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The article "Vocabulary Learning through Using Mechanical Techniques;

Vocabulary Learning Strategy" by Atasheneh, Nasser; Naeimi, Maki. (March 2015),

United States, London, is a very interesting article since it tells how the use of a

strategy that was implemented to a group of students had a relevant role in the

knowledge of the students, the main objective was to investigate which was the effect

of the vocabulary learning strategy through mechanical techniques in reading

comprehension as a direct vocabulary learning strategy in Iranian students to improve

their lexical knowledge.

Article "Impacts of Vocabulary Acquisition Techniques Instruction On Students'

Learning" by Orawiwatnakul, Wiwat (January 2011) United States, Littleton, is an

article of research that focused on how the techniques used for the acquisition of

vocabulary affected the ability to acquire the vocabulary and how they behaved in

front of these techniques using various resources and elements that led them to their

respective results.
The last Article "Teaching Francophone Learners English Vocabulary without

Resorting to the Use of L1 and L2 "by Michael Owusu Tabiri (April 2016), Turkey,

is a research article focused on Francophone learners and how to teach them

vocabulary without the using of L1 and L2, without using the translation method but

if using different pedagogical techniques that teachers can implement to help the

francophone students learn different vocabulary and with this help to reach the main

objective of the research.

Learning vocabulary is the most essential and important language component to be

able to read, think, write and use language in an appropriate way, the articles show

you how and what are the useful and indispensable techniques for effective teaching.


Vocabulary learning and teaching is an important question for teachers as for

students, this gives way to begin an investigation of vocabulary effect using

mechanical techniques in reading comprehension with direct strategy.

The vocabulary of the most important aspects of the language to acquire a second

language is also important to understand the 4 skills that are, speaking, listening,

writing and reading in order to give an effective and successful learning of a second

language; In order to have a successful communication, the knowledge about the

vocabulary is essential to achieve what you want to convey and to have a better

contact with the world of learning.

As Fauziatu (2005) put it, "Lack enough vocabulary, one cannot successfully

transfer his/her message or represent his views in both written and oral form.

Direct strategy and Oxford vocabulary learning strategies.

The taxonomy of the strategies is seen as the most comprehensible methods

representing direct and indirect strategies, the vocabulary can be learned using the

different instruments to involve the students' tenure with direct connections with the

form and meaning of the words such as word list, dictionary and more things like

this. (giving information of words to memorize), the process used and the elements

that were used to do the research were quite successful in terms of the students

accessing them in a simple way and their comprehension was total, thus giving

positive results, showing that These mechanical techniques improve the acquisition of

vocabulary in Iranian students.

Also, for students it is more useful to use concrete techniques in which

everything related to their context is involved and help them relate it to the meaning

of the words they are learning, making this more simple the acquisition of

vocabulary, several techniques such as: Using context clues in teaching English

vocabulary, explanation techniques, explanation through examples, explanation

through context, Explanation through relationships (synonyms and antonyms) the

most important thing for a student to learn vocabulary is to see the word and feel the

word, that is why the use of these techniques is essential.


The way we teach vocabulary is the most important thing for students to

develop their communication skills of a second language, I agree with the authors of

these articles given that they give a very important point of view as it is that the most

important Language component is the vocabulary and so this step to the acquisition

of the rest of the skills and components.

The techniques used by the authors of the articles to verify the effectiveness of the

investigations were very successful in terms of organization, procedure, analysis,

instruments and managed to obtain the desired and expected results, verifying that the

variation of techniques does have a great influence on how the students learn the

language in their different contexts and that the attitudes that the students had before

this was also positive since they are interesting, well planned and coherent with what

was going to be done.

The teachers try to find the technique or the most adequate method to teach the

vocabulary to the students and thus they increase it and they are facilitated the

reading and the writing, in the article "Impacts of Vocabulary Acquisition Techniques

Instruction on Students' Learning" the author cites Ellis (2002, p. 179) proposed that

frequency is a fundamental feature of cognitive processing and acquisition. The

words occurring often tend to be remembered and learned. Moreover, saliency also

helps to increase vocabulary knowledge; the more a form stands out in the input
stream, the more likely it will be noticed (Schmidt, 1995).  which I think is absolutely

true because everything we do with perseverance, discipline and dedication will keep

better in your knowledge and in a short time you will realize that the results are


I want to emphasize an important aspect according to my point of view, which

appears in the article "Impacts of Vocabulary Acquisition Techniques Instruction On

Students' Learning", which says that students should always choose to use a variety

of techniques that allow them to define which of them they learn better and which

one is the most adequate or they are the most suitable for them to use throughout the

study, and also improve the results of the learning of the vocabulary.

To conclude the use of different strategies, techniques, methods and instruments

used to teach vocabulary by teachers influence how much these can gain the

knowledge of students, also influence how they receive and adapt to them, being the

vocabulary one of the most important language components for them to develop all

their 4 skills, speaking, listening, writing, reading and thus communicate and express

everything they want in an appropriate way.


 Atasheneh, N., & Naeimi, M. (2015). Vocabulary learning through using

mechanical techniques vocabulary learning strategy.  Theory and Practice in

Language Studies, 5(3), 541-548. Retrieved from

 Orawiwatnakul, W. (2011). Impacts of vocabulary acquisition techniques

instruction on students' learning. Journal of College Teaching and

Learning,  8(1), 47-53. Retrieved from

 Michael Owusu Tabiri (2016). "Teaching Francophone Learners English

Vocabulary without Resorting to the Use of L1 and L2 " Ghana Technology

University College, Faculty of Informatics, PMB 100, Accra, Ghana. Retrieved from:


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