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= & * FEE eR onda wre 1S 875 (Part 3) : 2015 Indian Standard wert ait titel & fa feast ats ( yeno at oer) — tifa afeat Carr Fre) Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures — Code of Practice Part 3 Wind Loads ( Third Revision ) Ics 91.10.10 © BIS 2015 anda are eat BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Ure TH, 9 wage oet ani, Ag feret-110002 MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG ‘NEW DELHI-110002 wow. April 2015, Price Group 14 ‘Structural Safety Sectional Committee, CED 37 FOREWORD ‘This Indian Standard (Part 3) (Third Revision) was edopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Structural Safety Sectional Committe had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. A buikting has to perform many functions satisfactorily. Amongst these functions are the utility ofthe building for the intended use and occupancy, structural safety, fire safety and compliance with hygienic, sanitation, entiation and daylight standards, The design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirements prescribed foreach one of the above functions. The minimum requirements pertaining tothe structural safety of buildings are being covered in loading codes by way of laying dowa minimum design loads, which have to be assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, wind loads and other external loads, the structure would be required to bear. Strict conformity to loading standards, itis hoped, wll not only ensures the structural safety of the buildings and structures which are being designed and constructed in the country and thereby reduce loss of life and Property caused by unsafe structures, but also eliminates the wastage caused by assuming unnecessarily heavy loadings without proper assessment, ‘This standard was fst published in 1957 forthe guidance of civil engineers, designers and architects associated Frith the planning and design of buildings. It included the provisions forthe basic design loads (dead loads, live loads, wind loads and seistnic loads) to be assumed in the design ofthe buildings, In its first revision in 1964, the ‘wind pressure provisions were modified on the basis of studies of wind phenomenoa and its effect on structures, undertaken by the special Committee in consultation with the Indian Meteorological Department. In addition this, new clauses on wind loads for butterfly type structures were included; wind pressure coefficients for sheeted roofs, both covered and sloping were modified; seismic load provisions were deleted (separate code having been prepared) and metric system of weights and measurements was adopted. With the increased adoption of this standard, 2 number of comments were received on provision of live loads adopted for diferent occupancies. Subsequently the Commitice recommended the formulation of this standard in the following five parts, during the secdud revision of IS 875 in 1987 y Part | Dead loads Part2 Imposed loads Part 3 Wind loads Part4 Snow toads Part S Special loads and load combinations ‘Pas standard Part 3) deats with wind loads tobe considered when designing buildings, structures and components thereo {nthis eurent revision, the Committee recommends the following modifcations/aclusions by taking into account {the recent improvements that have been made i the wind engineering descriptive, through R & D efforts nationally and intemationally: 8) Aerodynamic roughness heights for individual terrain categories have been explicitly included, and are sed to derive turbulence intensity and mean hourly wind speed profiles. 4). The previous classification of structures into B and C classes has been deleted and accordingly the ‘modification factor, f, is renamed as terrain roughness and height factor. ©) The values of, factor corresponding to previous class A type structure only, are retained inthis standard, © Ax additional modification factor, termed as importance factor has been included for eyelonie regions ©) Simple empirical expressions have been suggested for height variations of hourly mean wind speed and also turbulence intensity in different terrains. (Continued on third cover) ssaceestll 18 875 @art 3) : 2015 Indian Standard DESIGN LOADS (OTHER THAN EARTHQUAKE) FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES — CODE OF PRACTICE & PART 3 WIND LOADS ww TEES BRARY ; a UU TANORHTA (Third Revision ) 's xoooas 1 SCOPE specific requirements as specified in the respective LA This standard (Part 3) specifies wind forces and their effects (static and dynamic) that should be taken into account when designing buildings, structures and components thereof. 1.2” Wind speeds vary randomly both in time and space and hence assessment of wind loads and response predictions are very important in the design of several ‘buildings and structures. large majority of structures ‘met with in practice do not however, suffer wind induced oscillations and generally do not require to be ‘examined for the dynamic effects of wind. For such normal, short and heavy structures, estimation of loads using statio wind analysis has proved to be satisfactory. The dotals of this method involving important wind characteristics such as the basic wind speeds, terrain categories, modification factors, wind pressure and force coefficients, etc, are given in 6 and 7. 1.3 Novertheless, there are various types of structures or their components such as some tall buildings, chimneys, latticed towers, cooling towers, transmission towers, guyed masts, communication towers, long span bridges, partially or completely solid faced antenna dish, etc, which require investigation of wind induced oscillations, The influence of dynamic velocity fluctuations on the along wind loads (drag loads) for these structures shall be determined using Gust Factor Method, included in 10, A method for calculation of across wind response of tall buildings and towers is included in 10.3. 1.4 This standard also applies to buildings or other structures during erection/construction and the seme shall be considered carefully during various stages of ‘erection/construction. In locations where the strongest winds and icing may occur simultaneously, loads on structural members, cables and ropes shall be calculated by assuming an ice covering based on climatic and local experience. 1.5 In the design of special structures, such as chimneys, overhead transmission line towers, ete, Codes shall be adopted in conjunction with the provisions of this Code as far as they are applicable. Some of the Indian Standards available for the design of special structures are: ISNo, Tile 4998: 2015 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys : Part 1 ‘Assessment of loads (third revision) (under 6533 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys (Part 1) : 1989 Mechatical aspects (Part 2): 1989 Structural aspects 5613 Part2/ Code of practice for design, Sec 1) 1985. installation and maintenance of overhead power tines : Part 2 Lines above 11 KY, and up to and including 220 KY, Section 1 Design 802 (Part / Code of practice for use of structural ‘Sec 1) :201* steel in overhead transmission line ~ towers: Part 1 Materials, Loads and permissible stresses, Section 1 ‘Materials and Loads (fourth revision) (under print) Criteria for structurai design of reinforced concrete natural draught cooling towers Guidelines for the evaluation of the response’ of occupants of fixed structures, especially buildings and off-shore structures, 10 low- frequency horizontal motion (0,063 to 1 Hz) 11504 : 1985 14732 : 2000 ‘NOTES 1 This standard does not apply to buildings or structures with ‘mcoaventional shapes, unusual locations, and sbaormal cexvironmental conditions that have not been covered in this (Code. Special investigations are necessary in euch cases to cesablsh wind loads and their effets. Wind tunnel tadies may ‘lio be required in rec situaticns. 2m the ctse of all structures with unsymmecical geometry, the designs may bave tobe ebosk for torsional effets due to ‘wind presare. 15 875 (Part 3): 2015 2. REFERENCES ‘The following standard contains provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard ate encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated. ISNo. Title 15498 : 2004 Guidelines for improving the ‘oyclonic resistance of ow rise houses, and other buildings/structures 3 NOTATIONS 3.1 The following notations shall be followed unless otherwise specified in relevant clauses. Notations have bboon defined in the text at their first appearance. A few of the notations have more than one definition, having ‘been used for denoting different variables: 4 = surface area of a structure or part of a structure; A, = effective frontal ares; A, = the effective frontal area of the building at height 25 4. = breadth ofa structure or structural member ‘normal to the wind stream in the horizontal plane; = background factor; drag coefficient; = force coefficient; = normal force coefficient; Cy = trausverse force coefficient; frictional drag coefficient; G, = pressure coefficient; C,_ = external pressure coefficient; Cy. = internal pressure coefficient; C,, = cross-wind force spectrum coefficient; ,, = drag force coefficient of the building corresponding to the area 4,; C = coefficient, which depends on 8, used in the evaluation of fy factor; d = depth of a structure or structural member parallel to wind streani in the horizontal plane; d, = wake width; D = diameter of cylinder ot sphere; E = wind energy factor; F, = along wind load on the building/structure at any height 2; force normal to the surface; first mode natural frequency of the bulding/ structure in along wind direction in Hz; J. = first mode natural frequency of the building! structure in across wind direction in He; J, = vortex shedding frequency; FP, = normal force; F, = transverse force; F' = frictional force; G = gust factor; &_ = peak factor for resonant response; & = peak factor for upwind velocity fluctuations; ‘k= height of structure above mean ground level; 1h, = height of development of a velocity profile ata distance x down wind from a change in terrain category; H, = height factor for resonant response; HH = height above mean, ground level on the topography feature; turbulence intensit turbulence intensity at height A in terrain eategory f = turbulence intensity at height 2 in terrain category f IF = interference factor; k = mode shape power exponent; ‘wind speed modification factors; ,, = hourly mean wind speed factor; K = force coefficient multiplication factor for individual members of finite length; area averaging factor; combination factor; ‘wind directionality factor; Jength of the member or larger horizontal dimension of a building: L = actual length of upwind slope; 1, = effective length of upwind slope; 4, = integral turbulence length scale atthe height m% M, = average mass per unit height ofthe structure; design peak along wind base bending ‘moment; ‘M, = design peak across wind base bending moment; A = effective reduced frequency; Py = design wind pressure; , = design wind pressure at height <; 3, = design hourly mean wind pressure corresponding to V5 , = external pressure; Pj = internal pressure; r= roughness factor which is twice the Tongitudinal turbulence intensity at height h; R, = Reynolds number; 5 = level on a building/structure for the evaluation of along wind load effets; 44 = factor, which depends on H and X, used for the evaluation of & factors tcouhal number; = size reduction factor; V, = regional basic wind speed; V, = design wind speed at beight z; design hourly mean wind speed; design hourly mean wind speed at height z, hourly mean wind speed at height 2; lesser horizontal dimension of a building, ora structural member; w! = bay width in multi-bay building; = peak acceleration atthe top of the building! structure in along wind direction, ia m/s*; x = distance down wind froma change in terrain category; X = distance from the summit or crest of topography feature relative tothe effective length, L,; peak acceleration at the top of the building/ structure in across wind direction; ight or distance above the ground; = aerodynamic roughness height for i** terrain; effective height ofthe topography feature; — inclination of the roof to the horizontal; damping coefficient of the building/ strmcture; shielding factor; factor to account for the second order ‘turbullence intensity; solidity ratio; effective solidity ratio; average height of the surface roughness; upwind elope of the topography feature in ‘the wind direction; and @ = wind angle from a given axis. wen oa 1 IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015 4 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply, 4.1 Angle of Attack — Anangle between the direction of wind and a reference axis of the structure. 4.2 Breadth —It means horizontal dimension of the ‘building measured normal to the direction of wind. [NOTE — Bretdth and depth ee dimensions measured in relation othe direction of wig, whereas length and width ae ‘imensons related tothe plan. 4.3 Depth — It means the horizontal dimension of ‘the building measured in the direction of the wind. 44 Developed Height — It is the height of upward penetration of the velocity profile in a new terain. At large fotch lengths, such penetration reaches the sxadient height, above which the wind speed may be taken to be constant, At lesser fetch lengths, a velocity profile of a smaller height but similar to that of the fully developed profil of hat terrain category has to ‘be taken, with the provision hat the velocity atthe top ofthis shorter profile equal to that ofthe un- penetrated earlier velocity profile at that height, 48 Effective Frontal Area —The projected area of the structure normal to the direction of wind, 4.6 Element of Surface Area — The area of surface ‘over which the pressure coefficient is taken to be constant. . 4.7 Force Coefficient — A non-dimensional coefficient such that the total wind force on a body is the product of the force coefficient, the dynamic pressure of the incident design wind speed and the reference area over which the force is required. [NOTE — When the force isin the direction ofthe incident ‘wing the non-dimessional cocicieat wil be called as “drag ‘coefficient, Wien the force is perpendicular to the dcetion ‘ofincident wind thenow-dimensional oeticient wil be called sR coeticient’ 48 Ground Roughness — The nature of the earth’s surface as influenced by small scale obstructions such as trees and buildings (as distinct from topography) is called ground roughness. 49 Gust —A positive or negative departure of wind speed from its mean value, lasting for not more than, say, 2 min over a specified interval of time. 4.10 Peak Gust— A peak gust or peak gust speed is the wind speed associated with the maximum amplitode, 4.11 Fetch Length — It is the distance measured slong the wind from a boundary at which a change in ‘the type of terrain occurs. When the changes in terrain ‘apes are encountered (such as, the boundary of atown 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 or city, forest, etc), the wind profile changes in ‘character but such changes are gradual and start at ground level, spreading or penetrating upwards with increasing fetch length, 4.12 Gradient Height — It is the height above the mean ground level at which the gradient wind blows 4s a result of balance among pressure gradient force, coriolis force and centrifugal force. For the purpose of this Code, the gradient height is taken as the height above the mean ground level, above which the variation of wind speed with height need not be considered. 4.13 Rise Building (Tall Building) — A building with a height more than or equal to 50 m or hhaving a height to smaller dimension more than 6. 4.14 Low Rise Building — A building having its height less than 20m. 4.15 Mean Ground Level — The mean ground level is the average horizontal plane of the area enclosed by the boundaries ofthe structure. 4.16 Pressure Coefficient — It isthe ratio of the difference between the pressure acting at # point on the surface and the static pressure ofthe incident wind to the design wind pressure, where the static and design wind pressures are determined atthe height ofthe point considered after taking into account the geographical location, terrain conditions and shielding effect. The Pressure coefficients also equal to[1(F,/¥,)"}, where Y, isthe actual wind speed at any pointon the structure ata height corresponding to that of V, NOTE — Posive sig ofthe presue soon indicates ressure acting towarsthe slice and negative sgn indetes Pressure ac away fom the sre. 4.17 Return Period — It is the number of years, reciprocal of which gives the probability of extreme wind exceeding a given wind speed in anyone year. 4.18 Shielding Effect — Shielding effect or shielding refers to the condition where wind has to pass along soine structure(s) ot structural element(s) located on the upstream wind side, before mecting the structure or structural element under consideration. A factor called ‘shielding factor’ is used to account for such effects in estimating the force onthe shielded structures. 4.19 Suction — {t means pressure less than the atmospheric (static) pressure and is taken 10 act away from the surface. 4.20 Solidity Ratio —Itis equal to the effective area (projected area of all the individual clements) of a ‘rame northal to the wind direction divided by the area enclosed by the boundary of the frame normal to the wind direction, « [NOTE — Solidi rtois tobe calculated for individ! ames. 421 Terrain Category — It means the characteristics of the surface irregularities of an area which arise from natural or constructed features. The categories are numbered in increasing order of roughness, 4.22 Topography —The nature of the earth's surface as influenced by the hill and valley configurations. 4.23 Velocity Profile — The variation ofthe horizontal component ofthe atmospheric wind speed at different heights above the mean ground level is termed as velocity profil. $8 GENERAL ‘3.1 Wind is air in motion relative to the surface of the earth, The primary cause of wind is traced to earth's rotation and differences in terrestrial radiation. The radiation effects are primarily responsible for convection either upwards or downwards. The wind generally blows horizontal to the ground at high wind speeds. Since vertical components of atmospheric ‘motion are relatively sitall, the term ‘wind’ denotes almost exclusively the horjzontal wind; vertical winds are always ideniffed as such. The wind speeds are assessed with the aid of anemometers or anemographs which are installed at meteorological observatories at heights generally varying from 10 to 30 m above ground. 5.2 Very stroiig winds (more than 80 kmph) are generally associated with cyclonic storms, ‘thunderstorms, dust storms oF vigorous monsoons. A feature of the eyctonic storms over the Indian area is that they rapidly weaken after crossing the coasts and move a5 depressions/lows inland. The influence of a severe storm after striking the coast does not; in general ‘exceed about 60 km, though sometimes, it may extend even up to 120 km. Very short duration hurricanes of very high wind speeds called Kel Baisaki urNorwesters cccur fairly frequently during summer months over ‘North East India. 53 The wind speeds recorded at any locality are ‘extremely variable and in addition to steedy wind at ‘any time, there are effects of gusts which may last for 1 few seconds, These gusts cause increase in air pressure but their effect on stability ofthe building may not be 50 important; often, guts affect only part ofthe building and the increased local pressures may be more than balanced by a momentary reduction i the pressure ‘elsewhere. Because of the inertia ofthe building, short period gusts may not cause any appreciable increase in stress in main components ofthe building although the wals, roof sheeting and individual cladding units (Glass panels) and their supporting members such as purlins, sheeting rails and glazing bars may be more seriously affected. Gusts can also be extremely important for design of structures with high slendemess rm ratios. 5.4 The liability of building to high wind pressures depends not only upon the geographical location and proximity of other obstructions to airflow but also upon the characteristics ofthe structure itself ‘8.8 The effect of wind on the structure as a whole is determined by the combined action of external and intemal pressures acting upon it. In all cases, the calculated wind loads act normal othe surface to which ‘they apply. 5.6 The stability calculations as a whole shall be done considering the combined effect, as well as separate effects of imposed loads and wind loads on vertical surfaces, roofs and other part of the building above general roof level. 5.7 Buildings shall also be designed with due attention to the effects of wind on the comfort of people inside and outside the buitdings. 6 WIND SPEED 6.1 Nature of Wind in Atmosphere In general, wind speed in the atmospheric boundary layer increases with height from zero at ground level to maximum at a height called the gradient height ‘There is usually a slight change in direction (Ekman effect) but this is ignored in this standard, The ‘Variation with height depends primarily on the terrain conditions. However, the wind speed at any height never remains constant and it has been found convenient to resolve its instantaneous magnitude into anaverage or mean value and a fluctuating component around this average value. The average value depends ‘on the average time employed in analyzing the meteorological data and this averaging time varies from few secoiids to several minutes. Tie magnitude of fluctuating component of the wind speed which is called gust, depends on the averaging time. In general, smaller the averaging interval, more is the magnitude of the gust speed. 6.2 BASIC WIND SPEED Figure 1 gives basic wind speed map of India, as applicable to 10 m height above mean ground level for different zones of the country. Basic wind speed is ‘based on peak gust velocity averaged over a shor time interval of about 3 s and corresponds to mean beights above ground level in an open terrain (Category 2). Basic wind speeds presented in Fig. 1 have been worked out for a 50 year retumn period. Baste wind speed for some important cties/towns is also given in Annex A. 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 63 Design Wind Speed (V,) ‘The basic wind speed (V,) for any site shall be obtained from Fig. 1 and shall be modified to include the following effects to get design wind speed, V, at any Iheightz, forthe chosen structure: a) Risklevel, 'b) Terrain roughness and height of structure, ©) Local topography, and 4) Tmportance factor forthe cyclonic region. It-can be mathematically expressed as follows: V, = design wind speed at height z, in m/s; k, = probability factor (risk coefficient) (see 63.1), k, = terrain roughness and height factor (see 63.2); topography fastor (see 6.3.3); and importance factor for the cyclonic region (see 63.8). NOTE — Windspeed maybe taken as constant up oa height a 10m. However presues fr buildings es than 10 mfigh tay be cedoned by 20 percent for evaluating stability and Sesign ofthe facing 6.3.1 Risk Coefficient (k, Factor) — Figure 1 gives basic wind speeds for terrain Category 2s applicable at 10 m above ground level based on 50 years mean retum period. The suggested life period to be assumed in design and the corresponding k factors for different class of structures for the purpose of design are given in Table 1. fn the design of buildings and structures, a regional basic wind speed having a mean return period of $0 years shall be used except as specified in the note of Table 1. 63.2 Terrain, Height Factor (ky Factor) 632.1 Terrain Selection of terrain categories shall be made with due regard to the effect of obstructions which constitute the ground surface roughness. The terain category used in the design of a structure may vary depending cnthe direction of wind under consideration. Wherever sufficient meteorological information is available about the nature of wind direction, the orientation of any building or structure may be suitably planned. Terrain in which a specific structure stands shall be assessed as being one of the following terrain categories: Category 1 —Exposed open terrain with few ‘or no obstructions and in which the average Pe 1 Si urea snp 20y (2) gystey ssouygnos yureu rojuatnbo ayy, “Ww OF awlsoveD suuawUIeA0R Aa ‘payuen 09 0 Ze cor YVINNVA eR, Foray SnaHOs swt (03348 ONIM Ove. aNz937 IVONGAG 30 AYa a us3ovionve 9 CNYLOHe pS rm dads GNIM Sisva SNIMOHS VIGNI 4O dv N¥Lsinvd S107 # (€ 3184) $18 SI This is the criterion for measurement of egional basic wind speeds and represents airfields, open park lands and undeveloped sparsely built-up outskirts of towns and suburbs. Open land adjacent to sea coast may also be classified as Category 2 due to ‘roughness of large sea waves at high winds. ©) Category 3— Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of 18875 (Part 3): 2015, buildings/structures up to 10 m in height with ‘or without a few isolated tall structures. The equivalent aerodynamic roughness height, Gy) for this terrain is 0.2 m, ‘This category represents well wooded areas, and shrubs, towns and industrial areas full of partially developed, It's likely thatthe, next higher category than this will not exist in most design situations ‘Table 1 Risk Coefficients for Different Classes of Structures in Different Wind Speed Zones (Clause 63.1) Ne. st ‘Chass of Structere Mean Probable; Katto for Base Wind Speed ws Design Lie of Sractretn Yours c} 2 ) All general builogs and sruerres Hi) Temporary sheds, strcaves sich as those used during consrution operations (ir example, formmork an ase work), swore during constuction ‘stages and Boundary walls Buildings ond structures presenting alow degree of heard {olf end propenty inthe evet of fir, sich e isolated towers in’ wooded eas, fam tuildiags oder than residenial bulaings ‘») Important buildings and strcures such as hospitals ‘communication buldngatowers, powerplant succes NOTE — The factor fs bas on saistical concepts which take into account the degre of ) 30 5 ‘0 BM Mo Ms © 9 6 ow w to 10 te 19 10 10 0m 07% 07 O71 07m O67 096 092 091 090 09 089 105 106 407 107 108 108 TES wh hee wil be exposed to wind, that, i of de ct. Whatever vind speed is aaped fr desig eee Saich nesctge! BONDI (However ml) thal it may exec in a tom of exeotoalvioeee: torte peed oer ne ace abn the wind mee i he probity. Larger retam pero ranging fom 1001 G00 yea gion one «aff ‘where 1 = can probable desig life of structure in yeors; AaB Pr ~ Fak Tere] consecatve years (robb tha the ign wind sped i enced a lest ore in saccesive yous), ‘omiral value = 0.63; yy ~ extreme wind 3ped forgiven values of Mand Py ad Kapaa = extreme wind sped for N= 50 years and P= 0.63 ‘Aan B have the following values fer different basic wind speed zones: ove at we vs 3 23.1 (632) 8 233,840) , “a 244 (0) a 244680) 2 2427 (888) i 38 252908) * Values ofA and B, in kmph, are given in bracket. Be ws 2692) 39140) 50180) $705) 63,28) 76073) [orc equa i epgigmmeeerome 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 and that selection of a more severe category will be deliberate. 4) Category 4— Terrain with numerous large high closely spaced obstructions. The ‘equivalent aerodynamic roughness height, (ag) for this terrain is 2.0 m, This category represents large city centers, generally ‘with obstructions above 25 m and well developed industrial complexes. Variation of wind speed with height in different terrains (k factor) Table 2 gives multiplying factors (#,) by which the basic ‘wind speed given in Fig. I shall be multiplied to obtain the wind speed at different heights, in each terrain category. ‘Table 2 Factors to Obtain Design Wind Speed Variation with Height in Different Terrains (Clause ‘SU Hicight Terral and Height Maliper Ge) Noe —_—-. m Tenain Termin Terain__Tersin Category 1 Categary2- Category 3 Category 4 oo o o© 9 © yas T0038 a i) 1s 109 tess? aan i) 20 Lo? to a8 ®) 3 Liszt y 5 1m 70 vi) WO 125.128 20120 vi) 150° 130 138k kt vid) 20000132130 i290 138 9a ) 30° 135 3t 30, x) 300 1351352 si) 400133 nas 13d ta xii) 450 13513535133 vi) 5001351353813 [NOTE —Forinemecia values of height na given train category, we lisa ntrplation, —* 63.2.3 Terrain categories in relation to the direction ofwind The terran category used in the design of «structure may vary depending on the direction of wind under consideration. Where sufficient meteorological formation is available, the basic wind speed may be ‘varied for specific wind direction, Changes in terrain categories ‘The velocity profile for a given terrain category does not develop to full height immediately with the ‘commencement of that terrain category but develop sradually to height (F,) which increases withthe fetch (oF upwind distance (x), ) Fetch and developed height relationship — ‘The relation between the developed height (A, and the fetch (x) for wind-flow over each ‘of the four terrain categories may be taken as given in Table 3. ) For structures of heights more than the developed height (f,) in Table 3, the velocity profile may be determined in accordance with the following: 1). The less or least rough terrain, or 2). The method described in Annex B. ‘Table 3 Fetch and Developed Height Relationship (Clause ST Feet Developet Helgi h, Me) ™ kn emai Tenain Terai Terrain Category 1 Category 2 Cutegery 3 Category 4 o ® o 6 8 6 2 2 ns wo 0s 0 30 35 98 1 2s s 130 m2 35 6 e909 » 5 wo too 70300 vy 0 mo 290450 vi) 20 120 2035000, vid 50000400500 ee eee ee aE EEE SOP 63.3 Topography (k, Factor) The basic wind speed Y, given in Fig. 1 takes into account the general level of site above sea level. This does not allow for local topographic features such as hills, valleys, lifts escarpments, or ridges which can ignficantly affect wind speed in their vicinity. The effect of topography is to accelerate wind near the summits of bills or erests of cliffs, escarpments or ridges and decelerate the wicd in valleys or near the {foot of elif, steep escarpments, or ridges. 63.3.1 The effect of topography shall be significant at site when the upwind slope (8) is more than about 3°, and below that, the value of f may be taken to be equal to 1.0. The value off is confined inthe range of 10 to 1.36 for slopes more than 3°. A method of evaluating the value of f for values more than 1.0 is ‘given in Annex C. It may be noted thatthe value of k, varies with height above ground level at a maximum ‘near the ground, and reducing to 1.0 at higher levels. 63.4 Importance Factor for Cyclonic Region (ky) ‘The east coast of India is relatively more vulnerable for occurrences of severe cyclones. On the west coast, Gujarat is vulnerable for severe cyclones. Studies of wind speed end damage to buildings and structures pointto the fat thatthe speeds givea in the basic wind speed map are often exceeded during the cyclones. The effect of cyclonic storms is largely felt in a belt of approximately 60 km width at the coast, In order to ‘ensure better safety of structures inthis region (60 km ‘wide on the east coast as well as on the Gujrat Coast), the following values of , (as recommended in IS, 15498) are stipulated as applicable according to the importance ofthe structure: ke Structures of post-cyclone importance for 1.30 ‘emergency services (such as cyclone shelters, hospitals, schools, communication towers, tc) Industrial structures Lis All other structures 1.00 6.4 Hourly Mean Wind Speed ‘The hourly mean wind speed at height z, for differeat terrains can be obtained as iz ak, where Fay ~ hourly mean wind speed factor for terrain eategory 1 (2) = 0.1423] In| —| l(z,;)"™ | LE feo ‘The design hourly mean wind speed at height zcan be obtained as: €5 Turbulence fatensity ‘The turbulence intensity variations with height for different terrains can be obtained using the relations given below: 4) Terrain category 1 Ty oasin-oes2st =) Fay b) Terrain category 2 i far hat lanta) ¢) Terrain category 3 3, Kamla (lamha) a) Terrain category 4 tqndte-o1sstie( =) Fa : 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 6.6 Off Shore Wind Velocity Cyclonic storms form far away from the sea coast and ‘gradually reduce in speed as they approach the sea coast, Cyclonic storms generally extend up to about (60 km inland after striking the coast. Their effect on land is already reflected in basic wind speeds specified in Fig. 1. The influence of wind speed off the coast up 10 2 distance of about 200 km may be taken as 1.15 ‘times the value on the nearest coast in the absence of any definite wind data, The factor 1.15 shall be used in addition to ky, 7 WIND PRESSURES AND FORCES ON BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES 74 General ‘The wind load on a building shall be calculated for: a) Building as a whole, b) Individual structural elements as roofs and walls, and ©) Individual cladding units including glazing and their fixings. 7.2 Design Wind Pressure ‘The wind pressure at any height above mean ground level shall be obtained by the following relationship ‘between wind pressure and wind speed: P= 0672 where P, = wind prossure at height z, in Ninn’; and ¥, = design wind speed at height z, ia m/s. ‘The design wind pressure p, can be obtained as, Pa = KKK Pe where Ky, = wind directionality factor, K, = area averaging factor, and K, = combination factor (see The value of py, however shall not be taken as less than 0.70 py ‘NoTES 1 The coset 0.6 in Suits inthe above formal depends ‘ona number of fctrs and manly on the atmospheci pressure ‘and tir tempecatue. The valus chosen corresponds to the average nian etmosphric conditions. 2 K, shoald be taken a 1.0 when considering local pressure coclictent. 7.2 Wind Directionality Factor, Ky ‘Considering the randomness in the directionality of ‘wind and recognizing the fact that pressure or force coefficients are determined for specific wind directions, itis specified that for buildings, solid signs, open signs, i i | | 18875 (Part 3) :2015, lattice frameworks, and trussed towers (triangular, square, rectangular) a factor of 0.90 may be used on. the design wind pressure. For circular or near-circular forms this fuctor may be taken as 1.0. For the cyclone affected regions also the factor K, shall be taken as 1.0. 72.2 Area Averaging Factor, K, Pressure coefficients given in 7.3 are a result of averaging the measured pressure values over a given area, As the area becomes larger, the correlation of measured values decrease and vice-versa. The decrease in pressures due to larger areas may be taken into account 2s given in Table 4. ‘Table 4 Area Averaging Factor (K,) (Clause 7.2.2) ‘SINa Tributary Area(A) Area Averaging Fuctor a «aye o @ e » 10 10 i» 2 03 ia) 2100 98 "Linear imerplation for intermedia valves of permite. TA2A Tributary area 8) Overall siructure -~ For evaluating loads on frames the tributary area shall be taken as the centre to centre distances between frames ‘multiplied by the individual pane! in the other direetion together pressure coefficients. b) Individual elements — For beam type clements, purlns, et, the tributary area shall be-taken as effective span multiplied by spacing. The effective span isthe actual span for mid span and cantilever toad effects; and half the sum of adjacent spans for support ‘moments and reactions. For plate type elements, the area of individual plates between supports is taken as the tributary area. lass cladding, individual pane area of glass is the ‘tibutary area. 73 Pressure Coefficients ‘The pressure coefficients are always given for a particular surface or part ofthe surface of a building. ‘The wind load acting normal fo a surface is obtained bby multiplying the area ofthat surface or its appropriate portion by the pressure coefficient (C,) and the design wind pressure at the height of the surface from the ground. The average values of these pressure Coefficients for some building shapes are given in7.3.2 and. 73.3. 10 Average values of pressure coefficients are given for critical wind directions in one or more quadrants. In ‘order fo determine the maximum wind load on the building, the total load should be calculated for each. ‘of the critical directions shown from all quadrants. ‘Where considerable variation of pressure occurs over a surface, it has been sub-divided and mean pressure coefficients given for each of its several parts, In addition, areas of high local suction (negative ‘pressure concentration) frequently occurring near the ‘edges of walls and roofs are separately shown, Coefficients forthe local effects should only be used for calculation of forces on these local areas ae roof sheeting, glass panels, and individual clad units including their fixtures. They should not be used for calculating force on entire structural elements such as roof, walls or structure as a whole. ores, 1 Te pres coefficients given in diferent ables have been ‘obtained maiey from measurements on modem wind tunel, land the grt mort of data availble bas ben cbained in ‘conditions of eatively smooth flow, Where suliciont Seld ‘ata exists a inthe ease of ectangulr builirgs, values have been obtained to allow fr trbulent Pow 2 in recent years, wll lazing snd cladding design has bean 2 Scurce of major concern. Aithough of less consequence than the collopse of main structures, damage to glass can be herardous and catre considerable Goancial losses 3 For pressure coefcints for structures nol covered-here, Teferense may be made to specialist literate onthe subject for advice may be ought om specialits i thesabjec. 73.1 Wind Load on Individual Members ‘When calculating the wind load on individual structural elements such as roofs and walls, and individual cladding units and their fittings, itis essential to take account of the pressure difference between opposite faces of such elements or units, For clad structures, it fs, therefore, necessary to know the intemal pressure as well as the external pressure. Then the wind load, F, ‘acting ina direction normal to the individual structural ‘element or cladding unit i: CoC APa ‘external pressure coefficient, intemal pressure coefficient, 4. = surface area of structural element or cladding unit, and Pq = design wind pressure, NOTES 1 the surface design pressure varies with beg the surface areas ofthe structural element may be sub-divided 30 tht the Specie pressures ar taken over sproprian aes, 2 sive wind load indicts the force acting towards the Strustal cement and negate avay fom i | i | | r taken for d 73.2 Internat Pressure Coefficients Intemal air pressure in a building depends upon the degree of permeability of cladding to the flow of air. ‘The internal air pressure may be positive or negative depending on the direction of flow of air in relation to ‘openings in the buildings. 732.4 In the case of buildings where the claddings permit the flow of air with openings not more than about 5 percent ofthe wall area but where there are no large openings, itis necessary toconsiderthe possibility of the internal pressure being postive or negative. Two design conditions shall be examined, one with an intemal pressure coefficient of 10.2 and another with an internal pressure coefficient of -0.2. The internal pressure coeficentis algebraically added to the external pressure coefficient and the analysis which indicates greater distress of the member shall be adopted. In most situations « simple inspection of the sign of external pressure will at once indicate the proper sign of the internal pressure coefficient to be [NOTE — The term normal pemeably roles to the fow of ait commonly afforded ty eladtings not ony trough open ‘windows and doors, but io trough the sits ound the closed ‘windows and doors and through chimneys, veneers and {rough the oints Between fof coverings, the toll open aes being Tess than percent of area of the walls having the openings 73:22 Buildings with medium and large openings Buildings with medium and large openings may also exhibit ether positive or negative internal pressure depending upon the direction of wind. Buildings with redium openings.between about 5 and 20 percent of wall area shall be examined for an internal pressure coefficient of +0.5 and later with an internal pressure coefficient of -0.5, and the analysis which produces greater distress of the member shall be adopted. Buildings with large openings, that is, openings larger than 20 percent ofthe walt area shall be examined once with an internal pressure coefficient of +0.7 and again with an internal pressure coefficient of -0.7, and the analysis which produces greater distress of the member shall be adopted. Buildings with one open side or opening exceeding 20 percent of wall area may be assumed to be subjected {o intemal positive pressure or suction similar to those ‘of buildings with large openings. A few examples of ‘buildings with one side openings are shown in Fig. 2 indicating Values of internal pressure coefficients with respect tothe direction of wind, 733 External Pressure Coefficients 733.1 Walls ‘The average external pressure coefficient for the walls u 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘of clad buildings of rectangular plan shall be as given in Table 5, In addition, local pressure concentration coefficients are also given 1.33.2 Pitched, hipped and mono slope roofs of clad buildings ‘The average extemal pressure coefficients and pressure concentration coefficients. for pitched roofs of rectangular clad building shall be os given in Table 6. ‘Where no pressure concentration coefficients are given, the average coeflicients shall apply. The pressure coefficients on the under-side of any overhanging roof shall be taken in accordance with For mono slope roofs of rectangular clad buildings, the average pressure coefficient and pressure ‘concentration coefficient for mono slope (lean-to) roof, of rectangular clad buildings shall be as given in Table 7, Nores 1 The preeure concenvation shall be essumed to act outward (suction presse atthe ridges, eaves, corices and 80" corners ofroot 2 The pressure concentatidn shall aot be included withthe tet extemal pressure wien comping over load. 3 Fot hipped root, presure coefficients (including tol values) may be taken on all the four slopes, a8 appropiate From Table 6, and be zeduced by 20 percent forthe hip slope. 13.3.3 Canopy roofs with (WA < hw < Land 1 < Lin <3) “The pressure coefficients are given in Tables 8 and 9 separately for mono-pitch and double pitch canopy roofs such as open-air parking garages, shelter areas, outdoor areas, railway platforms, stadia and theatres. The coefiicients take into account ofthe combined effect of the wind exerted on and under the-roof for all wind dicections; the resultant is to be taken normal to the canopy. Where the local coeficients overiap, the greater of the two given values should be taken. However, the effect of partial closures of one side and or both sides, such as those due to trains, buses and stored materials shal be foreseen and taken into account. ‘The solidity ratio fis equal to the atea of obstructions under the canopy divided by the gross area under the canopy, both areas normal to the wind direction, represents a canopy with no obstructions underneath. {= I represents the canopy fully blocked with contents to the downwind eaves. Values of G, for intermediate solidties may be linearly interpolated between these two extremes, and apply upwind of the position of maximum blockage only. For downwind ofthe position ‘of maximum blockage, the coefficients for f= 0 may be used. naddition tothe forces due tothe pressures normal to ‘the canopy, there willbe horizontal loadson the canopy 1 875-(Part 3) : 2015 wind | ® | © {a) FOR Lol << B ce (eyFoR Bot {c) FOR 2 = 1, USE AVERAGE VALUES Wott tht {ARROWS INDICATE DIRECTION OF WIND FLOW) Fig, 2 Buiwomes Win One Sibe Ormncs, 1S 875 (Part 3) : 2015, ‘Table 5 External Pressure Coefficients (C,,) for Walls of Rectangular Clad Buildings (Clause 73.3.1) SEEDING] SuEDNG] ELEVATION TTS, | ene FOR SURFACE —ipeAT faa’ | pu wee is Rane" | Rat eo epee Tea z aa a" or fas fas fos pen a8 FE * 0 [roe f-os fear fro nt aa sy leor bo2s+.a8 |. fog faa: eas [car |" eo |ea7 |-028 |-08 @ |-o8 fos ear 9, faz bes kegs or (jens wo |-os -os fear j-or (J l-oa |. Be & ae de Ssenoo +07 f-o4 for |-07 fay 0s feos |-o4 By » | Cor 7. 2 é 098 | 145 |-09 |o9 Las: feos [ons {> ea hee wor Far bom ads [b™ re i: eee s festsshishes = ‘nis te eight eaves or parapet, ste greater horizontal dimensions of a building and wis the lesser horizaral dimensions of balding 7 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 6 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Pitched Roofs of Rectangular Clad Buildings (Clause we RE Toca coerreNeeTs Ces] | oe a ; # ted ‘ 3 : = 3 : 8 setet i # ate se 2 248 z 3 he 3 BLOB Bebe 3 ae wg KEY PLAN + yahorossw \nideverit one ore 1 fis the height eaves ot pcapet and w isthe lesser hrizntal dimension of a building 2 Where no loa! coefficients we given the overall coefficient apply. 13 For hipped roofs the local coefcient for the hip rie may bs conservatively tsken as the the sppropiste rider value, “4 and Z are dimensions between the walls excluding ovens. (Ntkieeemmeewveianeesntemmntecn mannii a sreonetaminsaesswanenm se 18875 (Part 3) : 2015, ‘Table 7 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Monostope Roofs of Rectangular Clad Buildings * <2 (Clause 73.32) yohero.15w Whichever is tha leer. NOTE: Area H and area L referto the whole quadrant ROOF WIND ANGLE @ pS LocAL COEFFICIENTS (€ : [ae pe) 7 cle ale) elolula]o [Degrees | 5/10 10|-05 -10|-20|-15|-20|-18]-20|-20 & fs 245/08 240) 30 | 248 |-28] 48 |-20| 20 % {as THB /:8$ 248] 48 | 208 |c¢5| 44-20 | -20 & [es 14 [C02 240-48 [208 [4a] 4-20 |-20 Be 38/04 ca |-18 | -a7 08] 08] -20]-20 & [es wa6] 8" ces} ta] 4836 38-38 * Applied to length w/2 from wind-ward end, '** Applies to remainder es 1 hia the height of eaves at lower side, i the greater horizontal dimensions of ¢bildng and w isthe lesser horizontal dimension of «balding. 2 F and w are overall length and with including overhangs 1s 1S 875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 7 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Monoslope Roofs of Rectangular Clad Buildings # <9 (Cause 7332)” ys hor0.15 0 Whichever iste iesser, NOTE + Area H ond area. refor to the whole quadrant. pi Roo WO AOLEO reef Loca. coermciNs a v ae 0° 135° 180° Cpe! ) nH otlH clmaduectw cl cf alafo fa] me] o * [ee Bearees| a 8 10 19|-05|-09 -10/-05 -10]-20|-15|-20]-15]-20]-20 10 19 10}-06|-08 -10|-04 -10]-20|-15|-20|-45|-20|-20 8 40 -07|-10)-05]-08 -40|-03 -10]-18]-09]-18|-14|-20]-20 2% j-08 -05|-10 -o}-09|-05}-a5 -10/-02 -10|-18|-08|-18|-14 % |-07 -08)-10 -06]-08|-05|-03 -os|-o1 -09|-18|-071-09| -0. % [05 -05)-40 -06]-08}-05)-01 -a¢/0 -o6|-48|-05|-08 | -05|-20|-20 Applied wo engi w/2 fom win-ward end +" Applies reminder NOTE 1s the helt aves a owe side, isthe greater horizontal dierson ofa building and ithe Ise orzotl dimension of a tailing. 2 Fond w re overall eng and width ieluting overhangs 1s 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 due to the wind pressure on any fascia and to friction over the surface ofthe canopy. For any wind direction, only the greater of these two forees need to be taken into account, Fascia loads should be calculated on the area of the surface facing the wind, using a force coefficient of 13. Frictional drag should be calculated using the coefficients given in 7.4.1. [NOTE — Tables 10 to 15 may be wed to get intemal and external pressure coccents fer itches an troughed es oo far some specific case er which spect rats and root siopes have been specified. However, while wing Tables 10 to 15 ny significant depertre fom it should bo investigated carefully No incest shal be made fr lea effects except as indicated 1.3.34 Pitched and saw-tooth roofs multi-span buildings For pitched and saw-tooth roofs of multi-span buildings, the extemal average pressure coefficients shall be as given in Tables 16 and 17 respectively provided that all the spans shall be equal and the height ‘o the eaves shall not exceed the span. 13.5 Pressure coofcients on overhangs from roofs ‘The pressure coefficients on the top over-hanging, portion of the roofs shal be taken to be the same as thet of the nearest top portion of the non-overhanging portion of the roof’. The pressure coefficients for the underside suriace of the over-hanging portions shall be taken as follows and shall be taken as positive ifthe ‘overhanging portion is.on the windward si a) 1.25, ifthe overhanging slopes, downwards; ') 1.00, ifthe overhanging is horizontal; and ¢) 0.75, ifthe overhanging slopes upwards Foroverhanging portions on sides other than windward side, the average pressure coefficients on adjoining walls may be used. 133.6 Curved roojs Forcurved roofs the external pressure coefficients shall be as given in Table 18, Allowance for local effects shall be made in accordance with Table 6, Two values ‘of C, have been given for elevated curved roofs, Both the load cases have to be analyzed, and critical load ‘effects ate to be considered in design. 133.1 Cylindrical structures For the purpose of calculating the wind pressure distribution around a cylindrical structure of circular cross-section, the value of external pressure coefficients given in Table 19 may be used, provided thet the Reynolds number is more than 10 000. They may be used for wind blowing normal to the axis of cylinders having axis normal to the ground plane (that is, ‘chimneys and silos) and cylinders having their axis parallel to the ground plane (that is, horizontal tanks), 16 provided thatthe clearance between the tank and the ground isnot less than the diameter of the cylinder. isheight of vertical eyliner or length ofa horizontal cylinder, Where there isa fee flow of ai around both tends isto be taken as half the length whea calculating WD ratio. In the calculation of resultant load on the periphery of the oylinder, the value of C, shall be taken into account. Foropen ended cylinders, C, shall be taken a follows: 2) ~0.8, where AlD is more than or equal to 0. and b) -0.5, where H/D is tess than 0.3. 13.3.8 Roofs and bottoms of cylindrical elevated structures ‘The extemal pressure coefficients for roof an bottoms of cylindrical elevated structures shall be a5 given in Table 20, Altemately, the pressure distribution given in Fig. 3 can be used together withthe force coefficients given in Table 25 for the cylindrical portion. 133.9 Combined roofs The average external pressure coefficients for combined roofs are shown in Table 21. 733.10 Roofs with siglight The average extemal pressure coefficients for roofs with siylight are shown in Table 22. 7.33.11 Grandstands ‘The pressure coeflicients on the roof (top and bottom) and rear wall of atypical grandstand roof which isopen (on three sides are given in Table 23. The pressure coeflcients are valid for a particular rato of dimensions as specified in Table 21 but may be used for deviations ‘up #o 20 percent. In general, the maximum wind load ‘occurs when the wind is blowing into the open front of the stand, eausing postive pressure under the roof ‘and negative pressure on the roof. 73312 Spheres ‘The extemal pressure coeflicienis for spheres shall be as given in Table 24. 733,13 Frames ‘When taking wind loads un frames of clad buildings it is reasonable to assume that the pressures or suctions inside and outside the structure shall not be fully correlated Therefore when taking the combined effect cof wind loads on the frame, a reduction factor of K,=0,90 may be sed over the building envelope when roof i subjeted to pressure and internal pressure Is suction, or vice-versa. 18 875 (Part 3): 2015 ‘Table 8 Pressure Coefficients for Monostope Free Roofs, (Clause 73.3.3) WLLL WLLL WLLL VIM ROOF | SOLIDITY RATIO] MAXIMUM (LARGEST + ve) AND MINIMUM (LARGEST - ve) ANGLE 7 PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS (Pearee) OVERALL 7 SoenA ars LOCAL COEFFICIENTS co ° +02 +05 +18 ont 5 5 +04 +08 $24 +13 40 | Allvaiues ot @ +05 +12 +28 +18 5 +07 +14 +27 +18 20 +03 +47 +29 +24 B +40 +20 +31 +23 30 442 +22 +24 7 ‘o=0 70s -08) =a o=1 | -10 12 218 3 @=0 707 Tt 718 ot a4 218 223 7 o=0 ~08 “15 Tat ont 213 227 = =o Tat 735 ont ot4 230 20 “13 728 ont 18 +32 @=0 “18 732 3 ot 17 235 a ono “18 738 _| os1 a8 -36 Nores 1 For movopitch canopies the centre of pressure shouldbe taken to acta 0.3 w tem the windward edge. 22 W end Lar overall wid and tengt including overhangs, "7 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 9 Pressure Coefficients for Free Standing Double Sloped Roofs (Clause 733.3) Me ot \ aN | <¥0 ROOF ANGLE oor [souomyAano] WAKIMUM (ARGEST «ve AND MLM {LARGEST-ve) mete [UY presoune coerncentés rgeon) ERs LOCAL COERGENTS Zea “2 1 v8 8 ato | 388 3 11g [Meet +04 +14 2 t03 ng u 103 ne to soe 33 aH sea ne 2 ine ng pe wr 3 33 A BH ar a3 ia 208 ra Tae “3 * -08 “37 ae “a i 08 “AT as “a loa nz 7 “38 “a ‘as x Sar = +0 IM aa 08 7 6 = oy = “a9 ae 33 223 am m8 7 a ia 7 “10 “8 tra ata 228 222 ores j 1 Bach slope of uopich canopy sould beable to withstand forcas using bath the maximam and the minioum coeficient, an the ‘whole canopy should beable to support fores using one slope at dhe maximum coefficient wit the other slope atthe ini soefisient For duopich canopies the centre of pressure should be taken to act atthe cents ofeach slope. 2 W end L are owezll width and length including overhangs 18 18875 (Part 3) 2015 ‘Table 10 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitched Roofs, Roof Stope a= 30° (Clause 13.3.3) Roof siope a= 30° @ = 0%. 45°, D, DY E, E full length, 8 =00°, D, D; E,&" part length. by thereater Cp= 0 ms @ [+08 |-10 |-os |-o8 av |+ot-|-03 |-08 |-03 |-02 |-08 }-03 |-o4 so | -03 | -04 04 Forel | ForJ:Cp Tops 1.0, Cp bottom =- 02 ‘Tangenitally acting fiction : Regge = 0.05 Py bd 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 11 Pressure Coefficients (Top a with effects of T (Clause 73.3.3) Foot slope a = 30° Effects of trains of stored materials. @ = 0° 48°, or 125° 180", D, D; EE’ flllength, = 00°, D, D: EE’ part length. Bottom) for Pitched Roofs, Roof a = 30° ‘or Stored Materiat ‘by thereat C= 0 PRESSURE CORFFENTS Gy ‘END SURFACES ejololele eleleTe} o [vor [eos |-c7 | soa a |-01 |+os | -c8 | +05 wm [roe [coe | roo [225 ]-02 | +08 | +09 | -« seor | -03 |-08 |+o4 | 08 ake | Ford:Gy Top=-18, Cp bottom = 05 Jota | Tangendaty acting fiction : Ragr= 0.08 Pg bd 20 se iatsiihsitiehikicanattcciet: 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 12 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitched Roofs, a= 10° (Clause 73.3.3) Roof slope a = 10° @ 20°45", 0, DE, E tulongth. 8= 60", D, DE, part length. » thereat Cp= 0 ‘PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS, Cp ao}. -19 [+03 -03 | oor -03 | 0 SB]ea4| - For f : Cp Top =- 4.0, Cp bottom =0.4 ‘Tangontelly acting fiction: R gge = 0.1.%g bd 2 18875 (Part3) : 2015 ‘Table 13 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitehed Free Roofs, a= 10° with effects of Train or Stored Materials (Clause 73.33) Roof slope o = 10° Effects of treins of stored materiss. 8 = 0°45", of 135° - 180°, D, DY EE" fil Jenath, 8 = 90", 0, D; EE part length, i; thereatter Cp= 0 PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS, Gp @ o o € «| a elelele @ [-13 |-os |-o8 | o7 as |-05 |+as |-03 | +03 wo [cs | 0 |cos |e {-0¢ | +08 | +03 | 08 wr |-o4 |-03 |-05 | -o3 Fort: Gp Top= -18, Cp bation = “Tangantialy acting ficton: R gg? = 0.1 pg bd 2 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 14 Pressure Coefficients for Troughed Free Roofs, a= 10° (Clause 73.3.3) POEL LLL Roof slope a = 10° 8 = 0°45", 0, DE, E fll length. © = 90°, D, D; E, E* part length. Fort :Gp Top= 04, Cpbotiom=- 1.5 of | Tangentilty acting ticfon : Regge = 0.1 By bd| 2B 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 15 Pressure Coefficlents (Top and Bottom) for Troughed Free Roofs, a= 10° with Effects of Train or Stored Materials (Clawe 73.3.3) CRY = Root slope a =10" Effects of trains cr stored materials, @ = 0°- 46", or 195° - 180", D, D, EE full ongth. @ = 90", D, D’ &, E part length. ‘bs thereafter Cp= 0 PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS, Cp 6 o o E & gage forall |For F:Cp Top =-1.1, Cp bottom = 08 0f8 | Tengentiatiy acting ction: Regge = 0.1 Py bd 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015, (All Spans Equal) with h 6 = C:(a-~4b) bp, +C,(d-—46) 2hp, Frat lings of special shope, foes due to The rst term in each ete shes the drag on the roof Te ahaa ae shall be taken into account in addition andthe seaond onthe elie we ne OFC)’ has the {2 those loads specified in 7.3. For rectangular clad following sane eee this edition is necessary only where the 1) Cy’ = 0.01 for smooth surfaces without io dhhor db is more than 4, The fictional drag force, commen F inthe direction of the wind is given by the following CRusations or ribs across the wind direction, formulae: 2) C;'= 0.02 for surfaces with ‘corrugations . ‘across the wind direction, and 9) MASS P< Cid-A) e+ Gi(d-40) 2h yy f= 0.04 for suthes with ribs seoss the Po and wind direction, 34 For other buildings, the frictional drag has been indicated, where necessary, in the tables of pressure coefficients and force coefficients, 14.2 Force Coefficients for Clad Buildings ‘TAA Clad buildings of uniform section The overall force coefficients for rectangular clad buildings of uniform section with flat roofs in uniform flow shall given in Fig. 4 and for other clad ‘buildings of uniform section (without projections, except where otherwise shown) shall be as given in Tables, 1s Force coefficients for buildings of circular cross-section shapes shell be as given in Table 25. However more precise estimation of force coefficients for circular shapes of infinite length can be obtained from Fig. 5 1S 875 (Part 3) : 2015 . [NOTE — Structures tht sre inthe supercritical flow regime, ‘because of heirsize and design wind velocity, ray need furthet 7 ‘alculatfon to ensure thet the greatest loads do not occur st some wind speed below the maximum when the Now wil be sub critical. The cosfficients are for buildings without projections, except where otherwise show, In Table 25, 7, bis used as an indication ofthe aicflow regime. 2.2 Buildings of circular shapes ‘WIND 7 —= |b F PLAN * a ELEVATION 9) Values of Cj versus a/b for hb 24 Seren Fee Py bh +p } obs x 5 BF gL ; : 0 06 10 48 20 a ——_——— by Values of Ce versuna /b forh/b< 4 Fic. 4 Force Convict ror RECTANGULAR CAD Burtoina In UntronM FLow 35 iz o> 25 30 & 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 Table 25 Force Coefficients G, for Clad Buildings of Uniform Section (Acting in the Direction of Wind) | | I E i | (Clause 7.4.22) Yao Gf FOR HEIGHT / BREADTH RATIO. me vprow2| 1 | 2 | 8 | 101 2 | © ‘SURFACES <6) RouGHorwm | 07 | o7lo7fos| oo | 10} 12 : PROJECTION2 8 SMOOTH26 06 | 05 | 05 | 0s | 08 | 08 | os <10" os | os] 05] 05 | 08 | 06 | or ~ ’ k 210 ¥ I hata 2 02 “|02] 02] 02] 02 | 02 | oz : é : <8 os jos}oo}ro] is} is| 17 i ies e h | 28 os | os] oo} 10 | 14] 13} 15 f lip bid= 2 E wt 24 04 | 04} os los! os | os ee L aaa <10 or | 08} os|o9} 10} 10] 13 wet 210 os }os| os }os|os | os | as r= 18 $ 7 <3 o3 [os] oa}as}os|as | o« bids 12 23 02 |o2z{a2]o2] 03} 03} 03 trie = BP] atvaties 05 | 0s] 05] 05 | 06 | 06 | o7 wei ma 4 oo ° AS values as joo} to} 14] 12] 15] 19 nawe | t= tne 36 Table 25 — (Continued) 18.875 (Part 3) : 2015 me Yb (Cy FOR HEIGHT / BREADTH RATIO PLAN SHAPE mls ‘UPTO 12 to | a] oo a <6 o7 so} 12 | 18 tics 26 os os | os | 08 imei 4 <10 oe st | 13 | 18 210 Os os | 06 | 06 tani -~D J sam | oe saa [as mai : _ Avaion oe sa] 1a | t6 tan 40 i Bl <1 o7 09 ait os os | os | os theta ~<]} Aivalues on aa ]ta | a mein at All values: or cts q <8 or 7 <8 on 37 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 ‘Table 25 — (Concluded) 7 pest eeerionseminane | Fae ms UPTO 12) 1 2] 5 | 0] 2 Sl te ES + o7 [o7]os}oe|ro} ra] 13 2B, ae All valves: 1.0 10 }14 7 1.25 1.24) 13] 14 — i eee fae taking into socount the average height of surface roughness e. When the length is finite the values obtained from Fig. 5 shall be reduced by the _nuliplication factor K (see Table 28 and Annex D). 74.2.3 Free standing walls and hoardings Force coeflicients for fre standing walls and hoardings shall be as given in Table 26, ‘To allow for oblique winds, the design shall also be checked for net pressure normal tothe surface varying. Tinearly from a maximum of 1.7 C, at the windward edge to 0.44 C,at the leeward edge. The wind load on appurtenances and supports for hhoardings shall be accounted for separately by using the appropriate net pressure coefficients. Allowance shall be made for shielding effects of one clement on another. 74.24, Solid circular shapes mounted on a surface ‘The force coefficients for solid circular shapes mounted a surface shall be as given in Table 27, 38 ‘74.3 Force Coeficients for Unolad Buildings This section applies to permanently unclad buildings and to frameworks of buildings white temporarily unclad. In the case of buildings whose surfaces are well-rounded, such as those with elliptic, circular or oval cross-sections, the total force can be ‘more ata wind speed much les than maximum due to ‘ransition in the nature of boundary layer on them. Although this phenomenon is well known in the case of circular cylinders, the same phenomenon exists in the case of many other well-rounded structures, and this possibility must be checked. 14.3.2 Individual members 8) Tho force coefficient given in Table 29 refers to members of infinite length. For members of finite length, the coefficients should be multiplied by a factor K that depends on the rato U/ where 1 the length of ‘the member and b is the width across the direction of wind, Table 28 gives the required values of K. The following special cases: must be noted while estimating K. 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 7 fon axene stot oe $x 12 { === feo) = g S iH "s ol 8 ‘e : 04 +—t TT] esssarcor 7 HH cotton old Jit j jf 4 Woz 34 sp0w 2 94 508 2 34 so 8 Re ——_— ¢ Fo. 5 Vatanon o” “5; war R > 3 10 4on CxcuLat Sections We E ‘Table 26 Force Coefficients for Low Walls or Hoardings (< 5m High) (Clause 14.2.2) b b " © ‘ABOVE GROUND W2025h ‘ONE EDGE ON GROUND (WIND NORMAL TO FACE) | {Fecctrtpanisesaeeur merc tan Gatce eee eae WIDTH TO HEIGHT RATIO, bm iia DRAG COEFFICIENT Cy WALL ABOVE GROUND | WALL ON GROUND. FROMO6 TOS FROM 170 12 12 40 2 cE) 18 2 14 20 # 15) «, 0. 175 60. 126. 78 (B0OR MORE 160. OR MORE 20, w 1 875 (Part 3) :2015 1) when any member abuts on toa plate or wall insuch a way that free flow of air around that end ofthe memberis prevented, then the ratio of Ub shal be doubled for the purpose of detecmining K; and 2) when both ends of a member are so obstructed, the ratio sall be taken as infinity for the purpose of determining K. ) Flatsided members — Force coefficients for wind ‘normal to the longitudinal axis of flatsided structural ‘members shall be as given in Table 29. perpendicular directions relative to a reference axis on the structural member. They are denoted by Cand Cy and give the forces normal and transverse respectively, ‘to the reference plane as shown in Table 29. ‘Table 27 Force Coefficients for Solid Shapes Mounted on a Surface (Clause 1424) ‘SIDE ELEVATION | DESCRIPTIONOF SHAPE cr | wd cRcuAR Ise 42 HEMISPHERICAL 8M. 1“ HEMISPHERICAL BOW. os HEMISPHERICAL SOUD 42 osFoRy, D<7 SPHERICAL! O2FORV, 027 ‘Table 28 Reduction Factor K for Individual Members [Clauses 7.42.2, 743.2(@)] aR Tort z o @ ® Se a a8 © 9 © @ © 9 (Cirealar inde, superritica low ‘ily Forplate perpendicular to wind @ D26n'h) a “Ciel lind, uber low 088 0 Gzers) ht 062 068 07 082 087 098 100 og 082 090 098 «099 1.00100 06 069 081 087 090 085 1.00 18875 (Part 3) : 2015, ze o | tor o | et 0 | 60+ s0+ sous sere | roe eis | ore sts | 90+ sete ° oz | oo oz+| 0 sir | 0 soz ¥o wa bid ig ¥o wo ¥O wo w y <2 5 H a w s =f } ay i " ° ve ° vo" ue | a vor vet oie sros so- | cos oz gor shee Lot ohh+ Oe Ob ot gor sate | sor For svo+ soos | ore bee oz | oo ° bo sets | oie ote oe ao oy, 6 Ls © yoni) © Dy> 6%) “Cn Fase Cri Comer Fase Onto Corner wo, @ @ o o (} D “<005 24 25 1 12 i o1 22 23 12 3 ity) 02 19 21 3 16 » 03 a7 19 re 16 y 04 16 19 ta 16 ” 05 4 19 1 ts for these elements. Allowance may be made for shielding effect from other elements. 8 INTERFERENCE EFFECTS 8.1 General Wind interference is caused by modification in the wind characteristics produced by the obstruction caused by ‘an object or a structure inthe path of the wind. Ifsuch ‘wind strikes another structure, the wind pressures usually get enhanced, though there can also be some shielding effect between two very closely spaced buildings/structures. The actual phenomenon is too complex to justify generalization of the wind forces/ pressures produced due to interference which can only be ascertained by detailed wind tunnelCFD studies. However, some guidance can be provided for the purpose of preliminary design. To account forthe effect of interference, a wind interference factor (IF) has been introduced as a multiplying factor to be applied to the design wind pressure/force. Interference effects can be ‘more significant for tall buildings. The interference factor is defined as the ratio between the enhanced Pressure/force in the grouped configuration to the ‘corresponding pressure/force in isoiated configuration, ‘Since the values of IF can vary considerably based on. building geometry and location, the given values of IF are a kind of median values and are meant only for preliminary design estimates. The designer is advised that for assigning values of IF for final design particularly for tall buildings, specialist literature be ‘consulted or a wind tunnel study carried out. 82 Roof of Low-Rise Buildings Maximum increase in wind force on the roof due to interference from similar buildings incase of closely spaced low-rise buildings with flat roofs may be up to 25 percent for ele distance (2) between the buildings ‘of times the dimension (b) ofthe interfering building ‘normal tothe direction of wind (see Fig, 7). Interference effet beyond 205 may be considered tobe negligible, For intermediate spacing linear interpolation may be used. 83 TaN Buildings Based on studies on tall rectangular buildings, Fig. 8 ives various zones of interference, The interference factor (IF), which needs to be considered as a ‘mulplication factor for wind loads corresponding to Table 35 Overall Force Coefficients for Equilateral Triangular Towers Composed of Circular Members [Clause 7.43.5(@)] SNe ‘Sliiy aloof Froat Face Force Coefficient ° Subeia Flow ‘Superetieal Flow © B<6n'6) 260%) ‘All windDietons All wind Diresions © ® o © a 005 te os D) on 17 os ii 02 16 uM im 03 1s 4 » 04 is "1 ~» 0s 4 12 isolated building, may be assumed as follows, for preliminary estimate of the wind loads under interference caused by another interfering tall building. ‘of same or more height located at different zones Z1 10 Z4 as shown in Fig. 8: Zone aA 2 2 Oh ta 135125 ts 1.07 ‘The interference effect due to buildings of height less than one-third of the height of the building under ‘consideration may be considered tobe negligible while for interference from abuilding of intermediate height, linear interpolation may be used between one-third and fall height. 9 DYNAMIC EFFECTS 9.1 General Flexible slender structures and structural elements shall be investigated to ascertain the importance of wind induced oscillations or excit across wind directions. 15 875 (Part 3) : 2015 In general, the following guidelines may be used for ‘examining the problems of wind-induced oscillations. 8) Buildings and closed structures with a height to minimum lateral dimension ratio of more than about 5.0, or b) Buildings and structures whose natural frequency in the first mode is less than 1.0 Hz. Any building or structure which satisfies either of the above two criteria shall be examined for dynamic effects of wind, NoTEs 1 The findarestal time period (T) may ether be established by experimental obsecrations on srl buldingsr calculated ‘by any rational mthod of analysis In the absence of such, dats, T may be determined as follows for mult-storied buildings 4) For moment resistant frames without bracings or sheae walls essing the lateral ond, T=01n where ‘n= numberof storys including basement storey; end forall oes ly x Fro. 7 Low-rise Buwwomos iw Tanne Causing INTERFERENCE B¢FECT 21 Zone of high intorfronce 22.-Zone of moderate interference Ab 15b 3 - Zone of low Intrforence 24 - Zone of nsignificant Interference Fro, 8 Interrenence Zones rox TaLt RECTANGULAR BUILDINGS OF Save on GreaTER Hetoxt (CLavse 7.3) 45 18875 (Part 3) : 2015 7-098, r wate Sei ean srt te ug nm mi = mocimun ts inti of lng in met in « Skeeter at pit and oe 21 pln ina eee avin otters te ily ein, verges sid posed iti rene matseo en by nous ‘indent md 3 Acne my eo eg oo ‘in teu wake Pow rene oe dg) 2epaie andrei anpng co oonbione ae tect Tse rind tons yume ced oe Stn ol sugarcane 4 Motonin etn oad ao aloe but) ‘cca factng in snore nas te Sittin capers on Eat ney sal te eee fears She eess un pea tyme neato int deo ae wn andy do ae en {Te en spl abe uae oon ie fos of wince mo wih err ines unto alan wih ee fe ed 1 Osher — Gatapng he eansre craton of sone ‘ate ie whe deveonen dani es ‘och pine wth etn, teen the pranesivey nung apltude of wanes “ibn wh eso wad ped Te esr “chapter res fe of on inde i owing 1 Alliant nonce sessions shes Sagi ea eyo sgis se sna 2) Twisedaernd le wih eet, Fluter— Flute i unbe onlay on of « Sats dt coping beeen ras ested sis mat oe ute Patape ent common fom eller mot Ge comes ‘ering eto Altogh nts etn neh deze tom mayb dmg eigen Sse sty elt For ead of ollion tee nd sate se i Stel hag clio with «ype oman vc Contino he mari! o te Sch ‘sty tnt ahs cs nen ean get ‘oi aualy aos cote ob pels thn 2.0), eran tn nd open Ich then se oe rang te ee ote of mon ang pn penn Ege ks 9 mente ofa ptee hinges ane ‘helen tte monter ands is nen ral tow seen) rps oo ped te Win ed ft gated ai cea te pe oe the ly stu! pons tery of fae ‘ledges of enon oa trond ec Oring hin ale sre ith open ef one rete cho sas nal gh Stig toers whik tera eet Minin he dnwson he wal koe se Sie te mee se prove ling ssn, Tw seldom we hte ype al Aetomaton of hoo tar 1 Buildings end strecturesthat may be subjected to signiicant ‘wind excited osiations. tis to be noted that wind induced csillations may occur et wind speeds lower than the design ind sped. 8 Araiyticel methods forth evaluation ofresponse of namic structures to wind loading ean be found in the special publications. 9 Tn assessing wind loeds due to such dynamic phenomenon asgalloping futerandovaling, inthe absence of herequied information citheinthe special publications oroher iterate, expert advice should be sought including experinents on ‘models in boundary layer wind tanmels.~ 9.2 Motion due to Vortex Shedding 9.21 Slender Structures * Fora structure, the vortex shedding frequency , shall be determined by the following formula: oa fa"5 where S,= Strouhal number, Fx = hourly mean wind speed at height z, and 8 = breadth of a structure or structural meriber normal to the wind direction in the horizontal plane 8) Cirewlar structures — For structures of cireular in cross-section: S, = 0.20 for Dy less than 6 mY, and .25 for DF, more than or equal to 6 m/s. b) Rectangular structures — For structures of rectangular cross-section: 5.0.10 NOTES 4 Significant coss wind motions may be produced by vert stading ifthe natural foquency ofthe stu or structral clement is qual to the reuoncy ofthe vertex shedding with the range of expected wind speeds In such ceses, futher ‘analysis should be carried out on the basis of special publications 2 Unlined welded ste! chimney stacks and similar structures fae prone to excitons by vortex shedding. ‘Intensification ofthe effet of period vortex shedding has ‘ben reported in cases where two or more similar tuctares se located in close proximity, for example at es than 20% apart, wher b isthe dimension ofthe structure nana! to the vind 4 The formulae given in 82.1 (0) is val for infty long ‘glinsialsractares. The vlve ofS decreases slowly es the Titio of length to maximum transverse width decreases the ‘ection being upto about half the valu, if the structure is only thee times higher than is width. Vortex shedding need ‘ote considered ifthe ratio of length to maximum tnsverse dimension isles than2.0, 10 DYNAMIC WIND RESPONSE 10.1 General Tall buildings which are ‘wind sensitive’ shall be designed for dynamic wind loads. Hourly mean wind speed is used as a reference wind speed to be used in dynamic wind analysis. For calculation of along wind Joads and response (bending moments, shear forces, ‘or tip deflections) the Gust Factor (GF) method is used as specified in 10.2. The across wind design peak base overturning moment, and tip deflection shall be calculated using 10.3, 10.2 Along Wind Response For ealculation of along-wind load effects ata level s con a building/structure, the design hourly mean wind pressure at height z shall be multiplied by the Gust Factor (GF). This factor is dependent on both the overall height h and the level s under considerat (sce Fig. 9). For calculation of base bending moment and deflection at the top of the building/structure should be taken ns zer0, ‘The design peak along wind base bending moment, (M4) shail be obtained by summing the moments resulting from design peak along wind loads acting at diferent eights, long te height of he bling structure and can be obteined from, M~ DAZ Fl Cyd, BG where F, = designpeakalong wind load onthe building! structure at any height 2 A, = the effective frontal area of the building/ structure at any height z, in m? By = design hourly mean ‘wind pressure corresponding to Viz and obtained as 06 Fis (Nim?) NOTE—O 17° 2103 where L = actual length of the upwind slope in the wind direction, ~ effective height of the topography feature, and ©, = upwind slope inthe wind direction. In case, the zone in downwind side of the crest of the feature is relatively flat (@, < 3°) for a distance exceeding L, then the feature should be treated as an escarpment. Otherwise the feature should be treated asahillorridge. Examples of typical features are given in Fig. 13. Notes 1 No eitference is made, in evslatng between tree éimersional il and two dnensonl lg. 2nunduaing ei, itis often na gossite to decide whether Zz the loa topography to the site i significant in tems of wind own such cases the average value of the train upwind of the site for adstance of fm shouldbe taken as the base level fiom wind to assess the Right, 2, wel the upwind slope 8, of the feature, C2 TOPOGRAPHY FACTOR, k, ‘The topography factor &, is given by the following: b= 14Cs ‘where C has the following values: Slope c 3°<@,sIT° 1221) Os> 17 036 and 5, is a factor derived in accordance with C-21 appropriate to the height, #7 above mean ground level ‘and the distance, x, from the summit or crest relative to the effective length, Le C-2 The factor, s, should be determined from: 14 for cliffs and escarpments, snd 15 for ridges and hills. [NOTE - Where the downwind slope of hl or ge s more ‘han 2, dare wl be large regions of reduced aoseertionso¢ ‘vee shelter and itis not posible to give general design rales {octter for these circumstances. Values of, from Fig, 15 my be ised as upper bound values. REGION AFFECTED BY TOPOGRAHICAL FEATURE 13 (a) GENERAL NOTATIONS sa 1S 875 (Part 3): 2015 CREST 7 wind, DOWNWIND SLOPE <3* 13 (b) HILL AND RIDGE 13 (c) CLIFF AND ESCARPMENT Fic. 13 TorocaaPaicat DiseNstons CREST CREST 20 Fro, 14 Factor s ror Rioge ANo Hits, CREST CREST 15 H ig 10 05 Fro, 15 Factor § Fox CLirr AND ESCARPMENT 58 18 875 (Part 3) : 2015 ANNEX D (Clauses, and WIND FORCE ON CIRCULAR SECTIONS ¢ D-I The wind force on any objectiis given by: FrC Ay where force coefficient, effective area of the object normal to the wind direction, and Py = design pressure of the wind. For most shapes, the force coefficient remains approximately constant over the whole range of wind speeds likely to be encountered. However, for objects of circular cross-section, it varies considerably. For acireular section, the force coefficient depends on the way in which the wind flows around it and is dependent upon the velocity and kinematic viscosity of the wind and diameter of the section, The force coefficient is usually quoted against a non-dimensional parameter, called the Reynolds number, which takes into account of the velocity and viscosity ofthe lowing ‘medium (in this case the wind), and the member diameter. Reynolds number, Re= DF, /v where D. = diameter of the member F, = design hourly mean wind speed ¥ ° = Kinematic viscosity of the air which is 1.46 x 10% ms at 15°C and standard atmospheric pressure. Since in most natural environments likely to be found in India, the kinematic viscosity of the air is fairly constant, itis convenient to use DP, as the parameter instead of Reynolds number and this has been done in this code, ‘The dependence of acircular section's force coefficient on Reynolds number is due tothe change in the wake ‘developed behind the body. Ata low Reynolds number, the wake is as shown in Fig. 16 and the force coefficient is typically 1.2. As Reynolds number is increased, the wake gradually changes to that shown in Fig. 17; thats, the wake width 4, decreases and the separation point denoted as sp, ‘moves from front to the back of the body. As aresult, the force coefficient shows a rapid drop at 56 a Va du é Fig. 16 Wane ty Sus Cericat Frow sp Fig. 17 Waxe 1x Sursic Carricat. FLow a critical value of Reynolds number followed by gradual rise as Reynolds number is increased still further. ‘The variation of C, with parameter D7, is shown in Fig. 5 for infinitely long circular cylinders having various values of relative surface roughness (e/D) when subjected to wind having en intensity and scale of turbulence typical of built-up urban areas. The curve for a smooth cylinder (¢/D)= 1 * 10° in a steady air stream, as found in 2 Tow-turbulence wind tunnel, is also shown for comparison. It can be seen that the main effect of tkee-stream turbulence is to decrease the critical value of the parameter D F, . For subcritical flows, turbulence ean producea considerable reduction in C;below the steady air-stream values, For supercritical flows, this effect becomes significantly smaller. Ifthe surface ofthe cylinder is deliberately roughened such as by incorporating flutes, riveted construction, to, then the data given in Fig. 5 for appropriate value of e/D> 0 shall be used. NOTE — Incase of uncertainty regarding the value af tobe ‘sed forsmal roughness, s/D shall be taken a 0.001 i | 18875 (Part 3) : 2015, ANNEX E (foreword) ‘COMMITTEE COMPOSITION (Excluding Water Resourves Development Division) Sectional Committee, CED 37 Orgenizauon Represents tn perond cpaity (80, SRP Colony, Pervale Chena 600 082) DAN. Laxman (Charman) Atomic Eneray Reglory Board, Muna Su L. RBar Sint A. D. Ross (Atenas) Bharat Heavy Elsie Linited, New Delhi Su 8.8. Moa Cena Building Research lst (CSIR), Roorkee De A. K Pavey Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi ‘Cental Public Works Department, New Dei Cental Water Commission, New Deli Eagincerio-Chiets Branch (MES), NewDefhi Engincers India Liited, New Deb Gammon fais Lined, Murbai Indian Institute of Techotogy Madras, Chennai fodian fnsttte of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur Indian Isttute of Technology Rocskoe, Rootkee Indian Metological Deparment, New Det MN, Dastur & Company Limited, Kolkata MBCON Limited, Ranch Misty of Shipping. Rosé tanport & Highways, New Delhi Mancipal Corporation of Greater Mami, Mucbai National Buildings Consrution Corporation Limited, New Delhi [National Cour! for Cemest and Bulding Mstris, Bllabgarh National Thermal Power Corporation, Noida Research, Designs & Stanfards Organization, Lucknow RITES Limited, Gurgaon ‘Strectural Enginesrng Research Cente (CSIR), Chennai ‘TCE Consulting Enginoors Limited, Mumbai ‘The Institution of Engineers (India) Lid, New Delhi 37 ‘De Rass Deouva (Alteate) Si RB, Wane ‘Shas 8K, Roy Caowovuny (Alera) Sia A. K. Gane ‘Siu Rash Kuan (Altertte) Diascrox CBMDo (ENE) ‘Duscron C&Moo (iW) (Alternate) Brug Savoste Raat Sia VK, Tea (Alternate) ‘Sie Vinay Kuen ‘Sa Suan CuaTuvent (Atermate) Stas S. W. Desimanoe Siu Avnast ¥, Mansorakan (Alermate) De Devons Maxon Dr A Masse Passo (Alierate) Dr Vous &. Gora a Pre Kistan De SK-Knusux (Alternate) Sia K. Ramus Si A, Das Gora ‘Sum Savana Sex (Aterate) Sea Osean Sar Sum AK Beo (Aternate) Sim 8. K. Pu ‘Shou Sant Kea, SE (P-9) (Alternate) Deputy Municipal Commissioner (ENGG) ‘City Engineer (derma) Sua Rakes Manin Si L. P Soc (Alternate) Sum VV. Arora ‘Shu, Shani (Alemate) Saat H. Kune Si Masoon Aus (Ahernare) Joint Director Standsrds (988) [Director Stnds (BAS) SB (Alemaie) ‘Stat Astox Kuna Marin Da S. Savi Ruan Dr P Hannon (Arma) Sim A. P. Muu ‘Sua A. Duro (ern) Sou K. B. Reson IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015 {In personal capacity, (P27, Sanay Nagar, Ghaziabad 201 001) ‘Sami 8. K. AcaRWAL a personal capacity, (142 Deshbandla Apartments, Sam G. F. Laon ‘New Delhi 110018) {In personal capacity, (61, Civil Lincs, Roorkes 247 667) Dx Pre Kriss BIS Directorate General Shei D.K. Aorawat, Scr ‘F” gad Ha (Cr Exe) [Representing Director General (Ex-ofeto}} Member Secretaries Shri S. Cuacunvent Scxxmst ‘F” (Cr, Enoc), BIS sad Sri S. Aum Kaun Scrat *C” (Chia. Exc), BIS $8 (Continued from second cover) 4) Provisions to account for effects of directionality, area averaging and correlation of pressures on the design wind pressure have been included. 2) Guidelines to account for the wind induced interference for tall buildings and low rise buildings have ‘been included for use in preliminary design. It is however recommended to carry out detailed boundary layer wind tunnel tests/CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) studies for final design of important structures. ‘h) In the Gust Factor Method for evaluating along wind response, equations have been suggested for background factor, size reduction factor, energy ratio and length scale of turbulence. |i) A method for computing across wind response of tall buildings and lattice towers, which is in line some of the international codes of practice, has been included. ‘The Committee observed that there has been a growing awareness among the consultants, academicians, researchers and practice engineers for design and construction of wind sensitive structures. In order to augment the available limited good quality meteorological wind data and structural response data, it is necessary to conduct full scale ‘measurements in the field. Thus as emphasized in the previous revision all individuals and organizations responsible for putting-up of tall structures are encouraged to provide instrumentation in their existing and new structures (transmission towers, chimneys, cooling towers, buildings, etc) at different elevations (atleast at two levels) to continuously measure and monitor wind data. The instruments are required to collect data on wind direction, ‘wind speed and structural response of the structure due to wind (with the help of accelerometer, strain gauges, tc). It is also the opinion of the Committee thet such instrumentation in tal structures shall notin any way affect or aller the functional behaviour of such structures. The data so collected shall be very valueble in evolving more accurate wind loading of structures. ‘The Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard has taken into account the prevailing practige in regard to loading standards followed in this country by the various authorities and has also taken note of the developments in a number of other countries. In the formulation of this code, the following overseas standards have also been examined: a) BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures — Part 1-4: General actions — Wind actions ) Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1170,2:2002 Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind actions ©) ASCE 7-05 American Standard Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads for Buildings ‘and Other Structures. 4) ATI 2004— Architecture Institute of Japan (ALJ) Recommendations for Loads on Buildings. ‘The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this Code is given at Annex E. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requiremeat of this standard is complied with, the final value observed of calculated, expressing the result ofa test or analysis, shall be rounded offin accordance with IS 2 : 1960 “Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The numberof significant places retained in the rounded off ‘value should be the same as that of specified value in this standard, Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. ; Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude'the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS. Review of Indian Standards ‘Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision, Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of “BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’. ‘This indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 37 (7792). Amendments Issued Since Publication ‘Amend No. Date of Issue “Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Babadur Shah Zefar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telephones : 2323 0131, 2323 3375, 2323 9402 Website: www.bis.orgin Regional Offices: Telephones Central: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 2323 7617 ‘NEW DELHI 110002 2323 3841 Eastern: 1/14.CLT Scheme VILM, V.I P. Road, Kankurgachi 2337 8499, 2337 8561 KOLKATA 700054 2337 8626, 2337 9120 Northem : SCO 33S-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 "260 3843 260 9285 Southern: C.LT. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 2254 1216, 2254 1442 2254 2519, 2254 2315 Westem : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East) 2832 9295, 2832 7858 ‘MUMBAI 400093 2832. 7891, 2832 7892 Branches: AHMEDABAD. BANGALORE, BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. DEHRADUN. FARIDABAD, GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KOCHI. LUCKNOW. ‘NAGPUR. PARWANOO, PATNA. PUNE. RAJKOT. VISAKHAPATNAM, Printed at: Sales & Distribution, BIS, New Del

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