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Badminton is popular and enjoyable sport.

It can be played recreationally as

well as competitively. Badminton is attractive for children because, at first, it does
not impose any rules. After a while, a desire to learn and master this sport is
developed with children. Physical activities have special significance for child’s
organism that is dynamically developing. Movement is one of the main
requirements for normal growth and development of young organism. Body
development and a level of physical development of children forms a good basis
for systematic and organized application of physical activities. Choosing correct
program and physical activities considerately influences more complete recovery
and resting of children, prevention and treatment of degenerative alterations in
child’s organism. Children develop motor skills, dexterity and explosiveness by
playing badminton. It allows development of eye-hand coordination and
accommodation of eye, very important for this age, and also space orientation,
development of thought process, thinking, developing tactics, quick reaction,
endurance, perseverance, developing team play, competitive spirit and, above all,

Like every other physical activity badminton can benefit one’s health in a
variety of ways. Playing badminton can increase cardio endurance and it can make
reflexes and focus better. Badminton requires skillfulness, explosive strength,
motor coordination, stamina, speed and accuracy. It is an unknown fact that a
person uses every muscle when playing badminton. In the same time, it is aerobic
sport and needs high level of physical preparation. Badminton influences
development of endurance, perseverance, team play, competitive spirit and, in the
first place, self-confidence which is of exceptional significance for a child of
preschool age. Through physical activities, exercise and work out children can
master a lot of different motions and types of movement. By practicing badminton,
recreational or competitive, various movements and coherence of the development
of all parts of the locomotor apparatus and the body as a whole are adopted. The
rhythmicity is adopted and the harmonious development of the nervous muscular
system is assured, as well as the habits of the proper body stance, the spinal
column, the shoulder belt, preventing and eliminating phenomena such as foot
deformity. It also stimulates the development of cardiovascular, respiratory and
other vegetative systems and to a considerable extent develops the central nervous
system. When regularly exercising, children can develop healthy habits, norms of
behavior, become more socialized, acquire ability to compare with others, gain
new knowledge through observation of rules. Child’s self-control, self-confidence,
tolerance to frustration, feelings of friendship is developed. All of these abilities
will greatly help children during preparation for school.

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