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Based on the IPO model, the framework has three stages.

input stage is where all the necessary information and data for
the study is gathered. These includes the profile of the
participants, scope and limitation, research design, difficulties
and problems encountered of the existing system, hardware
requirements, software requirements and Knowledge requirements.

The process stage is the next stage where the inputs are
analyzed, processed and evaluated. This involves the Data
Analysis, requirement phase, Planning phase, Design Phase,
Development phase, release phase, track and monitor phase. After
processing, The expected outcome at the output stage would be the
Web-based IQ Examination Test and Evaluation system for Grade 3
to 6 Pupils of SPUP.

Corrections would be made when necessary until the system is

deemed accepted by its users. Once the application is considered
acceptable by the users, it is packaged and deployed for
installation and production use, with the result of being the
functional and user-friendly software.


The study aims to develop a Web-based IQ Examination
Test and Evaluation system for Grade 3 to 6 Pupils of SPUP.
Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following
1. What is the assessment of the participants on the degree
of difficulty on the problems encountered regarding the
existing system in terms of:
1.1 Guidance Counselor
a. checking of papers
b. evaluation of test result
c. storing of test papers
d. retrieval and sorting of papers
1.2 Pupils
a. quality of printed test papers
b. review and changing of answered items
2. What system can be developed to address the problems and
concerns of the existing system?

3. What is the extent of compliance of the developed

application to ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in
terms of:
a. Functional Sustainability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Compatibility
d. Usability
e. Reliability
f. Security
g. Maintainability
h. Portability

4. Is there a significant difference in the extent of

compliance of the developed application to ISO 25010
Software Quality standards as assessed by the IT Experts
and Users?

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