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Edilberto Lidueña Study Guide 1.

A. Why can't Angel Luis Josep get a Dominican passport in order to get a visa to
play baseball in the US?
R// He’s no longer considered a citizen.

B. In 1937, under Trujillo’s regime, ​40.000​ Haitians were massacred in order to

“whiten” the Dominican Republic.

C. Tahira Vargas laughed when she said Dominican call her rubia. What can we
infer about Dominican ideas of blondness? Rubia means...
R// Having white skin.

D. What do you know about the history of the Dominican Republic and Haiti?
R// I recently know what I heard and saw on the video about the regime
of Trujillo and the deaths Haitians suffered and I also know Haiti was a
French colony. They both share the island were the countries are

E. What do you know about racism in Latin America?

R// I think the racism in Latin America is not only about black people it is
also about native people. Most of the racist part and discrimination
come from white and powerful economically people. However there’s
black people with economic power, there’s a big inequality for African
American descendants. But the most affected group is native people.


Dominican Republic Haiti

Speak Spanish Speak French and Creole.

Its economy has increased. Its economy has decreased.
ethnic composition: 73% mix, 16% white, ethnic composition: 95% black.
11% black. Haitians migrate for a better life style-
The social status has a relationship with the They suffered discrimination from
skin color. Darker skin color is related with Dominicans. ​Some preferred to stay in
poorest, ignorant haitians due to their Haiti due to they’re scare of discrimination.
connection with the slaves.
Edilberto Lidueña Study Guide 1.

A. In paragraph 1, why is “quite rudely” in parentheses?
R// I think is in parentheses because the author tries to catch our attention with
ironic meaning of the words in parentheses trying to says that the officer was
offensive when he talked to the Dominican man.

B. With your partner, explain what “The Indio Myth” is? Write a definition, and use as
many vocabulary words as you can.
R// The Indio Myth refers to the origin of the word Indio and there are three
hypotheses about the origin. The first one referers just in the skin color like
from India. The second one refers to when Colon came to America he thought
he arrived to India, calling the inhabitant of the new world Indios. The third one
concedes that there is people that are descendants of the indigenous.

C. Why is the relationship between Antihaitianismo and racial identity in the Dominican
Republic? Write your answer, using as many vocabulary words as you can.
R// I the relation between Antihaitianismo and racial identity in Dominican
Republic because they formed their identity in opposition to Haiti, so feel as an
offense to be called black because black means to be Haitian. This idea born
Edilberto Lidueña Study Guide 1.
after the independence of Dominican Republic from Haiti and they cast off
everything that was related to Haiti.

D. Why was the uncle at the beginning of the story offended?

R// He was offended because the officer characterized him as Indio and said in
London he’s just a black person, and telling something like that to a Dominican
person that’s an offense due to it refers to be Haitian.

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