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Proposal Presentation

by Anais Jourdan

Photography level 3 year 1

What I Have Learnt
• I learnt how to use basic tools in Photoshop and Illustrator.
• I learnt how to use a sewing machine and design and make a good quality shirt.
• I learnt about fashion communication and how to capture a customers attention through a
window display.
• Through fine art I learnt how to use a lot of new and interesting mediums including: wire,
mono print, paper, clay and cardboard.
• In photography I learnt about alternative processes including: chemigrams, cyanotype and
What I Have Learnt
• In photography I experimented with light painting, portraiture, levitation and dioramas.
• I also learnt about time based photography which included creating: flip books, stop frame
animation, and spirit animal transitions.
• Through all the rotations I completed research and learnt how to have good time

I chose to do photography because I thought it was the most fun and interesting.
• I want to take photographs to narrate short
stories and poems written by my friends who are
• The photos and stories represent some emotions
that teenagers often feel including: fear and fear
of change, freedom and happiness, and sadness.
• I have been inspired by articles about abuse and
a poem about a bad dream which both tie in with
the stories my friends wrote.
• I am not sure exactly how many of the stories I
will use yet but I am going to experiment with all
of them.
This photograph
shows freedom
and happiness.

These two photos show distress

from bad dreams and fear.

These photos show loneliness, fear and

• I will need to read the stories and pick out things to photograph that will best
narrate them.
• I will research some artists to find inspiration.
• Some artists I like are Nan Goldin and Josefine Seifert because of the lighting and
• I have found lots of inspiration from photos from the internet as well.

• I will do several shoots

• Some will need to be taken in low light and
some in bright light
• I will use my sister for most of the
photographs as I cannot use my friends
• I will use different locations such as: a bed, a
field of wheat or flowers, and an empty room
• I will use a Canon 1000 camera to take the
• I will need to edit the photographs in
• I will adjust brightness and exposure and
perhaps use a black and white filter on a few
of them
• I will also evaluate all of my work as I
complete it

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