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Introducing vaccine for Covid-19 pandemic

One might think and conclude the world as a whole had lost on the track of peace and
love as nations were busy with researches to lead in the world war that may never
come. In their separate earnest struggles to be the world-power nations they discovered
that other nations would need to be captured to submit to them which may not happen
easily except through serial wars.

To achieve this, some highly world power-drunk and war-happy nations had succeeded
in building horrific weapons of mass destruction in different ranges and calibers seeking
slight mistakes from some other targeted nations. Until the outbreak of coronavirus,
none of the nations of the world ever imagined that there could be a terrible war
against them as a whole from a latent enemy such as the one we have today.

How old is Covid-19?

Covid-19 has been around for about four month now and has claimed over 133,000 lives
globally. The infectious disease outbreak was December 2019. Within this few months,
as strong as economy of many nations were, they have soon entered into recession
which is unprecedented experience in the history of the world economy.

The period of four months is a little long enough to have discovered a definite working
and protective remedies against the pandemic most especially by nations like China,
America, India and the host of others. The world is full of human resources—the
strength of solution to any problems. But the more scientific move they are making the
more the virus is ravaging world.

Why is Coronavirus war not conquered yet?

The reason the Covid-19 war not conquered yet is because the world is not aware of
how it came across this severe latent war which is consuming human lives
indiscriminately. It only aware the outbreak began in Wuhan, China but why and how
exactly did it began and where it came from remain controversial and contradicting

The truth of Covid-19

The first bitter truth the world need to accept is that this war is not from any man as
against the controversies, rumours and conspiracy theories making the round. This is
the finger of God Almighty Himself against humanity. Why? The reason is simple—the
world has no fear of God in it anymore.

What the Lord said

Before we got here, there had been several visions and prophesies from different
ministers of God across the globe to this reality we witness today. It has been foretold. I
wonder why the ways, instructions and revelations from God do not make meaning to
this present generation.

I will not go into some specific details, but let me state categorically this recent one. In
the morning of 25th of March, 2020 around 9am, God spoke to us at a fellowship over
the outbreak of the virus. It was a gathering of less than fifteen people. According to His
words, Coronavirus came from HIM to prove that He is still in-charge of the world. He
said the virus is a vengeance against the wicked, and to bring the lost people back to

Another shocking thing HE mentioned is that this is just the beginning, that other plague
(I will not mention here) is coming.

God therefore gave assurance that HE knows those who are HIS’ and that no matter
how infectious and life-consuming the pandemic is, it will never touch HIS own people—
His true sons and daughters.

Covid-19 is an army of God

Pandemic pestilence like Covid-19 is an army of God. God has many types of army. How
do I know this? In the Bible; the book of Joel 2:25, God said “And I will restore to you the
years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the
palmerworm, MY GREAT ARMY which I sent among you”. God talked about four
devourers in this verse of the Bible alone one of which is enough to consume humanity.
Like in the case of Pharaoh and Israelites, one of these great armies, locust, was sent to
land of Egypt and the peace of the whole land became sadness in no time (Exodus
In another Bible verses, Ezekiel 14: 13-19, God mentioned another four devourers and
the specific destructive missions they are meant to accomplish: famine, noisome beasts,
sword and pestilence. None of their missions is friendly—they are all life-consuming.

Why God might have sent this army (Covid-19)?

The belief of many people is that all sides (aspects) of God are love—God is an
embodiment of love. They believe that God is not concerned of whatsoever thing we do
here on earth. Some people even believe that God doesn’t exist at all. So we love doing
whatever pleases us. The truth is that most of the things that please us are enmity to
God. He created us here with rules and regulations—the commandments guiding our
existence. Our freedom as human beings ends where the ‘don’ts of God’ begin.

Are we righteous? Let’s checkout our righteousness as a people. The first of God’s
commandment says to man ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me’ (Exodus 20:3).
Hear what the Bible says in the book of Mark 12: 29-30, “And Jesus answered him, the
first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: [30] And
thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment".

Many people and nations of the world are extremely found wanting of Mark 12: 29-30.
What of love? In verse 31 of the same chapter, Jesus said “And the second
(commandment) is like this (the first), Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is
none other commandment greater than these”. How about this also?

The weapons of mass destruction (WMD); atomic bombs, nuclear and biological
weapons in the armouries of nations, are they meant for the beasts? In actual sense, we
made them for destruction of our neighbours. Covid-19 is a war—a latent world war for
that matter consuming the armies, commanders and commander-generals of armies of
the world even in the face of terrible WMD we claimed we have made for our defence.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their grave sins. Homosexual acts were more
popular as a culture among them. It was recorded that the old and young men of the
city of Sodom even came to meet Lot, demanding of him to bring out to them the two
angels he accommodated in his house so that they could sleep with them. Lot offered
the men of the city his two virgin daughters to protect his visitors, but the men rejected
the females (Genesis 19:10). They wanted the men—the angels God sent to destroy
their cities.
Let us examine today’s nations of the world from the mirror of Sodom and Gomorrah, is
there any different? Yes. The different is that today’s nations are advanced sinners.
Sodom and Gomorrah had homosexuality as habit, but many nations of the world today
now have it as right.

The deadly truth here is that God has never changed His standard and principles. As He
hated abomination in the time past so He still hates it today. Our ways are full of grave
wickedness and disobedience to Him which connote lack of His fear among us.

Sure vaccine for Covid-19

The sure vaccine for Coronavirus is not in the space or in some new scientific
discoveries, it is here already. It is just that we fail to realise it. Repentance and plea for
forgiveness of God Almighty over our iniquities are the vaccine which if we do, the
deadly pandemic will disappear from the earth in no time.

Our pride and Ignorance keep us this long in the captive of Covid-19
Man is dangerously wise in his own way to outsmart his creator. We are trying to fight
the army of God with our wisdom and human understanding the reason we suffer this
long. God is the Commander of His army so the army will not take any command
whatsoever from any other quarters except from his Commander.

The world has not admitted or accepted the fact that this is a finger of God against
humanity. Well, this is not new, the book of Isaiah 42:24-25 records similar situation
with Israel in the time past: “Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? did
not the LORD, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways,
neither were they obedient unto his law. [25] THEREFORE HE HATH POURED UPON HIM

The world is currently in the terrible situation similar to that of Isaiah 42:25. Israel kept
falling is this type of error severally. They would suffer long and lose many good things
even many lives of loved ones to their ignorance and insensitivity to the Lord.

The book of Hosea 7:1-2 quoted God as lamenting that “When I would have healed
Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria: for
they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in, and the troop of robbers spoileth

Lord’s expectation from us

God is still in the business of love and mercy. When we repent and call upon Him for
help He will have mercy on us and call His army against the world to order.

Revelation 3:17 says “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and
have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and
poor, and blind, and naked”.

Since the outbreak of coronavirus, how many presidents and leaders of nations have
thought of going or have led the citizens to God in fasting and prayers for forgiveness?
Have you forgotten that you are all in the places of authority? The way you directed that
your territory be locked down and citizenry obeyed is the way they will listen to you
when you say let us go to God.

Think of this
The Nations and world as whole have spent a lot of money on Covid-19 management.
You have spent hugely on ventilators, PPEs, creation of emergency epicenters,
palliatives, researches on vaccine. On the other hand, you have locked down the cities
of the world and the citizenry are in prison in their own houses indefinitely, and
economy has crashed globally all in a bid to overcome this latent war. In spite of the
bravery risks, the pandemic virus is still spreading indiscriminately to countries and
states sweeping lives with alarming death tolls daily.

Accessing the vaccine for Covid-19

Leaders, in your capacities, lead the people back to God. This is what God is expecting
from you now. This is the ever-active vaccine against this army. Bibles says, in
2Chronicle 7:13-14 “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the
locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which
are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn
from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will
heal their land”.

Christian ministers and leaders, what are you doing?

Eh! It is painful the ministers of God have all turned in for Covid-19 crises management
as if there are no more prophets of God in the land. You are busy cutting off the
branches when the root of the problem is still deeper down in the soil. Addressing the
root cause of this global problem should be the priority. You have made huge donations
to the government and provided palliatives for the people— it all good. But for how long
can you sustain it?

The church is shut down and the higher parentage of congregants is temporarily jobless
amid the storm of biting hunger. No tithe, no offering and there is little or no gift from
them to their spiritual fathers. The church members are now running to their spiritual
fathers for financial help to cushion the effect of Covid-19 on them. God forbids this
present situation lasts for few months more, can you ministers of God sustain the
donations and palliatives you are providing? I think the Christian leaders and
associations should deafly cease the media this time to keep calling and advising the
government on the urgent need to go back to God for help. There could be national or
global declaration of fasting and prayer in seeking for help and mercy of God.

The World we conquer this war sooner than expected:

1. When we acknowledge the fact that it is the finger of God against the inhabitants
of earth.

2. When the inhabitants of earth sincerely bury their pride in wisdom, science and
technology and genuinely repent from their evils.

3. When we beseech God brokenheartedly in true repentance, and in prayer for

forgiveness and mercy. This is the sure vaccine for Covid-19 pandemic.

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