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Digital Forensics of IoT devices Homework

Purpose: The purpose of this Digital Forensics homework assignment is to investigate the security issues
with IoT Devices. Parts 3 – 6 should take at least two whole pages to answer and have citations.

Part 1: Read & watch the following two sources:

 Read: Trusting the Internet of Things by Bojanova & Voas at
 Watch: Spies and Dolls: The Future of IoT Security | Maire O'Neill |
TEDxQueensUniversityBelfast at
(12:38 mins)

Part 2: Create a list of 15 different examples of IoT devices (which may impact litigation) in each of the
following categories: Home Automation IoT Devices, Industrial IoT Devices, Health Care/Fitness
IoT Devices, and VR/AR IoT Devices. Provide URL links and pictures of each device.

Part 3: Explain methods that describe how to make forensically sound copies of the digital information.

Part 4: What are proactive measures that one can take with IoT Digital Forensic solutions can be acted

Part 5: How does the standardization of ISO/IEC 27043:2015, titled “Information technology - Security
techniques - Incident investigation principles and processes” influence IoT?

Part 6: Over the next five years, what should be done with IoT to create a more secure environment?

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