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Letter to the Editor

follicle reconstitution. Each has distinct and different advantages Acknowledgements

and disadvantages, depending upon how it is to be used. The Y. Liang designed the experiments, performed the tissue culture work, analy-
patch assay had the advantage that low cell numbers were needed, sed data and wrote the manuscript. K. A. Silva and V. Kennedy performed
it was not labour intensive, and histological readouts could be the surgeries and mouse injections, collected tissue samples, took gross photo-
made very quickly. However, it was not the best to investigate hair graphs and processed samples. J. P. Sundberg designed the study, supervised
shaft quality or density. The chamber and flap approaches were the experiments, interpreted the histopathology, immunohistochemistry and
best to evaluate hair shaft and density but both were labour inten- scanning electron microscopy, took the photomicrographs, analysed data and
sive and required surgical skills. Each has advantages at manipu- wrote the manuscript. The authors thank Lesley Bechtold for her technical
lating cells or mixing and matching donor cells to address specific assistance with the scanning electron microscopy.
questions. Conflict of interest

References 12 Jahoda C A, Reynolds A J, Oliver R F. J Invest 24 Qiao J, Zawadzka A, Philips E et al. Regen Med
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for the article.
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Letter to the Editor

Effects of topical application of EGCG on testosterone-induced hair

loss in a mouse model
Yoon Young Kim1, Sun up No2, Min Ho Kim2, Hei Sung Kim2, Hoon Kang2, Hyung Ok Kim2 and Young Min
Cha and Park Skin Clinic, Uijeonbu, Korea; 2Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence: Young Min Park, MD, Department of Dermatology, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of
Korea, 505, Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-040, Korea, Tel.: +82-2-2258-2867, Fax: +82-2-594-3255, e-mail:

Abstract: We investigated the effect of topical epigallocatechin-3- samples revealed no significant difference in T and
gallate (EGCG) on testosterone (T)-induced hair loss in mice. dihydrotestosterone concentrations between the T-injected and
Marked hair loss was observed at the T-injected site, and topical T + EGCG groups. Thus, we found that T injection in a mouse
EGCG significantly reduced the hair loss (P < 0.05). TUNEL model induces hair loss by apoptosis of the hair follicles rather
staining showed apoptosis of follicular epithelial cells in the than through the androgen metabolic pathway and also saw that
T-injected groups where topical EGCG was found to significantly T-induced apoptosis of hair follicles was reduced by topical
diminish T-induced apoptosis (P < 0.05). Topical EGCG down- EGCG.
regulated the T-induced expression of androgen receptor but did
Key words: apoptosis – epigallocatechin-3-gallate – hair loss –
not down-regulate 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) and
three b-HSD expression. Analysis using liquid chromatography
tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS ⁄ MS) on serum and tissue Accepted for publication 21 July 2011

ª 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S, Experimental Dermatology, 20, 1011–1037 1015
Letter to the Editor

Background (a) (b) (g) (h)

The effects of green tea, such as anti-cancer and anti-oxidant
properties, are primarily mediated by epigallocatechin-3-gallate
(EGCG; 1,2). EGCG has effects on the epidermis, such as accelera-
tion of keratinocyte differentiation, and protection of hair follicles
(c) (d) (i) (j)
from radiation. Interestingly, EGCG selectively induces apoptosis
of tumor cells, but not the normal human epidermal keratinocytes
(3). EGCG inhibits apoptosis of normal cells by suppressing many
genes coding for pro-apoptosis factors. EGCG up-regulates heat-
shock protein 70 and phosphorylation of Erk and Akt, but down- (e) (f) (k) (l)

regulates c-myc, and increases the ratio of Bcl-2 ⁄ Bax (3–5). EGCG
also has several effects on androgen metabolism; EGCG inhibits
5a-reductase (6,7) and androgen action by repressing the tran-
scription of the androgen receptor (AR) gene (8).
Androgens, such as testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone Figure 2. Histologic findings of the upper dorsal skin stained with haematoxylin
and eosin (a–f), and TUNEL staining (g–l). Topical application of 10% EGCG (a, g),
(DHT), are believed to act on the hair follicles (9,10). In human testosterone (T)’s vehicle injection (b, h), T injection (c, i), T injection + topical
hair follicles, androgen exerts its effect either directly or after con- application of EGCG vehicle (ethanol) (d, j), T injection + topical application of
10% cyproterone acetate (e, k) and T injection + topical application of EGCG (f, l).
version by an enzyme, 5a-reductase, to DHT (11) that binds to [(a–f) · 100, (g–l) · 400].
ARs in hair follicles (12,13). DHT is known to cause hair loss
(12), but there are only a few reports about T-induced apoptosis
in hair (14), and little is known about the influence of T on hair Fig. 2a–f). The T + cyproterone acetate (CA) group showed no
growth. Moreover, there are only a few experiments on apoptosis significant hair loss compared with the T + EGCG group. CA has
of hair follicles using a mouse model (15). strong anti-androgenic effects (16) and has been used in other
Questions addressed T-induced alopecia experiments (17,18). On the histologic exami-
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of topical EGCG nation, T-injected group showed a decrease in the number of hair
on hair loss caused by T injection. follicles, compared with the T’s vehicle-injected group. To see
Experimental design whether the hair loss induced by T injection is mediated by the
Sixty B6CBACF1 ⁄ J female mice were injected intra-dermally on apoptotic effect, TUNEL staining was performed. The TUNEL
the upper dorsal skin with T and ⁄ or topical EGCG for 12 weeks staining demonstrated that the T + vehicle group had 50–70%
(Appendix S1). staining intensity in follicular epithelial cells whereas the T +
Results EGCG group had <10% of staining in follicular epithelial cells
Effects of T injection and topical EGCG (P < 0.05; Fig 2g–l; Table S1).
The T-injected group had approximately 10% hair loss compared Next, to examine the effect of EGCG on hair growth, epilation
with their hair density before the experiment, which was counted was performed. Hair growth was first observed at the epilation site
using a folliscope on the fifth week of injection. However, in the by Folliscope (·50, Folliscope; Lead M Co, Seoul, Korea) 11 days
T + EGCG group, 10% hair loss was noted after the sixth week of after epilation in the T + EGCG group, while the T-injected group
injection. Compared with the T-injected group, the T + EGCG had hair growth 13 days after epilation. The T + EGCG group
group had marked hair density in the 12th week of experi- showed a significantly higher density of hair than the T-injected
ments (Fig. 1a–f), which was also found in histology (P < 0.05; group, 16 days after epilation (P < 0.05; Table S2).
These results suggest that T injection in this mouse model can
induce hair loss through apoptosis of hair follicles. EGCG can
(a) (b) (c) (g) (h) (i) reduce the T-induced hair loss by down-regulating the apoptosis
of follicular epithelial cells and even stimulate hair re-growth.
Effect of T injection and EGCG on AR, 17b- and
3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) expression of
hair follicles
(d) (e) (f) (j) (k) (l) We examined the effect of T on AR expression by IHC staining.
IHC of AR demonstrated that the T + vehicle group had 50–70%
staining intensity in follicular epithelial cells as well as sebaceous
glands, whereas the T + EGCG group had <10% staining in follic-
ular epithelial cells (Figure S1 and Table S1). IHC staining for
17b- and 3b-HSD was also performed to determine whether there
Figure 1. Photographs of T-induced hair loss (a–f) and hair re-growth after
epilation (g–l) in T-injected B6CBAF1 ⁄ j mice with the effect of topical EGCG after were changes in the androgen pathway by T or EGCG. However,
12 weeks. Topical application of 10% EGCG (a, g), testosterone (T)’s vehicle there was no difference in 17b- and 3b-HSD expression among
injection (b, h), T injection (c, i), T injection + topical application of EGCG vehicle
(ethanol)) (d, j), T injection + topical application of 10% cyproterone acetate (e, k) the T-injected and T + EGCG groups (unpublished data). These
and T injection + topical application of EGCG (f, l). The circled area at the upper results demonstrate that EGCG can down-regulate T-induced AR
dorsal skin is the site of T injection (a–f). The boxed area of the mice is the
epilated area, and the circled area is the site of the T injection (g–l). The inlet is
expression of hair follicular cells but has no effect on 17b- and
taken by Folliscope on day 16 after epilation. 3b-HSD expression.

1016 ª 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S, Experimental Dermatology, 20, 1011–1037
Letter to the Editor

Effect of T injection and EGCG on T and DHT concentra- within 3 months. Because B6CBAF1 ⁄ j mice are convenient, cost-
tions in serum and hair effective and suitable with respect to the time course of results,
Analysis using LC-MS ⁄ MS on serum and hair samples was per- B6CBAF1 ⁄ j mice were used in this study.
formed to determine the difference in the T and DHT concentra- Even though there was no difference in the expression of 17b-
tions in each group. We found no difference in the T and DHT and 3b-HSD between the T-injected and T + EGCG groups, we
concentrations between the T-injected and T + EGCG groups cannot exclude the possibility of the effect of EGCG on androgen
(unpublished data). metabolism of hair follicles because EGCG application down-regu-
Conclusion lated T-induced AR expression of hair follicles. To resolve this
We report the first in vivo experiment showing the influence of T question, further functional in vitro studies using hair follicle cul-
injection and EGCG on hair follicles. Our results suggest that T ture will be needed.
injection in a B6CBAF1 ⁄ j mouse model induces hair loss by apop- From our study, we propose topical EGCG as a promising ther-
tosis of hair follicles rather than through the androgen metabolic apeutic tool in the management of androgen-related hair loss.
pathway. Furthermore, it was shown that EGCG can prevent hair Acknowledgements
loss by reducing T-induced apoptosis of follicular epithelial cells This study was supported by the Stiefel Research Grant year of 2008
and provoke hair re-growth after epilation. through the Korean Dermatological Association. Yoon Young Kim, Sun up
The best animal model of androgen-induced alopecia is the No and Min Ho Kim performed the research, Yoon Young Kim, Hoon
stump-tailed macaque, but because of its large size and high cost, Kang, Hyung Ok Kim and Young Min Park designed the research study,
researchers favour a more easily handled murine model (19). The Yoon Young Kim, Hoon Kang and Young Min Park analysed the data and
B6CBAF1 ⁄ j mice used in this study were first introduced by Yoon Young Kim, Hoon Kang, Young Min Park and Hei Sung Kim wrote
Matias et al. (17) as a T-induced androgenic alopecia mice model. the article.
The B6CBAF1 ⁄ j mouse is not a perfect androgen-induced alopecia Conflict of interest
model in that androgen is needed to be given continuously, and The authors declare no conflict of interests.
once androgen supplementation ceases, the mouse regains its hair

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online version of this article:
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Letter to the Editor

The secretory clear cell of the eccrine sweat gland as the probable
source of excess sweat production in hyperhidrosis
Douglas L. Bovell1, Alison MacDonald2, Barbara A. Meyer2, Alistair D. Corbett1, William M. MacLaren1,
Susan L. Holmes2 and Mark Harker3
Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK; 2Department of Dermatology, Glasgow Royal
Infirmary, Glasgow, UK; 3Unilever Research & Development, Port Sunlight, Bebington, UK
Correspondence: Mark Harker, PhD, Unilever R&D, Quarry Road East, Bebington CH63 3JW, UK, Tel.: +44 151 641 3992, Fax: +44 151 641 1854,

ª 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S, Experimental Dermatology, 20, 1011–1037 1017

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