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Entry Test III

Student’s name: Edgar Garcia Marrón Date: March 16th, 2020

I. - Put each of the following words in the correct place in the passage.
1 annoyed 2 apologized 3 cancel 4 delayed 5 embarrassed
6 flight 7 office 8 rudely 9 take off 10 weather

John had to cancel his meeting in Brussels because his flight was delayed by bad weather conditions and
nobody could say when the plane would be able to take off. He was very annoyed about this last-minute
setback and he shouted rudely at an airline official who was not to blame. John's secretary was so
embarrassed that she apologized to the official. She called a taxi and they went back to the office.

II Put the verbs in brackets in the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS tense.
1 It snow much here in winter?
2 Many people not work at the weekend
3 I not believe your story. I think you lie.
4 Do you anything tomorrow evening?
5 What time usually you have dinner?
6 The have dinner good smell.

III Put the verb in brackets in the INFINITIVE with TO or the ING form of the verb.
1 Do you mind to wait outside, please?
2 I hate to get up early on Sunday mornings.
3 Would you like to become an astronaut?
4 I can't stand to watch horror films, they frighten me.
5 What I enjoy most is to sit in my garden.
6 She would love to learn a foreign language.

IV Complete each sentence with a PREPOSITION.

1 The seminar is expected to go at last for two more days.
2 Most film festivals here take place in May and July.
3 The train arrived at the station half an hour late.
4 You should ask your parents in advice on that.

V Complete the dialogues with the best phrase or sentence. Choose from the phrases: a, b, c, d
1 A: _Who lives in the house next door to you?
B: I don't know.
a Whose c Who b Where d How

2 A: How often does your family get together?

B: Only twice a year.
a two time c on time b two times d twice

3 A: I really don't like this town.

B: Neither I don't.
a So do I. c Neither I don't. b Neither do I. d Either do I.

4 A: Would you like some tea?

B: Yes, please.
a Would you like some tea? c Can you like some tea?
b Do you like some tea? d Will you make the tea?

5 A: I am going into town this afternoon. Do you need anything?

B: Can you get me a film for my camera, please?
a will go c go b have gone d am going

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