branch in material science where properties of ma-
terial are studied with the change of temperature.

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application


Table A.­

A Area, m2
Ac Area of fish (tray), m2
b breadth, m
C constant
Cw specific heat of water, J/ kg K
Cv specific heat of humid air, J/ kg K
Cf specific heat of fish, J/ kg K
FR Flow rate factor
H total heat transfer coefficient from water to greenhouse, W/(m2 K).
hc convective heat transfer coefficient of fish, W/(m2 K).
hcw convective heat transfer coefficient of water, W/(m2 K).
hew evaporative heat transfer coefficient of water, W/(m2 K).
hrw radiative heat transfer coefficient from water to sky, W/(m2 K).
ho Parameter depends on convective heat transfer coefficient, mass of air and water, Partial pressure, Specific heat of air and latent
heat of water.
I (t) total solar intensity falling on greenhouse, W/(m2 K).
Ib beam radiation, W/m2 K
K thermal conductivity of ground, W/(m2 K).
Kv thermal conductivity of humid air, W/(m K).
L Length of greenhouse, m
M mass, kg
m flow rate of water mass, kg/sec
mev moisture evaporated, kg
N number of air charges per hour in greenhouse
N coefficient
Nu Nusselt number (=hcL/Kv)
Pr Prandtl number (=μv Cv/Kv)
P(T) Partial vapor pressure at temperature T, N/ m2
Pw saturated vapor pressure at water temperature (Pa)
Pr saturated vapor pressure at greenhouse air temperature (Pa)
Qe Rate of heat utilized to evaporate moisture, J/ m2s
Re Reynolda number (= ρv v d / μv)
Tf surface temperature of fish, °C
Te temperature of humid air above the fish surface, °C
Ti average of fish and humid air temperature, °C
T time, s
T temperature, oC
continued on following page

Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application

Table A. Continued

Ub Overall heat transfer coefficient from bottom to earth, W/m2 K

Us Overall heat transfer coefficient from the side to earth, W/m2 K
UL Overall heat transfer coefficient from greenhouse to ambient through top, W/(m2 K).
V velocity of air, m/s
V volume of greenhouse, m3
X characteristic dimension, m
μv dynamic viscosity of humid air, kg/ ms
ρv density of humid air, kg/ m3
a air or ambient air
g ground in greenhouse
eff effective
w water
th thermal
Greek letters
α absorptivity (decimal)
τ transmitivity of greenhouse cover, dimensionless
γ relative humidity(decimal)
ε emissivity, dimensionless
ρ density, kg/m3
σ Stefan-Boltzman constant (5.67x10-8W/m2K4)
α Infinity (ground at lager depth)
λ latent heat of vaporization, J/ kg


Chapter 18
Technology Selection for
Solar Power Generation
in the Middle East:
Case of Saudi Arabia

Tugrul U Daim
Portland State University, USA

Paul R. Newman
Portland State University, USA

Hithem Sughi
Portland State University, USA

Eyad Bakhsh
Portland State University, USA

Saudi Arabia is moving towards economical and technological development and to be an active player
in the dynamics of the international community. The economic growth in the country requires significant
additional electrical power generation in order to supply this increasing demand. At present, fossil fuel
(petroleum and natural gas) reserves in Saudi Arabia are reliable in terms of feeding the needs of its
conventional power plants. Fossil fuels, however, are not sustainable, are subject to eventual depletion
and plants using these fuels produce large amounts of CO2 emissions. The authors have examined other
power generation alternatives with an eye towards achieving sustainability. These requirements have led
them to propose a renewable energy source—radiant energy from the sun as the way to achieve long-term
success. The region is blessed with an abundant solar flux throughout most of the year. Recognizing this,
the authors propose building solar-powered electrical generation plants in the Saudi deserts, but are
faced with the problem: “Which solar technology is the ideal choice for this application?”

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch018
Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Several different technologies have been identified and analyzed. A mathematical model was constructed
and used to make a selection of the optimal technology. The decision model employed to determine the
optimal technology, taking account of the fact that in making such a technology selection subjective
judgment is required, is the Hierarchal Decision Model (HDM). This research relied on data extracted
from scientific journals and industry sources as the inputs for the Decision Model. The authors also
validated their research and derived expert opinion weighting factors with international experts in the
solar technology. They have applied the model to a case study to demonstrate the use of it.

INTRODUCTION country to secure alternative energy resources.

The main alternative natural renewable energy
Terrestrial solar energy is abundant, estimated at source which is abundantly available in Saudi
174 petawatts (1015 watts) of energy, or a flux of Arabia is solar. The power in the solar radiation,
approximately 340 W/m2 on the surface of our which reaches the earth, if it can be reliably and
planet every day1. This is an average, however, and efficiently converted to electricity, is sufficient to
the actual values vary from one region to another. make significant contributions to the Kingdom’s
Saudi Arabia has an oil-based economy, energy supply. Our research, therefore, contains
possesses more than 20% of the world’s proven a suggestion for the country’s decision makers
petroleum reserves, and ranks as the largest ex- to be opportunistic and to think sustainably and
porter of petroleum. Currently, all electrical power grow the country’s economy reliably by investing
generation in Saudi Arabia is petroleum or natural and building the future renewable energy plants
gas- based. In 2008, revenues from worldwide which rely on solar power.
high oil prices have led to increased economic
growth,. In December 2005, after many years
of negotiations, Saudi Arabia joined the World METHODOLOGY BACKGROUND
Trade Organization (WTO) as part of its effort to
attract foreign investment, develop the industrial Hierarchical models have been used for evaluation
sectors, and diversify the economy. In response, of alternatives in many parts of the energy sector:
Saudi Arabia has begun to develop six economic Aminloei and Ghaderi (2010) for generation plan-
cities which are project to play a role in the future ning in Iranian power plants; Aragones-Beltran
of the country’s economy. The government is (2010) for the selection of photovoltaic solar
encouraging private sector growth - especially in power plant investment projects; Chatzimoura-
power generation, in order to satisfy the growing tidis et al. (2008) for the evaluation of power
demand for energy, and to increase employment plants’ impact on living standards; Chen (2009)
opportunities for the growing Saudi population. As for eco-efficiency; Dey (2002) for cross-country
a result of the accelerated economic growth and pipelines; Garcia et al. (2008) for evaluation of
industrial expansion, the electrical power demand an electric distribution system; Jaber et al. (2008)
is expected to double in the next decade, which for the evaluation of conventional and renewable
raises the issue of finding more sustainable and energy sources for space heating in the household
scalable technologies to produce electricity and sector; Kahraman et al. (2009) for evaluation
to boost the country’s capabilities of producing of renewable energy alternatives; Karger and
and distributing electricity. Furthermore, threat Hennings (2009) for sustainability evaluation
of eventual depletion of its fossil fuel resources, of decentralized electricity generation; Nagesha
is another major obstacle that is compelling the and Balachandra (2006) for energy efficiency,

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Onut et al. (2008) for energy resources for the exhibits, compared with competing technologies.
Turkish manufacturing industry; Wijayatunga et Finally, Cost is another key criterion, which can-
al., (2006) for cleaner generation technologies; not be overlooked in our decision-making. There
Quintero et al. (2008) for comparative analysis were several costs involved here. Installation
for fuel ethanol production from sugarcane and Cost, Storage Cost, Transmission Cost, Mainte-
corn; Thorhallsdottir (2007) for evaluating and nance Cost and the Cost to generate electricity
ranking national energy projects by environmental get added to the overall implementation cost of
impact; and Vashishtha and Ramachandran (2006) the technology. To sum up, our basis of selecting
for demand side management implementation the criteria was based on local expertise. Their
strategies in the Indian power sector. choices approximately matched those resulting
The HDM provides a powerful tool for valuing from our Literature research.
different types of energy generation technologies.
The selection of evaluative criteria, was initiated
by carrying out literature research. The selection DECISION MODEL
could have been done only with research but, we
went further and supplemented the literature data The purpose of the Hierarchical Decision Model,
by consulting with electrical power generation presented in Figure 1 below, is to select the most
experts in Saudi Arabia (SA). Our theory was optimal solar technology for SA. This selection
that the local expertise would add value to pick- is based on weighted importance of the char-
ing the right criteria. Based on the feedback from acteristics of efficiency, technology maturity,
these experts and the literature results, we have environmental impact, life time and Cost. Three
selected five criteria: of the five characteristics or criteria were further
sub-categorized. Conversion Efficiency and Out-
• Efficiency put factor were considered under Efficiency. Com-
• Technology Maturity mercialization and Bibliometrics were considered
• Environmental Impact under Technology maturity. Cost was divided into
• Life Time five sub-criteria as Electricity Generation Cost,
• Cost Transmission Cost, Installation Cost, Mainte-
nance Cost and Storage Cost. These criteria and
Efficiency here is defined as the conversion sub-criteria were researched for each of the four
efficiency (watts of electrical power generated/ technologies in order to have a fair comparison
watts of solar energy consumed) for each technol- of the technologies.
ogy. Technology Maturity determines the current
level of commercialization with respect to each
technology. Photovoltaic Cells, later in our report REGIONAL BACKGROUND
emerged as a leader from that aspect. Since the
key point of moving towards a renewable energy Economic Situation and Energy
is to minimize the impact on the environment, Demand in Saudi Arabia
the experts’ suggestion of using environmental
impact as criteria makes perfect sense.. Longevity In any country the electric power sector is highly
of any technology is important, when it comes to interrelated with the economic environment under
large-scale infrastructure setup. The Lifetime as a which it operates. For that reason, the economic
criterion serves the purpose to understand the op- characteristics and fundamentals of the economy
erational time limitations which each technology need to be considered while studying the power

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 1. Hierarchical decision model

sector of any country. In the past, According to Saudi Arabia will require at least US$600bn in
Saudi Aramco forecasts, natural gas demand in investment over the next 20 years, according to
the kingdom is expected nearly to double to 14.5 Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority
billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) by 2030, up from (SAGIA) including US$170bn alone in electricity
an estimated 7.1 Bcf/d in 2007 (DOE, n.d.a). With generation and water desalination capacity (Saudi
this huge economic boom the country’s economic Electricity Company, 2006). It is estimated that
reforms has also kept pace and witnessed major additional investment would be needed for pet-
boost in foreign direct investments over the last rochemicals, ports, highways and railways, and
few years. In December 2005, Saudi Arabia be- another IT-related businesses, such as life-sciences
came the 149th member of the WTO after over and healthcare. It is projected that the current
12 years of negotiations (SUSRIS, n.d.). Since economic expansion is probable to continue at
joining the WTO, Saudi Arabia has taken a series least till 2010 as several large scale projects are
of measures to improve the country’s investment going to be implemented in the next five years.
climate: eliminate obstacles facing private inves- Thus, the economy of Saudi Arabia is on a path
tors, allow foreign manpower recruitment and of high growth as a result of strong oil revenues
speeding up licensing procedures. which, in turn, will mean a record budget and
Regarding the development of infrastructure current economic surplus, continued reduction of
facilities, Saudi Arabia will have a total of six government debt and strong growth in spending
special economic zones with the addition of by the government.
the three zones to be announced later this year.

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

According to the Saudi Electricity Company establishment of the Company in the year 2000
(SEC) (2007) the total available capacity achieved to $ 25,051 million. This includes projects that
in 2007 exhibited a growth rate of 6.1%, bringing are still under implementation. Moreover, the
up the total available capacity to 36,949 MW, Company’s 2008 budget includes a number of
compared with 34,823 MW in 2006. While the new projects in power generation, transmission,
average annual generation of electricity in 2007 and distribution amounting to $ 7,371 million
reached 32,600 GWH compared with 30,300 (Saudi Electricity Company., 2007).
GWH in 2006. In response to that, the SEC is Solar energy utilization in Saudi Arabia is cur-
implementing several projects to boost the electri- rently only being used for small scale projects for
cal generation capability in order to meet the fore- the sake of experimenting and gathering data on
casted demand. These projects introduced several solar radiation and its potential as an alternative
generation plants that run on diesel, and mainly electrical power source for the country. The Energy
natural gas in order to free up more oil for export Research Institute (ERI) at King Abdulaziz City for
usage (DOE, n.d.b). Undeniable, the increasing Science and Technology (KACST), developed the
need for electricity generation is associated with Saudi Atlas Project which was initiated in 1994,
other factors such as high seasonal demand n, as a joint R&D project between the ERI and the
economic growth, infrastructure development, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
and increasing industrial development. As a re- of the U.S. Twelve locations in the following cit-
sult, the SEC conducted several projects which ies throughout the country were carefully selected
include building new power plants throughout the (Said et al., n.d.). The total solar energy capability
country to increase its generation capacity as well is 4 MW and these capabilities are installed in
as simultaneously upgrading its electrical power different location across the country.
transmission system capability. In this context, the In the recent years, solar energy has become
total project expenditure in the areas of electric a major concern for electricity production. The
power generation, transmission, and distribution Country’s decision makers are investing heavily
reached $ 3,590 million at year-end 2007, bringing to advance this technology and showing a great
the total costs of projects implemented since the deal of evident enthusiasm for such an energy

Table 1. Location of solar projects in SA

Location Capacity Applications

Solar Village 350 kW PV System (2155 MWh) AC/DC electricity for remote areas
KAU, Jeddah 2 kW solar hydrogen (50 kWh) Testing of different electrode materials for solar
hydrogen plant
Solar Village 3 kW PV test system Demonstration of climate effects
Southern SA 4 KW PV system AC/De electricity for remote areas
Sadous Village PV water desalination (0.6m3 /hr PV/RO interface
Muzahmia PV in agriculture (4 kWph) AC/Dc grid connected
12 stations Solar radiation measurement Saudi solar atlas
5 stations Wind energy measurement Saudi solar atlas
Al-Hassa, Qatif Solar dryers Food drying (dates, vegetables, etc.)
Dammam Energy management in buildings Energy conservation
Solar Village Solar collectors development Domestic, industrial, agricultural

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

source. That is perhaps because they have realized Saudi Arabia sits on the eastern edge of the so-
the need for a long-term reliable and secure source called Sun Belt, which stretches across the deserts
of energy. Also, increasing investments in mining of northern Africa and the Persian Gulf. Saudi
technologies for fossil fuels will accelerate their Arabia is listed on the map of the top five places
depletion and boost climate change, while better for potential photovoltaic generation of electricity
solar technology will be beneficial for the future. around the world (Norris, n.d.). Saudi Arabia is
While renewable energy is a promising solution one of the most powerful sunlight absorbers in the
for the near future in generating electricity, there world: 105 trillion kilowatt hours a day, which is
is a significant negative aspect of its relatively the equivalent of 10 billion barrels of crude oil in
high installation and operating cost and low op- energy terms (Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia,
erational efficiency If solar energy is the future, n.d.). The average annual solar radiation failing
Saudi Arabia and the nations of the Middle East- on the Arabian Peninsula is then about 2200 kWh/
ern Sun Belt will enjoy a disproportionate slice m2/day (Said et al., n.d.). These figures highlight
of the pie of the world’s energy resources tomor- the fact that solar radiation is uniquely available
row as much as they do today. in all the areas of Saudi Arabia at high intensity
all year round. This makes Saudi Arabia one of
Alternate Electrical Power Generation the most likely candidates for a country run in the
future primarily by solar energy. However, effec-
In this section, we discuss five alternative sources tive utilization of solar energy in Saudi Arabia
to generate electricity and assess their viability. has not yet made reasonable progress mainly due
The following resources have been considered: to several obstacles, some of which are listed as
follows (Alawaji, 2001):
1. Hydroelectric: Saudi Arabia with its huge
desert is lacking natural flowing water as 1 The wide availability of petroleum, and its
there are no rivers or natural reservoirs to current status relative to solar energy as a
be utilized for electricity generation. source of energy and its relatively low cost
2. Wind Energy: Although wind energy has 2. A significant dust hazard due to blowing,
a potential in Saudi Arabia and has been which in some parts can reduce solar energy
experimented in 20 different areas, it is still by 10—20%.
unreliable for such application due to a lack 3. The availability of governmental subsidies
of continuous strong wind currents. for oil and electricity generation and non-
3. Geothermal: Saudi Arabia indeed has huge availability of similar subsidies for solar
geothermal potential, but this potential has energy programs.
not been exploited to date, for electricity
usages. Demand in Solar and Large Scale
4. Nuclear Power: it is associated with high Systems in Developing Countries
investment to be implemented for large
application and it needs a highly trained Ever since the discovery of solar energy genera-
personnel and institutions. tion, mankind has been interested in learning more
5. Solar Rnergy: Solar energy seems to be the and more about the nature of this technology.
solution for large scale power generation as Starting from heating water systems and drying
Saudi Arabia has a huge potential with the crops to the development of the photovoltaic
enormous solar flux in its region. cells to generate the electricity directly from the

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

sun, the question asked is: has utilization of the for the following reasons (Foroudastan & Dees,
solar energy reached its maximum potential? 2006):
Especially in view of the future prospect of fos-
sil fuel depletion measures taken to reduce CO2 1. Most developing countries are located in
emissions into the atmosphere and to protect our regions with optimal access to solar radiation.
environment, the revolutions and initiatives from 2. The lack of energyproducing resources in
different sectors from residential to commercial, the developing countries is directly affecting
countries and governments, all pinpoint sustain- their ecosystem which will eventually result
ability and green sources of energy as the hottest in social decline.
topics in any energy related discussion. 3. The trend towards increasing global depen-
Solar energy photovoltaic perfectly embodies dence on fossil fuel accelerates the need
the various goals listed above. Generating electric- for alternate energy generation technology
ity directly from the sun produces no pollution which will eventually lead to an increase in
during operation, it utilizes a free and universally the competition and lowering the price.
available resource (the sun) solar PV and provides 4. Solar energy generation holds the promise
a cheap and long term source of electricity that of low-cost electricity over time which in
is independent of consumable fuel cost increases turn would be considered as a vital factor to
(Solarbuzz, 2008). boost the economy and to support the needs
The sun is a promising and inexhaustible for future developmental projects.
source of energy. Its feasibility has been proved 5. Decrease the unemployment rate and in-
and used for several decades as it has been seen crease the efficiency of energy industry
as viable for the operation of stand-alone devices related training and educational centers.
such as solar cell and photovoltaic (PV), however,
the remaining question in people’s minds is: “Is
solar a viable alternative energy source on a mass THE TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS
scale?” The increasing proliferation of large scale
solar power plants worldwide seems to suggest Large-scale (multi megawatt) solar electrical
that the renewable solar energy does indeed have power generation plants are an obvious solution
a promising future. to satisfy this need; however, the question of
Global demand for energy is projected to which specific energy conversion technology is
increase 30% or more by the year 2030, while optimum for this application has not previously
energy demand in developing countries is likely to been solved. In this study, the following tech-
double in that time (Arvizu, 2007). As the search nologies are considered: 1) Parabolic-Trough
for renewable energy rapidly grows, several alter- Concentrators which produce steam to drive
natives to fossil fuel and other deleterious energy turbine-driven generators, 2) Tracking Helio-
sources,have emerged. Some examples are wind Concentrator Solar Towers which also produce
generation, ocean wave or tidal generation, and steam. 3) Silicon based-Photovoltaics- the direct
geothermal generation. None of these are currently conversion of solar energy into electricity, 4)
as applicable in developing countries to sustainable Quantum Dot Solar cells which are a refinement
generation of electricity as solar power generation. of the material/geometry used for photovoltaics,
Solar technologies are promising candidates to and 5) Solar Ponds which utilize a brine solution
produce a significant increase of electrical pwer to passively absorb sunlight and generate heat to
generation in many developing country locations drive steam driven turbine generators

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Parabolic Trough Concentrators 400 MW under construction and around 6 GW in

development (Abengoa Solar, n.d.)
In this method1, incoming solar energy is focused
on a linear pipe (which carries a heat transport- Tracking Helio-Concentrating
ing fluid); through the use of a mirror that is “Tower Power”
shaped in a linear trough whose cross section is
a parabola2. The heat transporting fluid absorbs In this system, a field of mirrors mounted on
the incident solar radiation resulting in an operat- sun-tracking structures (heliostats), concentrate
ing temperature of close to 400o C, and is piped the incoming solar energy onto a single central
through an absorbing pipe placed at the focal point tower. The system uses a molten salt to transport
of the mirror. The mirror’s cross section allows the thermal energy from the tower which heats to
it to track the sun over a wide range of incident over 1000oC, to a steam generator which in turn
angles without any physical motion of either the drives a turbine electrical generator. (ABS Energy
absorbing pipe or the mirror. Research, n.d.)
The system is relatively easy to install, maintain This technology is mostly in the demonstra-
and clean. Heat is extracted by the transportation tion phase, although an 11MW commercial plant
fluid, and then is used to generate steam. The has been constructed near Seville Spain, and has
steam is converted to electrical energy through a been operating successfully since 20074. More
conventional steam turbine. The parabolic trough feasibility is expected within the next few years.
can be used along with a combined cycle of steam The theoretical models have proved a feasibility
turbine. Parabolic trough systems represent the of providing 200MW of electricity using this
most mature solar thermal technology having been technology giving the solar tower technology long-
proved feasible in a 354 MW plants connected term prospects for higher conversion efficiencies.
to the grid since 1980 in Southern California Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is a term
installation that has been producing electricity at for a group of technologies that use a reflective
a cost of from $0.08-0.13/kW (Pilkington Solar surface for concentrating solar irradiation on an
International, 1996) absorber. Concentrated Solar Power Plants (CSP)
Improvements in these systems are ongoing technology is a revolution in the solar energy field
such as an advanced structural design aimed at in the past few decades for their proved techno-
improving the optical accuracy of the system and logical feasibility (some of them) to their promise
will lead to further cost reductions. One of the of bringing a clean energy at a large scale. They
major issues of the parabolic troughs systems is basically superheat a working fluid to extremely
the thermal losses in the receiver’s tubes. Improve- high temperature then route the hot fluid to a
ment in the tube design will increase the operating boiler to produce steam which is used in a steam
temperature and thus will lead to better conversion turbine to generate electricity. This operation offers
efficiency. Trough technology is a mature and superior conversion efficiency (ratio of output of
clean solar power solution with years of successful electrical power to input irradiance) (Kooie, 2005)
power generation behind it. Troughs have been especially in certain locations that sun irradiance
in use since the 80s with outstanding results. The is considered adequate through the day time. This
technology has been improving steadily for the process can be achieved either by using Parabolic
last 30 years, and modern troughs operate more Trough, Solar Tower the following table shows
efficiently at lower cost. Today3, there is more than the main characteristics of some examples of the
300 MW of concentrated solar power or “CSP” CSP technology (Price et al., 2007).
trough power in operation around the world, with

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Table 2. CSP technology parameters

Parabolic Trough Solar Tower

Size Range 30-354 MW 10-200 MW
Peak Efficiency 25-30 30
Technology Development risk Commercially available Scale-up Demonstration
Storage available Yes Yes
Hybrid design Yes Yes

Given the purpose of the study is being lim- material used is silicon which is the second most
ited to study the feasibility of projecting solar common element in the earth’s crust. Solar cells
power plant within the next few years, the above can be made from a number of semi-conducting
CPS technologies are considered good candidates materials. (Mayfield, 2008).
for it. Nevertheless it was decided to choose the The performance of Photovoltaic cells is quan-
CSP technologies for: tified in terms of their efficiency of converting the
sunlight into electricity. The conversion process
1. It promises clean energy due to the feasible is subjected to constraint directly related to the
commercialization. wavelength and the photon energy of the sunlight
2. Higher electricity production capacity. rays, only certain energies will work efficiently to
create electricity, and the rest of it will be either
Risk involved in the investment is too low. reflected or absorbed as heat by the material that
makes up the cell. The down side of this process
Silicon Based Photovoltaic is its very low efficiency. A typical PV has an ef-
ficiency of 15% and low efficiencies require larger
The first photovoltaic panels were invented by Bell arrays are which leads to higher cost. Improving
Laboratories in 1954 (Mayfield, 2008). Modern solar cell efficiencies while holding down the cost
solar panels are generally made from semiconduc- per cell is an important goal of the PV industry,
tor materials (most commonly crystalline-silicon, NREL researchers, and other U.S. Department of
amorphous-silicon, and thin film). A junction Energy (DOE) laboratories, and they have made
between p- and n-type semiconductor materials significant progress. The first solar cells, built
produces an electric field that collects the electrons in the 1950s, had efficiencies of less than 4%.
excited when the materials are being struck by (NREL, 2009)
sunlight. The resulting current can then be used There are several methods of installation of
in an external circuit. A Photovoltaic module is PV panels; they can installed on the roof of a
made up a number of PV cells and several lay- building or on the ground for either residential
ers and they and can be combined into arrays of or commercial application of electricity genera-
similar voltages. Solar cells are usually made of tion. PV cells can be used in the tracking system
several semi-conducting materials, which have a in large-scale electricity generation station that
limited ability of conducting the electrical current allows the PV arrays to adjust their direction in
through the. The uniqueness of these materials order to optimize electricity production throughout
that they are suitable to produce electricity from the course of the day.
sunlight which generate what called “Photovol- Primarily, the photovoltaic technology was
taic effect”. The most common semi-conducting used for non-grid purpose using small-stand

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

alone cells to generate electricity. In 1992, non- on how to improve the operational efficiency of
grid usage of photovoltaic was estimated to be the solar cells (Bukowski & Simmons, 2002).
about 89% of total installed PV in the US. 1996, The limitations in solar conversion efficiency
the percentage decreased to 65% while in 2006 exhibited by the poor match between the band
the statistics of ABS research indicated and rapid gap of silicon and the sunlight spectrum, can be
turnover in the usage of the photovoltaic in the overcome, in principle, by adjusting the absorp-
grid-connected was estimated about 88%. These tion of the underlying semiconducting material
percentages represent the volume of the distributed (Nozik, 2001). By physically constructing the
generation and centralized generation however; photodiodes to have nano-scale dimensions, ad-
this is not the case for most of the developed ditional absorptions states are introduced into the
countries with poor transmission capabilities as original semiconductor band gap. In particular,
the electricity needs to be distributed to remote these allow increased absorption at longer wave-
location that the distribution networks are inca- lengths, where the intrinsic material is normally
pable of performing this task. Solar photovoltaic transparent. The efficiency for intrinsic material
is relatively low in these countries nevertheless, photocells is limited to around 33%. Projections
with the fast initial economic growth, consumer and early measurements indicate that quantum dot
take-up together along with the technological based solar cells are capable of 66% efficiency.
associations and government’s commitments, The quantum dots are specific types of semi-
these countries are holding promising marketing conductor that their molecules are designed in
niches for this technology (ABS Energy Research, very small size and shape, nano-scale size. The
2006). Although the cost of photovoltaic panels main advantage of the quantum dots material is
has been significantly reduced during the last few their responsiveness to the different wavelengths
years, stand alone PV systems have not been able of the solar spectrum compared to the traditional
to compete up to date with conventional generat- semiconducting materials characterized by dis-
ing Plants Source (El-Sayed, 2005). In the past crete energy levels. When a photon strikes a solar
three years, annual growth considering large-scale cell made of this special new material, unlike the
photovoltaic plants was on average almost 100% traditional semiconductor cells, most of the en-
annually (El-Sayed, 2005; Find Solar, n.d.). ergy can be useful in exciting multiple electrons
The efficiency of the device is a function of the resulting in an increase of the current generation
intrinsic band gap of the silicon, its absorption of which could result in better and more efficient
the wavelengths of light present in sunlight in the solar cells (Nozik, 2001; Evident Tech, n.d.). The
p-doped layer and the transmission of the same present cost (Generation I) based on single crystal
light through the n-doped layer. The electrical Si is about $3.50/peak watt, yielding an energy
conductivity of both layers also contributes to cost of about $0.30 to 0.35 /kWhr (Nozik, 2001).
the efficiency. Current silicon solar cell tech- The grand future challenge for photovoltaic’s is
nology utilizes single-crystal, amorphous and to discover and develop PV systems that exhibit
polycrystalline forms of silicon. Photocells have combinations of efficiency and capital cost per
also been constructed from GaAs, CdTe, and unit area that result in a cost of about $0.20/peak
copper-indium-diselenide. watt corresponding to delivered electrical energy
of a few cents/kWhr. A cost level of $0.20/peak
Quantum dot Solar Cells watt would make PV very attractive and lead to
widespread application. Such a cost goal requires
Since the development of solar cells few decades PV at $100/m2 together with a conversion ef-
ago, the conducted research has been focusing ficiency of about 45% or PV at $2/m2 and an

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

efficiency of 15% such combinations of cost and warms to bottom layer leading to an increase in
efficiency require truly disruptive technologies water temperature to about 90-100o C.
that do not exist at the present time. However, the In order to extract the energy stored in the bot-
attainment of these goals does not conflict with tom layer, hot water is removed continuously from
nor violate any fundamental scientific principles the bottom, passed through a heat exchanger and
and is theoretically feasible (Nozik, 2003). then returned to the bottom. To generate electricity,
heat stored in hot water is piped to an evaporator.
Solar Ponds Liquid Freon® (or other such refrigerant) in the
evaporator is heated and converted into gas. The
The solar pond systems are based on a passive pressure generated by the gas spins a turbine and
absorption of thermal technology-- they rely on electricity is produced by the generator. Freon®
a natural or designed lake which holds water with gas is then cooled and recycled and used again.
salt dissolved in it. Typically, the pond consists This system has an additional advantage in that
of three distinct layers of water: the thermal mass of the pond can be used to store
energy for use at night or on cloudy days.
• The top layer, which has a relatively low This technology offers several sets of advan-
salt content and is optically transparent tages in terms of producing clean power without
allowing the sunlight to penetrate to the the need of burning any fossil fuel by running
deeper layers. the hot water through a heat exchanger to extract
• An intermediate insulating layer with a the heat and let a refrigerant to absorb it to run a
slightly increased salt content, which es- turbine to generate electricity. The disadvantage
tablishes a density gradient that prevents is that there are not that many natural lakes with
heat exchange by natural convection. salt solution making the design and creation of
• The bottom layer, which has a high salt this pond more costly (adding resources of salt).
content giving it maximum density as high The feasibility of this technology has demonstrated
thermal capacity. low-cost operations small electricity generation
application. The largest operating solar pond for
The working principle of solar ponds5,6 is based electricity generation was the Bet Ha-Arava pond
on the capture of solar radiation heat in a salt solu- built in Israel and operated up until 1988. It had an
tion. Sunlight passes through the 3 layers and is area of 210,000 m² and gave an electrical output
absorbed in a black absorbing surface at the bot- of 5 MW7 (Wikipedia, 2010). This technology is
tom of the pond. When solar radiation strikes the ideal to be used in the sea water desalination plant
pond, most of it is absorbed by the surface at the with total independency on fossil fuel (Straatman
bottom of the pond. The temperature of the dense & Van Sark, 2007).
salt layer therefore increases. If the pond contained Notable drawbacks to this technology are their
no salt, the bottom layer would be less dense significant water consumption due to evaporation
than the top layer as the heated water expands. and the associated cooling.
The less dense layer would then rise up and the
layers would mix. But the salt density difference
keeps the ‘layers’ of the solar pond separate. The RESULTS
denser salt water at the bottom prevents the heat
being transferred to the top layer of fresh water Data collection was done by literature research
by natural convection; the heat thus absorbed then and expert survey. We started with the literature
research on the technologies under. This was very

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

helpful for us to understand how each technology technology with respect to each characteristic and
works, and their advantages and disadvantages.. then summed together to determine the overall
A Bibliometric analysis was also done along ranking of the technologies based on these com-
with the literature research to evaluate the rela- bined weights. The results of these calculations
tive maturity as indicated by publications, for are given in the next section.
each technology. The relative maturity data from The process flow of the project is shown in
the Bibliometrics was used in the decision mak- the figure below. The relative weights of criteria,
ing process which will be explained later in this sub-criteria and technologies as seen in the PCM
section. We surveyed two sets of experts. We software is shown in Appendix. The inconsistency
surveyed three local experts in SA on the criteria value obtained on each PCM calculation is shown
and sub-criteria. Local experts were chosen as in Appendix. The inconsistency value ranges from
they were in the best position to act as decision 0 to 0.114, which is in the acceptable limit.
makers. We surveyed two international experts Below are the results of PCM for all five ma-
on solar technology to compare and evaluate the jor criteria’s. Cost (0.29) is the highest ranking
technologies for each criteria and sub-criteria. characteristic, followed by life time (0.26), envi-
A survey document was developed for the ronment impact (0.19), efficiency (0.16) and tech
local experts in SA to complete. This survey was maturity (0.09).
a pair-wise comparison of the characteristics of Analyzing the results of sub-criteria, com-
efficiency, technology maturity, environmental mercialization (0.58) is given more weight than
impact, life time and cost. The survey also included bibliometrics (0.42) under Technology maturity.
the pair-wise comparison of the sub-criteria under Under efficiency, Output factor (0.57) is given
each criterion. The experts provided numerical val- more weight than Conversion efficiency (0.43).
ues for the importance of each characteristic when Installation cost (0.35) is the highest ranked sub-
compared with each of the other four characteris- criterion under cost followed by Electricity gen-
tics. The values from each expert were then entered eration cost (0.22).
into a pairwise comparison software (PCM). The For the criterion of efficiency, the highest
software calculated the individual’s weights for ranked technology is Parabolic Troughs (0.38),
each characteristic as well as the combined weights followed by Solar Tower (0.34), Photo-Voltaic
for all experts. A second survey document was (0.16) and Quantum Dot (0.11). The PCM results
developed for the international solar technology for efficiency are in-line with our research also.
experts. This survey was a pair-wise comparison CSP technologies (Parabolic Troughs and Solar
of the four technologies for each sub-criteria Towers) are most efficient solar technologies. For
and criteria environmental impact and lifetime. Tech maturity, Photo-Voltaic and Parabolic
The same process was followed by feeding the Troughs (0.35) is number one, followed by Solar
numbers into the PCM software resulting in the Towers (0.19) and Quantum Dots (0.10). For
individual’s weight for each technology under each environment impact, rankings are Quantum Dots
sub-criterion and criteria as well as the combined (0.29), Parabolic Troughs (0.26), Photo-Voltaic
weights for all experts. The combined weights (0.22) and Solar Towers (0.22). Solar Tower and
computed for each characteristic (Criteria level) Parabolic Troughs have highest life time rating
and the combined weights computed for each of 0.30 followed by Photo-Voltaic (0.25) and
sub-criterion (Sub-criteria level) were combined Quantum Dots (0.16). All of the technologies are
with weights obtained for each technology each very close in Cost category and get the equal pie.
sub-criterion and criteria by multiplying them all Photo-Voltaic and Solar Tower are 0.26 whereas
together to get the final normalized value for each

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 2. Research flow

Figure 3. Criteria weights

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 4. Sub criteria weights

Figure 5. Sub technology scores across criteria Figure 6. Final results

Quantum Dot and Parabolic Troughs are 0.24 in result supports our conclusion that parabolic
this category. troughs and solar towers are the top 2 optimal
On combining the total score for each crite- technologies.
rion for all technologies, Parabolic Troughs
emerged as a winner with a score of (0.289), fol-
lowed by Solar Tower (0.267), Photo-Voltaic SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
(0.239) and Quantum Dot (0.193). We compared
the results with a recently published report from Decision makers for our model gave maximum
SEPA (Solar Electric Power Association). The weighting to cost and minimum to maturity. Based
results of the SEPA report show that CSP’s on these values, Parabolic Troughs and Solar
(Parabolic troughs and solar towers) are very ef- Tower are first and second, followed by Photo-
ficient in electricity generation (5042 MW) when Voltaic and Quantum Dots. The table below shows
compared to Photo-Voltaic (2379.4 MW). This how the results are varying if we allocate different

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Table 3. Sensitivity analysis

Scenarios Efficiency Maturity Environmental Life Cost Results Order Difference

Impact between top 1
Actual 0.16 0.09 0.19 0.26 0.29 PT-ST-PV-QD 0.022
Swap the weights 0.29 0.09 0.19 0.26 0.16 PT-ST-PV-QD 0.030
between efficiency
& cost
Swap the weight 0.16 0.29 0.19 0.26 0.09 PT-PV-ST-QD 0.054
between maturity
& cost
Swap the weight 0.16 0.29 0.19 0.26 0.09 PV-PT-ST-QD 0.004
between maturity
& cost(and remove
Remove bibliomet- 0.16 0.09 0.19 0.26 0.29 PT-ST-PV-QD 0.007
Same weight 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 PT-ST-PV-QD 0.044

weights to the criteria. In most of the cases, Para- located resources within a short time span. It would
bolic Troughs is leading. One interesting thing to be interesting to see how the results could have
note is that Photo-Voltaic became the winner if changed, with the participation of more experts
we swap the weights between tech maturity and and local resources in this technology evaluation
cost and remove Bibliometric sub criteria from study. Our recommendation in this regard for the
our decision model. We can conclude that if we Saudi Arabian Government or a private investor
give more importance to technology maturity, is to develop our model by the inclusion of more
then Photo-Voltaic is the winner. This is in-line experts in the evaluation.
with our literature research also. Another factor to keep in mind is the specific
geographic location of where the technology is
going to be implemented within Saudi Arabia.
RECOMMENDATIONS AND The reasons to emphasize location are the solar
CONCLUSION flux level, the cost of acquiring the land, the reli-
ability and high cost of transmission networks,
The key objective of this research study was to and the increased local demand associated with
select the optimal technology for sustainable elec- high density population centers.
trical power generation in Saudi Arabia. Our modus Implementing the right solar technology in
operandi to achieve the objective was researching Saudi Arabia will not only potentially address the
the available Literature, collecting inputs from the future electrical power generation needs of the lo-
experts and processing them into a measurable cal population there, but it may also open up new
result. We conclude this study by stating that the business opportunities for the country to become
solar electrical power generation through the use a strategic electric power producer capable of
of Parabolic Troughs is the optimal technology to supplying not only the Saudi Arabia (SA) power
achieve the energy sustainability in the region. Our needs but also those of the Middle East and the
consultation with a smaller number of experts was neighboring countries in Europe. Additionally,
due to the challenge we had in accessing remotely even in the short term, generation of electrical

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

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center/Saudi_Arabia/Monthly/audiOct06.pdf wto.html
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. (n.d.). Website. Tech, E. (n.d.). Introduction about QD solar cells.
Retrieved from http://www.saudiembassy.net/ Retrieved from http://www.evidenttech.com/
Said, S. A. M., El-Amin, I. M., & Al-Shehri, A.
M. (n.d.). Renewable energy potentials in Saudi
Arabia. Retrieved from http://webfea.fea.aub.edu. Thorhallsdottir, T. E. (2007). Strategic planning at
lb/fea/research/erg/RCW/Renewable%20Ener- the national level: Evaluating and ranking energy
gy%20Potentials%20in%20Saudi%20Arabia.pdf projects by environmental impact. Environmen-
tal Impact Assessment Review, 27(6), 545–568.
Saudi Electricity Company. (2005). Annual report
2005. Retrieved from http://ae.zawya.com/re-
searchreports/global/20051211_Global_052117. Vashishtha, S., & Ramachandran, M. (2006).
pdf Multicriteria evaluation of demand side manage-
ment (DSM) implementation strategies in the
Saudi Electricity Company. (2006). Annual report
Indian power sector. Energy, 31(12), 2210–2225.
2006. Retrieved from http://ae.zawya.com/re-
pdf Wijayatunga, P. D. C., Siriwardena, K., Fernando,
W. J. L. S., Shrestha, R. M., & Attalage, R. A.
Saudi Electricity Company. (2007). Annual re-
(2006). Strategies to overcome barriers for cleaner
port. Retrieved from http://www.se.com.sa/SEC/
generation technologies in small developing power
systems: Sri Lanka case study. Energy Conver-
Solar, A. (n.d.). Introduction of parabolic troughs. sion and Management, 47(9-10), 1179–1191.
Retrieved from www.abengoasolar.com/sites/ doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2005.07.003
Wikipedia. (2010). Introduction about the solar
ponds. Retrieved from www.wikipedia.org
Solar, F. (n.d.). My solar estimator calculator tool.
Retrieved from http://www.findsolar.com/index.
Solarbuzz. (2008). Solar buzz, fast solar energy
fact. Retrieved from http://solarbuzz.com/Fast- Alternatives: These are the technologies being
FactsIndustry.htm evaluated – fourth and lowest level in the hierarchy.
Analytic Hierarchy Process: A hierarchical
Straatman, P. J. T., & Van Sark, W. G. J. H. M. decision process enabling to analyze the problem
(2007). A new hybrid ocean thermal energy in hierarchies and calculate contributions of ele-
conversion–Offshore solar pond (OTEC–OSP) ments at one level to the level above.
design: A cost optimization approach. Solar Bibliometric Analysis: Use of publication
Energy, 82(6), 520–527. doi:10.1016/j.sole- trends to identify technology trends.
ner.2007.12.002 Criteria: These are the factors impacting the
mission – second level in the hierarchy.

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Inconsistency: A metric calculating the vari- 2

“Introduction to Parabolic troughs” can be
ance in the weights calculated when the orientation found at www.abengoasolar.com/sites/solar/
of the elements in the matrix which is obtained en/technologies/concentrated_solar_power/
through pairwise comparisons is changed. It indi- parabolic_trough/index.htm
cates how consistent a decision maker is. 3
“Current and Future economics of parabolic
Mission: Overall objective of the decision trough technology”, Henr Price, Mark Me-
model – top of the hierarchy. hos, Chuck Kutscher and Nate Blair - Na-
Pairwise Comparison Method: A martrix tional Renewable energy laboratory Golden
based method enabling to compare a pair of alter- Colorado 80401.
natives at a time and thus calculating the assigned 4
Towering achievement”, Sanford, Leonard,
weights based on the comparisons. Modern Power Systems; Aug2009, Vol. 29
Relative Weight: The combined impact/ Issue 8, p18-21, 3p
contribution level of an element on a level on all 5
the elements at a higher level. solar_ponds.html
Sub Criteria: These are the sub factors under 6
Heat extraction from a salinity-gradient solar
the factors – third level in the hierarchy. pond using in pond heat exchanger, M.R.
Jaefarzadeh, Applied Thermal Engineering,
Volume 26, Issue 16, November 2006, Pages
ENDNOTES 1858-1865
“Solar Energy in Israel” Professor David
“Status Report on Solar Thermal Power Faiman, Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy
Plants”, Pilkington Solar International: 1996. Center, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert
Report ISBN 3-9804901-0-6. Research, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
“spotlight on Israel” 26 Nov 2002

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East



It is difficult to forecast the trend of any given technology in this hyper velocity industrial world as
different aspects of it are evolving and get developed at a higher rate every day and other. Daim et al.
(2006) suggest using Bibliometric analysis as a tool to measure how mature the technology is. Biblio-
metric is defined in his study as the measurement of texts and information and it can shed some light on
the past of certain technology and understand the pattern of how the technology is receiving attentions
of writers and scientist as a measure of how important a certain technology has become and study the
growth rate of it.
Databases are widely used in this study with different keywords for the search, matching the content
of the publications with the keywords used that best describe the technology. In this study, Business
Source Premier was the primary used database to extract patterns for the development of each technol-
ogy while Compendex (secondary database) was used to verify those results from Business Source
Premier. Figure 7 shows the relationship of each filtered technologies and their result and they repre-
sent the Bibliometric analysis for each selected technology and their trends. The above results from the
graphs have been normalized to extract a value of the maturity rate of each technology. The following
table shows the maturity rate for each selected technology. The values extracted from the charts have
been normalized relatively to each other to determine a rate of maturity; the following table shows the
normalized value of the maturity rate:

Table 4. Maturity analysis

Technology Total publication Average Rate

Ave of PA 18071 2258.875 10
Ave of QD 230 57.5 0.25
Ave of SP 6490 1622.5 1.4
Ave of PV 10375 1296.875 6.8
Ave of ST 9783 1016.45 4.5

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 7. Bibliometric Analysis

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East


Figure 8. Relative weights for criteria

Figure 9. Relative weights for sub-categories of cost

Figure 10. Relative weights of technologies on conversion efficiency

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 11. Relative weights of technologies on output factor

Figure 12. Relative weights of technologies on commercialization

Figure 13. Relative weights of technologies on bibliometrics

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 14. Relative weights of technologies on electricity generation cost

Figure 15. Relative weights of technologies on transmission cost

Figure 16. Relative weights of technologies on installation cost

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 17. Relative weights of technologies on maintenance cost

Figure 18. Relative weights of technologies on storage cost: 1) Photo-Voltaic, 2) Solar Tower, 3)
Quantum-Dot, 4) Parabolic Troughs

Figure 19. Relative weights of technologies on environmental impact: 1) Photo-Voltaic, 2) Solar Tower,
3) Quantum-Dot, 4) Parabolic Troughs

Technology Selection for Solar Power Generation in the Middle East

Figure 20. Relative weights of technologies on life time: 1) Photo-Voltaic 2) Solar Tower 3) Quantum-
Dot 4) Parabolic Troughs

Figure 21. PCM output


Chapter 19
Solar Energy Education and
Training Programs in the USA:
An Academic Perspective

Sohail Anwar
Pennsylvania State University – Altoona College, USA

Shamsa S. Anwar
Pennsylvania State University – Altoona College, USA

In the past, solar energy education was limited to scientists and engineers who could develop new
technologies and conduct research. Later on, a need was recognized to educate those who design and
construct buildings, because solar energy applications were well developed for such applications. At
present, numerous solar energy applications have been developed. Solar energy is currently used for
heating and cooling of buildings, production of electricity for stationary and mobile applications, solar
lighting systems, crop drying, water treatment, and environmental cleanup. Given the expanding use of
solar energy, there is a need to educate society about solar energy. Thus, solar energy education and
training programs should be developed at different educational levels to fulfill this need. Such programs
need to recognize the environmental value of solar energy and the life cycle advantages of solar energy
systems. This manuscript provides an overview of the status of solar energy education and training in
the United States. Though the focus of this chapter is on the solar energy education and training pro-
grams provided by the academic institutions in the USA, a short description of non-academic programs
is also provided.

INTRODUCTION fossil fuels are non-renewable, that is, they draw

on finite resources that will eventually dwindle,
A trademark of the economic growth in the United becoming too expensive or too environmentally
States is an ever-increasing demand for energy. damaging to retrieve. Thus, the quest for a clean,
Traditionally, this demand has been primarily ful- safe, and efficient environment has led to the
filled through the use of fossil fuels. However, the search for alternative energy resources.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch019
Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

The energy resources such as solar, wind, • Heat buildings, directly, through passive
geothermal, hydropower, and biomass have solar building design
been identified as renewable energy. The climate • Heat food using solar ovens
change concerns coupled with high oil prices are • Heat water or air for hot water and space
driving increasing renewable energy legislation, heating using solar-thermal panels
incentives, and commercialization (Petrovic, • Solar air conditioning
Munukutla, & Robertson, 2007; European Renew-
able Energy Council, 2007; Al Kalaani, 2005; Al However, despite the global awareness and
Kalaani & Rosentrator, 2007). The key benefits concerns regarding environmental degradation,
of renewable energy technologies include: the present public policies in many countries do
not favor the use of solar energy over conventional
1. Utilize locally available resources fuels (Goswami, 2001). Using conventional finan-
2. Enhance energy security by diversifying the cial tools, many solar energy applications do not
energy portfolio, improving price stability in appear cost effective. In order to develop effective
times of rising fossil fuel costs, and reduc- public policies that recognize the environmental
ing risks associated with future energy cost value of solar energy and the financial tools that
uncertainties. demonstrate the life cycle advantage of solar en-
3. Match well to a variety of grid, off-grid, ergy systems, it is important to properly educate
remote, and distributed applications. public policy makers, financial professionals, and
4. Are environmentally beneficial, lacking the the general public, In the United States, the solar
nitrogen and sulfur oxides that are harmful energy education is available at the following
to human, animals, and plants, and carbon competency levels:
dioxide and methane emissions which con-
tribute to climate change. • College Education (Undergraduate and
Solar energy is one form of renewable energy. It • Technical Education (Certificate and
is clean, sustainable, and does not produce carbon Associate Degree)
dioxide or other harmful gases. The applications • Schools (K – 12)
of solar energy include: • Workshops and Seminars for general
• Generate electricity by heating air to rotate
turbines in a Solar updraft tower This chapter focuses on solar energy educa-
• Generate electricity in geosynchronous or- tion in the United States (U.S.A.). The academic
bit using solar power satellites perspective is emphasized in the manuscript.
• Generate electricity using photovoltaic so-
lar cells
• Generate electricity using concentrated so- UNDERGRADUATE AND
• Generate hydrogen using photoelectro-
chemical cells Solar energy education at the college/univer-
• Heat and cool air through use of solar sity level is perhaps the most developed. Well
chimneys developed curricula at the undergraduate and
graduate levels are available at many colleges and

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

universities in the USA. Brief descriptions of the sustainable energy technologies. Upper-division
graduate and undergraduate solar energy education renewable-energy specific courses include photo-
programs available at the selected universities and voltaics, energy management and auditing, wind
colleges in the USA are presented below. power, biofuels, renewable-energy transportation
systems, green building and fuel cells. The Re-
Description of Courses newable Energy curriculum of Oregon Institute
and Programs of Technology prepares graduates for engineering
careers in the energy sector in general, and the
The Arizona State University (ASU) offers a renewable energy in particular. Graduates of the
Solar Energy Engineering & Commercialization program are prepared for graduate study or for
graduate program. This program provides inter- employment as field engineers, energy auditors,
disciplinary graduate education in solar energy to renewable energy system integrators for homes
engineering, science or technology students. The and businesses, manufacturing engineers for com-
program prepares graduates for careers in industry ponent and subsystem manufacturers, designers
and government that involve solar energy. Students for components and subsystems, local and state
in this program are required to choose courses government renewable-energy inspectors, plan-
from both technical and nontechnical study areas ners and other positions in the energy discipline.
spanning a number of academic disciplines. The Other worth mentioning graduate and under-
degree program is meant to be completed in 12 graduate programs in solar energy include:
months for full-time graduate students. The Stanford University Department of Energy
The University of Illinois at Chicago offers Resources Engineering offers a graduate degree
a Master of Energy Engineering program. This program leading to a Master’s or a Ph.D degree
program prepares graduates to work in all aspects in Energy Resources Engineering. The objective
of the energy industry. They may pursue careers of the M.S. degree is to prepare the students for
in energy generation and distribution or in energy professional careers or for doctoral studies in
utilization. The Master of Energy Engineering energy-related disciplines. The course sequence
program focuses on the dual considerations of alternatives for the M.S. degree include geother-
energy efficiency and environmental respon- mal energy, low carbon energy, oil and gas, and
sibility and serves the professional workforce modeling of natural resources.
needs of several major industrial organizations University of Massachusetts Lowell offers
in northern Illinois and the surrounding region. professional education in renewable (solar) en-
To be considered for admission in this graduate gineering at the master’s degree level to prepare
program, a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent students for careers in energy-related disciplines.
in engineering, mathematics, computer science, The required courses include Fundamentals of So-
or a natural science from an accredited college or lar Utilization and Solar Systems Engineering. In
university is required. addition, the University of Massachusetts Lowell
Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) offers a Ph.D program in energy engineering. The
with campuses located in Kalamath Falls and Port- two areas of concentration are renewable (solar)
land, introduced the first Bachelor of Science in energy and nuclear energy. The renewable (solar)
Renewable Energy Systems in USA (now known energy Ph.D program is administered by the De-
as Renewable Energy Engineering). Oregon partment of Mechanical Engineering.
Tech’s renewable energy program establishes the The Arizona State University Solar Energy
engineering principles needed by the program Engineering and Commercialization graduate
graduates to develop, implement, and utilize program focuses on the advanced interdisciplin-

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

ary education in solar energy. After completing Philosophy in Energy Engineering; Master of
the program, graduates may pursue careers in- Science in Energy and Engineering and Masters
volving solar energy and its utilization. Students in Energy Engineering – Nuclear Option.
select a number of courses from both technical To illustrate the content of some of the under-
and nontechnical academic tracks. The graduate graduate solar energy programs offered by the
program also includes an applied research project universities and colleges in the United States,
focusing on solar energy and its commercializa- descriptions of selected Oregon Tech energy
tion. The courses and the research project allow engineering courses are presented below. These
graduate students to develop a comprehensive descriptions are obtained from the Oregon Institute
understanding of solar energy technologies along of Technology Portland website (http://www.oit.
with the business/nontechnical aspects needed for edu/portland/programs) and they were current at
development and commercialization. the time this chapter was written (in 2011)
John Brown University, in Arkansas, provides a
bachelors of science program in renewable energy. Introduction to Renewable Energy
The design concentration of this undergraduate
major trains students for renewable energy sys- An Introduction to renewable energy. Topics
tems design and integration. The management include photovoltaics, solar thermal systems,
concentration allows students to combine business green building, fuel-cells, hydrogen, wind power,
courses with renewable energy. The international waste heat, biofuels, wave power, tidal power
development concentration combines intercultural and hydroelectric. Discussions of components
studies with the courses in renewable energy. of the course.
Major energy engineering programs offered
at the Pennsylvania State University University Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Park Campus include B.S. in Energy Engineering;
M.S in Energy and Mineral Engineering – Envi- AC machines, including single phase, split-phase
ronmental Health and Safety Engineering; M.S. and three-phase (induction and synchronous
in Energy and Mineral Engineering – Energy machines) motors and generators; introduction
Management and Policy; M.S. in Energy and to power switching devices, speed control and
Mineral Engineering – Fuel Science; M.S. in brushless DC motors. DC machines including
Energy and Mineral Engineering – Mining and shunt, series and compound. Control motors. DC
Mineral Process Engineering; M.S. in Energy and machines including shunt, series and compound.
Mineral Engineering – Petroleum and Natural Control devices and circuits, including ladder
Gas Engineering; Ph.D. in Energy and Mineral diagrams.
Engineering – Energy Management and Policy;
Ph.D. in Energy and Mineral Engineering – Envi- Fuel Cells
ronmental Health and Safety Engineering; Ph.D. in
Energy and Mineral Engineering – Fuel Science; Introduction to fuel cell technologies: PEM, PAFC,
Ph.D. in Energy and Mineral Engineering – Min- AFC, SOFC, MCFC and DMFC systems. Fuel cell
ing and Mineral Process Engineering and Ph.D. components and systems; field flow plates, elec-
in Energy and Mineral Engineering – Petroleum trolytes, electrode materials, electrode catalysts,
and Natural Gas Engineering. on-board reformers. Portable devices, utility-scale
University of Massachusetts Lowell offers power production, transportation systems. Fuel
energy engineering programs such as Doctor of types and fuel storage.
Engineering in Energy Engineering; Doctor of

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

Batteries Use of Project-Based

Instructional Approach for
This course covers fundamentals of the most im- Solar Energy Education
portant battery types including alkaline, zinc-air,
lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, Project-based learning is an instructional approach
lithium ion, and lithium polymer. Applications that focuses on learning by doing projects. Ac-
include stationary, transportation, and portable cording to Yousaf, Mustafa, and Cruz (2010),
batteries. The lab deals with battery system design, projects are defined as complex tasks, based on
testing, and prototype assembly. challenging problems, that engage students in
design, problem-solving, decision making, or
Solar Thermal Energy Systems investigative activities resulting in realistic prod-
ucts or presentations. According to Mills (2002),
Introduction to solar thermal energy systems for project-based learning is based on self-direction
residential, commercial and industrial applica- and it has a multi-disciplinary orientation. The
tions. Solar radiation; topics in heat transfer; flat other characteristics of project-based learning
plate and concentrating collectors; non-imaging are as follows:
optics; applications including water heating,
building heating, cooling, industrial process heat, • Project tasks are closer to professional
distillation, solar thermal power systems. reality.
• Project work is directed to the application
Photovoltaic Systems of knowledge.
• Project-based learning is fully support-
Grid-connected and stand-alone PV systems. ed by the courses taught in the relevant
Module and array performance analyzed using curriculum.
Sandias IV tracer software. PV system components • Management of time and resources by the
including batteries, PV modules, charge control- students is of critical importance in proj-
lers, maximum power point trackers and inverters ect-based learning.
will be discussed. Power inverter parameters will
be evaluated. Several case studies describing the use of
project-based learning in the renewable energy
Building Energy Auditing curricula/courses are presented in this section of
and Management the chapter.
Chen, Goodman, Izadian, and Cooney (2010)
Principles and applications of energy management describe the hands-on projects they used at In-
in buildings, using auditing to identify opportu- diana University Purdue University (IUPUI) to
nities for improving energy efficiency. Analysis teach renewable energy courses. A number of
of thermal and electrical loading, timing and ef- hands-on projects focusing on different topical
ficiency of load components. Improving efficiency areas of renewable energy, such as fuel cells,
of thermal and electrical loads, including economic wind energy, and solar energy, were assigned
analysis. Application of renewable energy in the to engineering technology students. The project
analysis of loading and efficiency and effective tasks consisted of literature search, experiment
means of tracking and managing energy use. design, hardware acquisition or fabrication, de-
vice testing, and analysis of experimental results.
The IUPUI engineering technology faculty with

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

expertise in fuel cells, batteries, solar energy, (2006). Students conducted design projects re-
thermal energy, electric circuit design, and power lated to different aspects of alternative energy.
electronics provided mentoring to the students. The computer software tools such as MATLAB
The key objective of using the project-based and Excel spread sheets were used to design solar
instructional approach was to provide the IUPUI energy, wind energy, wave energy, and geothermal
engineering technology students with the techni- energy systems. In addition, students conducted
cal and non-technical skills needed to meet the analysis of a fuel cell system and learned the
workforce challenges posed by a fast growing economics of conversion to alternative energy.
energy economy. Different solar energy projects The use of design projects to teach alternative
were conducted by the IUPUI students. One of the energy course provided the students with breadth
solar energy projects involved designing a solar and some depth. The projects enhanced students’
thermal domestic hot water system with optional learning and they enjoyed the blending of socio-
radiant heating. The second project consisted of economic aspects of alternative energy with the
the design of a photovoltaic system to provide technical aspects.
electrical energy. Students working on the above An undergraduate project-based renewable
mentioned solar energy project first developed energy course is described by Yildiz and Coogler
system specifications and then designed the solar (2010). The course is designed to allow under-
systems. Through these team-based solar energy graduate technology students develop and apply on
systems design projects, students developed valu- in-depth understanding of renewable energy and
able multidisciplinary skills to meet the technical bio-renewable products. It is a hands-on interdis-
challenges associated with the design of renew- ciplinary course emphasizing technical, economic,
able energy systems. Additionally, the IUPUI and environmental aspects of renewable energy.
students learned how to work effectively in teams. Since the Spring 2009 semester, students taking
Through these team-based design projects, the this course have conducted numerous hands-on
IUPUI engineering technology faculty was able energy projects. These projects include installa-
to demonstrate that the hands-on instructional ap- tion of passive solar air and water heaters, green
proach was quite effective in introducing students building design, development of energy harvesting
to the practical considerations for solar systems systems from renewable energy sources, and the
design and implementation. installation of skylights.
An interesting design project is described by A course focusing on renewable energy con-
Weissbach (2005). The project focused on the version systems is described by Belu and Husanu
development of a hybrid (solar and wind) renew- (2011). This course is designed for upper level
able energy system to provide sufficient electric undergraduate and early graduate students in
power for a family of four, in a 2000 square-foot, engineering technology disciplines. It covers the
8-room home in Northwestern Pennsylvania. The energy conversion principles in the disciplinary
project involved electrical engineering technol- areas of solar, wind, photovoltaics, power co-
ogy faculty and students at Penn State Erie – The generation, energy storage devices, fuel cells, and
Behrend College. By working on this renewable hydrogen production. Topics, such as, design of
energy design project, the students gained a hybrid power systems, grid integration of renew-
valuable insight into the practical considerations able energy systems, and life cycle assessment of
associated with the design and capability of wind renewable energy sources are also covered in this
turbines and the solar panels. course. During the second half of this course, the
A design-based alternative energy systems students are required to design a hybrid power
course is described by Somerton and Benard system which integrates wind, photovoltaic, and

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

energy storage systems. Upon completion of this lar energy technician helps construct and install
course, students are expected to have developed active solar energy systems which require solar
a good understanding of the renewable energy collectors, concentrators, pumps, and fans. A solar
resources and the energy conversion technologies. energy technician also helps in the installation of
Many educational institutions in the USA are passive solar energy systems which rely on the
currently developing energy-related courses for best use of windows and insulation to absorb and
their conventional engineering and engineering reflect solar radiation for heating and cooling. A
technology undergraduate programs. One such listing of selected community colleges, technical
course development effort is described by Li and institutes, and trade schools which offer solar
Soares (2011). An introductory course in renew- energy certificate and associate degree programs
able energy is being developed for a four-year is given below:
electronic engineering technology (EET) program.
The topics to be covered in this course include • Santa Monica College, California: of-
energy generation, energy transportation, energy fers an Associate in Arts Degree in Solar
storage, and energy efficiency. The solar energy Photovoltaic Installation which provides
part of this course will include both solar thermal students with both the hands-on skills and
and solar photovoltaic systems. Their off-grid the contextual knowledge needed to work
and on-grid applications will also be covered in in the burgeoning solar industry. Students
this course. Students will be required to conduct who complete this degree program can
projects such as design of nanocrystalline solar work as solar installers, installation repair
cells, design and development of wind turbines, technicians, and solar designers.
and creation of a Grätzel cell. • Austin Community College, Texas: offers
The efforts to create a university-based compre- a renewable energy specialization within
hensive center for energy education are described an associate of applied science degree in
by Rabiee, Miller, and Stepp (2009). This energy electronics and advanced technologies.
education center will offer both two-year and four- The courses taught in this specialization
year energy-related degrees. The center will also include solar thermal systems, solar photo-
provide opportunities to conduct energy-related voltaic systems, solar photovoltaic instal-
projects. In addition, the planned energy educa- lations, and energy efficient structures and
tion center will develop energy conferences and assessments.
K-12 curriculum materials in cooperation with • Sierra College, California: offers Solar
regional school districts. Technician Program focusing on photovol-
taic system installation and maintenance.
The program helps students prepare for
TECHNICAL EDUCATION careers in photovoltaic companies, electric
AND TRAINING utilities, and government.
• Redrocks Community College, Colorado:
Technical training and certification is important offers associate degrees and certificates in
for proper installation and working of solar energy solar photovoltaic and solar thermal sys-
systems. The solar energy certificate and associate tems. These programs prepare students for
degree programs offered by community colleges, career positions such as solar installers,
technical institutes, and trade schools are of great home energy auditors, and solar designers.
help in preparing for a career as a solar energy • Fox Valley Technical College, Wisconsin:
technician. An individual who is trained as a so- offers a photovoltaic installer certificate

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

program. Students gain hands-on skills in • Florida Solar Energy Center, Florida
photovoltaic design and installation, blue- (http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/): dedicates
print reading, industrial safety, and renew- substantial effort to the development of ed-
able energy basics. ucational resources for K-12 teachers. The
• Greenfield Community College, Center has developed several energy curri-
Massachusetts: offers a certificate program cula for use by school teachers. The Center
and an associate degree program in renew- also conducts a number of energy related
able energy. These programs focus on skill educational events to encourage K-12 stu-
development relevant to specific renew- dents to use their knowledge and creativity
able energy technologies. for solving energy problems.
• Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, • Solar Energy International, Colorado
Wisconsin: offers a Solar Energy (http://www.solarenergy.org): provides
Technology Associate Degree in Applied educational outreach for K-12 students
Science which prepares students to meet and educators. Classroom presentations
the needs of the renewable energy work- featuring interactive and hands-on solar
force. The program provides a skilled energy activities and scientific experi-
workforce of technicians who are able to ments are conducted by the Solar Energy
design, install, operate, and maintain solar International.
electric and solar thermal systems • Northeast Sustainable Energy Association,
Massachusetts (http://www.nesea.org): of-
Lane Community College, Oregon: offers a fers free workshops to school teachers and
two-year renewable energy program that teaches youth club leaders to learn about solar en-
students how to improve the energy efficiency of ergy. The K-12 teachers gain skills to men-
homes and businesses and to install solar-power tor their students in applications of solar
and wind-power systems. energy, math, and physical science.
Other worth mentioning community and tech- • Interstate Renewable Energy Council,
nical colleges which offer solar energy education New York (http://irecusa.org): provides
include Central New Mexico Community College, valuable resources to school teachers and
Pima Community College, Diablo Valley College, students to accelerate learning in the topi-
Salt Lake Community College, Land Community cal area of solar energy.
College, San Juan College, and Bronx Community • North Carolina Solar Center, North
College. Carolina (http://www.ncsc.ncsu.edu): of-
fers a variety of K-12 programs for schools
and numerous professional development
SCHOOLS/K-12 SOLAR opportunities for school teachers. The
ENERGY PROGRAMS programs offered include cutting-edge
research on the latest technologies in so-
In the United States, numerous organizations lar energy. The primary goal of these pro-
assist K-12/school teachers in assessing the pro- grams is to enhance students’ understand-
fessional development, resources, and curriculum ing of scientific concepts and solar energy
materials needed to provide K-12 students with a technologies.
comprehensive understanding of solar energy. A
listing of such organizations is provided below: Other worth mentioning sources of educational
programs for K-12 teachers and students include:

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

• American Solar Energy Society, Boulder hands-on and online workshops and semi-
Colorado; http://www.ases.org nars focusing on solar energy systems and
• National Renewable Energy Laboratory technologies.
(NREL), Golden, Colorado; http://www. • Everblue Training Institute (http://www.
solarliving.org everblue.edu): offers workshops and semi-
nars focusing on typical areas such as solar
photovoltaics, solar thermal, solar busi-
WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS ness, and solar installations.

Numerous organizations throughout the United CONCLUSION

States offer solar training workshops and seminars
focusing on solar energy systems and technolo- The manuscript provides information regarding
gies. Such workshops and seminars include topical numerous resources that are available for solar
areas such as photovoltaics, solar thermal, solar education and training. As mentioned above,
installation, solar sales, and solar system design. such sources include graduate and undergradu-
Some of the organizations offering solar seminar ate academic programs, technical education and
and workshops are listed below: training programs, seminars and workshops,
and K-12 education resources. Many Internet
• Infinite Solar, Pennsylvania (http://www. resources are available at varied educational
solarschoolpa.com): provides hands-on levels to provide information regarding solar
renewable energy training workshops and energy systems, technologies, and applications.
courses to prepare individuals for careers All the above mentioned academic and Internet
in solar industry. Such courses and work- resources are very helpful in developing a sound
shops cover topical areas such as solar awareness of the issues related to solar energy
photovoltaic design and installation, solar and its applications. However, there are many
thermal design and installation, and solar opportunities for developing academic courses
sales. and curriculum materials related to the societal,
• Verve Solar Consulting, California (http:// business, and technical aspects of solar energy.
www.vervesolar.com): offers solar busi-
ness and career course instruction, curricu-
lum development, and instructor training. REFERENCES
Also provides solar business consulting,
marketing, and strategic planning. Al Kalaani, Y. (2005). A solar system project to
• Sun Pirate, California (http://www.sun- promote renewable energy education. Proceed-
pirate.com): provides online training fo- ings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference &
cusing on photovoltaic system design and Exposition.
installation and solar hot water systems. Al Kalaani, Y., & Rosentrator, K. (2007). Introduc-
The instructor communication within these ing renewable energy education into engineering
online courses is achieved using online technology program. Proceedings of the 2007
message boards, e-mails, and phone. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

• Solar Energy International, Colorado

(http://www.solarenergy.org): provides

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

Belu, R., & Husanu, I. N. C. (2011). An under- Yildiz, F., & Coogler, K. (2010). Development
graduate course on renewable energy conversion of a renewable energy course for a technology
systems for engineering technology students. program. Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Annual
Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Confer- Conference & Exposition.
ence & Exposition.
Yousuf, A., Mustafa, M., & Cruz, A. (2010).
Chen, R., Goodman, D., Izadian, A., & Cooney, Project based learning. Proceedings of the 2010
E. (2010). Teaching renewable energy through ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
hands-on project-based learning for engineering
technology students. Proceedings of the 2010
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
European Renewable Energy Council (EREC).
(2007). Energy revolution: A sustainable world Aung, K. T. (2011). Simulation tools for renewable
energy outlook. energy projects. Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE
Annual Conference & Proceedings.
Goswami, D. Y. (2001). Present status of solar
energy education. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Barr, R., Pandy, M., Petrosino, A., Roselli, R., Bro-
Conference & Exposition. phy, S., & Freeman, R. (2007). Challenge-based
instruction: The Vanth biomechanics learning
Li, C., & Soares, A. J. (2011). Development of a modules. Advances in Engineering Education,
renewable energy course in electronic engineer- 1(1), 1–30.
ing technology (EET) program. Proceedings of
the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Bass, R., & White, T. (2009). Curriculum changes
resulting in a new B.S. in renewable energy engi-
Mills, J. (2002). A case study of project-based neering. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual
learning in structural engineering. Proceedings of Conference & Exhibition.
the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Boico, F., Lehman, B., & Shujaee, K. (2007). Solar
Petrovic, S., Munukutla, L., & Robertson, J. battery chargers for Ni MH batteries. IEEE Trans-
(2007). Experiences and teaching tools in alterna- actions on Power Electronics, 22(5), 1600–1609.
tive energy education. Proceedings of the 2007 doi:10.1109/TPEL.2007.904164
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Chen, Z., Pazos, E., Garcia, D., Garcia, D., & Du-
Rabiee, M., Miller, R., & Stepp, E. (2009). Creat- harte, J. (2009). A Greenlite system: An efficient
ing a comprehensive center for energy education. solar-energy solution using a sun-tracker panel and
Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference a light-harvesting control panel. Proceedings of
& Exposition. the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Somerton, C., & Benard, A. (2006). Developing Chuku, A. U., Oni, B., Amstrong, D., Safavi, M.,
a design based alternative energy course. Pro- & Burge, L. L. J. (2003). Integrated engineering
ceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference education through multi-disciplinary nationally
& Exposition. relevant projects: The solar decathlon project.
Weissbach, R., & Kephart, L. (2005). Hybrid Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Confer-
renewable energy system analysis for off-grid ence & Exposition.
great lakes residential housing. Proceedings of
the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

Solar Energy Education and Training Programs in the USA

Dees, O., & Foroudaston, S. (2007). Solar energy: Zhang, L., Xiong, X., & Hu, J. (2009). Integrating
Innovative, applied research projects for the sus- alternative-energy technology into engineering
tainability of developing countries. Proceedings of education. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual
the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exhibition. Conference & Exhibition.
Gilbert, R. (2011). Sinclair Community Col-
lege’s blueprint for developing a laboratory and
curriculum for energy efficiency, renewable and KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS
alternative energy programs. Proceedings of the
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Concentrated Solar Power: uses lenses or
mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area
Herzel, R. (2004). Progress in manufacturable of sunlight into a narrow beam.
high-efficiency silicon solar cells. Advances in Energy: is the capacity of a physical system
Solid State Physics, 44, 39–49. doi:10.1007/978- to do work. Energy exists in several forms, such
3-540-39970-4_4 as, heat, light, mechanical, electrical, and kinetic.
Hua, C., Lin, J., & Shen, C. (1998). Implemen- Photovoltaic: a type of technology which uses
tation of a DSP-controlled photovoltaic system a device (usually a solar panel) to produce free
with peak power tracking. IEEE Transactions electrons when exposed to light, thus resulting in
on Industrial Electronics, 45(45). an electric current.
Renewable Energy: is energy obtained from
Lakeou, S., & Ososanya, E. (2007). Design of a natural resources, such as, sunlight, wind, rain,
renewable energy based power system for a zero- tides, and geothermal.
energy visitors’ center. Proceedings of the 2007 Solar Cell: is any device that converts the
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. energy in light into electrical energy through the
Meah, K., & Fletcher, S. (2007). Integrating process of photovoltaics.
wind and solar electric energy into power system Solar Chemical Process: uses solar energy to
teaching. Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual drive a chemical reaction. Such processes offset
Conference & Exposition. energy that would come from a fossil fuel source.
Solar Energy: is the energy received by the
Vasquez, H., & Fuentes, A. (2011). Renewable earth from the sun. The energy is in the form of
energy challenge with hands-on activities for a new solar radiation which makes it possible to produce
introduction to STEM course. Proceedings of the solar electricity.
2011 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference. Solar Panel: is a device which is used to
convert the energy contained in the sun’s rays
into electricity.


Chapter 20
Project-Based International
Collaboration in Solar
Energy Education:
A Case Study from France

Sohail Anwar
Pennsylvania State University – Altoona College, USA

Patrick Favier
IUT Bethune/Artois University, France

Desire D. Rasolomampionona
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

This chapter describes a project-based international collaboration in renewable energy systems design
and implementation. The collaboration involves several educational institutions in Europe and USA.
Working in teams, the undergraduate students at the partner institutions gain valuable experience in
renewable energy systems design and construction. The participating students also learn effective team-
work and project management skills.

INTRODUCTION energy sources, such as fossil fuels, in many

energy applications. The renewable energy usage
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly areas include power generation, hot water/space
important as an energy source. The key forms heating, environmental monitoring and transport
of renewable energy include solar, wind, hydro fuels. New applications of renewable energy are
power, biomass, biofuel, tidal waves, and geo- being constantly developed. Thus, research and
thermal (Anwar & Favier, 2011). Renewable development aimed at harnessing renewable en-
energy serves as a replacement of depletable ergy sources is increasingly assuming an important
role in the development of our society.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1996-8.ch020
Project-Based International Collaboration in Solar Energy Education

In France, use of renewable energy has long • Smart grids

been focused on the generation of electricity from • Energy storage
wind farms and solar panels. Another focus area for
renewable energy usage is cogeneration, a process Following the French national energy research
of simultaneous production of electricity and heat strategy, research is being conducted in the univer-
from natural gas, biomass, waste products, coal, sities, public scientific and technological institu-
and petroleum products. Biomass is the leading tions, public and private industrial organizations,
source of renewable energy used in France. In and public-interest foundations throughout France.
addition, hydroelectric power has been used in In addition, many academic institutions in France
France on an industrial scale since the beginning are taking steps to integrate the renewable energy
of 20th century. concepts into their curricula. One such institution is
The French national energy policy calls for an IUT Bethune of the Université d’Artois in northern
achievement of a 50% increase in the production France. The IUT Bethune electrical engineering
of heat from renewable energy, by 2015. Thus, students learn the renewable energy concepts
France is actively supporting energy-related and applications through a project based interna-
research, development, and innovation. French tional collaboration in engineering education. The
national energy research strategy focuses on subsequent sections in this chapter describe this
energy efficiency, energy storage, solar energy, international collaboration in renewable energy
biofuels, and sea-based energy systems. The key education and research. The driving factors for this
objective of this strategy is to obtain greater energy collaboration are also listed. Moreover, obstacles
efficiency from all technologies and to develop faced in implementing this education and research
alternatives for fossil fuel based technologies. The collaboration are explained.
French Agency on the Environment and Energy
Management (ADEME) is supporting and coor-
dinating research and development focusing on COLLABORATION FRAMEWORK
energy, air and soil quality, and the management
of wastes and noise. The priority themes around International engineering design collaboration
which ADEME has established its research pro- can be implemented in more than one forms. It
grams are as follows: may be a parallel design program in which the
students at two or more participating institutions
• Ecologically responsible production and located in different countries work on the same
consumption. engineering design problem. It may also be a
• Sustainable cities and regions. program in which students work together on a
single international design team and visit each
The major research programs based on the other during the academic year (Anwar, Favier,
above mentioned key priorities include: & Jouglet, 2008). Several examples of both above
mentioned forms of international academic col-
• Green buildings laboration are described in (Hill & Pena, 2010,
• Environmental assessment Apple-Smith, Miner, & Riha, 2006; Heitmann,
• Socioeconomic forecasting 2006; Hager, 1998; Hansen & Andersen, 2002).
• Green transportation Both forms of international collaboration have
• Bioenergy and bioproducts been used by IUT Bethune. The goals of design
• Generation of electricity from renewable projects conducted through the above mentioned
energy resources international collaboration are as follows:

Project-Based International Collaboration in Solar Energy Education

1. Undergraduate engineering students en- IMPLEMENTATION OF THE

rolled in different educational institutions PARALLEL DESIGN FORM OF
in France, USA, Ireland, Poland, Romania, INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION
and Hungary will design and implement a
common renewable energy system design During the year 2007 – 2008, the international
project. collaboration was in the form of a parallel design
2. Students will gain valuable experience in project in which each educational institution pur-
multidisciplinary teamwork and project sued its own engineering design itinerary but all
management. the partner institutions used the same problems
3. Participating engineering students will gain and design objectives. The program involved
experience regarding the modern reality the faculty mentors at all the partner institutions
that many times one subsystem of a renew- developing common project goals and design
able energy application is developed in one procedures and the participating students exchang-
country and the other one is developed in ing information on a regular basis through the
another country. use of Internet. The common project was titled
4. The collaborative team-based design proj- “A Renewable Energy System for an Agricultural
ect will link multiple students’ teams over Farm”. The project consisted of designing the
international borders. electrical power system of an agricultural farm
5. Students will develop a good understanding using different renewable energy sources including
of solar energy systems in an international photovoltaic panels, a wind turbine, and a small
context. hydro-electric station. It was specified that the
farm would be connected to the national grid to
The international collaboration between IUT make it possible for the energy to be sent back to
Bethune and the several educational institutions the national electricity supplier.
in Western and Eastern Europe is meant to create Different subsystems in this renewable energy
an early awareness of the global implications of application were designed and implemented by
renewable energy education. The partners in this the partner institutions. The subsystem design
international collaboration include: task was assigned as follows:

• IUT Bethune, Université d’Artois, France • The subsystem designed and implemented
• Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, by the Dublin Institute of Technology un-
Ireland dergraduate electrical engineering students
• Warsaw University of Technology, consisted of a water tank filled up by an
Warsaw, Poland electric pump powered by renewable ener-
• Cluj Napoca University, Cluj, Romania gy sources. The students were required to
• Kando Kalman Faculty, Budapest, Hungary measure the water level and send the mea-
• The Pennsylvania State University, surement data to the central system so that
Altoona College the pump could be controlled.
• The undergraduate electromechanical en-
gineering technology (BSEMET) students
at The Pennsylvania State University,
Altoona College developed Motorola
68HC11 assembly language based soft-
ware to control the sump pump connected

Project-Based International Collaboration in Solar Energy Education

to the power grid of the renewable energy institutions demonstrated a high degree of
system. enthusiasm in carrying out the team tasks.
• The IUT Bethune undergraduate electrical
engineering students assembled an energy
system with photovoltaic panels and spe- IMPLEMENTATION OF THE
cial inverters to send the electrical energy SINGLE TEAM FORM OF
to the power grid. To achieve this task, the INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION
IUT Bethune team used 36 amorphous sili-
con solar panels, mounted on an aluminum During 2009 and 2010 the international collabo-
frame, and fastened on a wall facing south. ration among the partner institutions was in the
• The Kando Kalman Faculty undergraduate form of a single team consisting of undergraduate
electrical engineering students designed electrical engineering students from France, Hun-
the charge regulator for the renewable en- gary, and Romania working under the guidance of
ergy system. one faculty mentor at IUT Bethune. Students also
received technical guidance from the co-faculty
Teams consisting of 2-3 students each were mentors at their respective educational institutions.
formed at all the participating educational in- During the above mentioned period of time, two
stitutions. Preliminary technical specifications different teams of students from France, Hungary,
regarding the above-mentioned renewable energy and Romania, conducted the following renewable
system were provided to the student teams. Each energy design projects:
of the student teams was assigned a faculty men-
tor. The faculty mentors guided their respective 1. Design and construction of a microcontroller
teams throughout the duration of this project. based solar heating system.
The faculty mentors in the different educational 2. Design and implementation of a microcon-
institutions collaborated with each other to make troller-based protection system for solar
sure that the teams were progressing towards walls.
the attainment of the project goals. The mentors
also jointly developed the instruments to assess The first capstone design project, conducted
students’ teamwork. in 2009, consists of designing, constructing, and
The driving factors for the above mentioned testing a solar system used to heat fresh air. The
international collaboration were as follows: system used solar energy obtained through a 10-
watt photovoltaic panel to supply its electronic
1. Committed Faculty Mentors: At least subsystem and its actuators. The system is imple-
one faculty member at each of the partner mented using a flat box with a glass pane on top
institutions was responsible for mentoring exposed to sun light. The box is constructed using
the undergraduate students’ teams at his/her plastic and glass fiber materials with a thermal
respective institution insulation to increase the efficiency. The inside
2. Endorsement from the Management at surfaces of the box are painted black to capture the
the Partner Institutions: The academic maximum solar energy. The fresh air is injected
administration for each of the participating through an intake tube into the heating space. An
institutions endorsed the above mentioned outlet tube directs the heated air to the outside
international collaboration process. A fan is used to accelerate the air flux.
3. Motivated Undergraduate Students: The The electronic subsystem controls the fan using
undergraduate student teams at the partner information from temperature sensors.

Project-Based International Collaboration in Solar Energy Education

The above mentioned solar heating system has CONCLUSION

been tested under the sun light. The inside tem-
perature rises quickly and can reach above 60°C. An international renewable energy systems de-
At this point, the fan is running and it ventilates sign collaboration between IUT Bethune, France
hot air toward the outlet tube. This microcontroller and several partner institutions from Europe and
based solar heating system provides a good dem- USA was described in this chapter. During the
onstration of environmental sustainability and first year of this collaboration, the student teams
green energy management. in the partner institutions worked on a common
The second capstone design project was con- engineering design project. Each institution was
ducted in 2010 and it involves a solar wall capable responsible for the design and implementation of a
of transferring solar energy into a special brick specific subsystem. Then, all the subsystems were
to store energy in the form of heat. The bricks of integrated into a complete functional renewable
this solar wall get warmer upon receiving energy energy system.
from the sun. As the wall gets warmer, the hot In the subsequent years, this international col-
air flows in an upward direction to warm up the laboration has evolved into the form of a renew-
space. To prevent the air circulation in the oppo- able energy system design project conducted at
site direction, and electrical gate is installed for IUT Bethune by a multinational team consisting
the cold air intake. The solar walls constituting of students from partner institutions in Europe.
the wall contain a plastic envelope which melts The international collaboration has helped the
if the wall temperature gets too high. To resolve participating students understand the renewable
this issue, an electric shutter is installed next to energy systems applications in an international
the wall. The project focuses on the design and context. It has also helped students develop skills
implementation of a microcontroller based auto- to effectively function in multinational teams.
matic control system for the shutter.
The above mentioned capstone design projects
conducted by the international student teams at REFERENCES
IUT Bethune during 2009 and 2010 allowed stu-
dents to achieve the following objectives: Anwar, S., & Favier, P. (2011). A microcon-
troller based solar heating system. Design and
1. Students learned the fundamental concepts construction. Computers in Education Journal,
and the practical applications of solar energy 2(3), 48–56.
in an international context. Anwar, S., Favier, P., & Jouglet, D. (1998). A
2. Students developed the ability to analyze project-based international collaboration in engi-
characteristics and operational principles of neering education. Proceedings of the 1998 ASEE
different energy conversion mechanisms. Annual Conference & Exposition.
3. Students learned how to use appropriate
hardware and software to meet their project Apple-Smith, J., Miner, S., & Rika, A. (2006).
requirements. Preparing engineers for the global workplace:
4. Students learned how to effectively com- Iowa State University. Proceedings of the 2006
municate design and test results in written ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
reports and oral presentations.
Hager, W., Devon, R., Lesenne, J., & Saintive, D.
5. Working in multinational teams, the students
(1998). A French-American collaboration in engi-
learned effective teamwork skills.
neering and technology education. Proceedings of
6. Students gained useful project management
the 1998 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

Project-Based International Collaboration in Solar Energy Education

Hansen, J., & Andersen, A. (2002). Engineering Grimheden, M. (2009). The product innovation
of tomorrow and beyond. Proceedings of the 2002 engineering program and international collabo-
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. ration. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual
Conference & Exposition.
Heitmann, G. (2006). European approaches to
prepare students for international practice. Pro- Jewell, T. (2008). In pursuit of undergraduate
ceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference engineering exchanges. Proceedings of the 2008
& Exposition. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Hill, R., & Pena, P. (2010). International col- McNally, H. (2010). International activities. From
laboration in an undergraduate control systems an assistant professor’s perspective. Proceedings
course. Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Annual of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposi-
Conference & Exposition. tion.
Warnick, G. (2011). Global competence. Its im-
portance for engineers working in a global envi-
ADDITIONAL READING ronment. Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual
Conference & Exposition.
Aung, K. (2005). Design exercises and projects
in energy engineering course. Proceedings of the
2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Condoor, S. (2011). Renewable energy-based se-
nior design experience for undergraduate students. Capstone Design Project: Is a large-scale
Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference design project meant to fulfill the last require-
& Exposition. ment for an undergraduate degree in engineering
or technology.
Devon, R., & Esparragoza, I. (2007). Forming
Energy Conversion: Is the process of chang-
global engineers: A freshman engineering design
ing energy from one form to another.
course with a multinational design project involv-
Hydroelectric Plant: Is an electricity gener-
ing Latin American institutions. Proceedings of
ating facility that uses the mechanical motion of
the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
water to create power.
Dyrenfurth, M., & Ring, M. 2006. Faculty perspec- Inverter: Is an electronic device that reverses
tives on instructional collaboration as a component the sign of the current or voltage.
of international linkage. Proceedings of the 2006 Photovoltaic: Panel: Is a packaged intercon-
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. nected assembly of solar cells.
Solar Heating: Is the conversion of solar
Esparragoza, I., Petrie, M., & Friess, A. (2008).
radiation into heat.
Developing assessment tools for international ex-
Teamwork: Is the process of working collab-
periences in engineering education. Proceedings of
oratively with a group of people to achieve a goal.
the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Wind Turbine: Is a rotary device from the
Griffin, O., Bradley, G., Jayaraman, P., Lohani, V., wind.
& Dooley, J. (2008). Enhancement of an engineer-
ing curriculum through international experiences.
Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference
& Exposition.


About the Contributors

Sohail Anwar is an Associate Professor of Engineering at the Altoona College of The Pennsylvania
State University. In addition, he is a Professional Associate of the Management Development Programs
and Services at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Dr. Anwar has served as the Editor-
in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering Technology. He is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the
International Journal of Modern Engineering, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of The Pennsyl-
vania Academy of Science. In addition, he is serving as the Series Editor of the Nanotechnology and
Energy Series, Taylor and Francis Group/CRC Press.

Harry Efstathiadis, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the College of Nanoscale Science & Engi-
neering (CNSE) at the University at Albany – State University of New York (SUNY). Over the past 15+
years Dr. Efstathiadis’ research has focused on science and technology of photovoltaics, thermoelectrics,
thin film development, nanostructures, and devices. He is experienced in characterization of thin film
surfaces, interfaces, and optical, electrical, and chemical properties of materials by optical-, electron-, ion-,
and x-ray spectroscopies and electrical measurements. The last 10+ years, he has worked and interacted
with several industrial partners. His work objectives were to enable technology and commercialization
acceleration through research, development, integration, deployment of emerging nanoscale innovations
in renewable energy related applications. Dr. Efstathiadis worked with the industrial partners funded
this work to scale up the developed research activities and to transfer part of these R&D activities to
from university laboratories into the market place through the development of commercial products
by the industrial partners. Dr. Efstathiadis research is focused in thin film process development of nc-
Si, a-Si:H, poly-Si, and Cu(In, Ga)Se2 using vacuum and non-vacuum deposition methods, vacuum
deposition system design, chemical bath deposition of ZnS and CdS, and deposition of metal contacts,
multilayer structures, antireflective and barrier layers such as oxides and nitrides on glass and flexible
metal substrates. His expertise includes CIGS- and Si-based PV device fabrication and testing.

Salahuddin Qazi received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Technology,
Loughborough, England, and his BS in Electronic Engineering from the University College of Wales,
Bangor, United Kingdom. He is currently a full Professor in the School of Information Systems and En-
gineering Technology at the State University of New York Institute of Technology, Utica, New York. Dr.
Qazi has been a chair and coordinator of several programs including electrical engineering technology,
photonics, and graduate programs in advanced technology, which he helped to develop. He has worked,
conducted research, and taught in the United Kingdom and the Middle East before coming to the United
About the Contributors

States. Dr. Qazi won several research awards and grants to conduct research and has published several
articles and book chapters in the area of fiber-doped amplifiers, wireless security, optical wireless com-
munications, and microelectromechanial system (MEMS)-based wireless and optical communications.


Shamsa Anwar is a Lecturer in the Division of Mathematics & Natural Sciences at the Altoona Col-
lege of The Pennsylvania State University. In addition, since 2010, she has been serving as a Visiting
Professor in the College of Engineering at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China. Previously,
she served as a Visiting Professor in the IUT, Bethune, France, during May-June 2001 and 2002.

Eyad Baksh just graduated from the Department of Engineering and Technology Management at
Portland State University in Portland Oregon with a Master’s degree.

Radian Belu is Assistant Professor within the Engineering Technology (ET) program - Drexel Uni-
versity, Philadelphia, USA. He is holding the second position as Research Assistant Professor at Desert
Research Institute – Renewable Energy Center, Reno, Nevada. Before joining to the Drexel University, Dr.
Belu hold faculty and research positions at universities and research institutes in Romania, Canada, and
United States. He also worked for several years in industry as a project manager and senior consultant. He
has taught and developed undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical engineering, power systems,
renewable energy, control and power electronics, electric machines, instrumentation, radar and remote
sensing, numerical methods and data analysis, atmosphere physics, and physics. His research interests
included power system stability and analysis, microgrid and distributed generation control, protection
and power electronics, renewable energy system analysis, assessment and design, electric machines for
wind energy conversion, radar and remote sensing, wave and turbulence simulation, measurement and
modeling, numerical modeling, electromagnetic compatibility, and engineering education. During his
career, Dr. Belu published several papers in referred journals and in conference proceedings in his areas
of the research interests. He has also been PI or Co-PI for various research projects in United States
and abroad in power systems analysis and protection, load and energy demand forecasting and analysis,
renewable energy analysis, assessment and design, turbulence and wave propagation, radar and remote
sensing, instrumentation, atmosphere physics, electromagnetic compatibility, and engineering education.

Ganesh Bora is currently an Assistant Professor and the Interim Director of Bio-imaging and Sensing
Center at North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota. Dr. Bora specializes in agricultural energy,
precision technology, and controlled environment in agriculture. He is the North Dakota representative
in USDA Committee NCERA 101: Controlled Environment Technology and Use. Dr. Bora received
his PhD in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
He has been engaged in research, teaching, and service for more than 20 years. He served Principal
Investigator in several projects and published in reputed journals. Dr. Ganesh Bora earlier worked in
India and Thailand.

About the Contributors

Gavin Buxton is an Assistant Professor of Physics in the Science Department at Robert Morris
University. He gained his undergraduate and Doctoral degrees at Sheffield Hallam University, England
before completing post-Doctoral research in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of
Pittsburgh and the Chemistry Department at Durham University, England. He was also a Visiting As-
sistant Professor in the Physics Department at Case Western Reserve University, prior to joining Robert
Morris University in 2009. His research involves using computer simulations to solve complex physical
problems, and includes polymer nanocomposites, solar cells, drug delivery, and computational biology.
He teaches a wide range of physics classes, including courses on alternative energy, environmental sci-
ence, and the physics of the human body.

Tugrul U Daim is an Associate Professor at Portland State University Portland Oregon. His research
and consulting focuses on management of technologies. He has a PhD in Systems Science: Engineering

Tribeni Das was born on 08, February 1979 at Jorhat, Assam (India). She graduated (B.Tech) in
Agricultural Engineering from North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology Itanagar- (In-
dia) in 2001. She did her Master’s degree (M.Tech.) in Energy Technology from Department of Energy,
Tezpur University (A Central University), Tezpur-784028, Assam (India) in 2002. She did her PhD from
Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi under the guidance of Professor G.N.
Tiwari in 2008. She completed her B.Tech project on energy conservation on tea processing. During
her M.Tech project, she worked on energy conservation on domestic rice cooking. During her PhD she
worked on performance evaluation of greenhouse for aquaculture and fish drying. She has published
papers in international journals of repute. She has presented research papers in international conferences.
Her areas of research interest are food processing, greenhouse drying, greenhouse aquaculture, heat and
mass transfer, greenhouse technology, and solar thermal engineering.

Ahmed Elgafy is an Assistant Professor at the School of Dynamic Systems at the College of Engi-
neering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati. Prior joining UC; he worked at the Uni-
versity of Dayton Research Institute with the Carbon Research Group. Elgafy has worked on sponsored
grants from the US Air Force Materials Laboratory, the Wright Brothers Institute, General Electric, and
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. His research activities are focused on the areas
of thermo/fluid and nanotechnology sciences to develop advanced materials and nanocomposites for
thermal management and energy conversion/storage systems. As a result of his research activities he has
published 32 papers. Dr. Elgafy taught more than “30” different courses at the upper and lower college
levels that cover the spectrum of energy and engineering mechanics sciences along with numerical meth-
ods. Additionally, he has established and taught variety of courses; “Introduction to Nanotechnology,”
“Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Energy,” and “Renewable Energy Systems.” Dr. Elgafy is the
ABET coordinator for MET Program at UC and he has served as the faculty advisor for student tribunal.

Patrick Favier is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Artois, France.
His areas of expertise include electrical drives, power electronics, and renewable energy systems. He
studied at University of Lille, France, during 1984-1988 and earned a Ph. D in Electrical Engineering.
His current research focus is renewable energy systems and technologies. Since 1984, he has been teach-

About the Contributors

ing electrical drives and power electronics at IUT, Bethune, France, where he served as the Head of
Electrical Engineering Department from 1997 to 2004. Since 1992, he has been serving as the Director
of the Teaching Laboratory in Electro-energetics at IUT, Bethune. Dr. Favier is actively involved in the
international programs of the IUT, Bethune. At present, he is developing an international collaboration in
engineering education with partner institutions from USA and several European Union (EU) countries.

Adam A. Filios received the B.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Athens, Greece, in 1991,
and the M.S.E and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, in 1994 and 1999, respectively. He served as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Engineer-
ing at Johnson C. Smith University in North Carolina for two academic years (1998 – 2000), where he
taught engineering courses and conducted research in optoelectronic devices. In 2000 he joined Corn-
ing’s Photonics Research and Test Center in Somerset NJ, as a senior research scientist, and worked
in the research and development of novel nanoscale optoelectronic devices, optical communication
systems and optical fibers. From 2002 to 2006 he was a senior researcher with Nanodynamics Inc., in
New York, where he worked on wide-bandgap materials, silicon photonics, and nanoscale integrated
systems. Currently he is an Associate Professor at Farmingdale State College (SUNY). His research
interests include nanoscale optoelectronic devices, silicon photonics, photovoltaics, and fiber optic
communications. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and
past member of the American Physical Society (APS), the Optical Society of America (OSA), and the
Materials Research Society (MRS).

A. Gasmelseed was born in Khartoum North, Sudan on March 16, 1971. He received his B.Sc.
degree in Electrical Engineering and Informatics – major in Computer Engineering – and M.Sc degree
in Electrical Engineering and Informatics – major in Biomedical Engineering – (all with honors) from
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary, in 1993 and 1999,
respectively. He received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering – major in Biomedical Engineer-
ing – from Universiti Teknologi Malasysia (UTM), Malaysia, in 2009. He received the Best Student
Award and Pro-Chancellor Award in 2010. His research is in the areas of electromagnetic biological
effects, biophotonics, and computer signal/image-processing application to biomedical engineering.
Dr. Akram is a member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), an Associate Editor
of International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, and is on the reviewer boards of
various technical journals, including the International Journal of Biomedical Engineering Technology
(IJBET), IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (TIM), Wireless Networks, Journal of
Electromagnetic Waves & Applications (JEMWA), Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER, PIER
B, C, M, PIER letters), IEEE Microwave & Wireless Components Letter, IEEE Journal of Photovolta-
ics, and IEEE Transaction in Education. He is the Founder and Director of Malaysian Arab Scientific
Association (MASA). He is also the Chair of the Asia-Pacific Chapter in Biomedical Wireless Technol-
ogy (APC-BWT) since 2008. He is presently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
(FKE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is the Founder and chair of IEEE EMBS Malaysia
section since 2008. His biography has listed in the 25th Silver Anniversary Edition of Who’s Who in the
World 2009 and 2011.

About the Contributors

Liping Guo received the B.E. degree in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing, China in 1997, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Au-
burn University, AL, USA in 2001 and 2006, respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the
Electrical Engineering Technology Program in the Department of Technology at the Northern Illinois
University. Her research interests are mainly in the area of power electronics, power systems, renewable
energy, embedded systems, and control. Dr. Guo is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineer (IEEE) and a member of the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi.

Michael S. Hatzistergos is currently an Engineer at IBM’s Semiconductor Research and Develop-

ment Center. He provides materials characterization for semiconductor device development with an
emphasis on APT (Atom Probe Tomography). In addition, Dr. Hatzistergos holds an Adjunct Professor
position at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the University at Albany. He received
his PhD degree in Nanoscience and Engineering at the University at Albany, State University of New
York and in 2006 he was awarded with a Microbeam Analysis Society Distinguished Scholar Award.

Nirag Kadakia is currently working at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the State
University of New York in Albany as part of the SUNY Albany Ion Beam Laboratory. He investigates
broadband absorption enhancement of thin crystalline silicon-based photovoltaics using embedded noble
metal nanoparticles. Along with his colleagues, he has succeeding in fabricating Ag nanospheres in
crystalline silicon substrates using ion implantation-based techniques, while demonstration of enhanced
photoresponse is still underway. He is also in collaboration with colleagues investigating embedded
metal nanoparticles for other applications including ferromagnetic semiconductors and silicon-based
waveguides. His prior work includes implantation-based surface modification for antireflective silicon

Qiong Li is a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering Technology in the College of Technology at

Purdue University. Her specialty is on next generation mechatronics. She has worked on testing and
mathematic modeling and simulating for ultrasonic motor, two-Wheeled Self-balancing scooter(Taichi
scooter) building, testing and control, simulating and modeling research for product lifecycle management.

Michael G. Mauk is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology at Drexel University in Phila-

delphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Mauk is a graduate of the University of Delaware (B.E.E., B.Ch.E., M.EE.,
and Ph.D.), Johns Hopkins (M.S.), and University of the Sciences (M.S.). Previously, Dr. Mauk has
been a Visiting Researcher at the InterUniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC, Leuven Belgium), a
Research Engineer in the solar industry working on compound semiconductor and silicon optoelectronics
and solar cells, and a Researcher at the University of Pennsylvania in microsystems and microfluidics.

Paul R Newman is an Adjunct Professor at Portland State University Portland Oregon. His area of
interest is technological entrepreneurship. He has a PhD in Physics.

Muhammad Noorul Anam Mohd Norddin received his B.Sc degree in Petroleum Engineering
from the University of Tulsa, USA. His Master’s project was in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D in Gas
Engineering, both graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Now he is a Senior Lecturer serving

About the Contributors

the Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Cur-
rently he is actively involved in a project utilizing SPEEK membrane for fuel cell as an alternative of
energy sources.

Farhan Qazi holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and an MBA degree both from
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. He is currently working in New York Power Authority as a
System Analyst where his duties include working with data warehousing and energy scheduling applica-
tions and accounting. Prior to that he worked at Lockheed Martin located at Syracuse, NY as a software
engineer. Farhan participated in several conferences and presented in the area of Semantic Web in health
care system, data mining in health care, and biometric authentication systems. He has also co-authored
a chapter on “Wireless LAN security” for a handbook of wireless local area networks applications,
technology, security, and standards published by CRC Press Taylor & Francis group.

Desire Dauphin Rasolomampionona (IEEE M’2005) was born in 1963 in Madagascar. He received
his MSc (1988) Ph. D (1994) and Habilitation (2008) in Electrical Engineering from Warsaw Univer-
sity of technology (WUT). He joined the WUT Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1994 at the Power
System Protection Division, Institute of Electric Power Engineering. Presently, he works as a WUT
Professor and holds the position of Head of Power System Protection Division. His research interests
include protection and control of power system and computer networking.

Danny Rodriguez works as a Process Engineer for the Woodbridge Corporation. He holds a Bach-
elor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology
from Purdue University, specializing in mechatronics. Other accomplishments include being part of the
winning 2003 Rube Goldberg machine Contest Team, which appeared on the Late Show with David
Letterman. Danny’s interest range from cars to electronics, dancing to rock climbing, and a variety of
games and TV shows.

Murad Shibli is currently working with Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, Institute of Applied Technology at
the general requirement unit. Before joining Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, the author served at United Arab
Emirates University (UAEU) since 2008 as a visiting Assistant Professor. Formerly, the author worked
for one year at American University of Sharjah from 2007-2008 and served as a founding chair of the
Mechatronics Department at the German Jordanian University from 2006-2007, respectively. As a
graduate Ph.D. student from Concordia University in Montréal Canada his graduate research focused
on modeling and control of free-flying space robotic systems. His research focuses on renewable and
green energy, dark energy and dark matter, control of solar system, wave, and geothermal energy.

Rubita Sudirman received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Univer-
sity of Tulsa, USA. She was working on a project namely forecasting solar radiation. She obtained her
Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Speech Processing. Her
research areas are mainly but not restricted to biomedical electronics, biomedical signal processing,
and engineering rehabilitation. Currently she is serving as a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

About the Contributors

Hithem Sughi just graduated from the Department of Engineering and Technology Management at
Portland State University in Portland Oregon with a Master’s degree.

Ashraf Uddin obtained his PhD degree in 1991 in Semiconductor Physics from the Osaka Uni-
versity, Osaka, Japan. After his PhD he joined at the R&D centre of Toshiba Corporation, Japan and
worked on opto-electronic devices and poly-Si thin film transistor to develop a process technology for
the fabrication of flat panel display (LCD type). In 1997 he migrated to Australia and worked on III-V
semiconductor laser diodes in the Australian National University, Canberra. After that he joined at the
NTU, Singapore and worked on OLEDs, OPV and nano-photonic devices. Then he worked in the KAU,
Saudi Arabia as an Associate Professor. Now he is working in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable
Energy Engineering, UNSW, Australia. He is also a deputy director of the ARC photovoltaics centre of
excellence, UNSW. He has several patents and published over 100 research papers in different journals
and conference proceedings.

H. Henry Zhang is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Technology in the College of

Technology at Purdue University. He received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 1996. He also received degrees in Hydraulic Control, Neural Networking,
and Electrical & Computer Engineering. Before he joined Purdue in 2007, he was a senior specialist of
automatic transmission engineering in Chrysler Technology Center with 13 years of automotive indus-
try experience. He established Multidisciplinary Design Laboratory to support his research interests in
mechatronic precision machine design, electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle powertrain design
and control, and advanced manufacturing.


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Index Terms Links

Absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) 320 337

Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) 420 422
Aerosol jet printing 135
Analog Operational-Amplifier 48 67
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 7
Analytical Technique 294 302 307
ANN and fuzzy logic (ANFIS) 413
anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) 347
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) 20 36 38 40
Arizona State University (ASU) 508
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) 377
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 199 298
Atom Probe Tomography (APT) 303
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) 199 262 302
autocorrelation function (AC) 447
autoregressive integrated moving-average (ARIMA) 440 443 445

Backpropagation (BP) 415

bandgap-engineering 128
Boost converter 2 14 17 88
97 100 104 111
Buck-boost converter 2 13
Buck converter 2 14 18 106
Buried Contact Solar Cells 133 354

Cadmium sulfide (CdS) 51 169 203

capstone design project 520
Carrier density imaging 340 349 354 363

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

Characterization 18 167 180 189

192 199 205 207
262 277 284 287
290 294 303 305
307 338 340 345
349 354 356 363
367 369 373
charge coupled devices (CCDs) 349
close-spaced vapor transport (CSVT) 260 276
cogeneration 518
Compact Rio 308 312 316 318
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) 487
convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) 327
Copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) 208
Coulomb attractive centers 145
Courant Criterion 325 337
Crystal 126 140 146 168
170 174 185 190
200 202 210 214
228 252 258 264
272 275 278 284
288 291 294 304
307 334 343 357
366 489
Crystal Structure 200 202 294 304
307 336
Cuk converter 2

Dc-dc converters 1 6 12 14
70 77 81 309
Department of Energy (DOE) 193 488
diagonal recurrent wavelet neural network
(DRWNN) 415
diffuse radiation 394
Digital Control 7 15 119
dipole approximation 214 218
direct carrier generation 223 226

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) 407

Donor-Acceptor (DA) Interface 234 252
drift-diffusion 240 243 246 252

Efficiency of Photovoltaic Cell 167 190

Electroluminescence Imaging 349 351 362
electron back-diffusion 144
electronic engineering technology (EET) 512 515
Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) 300
Energy conversion efficiency (ECE) 137
Energy Research Institute (ERI) 484
equivalent series resistance (ESR) 5
exciton 149 157 164 170
172 177 186 191
232 240 244 248
Exciton Dissociation 149 157 177 186
240 244 248 252
extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV) 438

Finite difference time domain (FDTD) 320 337

First-generation PV 126
first-generation thin film 127
fluorescence microthermography (FMT) 357
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) 296
forced convection 470 474
forced convection drying 470 474
forced ventilation 466
forecasting 439 461
Fraunhofer Institute 131
Frenkel-Poole excitation 142 145
fuzzy logic controller (FLC) 125
Fuzzy Logic (FL) 92 380 422
Fuzzy systems (FS) 381

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

Generalized Delta Rule (GDR) 379

glass texturing 138 162
global solar radiation (GSR) 392 407
Grain Boundary Effects 254 261 271
Graphene Based Solar Cell 191
grapho-epitaxy 264
greenhouse dryer 465 470 474
greenhouse effect 463
Greenhouse pond system (GPS) 463

heat transfer coefficient 472

Hierarchical Decision Modeling (HDM) 482
hopping 175 242 244 252
hot-carrier cells 128 172
Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) 384
hybrid polymer–metal oxide bulk heterojunction
solar cells 149
Hybrid Thermal Energy Storage Systems (HTESS) 20 40
hydro-electric station 519

III-V compound semiconductors 254

III–V compound semiconductor solar cells 145
Image processing 338 358 367 374
Indiana University Purdue University (IUPUI) 510
Inductive coupled plasma mass spectroscopy
(ICPMS) 199
infinite impulse response (IIR) 418
inhomogenieties 339 349 353 356
360 362
Inkjet technology 134
internal quantum efficiency (IQE) 129 131
Irregular fluctuation 440

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

(KACST) 484

Lag Compensator 49 59 62
laser chemical processing (LCP) techniques 131
light-emitting diode (LED) 352
liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) 262
lock-in thermography 339 351 357 362
369 372
loss of load probability (LOLP) 419
loss of power supply probability (LPSP) 417
low cost electricity generation 128

machine vision 339 342 344 366

Markov Transition Matrix (ANN-MTM) 414
Markov transitions matrices (MTM) 404
Maximum Power Point Tracker 113 116 120
Maximum Power Point Tracking 2 17 72 81
85 102 104 106
109 115 309
mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) 456
Mean Bias Error (MBE) 405 408 410
mean relative error (MRE) 420
Mechatronics 17 308 312 317
Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
(MOCVD) 261
Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) 261
microwave photoconductive decay
(MW-PCD) 353
minority carrier diffusion lengths 131 133
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) 262

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

Molecular Dynamics model 246

Monte-Carlo Model 244
multicrystalline silicon wafers 131 346 354 356
368 373
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) 378 401 411 418
Multiple Exciton Generation (MEG) 172 191
Multiple stacking 146

nanocomposites 20 32 39 41
43 248
Nanocrystals (NCs) hybrid photovoltaic (PV) devices 149
Nanorods 149 163 165 172
175 186 191 238
246 252
nanotubes 41 163 177 182
186 191 239
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 195 484 514
neural network 441
new emitter design 130
nickel metal hydride (NiMH) cells 308
Noble Metals 210 212 226
numerical grid generation 22 45
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) 407

organic photovoltaic (OPV) 135

pairwise comparison software (PCM) 491

partial correlation function (PAC) 447
Perfectly matched layer (PML) 325 337
Phase Change Materials (PCMs) 19
photoactive layer morphology 151
Photoluminescence Imaging (PLI) 353
Photoresistor Cell 67

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

Photovolatic (Solar) Cell 191

photovoltaically powered 127
Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC) 193 204 208
photovoltaic panels 48 66 203 312
318 364 488 519
Photovoltaic Power Supply (PVPS) 420
photovoltaics(PVs) 11 12 50 68
70 97 102 108
123 149 204 309
376 407 417 486
Plasmonics 210 226 229 335
polarizability 214 219 223
polymer poly-3 (P3HT) 177
polymer solar cells 180 189 231 234
244 247 372
poly-Si solar cells technology 137
Power Converter 16 68 72 77
89 94 96 99
103 107 111 124
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) 1
pulse-width modulation (PWM) 3
PV Array 68 70 72 74
76 80 86 88
93 99 104 309
PV grid-connected systems (PVGCSs) 421
PV Inverter 68 72 76 80
PV Module 18 68 72 78
87 93 95 102
105 120 122 318

quantum dots (QDs) 149 172 191

Radial Basis Functions (RBF) 401

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rapid thermal annealing (RTA) 138

Reference Clearness Index (RCI) 405
relative humidity (RH) 401
Renewable Energy 1 44 46 48
67 115 122 124
158 164 171 188
195 204 206 308
311 317 366 372
376 384 396 401
422 437 459 461
475 480 484 495
rolling-assisted biaxially textured substrates
(RABiTS) 267
Root Locus 7 16 55 60
62 67
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) 405 408
Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) 199 304

sample autocorrelation function (SAC) 446

sample partial correlation function (SPAC) 446
Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) 484
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 199
Schottky barrier 144 261 286 290
screen-printed metallisation 129
Seasonal variations 440
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) 262 302
second-generation approach 126
semiconductor finger solar cell 131 133
Sepic converter 2 11
Shockley and Queisser Limit 191
Silicon 11 69 71 126
138 145 147 149
157 161 168 172
183 186 191 206
210 216 221 225
232 251 254 263

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Silicon (Cont.)
268 271 275 285
290 298 306 331
338 348 358 361
459 486 488 516
silicon solar cells 126 135 157 172
188 192 194 197
210 226 229 232
255 257 263 265
276 279 333 336
338 342 345 352
355 362 516
Single-Ended Primary Inductance Converter
(SEPIC) 11
Single Wall Nanotubes (SWNTs) 177 191
solar battery charger 2 11 13 17
solar constant 388
Solar Energy 1 15 19 28
32 35 42 64
69 74 108 115
122 124 127 136
141 158 164 186
193 202 205 207
228 231 250 280
284 287 292 308
317 319 334 336
364 367 373 376
386 394 396 407
410 416 422 437
442 459 462 466
475 481 484 495
497 506
solar energy education 507
solar installations 514
Solar Photovoltaic Servo Tracking Controlled System 48 67
Solar radiation 438
Solar Technician 512

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Solar Tracker 17 49 308 310

316 319
Solar Tracking Control 48 66 318
specific PML layer thickness 326
Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Power
(SAPVP) 420
String Inverter 68 79
surface metalisation 132
surface passivation 129 133 157 263
274 288 356
Surface Plasmon 210 212 214 217
223 225

tandem cell stacks 151

technology maturity 491
TES techniques 19
thermal energy storage (TES) 19 22 25 35
38 309
Thermal modeling 464
thin film approach 126
thin film solar cells 126 135 137 139
157 162 195 204
207 261 275 279
284 286 336 366
third-generation thin-film 127
Time Response 48 55 66
Transformerless Inverter 68 83 118
Transparent Conductive Oxide (TCO) 331 337
typical meteorological year (TMY) 404
Typical Reference Year (TRY) 420

Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometers (WDS) 300

Wavelet Neural Networks (WNNs) 385 415
Wet-chemical etching 138
wind turbine 519
World Trade Organization (WTO) 481

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X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 199 304

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) 299
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 262 299

Yee Cell 323 337

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