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Running Head:Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies

Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies

John C. Horton

Old Dominion University School of Nursing

Running Head:Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies

As a nurse, we have the opportunity to improve each patient’s experience with every

interaction. Gouin and Kiecolt-Glaser compiled a multitude of studies that have indicated

psychological stress as having a negative impact on wound healing (2011). An extremely

important aspect of my personal philosophy of nursing is the value of building a therapeutic

relationship with all of my patients and providing prompt and professional care such that stress

levels are minimized. A study published in 2015 found that nurses will sometimes distance

themselves from patients experiencing ongoing pain as a result of the nurse’s inability to cope

with feelings of anxiety and helplessness in the situation (Slatyer, Williams, and Michael). I

baked cookies as the medium for my art project because it reflects one of the primary reasons I

became a nurse: to invest my energy impacting lives. I spent my energy baking cookies so that I

could bring them to class to brighten a Monday morning.

Perfecting the art of baking shares similarities with becoming a nurse practitioner. A

continuous process of research, action, and reaction will result in an individual who is competent

when faced with situations that test their ability and knowledge. The process of baking these

four recipes caused me to be faced with a problem that every nurse hates. Similar to a poorly

stocked medication or supply room, I had to travel to multiple stores to obtain all of the

ingredients for my recipes. The poor stocking of supply and medication rooms may continue to

be a problem due to the fact that those who stock the rooms aren’t typically the same nurses who

will be using those supplies.

Running Head:Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies

Person - Chocolate Chip ‘n’ Chunk Cookies: A classic chocolate chip cookie brings joy to just

about anyone. This represents my desire to brighten my patient’s day whether or not I am

impacting their health.

Environment - Triple Ginger Cookies: With fresh, powdered, and crystallized ginger, this

cookie represents the possible overstimulation of the hospital experience. The hospital

experience is less familiar for patients than for healthcare professionals; strange sounds and

voices in hallways can be a difficult adjustment.

Health - Oatmeal Breakfast Cookie with Strawberry and Chocolate Chips: This represents my

philosophy regarding patient diets: healthy foods may not be quite as delicious, but we should

still encourage our patients to make healthy diet choices.

Nursing - Gluten Free White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies: These represent the need for

nurses to maximize critical thinking. To ensure that everyone had an opportunity to enjoy a

cookie, I had to consider possible dietary restrictions and personal preferences.

Portfolio URL:

Project was uploaded to a Google Drive and the link was shared with
Running Head:Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies

Running Head:Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies


Gouin, J. P., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2011). The impact of psychological stress on wound

healing: methods and mechanisms. Immunology and allergy clinics of North America,

31(1), 81-93.

Slatyer, Williams, & Michael. (2015). Seeking empowerment to comfort patients in severe

pain: A grounded theory study of the nurse's perspective. International Journal of

Nursing Studies,52(1), 229-239.

Running Head:Nursing Philosophy Shown Through Cookies

“I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of

academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of

the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the Honor Code.

I will report to a hearing if summoned.”

Signed: John Horton

Date: 12/2/18

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