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Group Members:
I Putu Cahya Kusuma Negara 1612021046
Nyoman Ardi Sastrawan 1612021049
M. Eggy Saputra 1612021065
I Gusti Agung Bayu Mahendra 1612021067

A. Introduction
Nowadays, much people learn English to communicate. But they only learn
about grammar, speaking, listening. They forget about the art of the language. One
of interesting art in English is poetry. Poetry is a written art. In making poetry
authors can use figurative language in their poems for the beauty of the poem. As a
reader we need to analyze the figurative language in the poem to know about the
meaning in that poem. There are three base figurative language that common used
by author. They are metaphor, connotation, and denotation.
Metaphor is the use of word or group of words not with the actual meaning,
but describing based on similarities or comparisons. Metaphors are often used in
the form of figurative words to complement the style elements discussed in the
work. There are two types of metaphors. They are simple metaphors and complex
Connotation is a meaning that is not actually or can be called a figurative
meaning. The meaning of connotation is usually an additional meaning of the basic
meaning developed in accordance with the situation encountered, so the additional
meaning is usually a subjective taste value of the user. The meaning of connotation
can be divided into two, namely positive connotation and negative connotation.
Positive connotation is a metaphor of meaning. In contrast, the negative
connotation is an allegory that implies unfavorable meanings.
Denotation is the real meaning which is no other element of meaning in it.
In this case, a sentence does not conceal the special meaning or other meaning so
that what is written in the sentence is what exactly to say in the sentence. To know
the sentence of denotation, we can see from the context of the sentence, namely
whether the sentence has a double meaning or not.
In this opportunity, we will analyze the metaphor, connotation, and
denotation in a poem. The poem that we analyze is a poem that written by Kadek
Sonia Piscayanti with title “Burning Word”.

B. Poetry

Burning Words
how do you burn words, my dear
I burn it, I say

but how, my dear

I spit the words from my mouth than I burn it

what are the shapes of your words

they are wrinkled, full of anger, but brave

I mean their shape ?

their shape are shapeless, but full of energy
how do you burn it ?
I burn it with burning brain
oh forget it

burning words only I have
for melting pot can’t burn my words
burning words are all I have
for stove can’t burn my words
in burning words, I see you
yes I see you
but you don’t see me, you never, see me
you never.
See me.
C. The analysis of poetry “Burning Words” :
a) Metaphor
 For melting pot can’t burn my words.
This metaphor means what the speaker say is absolute.
 I burn it with burning brain.
This metaphor means the speaker forget what people say.

b) Connotation
 I spit the words from my mouth than I burn it.
This connotation means the speaker wants to say all of his/her feeling and
forget it.
 Their shape are shapeless, but full of energy.
This connotation means what people say is short but meaningful.
 Burning words, I see you.
This connotation means the speaker feels what people say.

c) Denotation
 Yes I see you but you never see me.
It means she or he was ignored by someone.
 I burn it, I say
The denotation burn means an incident cause by the fire

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