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The Great Gatsby – Chapter 7 Quiz

Chapter 7

1. What was Gatsby’s reaction to Daisy’s child?

a. He says he has always dreamed of having children
b. He looks at her with surprise.
c. He backs away, saying that he is uncomfortable around children
d. He hugs the child and says she looks just like Daisy

2. What did George Wilson do to his wife Myrtle?

a. He took her to the hospital to have her broken nose fixed. He wants her to know he
loves her and forgives her, no matter what she has done.
b. He beats her in a jealous rage. He overheard her talking to her sister about Tom.
c. He locked her in her room. He suspects she is having an affair.
d. He brought her flowers and promised to be a better husband. He is worried that
she will leave him.

3. Why do the five (Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, Nick, and Jordan) drive into the city on such a
hot afternoon?
a. They have tickets for a Broadway matinee.
b. Gatsby offers to take them out in the ocean on his yacht.
c. Nick knows of a hotel that specializes in icy cold baths.
d. Daisy wants to avoid confrontation and get away from her problems. This simply
just gives them something to do.

4. What does Gatsby think about Daisy’s relationship with Tom?

a. He believes Daisy never loved Tom.
b. He thinks Daisy will do anything to hurt Tom because he has cheated on her.
c. He believes that she once loved Tom, but doesn’t anymore.
d. He thinks Daisy loves Tom, but he has never loved her.

5. What is Daisy’s reaction to both men?

a. She realizes that Gatsby is a fraud and decides she is better off with Tom.
b. She thinks they are both self-centered fools, and she doesn’t want either of them.
c. She wants the escape provided by Gatsby, but needs Tom because he is a lot like
her, rich and reckless.
d. She is afraid that Tom will get violent. She thinks she is safer with Gatsby.

6. What happens on the way home from New York?

a. Nick and Jordan get into an argument and Nick says he will take the train home.
b. Tom realizes he loves Daisy, and stops at the garage to end his affair with Myrtle.
c. Gatsby is speeding, is stopped by the police and is arrested for drunk driving.
d. Daisy is driving Gatsby’s car. She hits and kills Myrtle Wilson, but keeps driving.
7. Which of these statements about other characters’ reactions to Myrtle’s death is true?
a. Wilson thinks she deserved it for cheating on him.
b. Tom’s first instinct is to protect himself. Later he cries.
c. Nick is not interested because he hardly knows her.
d. Gatsby thinks he can make up for it by paying Wilson a lot of money.

8. How are Tom and Daisy alike?

a. They are both arrogant and overbearing or domineering.
b. They are both careless and don’t take responsibility for their actions.
c. They are both consumed with jealousy
d. They are unhappy but too scared to do anything about it

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