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Res. Licencia de Funcionamiento No.305 de Dic.02 de 1994 y

Res. No. 00819 de 17 de Abril de 2007


Name: Marcela Heredia Robledo

Date: April 19th, 2020
Teacher: Bryan Andres Barros del Duca Grade: 5th B___

Let’s practice!
1. Make a video about how you should behave at home during this quarantine, this
video should include:
a) Explaining the duties you have.
b) The things you can do.
c) The advice from your parents.
remember to use modal verbs.

En el siguiente Link se puede ver el video :


2. Circle the correct word in the following sentences.

a) They can/should be on holiday, but I'm not sure.

b) You can/could be right, but I'd still like to check.
c) Can/ Could you turn it down a bit please?
d) You can not/ would not smoke in the cinema.
e) From the way he speaks, he can/could be from London.
f) It's impossible- they can not/must not have finished it already!
3. Read the following text and write 8 things that we need to be in mind if we want to
be healthy.

 We should eat nutrius food

 We should exercise every day
 We should not have foods with a lot cholesterol , salt or added sugar
 In addition to proper nutrion
 We can participate in team sport or individual
 We should include fat- free or low fat, milk and dairy products
 its important to choseea variety fruits and vegetables
 We should eat lean meat , fish , beans and eggs

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