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1. How CO2 emissions are related with led lighting?

Ans: Led lighting are 80% more efficient than traditional lighting (fluorescent and in candescent
light). It converts 95% of energy in led into light and only 5% is wasted as heat. So there will be Less
energy use reduces the demand from power plant and hence less CO2 emissions are produced.
Because to generate electricity most power plants burns coal, crude oil or fossil fuels.

2. What is intrinsic safety?

Ans : it is technique of safe operation of any electrical equipment in hazardous areas by limiting the
energy (electrical and thermal ) available for ignition.

3. Incandescent bulb – 4-17 LPW(2-20000hrs), Flourescent bulb – 52-100 LPW(8000-20000hrs),

LED – 25 -200LPW (50000-100000 hours)

4. LDR - more light falling, lesser is the resistance and vice a versa
5. Power factor should be greater than one, if PF is less than one that means there is phase
difference in I and V, therefore reducing instantaneous power. So system with low PF will draw
more current than system with high PF.
6. Low THD (Total harmonic distortion), when we produce dimming harmonic distortion increases,
so the system must have low harmonic distortion at all dimming levels
7. Efficiency = useful power output/total power input, a system which wastes most of its input
power to give desired output power is not efficient but effective.
8. STM32L071Kzu
9. Difference between ac and dc ground – no current should flow into ac ground in normal
conditions but all current should flow into dc ground
10. If PWM % is more, more current will be drawn and vice a versa
11. 6LoWPAN is a somewhat contorted acronym that combines the latest version of the
Internet Protocol (IPv6) and Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks
(LoWPAN). 6LoWPAN, therefore, allows for the smallest devices with limited processing
ability to transmit information wirelessly using an internet protocol.
12. IAR [Ingenjorsfirman Anders Rundgren] Embedded Workbench
13. I2C – Bi-directional 2 wire serial bus that provides communication link between IC’s
14. ADC – [Successive approximation ADC] this converts analog signal to digital representation via
binary search through all possible quantization levels before finally converging a digital output
for each conversion.
15. 2 Reset modes – a. BOR – Brownout reset – when VDD drops below threshold voltage
b. POR – Power ON Reset – when power is given to MCU, and MCU is reset

16. ARM – it’s a modified Harvard Architecture with separate data and instruction buses

17. Difference between RISC and CISC computers or microcontrollers

18. VANET (vehicular ad-hoc network) uses WIFI IEEE 802.11 and WIMAX IEEE 802.16 for easy and
effective communication between vehicles. It’s a form of MANET (Mobile ad-hoc network) to
provide communication between nearby vehicles and vehicle and roadside equipment. This
improves traffic safety and improves driving experience. In this each VANET node is connected to
vehicle and each node act as a router to other node or act as repeater for receiving and relaying the
information. It uses widely accepted IPv6 solution to provide session continuity and reachability to
internet for mobile nodes.

Proxy Server – proxy server act as a gateway between user and internet, it’s an intermediary server.
All the internet data flows through this proxy server to provide features like security, privacy etc. It
also acts as a firewall and web filter. When it forwards your request to web it can also change your
IP address. It keeps user and internal network protected from bad stuff on wild internet.

Light travels 186000 miles per second

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