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Overview of C2.4 – C2.

Objectives Resources
C2.4 – Rates of Reaction
C2.4 – Lesson 1 – The four  To understand the four C2.4a – practical demo’s
factors that affect the rate of a factors that can affect
reaction and collision theory the rate of a reaction
 To be able to explain
collision theory
C2.4 – Lesson 2/3 – To  To be able to C2.4b – concentration practical
investigate how concentration investigate how equipment
affects the rate of reaction different C2.4c – concentration practical
concentrations affect instructions for students
the rate of a reaction C2.4d – Results Table for
 To be able to draw a students
graph of results
 To be able to form a
conclusion from results
and explain it using
scientific terminology
C2.4 – Lesson 4 – To plan an  To be able to plan an
investigation into how investigation to
temperature or surface area investigate the effect of
affects the rate of a reaction either surface area or
and to interpret given results temperature on the
rate of reaction
 To be able to interpret
results of an
investigation and write
a conclusion using
scientific knowledge
C2.4 – Lesson 5 – The  To be able to explain Textbook
importance of catalysts in how a catalyst affect
industry and the ability to apply the rate of a reaction
knowledge to questions  To be able to give
examples of catalyst for
specific processes
 To be able to explain
why catalysts are
important in industry
 To be able to apply
knowledge about rates
of reactions to a series
of questions
C2.5 – Endothermic and
Exothermic Reactions
C2.5 – Lesson 1 - Practical 1. To be able to identify C2.5a – Practical Sheet –
an increase or decrease Equipment
of temperature C2.5b – practical Instructions
2. To be able to link
temperature change to
exothermic and
endothermic reactions
3. To carry out practical
work safely

C2.5 – Lesson 2 1. To be able to identify C2.5 – ppt – Energy level

an endothermic diagrams and info
reaction from an
energy profile diagram
2. To be able to recognise
everyday examples of
endothermic and
exothermic reactions
3. To understand that
reversible reactions are
endothermic in one
direction and
exothermic in the other

(C2.5 – Lesson 3 - 5 – Optional – 1. To be able to write a C2.5c – ISA Practice Sheet

can complete some of this, do practical plan taking (including method if you
not have to complete the into account variables want to only carry out the
whole ISA) 2. To be able to carry out practical and the graph)
a risk assessment
3. To be able to carry out
C2.5d – Mark scheme for the
practical work safely
and accurately record ISA
4. To be able to analyse
results from practical

C2.6 – Acid, Bases and

C2.6 – Lesson 1 (continues in 1. To understand what C2.6a Naming salts
lesson 3) state symbols are and
to interpret C2.6 ppt 1 Salts – (can leave
information from state writing equations and
balancing equations to
2. To be able to write
lesson 3 – slide 11 onwards)
general equations for
the formation of
soluble salts
3. To understand that you
can get soluble and
insoluble salts
4. To be able to name
salts when given
reactants and name
reactants when given
the name of salts
(including the
formation of
ammonium salts)
5. To be able to write
equations for the
formation of salts

C2.6 – Lesson 2 - Practical 1. To carry out practical C2.6c – Practical instructions

work safely following for making copper sulphate
supplied instructions
2. To observe the reaction C2.6d – Practical instruction
between an acid and a
sheet for making copper
metal oxide (to observe
sulphate (different method
the formation of a
soluble salt) to sheet C2.6c)
3. To be able to write a
word equation for the
formation of a salt
4. Salt solutions can be
crystalised to produce
solid salts

C2.6 – Lesson 3 – Continued 1. To be able to write C2.6 ppt 1 Salts – (slide 11 or

from lesson 1. word equations for the 13 onwards)
formation of salts
2. To be able to write C2.6a – Question 4
formulae for salts
3. To be able to produce
C2.6e – writing word
symbol equations for
the formation of salts equations, writing the
4. To be able to balance formulae of salts and writing
symbol equations. balanced symbol equations.

C2.6 – Lesson 4 (if needed – if Continue from lesson 3 Continue from lesson 3
not, move onto lesson 5)
C2.6 – Lesson 5 – Formation of 1. To be able to explain C2.6F (or C2.6.4a) – worksheet
Insoluble salts what a precipitate is on solubility rules
2. To be able to describe
how a precipitate can C2.6G (or C2.6.4d) – worksheet
be formed from on writing Precipitation
appropriate solutions Reactions
of ions
3. To explain the uses of Demos –
precipitation 1. Formation of lead
iodide using solutions
of lead nitrate and
potassium iodide
2. Formation of barium
sulphate using
solutions of barium
chloride and sodium
Add a third of a test tube of
each solution together in a test
tube and a precipitate will

C2.6 – Lesson 6 (and 7) – 1. To be able to explain C2.6H (or C2.6.1c) – Acids and
Bases and Alkali’s. what an alkali and a Bases
What makes a solution acidic or base are and how they
alkaline and neutralisation + pH are related C2.6I (or C2.6.2a) –
scale 2. To be able to explain, Investigating neutralisation
with equations, why a (practical activity)
solution is acidic or
alkaline OR
3. To be able to use the
pH scale Simple practical – pupil fill a
4. To explain what half a test tube with alkali and
neutralisation is add universal indicator. They
then add acid dropwise using a
pipette and record the colour
changes that take place.

C2.6J (or 2.6.5c) – Making salts

(summary worksheet)

C2.7 - Electrolysis
C2.7 – Lesson 1 – simple 1. To be able to describe C2.7 Electrolysis ppt – slides 1 –
electrolysis when electrolysis can 3
2. To be able to explain Practical – C2.7a (C2.7.1b) –
the terms positive and simple electrolysis of Copper
negative electrode and chloride
3. To be able to explain C2.7b (C2.7.2c) – Questions on
the process of Electrolysis rules (can be used
electrolysis as the in summary lesson – lesson 4)
movement of ions
4. To be able to write half C2.7c – Simple electrolysis
equations for sheet

C2.7 – Lesson 2 - Electrolysis of 1. To be able to describe C2. 7 Electrolysis ppt – slides 4

Aluminium how to produce molten – 11
Aluminium oxide
2. To explain the process C2.7d (C2.7.3b) – Question
of Aluminium sheet on Aluminium
electrolysis Manufacture
3. To be able to explain
why Aluminium is C2.7e – diagram of aluminium
useful electrolysis set up
4. To be able to write half
equation for the C2.7f/g – Summary of
reactions in Aluminium aluminium electrolysis and
electrolysis some questions

C2.7 – Lesson 3 – Electrolysis of 1. To understand the ions C2.7 Electrolysis ppt – slides 12
Salt solution present in salt solution – 19
2. To explain the uses of
the product of the C2.7h (C2.7.4b) – The chloro –
electrolysis of salt alkali industry – a set of cards
solution to order and explain about the
3. To be able to explain electrolysis of sodium chloride
why hydrogen gas is
produced rather than C2.7i (C2.7.4c) – Products from
sodium salt – a worksheet showing the
type of cell used in the
industrial electrolysis of salt
solution and questions

C2.7 – Lesson 4 – Electroplating 1. To be able to describe C2.7k (C2.7.2a) - Demo

and summary of Electrolysis what electroplating is electroplating (order
2. To be able to explain equipment)
how electroplating is
carried out and why C2.7j (C2.7.1c) – Electrolysis –
3. To be able to apply Higher only
knowledge about
electrolysis to

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