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Instructions to Assessor

Prior to conducting the assessment read this document in its entirety with the individual or group of
learners and seek feedback on the understanding of the assessment requirements and outcomes.

Contextualise the activities, observations/demonstrations and other submitted evidence to ensure it

reflects the individual learner or group. Check this against the mapping, to ensure it is still valid. This
assessment has been contextualised to better reflect the required learner information and outcome
of assessment.

Ensure that the learner is allocated the appropriate time and resources required for the tasks,
including that the workplace (or simulated environment for learners that are not working) is suitable
for the parameters of any required task, to ensure the learners will have an appropriate opportunity
to satisfactorily demonstrate their required skills and knowledge to result in a Satisfactory (S) result
for the assessment tool and Competent (CO) in the Unit of Competency (UOC) overall.

Advise the learner prior to conducting a practical observation assessment of;

 what will occur throughout the assessment process

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 when the assessment will occur

 the level of competency expected

 how many times they must be assessed and demonstrate a satisfactory result as per the unit
training pack requirements

When appropriate, confirm arrangements for a third party to observe the learner in the workplace,
with the learner and the third party, including, that the third party understands the requirements
and instructions regarding the Third Party Observations/Demonstrations. The third party must be
someone in a position to make a valid comment on performance of the learner, e.g. Line Manger

Use the checklists and answer guides to assist you with marking, but never show or share them with
the learner or the third party. Gather supporting documents, where available and appropriate, as
evidence to help you make a judgement of the learner’s competency.

The learner needs to be deemed satisfactory for all of the criteria in the unit to gain competency.
When the assessment is complete, advise the learner of the outcome and record your comments in
the relevant section. You must determine whether they are CO or Not Competent (NC) and provide
appropriate and meaningful feedback.

If you are resulting the learner NC, ensure you outline why you have made this decision, and provide
advice on how the learner can improve skills/knowledge prior to their next attempt.

Where learners are unable to complete the tasks in the methods specified due to situations beyond
your/their control, you will need to make reasonable adjustments, without compromising the
assessment tool(s).

Assessment Instructions to Learners

1. You must answer all questions/tasks in all sections below.

2. Read each question carefully and ensure you provide all the required information.

3. Submit the completed assessment on the specific date, time and location as advised by your

4. This is an individual assessment task (or group subject to approval by the trainer/assessor).

5. Assessment answers must be typed using Microsoft Word (font size: 11, font: Calibri) or
handwritten as per the trainer/assessor instructions.

6. You are NOT allowed to copy straight from any internet-based or written materials available.
You must write your answers in your own words.

7. You are required to provide proper and appropriate referencing (if applicable).

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8. You are NOT allowed to copy or attempt to copy the work of another student or permit
another student to copy or attempt to copy your work.

9. Penalties shall apply for copying, plagiarism and any improper use of materials or ignoring
instructions given by the trainer/assessor. Penalties may include failure of the unit and/or
other penalties as per the college’s academic misconduct policy.

10. It is your responsibility to attend to your classes and seek assistance from the trainer/assessor
to ensure you continuously succeed in good course progress and academic standing.
Remember all trainer/assessors are here to help so ask them if you feel you need it.

Section 1 Questions
Complete the following questions/tasks individually

Question 1

OBJECTIVE The purpose and key elements of current risk management standards

What are risk management standards and what are the key elements of these?

Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed

by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and
control the probability or impact of unfortunate events [1] or to maximize the realization
of opportunities. Risk management’s objective is to assure uncertainty does not deflect
the endeavor from the business goals.

Risk Assessment: Is defined as the process of assessing the risks associated with each of the hazards identified so
the nature of the risk can be understood. This includes the nature of the harm that may result from the hazard, the
severity of that harm and the likelihood of this occurring. Risk Control: Taking actions to eliminate health and

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safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable. Where risks cannot be eliminated, then implementation of control
measures is required, to minimise risks so far as is reasonably practicable. A hierarchy of controls has been
developed and is described below to assist in selection of the most appropriate risk control measure/s.

The risk management plan balances the investment of the mitigation against the
benefit for the project. The project team often develops an alternative method for
accomplishing a project goal when a risk event has been identified that may frustrate
the accomplishment of that goal. These plans are called contingency plans. The risk of
a truck drivers’ strike may be mitigated with a contingency plan that uses a train to
transport the needed equipment for the project. If a critical piece of equipment is late,
the impact on the schedule can be mitigated by making changes to the schedule to
accommodate a late equipment delivery.

Risk communication is an integral part of the risk assessment process, which typically
includes the processes of communication among the agencies and between the
agencies and organizations responsible for site assessment and management. Risk
communication also includes communication with the various parties who are
potentially at risk from the site or are otherwise interested in the site.

Question 2

OBJECTIVE The legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to risk management

Describe the legislative and regulatory needs to fulfil risk management.

The risk management is also used to eliminate or minimise health and safety risks to people at
Ensuring work health and safety (WHS, also known as OHS) as far as reasonably practicable is a legal
obligation. This is to be achieved by managing health and safety risks. It is the responsibility of various
duty holders at the workplace, and consultation with workers is required as part of the process.

New WHS laws that now apply across Australia (except in Victoria and Western Australia) impose a duty
on persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) and others to ensure health and safety as far
as is reasonably practicable. This duty requires them to eliminate health and safety risks, or to minimise
risks if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate them.  

The laws on environmental protection (conservation, pollution and waste management), are now

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becoming more relevant in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the wake of paradigm shift in disaster
management to pre-disaster risk reduction and post-disaster sustainable recovery processes. Whereas the
safety and emergency preparedness provide for proper risk assessment, emergency planning and response
organization aims at minimizing the impacts of a disaster event. The growing emphasis on ‘greening
disaster response’ calls for greater role of environmental law, and related standards and codes ensure
preventive environmental-health (food safety and shelter provisions, water and sanitation, waste
management and control of disease outbreak) so as to avoid secondary disasters and complex

Privacy Risk Management (PRM) is preventative in nature – well-executed, it endeavours to eliminate

privacy risk before the breach. This is accomplished by ensuring that privacy-protective measures are
built into technology and processes – so that they become an organization’s default mode of operation

A risk transfer program helps your business avoid financial vulnerability to damages and claims due to
liabilities caused or contributed to by others. Without effective risk transfer, decisions of liability are often
made after the fact, in court. It is much better to have such decisions documented in writing and at the
beginning of a business relationship. Legal agreements can be designed to assist you in transferring risk.
Work with a qualified attorney familiar with product liability law to draft these agreements at the
beginning of a business relationship.

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Activity 1B
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective Analyse enterprise planning and performance documentation to determine
research needs.

Activity In teams, or as directed by the instructor, complete the following template, using
references from your own workplace.

1. After analysing the enterprise planning

2. After analysing the performance documentation

3. Determine any research needs

Research Needs Research Needs





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Products and services


Examples provided… add your own workplace experience

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Research Area Provided Examples

Competition  Comparing consumer attitudes to an

organisation's services and those of competitors
 Identifying frequency of use of competitors'
products and services
 Identifying key competitors and their strengths
 Measuring awareness

Consumers  Developing detailed consumer profiles

 Identifying changes in attitudes and behaviour
 Identifying existing, potential or lapsed consumers

Place  Identifying attitudes towards location

 Identifying cooperative opportunities for
distribution of information or services
 Identifying demand for products or services at
other locations

Pricing  Identifying attitudes towards prices

 Identifying costs
 Testing alternative pricing strategies

Products and  Evaluating competitors' products

services  Evaluating consumer attitudes towards
presentation and packaging
 Identifying potential new products or services or
ones which may be at the end of their life cycle
 Measuring attitudes towards existing products or

Promotion  Measuring advertising and promotion

 Testing alternative messages
 Testing and comparing different media options

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Activity 1C
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective Consult relevant personnel to determine research needs and develop statement
of market research needs.
Activity In groups, or as directed by the instructor, design your statement of needs for a
market research program based on your workplace experience or, an example
provided by the instructor.

Indicate areas to avoid as well as to include!


Relevant personnel, place,

position, role, why?

Determine research needs,

costs, why?

Statement of market
research needs
Provide example overview

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Activity 2A
Estimated Time 1 Hour
Objective Draft research objectives.

Activity Complete a check list with answers derived from a workplace example or one
provided by the instructor.

Identify problems, issues, opportunities, criteria etc similar almost to a SWOT on

types of objectives needed to complete the research.

Describe the objectives

Concepts and

Processes, usage,




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Question 3

OBJECTIVE The legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to risk management

What do organisational policies and procedures for risk management provide?

All hazards have the potential to cause different types and severities of harm, ranging from minor discomfort to a
serious injury or death. Some hazards such as noise and atmospheric contaminants may require scientific testing or
measurement to accurately assess the risk (for example, using noise meters to measure noise levels). A risk
assessment involves considering what could happen if someone is exposed to a hazard and the likelihood of it
happening. A risk assessment can help you determine:  how severe a risk is  whether any existing control
measures are effective  what action you should take to control the risk, and  how urgently the action needs to be
taken. A risk assessment can be undertaken with varying degrees of detail, depending on the type of hazards and
the information, data and resources that you have available. It can be as simple as a discussion with your workers
or involve specific risk analysis tools and techniques recommended by safety professionals.

All hazards have the potential to cause different types and severities of harm, ranging from minor discomfort to a
serious injury or death. Some hazards such as noise and atmospheric contaminants may require scientific testing or
measurement to accurately assess the risk (for example, using noise meters to measure noise levels).

The most important step in managing risks involves:  eliminating them so far as is reasonably practicable, or if
that is not possible,  minimising the risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

In my company which is pamphlets distribution, we use the GPS tracking system to

ensure that our pamphlets be delivered into. According to the GPS we can easily find the
missing houses of area and take a response to tidy up.

2. Because it can ensure that risk managements embraced and embedded in the culture of
the organisation. Risk management is critical and the actions and behaviours of the
organisation should demonstrate this.
3. . Documentation and information of activities enables the organisation to confirm that the
risk management processes are being undertaken effectively and properly within the
4. The purpose of this type of review would primarily be concerned with the effectiveness of
the risk management policy and the associated procedures that apply within the risk
management process. Also, evaluating can ensure the ongoing success of risk
management for the organisation.

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Assessments Judgement Summary
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the assessment. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence: Code and Title BSBRSK501 Manage risk
Date(s) of assessment

Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner?
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not Satisfactory Satisfactory

If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:

Feedback to learner:

Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

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RTO Provider No. 52146 |CRICOS Provider No. 02789G|

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