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Document Analysis Worksheet: Religion & Science

1. Type of Document___________________________________________________________________

2. Date of document: __________________________________________________________________

3. Author(s) or creator(s) of the document: ________________________________________________

4. Other information about the author(s) indicated on the document (position, title, etc.):

5. For what audience was the document written? ___________________________________________


6. List two or more things the document tells you about the author's view of the physical world.

7. What does the author say about the relationship between religion and science?

8. How does (or does not) the author address the concerns of Roman Catholic Church officials as
expressed in the Galileo Indictment? _____________________________________________________

9. How did the author stay out of trouble with church authorities? (of, if the document is by
Galileo: why did he get in trouble with church authorities?) _________________________________

Based on a worksheet prepared by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC.
© 2009- , The History Teaching Institute at The Ohio State University.

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