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Anting-Anting Stories

and Other Strange Tales

S. Kayme

of the Filipinos Anting-Anting Stories

by Sargent Kayme

"No less wonderful and varied are the inhabitants and the phenomena of the
Philippines, and a new author, showing rare knowledge of the country and its
strange peoples, now gives us a collection of simple yet wonderful stories which
bring them before us with dramatic vividness... Strangest, perhaps, of all these
possibilities for fiction is the 'anting-anting', at once a mysterious power to protect
its possessor and the outward symbol of the protection..." (From the Foreword)
Anting-Anting Stories

Read for by mlcui

Total running time 3:42:07
S. Kayme

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Cover image: Filipino landscape with Nipa hut (1905) by Fabián de la Rosa (1869 – 1937).
Cover designed by Availle.This design is in the public domain.

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