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Physics : Greek word Physis which means Nature .
Scalar Quantities : Physical quantities which have magnitude only and no
direction are called scalar quantities .
E.g : Mass, Speed ,Volume ,work, time ,power, energy etc.

Vector Quantities : Physical quantities which have magnitude and direction

both .
E.g : Displacement, Velocity ,acceleration ,force, momentum , torque. Etc.

Units of measurement :

Fundamental units : A physical quantity expressed in terms of units which

are used as standards and these standards are independent of each other.

Derived units : If a physical quantity is expressed in terms of two or more

fundamental units then it is called Derived Units .
System of units :
CGS : Centimeter/Gram/Second system.
FPS : Foot/Pound/Second System.
MKS : Meter/Kilogram/Second system.
SI system : modified MKS system ,1960 geneva it developed.

Seven Fundamental Units of SI system :

Length : measured in meters (m)

Mass : Kilogram (Kg)
Time : Second (s)
Electric current : Ampere (A)
Temperature : Kelvin (K)
Luminous Intensity : Candela (cd)
Amount of substance : Mole (mol)
6.023 x 1023 Avagadros Number
1 Mole = Avagadro’s Number
Exponent Prefix
1018 Exa
1015 Peta
1012 Tera
109 Giga
106 Mega
103 Kilo
102 Hecto
101 Deca
10-1 Deci
10-2 Centi
10-3 Milli
10-6 Micro
10-9 Nano
10-12 Pico
10-15 Femto
Length Mass
1 Km 1000m 1 ounce 28.35 gm
1 mile 1.60934km 1 pound 16 oz (16 x
1 NM 1.852 28.35)
453.52 gms
1 Astronomical 1.495x 1011 m
Unit(Sun-Earth) 1 kg 2.205 lb
1 Light Year 9.46 x 10 15 m
(Distance 1 Quintal 100 kg
travelled by light 1 Metric ton 1000kg
in a year)
1 Parsec 3.26 light year
Time Area
Minute 1 acre 4096 sq .meter
Hour,Day,Week 1 hectare 2.5 acre
1 Lunar month 28 days 1 sq km 100 hectare
1 solar month 30 or 31 days 1 sq .mile 2.6 or 256
28 or 29 days(Feb) hectare ,640
1 year 13 lunar months 1 acre
day Volume
12 solar months 1 lite 1000 cc
1 leap year 366 days 1 gallon 3.785 litr
Distance : The total length of the path travelled by a body in any
given time interval is called distance .
Scalar quantity

Displacement : The shortest line joining two points .

Vector Quantity.

Velocity : Rate of change of position with time . (Vector)

Speed : total distance travelled by total time taken .(scalar)

Acceleration : Rate of change of velocity

Force = Mass X Acceleration .
F=m x a
Unit of force is Newton.

CONTACT FORCES – Friction, Normal Reaction, Muscular Force etc.

NON-CONTACT FORCES – Magnetic force, Electrostatic force,

Gravitational force etc.

Forces of Motion :

Change of state requires the action of a net unbalanced force on the

body .
Newton's Laws of Motion :

First law of Motion : An object remains in a state of rest or of uniform

motion in a straight line unless compelled to change the state by an
applied force .

Two states :
• Inertia of Motion
• Inertia of rest

Inertia and Mass : Mass is a measure of Inertia .
• Train suddenly starts moving then the passengers moves in opposite

• To remove dirt from the coat we hit it with a stick .coat moves but dirt
remains there due to inertia.

• Before taking a jump an athlete runs for a while as this helps in gaining
inertia of motion.

• Jumping of a train .(you have to run after landing)
Second law of Motion : The rate of change of momentum of an
object is proportional to the applied unbalanced force in the
direction of the force .

• Force applied on a body follows the mathematical equation

F= M x A
Third law of Motion : Every action has
equal and opposite reaction.

Eg : On firing the bullet, the gunner is

To backward direction.
• When the boatman is jumped from
the boat, the boat is pushed back
• In a rocket ,gases are ejected with a
great speed from the rocket
backwards and rocket is pushed
• While swimming, a person pushes
the water backwards(action).The
water pushes the swimmer forward
with the same force (reaction).
Linear Momentum :

• It is the product of the mass and the velocity of a body is called

the linear momentum.

• P= M*V ,It is a vector.

• A heavier body has a lager linear momentum than a lighter

body moving in the same direction.

• If a force F is applied to a particle for a time interval (Δt) then


Newtons Second Law :
• Law of Conservation of momentum : In the absence of external
force, the linear momentum of the system remains conserved.

Applications :

• When a man jumps from a boat to the shore, the boat moves away
from the shore.

• Rocket works on the principle of conservation of momentum.

• When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun recoils of gives a sharp
pull in backward direction.
Impulse :

If a force acts for a small amount of time then the product

of force and time is called Impulse .

Impulse = Change in momentum(Force x Time interval )

Eg :
• A cricketer moves his hands backwards while catching a
• A person jumping from a height on a pucka floor receives
more injury than when jumping on a kacha floor
• Vehicles like cars, buses and scooters are provided with
Frictional Force : Contact force depends on the nature of two materials.

Type of Frictional Force :

• Static Friction : The opposite forces which one experiences when one
body tries to move over the other .
Limiting Frictional Force : The maximum value of static frictional force
which comes into play when a body just begins to slide over the surface
of another .
• Rolling Friction : When two bodies actually roll on each other ,the
friction a that Ball bearing
• Sliding Friction : When there is sliding motion.

Static > Rolling > Sliding .

To reduce friction
Oil,Graphite,Grease Ball bearings .
• With out Friction ,slippage on roads and falling will happen .Walking is
possible because of friction
• Wear and tear of machines and loss of energy .
Centripetal Force : A body in circular motion experiences a force
which is always directed towards its centre . Eg Earth-Sun, Nucleus
and Proton.

Centrifugal Force : A imaginary force existing in the outward

direction .

Eg : Centrifuge : Used in separating Heavy and lighter materials.

Cream Separator : In a cream separator ,a vessel containing milk is

rotated fast then the lighter cream collects on the Centre cylinder
and the milk is drained out from the wall .

Centrifugal drier :
Torque or Moment of Force :

The turning effect of a force about a point or a line is called the

moment of force about that point or line which is called the axis
of rotation .

Moment of Force = Force (F)x perpendicular distance (d).

Eg :
• The Handles are usually installed and fixed at a larger
distance from the hinges of the door to create maximum
turning effect.

• Hand pumps of water have larger handles.
Four types of Forces :

• Gravitational Force :
Weakest force

• Weak Force : Inside Nucleus . Interaction of electron and antineutrino


• Electromagnetic Force : Operates on all charged particles .

• Nuclear Force : Inside the Nucleus between Proton-Proton, Proton-

Neutron, and Neutron-Neutron.(10 -15)

The strongest force.
Work : When a constant force F is acting on a particle and the
motion of particle takes place in a straight line then work done is

Units : Joule.

Power : The rate of doing work .

Units : watt
Energy : The energy of a body is its capacity to do work .

Two types:
• When it is in motion
• When it is in a field or strained .

Kinetic Energy :
It is the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its motion.
e.g : WindMills , running water ,bullet

Potential energy : It is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of

its position .
e.g: compressed spring , water in a dam.

Law of Conservation of Energy :

Energy may be transformed from one form to another but it cant
be created or destroyed and total energy of a body or system is
always constant .
Instrument Transformation of energy
Solar Cell Solar energy - Electrical energy
Dynamo Mechanical Energy- Electrical Energy
Electric Motor Electrical energy –Mechanical energy
Microphone Sound energy- Electrical energy
Loudspeaker Electrical energy-Sound energy
Musical Instruments Mechanical energy – Sound energy
Bulb/Tube light Electrical energy-light energy
Heater Electrical energy-Thermal energy
Candle Chemical energy – Thermal energy
Electric Cell Chemical energy –electrical energy
Heat Engine Thermal energy to Mechanical energy
Gravitation :

Mass : mass describes the amount of matter in an object.

Weight : refers to the force experienced by an object due to gravity

Weight on earth and weight on Moon the difference.
Newtons Law of Gravitation :

Simple Pendulum :

• Time period
• Effect during summers/winters
• Effect due to shape of the earth
Keplers Laws :

First law : Law of Elliptical orbits

Second Law : Law of Areas .

Third Law : Square of T proportional to cube of A
Apparent weight of a body in a lift or elevator :

• When the lift is going upwards .

There is an increase in apparent weight .

• When the lift if going down ward

Decrease in apparent weight .

Weightless-ness inside a satellite :

• Gravitational force provides the necessary centripetal force ,no part
of the gravitational pull remains unbalanced .
• A simple pendulum experiment cannot be performed in a artificial
• Food is given in the form of paste .
• Drinking water is difficult because if the glass is inclined then the
water will be spread out in the form of droplets .
Escape Velocity : The minimum velocity that should be given to a
body to escape the Earth.

• Earth=11.2 km/s
• Moon=2.38 km/s

Satellites :

Artificial Satellites :

Polar satellites : Revolve around the polar orbit at a height of 800

Km,along the poles and are used for weather forecasting.(84 min
one revolution)

Geostationary satellites : Used for communication purpose. At

about 36,000 km and time period of revolution 24hrs.
Matter :

• Anything which has mass and occupies a space.

Types of Matter :
(a)Physical Composition (b)Chemical Composition

Based on Physical Composition :

Solid Elasticity
Liquid Pressure, floatation,
Surface Tension, Capillarity
Gases Atmospheric Pressure

Elasticity :
Strain : When a body suffers a change in its size or shape under
the action of external forces ,its is deformed and the
corresponding fractional change is called strain

Stress : The magnitude of internal forces per unit area of the

section is called stress .

Shear : When external forces are operative tangentially on a

body, then a change in shape in the body occurs and it is said to
be sheared .

Hooke law : with the elastic limit

Stress/strain = Y (Youngs modulus)
Pressure : Force / Area .(unit Pascal)

Pressure exerted : Depends on the height of water column /air


Atmospheric Pressure is measured with a Barometer,Pressure at the

Bottom of a liquid column.

Some observations :
• For the same Horizontal surface any liquid at rest exerts the same
pressure at all points .
• At any point inside the liquid the pressure exerted by the liquid is
directly proportional to its depth from the free surface .
• Pascals Law : The Pressure exerted anywhere at a point of confined
fluid is transmitted equally and transmitted equally and
undiminished in all directions throughout liquid.

Hydraulic Brake, Hydraulic Press, Hydraulic Lift .
Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle.

Archimedes Principle :
Indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid,
whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body
• Steel Ball sinks in water but a balloon floats in water .

• Hydrogen, Helium balloons rise up in air .
Cohesive Force : It is the intermolecular force of attraction acting
between the molecules of same substances .

Adhesive force : It is intermolecular force of attraction acting between

the molecules of different substances .

Surface Tension : It is the force(F) acting normally an unit length (l) of

imaginary line drawn on the surface of liquid.

• Surface tension decreases due to rise in temperature and becomes

zero at critical temperature.
• Due to surface tension ,rain becomes drops are spherical in shape.
• A thin little needle can float in water due to surface tension.
• The hairs of shaving brush stick to each other due to surface tension
on drawing it out from the water.
• Warm soup is tasty because at high temperature its surface tension
is low and consequently the soup spreads on all of the tongue.
• When Kerosene oil is sprinkled on water its surface tension decreases and
mosquitoes sink into water and die.
Angle of Contact : When a solid body in the form of a tube is immersed in
a liquid, the surface of the liquid near the solid in general is convex or

Capillary Action : The phenomenon of rise or depression of liquids in a

capillary tube is called capillarity.

Effects of Capillarity :
• Blotting paper sucks to ink due to the small holes (pores ) of the paper
which act like the capillary tubes.
• Through the wicks of K-oil lamp, K-oil rises into the wick due to
capillary action.
• In plants the water and nutritional salts re transported through the
capillary action.
• Just after rainfall farmers plough the soil to so that the capillaries
formed by the soil so that water doesn’t come out and the soil remains
• In an artificial satellites of a capillary action tube is dipped into water
,then the water will rise
to its full height
Viscosity : In fluids ,it is a property of fluids by virtue of which it
opposes the relative motion between its adjacent layers.

• Viscosity of an ideal fluid is zero.

• Viscosity decreases with increase in temperature and increases
with decrease in temperature .
• Viscosity increases with increase in pressure .
• Gases also show viscosity.
• The liquids which are more dense have more viscosity.
Bernoulli's Theorem : This states that for all points along a
streamline in an incompressible and non-viscous fluid flowing
steadily, the sum of pressure energy, potential energy and kinetic
energy per unit volume is constant .

Terminal Velocity : When a solid body falls under gravity through a

liquid ,the velocity first increases and finally becomes constant .
This constant velocity is called terminal velocity.
Periodic Motion : Any motion which repeats itself after regular
interval of time is called periodic motion.
• Motion of hands of a clock.
• Motion of earth around the sun.

Simple Harmonic Motion :

Is defined as motion in which acceleration is always directed towards
a fixed point in the path of motion and is proportional to the
displacement from that point .

Oscillatory Motion : If a particle repeats its motion after a regular

time interval about a fixed point ,motion is said to be oscillatory .

Simple Pendulum and its motion .
Waves : It is a disturbance which propagates energy from one place to
another without the transport of matter.

Mechanical waves and Electromagnetic wave :

Mechanical waves: The waves which require

material medium(solid,liquid,gas) for their
propagation are called mechanical waves or
elastic waves.

Longitudinal Waves and Transverse waves :
Terms related to wave :

Amplitude : Maximum displacement of a vibrating particle of

medium from its mean position is called Amplitude.

Wavelength : Wavelength is the distance between any two nearest

particle of the medium vibrating in the same phase .

Frequency : It is the vibration of a particle is defined as the number

of vibrations completed by particle in one second.
Frequency=1/Time period.

Velocity of wave = Frequency x Wavelength .

In a medium the speed of a wave is constant .

When a wave changes the medium then the frequency remains
constant as it changes medium but speed changes.
Sound :

A mechanical wave it needs a medium to travel from one place to

another it cannot travel in vacuum unlike light .
Speed of sound in different media .
• Speed of sound depends up on elasticity and density of the

• Speed of sound increases with the increase of temperature of the

medium. The speed of sound increases by 0.61m/s when the
temperature is increased by 10 c.

• The speed of sound in Humid air is more than in dry air because the
density of humid air is less than the density of dry air .

• Speed of sound is less than the speed of light hence when there is
lightening light comes first and then sound
• Longitudinal mechanical waves which lie in the range 20 Hz to
20,000 Hz are called audible or sound waves.

• The longitudinal mechanical waves having frequencies less than 20

Hz are called infrasonic. These are produced by earth
quake,volcanic eruption,ocean waves and elephants and whales.

• Longitudinal mechanical waves having frequencies greater than

20000Hz are called Ultrasonic Waves.

• Human ear cannot detect the ultrasonic waves .But certain

creatures like dog,cat,bat,mosquito can detect these waves .Bat
produced ultrasonic waves.

• Ultrasonic waves are used for sending signals,measuring the depth

of sea,cleaning clothes and machinery parts of clocks, removing
lamp soot from chimney of factories and in ultrasonography .
Intensity and loudness : The intensity of a musical sound is defined as the
rate of flow of energy per unit area of a plane perpendicular to direction
of wave propagation.

• Absolute Intensity unit is watt/m2..

• Relative Intensity is measured with the help of unit Bel .

1/10 of bel is decibel (db).

Source of Sound Intensity(db)

Whisper 15-20
Conversation 40-60
Loud Speaker 70-80
Hot Discussion 70-80
Heavy Motor Vehicle 90-95
Rocket 160-170
Missile 180-190
Pitch and frequency :

• Pitch is the characteristic of sound that depends on frequency . It

determines the shrillness or graveness of sound .
• A grave note is called low-pitch note while a shrill note is called high
pitch note .
• Smaller the frequency the smaller the pitch ,greater the frequency
greater is the pitch
Reflection of sound :

Wave travels in a straight line, When it encounters an obstruction then

the following are possible.
Echo : Echo is a natural phenomenon of reflection of sound and it is simply
the repetition of a sound wave produced by the reflection from an obstacle
like rigid wall,tower or mountain. The essential conditions for the formation
of an echo is that the interval between the arrivals of the direct wave and
the reflected wave must be at least 1/10 th of a second.

Reverberation : A sound created in a big hall will persist by repeated

reflection from the wall until it is reduced to a value where it is no longer
Uses :

Audio instruments.
Conference halls and cinema halls .
• Bats : Fly in the dark so
how do they catch their
prey ?
Applications of ultra sound : They are high frequency sounds. They
are used as they can travel in straight line even when there is

• Cleaning of places which are otherwise hard to reach . Eg :

electronic components etc. The high frequency detaches the
dust particles.
• Used in detection of cracks and flaws in metal blocks. (such
cracks are usually invisible to the naked eye.)
• Echocardiography : Ultra
sonic waves are use to
create an image of heart.
• Similarly ultrasound scanner
to get Images of Heart,
Kidney, children etc .
• Ultrasound may be
employed to break small
stones in Kidneys .
• SONAR: Sound Navigation and Ranging.
Refraction :
When a sound wave moves from one medium to another one
then it experiences refraction .
• Human voices are more clearly heard at dusk (in the late evening ) than
during daytime . In the day time the temperature of air is maximum near
the ground surface and it diminishes upwards. Hence the ray of sound is
refracted towards the normal .
• At the time of dusk its opposite .
Light :

Reflection :
Refraction :

Denser Medium and Rarer medium

Refractive index
Refraction by Spherical lenses :

Convex lens:

Concave lens :
Defects of Vision:

Myopia : Near Sightedness ,can sea clearly

near objects but not far objects.
Hypermetropia : Far sightedness , can sea far objects clearly but not near
objects .
Presbyopia : The power of accommodation of the eye usually decreases with
ageing. They find it difficult to see nearby objects comfortably and distinctly with
out corrective glasses .

Astigmatism: This may be due to an irregular or toric curvature of the cornea or lens
Refraction through Prism :
Total Internal reflection :
Applications :
Scattering of Light :

Tyndall effect :

Colour of the clear Sky blue :
Atmospheric refraction :

Twinkling of stars :

Advance sunrise and delayed sunset :

• The degree of Hotness or Coldness of a body is called its temperature

and thus temperature is an indicator of the thermal stage of the
• A reliable measure of the hotness of an object is its temperature.
Temperature is measured by a device called thermometer. The
normal temperature of human body is 370C.
• The clinical thermometer is designed to measure the temperature of
human body normally does not go below 350C or above 420C. that is
the reason that this thermometer has the range 350C to 420C
• The range of a laboratory thermometer is generally from -100C to

Unit of heat is Calorie .

1 Calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g
of water by 1oc is called calorie.
Heat and Mechanical work are Inter-changeable.
If 4.186 joule of work is
then 1 kilo calorie of heat is produced
• The process by which heat is transferred from the hotter end to the
colder end of an object is known as conduction. In solids, generally,
the heat is transferred by the process of conduction.
• The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are
conductors of heat.
• The materials which do not allow heat to pass through them easily
are poor conductors of heat such as plastic and wood. Poor
conductors are known as insulators.

• The water and air are poor conductors of heat.
• When water is heated, the water near the flame gets hot. Hot water rises up.
The cold water from the sides moves down towards the source of heat. This
water also gets hot and rises and water from the sides moves down. This
process continues till the whole water gets heated. This mode of heat transfer is
known as convection.

• The air near the heat source gets hot and rises. The air from the sides comes in
to take its place. In this way the air gets heated.

• The people living in the coastal areas experience an interesting phenomenon

during the day, the land gets heated faster than the water. The air over the land
becomes hotter and rises up. The cooler air from the sea rushes in towards the
land to take its place. The warm air from the land moves towards the sea to
complete the cycle. The air from the sea is called the sea breeze.

• To receive the cooler se breeze, the windows of the houses in coastal areas are
made to face the sea.

• At night it is exactly the reverse. The water cools down more slowly than the
land. So, the cool air from the land moves towards the sea this is called land
• How does the heat from the sun reach us? It cannot reach us by conduction or
convection as there is no medium such as air in most part of the space between the
earth and the sun. from the sun the heat comes to us by another process known as

• The transfer of heat by radiation does not require any medium. It can take place
whether a medium is present or not.

• When we sit in front of a room heater, we get heat by this process. A hot utensil kept
away from the flame cools down as it transfers heat to the surroundings by radiation.

• Our body too, gives heat to the surroundings and receives heat from it by radiation.

• Dark surfaces absorb more heat and, therefore, we feel comfortable with dark colored
clothes in the winter.

• Light colored clothes reflect most of the heat that falls on them and, therefore, we feel
more comfortable wearing them in the summer.

• In the winter, we use woolen clothes. Wool is a poor conductor of heat Moreover, there
is air trapped in between the wool fibers. This air prevents the flow of heat from our
body to the cold surroundings. So, we feel warm
Electricity :

Mulliken Oil Drop Experiment :
Electric current :

Resistance of Different materials :

• Conductors
• Semiconductor
• Insulators
Super Conductivity :

Discovered by Kamerlingh Onnes,1911 by cooling to Helium 4.2K.

The presence of a significant number of charge carriers makes plasma electrically
conductive so that it responds strongly to electromagnetic fields. Like gas, plasma
does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless enclosed in a container
• Heating effect of Current
Eg : Electric bulb, Laundry Iron, Electric Toaster ,Electric Oven , Electric
Kettle and Electric Heater.

Eg : Fuse in electric circuit .

Magnetic effects of current : Discovered by Hans Christian Oesterd
Electric Generator : Principle of Electromagnetic Induction.
Sources of Energy :

Conventional Sources of Energy :

Fossil fuels :
Thermal Power Plant :
Hydro Power Plant :
Wind Energy :
Alternative sources of energy:

Solar energy
Energy of Sea :

Tidal Energy :
Wave Energy :
Geothermal energy :
Nuclear Decay : Alfa ,Beta and gamma rays
Type of Reaction Uses
Nuclear Fission Nuclear Power plant
Nuclear Fusion Sun/ITER in France
Nuclear energy
Type of reactor Nuclear Fuel Control Rods Coolant Moderato Example
Pressurized U-235 Silver, Indium, Water Water VVER-1200
water Reactor. Cd, Boron- Jaitapur and
(PWR) Carbide, Chayavirdhi
Pressurized U-235 Silver, Indium, Heavy Heavy CANDU reactors
heavy water Cd, Boron- water water Rawatbhatta,
Reactor(PHWR) Carbide Tarapur,kaiga.
Fast Breeder Uranium ,, Sodium No Indira Gandhi
reactor(FBR) oxide + Center for Atomic
Plutonium Research (IGCAR)
oxide 500 MW
Advanced Heavy Thorium ,, Heavy Heavy BARC 300 MW
Water Water Water

Nuclear Accidents :
• Three Mile island(1979)
• Chernobyl disaster(1986)
• Fukushima(2011)

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