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Abstract. 18 taxa, belonging 12 generaand subgenera of the bivalvesubclassespalaeotaxodonta and
Pteriomorphia (OrdersArcoida,Pterioidaand Limoida)are descnibedfrom the rich faunal assemblages
of the
MiddleJurassic(Bajocian - , westernside of the EiucegiMountains.In the presentpaper,the
majorityof thesetaxaare and described the firsttimefor studiedarea.The bivalvesare ioundin
sedimentsrangingfrom us_sandstones,argillaceous sifts to biocalcarenites.
For these taxa,
stratigraphicoccurrenceand affinities
Keywords; bivalves,p a, Pteriomorphia,

The MiddleJurassicdepositstf-ratoutcropatong
the western slope of the Buceji Mountainsare C l a s sB i v a l v i (aB U O N A N N1t ,6 8 1 ) L I N N E1, 7 5 8
distinguishedby the richness of their bivalve SubclassPalaeotaxodonta KOROBKOV,1gS4
fauna. Althoughthe fossiliferousdepositsof this OrderNucutoida DALL,1889
area were studied since the nirleteenthcentury, FamilyNuculidae GRAy, 1824
the majorityof the papers publi$hedup to 1999 Genus PalaeonuculaQUENSTEDT,1930
gave only species lists or illustrjatedonly a few ? Palaeonucula
species. So tar, 22 species from Subclass Pl. l, figs.1 - 4
Anomalodesmatawere describeQand figured by Mallerial:four articulatedinternal moulds, only
Lazdr (2000, 2OO2).An ouiline pf the history of two of them with fragmentsof shelt (LpBillL 1608-
palaeontological researchesin thi$ area,a general 1 6 11 ) .
accountof the geologyand strati$raphy,a list with Measurements: L (Length)= 14,7 - 16rnm; H
localitiesof the samples and the numbersof the (Height)= 12 - 14mm;| (lnflation) = 7-1Omm;H / L =
fossiliferouslevel mentionedfor Nachspecies,are 0,816-- 0,875;I I L = Q,!-/6- 0,625.
given in previous contributions(Stoica, 1997; Rernarks: The very reducecl degree of
Lazdr, 2000, 2002). Beginning with the present conservationof the mentioned specimens maKes
paper and continued with forjthcomingones, difficultthe generic assigment.However,there are
detailed descriptionand illustratidn
-'F"rJ""i;;;;; some characteristicsthat suggest a resemblance
of the bivalve
species from Sr;;il;;;, with.the genusPataeonucula. The specimensare
Pteriomorphia, p}aeorr;i;r;;;;il
lsofilibranchia, subtrigo.nal.
to . subtrapezoidalin outline, with
and Heterodonta,will be given. moderateinflation,slightly opisthogyrate, genily
Pteriomorphiais very well ,e0resented enrolledumbones, placedin the posterior
thirdof the
in the
studied assemblages, with ;T ;;;;i-;;"1;j;
great specific dorsalmarsin.rhe posterodorsat area(escurcheon)
diversityand large number of ,biiiO*r.."tv;;;;
. Within
is deepty.impressed, cordiform and bordered by a
the CtassBivatiia,Sun.fu.,- Fi"riirr"lif,i;."';ij rounded ridge.The dentition can not be observed.
species belongingi. iri" torlo*ino-i"riri", Theotnament (observed onthefewshellfragnrents)
- d"i"iri"o*til;;; ."""1"1:l-fji"rjl".:!-.-"1regutar
pteriidae,tsognomo"ii"", pi"l;rioli,"li,iiii"". oocurence:Tatarul Peak - obarsia Vaii
- T;;or;i;;;;: fromcalcareous sandstones levels(19-
Osirei4an vroro ioeniitil;0.-in;i"tijr";;;;;;;;
osireidae,were irtonrii;^"r 16-,^r[,.^;;;;;;;: 23) occuring
23) oc,curing in
in the upper part
the upper part of
of the
the Strungulita
from ordersArcoida,pterioioa Formation (Bajocian).
iirfio!, ,"i
two representative of subclass"fio-Palaeotaxodonta
are presentedin this puf"i.-in"l -irJi"O bivatve Familvlsoarcidae
faunas are found in' sediment$rangingfrom Genuslsoarca MUNSTER, 1842
calcareous sandstones, argillageoussilts to lsoarcacf
' baiociensis
biocalcarenites. These d."p";ii: r\tereassrgneo
the Strungulita (Bajocian)and Strirnga(Bathonian ^to cr.1850tsoarcaorrr",.:1"[X93i"u*/,.,,
- Lower cattovian), -' iffi _ 1e15 tsoarc4
;: bajociensr.s
formationspv patrurius(in ;:;,pr.7,fiss.1B-14.
Patruliuset al', 1980)' Mat,eiial:'one poorly preservedright valve,
composite mouldwithremains of shell,brokenon the
Universityof Bucharest,Facultyof Geolog!and Geophysics,
of Pat,aeontology,
1, N. Balcescu
Ave., RO-01004..
, Bucharest,
ROMANIA, iulia_lazar


posteroventral moderateinflation.Slightlyprosogyrousumbo is well
Approximatemeasurements:L= developednrndsitueted in the anteriorthird of the
35mm;lnflationof thesinglevalve= 1 dorsalmargin.The anteriormarginis slightlyarched
Remarks:The generaloutlineas and and forms an acut angle with the dorsalmargin.The
the ornamentation agreesresonably with the posteriormargin is obliquelytruncated.The ventral
figure given by Cossman(1903 1 9 1 5 ) .O u r margin is almost paralelwith the dorsal one. In the
specimenseemsto be ova in outline, median part of the ventral margin,a shallowsinus
with a stronginflation.
inequilateral, anteriorand can be seen. The cardinal line is straight,parallel
the ventral margins of the shell are with the ventralmargin.Althoughthe ornamentis not
rounded; although the posteroventral of the shell very well preserved,it can be seen witlt difficulty,
is broken,it could be seen a rou strong being made up of numerousdelicate radial riblets
posteriorridgethat runsobliquely fromthe umboto (disposed all over the surface of the shell),
the posteroventral angle.The umbois intersectedwith very faint growth lines, pronounced
stroglydevelopedand arcuated,situa near the at irregularintervals.The posteriorareawell marked
anteriorpartof theshell.The hingeis sl htly arched. by a producedand obtusecarina,and bearingon the
Lengthwisethe cardinalmargin has (only surface three sulci,two of them distinctand the third
on 7mm of the lengthof hinge, posteriorto the umbo) inconspicuous. The above mentionedcharacteristics
a few short, oblique teeth, that seem be oriented agree reasonably with the descriptionsand figures
convergentlytoward the central part of the valve.A listedin the synonimy.However,our specimensare
delicatereticulate sculptureis by thiny very similarin generalform and dimensionswith A.
concentricgroMh lines intersected numerous '163, (E.)bisulcataKanjilal,f iguredby Jaitlyet al. (1995,p.
delicateradial ribs. However,due to its poor p1.2,fig.26),but the number(2 or 3) of sulcion
preservation, the sPecimen is to l. the posteriorarea is not very clear in our specimens.
bajociensisonly with reservation. Occurrence: StrungulitaPass (level10) withinan
Occurrence:Grohotisul Mountain - bioclastic alternance of pelits with siltitic interlayers and
limestone with hardgroung in the part (level limonitic concretions, Strungulita Formation
25) on the top of Strunga F (Lower (Bajocian).
Bathonian-MiddleCallovian). Stratigraphic and geographic distribution:
England:lnferiorOolite(UpperAalenian- Bajocian),
Subclass Pteriomorphia BEURLE, 1 9 4 4 Great Oolite (Bathonian);France: Bathonianfrom
OrderArcoidaSTOLICZKA, 1 1
I Calvados.{iW ArdennaisMountains.
Farfrily 1
GenusEonavicula ARKELL,1 FamilyParallelodontidae DALL,1898
minuta( C. SOW
Eonavicula Y, 1824) SubfamilyGrammatodontinae BRANSON,1861
. - 11
P l .l , f i g s 8 Genus GrammatodonMEEK& HAYDEN,1861
1824 Cucullaea minuta J de C. Sowe p. 68, pl. SubgenusGrammatodon
C D X L V I If,i g . 3 ; M E E K& H A Y D E N1, 8 6 1
1853Arca eudesiiMorris& Lycett,p' 46, pl. fig.6; Grammatodon(Grammatodon)concinnus
1853Arcaaemula(Phillips); Morris& p. 47, pl. 5. (PHILLIPS, 1829)
fig.17; P l . l , f i g s .1 2 - 1 7
1853 Arca aemula(PhilliPs)var. Morris&
1829Cucullaeaconcinnas0. nov.,Phillips,pl' 5, figs. 9,
p. 47,pl.5, fig.8;
Lycett, 31;
1930 Navicula (Eonavicula) eudesii & Lycett); concinnaPhillips;Morris& Lycett,p.
1853non Cucullaea
Arkell,p. 384,pl. 16, onlYfig. 6; 50, pl. 5, fig' 7 (= Granmatodonbathonicus, Cox &
1903-1915 Parallelodon eudesii & Lycett);
C o s s m a np, . 1 4 ,P l .5 , f i g s .1 - 5 ; 1899Cucullaea concinna Phillips; Greppin, p. 101-102, pl.
1948 Eonavicula minuta (J. de C. ; Cox& Arkell, 9, fig.3;
P.2i 1930 Parallelodon(Grammatodon)concinnum(Phillips);
1962 Eonavicula minuta (J. de C. Arkell, p. 341, Pl.15,figs'2,3, 4;
3 2 6 ,f i g s .1 - 1 4 ; 1973Cucullaea concinna(Phillips); Romanov, p. 4, pl. 3,
1964Eonavicula Fischer,p. 32;
minuta( C. Sowerby); f i g s 1. ,2 , 3 ;
1969Eonavicula Fischer,p. 80.
minuta( C. Sowerby); 1978 Grammatodon(Grammatodon)concinnus(Phillips);
Material:one rightvalve (LPBlllL1933)and one D u f fp, . { } 6p, l . 2 ,f i g s . 71, 1 - 1 71,9 ;
left valve (LPBIllL 1634), composite moulds with 1986Grammatodon (Grammatodon) concinnus(Phillips);
remains of shell; other n speclmens Pugaczewska , p. 52,pl.33,figs.1a, b.
'1604,1605) within
(completshells or dezarticulated ) are strogly Materiarl:two valves (LPBIllL
distorted. limoniticconcretions; five specimens,internalmoulds
Measurements:L = 17: 21 mm; H = 8.6; 9 mm; withremainsof shell (LPBIllL1606:1-5).
H I L= 0 . 4 2 ; 0 . 5 M e a s u r e m e n t sL: = 1 1 - 1 8 m m ;H = = 7 - 1 1 m m I;
Remarks:Antero-posteriorly e valves, =1OrnffiiLengthof the straighthingeline= 9-1Smm.
subtrapezoidal in outline,stronglyi al, with Remarks: The shell is subtrapezoidalin outline,

equivalve, placedin inequilatriral, oblique,bialate;umbo small, acute,
the anteriorhalf,nearto the t of the dorsal slightlyourvedanteriorly, distinctlysalientto hinge
part.The umbonesare clearly ient above the line; anl,eriorauriclesubtriangular, short, pointed;
hingeline.l-hehingeline is straight only2-3mm posterior wing larger,subtriangular, sharplypointed
shorter that that total length (L) the shell. The posteriorlyand bears four elongate grooves,
dorsal margin, truncatedanteriorly,forms with the subparallel to the hinge margin (only two of them
anteriormarginan almostright . The ventral clear visible); the maximum inflation of the left valve
marginis largelyconvex. The erior margin is is situated in the dorsal half of the shell; the ventral
almost straight forming an obtuse angle with the partis moreenlarged witha reducedinflation andthe
dorsal margin and an acute angle the ventral ventralrnarginis regularly rounded; just beneaththe.
margin.A faint umbonalcarina runs posteriorly from anteriorauricle,the anterior margin exhibitsa
the umbo, obliquelyto the angle, shalloW excavation. Thesurfaceof theshellisn'tvery
meetingthe ventralmarginin an angle,Jaitly well prer;erved but seemsto be smooth,onlywith
at al (1995, p. 165) shows that these distinctly growth llines. Although we can't observthe hinge
sharper umbonal carinae be a more features, in the above mentioned characteristics, our-
pronouncedlysigmoidalcurve in G. concinnus, materialcorrespond withthe specimens figuredand
characterthat can be observedon our specimens. describerd by Morris& Lycett(1854).
The anterodorsalarea exhibits3 - 5 distinctradial Occurence:StrungulitaPass (level 8) within
ribswith severalfaint radialriblets them.On calcarec;rus sandstonewith limoniticconcretions,
the slightlyconcaveposterodorsal severalfaint Strungulita Formation (Bajocian).
radialribscan be observed. The su ace of the flank Stralrigraphic and geographic distribution:
is ornamented withvervfaintradial that cross England: Bajocian.
numerousnarrowgrowthlines. al area well-
defined.ornamented with grooves Pteriasp.
radiating from beneath the um Taxodont Pl. ll,fig.2
dentition,clearlyvisible,with 5-6 a teriorshortand Materrial: one incomplet externalmouldof right
obliqueteeth;the first 2-3 teeth are also vafve (LPBlllL1778), broken in theanterior part.
shortand obliqueand the followi posteriorteeth Apprroximate measurements: H = 1 1,6mm; L=
are elongated,gently curved ano run 1 S m m .
subparallelto thehingemargin. Remrarks:Altought our material is poorly
Occurrence:Strungulita Pass, calcareous preserved, there are some characteristicsthat
sandstones (level 9) and within alternance of suggesl a resemblance with genusPteria.The valve
pelitswithsiltiticinterlayers and li concrelrons is inequilateral, oblique,with elongatedpointed
(level10),Strungulita Formation ( ian). posterior wingthatshowsa welldelineated concavity
Stratigraphic and geog distribution: underthe hingeline;hinge line long and straight; the
Romania: Codlea -Bathonian; na: Aalenian - umboarnd anterior auricle are broken; the ventral
Middle Bathonian; Switzerland: Bajocian; partis moreenlarged witha reducedinflation andthe
Poland:Upper Bajocian - Lower ian; Central ventral margin is largely convex; the surface of the
and southernEngland: Callovi Oxfordian; shell preserved only very fines growth lines. The
France,Germany,Switzerland, Callovian- generalshape is close to that of the species
Oxfordian. Pteropetrna burensis(Loriol,1893) describedand
figurated by Dikaniand Makarenko (1990,p. 31' pl'
OrderPterioida NEWE 1965 g, tigs. 26-29)from the Callovian of Rusia,but the
Superfamily Pteriacea G Y, 1847 very rerJuced deEree of conservation makesdifficult
FamilyPteriidaeGRAY, 1847 the specific assigment.
GenusPfela SCOPOLI 1777 Occurrence: StrungaPass* bioclastic limestone
Pteria plana (MORRIS & LY ,1854) with hardgroung in the upper part (level 25) on the
P l . l l , f i g .1 top of Strunga Formation (Lower Bathonian
1854Pteroperna planasp. nov.Morris Lycett,p. 128,pl. MiddleOallovian).
1969Pteroperna planaMorris& L in Moorep. N304, GenusGeruillellaWAAGEN 1907
fig,C39- 4b. acuta(J. de C. SOWERBY,
Getruillelta 1826)
Material:onepoorlYPreserved valve(LPBIllL P l .l l ,f i g s 3. , 4
1504)and numerous othershellf from the 1826 Geruilliaacuta sp. nov. J. de C. Sowerby't. 510' fig'
same level. 5;
Measurements: H = 59mm;L = 35mm; Lengthof 1853 Ciiervillia acuta J. de C. Sowerby;Morris& Lycett,p'
the anteriorauricle= 8mmi of the posterior 2 0 ,P l . 3 , f i g s .1 2 , 1 2 a ;
wing= 38,5mm. 1853 Geruittiasubcylindrica Morris & Lycett, p' 21' pl' 3'
Remarks: StronglY left valve, f i g .1 3 ;


1854 GervilliaacutaJ. de C. Sowerby; & Lycett,pl. observedlin our specimens.

1 4 ,f i g s .1 , 1 a ;
1948Geruillella Occurrence:Strungapass - bioclasticlimestone
acuta(J. de C. Sowerby);
Cox& Arkell,p.
9. with harclgroungin the upper part (level25) on the
Material:one incomplet top of Strunga Formation (Lower Bathonian
mould of the
shell (LPBIllL1503),the MiddleOallovian).
third of the
specimenis missing.
Remarks:Thereare some Familylsognomonidae WOODRING,1925
resemblance with the speciesG. elogated, Genus lsognomon
slightlycurvedshell;in SOLANDERin LTGHTFOOT. 1786
the shell seems to have max SugenuslsognomonSOLANDERin
inflation(l =
15mm); posteroventralside is LIGHTFOOT,1786
attenuated;althoughtincomplet,the lsognomon (lsognomon) isognomoides,
wing is
obtuse;a few (STAHL,1824)
of the shell
(onthe posterior
wingof the leftval showdelicate P l . l t ,f i g s .6 , 7 ; p l . l l l ,f i g s .1 - 3
groMhlines. 1.8_24 O_strizcitesisognomoides sp. nov.Stahl,p. 66,fig.25;
1836Pernacrassitesta Goldfuss, p. 104,pl. 107,fig. i3;
Occurrence:Tatarul peak calcareous 1854PernarugosaGoldfuss, var. Morris& Lycett,p. 12g,
sandstones (levels19and21),S ita Formation pl.14,fig.16;
(Bajocian). 1863Pernamytiloides Lamarck;Lycett,p. 112,p'-32,fig.
Stratigraphic and geographic distribution: 3;
Romania: Anina: Bajocian Bathonian; 1899Pernaisognomoides Stahl;Greppin,p. 107-.,l09;
England: Upper Aalenian an Lower 1916Pernaisognomoides Stahl;Jekelius, p.227;
Bathonian(lnferiorOotite), (GreatOolite, 1937 Pernaisognomoides Stahl;Wetzel,p. 139, pl. 15,
StonesfieldSlate, Fuller's Earth Rock, Forest figs.2, 3;
1948lsognomon isognomoldes Stahl;Cox& Arkell,p. 10;
1969lsognomonisognomoldes Stahl;Fischer,p. g7, text-
Geruillellaaff. orientalis (DOUVI 1e16) 1969 Isognomonisognomoides Stahl; in Morre,p. N322,
Pl. ll, fig.5 fig.C50-2f,g.
aff. 1916 Geruilliaorientalissp. nov. uville,p. 59, Material:14 specimens(LpBlilL 1695 - 1648),
pl. 4, figs. 14-17; complet shells with both valves or specimens
aff. 1965 Geruilliaorientalis Douville; L. R. Cox, p. partiallybrokenalongthe ventralmargin.
43, pl. 4, figs.7, 8. Measurements:H (dorso-ventral length)= 66 -
Material:two internalmoulds lL 1505, 1O8mm;L.(antero-posterior length)= 4Z - BSmm;Lh
1506) with a moderatedegree preservation. (hingemeuginlength)= 40 - 73mm; H / L = 1,16-
Approximate measurements: (measured 1 , 5 9L; h / L = 0 , 4 8 - 0 , 8 6 .
verticallyfrom the umboto the maxi convexityof Remarks: Large sized shell, subequivalve,
the anteroventralmargin) = 16,6m | (inflationof subtrapezoidal or subrhomboidalin ouiline.Strongly
the shell)= 6, 4mm; L (the diagonal length)= acLrte,prosogyrusumbo;situatedat the anteriorend
?23mm. of the hinge margin. Under the umbo the anterior
Remarks:The specimens is oya partof the shellexhibitsa concavitycorresponding to
mediumsize,subequivalve, oblique;i Iengthof the the byssal gape. The lower part of the anterior
straighthinge line is abouttwo thirds the lengthof margin isr strongly convex, rounded and slighily
theshell;theanteriorauricleis verv I andseems extentedin the front of the umbones.The ventral
to be pointed;the posteriorwing larger and margin describes a lqrge, elliptical curve. The
obtuselytriangularin generalshape;the umbones posteriolwing is obtuse,narrow,long and not very
projectsonly slightlyabovethe hi margin;the well differ,entiated. The ligamentalarea is fairly high
body of the shell is evenly and m ately inflated, (approx.1- 2 cm in very large individuals) with 1O-12
its degreeof inflationdiminishing lly fromthe ligamental grooves (Pl. lll, fig. 3) disposed
anteriormarginto the posteroventral of theshell; perpendicularto the dorsal margin, with narrow
the anteriormarginforms a very convexcurve intervals between them. The surface of the both
and the ventralmarginforms a y convex valves is ornamented with pronouced, lamellose
curve.Mostof thesefeaturesare in Geruillia comarginaLl growthlinesat irregularintervals.
orientalisDouvilleas describedby L. Cox(1965). Morris & Lycett (1854) mentionedthat the
Our specimensseems also to ble Geruillia geronticindividuals exhibita consid$rablegrowth
ovala (Sowerby, 1826) decribed figuredby of shellheightconcurrent witha redufedgrowthof
Morris& Lycett(18S3,p. 22, pl.2, 12,12a)trom the hingramargin length. Our lf rge sample
the Bathonianof England, differing by the confirms this remark. Hereby, if' the large
larger posteroventralextermity. On other hand individuals,
i.e. in adultsor gerontic$tage,Lh / H
Morris& Lycett(1853)specifythat rightvalveof ratiois 0.48- 0.57and in the juvenilesthe same
G. ovata is more flattened. that is not ratio is 0.70 0.80. Our spdcimens are

distinguishedf rom Perna Goldfuss, O r d e rL i m o i d a

R A F I N E S Q U1E8, 1 5
figuredand described by ( 1 9 0 3 - 1 9 1p5. , F a m i l yL i m i d a e
R A F I N E S Q U1E8, 1 5
7 , P l . l l l , fi g . 1 - 4 ) b y t h e of the GenusCtenostreon EICHWALD , 1862
pronounced lobefromte median riorpart. Cten ostreon cf. proboscideum
Occurrence: StrungaPass, rungulitaPass, (J. SOWEREY, 1820)
Tatarul Peak, Obarsia Vaii T rului, within P l .l V , f i g sl 4. - 1 5
calcarenites(level 12), St ita Formation 1820 Lima proboscidea sp. nov. J. Sowerby, p. 1lS,
(Bajocian); pt. 164;
Stratigraphicand geog distribution: cf. 1862 - 1863 Lima ploboscidea (J. Sowerby);
France:SW ArdennaisMou - Bathonian; G o l d f u s sp, . 8 8 , p l . 1 0 3 ,f i g . 2 ;
cf. 1853 Lima pectiniformis Sohlotheim;Morris & Lycett,
England:Upper Aalenian ocian - Lower p . 2 € i ,p l . 6 , f i g . 9 ;
Bathonian(lnferior Oolite), Bu onian (Great cf. 1957 Ctenostreon proboscideum (J. Sowerby);
Oolite, Stonesfield Slate, F rest Marble); Himgiagvili, p. 137,pl.27, figs. 1,2;
Switzerland: Bale,Bajocian. cf. 197t1 Ctenostreon cf. proboscideum (J. Sowerby);
B a r b u l e s c up,. 1 1 5 ,p l . 2 4 , 1 i 9 . 1p; l . 2 5 , f i g . 1 ;
LAECH1 8 1 9 cL 1991 Ctenostreon prob,oscideum (J. Sowerby);
GenusPinnaLINNE. 58 R o m a n o v& K a s u m- Z a d e , p . 7 5 , p l . 2 5 , f i g . 6 ;
Pinnaampla(J. SOWERB, 1 8 1 2 ) cf. 1995 Ctenostreon proboscideum (J. Sowerby);Jaitly
P l . l l l ,f i g s .4 - 7 a t a l ,p . 1 7 8 ,p | . 1 0f,i g s .2 - 3 ,7 ; p l .1 1 ,f i g s .2 , 5 ;
1812 Mytilus amplus sp. nov. J. cf. 2000 Ctenostreonproboscideum(J. Sowerby);
Barbulescu, pl.2, fig.1.
1853 Pinna ampla (J. Sowerby); s & L y c e t t ,p . 3 1 , Material: two specimens: LPB|llL 748
pt. 4, tig. 14; articulatedshell brokenalongto the dorsalmargin;
1923 Pinna ampla (J. Sowerby); 1 8 1 ,f i g . - LPB|llL 749 left valve internal mould with
text26; remain{iof shell.
1948 Pinna (Stegoconcha)ampla (J. Sowerby);Cox & Approximate measurements:LPB|llL748'.L =
A r k e l pl ,. 1 1 . 11 2 m m ,H = 11 6 m m ;H / L = 1. 0 3 ; L P B l l l L7 4 9 : L =
Material:13 fragmented articu specimens 1 2 9 m m H , = 1 3 5 m mH ; /L= 1.04.
( L P B l l l L 1 6 5 3 - 1 6 6 5 ) i,n t e r n a lm with shell Remarks: Large, moderately convex,
remains. suborbicularshell, nearly equilateral;the auricles
Approximate measurements I
L (measured are broken; ornamentationrepresentedby 9-10
from the umbo to the postero- ntral m a r g i n = ) very stnongradial ribs; the nodose and fistulous
1 5 6 - 1 9 4 m m ;H ( m e a s u r e d r o n plicationsare stronglyeroded;width of radial ribs
length,near the posteriorex ity) = 123 reach 16-17mm near the ventral margin. Our
174mm. specimens have a fairly well resemblancewith
Remarks: large species ith moderate Ctenostreonrugosum(Smith, 1817) in the reduced
inflation, subtriangular in ine, with te numberof radialribs and dimensions.
psteroventral marginlargelyspla The straight, Occurrence: Strunga Pass Obarsia Vaii
oblique dorsal margin forms the anterior Tatarului, within calgareous sandstones,
margin an angle with values n 3oo-450. StrungulitaFormation(Bajocian).
Median carina clearly visible. the shell Stratigraphic and geggraphic distribution:
fragments are fairlyerodedone observethe this speciesis frequentlymentionedin Bajocian-
ornamentation represented by waved, Calloviandepositsfrom Euriope.
knobbedlongitudinalribs, crosseflby concentric
growth lines produced at irregular intervals. Genus LimatulaWOOD,1839
Lissajous(1923,p. 181)showedthat pronounced LimatulacerealisARKELL, 1932
erosionof the shell lead to the eof Pl. lV, figs;1 - 7
the longitudinal ribs and bri a reticulate 1932Lirnatula cerealissp. nov.Arkell,p. 158,p1.2,figs.7,
appearanceof the ornament, that can be 8;
observedon our specimens. 1853 Lir,nagibbosaSowerby;lVfonis & Lycett,p. 28, pl. 3,
Occurence: La Politzie Sa , Grohotisul tigs.7,7a;
Mountain,StrungaPass,TatarulPeak, Obarsia 1948Lintatula cerealisArkell;Cpx& Arkell,p. 18;
Vaii Tataruluiwithin calcareuss ndstonesfrom 1951LimatulagibbosaSowerby; Krach,pl. 12,fig. 10;
1964LimatulacerealisArkell;Fischer,p. 41;
upperpartof StrungulitaFormat (Bajocian). 1969LimatulacerealisArkell;Fischer,p. 93, pl. 10, figs.
Stratigraphic and geograph distribution: 6a,b;
England: Upper Bajocian r Bathonian 1973Lirnatula gibbosa(Sowerhy); Romanov,p. 89, pl. 7,
(Upper Inferior Oolite), Middle an (Great tig.7;
Oolite, Stonesfield Slate, Fuller' Earth Rock), 1991LimatulacerealisArkell;Romanovet al.,p. 48, pl. 29,
LowerCallovian(Cornbrash);F : Bathonian. figs1. ,2 ;


1998 Limatula gibbosa (Sowerby); rbulescu in Bdrbulescu, p. 112,Pl.25, fig. 7;

Dragastanet al.,p. 137,p|.3,figs.17,1 1986 Lima (Lima) duplicata (J. de C. Sowerby);
Material: one articulated mould Pugaczewska, P. 57, pl. 22, figs.4-6; pl. 26, figs. 1a, b;
(LPBilrL1715). p l . 1 7 ,f i e t1. ;
Mesurements: H (dorso-ventral ) = 22mm; 1986 Pseuofolimeaduplicafa (Mrinster);Pugaczewska,p.
5 8 , p l . 2 : 2f,i g .1 ; p l . 1 8 ,f i g .9 ; p l . 2 4 ,f i g s . 4 ,5 ; p 1 . 2 7 ,
L (antero-posterior length)= 1Smm;I 1 4 m m ;H / L f i g s . 5 ,6 ;
=1,46i1lL=0,93. 1989-1990loseudolimeacf. duplicata(J. de C. Sowerby);
Remarks:Equilateral, subequi shell,dorso- D i k a n i &M a k a r e n k op,. 7 3 , p l . 1 2 ,f i g .3 ;
oval in outline,
ventrally convex; 1991 P,seudolimeaduplicata (J. de C. Sowerhy);
umboneslarge and contiguous; all, suequal, Romanov& Kasum-Zade, p. 57, pl. 30, figs.7, 8;
smoothauricles;obliquedorsalmarg and short, 1995 Pseualolimeaduplicata(J. de C. Sowerby);Jaitly et
convex, largely curved posterior margin; the a l . ,p . 1 8 3 ,p l . 1 3 ,f i g s .3 - 5 ;
marginis slightly
anterodorsal and forms 1998 Pseudolimea duplicata (J. de C. Sowerby);
90e;the Bdrbulesrcu in Dragastanet al.,p. 137,pl. 3, fig. 15.
with the anteriormarginan angle of
12 radial Material: one specin;en - left valve (LPBlllL
flanks of both valves are ornamented
section; anterior
and 1716).
in transversal
posteriorextremitiesof both valves are smooth; Measurements:H (dorso-ventral length)= $3,
6mm; L (antero-posterior length)= 29mm;H / L =
delicate closely packed growth . Limatula
helvetica Oppelis in
similar outline, shows 23 - 1, ' 1 5 .
25 radialribs and delicateradial between Remarlrs:convex,obliquelyovate left valve,
them. Limatula gibbosa (SowerbY) has similar
postero-dorsal marginslightlyconvex;ventralmargin
dimensionsand general outline,but numberof rounded,obliquelyelongatedto the antero-dorsal
radialribsis between15-18,
angle;dorsalmarginobliqueand straight;small,
Occurrence: StrungaPass- T Peak,within triangularauricles,the anteriorauriclebearsvery
from the part of delicateradialriblets;ornamentrepresented by 28-
Strungulita (Bajocian). 30 prominentradial ribs, triangularin transversal
section;interspaces wide,each havinga very fine
Stratigraphic and geograPhic distribution:
Romania:Central Dobrogea- Callovian; riblet(,fig.10).
Occurrence: StrungaPass- TatarulPeak,within
Haghimas(PiatraLiciului):Bajocian Bathonian;
- Pojorata): ; France: calcareoussandstonefrom the upper part of
Rarau(Campulung Formation (Bajocian).
SW ArdennaisMountains- England, Strungulita
Callovian; Uzbekistan, Stratignaphicand geographic distribution:
Poland: Bathonian Bathonian- Callovian;
ian: Upper Romania: CentralDobroEea:
Baiocian- Bathonian. Germany- Bajocian;France, England,Poland:
Bajocian,Bathonian, Callovian;Rusia,Uzbekistan,
Turkmenia, Caucaz, Crimea:Bajocian- Callovian.
GernusPlagiostoma J. SOWERBY, 1814
( C. SOWERBY,1 )
Plagiostoma & LYCETT,
P l . l V ,f i g s .B - 1 0
1827Plagiostomaduplicafasp. nov.J. de C. Sowerby,p.
P l .l V ,f i g .1 1- 1 3
114,pl.559,fig.3; 1853 Lima bellulasp. nov. Nilorris& Lycett,p. 30, pl. 3, f!gs.
1853 Lima duplicata(J. de C. Sowerby); & Lycett,p. 9, 9a;
2 6 , p l . 3 , f i g s .6 , 6 a ; 1871-1873 Lima bellula Morris & Lycett; Terquem et
1867 Lima duplicata (J. de C. Sowerby); La r e ,p . 1 3 ; J o u r d yp, . 1 1 7 :
1871-1873Lima duplicata(J. de C. 1951 Plagiostoma cf. bellttla Morris & Lycett; Krach; p.
); Terquemet a'71
J o u r d yp, . 1 1 8 ;
1923Limea duplicataMtinster;Lissajous, Materiill:one specimen(LPBlllL1717) right
1948 Pseudolimea duplicafa (J. de C. Cox & valve.
A r k e l l p, . 1 7 ; Measurements: H = 27mmiL = 29mm;H I L =
1951Raduladuplicata(J. de C. Sowerby)Krach,p. 371, 0,93.
pl.12,fig.1; Remarks: Obliquelyovate shell, moderately
1957 Lima (Radula) duplicata (J. de C. Sowerbv): convex,irrequilateral; smallorthogyrous umbo;the
Himgiagvili, p. 130,pl. 28, figs.5-7; large,deeply
1964 Pseudolimea duplicafa (J. de C. ); Fischer, excavated lunula; anterior margin obliquely
P.41i truncated,posteriormargin roundedand largely
1965 Pseudolimea duplicafa (J. de C. ); Cox,p.
6 4 , p l . 8 , f i g .8 b ; convexverntral margin;the surfaceof the valveis
1969 Pseudolimeaduplicafa(J. de C. Fischer, ornamented withverydqlicate,denselydottedradial
p. 93; striations by veryfinegrowthlines(Pl.lV,
1973Lima (Limea)duplicata(MUnster); f i g .1 3 ) .
p l . 7 , f i g s .8 - 1 3 ; Occurrence:GrohotisulMountain- bioclastic
1974 Pseudolimea duplicata ( J . d e


in the
with hardground
limestones part (level AppnoximatemeasurerTlents: H = 22-25m1'1,L=
25) on the top of Strunga F (Lower 23-24mm,
Bathonian-Middle Callovian). Remarks:subtriangular, oval shell,moderately
Stratigraphic and geogra distribution: convexwith obliquelytrunpatedanteriorpart and
England: - Bat
UpperAalenian (lnferior
Oolite, fairlylargeroundedposterio;'part;the surfaceof the
GreatOolite);Poland:Callovian. valves,areornamented with numerous(around50)
flattened,distinctradial ribs; the radial ribs are
byneiCOX& 1948 slightlysinuatein theventralhalfof theshell;narrow
Pl. V, figs.1 - 4 intersparcesdenselydotted.In the ventralhalfof the
1853 Limasemicircularis Goldfuss; p.29,
& Lycett, shell, er few growth lines are more pronounced,
pl.3, figs.3, 3a (nonGoldfuss) givingan imbricate aspect.
1967Limasemicircularis Goldfuss: p.14i Occurrence: Obarsia Vaii Tatarului,within
1948 Lima (Plagiostoma) bynei nov Cox & Arkell,p. calcareous sandstone, Strungulita Formation
17: (Bajociern).
1951 Plagiostoma semicirculare Krach,p. 336,
p l . 1 1 ,f i g s .1 , 2 ; Stratigraphic and gepgraphic distribution:
Romania: CentralDobrogea: Bathonian - Callovian;
1964 Lima (Plagiostoma) bynei Cox & ArKell;Fischer,p.
4 0 , p l . 1 , f i g .2 0 ; France: SWArdennes Mountains - Bathonian.
1969 Lima (Plagiostoma) bynei Cox & Arkell; Fischer,p.
9 2 , p l . 1 0 ,f i g s .1 a ,b ; Plagiostomasp. l
?1974 Lima (Plagiostoma) Pl.V, figs.B,9
B d r b u l e s c up,. 1 1 3 ,p l . 2 5 , f i g .3 ; Material:five disarticulated specimens(LPBlllL
?1986 Plagiostoma cf. Goldfuss; witha reduceddegreeof preservation.
Pugaczewska, p. 58, pl. 26, figs.2a,
Measurements: H = 69mm.L = 75mm.
1998 Plagiostoma bynei Cox & Ark
D r a g a s t aent a l . ,p . 1 3 6 ,p | . 3 , f i g . 1 6 Remarks: convex suborbicularshell, oval
Material:onearticulated spec ( L P B i l r1L7 1 8 ) elongated along a line that connectsthe umbowith
withmoderate degreeof the antero-ventral extremity; straightor gentlyconvex
Measurements:H = = 27fimi | - anterior margin, forms a laqgely roundedanglewith
1Bmm. the antero-ventral extremity; the ventralmarginis
Remarks: Subtrapezoidal, convex regularly rounded; the posterior margin is shorterand
shell with obliquelytruncated ior margin and pronourrcedly oblique; the strong, well developed
roundedventralone; small,acute, umbo is slightly anteriorly recurved; the maximum
theposterior auricleof the leftvalves triangular,with inflatiorr is situated in the dorsal half of the shell;
moteratesizeandslightlyconcave, obliqueposterior ornamernted with numerous flattened radial ribs,
margin;on the surfaceof the poste auriclea few. more wide to the ventral part and separated by
be observed: narrow striated interspaces. Considering the
delicate radial ribs can
ornamentation representedby ly 36 dimensions,generalshape and the aspectsof
roundedradialribs;iqtg.rspaces denselydotted ornamerntation, our specimenshave a general
on the dorsal third of the and became resemb,lan0e with Plaglostoma subgiganteum
transverselystriated close tg the margin (Pl. (Repman) described and figuredby Romanov&
Kasum - Z a d e ( 1 9 9 1p, . 3 Q ,O l ,1 7 , t i g . 2 ) ,h o w e v e r
V , f i g s . 2 ,4 ) .
the reduced degree of pregervation doesn'tallowa
Occurrence: Obarsia Vaii Ta rului (level21)
within calcareoussandstone. ta Formation specif ic identif ication.
(Bajocian). Ocourrence: GutanuGlade,Grohotisul Mountain,
Stratigraphic and Strunga Pass,Tatarul Peak, within calcareous
Romania:CentralDobrogea: llovian; sandstonefrom the upper part of Strungulita
Bathonianfrom Franco-Suab Poland Formation (Bajocian).
Callovian; Frarlce: Bajocian -
Plagiostorfia sp.2
Plagiostomacf. P l .
V , f i g s 1
. 0 - 11
COSSMAN1907 (ex GNY) Material: two specimens (LPBlllL 1720, 1721)
Pl.V, figs.5 7- interna' moulds with remains of the shell.
cf. 1907 Lima HellicaCossmanex , p . 2 7 8 ,p l . 2 , Approximatemeasurem.ents: H = 39-48,5mm, L
f i g s .1 , 2 ; = 45-5ilmm.
cf. 1964 Lima (Plagiostoma) Cossman E X Rennarks: convexshell,subtriangular in outline,
d'Orbigny; p. 40,pl. 1,fig.
Fischer, abruptly truncated in the anterior and posterior part;
cf. 1969 Lima (Plagiostoma) Cossman the anteriormarginis elongated, nearlystraightand
d'Orbigny; p.92,pl.10,fig.
Fischer, obliquer, makingwith the antero-ventral extremitya
Material:one articulatedspecim (LPBiltL 1723) largeroundedangle;the ventralmarginis largely

convex;the orthogyrous umbo is developed; AcRnowledgements

ornamented with numerous( 50) rounded
radialribs, separatedby very na I wish to express my gratitudeto Professor
, transversally AureliaBdirbulescu
for crritical
The auriclesare preserveo.
The state of preservation of our this paperand for permanent supervision.
imensis too
poorto allowa specificidentification. thanksto my colleaguesAssociateprofessor'Dr.
Occurrence:within hardgroundsurface from Marius Sitoicafor photographing the described
GauraValley(? Bathonian) specimensand Victor Barbu for his help duiing
Arkell,W. J. 1929- 1935,A monograph BritishCorallian Himigiagvili,N. G. 1957, Verhneiurskaiafauna Gruzii
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Figs. 1 - 4 ? Palaeonuculai 1 - mouldof articulated
Bajocian,LPBlllL1610;2 - lnte I mouldof articulated specimen,
B a j o c i a nL,P B l l l L1 6 1 0 ;3 - mouldof articulatedspecimen,
Bajocian,LPBlllL1610;4 - I mouldof articulatedspec;imen,
Bajocian, LPB|lll 1608.
Figs.5-T lsoarcacf. d:ORBIGNY,1850: 5 *'enlarged fragmentof shell with det4ilsof
ornamentation, LPB|llL1651;6 leftvalve,StrungaFormation, LPBlllL1651;7 - anteriorview
of leftvalve,StrungaFormation, r o n i a nL, P B l l l L1 6 5 1 ;
Figs.B - 11 Eonaviculaminuta de C. SOWERBY,1824):B - Internalmould of left valve, Strungulita
rv | , I vb-|. vqt v9, vtt ut tvvilrq

Formation, Bajocian,LPB|llL1 ; 9 - dorsalviewof thesamespecimen; 10 - Internal

mouldof rightvalve,
Bajocian, llll 1633;11- enlarged
viewof thesamespecimen;
Figs.12 -17 Grammatodon concinnus 1829):12 - lnternalmouldof leftvalve,
with remainsof the shell. ulita Formation,Bajocian,L-PBlllL1606-1;13 - same specimen;14 -
ArticulatedsDecimenwith val open,dorsalview,Strungulita
Formation, LPBlllL1606-2;15 -
Fragment of leftvalve(internal withinlimoniticconcretion,LPB|llL1604;16 - rightvalve (dorsalview)
concretion.LPBlll 1605;17 - samespecimen* enlargedviewof hingemargin.
Fig.1Pteriap/ana(MORRIS & L CETT,1854)- leftvalve,StrungulitaFormation,Bajocian,
Fig.2 Pteriasp. * externalmouldof rightvalve,StrungaFormation,Bathonian,LPB|llL1778;
Figs. 3, 4 Gervillellaacuta (J. de C. SOWERBY,1826):13- incompletinternalmouldof articulated
specimen,left valve view, ta Formation,Bajocian,LPB|llL1503;4 - same specimen,rightvalve
Fig.5 Geruillellaaff. orientalis LLE,1916)- internalmrould
of articulated
StrungaFormation, Bathonian, ilL 1506;
Figs. 6, 7 Isognomon( t) isognomoides
(STAHL,18124):6- articulatedspecimen,left valve view,
StrungulitaFormation,Bajocian LPB|llL 1635; 7 - articulaltedspecimen, right valve view, Strungulita
Formation, Bajocian,LPB|llL164
Figs.1 -S lsognomon(ls isognomoides - articulated
(STAHL,1t124):'1 specimen,leftvalveview,
StrungulitaFormation, -
Bajocian,LPB|llL1644;2 rightval'r'e,StrungulitaFormation,
1647;3- fragmentof leftvalve,i rnalview,Strungulita
Figs.4 -7 Pinnaampla (SOW lBY, 1812):4 - internalmould of articulatedspecimen,left valve view,
StrungulitaFormation,Bajocian, PBlllL 1660;5 - enlargedfrergment
of shell with detailsof ornamentation,
LPBlllL1656;6 - incompletin mouldof articulatedspeclmen,rightvalve view, StrungulitaFormation,
Bajocian,LPBlllL1654;7 - i internalmouldof articulerted
specimen withremainsof theshell,right


Figs.1-7 Limatulacerealrs 1932:1 - 7 - internalview
of articulated StrungaFormation,
LPBIllL1715:1 - dorsal
Bathonian, 2 * posteriorview; 3 - ianteriorview; 4 - left valve view; 5 - right
valvevliew;6 - leftvalveview;7 -
Figs.8-l0Pseudolimea (J. de C. SOWERBY, 1t127):I - left valve, antero-lateralview,
Strungulita Bajocian, llL 1716;9 - left valve,lateralview, StrungulitaFormation,Bajocian,
- -
LPBlllL1716;10 samesPecimen enlargedfragmentof'1853 shellwithdetailsof orqamentation;
Figs.11 13 Plagiostoma bellula ORRI-S a tVCEtt, - rightvalve,StrungaFormation,Bathonian,
LPBfllL.1717: 11 - lateralview; 2 - dorsal view; 13 - enlarged fragmerntof 'shell with details;of
Figs.1'4,15Ctenostreon cf. (J.SOWERBY, 1820):14 - internalrnouldwith (?) leftvalvewith
fragments of shell,Strungulita , Bajocian,LPB|llL749; 15 articulatedspecimen,(?) rightvalve
view,Strungulita Bajoci , LPB|lll 748.
Figs.1 - 4 PlagiostomabyneiCOX ARKELL,1948:1 - articulated lightvalveview,Strungulita
Formation, Bajocian, LPBlllL171 2 - same specimen,enlargedfragmentof shell with detailsof
ornamontation;3 - articulated
speci Bajocian,
leftvalveview,Strungulita LPBlllL1718;4 -
samesipecimen, enlargedfragmant shellwithdetailsof ornamentation;
Figs.5-7 Plagiostoma cf. hellica SSMAN1907 (ex D'ORBIGNY): 5 'artiqulatedspecimen,left valve
view, Sitrungulita LPBllfL 1723:6 - same sipecimen,enlafgedfragmentof shell with
in the
detailsof ornamentation half of the left valve;7 - same specimen,enlargedfragmentof shell
of ornamentation
withdertails in the half of the leftvalve;
Figs.8r,I Plagiostoma Formation,
sP. 7: 8 - i ternalmouldof leftvalvewith remainsof shell,Strungulita
Bajocian, -
LPBlllL1722'1;9 same ecimen, enlarged delails
fragmentof shellwith of ornamentation;
Figs.10, 11 Plagiostoma sP.2: 10 internalmouldof articulate<jspecimen, leftvalveview,GauraVallpy,
Bathonian. '
LPBlllL1721',11same , enlargedfragmentof with
shell detailsof ornamentation.


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